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John W. Dean III

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The Presidential historical materials of John W. Dean III, Counsel to the President, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials as well as non-historical items. Such items have been returned to Dean.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   50 linear feet, 4 linear inches
  • Approximate number of pages:   89,600

Biographical Note

John Wesley Dean III was born on October 14, 1938 in Akron, Ohio. After graduating from the Staunton Military Academy in Virginia, he went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree at The College of Wooster in Ohio in 1961. He then attended Georgetown University Law Center and received his Juris Doctor in 1965. During his time in law school, Dean worked as a law clerk in the firm of Hollabaugh & Jacobs in Washington, D.C. He obtained a junior associate position at the Washington law firm of Welch & Morgan upon his graduation from Georgetown.

During the period 1966-67, Dean served as chief minority council for the Judiciary Committee in the United States House of Representatives. He then spent the next two years as Associate Director of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws before working as an Associate Deputy Attorney, General Office of Criminal Justice, Department of Justice, between 1969 and 1970.

On July 9, 1970, Dean became Counsel to President Richard Nixon. The position became available after Dean’s predecessor, John Ehrlichman, left to become Nixon’s chief domestic adviser. Dean was eventually implicated in the Watergate scandal and began cooperating with federal investigators in March of 1973 while continuing to work as counsel to the President until he was fired by Nixon on April 30, 1973.

Dean testified in hearings before the United States Senate’s Select Committee on President Campaign Activities (also known as the Senate Watergate Committee) during the period of June 25-29, 1973. On October 19, 1973, John Dean pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obstruct justice. He was given a sentence of 1 to 4 years (U.S. v. John W. Dean, USDC 886-73) by Judge John Sirica on August 2, 1974.

He began his sentence under the supervision of the United States Marshalls at Fort Holabird, Maryland from September 3, 1974. During part of his time in custody, October 16-25, 1974, Dean testified in the Watergate cover-up trial, United States v. John N. Mitchell, et al. For his cooperation, Dean’s sentence was reduced to time served and he was released after four months on January 8, 1975.

Barred from practicing law due to his conspiracy conviction, Dean worked as an investment banker, lecturer and author. He began writing for Rolling Stone magazine in 1976. His memoir Blind Ambition was published the same year. His next memoir, Lost Honor, was published in 1982. Between 2001 and 2007, he authored The Rehnquist Choice (2001), Worse than Watergate (2004), Conservatives Without Conscience (2006), and Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches (2007). In addition, Dean has contributed to the online legal magazines Writ and Verdict, co-edited Pure Goldwater (2009) and made guest appearances on news and politically-oriented television programs.

On March 31, 2006, Dean testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the President George W. Bush censure hearings related to NSA wiretaps performed without warrants. In 2003, Dean became a visiting scholar and lecturer at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communication. As of 2012, he is involved in the Watergate CLE (continuing legal education) – an extended legal education series that examines how the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct impacted Watergate.

Scope and Content Note

The materials of John W. Dean III document his duties as legal advisor for political and legislative issues in the Nixon administration. Prior to his appointment to the Nixon White House Staff, Dean had served as chief minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee (1966-67) and as Associate Director of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws (1967-78). During the 1968 Presidential campaign, Dean wrote position papers on crime for Nixon's "law and order" campaign against his Democratic opponent. Impressed with his law-and-order position papers in the course of the campaign, Deputy Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst brought Dean into the Department of Justice in February 1969 as Associate Deputy Attorney General. In this capacity Dean worked closely with Attorney General John N. Mitchell on the administration's crime and drug-control legislative programs. He also served as the chief negotiator for the Government in discussions with protest leaders about the terms of demonstration permits for activities within the District of Columbia, and acted as representative of the attorney general in meetings with the nation's Governors to explain proposed model drug legislation.

As Dean stated in his autobiographical book of his White House years, it was Egil "Bud" Krogh, assistant to John D. Ehrlichman, who recommended him for a position on the White House staff. Although Dean initially declined the job, he did accept the offer and on July 9, 1970, became Counsel to the President. This was the post Ehrlichman had formerly held. Even though Dean possessed the title, he did not automatically inherit Ehrlichman's power. At the start, therefore, he had to confine himself to dealing with relatively trivial matters, but sought to expand his role as well as that of his office within the White House by making the advice and services of the counsel's office available to staff members on any subject they needed legal assistance. Thus, Dean and his small office staff began to provide counsel on a wide range of topics, from the technicalities of divorce laws to immigration laws to possible conflicts of interest to the propriety of litigation against certain anti-administration critics to the proper use of the Presidential seal and White House stationary. According to Dean, it was the discreet handling of conflict-of-interest reviews and investigations that won him the confidence of H. R. Haldeman and Ehrlichman. Eventually his responsibilities included keeping the White House informed about domestic disorders and antiwar demonstrations, investigating presidential appointees, handling all matters relating to presidential clemency, and performing intelligence work for the White House. By 1972 Dean was being regularly chosen to deal with assignments, which were regarded as important and sensitive, and was used as a White House "firefighter". Furthermore, it was Dean who briefed administration witnesses prior to their testimony before congressional committees.

The Watergate affair, however, marked a turning point in Dean's White House career and his relationship within the Nixon administration. Although he seemed to ideal choice to try and contain the political fallout from Watergate, he failed and ultimately lost the trust and confidence of the President. On April 30, 1973, Nixon announced to the media that he had accepted the resignation of Dean as White House counsel along with those of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Kleindienst.

The Dean file group comprises material which he periodically retired to the White House Central Files between 1971 and 1973 as well as those which remained in his office at the time FBI agents sealed it shortly following the White House announcement of his resignation. Several groups of materials were integrated into identifiable file segments and appropriate series. One such body of material, bearing the suffix "W" with a serial numeric filing code on the file folder, presumably reflects areas of responsibility assigned to David G. Wilson, who joined Dean's staff in February 1971 as his assistant.

Found within the Dean file group, are the names of various individuals who comprised Dean's office staff. In addition to Fred F. Fielding who was Associate Counsel to the President, the White House counsel's office included staff assistants John J. Caufield, Tom C. Huston, Roy E. (Pete) Kinsey, Marie Darlene Moulds, David Wilson, and J. Dapray Muir. Jane E. Thomas and Anne R. Dawson were the secretaries in the office whereas Peter v. Baugher was a second-year Yale Law School student assigned to Dean's office as a summer intern in 1972.

Frequent correspondents in the Dean file group include Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Charles Colson, Henry Kissinger, Peter Flanigan, Egil Krogh, Bruce Kehrli, Frederic Malek, Clark MacGregor, and Richard Kleindienst. But because of the nature of the work done by the White House counsel's office, Dean and his staff had some contact with almost every staff member or office within the White House complex. As a consequence of Dean's investigative and intelligence-gathering efforts at the behest of the White House, his office had frequent contact with various individuals within the intelligence community and law enforcement agencies.

The materials are arranged into seven series:

  1. Correspondence File
  2. Subject File
  3. Subject File: Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence
  4. Name File, Conflict Of Interest
  5. Congressional Hearings on the Nominations of Richard G. Kleindienst and L. Patrick Gray III
  6. 1970 Campaign File
  7. 1972 Campaign File

The first series in the file group, Correspondence File, combines several of Dean's chronological and general correspondence files together with two small chronological files attributed to Peter Kinsey and summer intern Peter Baugher. Dean's files include the routine correspondence of the counsel's office as well as his departmental correspondence as Associate Deputy attorney General. Both Kinsey's and Baugher's files are only for the year 1972. Baugher's chronological file is of interest because it provides some insight into the kinds of assignments given White House summer interns. The assignments were primarily research projects on specific topics, such as the applicability of State election laws on Presidential candidates, and amnesty issue, the future of the Federal death penalty, and disposition of Presidential seal requests. Among topics covered n the series are requests for Presidential pardons, the court-martial of Lt. William Calley, conflict-of-interest laws, applicability of the Hatch Act, campaign filing requirements, protest demonstrations, and advice to the President on honorary memberships and estate planning.

The largest and most varied series in the Dean file group is the Subject File. It includes material relating to proposed environmental, economic, and social legislation, international laws and treaties, Presidential commissions, national security, domestic intelligence, conflict-of-interest laws, and the coordination of the President's multiple roles as Chief Executive, head of the Republican Party, candidate, and private citizen. A substantial portion of the series pertains to the court-martial of Lt. Calley;, the nominations of William Casey to the Securities and Exchange Commission, of Richard Kleindienst to the Office of Attorney General, and of Virginia Congressman Richard H. Poff to the Supreme Court; foreign activities and political contributions of International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), and responses of the President to Watergate-related allegations.

Excessive concern (by the White House) about antiwar demonstrations and about various domestic radicals or groups is the general tenor of the Subject File: Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence series. Because of the sensitive nature of the subject matter in the series, there is a high percentage of national security and Agency-restricted information and all such documents have been removed from the file folders.

