

Letter to Senator Claire McCaskill Regarding FAA's Progress in Implementing Past OIG Recommendations to Improve Oversight of Outsourced Maintenance

January 11, 2010
Project ID: CC-2009-079


On January 11, 2010, we responded to a request from Senator Claire McCaskill that our office report on FAA’s progress in implementing our audit recommendations to improve its oversight of outsourced aircraft maintenance.  We reported that, overall, FAA has responded positively but has completed action on only 7 of the 23 recommendations from our audits issued in 2003, 2005, and 2008.  While this represents progress, FAA has not addressed the most significant--and longstanding--recommendations to identify repair stations performing safety-critical repairs and repair stations air carriers use most often.  Last month, FAA provided our office with information indicating it has developed new guidance, which it believes will address this issue and a total of 8 of the remaining 16 recommendations. We are encouraged by this development but will reserve our determination on whether to close any recommendations until we have thoroughly analyzed FAA’s proposed actions.
