

Letter Response to John Carr, NATCA, on the Operational Stability and Security of FAA's new Cru-X System for ATC Facilities

July 01, 2002
Project ID: CC-2002-117


At the request of John Carr, president, National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), we conducted a limited review of the computer security and operational stability of FAA’s Cru-X system. Cru-X is designed to collect information on payroll, personnel, training, and quality assurance at about 400 air traffic control facilities. We found no major vulnerabilities with the Cru-X computer system. FAA already was taking steps to address NATCA concerns with computer security and securing personnel and payroll information within the Cru-X system by placing it on dedicated computers with enhanced security. FAA's planned conversion to an Oracle database also should give Cru-X better operational stability.
