

Final Report on the Independence of Central Artery/Tunnel Project Inspection Contractors

March 27, 2007
Project ID: MH-2007-039


On March 27, we issued a report assessing the actions that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts took to identify and remove any contractors that lacked independence in performing Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project inspection duties. This review was requested by Representative Michael Capuano in response to revelations that employees of the CA/T Project's long-time contractor - a joint venture of Bechtel Corporation and Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. - were conducting inspections of remediation work, which raised independence concerns. Based on the results of our review, we are sufficiently assured that contractors with potential independence issues have been removed from CA/T remediation work and that the Commonwealth has sufficiently mitigated any risks. In addition, we concluded that the Commonwealth has taken steps to evaluate whether or not other contractors, such as Keville Enterprises, lacked independence due to previous involvement in the design or construction of the CA/T Project. FHWA informed us that, in conducting its own assessment, it was also satisfied with the Commonwealth's efforts to deal with any independence concerns.
