New Media

Setting an Example: Do You Text and Drive? Part 2


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Miguel with phones

As we move ever closer to AIDS 2012, my workload as director of has increased dramatically. Given the flood of e-mail and text messages I get every day, I have felt a great temptation to look at my Blackberry and my iPhone while driving. Even my laptop—which is always nearby—can send that siren song:…

Do you Text and Drive?


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One Text or Call Could Wreck it All

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. At we are committed to promoting the use of new media and the responsible use of new media. This month you will hear from team members about the importance of this issue. Our federal colleagues are equally committed to raising awareness about distracted driving and are…

Devices vs. Content: Lessons from SXSW Interactive


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Each year at South by Southwest Interactive (SXSW), a theme or trend emerges that defines the year, a touchstone that marks an up-and-coming application or idea. Past SXSW conferences have seen platforms like Twitter and Foursquare launched, and these applications have gone on to become cornerstones of the social media landscape. Throughout the week, many…

Encouraging Health Care Providers to Reach Youth for STD Awareness Month

STD Awareness Month

April is STD Awareness Month, an annual observance to raise awareness about the impact of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and the important role health care providers can play in supporting the sexual health of their patients. STDs can affect people from all walks of life, but adolescents and young people are disproportionately impacted. Estimates suggest…

We’re Launching HHS’ New Open Government Plan, Version 2.0

At, we are committed to the Open Government Initiative. This initiative aims to make operations and data more transparent, and expand opportunities for citizen participation, collaboration, and oversight. It’s  important to the HIV community and for public health. The Locator API is one way we are working to support this initiative, along with our…

Announcing the Locator API


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We’re pleased to announce a more flexible way to access the information found in our HIV/AIDS Service Provider Locator tool (a location-based search tool that allows you to search for testing services, housing providers, health centers and other service providers near your current location). We’re launching an API, or application programming interface, making it possible…

Who. What. When. Where. Widget.


We think a lot about spreading the news. Today we are excited to launch the Federal HIV/AIDS News Feed Widget. The widget consolidates the many federal HIV/AIDS news updates released by our partner U.S government (USG) agencies. Follow the following feeds to learn about program or policy updates, new resources, funding opportunities, upcoming events,…

Open Data in Action: What is an API?


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In the past, information or data sharing typically required a fee or specific agreements. For example, if you wanted to get content from a news article, you had to buy a newspaper. Technology has changed how we share information: it has removed barriers and created incentives for open data sharing. One way that online data…