Problems concerning national and domestic security reached a critical stage within the Nixon White House by 1970 that prompted the creation of a special interagency committee--the Intelligence Evaluation Committee (IEC). The aim of this group was to improve coordination among the intelligence community and to prepare evaluations and estimates of domestic intelligence. According to Dean, IEC was created in early 1971 and Jack Caulfield served as the White House liaison until he was succeeded by David Wilson in summer 1972. Therefore, Dean's office received copies of the specially prepared IEC reports. In addition to these reports, Dean received intelligence reports, including summaries and analyses, about antiwar demonstrations and radical groups or individuals from the FBI and Secret Service, and on some occasions, from the CIA, National Security Agency, and local police departments. Topics covered include civil disorders on and off campuses, black and white extremist organizations, the 1971 May Day demonstrations, disturbances during the Democratic and Republican national conventions, studies on international terrorism, and the protection of political officials.

Another series in the Dean file group containing a high percentage of withdrawn material is the Name File, Conflict of Interest. This series documents the efforts of the counsel's office to identify and avoid potential conflict-of-interest problems that could arise from the private interests and associations of prospective presidential appointees or White House staff members. Principal types of documents found in the series include trust agreements, personal financial statements, affidavits, and confidential statements of employment and financial interests. At the end of the series there is a 3-folder chronological file containing primarily carbons of Dean's office responses to conflict-of-interest reviews on individuals who were being considered for appointment to positions in Departments, Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and Boards. Since most of the individuals mentioned in the chronological file were not members of the White House Staff, there is little duplication of items in the more expansive name file.

An above-normal interest by Dean's office in the proceedings of two Senate confirmation hearings is reflected in the series entitled Congressional Hearings on the Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst and L. Patrick Gray III. It also indicates the high sensitivity of the issues and the concerns of the White House about them. The material consists primarily of typed transcripts that were prepared by the Washington, D. C. firm of Ward & Paul, Inc., shorthand reporters for congressional committees. Of the two sets of hearings, the Kleindienst transcripts comprise the greater amount of material in the series.

The Kleindienst transcripts relate to the second hearings held before the Senate Judiciary Committee on his confirmation to succeed John N. Mitchell as attorney general. Although Kleindienst had been earlier confirmed in the position, he had demanded a reopening of the hearings in order to clear his name of the charges raised by columnist Jack Anderson about administration collusion in the ITT antitrust settlement. The transcripts cover the proceedings of the hearings from March 6 to April 20, l972. Furthermore, many of the transcripts bear the handwritten annotation on the cover "please correct for printing," and some even have stamped the reference "to be returned to Senate Judiciary Committee". A few transcripts contain a simple cover reference of "Mitchell" or "Geneen" to indicate those volumes of the transcripts that contain portions of the testimony of the former attorney general or of ITT president Harold G. Geneen. For some unknown reason Dean's office did not either receive or retain every transcript, for there are at least four volumes missing: volumes 1, 2, 11, and 17. In a few instances there are duplicate copies of particular transcripts. Topics covered in the transcripts tend to pertain to all aspects of the ITT antitrust settlement, the Dita Beard memorandum, and the $400,00 contribution of ITT cash and services to the San Diego Republican National Convention.

While the Kleindienst transcripts appear fragmentary, despite the many number of volumes, the Gray transcripts seem complete. They document the proceedings that were held before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the confirmation of L. Patrick Gray III as FBI Director. Gray, who was an assistant attorney general at the time of his appointment, had been serving as acting FBI Director since J. Edgar Hoover's death in May 1972. The Gray transcripts begin with the first day's proceedings (February 28, 1973) and end with the March 9, 1973 hearings. These hearings, however, rapidly became mired in Watergate and partisan politics and the White House ultimately decided to withdraw the nomination. As was the case with the Kleindienst transcripts, there is some duplication and many transcripts bear the stamped reference "to be returned to Senate Judiciary Committee". Although the hearings probed into the FBI handling of the Watergate investigation under Gray's supervision, there are two instances where someone underlined in red passages relating to the ITT antitrust suit. At the end of the Gray transcripts, there are three folders that contain insertions of additional responses or documentary materials to this testimony. Also, there is a folder that includes electrostatic copies of Gray's correspondence with James O. Eastland, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in response to requests for documentary materials from the Justice Department's files.

The 1970 Campaign File series consists of electrostatic copies of materials maintained by former Nixon political aide and fund-raising specialist, Jack A. Gleason. Because of his experience as a member of the 1968 Nixon fund-raising team and his close association with Maurice H. Stans who ran the highly successful fund-raising drive for Nixon and the Republican Party in 1968, Gleason was detached from White House political advisor Harry S. Dent's staff to handle a secret multi-million dollar slush fund to funnel money to select Republican candidates in the 1970 congressional and gubernatorial elections. This White House-approved operation, dubbed "Town House Project" because Gleason worked out of a backroom office in the basement of the Northwest Washington, D. C. townhouse, became an object of Watergate Special Prosecutors' investigations into illegal political campaign practices. According to Dean in his book, Blind Ambition, Colson turned Gleason's records over to him with the aim of protecting them from disclosure under claims of executive privilege and attorney-client privilege.

All items in this series document the activities of the Town House Operation and Gleason's role in it. Materials include Gleason's correspondence with White House aides Dent, Haldeman, and Murray Chotiner as well as with various campaign contributors. Other items of interest among Gleason's files are receipts for expenses incurred by his office, his periodic reports of allocations and amounts of money delivered to various political committees in the 34 states where the administration sought victories, lists of campaign contributors, travel schedules, and bank statements and canceled checks. Two items which seem unrelated to Gleason's files or to the 1970 campaign are "The Presidential Advance Manual" and the "Advanceman's Checklist". The former, dated 1971, describes in depth the functions of advance men and provides them with guidance in carrying out their assignments to ensure maximum effectiveness of any presidential event.

With President Nixon's announced intention to seek a second term, the White House counsel's office acquired another task, that is, to ensure that the President complied with all Federal and State election law requirements and to provide legal counsel on whatever issue that might arise from or during the campaign. The 1972 Campaign File in the Dean file group reflects this activity. Responsibility for maintaining these files fell to David G. Wilson, assistant to Dean, who adopted a simple numeric filing scheme for this series.

Material in the series is very diverse, ranging from official publications and opinion papers to legal documents, newspaper clippings, and photographs. A large portion of the 1972 Campaign File (the first 40 file folders) has been withdrawn for return because the material relates to private political association. Much of the withdrawn material consists of copies of State election laws, election campaign forms, statements, reports, or letters from various State election laws, election campaign forms, statements, reports, or letters from various State election officials acknowledging receipt of filing reports or contributions and expenditures which Presidential candidate Nixon was required to submit according to the 1971 Federal Election Campaign Act or by appropriate State election laws. The Candidate Reports refer to the detailed reports of contributions received and expenditures made which every Presidential candidate, including vice-presidential candidates, had to file with the Comptroller General of the United States. Under the provisions of the 1971 Act these reports were required four times a year as well as on the fifteenth and fifth day preceding the date of any election--primary, general, or convention--in which the candidate was running. The act also required the filing of negative reports if there were no receipts and expenditures during the reporting period. Material in two accordion-style file folders, located at the end of the series, has also been withdrawn for return because they are pre-Presidential materials. These file folders contain the financial records of the Committee for the Election of Republican Candidates (1966-67) and of the Committee for the Loyal Opposition (1966-67) which Peter M. Flanigan maintained as the committees' treasurer.

Since campaign financing and spending were major public issues in 1972, much of the material not withdrawn among the 1972 Campaign Files series relates to legal interpretations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, which became effective on April 7, 1972, or to opinion papers with regard to proposed legislation. Another area of interest as reflected by the content of the items in the series, include several litigation cases involving PACs (Political Action Committees), disclosure of political contributors, and the allocation of delegates rule to the Republican National Convention. Electoral College reform, tax status of political contributions, public disclosures of violations of specific Federal laws, and regulations issued by certain Agencies pertaining to the extension of credit to political parties by regulated businesses were other topics covered in this series.
More than 250 photographs have been transferred to the audiovisual collection and replaced with electrostatic copies. A majority of the photographs pertain to the 1971 demonstrations or to ITT lobbyist Dita Beard. There is also a large quantity of photographs, taken by official White House photographers, featuring both high-level Nixon administration officials and less well-known White House support personnel.

Related materials can be found in the files of Dean's office staff. The White House Special Files, Staff Member and Office Files, of David Wilson contain l cubic foot of material, including some items transferred from the Dean file group. The White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files, contain additional Dean material: Fred Fielding (l cubic foot), Roy E. (Pete) Kinsey, Jr. (2 cubic feet), and J. Dapray Muir (l cubic foot). Routine Dean office correspondence regarding security clearances or White House access can be found in the files of the White House Security Office as well as those of the Office of Science and Technology. Moreover, since J. Fred Buzhardt succeeded Dean as counsel to the President, there is some Dean material in his White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files (27.6 cubic feet). These files were segregated from the rest of his Staff Member and Office Files and administered by the Special Files Unit. In addition to these files, there are 2 cubic feet of exclusively Dean material in the White House Special files under Buzhardt's name. Furthermore, there may be some additional Dean material in Buzhardt's White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files, that were not segregated and maintained by the Special Files Unit.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-11
Series:   Correspondence File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Letters, memoranda, reports, resumes, travel vouchers, printed documents, affidavits and legal documents, FBI reports, Presidential action memoranda, news clippings, and photographs. The series combines several correspondence files and chronological files of John Dean and his assistant Roy E. (Pete) Kinsey, Jr., and White House summer intern Peter Baugher. Arranged in correspondence file series by staff member, and thereunder in chronological order.

Boxes:   12-84
Series:   Subject File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Letters, memoranda, drafts, reports, resumes, travel vouchers, teletype, printed documents, affidavits, subpoenas, transcripts, intelligence reports and studies, magazine articles, news clippings, and photographs. Includes such subjects as economic, environmental, and social legislation; international laws and treaties; national security; domestic intelligence; conflict-of-interest laws; and Watergate related subjects. Arranged in alphabetical order by subject.

Boxes:   85-99
Series:   Subject File: Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence | Folder Title List
Spans:   1968 - 1973
Description:   Letters, memoranda, lists, reports, schedules, teletype, cables, news clippings, posters, handbills, periodicals and printed materials, and photographs. Pertains to investigations of individuals, groups, or demonstrations perceived as a threat to public safety, administration policies, or the President, his family, Government officials, or diplomats. Arranged in alphabetical order by subject, and thereunder in chronological order.

Boxes:   100-102
Series:   Name File, Conflict Of Interest | Folder Title List
Spans:   1968 - 1973
Description:   Letters, memoranda, financial statements, notes, news clippings, press releases, affidavits, rosters, forms, and trust agreements. Documents compliance of prospective and employed White House staff members and administration officials with conflict-of-interest laws. Arranged in alphabetical order by name, and thereunder in chronological order.

Boxes:   103-107
Series:   Congressional Hearings on the Nominations of Richard G. Kleindienst and L. Patrick Gray III | Folder Title List
Spans:   1972 - 1973
Description:   Transcripts and insertions of additional responses and documentary materials. Consists primarily of paperback volumes of printed, typed transcripts of the proceedings on the nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst and L. Patrick Gray III as Attorney General and FBI Director, respectively, held before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The documentary materials pertain only to the Gray hearings and include electrostatic copies of letters, memoranda, FBI news releases, FBI routing slips, FBI teletype, lists, departmental forms, visitor access logs, and speeches. The Kleindienst hearings include a heavy emphasis on the ITT-Justice Department settlement of the antitrust suit, and the Gray hearings inquire into the Watergate affair and the FBI handling of the investigation. Arranged chronologically by date of the confirmation hearings.

Boxes:   108-112
Series:   1970 Campaign File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1970
Description:   Electrostatic copies of letters, memoranda, reports, handwritten notes, lists of contributors, candidates and fundraisers, bank statements, canceled checks, receipts and invoices, travel schedules, form letters, news clippings, press releases, advance manuals, and photographs. Relates to the raising and distribution of special political funds, directed by the White House through Jack A. Gleason, to Republican candidates during the 1970 elections. Arranged by subject and thereunder in chronological order.

Boxes:   113-115
Series:   1972 Campaign File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971 - 1973
Description:   Letters, memoranda, notes, reports, news clippings, campaign filing forms, printed documents, official publications, drafts and opinion papers, legal documents, articles, and photographs. Deals with interpretations of and compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 and various state election and campaign spending laws during the 1972 Presidential election. Included is material relating to campaign spending laws, political contributions, and campaign activities of both the Democratic and Republican parties. Arranged numerically by folder title designation.

Preservation Note

Holdings maintenance was performed on the collection July - September 2012 in order to ensure the longevity of the documents. The previous number of folders and/or boxes in this collection has changed due to the maintenance process. This finding aid has been updated to reflect any changes. The previous version of the finding aid is available upon request.

Folder Title List


Box 1

JWD Chrono, 2/26/69 thru 4/24/70 [1 of 2]
JWD Chrono, 2/26/69 thru 4/24/70 [2 of 2]
JWD Chron File, Oct.-Nov. 1970 [1 of 5]
JWD Chron File, Oct.-Nov. 1970 [2 of 5]
JWD Chron File, Oct.-Nov. 1970 [3 of 5]
JWD Chron File, Oct.-Nov. 1970 [4 of 5]
JWD Chron File, Oct.-Nov. 1970 [5 of 5]
JWD Chron File, December '70 [1 of 3]
JWD Chron File, December '70 [2 of 3]
JWD Chron File, December '70 [3 of 3]
JWD Chron File, January 1971 [1 of 4]
JWD Chron File, January 1971 [2 of 4]
JWD Chron File, January 1971 [3 of 4]
JWD Chron File, January 1971 [4 of 4]

Box 2

JWD Chron File, February 1971 [1 of 5]
JWD Chron File, February 1971 [2 of 5]
JWD Chron File, February 1971 [3 of 5]
JWD Chron File, February 1971 [4 of 5]
JWD Chron File, February 1971 [5 of 5]
JWD Chron File, March 1971 [1 of 4]
JWD Chron File, March 1971 [2 of 4]
JWD Chron File, March 1971 [3 of 4]
JWD Chron File, March 1971 [4 of 4]
JWD Chron File, April 1971 [1 of 5]
JWD Chron File, April 1971 [2 of 5]
JWD Chron File, April 1971 [3 of 5]
JWD Chron File, April 1971 [4 of 5]
JWD Chron File, April 1971 [5 of 5]
JWD Chron File, May 1971 [1 of 3]
JWD Chron File, May 1971 [2 of 3]
JWD Chron File, May 1971 [3 of 3]

Box 3

Chron, June 1971 [1 of 4]
Chron, June 1971 [2 of 4]
Chron, June 1971 [3 of 4]
Chron, June 1971 [4 of 4]
JWD Chron File, July 1971 [1 of 4]
JWD Chron File, July 1971 [2 of 4]
JWD Chron File, July 1971 [3 of 4]
JWD Chron File, July 1971 [4 of 4]
JWD Chron File, August 1971 [1 of 3]
JWD Chron File, August 1971 [2 of 3]
JWD Chron File, August 1971 [3 of 3]
JWD Chron File, Sept. 1971 [1 of 4]
JWD Chron File, Sept. 1971 [2 of 4]
JWD Chron File, Sept. 1971 [3 of 4]
JWD Chron File, Sept. 1971 [4 of 4]
JWD Chron File, October 1971 [1 of 3]
JWD Chron File, October 1971 [2 of 3]
JWD Chron File, October 1971 [3 of 3]

Box 4

JWD Chron File, November 1971 [1 of 5]
JWD Chron File, November 1971 [2 of 5]
JWD Chron File, November 1971 [3 of 5]
JWD Chron File, November 1971 [4 of 5]
JWD Chron File, November 1971 [5 of 5]
Chrono, December 1971 [1 of 5]
Chrono, December 1971 [2 of 5]
Chrono, December 1971 [3 of 5]
Chrono, December 1971 [4 of 5]
Chrono, December 1971 [5 of 5]
Chrono, January 1972 [1 of 4]
Chrono, January 1972 [2 of 4]
Chrono, January 1972 [3 of 4]
Chrono, January 1972 [4 of 4]
Chrono, February 1972 [1 of 4]
Chrono, February 1972 [2 of 4]
Chrono, February 1972 [3 of 4]
Chrono, February 1972 [4 of 4]
Chrono, March 1972 [1 of 6]
Chrono, March 1972 [2 of 6]

Box 5

Chrono, March 1972 [3 of 6]
Chrono, March 1972 [4 of 6]
Chrono, March 1972 [5 of 6]
Chrono, March 1972 [6 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [1 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [2 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [3 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [4 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [5 of 6]
Chrono, April 1972 [6 of 6]
Chrono, May 1972 [1 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [2 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [3 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [4 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [5 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [6 of 7]
Chrono, May 1972 [7 of 7]
Chrono, June 1972 [1 of 5]
Chrono, June 1972 [2 of 5]
Chrono, June 1972 [3 of 5]

Box 6

Chrono, June 1972 [4 of 5]
Chrono, June 1972 [5 of 5]
Chrono, July 1972 [1 of 4]
Chrono, July 1972 [2 of 4]
Chrono, July 1972 [3 of 4]
Chrono, July 1972 [4 of 4]
Chrono, August 1972 [1 of 3]
Chrono, August 1972 [2 of 3]
Chrono, August 1972 [3 of 3]
Chrono, September 1972 [1 of 5]
Chrono, September 1972 [2 of 5]
Chrono, September 1972 [3 of 5]
Chrono, September 1972 [4 of 5]
Chrono, September 1972 [5 of 5]
Chrono, October 1972 [1 of 3]
Chrono, October 1972 [2 of 3]
Chrono, October 1972 [3 of 3]
Chrono, November 1972 [1 of 3]
Chrono, November 1972 [2 of 3]
Chrono, November 1972 [3 of 3]

Box 7

Chrono, December 1972 [1 of 2]
Chrono, December 1972 [2 of 2]
Classified Chron--1972
Chrono, January 1973 [1 of 3]
Chrono, January 1973 [2 of 3]
Chrono, January 1973 [3 of 3]
[Chrono], Feb. '73 [1 of 3]
[Chrono], Feb. '73 [2 of 3]
[Chrono], Feb. '73 [3 of 3]
[Chrono], March '73
[Chrono, March 1973] [1 of 3]
[Chrono, March 1973] [2 of 3]
[Chrono, March 1973] [3 of 3]
Chrono, April '73 [1 of 3]
Chrono, April '73 [1 of 3]
Chrono, April '73 [1 of 3]
[Chrono], May 1973
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, Dept. of Justice
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [1 of 7]

