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What's New | October 24, 2012

Integrated End-of-Life Care Integrated End-of-Life Care
The aging of baby boomers and an increased need to contain hospital costs in the United States has led many organizations to fine tune their services for patients who are in need of palliative care. Most patients prefer to remain in their home at this time of their life; palliative and coordinated care can help them maintain control of their care choices, avoid inpatient and emergency department costs, and increase their satisfaction with their end-of-life care.

The featured Innovations describe two programs that used palliative care to help elderly and terminally ill patients make greater use of hospice and home care services. A third program coordinated care for Medicare patients and their families, allowing them to define their wishes and options for end-of-life care, increase their use of hospice services, and reduce the incidence of inpatient stays.

The featured QualityTools provide educational, clinical, and organizational resources and information to help ensure better care for patients and their families as they face end-of-life issues.
Featured Innovations:
Featured QualityTools:

 Palliative Care Tools
Developed by American Association of Critical-Care Nurses; Harvard Medical School; Lehigh Valley Hospital Network; Massachusetts General Hospital; New Jersey Medical School; University of Washington

 Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Sample Forms
Developed by Center for Ethics in Health Care, Oregon Health & Science University

 TriCentral Palliative Care Program Toolkit
Developed by Kaiser Permanente-TriCentral Service Area

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Also in This Issue:
Innovations >
QualityTools >

 Dartmouth Atlas Project
Developed by The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice

 Improving Patient Safety in Long-Term Care Facilities: Training Modules
Developed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Developed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality