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Egil Krogh

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The Presidential historical materials of Egil "Bud" Krogh are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private and nonhistorical materials which have been returned to Egil Krogh.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Materials which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed from the files and placed in closed files. A Document Withdrawal Record, GSA Form 7279, with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which material has been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening materials which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   26.3
  • Approximate number of pages:   63,200

Biographical Note

1939 August 3 Born in Chicago, Illinois

1961 Graduated with highest honors, Principia College, Elsah, Illinois

1962-1965 Served in the U.S. Navy as communications officer aboard the U.S.S. Yorktown

1963 July 2 Married Suzanne Lowell of Miami

1968 With law firm of Hullin, Ehrlichman, Roberts and Hodge in Seattle, Washington while a law student. Received law degree from University of Washington

1968 November Worked for the Nixon Administration during the transition period

1969 January Joined the White House staff

1969 May Appointed Deputy Counsel to the President

1969 November Appointed Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. Served also as Assistant Director of the Domestic Council Staff, as Executive Director of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, and as liaison officer for the White House to the District of Columbia

1972 December 9 Nominated by the President to be Under Secretary of Transportation

1973 February 2 Assumed post of Under Secretary of Transportation

1973 May 9 Resigned post of Under Secretary of Transportation. Claimed full responsibility for the break-in to the offices of Dr. Lewis J.Fielding

1973 October 11 Indicted on two counts of violating 18 U.S.C. 1623, making a false declaration before a grand jury

1973 November 30 Pled "guilty to an information charging one-count violation of 18 U.S.C. 241, conspiracy to violate civil rights"

1974 January 24 Sentenced to a prison term of two to six years, all but six months suspended. October 11 indictment dismissed.

Organizational Note

The Domestic Council

The Domestic Council was established by Executive Order 11541 (July 1, 1970) to formulate and to coordinate domestic policy recommendations to the President. During the Nixon administration, Council membership included the President and Vice President of the United States; the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Health, Education and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Treasury; the Director of the office of Management and Budget; the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors; and other individuals as designated by the President.

Council work was accomplished through ad hoc project committees set up to deal with either broad program areas or specific problems. John D. Ehrlichman was the Executive Director of the Council staff. Support staff could be drawn from department and agency experts, as well as from the Office of Management and Budget.

Scope and Content Note

The Materials of Egil (Bud) Krogh, Jr., Deputy Assistant to the President (domestic affairs) reflect his responsibilities as Assistant Director of the Domestic Council staff, as Executive Director of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, and as White House liaison officer for District of Columbia affairs. Krogh's broad areas of responsibility were drugs, crime, law enforcement, housing, government reorganization and transportation.

In his exit interview, Krogh stated that he spent 50-60% of his time on narcotics and law enforcement, 20% on transportation, and 20% on the District of Columbia. He said that he had policy making responsibilities in the areas of law enforcement and narcotics, and he contributed indirectly to national transportation policy. He served as project manager over a staff of five assistants.

The materials are arranged into eight series:

  1. Chronological Files
  2. Alpha Name Files
  3. Alpha Subject Files
  4. Alpha Subject Files/Crime
  5. Alpha Subject Files/Drugs
  6. Alpha Subject Files/Transportation
  7. Alpha Subject Files/Books, Briefing Papers, Manuals, Reports
  8. Oversized Attachments

The first series, Chronological Files, contains mostly carbon copies of outgoing memoranda and letters. The second series, Alpha Name Files, consists mostly of incoming correspondence to Krogh from Department and Agency officials and job-seeking candidates. The Alpha Subject Files have been arbitrarily subdivided into five series because of large concentrations of materials on drugs, crime, transportation, and briefing and reference materials. The Alpha Subject Files series contains materials filed by subject that reflect all of Krogh's activities. The series entitled Alpha Subject/Crime; Alpha Subject/Drugs; and Alpha Subject/Books, Briefing Papers, Manuals, Report each contain materials relating to the subtopics indicated.

The Oversized Attachments series contains files that the White House Central File Unit received from Krogh's office and placed in the Oversized Attachment files rather than in the subject category file FG 6-11-1 under Krogh's name because of bulk of volume. The White House Central Files assigned the material an OA number when it was received. The Special Files Unit pulled the OA files in this series from the Central Files to be included with Krogh's other Special Files materials.

Photographs, cassette tapes, newspaper clippings, and "thermofax" copies of documents have been removed from the files and replaced with electrostatic "preservation" copies. Audiovisual Collection withdrawal sheets mark the place of the original photographs or tapes which are available in the AV Collection, PA78-2-2-27. Approximately eighty photographs and one cassette tape were transferred to the audio-visual collection.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-5
Series:   Chronological Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Carbons and electrostatic copies of staff memoranda and letters, some with original attachments, and newsclippings. Arranged chronologically by month. Subject matter reflects Egil Krogh's responsibilities related to domestic issues such as law enforcement, crime, security, drugs, and transportation. Topics also reflect Krogh's role as White House liaison officer for District of Columbia affairs.

Boxes:   6-9
Series:   Alpha Name Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, resumes, biographical sketches, press releases, printed materials, and magazine and newspaper clippings. Arranged alphabetically by surname. Krogh's incoming correspondence with Department and Agency officials, and non-government people, including candidates for various staff positions.

Boxes:   10-21
Series:   Alpha Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, press releases, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. Materials concern Krogh's trips, meetings, conferences, and speeches, as well as background information, relating to his responsibilities as previously outlined. Some of the topics included are administrative procedures, government reorganization, demonstrations, obscenity and pornography, the take-over of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building in 1972, the 1972 election campaign, and Krogh's appointment as Under Secretary of Transportation (1973).

Boxes:   22-28
Series:   Alpha Subject Files/Crime | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, press releases, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. Concerns meetings, trips, programs, legislation, and issues related to crime.

Boxes:   29-32
Series:   Alpha Subject Files/Drugs | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, press releases, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. Concerns trips, conferences, meetings, and speeches concerning the Administration's anti-drug programs and legislation.

Boxes:   33-38
Series:   Alpha Subject Files/Transportation | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, newsclippings, press releases, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. Concerns meetings, planning, and programs relating to national and District of Columbia transportation matters. Some of the topics included are the air carrier industry, airports, the C-5A aircraft, airport and aircraft security, the railroad industry, Railpax, Amtrak, automobile and highway safety, urban mass transportation, and the Washington, D.C., area transit and freeway system.

Boxes:   39-57
Series:   Alpha Subject Files/Books, Briefing Papers, Manuals, Reports | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, notes, press releases, journal reprints, news clippings, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. Series contains many printed materials, including reports and studies. Also briefing and background reference materials gathered for trips, meetings, conferences, legislation, and speeches. Topics are drugs, law enforcement, crime, government reorganization, transportation, and other domestic issues. Series includes a carbon copy of a typewritten manuscript, Undercover, by C.J. Motto.

Boxes:   58-79
Series:   Oversized Attachments | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, notes, telegrams, teletype messages, newsclippings, press releases, and printed materials. Arranged in numerical order by OA number assigned by the White House Central Files Unit. Each file contains a typed list of contents. See Appendix A for an alphabetical folder title list of the Oversized Attachments. Topics concern drugs, crime, law enforcement, government reorganization, revenue sharing, youth, transportation, internal security, environment, and the District of Columbia.

