
Jereme Day

Jereme Day
Chief Engineer

Mr. Jereme Day is our local “Patriot Extradinaire.”  He hails from New Hampshire where the state motto is “Live free or die,’ and he was born on the 4th of July. Jereme served as a Broadcast Engineer in the active duty Army for twenty years.  His assignments included A Co. Operations Group, Vulture Team, Ft. Irwin, California, Southern European Broadcasting, Vicenza, Italy, 55th Signal Battalion, Combat Camera, Ft. Meade, Maryland, HQ American Forces Network, Frankfurt, Germany, Health Services Visual Information, Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, 36th Signal battalion, Taegu, Korea and finally, served as the Engineering Project Manager over the installation of the new American Forces Network Headquarters, Mannheim, Germany. His dedication, technical proficiency and managerial experiences in the Army enabled him to be the top candidate for the Chief Engineer position here at AFN Wiesbaden.  He would like to continue his career in the Civil Service and has a long term goal of being the “Big Cheese” Engineer at the Broadcast Center, March Air Force base, California. Having been a deployed Soldier and enduring those AFN “commercials” – of which he had no control over – Jereme still vows to do his best at providing peak technical support so that soldiers have, at the very least, clear, broadcast quality uninterruptable radio and television signals. Jereme and his lovely Texan bride enjoy frequent trips to Garmisch and Bavaria for hiking, camping, skiing and bicycling.  When in the states, they also enjoy fresh water and deep sea fishing.


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AFN American Forces Network ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense.