Our School> Curriculum

Curriculum & Programs


  • Full Day Kindergarten
  • Health Technician provides health care services
  • Art, Music, PE, and Host Nation programs
  • Enrichment teacher provides services to enrich student learning
  • One staff member provides services as Supply Techni15 August, 2012o on-site special education services. Support is made available from AFNORTH Unit School
Physical Education is an important part of our curriculum. Every Wednesday we will go swimming (swimming is a part of each child's PE grade). Therefore, be sure to send your child's bathing suit and towel with him/her, unless otherwise stated in Friday's Notes. We also have PE in the Sport's Hall across from the school. To participate in Gym class your child must have a pair of white-soled tennis shoes, for indoor use only. These can be found locally for about 5€. It is encouraged that your child brings a bag to carry their belongings. A change of clothes for PE is optional. PLEASE LABEL THESE ITEMS WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. We prefer these items remain at school.

The overall objective of intercultural education is the development of open-mindedness to other individuals, groups and cultures. Our aim is to ensure that the students will:

  1. feel comfortable with his/her contacts with the Belgian community
  2. perceive the similarities and differences between our culture and that of the host nation, and demonstrate a positive sensitivity to these differences
  3. acquire those skills in the Flemish language that will help in contact with the local community
Our primary emphasis is based on an appreciation and understanding of the culture of the host country

DoDDS conducts regularly scheduled screening activities to determine if non-school age children may have handicapping conditions and need individual, appropriate, specially designed instructions and programs. Generally, these are children who are not involved in a special program within the school at the present time. The screening may identify delays that would support eligibility for the following categories:

  1. Learning disabilities or suspected learning problems
  2. Visually handicapped
  3. Deaf/Learning handicapped
  4. Physically handicapped
  5. Language or speech handicapped
  6. Pre-school developmentally handicapped or health impaired (ages 3-5)
  7. Multi-handicapped
If you have concerns or suspect a possible handicap, please do not hesitate to contact the Special Education team at AFNORTH, 0031-455.278.250. DoDDS assures that handicapped students have the same educational opportunities and services as non-handicapped children

More info


Our Mission

The mission of DoDEA and KBES is to provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all students for success in a dynamic and global environment.

Goal 1: All students will improve targeted skills in mathematics across the curriculum.

Goal 2: All students will improve targeted skills in reading comprehension across the curriculum.