Folder Title List


Box 1

[Memos, January 1969]
[Memos, February 1969]
[Memos, March 1969]
[Memos, April 1969]
[Memos, May 1969]
[Memos, June 1969]
[Memos, July 1969]
[Memos, August 1969]
[Memos, September 1969]
[Memos, October 1969]
[Memos, November 1969]
[Memos, December 1969]
[Letters, January-June 1969]
[Letters, July-December 1969]

Box 2

[Memos, January 1970]
[Memos, February 1970]
[Memos, March 1970]
[Memos, April 1970]
[Letters, January-April 1970]

Box 3

[Memos, May 1970]
[Memos, June 1970]
[Memos, July 1970]
[Memos, August 1970]
[Memos, September 1970]
[Memos, October 1970]
[Memos, November 1970]
[Memos, December 1970]
[Letters, May-December 1970]

Box 4

[Memos, January 1971]
[Memos, February 1971]
[Memos, March 1971]
[Memos, April 1971]
[Memos, May 1971]
[Memos, June 1971]
[Memos, July 1971]
[Memos, August 1971]
[Memos, September 1971]
[Memos, October 1971]
[Memos, November 1971]
[Memos, December 1971]
[Letters, January-June 1971]
[Letters, July-December 1971]

Box 5

[Memos, January 1972]
[Memos, February 1972]
[Memos, March 1972]
[Memos, April 1972]
[Memos, May 1972]
[Memos, June 1972]
[Memos, July 1972]
[Memos, August 1972]
[Memos, September 1972]
[Memos, October 1972]
[Memos, November 1972]
[Memos, December 1972]
[Memos, January 1973]
[Letters, January-December 1972]
[Letters, January 1973]


Box 6

David J. Allen
[Myles] Ambrose [1972]
Annalise Anderson [1971]
David T. Austern [n.d.]
Miss F. H. Bade [1971]
Ellen Barlow [1972]
Jeff Bartow [1970-71]
William Barr [1972]
Chris Bayley [1970-71]
Helen Bentley [1971-72]
Burton Berry [1972]
Don Bliss [1972]
Michael Wm. Blommer [N.D.]
Dom Bonafede (National Journal article) [1971]
Lynn Braitman [1971]
Secor Browne [1972]
Bruce Brunton [1971]
Warren Burger [1969]
Frank Carlucci [9-23-71]
Jack Caulfield [1970]
James Wesley Cobb [1971]
Robert Cochran [1972]
Douglas Coe [1972]
Wade H. Coleman [1972]
Dr. J. Bryan Collester [1971]
Murray Comarow [1969]
Ted C. Connell [1971]
Alexandra Jane Constance [1972]
Robert (Chip) Cook [1971]
Karen K. Cooper [1971]
Bill Corson [1972]
Grasty Crews [1972]
Thomas E. Cronin [10-31-71]
Paul Curran [1973]
Stephen Danzansky [1972]
Sammy Davis, Jr. [1971-72]
Mark Decker [1972]
C. D. DeLoach [1969]
H. R. DeRuiter [1971]
Jeff Donfeld [1971-72]
William J. Doyle, III [N.D.]
Geoffrey Drummond [1971]
Richard Mills Dykeman [1972]
Keith Dysart [1971]
Det. Edward Egan [12-8-71]
Nan Farmer [1971]
Lou Fields [1971]
John Finlator [1970]
Checker Finn [1972]
Marty Fischbein [1970-72]
Denese Fisher [1972]
Fred Flott File [1971]
Glenn Frederick [1972]
Bart Fugler [1971]
Fukuda - Hawaii [1972]

Box 7

Manuel R. Giberga [1971]
Jim Golden [1971]
Ron Goldfarb [1969-70]
Paula Gordon [1971]
Craig Gosden [1969-71]
Bruce G. Gould [1971]
Mary Graham [1972]
Mrs. Thomas A. Graves, Jr.[1972]
James Gray, Jr. [1-13-72]
Paul Grimes [1972]
Cam Hall [1971]
Richard C. Halverson [1972]
Richard Harkness [1972]
Chancellor Heard-Statement [7-23-70]
Alexander Hehmeyer [1971-72]
Christine Heina [1970]
Charles Hernandez [1972]
John Hogan [1972]
Kenneth Holland [1971]
Harned Pettus Hoose [1971]
Senator Hruska [1971]
Bob Hurwitch [1972]
Dr. Hutchnecker [1971]
Robert L. Jackson [1972]
Dr. Jerome Jaffe [1971]
Stanley Karnow [1971]
Dennis Kass [N.D.]
Bill Kilberg [1972]
Dr. Paul Kilburn [1970-71]
Tim Kilduff [1970-71]
Dick Klass [1971]
Kleindienst's Speech File [1972]
George Kovats [1972]
Erik Krogh [1970-71]
Kaare Krogh [1971]
Peter Krogh [1971]
Bill Lear [1971]
Dr. Edward Lewis, Jr. [1971]
Louis M. Lundquist [1971]
Cynthia Lurton [1971]

Box 8

Adriaon von Lutserberg Maas [1971]
Lt. Gen. W.J. McCaffrey [1972]
Stephanie Lee McCandless [1972]
Sharon McCarty [1972]
Jerome McGranaghan [1972]
Sarah McGuiness [1973]
Henry T. McKnight [1972]
John McMillan [1971]
John Meagher [1970]
Wm. Meckling - Conflict of Interest [1969-71]
Jack Merritt [1971-72]
Pearl Mesta [1971]
Barbara Meyer (Geneva) [1970-71]
David C. Miller [1971]
James G. Miller [N.D.]
Amada S. Minor [1972]
Francois Missen (French Journalist) [1971]
James Morand [1971-72]
Brian Morse [1972]
Darlene Moulds [1971]
Pat Moynihan - "Christmas Charge" [1970-72]
Bill Murfin [1971]
[Sen. Edmund S.] Muskie [1971]
Marc S. Newkirk - Boston Car [1971]
William F. Niemi [1971]
Gary North [1972]
John Olverson [1972]
John Osborne [1972]
Thomas J. Owen [1972]
Edmund Pendleton, Jr. [1971-72]
Ed Pesce [1970]
Larry Pierce [N.D]
Beth Pond [1970]
Scot Powe [1971]
Mrs. Joie Power [1972]
William Press [1972]
Mario A. Procaccino [1971]
Roy Prosterman [1971-73]
Gen. E.R. Quesada [1972]
Ann Ramsey [1972]

Box 9

Ralph Rechel [1970-73]
James E. Reinke [1971-72]
Maurice Rinfret [1971]
George Riso [1971]
Phillip Rutledge [1971]
Lillie Samson - D.C. Advisory Council on Vocational Education [N.D.]
Don Santarelli [1970-72]
Edward J. Schalchter [1972]
Jane Shay [1970]
Senator Smith - Red Tide [N.D.]
M. Sonnenreich [1971-72]
William Stanmeyer [1971]
Robert H. Steele [6-21-71]
Rev. Fred J. Steck [1970-72]
Roger Strelow [8-31-72]
James M.S. Sun [1972]
Kenneth Coleman Tapman [1972]
Mike Tate [1971]
Nick Thimmesch [1972]
Sterling Tucker [1971]
Mayor Uhlman (Seattle) [1970]
Grace Ulsen [1972]
Carlton W. Veazey [N.D.]
Mayor Washington's Reappointment-1972 (Dec)
Thomas C. Whiteford [1971]
Kit Williams [1971]
J.L. Wolharsht [1972]
Miss Maggie Ying - Hong Kong [N.D.]
Mark Zimmett [1971]


