Small Modular Reactors

One of the most promising technologies for civil nuclear energy generation is the Small Modular Reactor (SMR). The SMR is a nuclear reactor that generates around 300 MW, compared to conventional nuclear power plants that generate between 1000-1600 MW. SMRs have lower up-front capital costs, can accommodate small, less developed electricity grids, and do not need to be manufactured on-site. Conventional large-scale nuclear power plants are constructed almost entirely on-site, adding to cost and time for quality and safety inspections. The components for SMRs can be manufactured in a factory and shipped to the construction site, allowing for higher quality standards and shorter construction times.

U.S. companies developing and manufacturing SMR components are:

  • Babcock & Wilcox
  • GE-Hitachi Nuclear
  • General Atomics
  • Westinghouse Electric Company
  • NuScale
  • Hyperion Power Generation

Please click the link below to access the latest commercial report on SMRs.

SMR Report

Last Updated: 5/26/11 3:19 PM