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Frederic V. Malek

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The Presidential historical materials of Frederic V. Malek, White House Special Assistant for Personnel, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials as well as nonhistorical items. No personal and private materials were identified, but nonhistorical materials have been returned to Malek.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   1.7
  • Approximate number of pages:   3,200

Biographical Note

1936 December 22 Born, Oak Park, Illinois

1959 B.S., U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York

1963 Marketing Planner, Swissair, Zurich, Switzerland

1964 M.B.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

1964-1967 Management Consultant, McKinsey & Company, Los Angeles, California

1967-1969 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Triangle Corporation, Orangeburg, South Carolina

1969-1970 Deputy Under Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

1970-1973 White House Special Assistant for Personnel

1973-1974 Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget

1974-1978 Senior Vice President, Marriott Corporation, Washington, D.C.

1978- Executive Vice President, Marriott Corporation, Washington, D.C.

Scope and Content Note

As White House Special Assistant for Personnel during the years 1970 to 1973, Frederic V. Malek became Richard M. Nixon's chief talent scout. Recruiting highly qualified candidates for Presidential and other high-level appointive positions, Malek tried to bring "executive suite" personnel practices to the upper echelons of the executive branch. In his role as chief talent scout, Malek worked closely with the Office of Management and Budget and the White House personnel office. One of the major goals of Malek's talent search was to locate and to recruit highly qualified Afro-Americans for top managerial posts in the Nixon administration. Malek left his personnel post on January 10, 1973, to assume the position of Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

The materials are arranged into one series:

  1. Subject Files

There is a broad topical arrangement which includes specific government offices, agencies, commissions, and boards as well as general areas such as employment, job placements, resume referrals, foreign aid reform, and judgeships. Most of the information contained in the files pertains to employment recommendations, appointments, and evaluations.

Additional important areas discussed in the subject files are revenue sharing, the summer intern program of the executive branch, executive-congressional relations, State-Federal regulations, and a national strategy to improve the status of the elderly. Civil Service reform and the implementation of an executive development program within the executive branch were also high priorities for Malek.

In order to facilitate his talent search, Malek corresponded with numerous individuals. Available correspondence reflects his contacts with corporate executives, business leaders, White House staff members, other high-level government officials, Congressmen, and university officials and professors. A few of the more prominent correspondents include Chairman Robert E. Hampton of the Civil Service Commission, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Senator High Scott, Senator Jacob Javits, Rose Mary Woods, and H. R. Haldeman.

 [See Also:  Malek's White House Central Files and the Committee for the Re-Election of the President Commission: Frederic Malek Papers]

Series Description

Boxes:   1-4
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1967 (1968)-1973
Description:   Includes White House press releases, notes, lists, brochures, guidelines, reports, telegrams, and publications. Also includes original, carbon, and electrostatic copies of incoming and outgoing letters and memoranda. Some materials in the files pertain to the period 1967 to 1969. Folders are arranged alphabetically; material therein arranged in reverse chronological order.

Folder Title List

SUBJECT FILES, 1967 (1968)-1973

Box 1

Aging [August-September 1971]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People [1967, May 1969-February 1972] [1 of 2]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People [1967, May 1969-February 1972] [2 of 2]
Civil Service Commission [1968, November 1970-December 1971]
Congressional Relations Reorganization [May 1971]
Employment-General [February 1969-June 1972] [1 of 2]
Employment-General [February 1969-June 1972] [2 of 2]
Federal Reserve Board [July 1969-May 1972] [1 of 2]

Box 2

Federal Reserve Board [July 1969-May 1972] [2 of 2]
Fleming/Malek Meeting
Foreign Aid Reform [April-May 1971]
[Fred Malek] Personnel Replacements, Reorganization of Departments, Flemming's and Malek's Meeting
Humanities, National Council On [April-November 1971]
Intergovernmental Personnel Act [January 1971-March 1972]
International Economic Policy Council [April 1969-June 1972]
Judgeships [September 1970-June 1971]
Judicial Courts and Appointments, Miscellaneous [1969-February 1972]
Leadership Systems, Inc. [1970-March 1971]
Leave of Absence Proposal [December 1970-March 1971]
Office of Consumer Affairs-W.H. [March-July 1971]
Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) [1968, July 1969-November 1973]

Box 3

Office of Intergovernmental Relations Reorganization [January 1969-December 1971]
Office of Science and Technology (OST) [June 1971-March 1972]
Phase II-General Information & Candidates, etc. [October 1971]
Placements Referred to Kingsley [January 1971-June 1972] [1 of 2]
Placements Referred to Kingsley [January 1971-June 1972] [2 of 2]
President's Commission on Personnel Interchange [December 1970-February 1972]
President's Committee on Consumer Interests (PCCI) [February 1971]
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) [January 1971]
Public Printer [January-May 1972]
Questionnaire for New Presidential Appointees [April 1971]
Recess Appointments [January-December 1971]

Box 4

Republican National Committee (RNC) [June 1970-June 1972]
Resume Referrals to Kingsley [January 1971-June 1972]
Revenue Sharing [February-April 1971]
Summer Intern Program [December 1970-June 1971]
United Nations [December 1971-March 1972]
U.S. Secret Service [June 1969-December 1971]
Wage and Price Boards [October 1971-May 1972]



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