Box 10

ABA [American Bar Association] Meeting - 5/20/70-BK-Notes
ABA [American Bar Association] Young Lawyers Mtg./RN-9/13/70
Ad Hoc Committee -Drug Abuse [1970]
Alcatraz [1970-71]
R. Allen-American Safety Equipment Corporation [1970]
American Enterprise Institute [1971]
American Trial Lawyers [3-30-71]
Antioch Law School [1972]
Attica State Prison [1971-72]
Berrigan Article [1971]
Black Minorities Think Tank [1-25-72]
Black Vote [1972]
Bomber [12-9-69]
BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Speech 3-24-72
Border Patrol [N.D.]
Briefings - Seattle, Oregon Press 3-29-71
The British Election of 1945 [7-28-71]
Budget Message -1971 [1969-70]
Cambodia -Tax Exclusion Zone [6-24-70]
Camp David Meeting, 5/31-6/1/72
Campus Unrest - Legislation [1970]
Campus Violence [1970]

Box 11

Chicago Incident, 11-3-72
Chicago Train Accident, 10-30-72
Christmas Cards-BK-1971
1972 Christmas Cards
Civil Service Reform [11-17-70]
Classification Markings [1972]
Clippings re BK's DOT [Department of Transportation] Appointment [1972-73]
Collective Bargaining Settlement -Legal Services [7-21-71]
Commencement Address, Principia College, June 6, 1970
Commission on Campus Unrest [1970]
Compensation of Crime Victims [1970]
Confirmation Hearings-Brinegar [1973?]
Confirmation Materials [1972-73]
Corrections [1 of 3] [1970-71]
Corrections [2 of 3] [1971-72]

Box 12

Corrections [3 of 3] [1972]
Correspondence for Central Files [1972]
Court Case Processing System [2-16-71]
Cumberland Island [1972]
DOT [Department of Transportation] Personnel and Post Confirmation Notes [1972-73]
Domestic Information Center [1970]
Domestic Staff [1969-70]
Downtown Progress [1971-72]
Drugs-BK's Trip to Atlanta-Sp[eech] to At[lanta] Press, 8-23-71
Drugs-Jason Fall Meeting, Dec. 10, 1971
Electoral College [1970]
Eminent Domain [1970]
Endorsement Letters-DOT [Department of Transportation] [1972-3]
Equal Time [1970]
Executive Seminar Center; BK: Speech, Oct. 30, 1970
Explosives [1970]
FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] Overview Conference [3/21/71]
[Federal Building-Aberdeen, MS] Cons. Abernethy [1970]
First Amendment Freedoms Bill [1970]

Box 13

Flag Code [1969-70]
Froessel Project-Judges Visiting Abroad [1972]
Gideon's Bible [N.D.]
GOP Convention [1972]
Government Procurement Commission [1970]
Government Reorganization [1972]
[Government Reorganization] Bernie Rosen-CSC [N.D.]
"Greening of America" [4-11-71]
Health [1970]
Home and Business Security Against Criminal Entry [1970]
HUD [Housing and Urban Development]-New Communities [7-27-70]
Immigration [1969-70]
INCC [International Narcotics Control Conference]-State Department, 9-18-72
Indian Situation "November 1972"
Indians [1972?]

Box 14

Internal Security [1969-71]
Intertel [1970-71]
Issue Letters OMB [Office of Management and Budget] [1970]
Issue Papers [1972]
"Jetport" [1972]
Johnson-Brief on Cambodia [1970]
Juvenile Delinquency-HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare] to Justice [1970-71]
Juvenile Programs in D.C. [1971]
Key Facts-Revised [1972]
Kidnapping [1970]
Kleindienst Letter to Muskie [1971]
BK's Appearance before Commerce Commission [1973]
BK-Chamber of Commerce Brf., 2-10-71
BK's D.C. Press Conference, October 21, 1972
BK's Handwritten Notes to Ron during Confirmation Period [1973?]
BK's Pageboy [6-26-72]
BK Remarks: "Ladies Day," 3-8-72
BK South Carolina Speech, April 1970
BK's Speech -Principia Club of Minnesota, 11-6-71
BK-Staff Assistants and Areas of Responsibility [1971-72]
BK's Talk Before Federal City Council 1-22-73
BK's Talk Before Foreign Service Institute, 9-25-72
BK's Talk to Ethnic Press, 10-27-72
BK's Trip to Southeast Asia, July 1971

Box 15

Land Use Policy [1970]
Law Library [1971]
Legislative Encroachments (Guidelines) [1970]
Lexington Research Center [1970]
Litigation -Fed. Government [1970]
Lockheed Loan [1970]
March 1971 edition of Association Management - "Reasons for Reorganization" -by BK
McGovern-Drugs (Miami) [1972]
Medicare/Medicade [1972]
Meeting-JDE [3-5-71]
Miami File [1972]
Murphy High School [1970]
National Academy of Public Administration Briefing, 2-16-71
NCPC - National Capitol Planning Commission [1972]
National Conference on Corrections 12/5-[12/]8/71

Box 16

National Goals [1970]
National Growth Policy [1970]
National Guard [1970]
National Institute for Criminal Jusice [1970]
National Legal Services Corporation [N.D.]
National Prayer Breakfast-1972
[New Appointments-Announcements] [1972-73]
Newspaper Clippings from Seattle [1970-72]
[19] '72 Conventions
[19] '72 Miami Convention-November Group
Nixon Administration-Philosophy [1970]
Obscenity and Pornography [1969-70]
Office of Emergency Preparedness [1971]
OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Reorganization [1970]
Organized Crime Legislation/Admission of Evidence [1969]

Box 17

Papers and Speeches
Papers and Speeches--Aldridge-"In the Country of the Young"
Papers and Speeches--Bickel-"Tolerance of Violence on the Campus"
Papers and Speeches-JDE [Erlichman]-Lincoln Day Speech 2-11-71
Papers and Speeches--Eisner-"Behavior of Adolescents"
Papers and Speeches--Hallett-"On Campus Unrest"
Papers and Speeches--Dr. Sidney Hook-article
Papers and Speeches--Katz Article-"Behind the Lines at a Free University"
Papers and Speeches--BK [Krough] -Langley High School 1-12-71
Papers and Speeches--BK Notes: "Today Show" 12-9-1970
Papers and Speeches-- [Memos to WH Staff}
Papers and Speeches--Nathan-Domestic Policy
Papers and Speeches--Ancher Nelson Letter 1/29/71 [empty]
Papers and Speeches--Tolly - Student Disorders
Papers and Speeches-- [Untitled Materials]
Papers and Speeches--Miller Upton-Letters to the President
Papers and Speeches--Robert Wood-"When Government Works"
Park Service-Demonstration Regulations [1970]
Photographs of BK [1971]
Photographs of BK with Dr. Jaffe [N.D.]
Photographs of Matthew Krogh [N.D.]
Pocket Veto [1970]
Police -College Educated [1970]
Police Killing [1970]

Box 18

Political Articles [1970]
Political Terror [1970]
Political Trips-Payment [1970; n.d.]
Polls [1972]
Possible Appointees on Commission on Marijuana [1970]
James M. Crosby
Postal Academies [1971]
Preclearance [1969-72]
Princeton Speech-2/5/72 (Principia)
Principia [1969-73]
Principia College Commencement Address-June 6, 1970
Prisoner Rehabilitation [1970-72]
Prisoner Rehabilitation Task Force
Psychochemicals [1970]
Race Relations-Military [1970
Radicals [1970]
Rand Publications Study File [1972]
[Responses to Congratulatory Letters]
Republican D.C. (Convention and What We Can Do for the P[resident]) [1972]
Road Runners Club-D.C. [1972]
Rosenthal Bill [1971]

