

Iowa Man Sentenced for Falsifying His Pilot Flight Log

August 22, 2012


On August 22, 2012, Fahad Naabeel Hussein Al-Daous was sentenced in U.S. District Court, Des Moines, Iowa, for falsifying his pilot flight log.  Mr. Al-Daous was sentenced to a 4-year term of probation and required to pay a $100 special assessment.  The conditions of probation include prohibitions on having guns, applying for pilot’s licenses, and piloting aircraft.  On May 21 and May 27, 2012, Mr. Al-Daous submitted a false FAA form 8710-1 to an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, stating he had enough pilot in command flight hours and enough cross country flight hours for his instrument-rated pilot’s license, when in fact, he did not.  The FAA previously issued an emergency revocation order of Mr. Al-Daous’ pilot’s license.

This investigation was worked in cooperation with the FAA, FBI, and U.S. Attorney’s Office.  