Box 8

Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [2 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [3 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [4 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [5 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [6 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [I] [7 of 7]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [II] [1 of 2]
Correspondence--General, Jan. 1969 thru May 1969, JWD [II] [2 of 2]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [I] [1 of 3]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [I] [2 of 3]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [I] [3 of 3]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [II] [1 of 4]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [II] [2 of 4]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [II] [3 of 4]
Correspondence--General, June 1969 thru Sept. 1969, D/J [II] [4 of 4]

Box 9

Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [1 of 6]
Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [2 of 6]
Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [3 of 6]
Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [4 of 6]
Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [5 of 6]
Corres.--General, October-December 1969, D/J [6 of 6]
Correspondence--General, Oct.-Dec. 1969, Dept. [of] Justice
Correspondence--General-Jan. thru April 1970, Dept. [of] Justice [1 of 4]
Correspondence--General-Jan. thru April 1970, Dept. [of] Justice [2 of 4]
Correspondence--General-Jan. thru April 1970, Dept. [of] Justice [3 of 4]
Correspondence--General-Jan. thru April 1970, Dept. [of] Justice [4 of 4]
Corres--General, January thru April 1970, D/J [1 of 5]
Corres--General, January thru April 1970, D/J [3 of 5]
Corres--General, January thru April 1970, D/J [4 of 5]
Corres--General, January thru April 1970, D/J [5 of 5]
Corres--General, January thru April 1970, D/J [6 of 5]
Corres--General, May thru July 22, 1970, D/J [1 of 4]
Corres--General, May thru July 22, 1970, D/J [2 of 4]
Corres--General, May thru July 22, 1970, D/J [3 of 4]
Corres--General, May thru July 22, 1970, D/J [4 of 4]

Box 10

Corres, General, 7-11--8-31-70 [1 of 5]
Corres, General, 7-11--8-31-70 [2 of 5]
Corres, General, 7-11--8-31-70 [3 of 5]
Corres, General, 7-11--8-31-70 [4 of 5]
Corres, General, 7-11--8-31-70 [5 of 5]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [1 of 6]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [2 of 6]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [3 of 6]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [4 of 6]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [5 of 6]
Corres, General, 9-1--9/30/70 [6 of 6]
Personal Corres., 2/28/69, JWD
J.W. Dean Personal Corres. [1973]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [I]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [II] [1 of 2]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [II] [2 of 2]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [III] [1 of 3]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [III] [2 of 3]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73] [III] [3 of 3]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73 [IV] [1 of 2]

Box 11

[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73 [IV] [2 of 2]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73 [V] [1 of 3]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73 [V] [2 of 3]
[Personal Correspondence and Papers, 1969-73 [V] [3 of 3]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [1 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [2 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [3 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [4 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [5 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [6 of 7]
[Memoranda, 1971-73] [7 of 7]
[Chron Files of Peter Kinsey, Jan.-Nov. 1972] [1 of 5]
[Chron Files of Peter Kinsey, Jan.-Nov. 1972] [2 of 5]
[Chron Files of Peter Kinsey, Jan.-Nov. 1972] [3 of 5]
[Chron Files of Peter Kinsey, Jan.-Nov. 1972] [4 of 5]
[Chron Files of Peter Kinsey, Jan.-Nov. 1972] [5 of 5]
166W Peter Baugher Chrono Files [1 of 3]
166W Peter Baugher Chrono Files [2 of 3]
166W Peter Baugher Chrono Files [3 of 3]


Box 12

Abortion [1 of 2]
Abortion [2 of 2]
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Advisory Panel on International Law [1 of 2]
Advisory Panel on International Law [2 of 2]
[Department of Agriculture, Control of Information] [1 of 3]
[Department of Agriculture, Control of Information] [2 of 3]
[Department of Agriculture, Control of Information] [3 of 3]
Airlines [1 of 2]
Airlines [2 of 2]
Alderson Contract [White House Steno typist Services] [1 of 2]
Alderson Contract [White House Steno typist Services] [1 of 2]
ABA [American Bar Association]
ABA--Young Lawyers Section [1 of 2]
ABA--Young Lawyers Section [2 of 2]

Box 13

American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
AT and T
America's 10 Outstanding Men--1971
Amnesty [1 of 5]
Amnesty [2 of 5]
Amnesty [3 of 5]
Amnesty [4 of 5]
Amnesty [5 of 5]
150W Antitrust
Antitrust/Pending Cases
Appointments (Presidential) Aliens
Arms Control and Disarmament Act, 1961
[Asian trip, February 1972] Hold for JWD
Asian trip, JWD, 2/72 [1 of 2]
Asian trip, JWD, 2/72 [2 of 2]
Attacks/Personal--on Admin.
Bail Reform [1 of 2]
Bail Reform [2 of 2]
Banking Reform Act of 1971
Baton Rouge Disturbance

