

Georgia Truck Driving School/Owner Sentenced and Fined $64,691 in Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Case

October 13, 2004


Thomas R. Duke, owner of TTT Truck Driver’s School, Inc. (TTT), Macon, Georgia, and TTT were sentenced in U.S. District Court in Macon in connection with a scheme to falsify 623 driving skills tests by a TTT third-party CDL examiner. In April 2004, Duke and TTT were each convicted of conspiracy and multiple counts of making false statements and wire fraud. Duke was sentenced to 51 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution totaling $64,691 to the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Safety (DMVS) and to several former students of TTT. The corporation was sentenced to five years probation and was also ordered to pay restitution of $64,691 jointly with Duke. (The TTT third-party CDL examiner, Terence E. Haley, was sentenced in August 2004.) The investigation was conducted jointly with FMCSA, with assistance from the FBI and the Georgia DMVS.