Box 19

Sacramento Air Show Accident [9-26-72]
St. John's Episcopal Church, 1-25-72
School Desegregation [1970]
SEADOC -Senionr Officers Civil Disturbance Orientation Course
Secret Service-Protection of Congressman [1971]
Security Laws and Regulations of Canada, England, France, Germany [1971]
Phil Johnson [Security-Military Base and Border] [1970-71]
Selling the Domestic Programs [1972]
Senate Bombing [1971]
Senate Visits [1973]
Situation Room Communications [1969]
Social Indicators [1970-71]
Speech Before Budget Offices, April 15, 1971, Dr. Harper [1970-71]
Speech Before FEB [Federal Executive Board]--Honolulu, 5-4-71
State of the Union-1970 [1 of 2]
State of the Union-1970 [2 of 2]

Box 20

State of the Union - 1971
Statistics-Bombings, Hijackers, Police Killings [1970]
Subway-Possible Visit by Mrs. Nixon [1972]
Swiss Banks [6-8-70]
Tax Exemptions-Universities [n.d.]
Teachers Strike [1972]
Telecommunications Policy [n.d.]
Testimony before DALE Grand Jury, Los Angeles, 7-26-72 (BK)
Trail of Broken Treaties Demonstrations-1972
Trailer Train Company [1969-70]
Treasury Law Enforcement [1970]
Trust Fund-LEAA [1970]
[The Twelve Rules for Straight Thinking-William Reilly]
Uniform Building Regulations [1970]
Urban Growth [1970]
Urban Institute [1971]

Box 21

Value Added Tax [1970]
Vietnam Historical Study [1971]
War Crimes Cases [1971]
War-making Powers-President [1970]
Washington Technical Institute [1972]
Waterway Users Charge [7-21-71]
Weapons Security [1970-71]
Wednesday Luncheon Mtg. with Mr. E. [Erlichman] [1972]
White House Communications-Civil Disturbances [1970-72]
White House Conference on New Federalism [1969]
WH [White House] Fellow-Sept. [19]70 -BK Spoke
White House Fellows [1971]
White House Fellows, 9-22-72 (BK did not go)
White House Picketing [1969-70]
White House Police [1969]
Young Americans for Responsible Action [8-4-71]
Youth [1-24-72]


Box 22

Administration's Crime Bills [1970]
Ash Council Study-Crime Strike Forces [1970]
Assistant for Criminal Justice [1970]
Bipartisan Leadership Meeting, October 9, 1970
Bipartisan Leadership Meeting, October 23, 1970
Tom Cole-Crime, Law and Order, The Supreme Court [n.d.]
Consolidated Law Enforcement Training Center [1967-70] [1 of 2]
Consolidated Law Enforcement Training Center [1969-70] [2 of 2]

Box 23

Crime Analysis - (Campbell) [n.d.]
Crime Analysis-D.C.
Crime Analysis-D.C.--Harts Brown [1970]
Crime Analysis-D.C.--Ed Harper [1970]
Crime Analysis-D.C.--Howard Messner [1970]
Crime Analysis-D.C.--Operations Research, Inc., [1970]
Crime Message-1970
Crime Prevention-Businessmen [1969]
John Dean-Responses to Crime Bill [1970-71]
D.C. Crime Bill [1970]
D.C. Crime Meeting w[ith] Schecter (Times)
D.C. Crime Problems-Sen. Mathias [4-2-71]
D.C. Crime Supplemental [1970-71]
D.C. Law Enforcement and Criminal Act [1971]

Box 24

District of Columbia-Legislative Package [1969-70]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Bail Reform [1969-70]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Court Reorganization-D.C. [1969-70]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--D.C. Juvenile Delinquency Code [1969]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--D.C. Legislative Package [1969-70]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--[H.R. 16196; A Bill to reorganize the courts of the District of Columbia...] [2-26-70]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Lorton Reformatory [1970]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--No-Knock [1970]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Preventive Detention [1970]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Public Defender [1969]
District of Columbia-Legislative Package--Safe Streets Program [1970]

Box 25

D.C. Pilot Police Project [4-5-71]
D.C. Street Crime [1969-70]
F.B.I. - Supplemental Appropriations [n.d.]
I.R.S. Memo-Organized Crime [1970-71]
Law Enforcement/Crime Control [1969-70]
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration [1969-70] [1 of 2]
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration [1969-70] [2 of 2]

Box 26

LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver [1970]
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver--LEAA Trip-President-Aug. 3, 1970
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver--[L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)]
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver--Proposals-President's LEAA Trip [1970]
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver--Trip-Miami-Puerto Rico [1970]
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Trip, L.A., Phoenix, Denver--[Printed Materials]

Box 27

[List of Persons Interviewed (1969)]
Magnuson to Mitchell re Cooperation of Executive Branch in Committee's Investigation of Organized Crime Activity on Interstate and Foreign Commerce [6-22-71]
[Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 [Revised Edition)]
Mayor's Crime Action Plan [1970]
["Mountain top" Conference-General Duties of All Discussion Groups] [n.d.]

Box 28

[National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals] [1971]
National Commission on Violence [1969-70]
National Crime
National Crime--A.G. [Attorney General] -New Crime Curbs [1970]
National Crime--Crime - Long Term Proposal [1969]
National Crime--National Crime Figures [1970]
National Crime--Program Memo -Reduction of Crime [n.d.]
National Council on Crime and Delinquency [1970-71]
911 Police Dial System [1969-71]
Police Alarm System [1969-71]
President's Meetings - Crime
President's Meetings - Crime--Meeting with R.N. [Richard Nixon], Mayor, John D. Erlichman, November 10, 1969
President's Meetings - Crime--Mayor's meeting with president 11-26-69
President's Meetings - Crime--Meeting with President-12-22-69-Albernethy, McMillan, Nielson
President's Meetings - Crime--Meetings with Mayor, January 20, 1970
President's Meetings - Crime--President's Meeting with Mayor, Friday, January 23, 1970
President's Meetings - Crime--President's Meeting with Mayor, Friday, May 22, 1970
President's Meetings - Crime--Race and Crime Problem [1970]
President's Meetings - Crime--Street Lighting-(Crime) [1970]


Box 29

AID-Office of Public Safety Seminar on Narcotics [8-6-71]
Ash Council Study - Drug Abuse [1970]
Congressional Strategy-SAO [1971]
Draft Counseling Community/Drug Counselors [9-22-71]
Drug Abuse-Military Academies [9-21-70]
Drug Abuse-"Reserves" [1970]
Drug Initiative/Reorganization-1973
Drugs-Law Enforcement [1971]
Drugs-Research and Development [n.d.]
Drugs-State Department Press Briefings-July 8, 1971
Drugs-Symington Newsletter [n.d.]
Dr. Egeberg-Council of Europe Mtg on Narcotics, in Strasbourg, France [3/20/72-3/24/72]
"Follow-Up" [1970-71]
"Follow-Up"--Mayor Daley-Draft [Empty]
"Follow-Up"--D.C. Police Ring for RN (Wilson) [1970]
"Follow-Up"--Explosives Information - Santarelli [1971]
"Follow-Up"--Home Rule - Clapp, Donfeld, Shepard [1971]
"Follow-Up"--Law and Order - Drugs (Due: Week of Feb. 22) [1971]
"Follow-Up"--RN Mtg.: Minority Law Enforcement Officials [1970]
"Follow-Up"--Polling Information [1971]
"Follow-Up"-- [President's] Papers; Narcs, Crime, Pris. Rehab.-Clapp, Shepard [1971]
Fort Worth
Franco-American Committee-Nov. 3-4, 1970

