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Local Capacity Development Call for Papers

Closing Date

The USAID/Forward IPR Local Capacity Development (LCD) Team posted a “call for papers” on the USAID website to learn about successful local capacity development efforts of external partners and organizations. Organizations, including local CSO and private sector organizations in countries where USAID has programs, are invited to submit a 2-page paper on their most successful local capacity development efforts for possible presentation at a Local Capacity Building Summit in June 2012

There is no funding associated with the papers or Summit for US-based organizations, although a limited number of bursaries may be available to local organizations. Submissions will be reviewed as received. The final deadline for submission is May 14, 2012.

Additional information is available at the following website:

DRG officers are encouraged to send this link to organizations with innovative LCD experience and lessons learned, and Missions are free to repost this “call for papers” on their websites as long as it's in the document's entirety. Questions about the LCD Summit call for papers should be directed to Questions about the DRG Center’s role on the IPR LCD team, may be directed to David Jacobstein (, Ajit Joshi ( or myself (

Funding University Partnerships through the APS competitive mechanism

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Closing Date

Over the course of the past year, The United States Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia (USAID/Indonesia) sought applications from institutions of higher education to support USAID/Indonesia’s development strategy through partnership activities between institutions of higher education in Indonesia and the United States.  The objective of this program, which will be continued under a new project entitle University Partnerships, is to stimulate academic collaboration in priority sectors, particularly those related to science and technology, by funding innovative university-based partnerships.  The efforts of the partnerships are directed at helping increase the capacity and contributions of Indonesian institutions of higher education to address longer term sustainable development priorities in Indonesia.

Public and private Institutions of higher education in Indonesia and the United States were invited to submit concept papers in accordance with the requirements provided in the full announcement of an Annual Program Statement (APS). Highest ranking applicants were then asked to submit full proposals. The process was highly competitive and was comprised of three rounds of competition.  Two grants were made in the first round.  USAID expects that three or four more will be made in the second round, just completed and two or three more will be made in the third round, expected to be completed by the first of the year.  In the future, under the new University Partnership Program, USAID expects to fund approximately 20 additional partnerships.

The two APS grants that have been awarded are to: 

  • Columbia University in collaboration with the University of Indonesia to support a Center on Child Protection.
    USAID contact: Ester Manurung (;
  • University of California at Los Angeles in collaboration with three Indonesian universities to strengthen marine biodiversity research at the Udayana University, Bali.
    USAID contact: Alfred Nakatsuma (

More awards for APS are expected to come later.   For more information on USAID APS development opportunities, please go to:

USAID/Indonesia Education Project - Higher Education, Leadership and Management (HELM)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Closing Date


The United States Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia (USAID/Indonesia) has solicited the Higher Education, leadership and Management (HELM) Project. The objective of the project is to improve the academic performance of the Indonesian higher education sector by increasing the quality and relevance to the economic and social growth of the country. 

The HELM project will foster effective institutional management and leadership in the higher education sector in Indonesia.  In coordination with the Ministry of National Education (MONE) and their Directorate General for Higher Education (DIKTI), the USAID HELM project will provide assistance at two complementary levels:

§  Technical assistance for DIKTI to strengthen the leadership in implementing key higher education reforms across the country and to advance DIKTI’s vision for higher education 2010-2014

§  Technical assistance to a limited but strategically chosen set of institutions of higher education to strengthen institutional-level capacity to perform more effectively in key management.

A Request for Proposal has been issued at which stipulates the project’s detail and procurement.

Annual Program Statement (APS) Number APS-497-11-000001 for Supporting Universities to Partner Across the Pacific Program

Sunday, July 03, 2011
Closing Date

United States Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia (USAID/Indonesia) is seeking concept papers from Indonesian and U.S. institutions of higher education that support USAID/Indonesia’s development strategy through partnership activities between institutions of higher education in Indonesia and the United States.  Component I of the APS is directed toward partnerships which support fields of applied science underlying USAID Indonesia's strategic objectives in health, economic growth and the environment; Component II is to support university partnerships, supporting science, technology and math education at the secondary level, by creating model secondary science and technology schools. Details as to the program are addressed in the Annual Program Statement which is available at  under APS-497-11-000001.  This APS may also be accessed from the following link:;jsessionid=pg67T4yDPpyynpcxMRRM4z4Q2VNgNNNLGSKB6h0cxKpYdWLpMQ8X!1166104791

Any future amendment on this APS will be released only at”

Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Closing Date

The USAID Mission in Indonesia and the USAID Office of Science & Technology in Washington are supporting development through scientific partnerships. A new program called Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) was recently launched in partnership with the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a specific focus on funding scientific research in Indonesia.

PEER is a competitive grants program that will support researchers in Indonesia to collaborate with U.S. researchers funded by NSF. PEER aims to build research capacity in Indonesia and engage scientists on topics of importance to international development such as food security, climate change, biodiversity, and global health.


Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)