Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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1306.20 Program staffing.


§ 1306.20 Program staffing.

(a) Grantees must meet the requirements of 45 CFR 1304.52(g), Classroom staffing and home visitors, in addition to the requirements of this Section.

(b) Grantees must provide adequate supervision of their staff.

(c) Grantees operating center-based program options must employ two paid staff persons (a teacher and a teacher aide or two teachers) for each class. Whenever possible, there should be a third person in the classroom who is a volunteer.

(d) Grantees operating home-based program options must employ home visitors responsible for home visits and group socialization activities.

(e) Grantees operating a combination program option must employ, for their classroom operations, two paid staff persons, a teacher and a teacher aide or two teachers, for each class. Whenever possible, there should be a third person in the classroom who is a volunteer. They must employ staff for home visits who meet the qualifications the grantee requires for home visitors.

(f) Classroom staff and home visitors must be able to communicate with the families they serve either directly or through a translator. They should also be familiar with the ethnic background of these families.

(g) Grantee and delegate agencies offering the family child care program option must ensure that in each family child care home where Head Start children are enrolled, the group size does not exceed the limits specified in this paragraph. Whenever present, not at school or with another care provider, the family child care provider's own children under the age of six years must be included in the count. (1) When there is one family child care provider, the maximum group size is six children and no more than two of the six may be under two years of age. When there is a provider and an assistant, the maximum group size is twelve children with no more than four of the twelve children under two years of age. (2) One family child care provider may care for up to four infants and toddlers, with no more than two of the four children under the age of 18 months. (3) Additional assistance or smaller group size may be necessary when serving children with special needs who require additional care.

(h)(1) Grantee and delegate agencies offering the family child care program option must provide support for family child care providers through a child development specialist or other Head Start or delegate agency staff member with responsibilities related to the provision of comprehensive Head Start and Early Head Start services. (2) The grantee or delegate agency will assign responsibilities to the child development specialist and other agency staff to support and ensure the provision of quality Head Start services at each family child care home. These responsibilities must include both regular announced and unannounced visits to each home. The duration and timing of such visits will be planned in accordance with the needs of each home but shall occur not less than once every two weeks. (3) During visits to family child care homes the child development specialist will periodically verify compliance with either contract requirements or agency policy depending on the nature of the relationship; facilitate ongoing communication between grantee or delegate agency staff, family child care providers, and Head Start and Early Head Start families; provide recommendations for technical assistance; and support the family child care provider in developing collegial or mentoring relationships with other child care professionals.

(i) Head Start, Early Head Start and delegate agencies must ensure that children in the Head Start family child care option receive comprehensive services as specified in 45 CFR Parts 1304 and 1308.

[57 FR 58092, Dec. 8, 1992, as amended at 61 FR 57226, Nov. 5, 1996]

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45 CFR 1301-1311. Head Start Program Performance Standards and Other Regulations. 2006. English.

This is a Historical Document.