Box 30

Heroin-New York City [1971]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Anti-Smuggling Supplem. Appropriats. [1969]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Articles [1970]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Bureau of Customs [1970]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Discussions with Mexico March 9-11, 1970
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association [1968-69]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Marihuana [1970]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Metropolitan Enforcement Groups [1-22-70]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Narcotics-Italy [1970]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Narcotics-Panama [8-7-70]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Operation Intercept [1969-70]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--President's Meeting w[ith] Amb. Handley [1969]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--South America [1970]
Heroin Traffic, Narcotics Enforcement -Customs-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Jurisdictional Dispute--Wires from France-re Drugs
Heroin/Turkey - 1969

Box 31

International Organizations on Narcotics Control [1971]
International Trafficking-UN Commission [1970]
Interview with F. Reynolds for ABC Drug Special [1971]
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]-Customs Guidelines
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-Contacts
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-Customs
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-Itinerary [n.d.]
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-President's Directive to Laird [6-17-71]
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-Steele Memo
[Egil Krogh Foreign Trip re Drugs, 1971]-U.S. Military -Europe
Egil Krogh-Narcotic Traffic Trips
Egil Krogh-Narcotic Traffic Trips--Conference in Mexico, October 27-31 [1969]
Egil Krogh-Narcotic Traffic Trips--Franco-American Conference, December 11-16, 1969
Egil Krogh-Narcotic Traffic Trips--Franco-American Sessions on Narcotics Control 2/3-2/6, 1970
Egil Krogh-Narcotic Traffic Trips--Franco American Conference, May 8-13, 1970
LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America]-"Narcotics Sniffers" [8-12-70]
LEAA-Proposed U.S.-Mexico Border Project [8-70]

Box 32

Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--AG [Attorney General]/Richardson
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Bert Brown
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971-- [Drug Abuse]
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Krogh Memo [empty]
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Laird Directive
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Mtg. -Secretary Richardson 5-25-71
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Memo for President's Summary [5-27-71]
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--NTA [D.C. Narcotic Treatment Administration]
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Reorg[anization] Memo
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Summary of President's Remarks [6-3-71]
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Vietnam Cables
Meetings with President, Top Civilian and Military Leaders, Thursday, Jun 3, 1971--Vietnam/Turkey
Mexican-American/Chicano Drug Proposal [1971]
National Drug Rehabilitation Program [1970-71]
[FY19] 73 Initiatives [1971]
Ribicoff-Muskie Release -Drugs [1971]
South Vietnam [1970]
SAODAP [Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention] - Phil Bartow [n.d.]
Special Message-Drugs-1972
[State Profiles] [1971]
State Report-International Narcotics Bills [9-24-1970]
UN Conference on Drugs [1971]
Weekly SITREPS [Situation Reports] on Drug Abuse and Racial Incidents [1971]


Box 33

Air Carrier Industry [1972]
Air Passenger Head Tax [1972]
Airlines [1971-72] [1 of 2]
Airlines [1971-72] [2 of 2]
Airport-Airways [1970]
S. 3755 Airport Development Acceleration Act [1972]
AMTRAK [1972] [1 of 2]
AMTRAK [1972] [2 of 2]
AMTRAK File-National Railroad Passenger Corporation Presentation of Backup Data, 8-29-72
Ass[ociatio]n of American Railroads (Brfg.) 2-26-71
Aviation Advisory Commission [1-73]
Aviation Adv. Comm.-Crocker Snow
Bumper Standards Bill -Signing Ceremony [1972]

Box 34

C-5A [Aircraft] 1970
Governor Cahill-Transportation Problems [1972]
CAB [Civil Aeronautics Board] [1971]
Civil Aviation Security: Report from Volpe [1972]
Correspondence with J.J. O'Donnell, P[resident] of Airline Pilots Association [1-9-73]
DOT [Department of Transportation] - Domestic Council Meeting, 12-1-70 [1 of 2]
DOT-Domestic Council Meeting, 12-1-70 [2 of 2]
DOT -Federal Regional Council [1972]
DOT - General Policy [1972]
DOT - Schedule of Orientation Briefings [1972]
DOT - Secretarial Representatives [n.d.]
Deregulation and Railroad Financial Aid [1971]
D.C. Transit [1972]
[D.C. Transportation] [1972]
Experimental Safety Vehicles [1972]
Expiring Legislation concerning DOT [1972]

Box 35

Freeways [1970-71]
Highway Safety [1970-72]
Highways [1970]
Highways [1970-72]
Highjacking [1972]
Jones Act [1971]
[Long Range Transportation Planning] [1972]
John MacIver-National Council on Alcoholism [1973]
Meeting in Roosevelt Room, re Subway B. Bill, 6-9-1972

Box 36

Meeting with President, June 8, 1971 - AMTRAK [Metro-Washington, D.C. Subway System] [1971]
National Highway Adm[inistration] -Position Paper of Insurance Industry Leaders [1972]
National Transportation Policy [1971]
N.C. National Driving Center [1972]
O'Donnell's Letter to P[resident] re Highjacking, 6-6-72
Operation Subsidies [1972]
Penn Central [1972-73]
Pres. June 14, 1971 Mtg. with RR[Rail Road] In. Pres. [Union Presidents]
Proposal re Internat'l Trade Center on Dulles Access Road [1972]
Railpax [1970]
Railpax-AMTRAK [1970-72] [1 of 2]
Railpax-AMTRAK [1970-72] [2 of 2]

Box 37

Railpax Incorporators [1970-71]
Railroad Industry [Prospectus] [6-30-70]
Railroads [1972]
Railroads-Correspondence with W.H. Kendall [1970-71]
Railway Age [1972]
Safety Standards [1971-72]
St. Louis Airport [empty]
SST [1970-73]
Surface Freight Transportation [1972]
Surface Freight Transportation Act [1972]
3 Sisters Bridge
Transportation [1970-72]

Box 38

Transportation Industry [1970-71]
Transportation - Interstate Route 66
Transportation -Revenue Sharing [1971-72]
Transportation-Trust Fund [1970-72]
Urban Mass Transit [1970]
[Washington National Airport Fact Book] [1972]
YPO Speech-May 27, 1971


Box 39

Appendix-The Environment and Natural Resources [4-8-70]
Backup Material On The Controlled Dangerous Substance Act S. 3246 [2-12-70]
Briefing Book: DOD-Drugs [1971]
Briefing Book for Governors' Conference, December 3, 1969
[Briefing for: Messrs. Erlichman and Shultz] [3-10-71]

Box 40

Briefing Materials [n.d.]
Budget Manual [1969]
Bureau of the Budget - Legislative Clearance [1969]
Campus Unrest: Legislation [1970]
[Campus Unrest] Legislation] [1970]
Communications for Social Needs: Technological Opportunities [9-24-71]

Box 41

Comprehensive Plan for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice in the District of Columbia, April 1970
Constitutional Amendment and Legislative Analysis Documents [1971]
Correspondence-Legal Services [1971]
Department of Community Development [1971]

Box 42

Department of Defense-Army Materiel Command [Telephone Directory] [1972-73]
Drafts of Administration Bill-Legal Services Corporation [n.d.]
Drug Abuse Education and Control in the Los Angeles City Unified School District, June 1969 [1 of 2]
Drug Abuse Education and Control in the Los Angeles City Unified School District June 1969 [2 of 2]

Box 43

Drug Abuse Legislation-White House Briefing on Congressional Leadership [1971]
Drug Abuse-Military [1970]
Drug Abuse Supporting Paper [1969-70]
Establishment of a Department of Natural Resources Organization for Social and Economic Programs [1971]

Box 44

Final Report: Handgun Safety Evaluation, Vol 1 [1971]
A Final Report to the Inter-Agency Council on Corrections [1971]
Governors' Conference on Drugs, 12-3-1969
Government Reorganization-I [1971] [1 of 2]
Government Reorganization-I {1970-1971] [2 of 2]
Government Reorganization-II [1971]

Box 45

HUD [Housing and Urban Development] [Housing Discrimination, 1965-70]
Independent Regulatory Agencies, Presidential Memorandum [7-10-70]
Independent Regulatory Agencies, Staff Working Papers [n.d.]

Box 46

[Individual Handgun Data-Pistols] [1971]
[Individual Handgun Data-Revolvers] [1971]
[Final Report-Handgun Safety Evaluation] [1971]

Box 47

Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States [1956]
The Killings at Jackson State University-Special Report [1970]
[225 (Land Reform in Vietnam)] [1969]
[Law Enforcement Assistance Administration-Denver Trip by President, 8-30-70]
Legal Services Corporation -Adm. Bill, Fact Sheet, Presidential Message [1971]

Box 48

[Material on Social Programs Area] [1 of 2] [n.d.]
[Material on Social Programs Area [2 of 2] [n.d.]
Metro Impact Commercial Development [1971]
Miscellaneous Documents on School Desegregation [1971-72]
New York State Commission on the Quality, Cost, and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education, Volume 2

Box 49

New York State Commission on the Quality, Cost, and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education, Volume 3
1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Operation Intercept [1969] [1 of 2]
Operation Intercept [1969] [2 of 2]

Box 50

The Organization of Federal Programs Concerning the Environment and Natural Resources [1970]
Organized Crime in the United States [1970]
Papers Relating to the President's Departmental Reorganization Program [1971]
Perspectives for the 70's and 80's [n.d.]
Preliminary Findings from the 1971 DOD Survey of Drug Use [1972]
Preliminary Report on Basic National Rail Passenger System [1970]

Box 51

President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization-Report of the Social Programs Study Group [1970]
The President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization's Report on the Independent Regulatory Agencies [1971]

Box 52

President's Drug Abuse Program-Steering Group Meeting, 6-10-71
The President's 1971 Environmental Program
Procedures for Establishing and Administering the Budget [1970]
Productivity Enhancement via Applied Research Service for Civilian and Industrial Technology [1971]

Box 53

Reorganization Strategy [1971]
Report of the President's Task Force on Crime [n.d.]
Report on Domestic Council Listening Post Sessions in the Midwest [1971]
Report to the President on Operation Intercept, 10-13-69

Box 54

Report to the President on the Mission to Survey Scientific and Technological Assets and Needs in the Republic of China [1967]
Rural Community Development
SAODAP [Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention] Monthly Management Report, September 1972
Social and Economic Programs Report [10-2-70]
A Socio-Psychological Approach to Drug Education [1972]

Box 55

Special Report-the Kent State Tragedy [1970]
State Department [1968] [1 of 2]
State Department [1968] [2 of 2]
A Statement on National Transportation Policy [7-26-71]
Task Force Report: Narcotics and Drug Abuse [1967]
Transportation [n.d.]

Box 56

Undercover (MSS [Manuscript] by C.J. Motto) [n.d.]
United States Military Assistance Command Vietnam [1968-70]
The Vietcong Strategy of Terror: Douglas Pike [1970]

Box 57

Youth [1969] [1 of 5]
Youth [1969] [2 of 5]
Youth [1969] [3 of 5]
Youth [1969] [4 of 5]
Youth [1969] [5 of 5]


Box 58

[OA 103] FBI Reports [#1, 1 of 2] [1969]
[OA 103] FBI Reports [#1, 2 of 2] [1969-70]
[OA 103] FBI Reports [#2, 1 of 2] [1970]
[OA 103 FBI Reports [#2, 2 of 2] [1970]

Box 59

OA #2776-Part I [D.C. Transportation] [1969]
OA #2776 -Part II [D.C. Transportation] [1970]
481-OA #2843 [D.C. Transportation Problems] [1969]
236-OA #2888 [Demonstrations] [1969]
287-OA #2889 [Helicopter Schedule] [1969]
450-OA #2890 [Narcotics/Drugs/Law Enforcement] [1969-70]
424-OA #2892 [Federal Officers and Employees Conduct] [1969]
208-OA #2893 [Inaugural Swearing-in Ceremony] [1969]
421-OA #2894 [Juvenile Delinquency] [1969]
209-OA #2895 [Internal Revenue Service] [1969]
461-A-OA #2896-Part I [Obscenity and Pornography, etc.] [1969]
461-A-OA #2896-Part II [Obscenity and Pornography, etc.] [1969]

Box 60

447 - OA #2897 [Tax Refund Claims-Mr and Mrs. Robert Miller] [1969]
420-OA #2898 [Public Works Appropriations Act] [1969]
389-OA #2899 [Schultz, Gen. Robert] [1969]
448 - OA #2900 [SDS] [Students for a Democratic Society] [1969]
418 - PA #2901 [National Day of Mourning-DDE [Dwight D. Eisenhower]] [1969]
210 -OA #2902 [National Mediation Board] [1969]
450-A-OA #2906 [Operation Intercept] [1969]
137-OA #2908 [Conflict of Interest and Tax Cases] [1969]
545-OA #2909 [Conflict of Interest/Dr. Larson] [1969]
518-OA #2910 [Susquehanna River Basin Compact [1969]

Box 61

517-OA #2911 [Fuentes, Al and Pompa, Gil] [1969]
514-OA # 2912 [Patrick Murphy] [1969] Freedom of Information Act-Rehnquist-OA #2913 [1969]
295-OA #2914 ["Auction" Policy] [1969]
294-OA #2915 [European Trip-Reaction] [1969]
272-OA #2916 [Taxes-Extension of Due Date] [1969]
271-OA #2917 [Commission on Pennsylvania Aenue] [1969]
274-OA #2918 [Federal National Mortgage Assoc[iation]] [1969-70]
237-OA #2919 [Kansas University/Kaleidoscope] [1969]
416-OA # 2920 [Blaky Report on Organized Crime] [1969]
108-OA #2922 [Personnel-Clearance Procedures] [1969
487-OA #2923 [Poor People's Campaign-second phase] [1969] Congressional Investigation-Executive Privilege-OA #2924 [1969]
276-OA #2925 [Boards and Commission] [1969]
268-OA #2926 [Advance for European Trip] [1969]
280-OA #2927 [Administrative Conference of the U.S.] [1969]
217-OA #2928 ["Civilian Health Assistance Program"/Urban Coalition of America' [1969]
299-OA #2929 [Roger Robb (Otepka Lawyer) Confidential File] [1969]
412-OA #2930 [Pres. Nixon-Personal Affairs} [1969]
413-OA # 2931 [Obscenity and Pornography] [1969]
400-OA #2932 [Subversive Activities Control Board] [1969-70]
543-OA # 2933 [Business Support for the Administration] [1969]
550-OA #2934 [Joint Commission on the Coinage] [1969]

Box 62

380- OA #2935 [National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence [1969-70]
114-OA #2936 [Executive Orders and Proclamations] [1969]
307-OA #2937 [Interdepartmental Evaluation Committee-Violence Potential] [1969]
142-OA #2938 [TFX/McClellan] [1969]
317-OA #2939 [Vietnam/Black Market] [1969]
305-OA #2940 [Crime Trends] [1969]
304-OA #2941 [Widalvsky, Aaron] [1969]
431-OA #2942 [Dumping-Potash] [1969]
428-OA #2943 [White House Communications] [1969]
124-OA #2944 [Use of Inaugural Profits] [1969]
70-OA #2946 [White House Access] [1969]
490-OA #2948 [Mayor's Meeting] [1969]
509-OA #2949 [Coinage Legislation] [1969]
497-OA #2950 [Disaster Areas] [1969-70]
498-OA #2951 [SBA Disaster Loans] [1969]
76-OA #2953 [Interstate Highway System-Sign Control] [1969]
545-A-OA #2954 [Conflicts of Interest] [1969]
495-OA #2956 [Justice Department/non-judicial appointments] [1969]
393-OA #2957 [Presidential Visits-NORAD and Campuses] [1969]
499-OA #2958 [Clean Elections] [1969]
549-OA #2959 [Cutright, Prof./Research Project on Effect of Military Service] [1969]
547-OA #2960 [Kopp, Eugene Paul] [1969]

Box 63

[315]-FTC-OA#2974 [Federal Trade Commission] [1969]
440-OA #2975 [Conservation] [1969]
445-OA #2976 [Conservation] [1969]
485-OA #2977 [Environment] [1970]
485-No. 2 -OA #2978 [Environment] [1970]
508-OA #2979 [Social Security] [1969]
349-OA #2980 [Textile Imports] [1969-70]
[335] [Draft Deferment File-OA #2981 [1969]
372-OA #2982 [National Selective Service Appeal Board] [1969]
[218] - President's Adviser for Consumer Affairs-OA #2983 [1969]
388-OA # 2984 [President's Trips]
414-OA # 2985 [Countess Elizabeth von Oberndorff]
282-OA # 2986 [Commemorative Stamps]
281-OA #2987 [Proclamation-Issuance by President]
286-OA #2988 [Violations of Revised Statutes-Antideficiency Act

Box 64

283-OA #2989 [Presidential Appointments to Military Academies [1969]
406-OA #2990 [Bravery, Police] [1969]
411-OA #2991 [D.C. Banks] [1969]
415-OA #2992 [D.C. Firemen's and Policemen's Clinic] [1969]
279-OA#2993 [Pierre Rinfret] [1969]
525-OA #3025 [OEO Legal Services] [1969]
505-OA #3027 [Civil Disturbances] [1969]
507-OA #3028 [FEDS] [1969]
538-OA #3029 [Organized Crime] [1969]
501-OA #3030 [Conflict of Interest] [1969]
219-OA #3031 [Conflict of Interest] [1969]
277-OA #3032 [Judge Warren N. Burger] [1969]
202-OA #3033 [Conservation] [1969]
72-OA #3034 [Krogh (Misc.)] [1969]
535-OA #3035 [D.C. Stadium] [1969]
528-OA #3036 [John Shaheen] [1969]
529-OA #3037 [Council for a Livable World] [1969]

Box 65

68-OA #3045 [Crime] [1969-70]
293-OA #3046 [Anti-Trust Policy, Committee on] [1969]
245-OA #3047 [Gun Control] [1969]
262-OA #3048 [Reduction in Number of Documents Signed by the President] [1969]
173-OA #3049 [Washington City Council] [1969]
244-OA #3050 [Petition on behalf of the "Presidio 27"] [1969]
266-OA #3051 [Pueblo] [1969]
112-OA #3052 [Highway Safety] [1969-70]
291-OA #3053 [Environmental Quality Council] [1969-70]
234-A-OA #3054 [Secret Service-Statements before Congressional Committees] [1969]
144-OA #3055 [Chicago South Suburban Transit Grant] [1969]
53-OA #3057 [Covenant Not to Publish] [1969]
71-OA #3058 [Conflict of Interest] [1969]
80-OA #3059 [Conflict of Interest] [1969]
234-OA #3060 [U.S. Secret Service [1969]
224-OA #3061 [Demonstrations] [1969]
227-OA #3062 [Judicial-Legal Matters] [1969]
231-OA #3063 [Dick Gregory] [1969]

Box 66

352-No. 2-OA #3064 [Campus Disorders/Student Unrest] [1969]
154-OA #3065 [Office of Economic Opportunity-Investigation of] [1969]
234-B-OA #3066 [Secret Service, General] [1969]
63-OA #3067 [White House-Access] [1969]
59-OA #3068 [CIA Clearance Procedures for NSC Personnel] [1969]
546-OA #3069 [Imsdahl Case] [1969]
185-OA #3070 [GAO] [1969]
216-OA #3074 [White House-Penetration] [1969]
64-OA #3075 [Vietnam-Antiwar Activities; Postwar Economic Transition] [1969-70]
83-OA #3077 [DoJ Office of Legal Counsel; ITT-Hartford Merger Case] [1969]
195-OA #3078 [Berkeley Disorders] [1969]
153-OA #3079 [Hatch Act Problems] [1969]
161-OA #3080 [National Law Enforcement Council] [1969]
97-OA #3081 [IRS Tax Checks] [1969]
89-OA #3082 [Ambassadorships] [1969]

Box 67

522-OA #3246 [Parks]
Whitaker-OA #3247 [Environment-Santa Barbara Oil Pollution-Union Oil] [1969-70]
OA #3252 [Civil Service Personnel Information Available under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)] [1969]
OA #3253 [Preservation of the San Francisco Mint] [1969]
OA #3254 [Election Reform] [1969]
Organized Crime -OA #3255 [1969]
Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs-OA #3256 [1969]
Leadership Meeting-October 9 [1969] -OA #3257 [1969]

Box 68

60-OA #3258 [Governors' Conference on Drugs] [1969]
Unemployment Insurance-OA #3259 [1969]
Tax Reform-OA #3260 [1969]
249-Oil Import Quotas Task Force-Guidelines-OA #3261-Part I [1969]
Newspaper Articles re: Executive Privilege-OA #3261-Part II [1969]
OA #3262 [Radical Groups] [1969]
439-OA #3263 [Vietnam Policy; District Judges] [1969]
511-OA #3265 [Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Activities] [1969]
172-OA #3270 [Crime Program for Nixon Administration] [1969]

Box 69

OA #3270 [Demonstrations; Crime] [1969]
533-OA #3271 [U.N. Headquarters] [1969]
552-OA #3278 [ Executive Privilege-AID Investigative Files] [1969]
249-A-OA #3279 [ Executive Privilege] [1969]
Heroin (CONFIDENTIAL) -OA #3280 [1969]
367-OA #3281 [Hickel Law Suits] [1969]
387-OA #3282 [McCloskey, Paul/Vietnam] [1969]
352-OA #3283 [Campus Disorders] [1969]

Box 70

99-A-OA #3511 [Pardon Petitions] [1969]
OA #3873 [Analyses of Campaign Promises and Administration Performances] [1969-70]

Box 71

312-OA #3960 [Economy] [1969-70]
140-OA #3961 {District of Columbia] [1969-70]
OA #3962 [National Institute of Public Affairs Seminar] [1970]
139-OA #3963 [Independent Agencies] [1969-70]
143-OA #3964 [Oil Import, Policy, Depletion] [1969-70]
Council of Economic Advisers-OA #4166 [1969]
Education Message-OA #4167 [1969]
Customs Court Legislation; Omnibus Judgeship Legislation-OA 4171 Part I [1970]
Joint Commission on Corrections-OA #4171-Part II [1969]
Pepper Commission on Crime-OA #4171-Part III [1969]
Medico Industries-OA #4171-Part IV [1970]

Box 72

Helen D. Bentley-OA #4210 [1969]
John Crooker-OA #4211 [1969]
Charles T. Duncan-OA #4212 [1969]
David Durk-OA #4216-Part I [1970]
John Hechinger-OA #4216-Part II [n.d.]
Detective Hockett-OA #4216-Part III [1970]
Gilbert Hahn-OA #4216-Part IV [1969]
Deputy Mayor-OA #4216-Part V [1969-70]
Gerald Caplan-OA #4216-Part VI [1970]
Mayor Washington-OA #4216-Part VII [1969-70]
Donald R. Elbel-OA #4218 [1969-70]
OA #4219 [Passport Office] [1969-70]
493---OA #4277 [The First Hundred Days] [1969]
378-OA #4278 [ABM] [Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty] [1969-70]
4-OA #4279 [HEW-OEO Overlaps] [Housing, Education, and Welfare-Office of Equal Opportunity] [1969-70]
117-OA #4280 [D.C. Legal Residency for the Presidency] [1969]
194-OA #4281 [Daycare Centers] [1969]
104-OA #4282 [GSA] [General Services Administration]
138-OA #4283 [GSA Contracts]

Box 73

103-OA #4284 ["Blacklung" Disease/Coal Pneumaconiosis] [1969-70]
White House Conference on Children and Youth-OA #4285 [1969-70]
222-OA #4286 [Foundations] [1969]
200-OA #4287 [Federal Salary Increases] [1969]
201-OA #4288 [Unemployment Compensation] [1969]
526-OA #4289 [Federal Employees] [1969-70]
275-OA #4290 [Labor-Management Relations (Federal)] [1969-70]
334-Six-Month Game Plan-OA #4291
436-OA #4294 [All Volunteer Armed Forces] [1969-70]
357-OA #4295 [Pollution Control] [1969-70]
310-OA #4296 [California Grape Controversy] [1969]

Box 74

353-New Federalism-OA #4297 [1969-70]
434-Wage and Price Increase-OA #4298 [1969-70]
443 -Intern Program-OA #4299 [1969]
Appointments-State Department-OA #4300 [1969]
VA Education Bill-OA #4301 [1969-70]
Conference on Food and Nutrition-OA #4302 [1969-70]

Box 75

Job Corps and Project Head Start-OA #4308 [1969]
433-OA #4321 [Chemical Munitions] [1970]
423-OA #4322 [Office of Science and Technology] [1969-70]
554-OA #4563 [Student Loan Program] [1969-70]
483-OA #4566 [HEW] [Housing, Education, and Welfare] [1969-70]
166 SBA/ARCATA [?] - OA #5152 [1969]

Box 76

LEAA [Law Enforcement Alliance of America] Discretionary Grant Application-Seattle-OA #5505-Part I [1970-71]
OA #5505-Part II [Security] [1970]
Senate Commerce Committee Crime Drive-OA #5505-Part III [1970-71]
Skyjacking-OA #5505-Part IV [1970]
"Today Show" - OA #5505-Part V [n.d.]
Raspberry Column-Today Show BK-OA #5505 -Part VI [1970]
St. Louis Police Programs-OA #5505-Part VII [1970]
OA #5505-Part VIII [White House Requests of Solicitor General] [1970]
Estate Planning: President as Beneficiary-OA #5505 Part IX [1970]
Revenue Sharing Materials-OA #5505-Part X [1969]
Robbery Cases in Syracuse-OA #5505-Part XI [1970]
San Clemente Legislation-OA #5505 - Part XII [1970]
Criticism of Neal Smith-OA #5505 - Part XIII
Anti-trust Division vs. Commerce Department -OA #5505-Part XIV [1970]
Bank Secrecy Legislation-OA #5505 -P art XV [1970]
D.C. Commission on Organization-OA #5505-Part XVI [1970]
[Charge Out Card for folder: "Death Penalty Before Supreme Court" -Charged to Geoff Shepard, 5/18/71] - OA #5505 - Part XVII
National Parks Law Enforcement-OA #5505-Part XVIII [1970]

Box 77

Narcotics Education-OA #5634-1 [1969]
Proposed TV Series-Drugs-OA 5634-2 [1970]
Articles-OA #5634-3 [1970]
Drug Research Funding-OA #5634-4
Dr. Keith Yonge: "Stemming Growth of the drug Cult" - OA #563405 [n.d.]
Eliot Richardson-Speech-OA #5634-6 [1970]
April 9, 1970-TV Writers Meeting-OA #5634-7
Governor's Conference-OA #5634-8 [1969]
Cabinet Wives-OA #5634-9 [1969-70]
Follow Up-Drug Conference-OA #5634-10 [1970]
RN Letter to Episcopal Diocese-OA #5634-11 [1970]
Marijuana Research/Usage-OA #5634-12 [1969-70]
Department of Defense-OA #5634-13 [1969-70]
Drug Use and Abuse-OA #5634-14 [1969]
Narcotics Education [folder title only] -OA #5634-15
Attorney General-Drug Control-OA #5634-16 [1969]
BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]-Summary of Activities-OA #5634-17 [1970]
OEO [Office of Equal Opportunity] Programs - OA #5634-18 [1970]
BNDD Graduation Exercises Remarks-OA #5634-19 [n.d.]
Ad Hoc Committee-Drug Abuse-OA #5634-20 [1970]
Drug Message-RN-OA #5634-21 [1970]
Drug Prevention Programs, Duplication and Deficiencies-OA #5634-22 [1970]
Transportation Department-"Action Task Force" -OA #5634-23 [1969]
Federal Drug Abuse Programs-OA #5634-24 [1970]
Proposed National Commission on Drugs-OA #5634-25 [1969]
National Commission on Drug Abuse (Ford Foundation) - OA #5634-26 [1969-70]

Box 78

Treasury Proposal-OA #5634-27 [Drugs] [1969]
Arizona-President-April 6 [1970] - OA #5634-28 [Drugs] [1970]
HEW [Housing, Education, and Welfare] Position-OA #5634-29 [Drugs] [1969]
Legislation-OA #5634-30 [Drugs] [1969]
State Law Enforcement Program Assistance Agency-OA #5634-31 [New Jersey Drug Abuse Report] [1970]
Lee Auspitz-Memoranda-OA #5713-1 [1971]
Joe Califano-OA #5713-2 [n.d.]
Charts-OA #5713-3 [n.d.]
Reorganization Legislation-OA 5713-4 [1971]
Briefing Schedules--OA #5713-5 [1971]
Political--OA #5713-6 [1971]
Ash Article-Fortune--OA #5713-7 [1971]
Press/Media--OA 5713-8 [1971]
Reduction in Force--OA #5713-9 [1971]
Senator Percy--OA #5713-10 [1971]
Department of Community Development--OA #5713-11 [1971]
Heineman Report--OA #5713-12 [1969]
Army Corps of Engineers--OA #5713-13 [1971]
Department of Transportation--OA #5713-14 [1970]

Box 79

Loose papers in front
Regional Councils--OA #5713-15 [1971]
Chairman Holifield--OA #5713-16 [1971]
Agriculture--OA #5713-17 [1971]
Justice Department--OA #5713-18 [1971]
Government Reorganization-Effect on Congress--OA #5713-19 [1971]
Task Force Structure--OA #5713-20 [1971]
Reorganization Game Plan--OA #5713-21 [1971]
BK Notes-Cabinet Meeting, January 18, 1971--OA #5713-22 [1971]
Assistant Secretaries for Legislation--OA #5713-23 [1971]
Congressional Strategy--OA #5713-24 [1971]
Department of Natural Resources--OA #5713-25 [1971]
Compendium-Organization Materials--OA #5713-26
Reorganization-General Memoranda--OA #5713-27 [1970-1]
Regulatory vs. Reorganization--OA #5713-28 [1971]
Atomic Energy Commission--OA #5713-29 [1970]
Citizens Committee--OA #5713-30 [1971]
Necessary Personnel--OA #5713-31 [1971]
Senator Mathias--OA #5713-32 [n.d.]
Marmet and Webster [OA-10155]
Indian Affairs--OA #5713-33 [1971]


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