Box 14

146W Lester Barrer (Affirmative Action Plans)
Berrigan Case
Bicentennial Commission (Phila.) [1 of 4]
Bicentennial Commission (Phila.) [2 of 4]
Bicentennial Commission (Phila.) [3 of 4]
Bicentennial Commission (Phila.) [4 of 4]
Bills--Presentation to President [Counsel's Advice on Legislation, Statements and Executive Orders] [1 of 2]
Bills--Presentation to President [Counsel's Advice on Legislation, Statements and Executive Orders] [2 of 2]
Board of Parole [1 of 2]
Board of Parole [2 of 2]
Book Clubs, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Bribery and Related Statutes [Withdrawn and Returned]
BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs/DOD, Fugitive Operation 1972] [1 of 2]
BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs/DOD, Fugitive Operation 1972] [2 of 2]
Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People [1 of 5]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People [2 of 5]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People [3 of 5]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People [4 of 5]
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People [5 of 5]

Box 15

CRLA [California Rural Legal Assistance Program]--Welfare Requirements [1 of 2]
CRLA [California Rural Legal Assistance Program]--Welfare Requirements [2 of 2]
Calley--April-May 1971 [1 of 4]
Calley--April-May 1971 [2 of 4]
Calley--April-May 1971 [3 of 4]
Calley--April-May 1971 [4 of 4]
Calley Correspondence [1 of 3]
Calley Correspondence [2 of 3]
Calley Correspondence [3 of 3]
Calley--Later Developments [1 of 5]
Calley--Later Developments [2 of 5]
Calley--Later Developments [3 of 5]
Calley--Later Developments [4 of 5]
Calley--Later Developments [5 of 5]
Lt. Calley/My Lai Village

Box 16

[Calley], Medina Court Martial [1 of 2]
[Calley], Medina Court Martial [2 of 2]
[Calley], My Lai Cases—General [1 of 5]
[Calley], My Lai Cases—General [2 of 5]
[Calley], My Lai Cases—General [3 of 5]
[Calley], My Lai Cases—General [4 of 5]
[Calley], My Lai Cases—General [5 of 5]
[Calley], War Crimes Study [1 of 4]
[Calley], War Crimes Study [2 of 4]
[Calley], War Crimes Study [3 of 4]
[Calley], War Crimes Study [4 of 4]
Campaign '72 (Correspondence) [1 of 2]
Campaign '72 (Correspondence) [2 of 2]
'72 Campaign Literature
1701 Campaign Releases [1 of 3]
1701 Campaign Releases [2 of 3]
1701 Campaign Releases [3 of 3]

Box 17

Campus Disorder [I] [1 of 5]
Campus Disorder [I] [2 of 5]
Campus Disorder [I] [3 of 5]
Campus Disorder [I] [4 of 5]
Campus Disorder [I] [5 of 5]
Campus Disorder [II]
Capital Punishment [1 of 2]
Capital Punishment [2 of 2]
[William J.] Casey—Correspondence [1 of 5]
[William J.] Casey—Correspondence [2 of 5]
[William J.] Casey—Correspondence [3 of 5]
[William J.] Casey—Correspondence [4 of 5]
[William J.] Casey—Correspondence [5 of 5]
[William J Casey Nomination], Boggs-Casey Book [Empty]
[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [1 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [2 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [3 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [4 of 6]

Box 18

[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [5 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--Holdings and Securities [6 of 6]
Casey Nominations--SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] [I] [1 of 2]
Casey Nominations--SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] [I] [2 of 2]
Casey Nominations--SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] [II]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [1 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [2 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [3 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [4 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [5 of 6]
[William J.] Casey--WH Correspondence [6 of 6]
Censor [Director, Office of Censorship, 1970] [1 of 2]
Censor [Director, Office of Censorship, 1970] [2 of 2]
CNA [Center for Naval Analysis]-GSA [General Services Administration]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--Oct.-Nov. 1971 [1 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--Oct.-Nov. 1971 [2 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--Oct.-Nov. 1971 [3 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--Dec. 1971

Box 19

Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls, Jan.-March 1972 [1 of 4]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls, Jan.-March 1972 [2 of 4]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls, Jan.-March 1972 [3 of 4]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls, Jan.-March 1972 [4 of 4]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls--April-May 1972 [1 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls--April-May 1972 [2 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight, Telephone Calls--April-May 1972 [3 of 3]
Telephone Calls--Chapin--June-July 1972 [1 of 5]
Telephone Calls--Chapin--June-July 1972 [2 of 5]
Telephone Calls--Chapin--June-July 1972 [3 of 5]
Telephone Calls--Chapin--June-July 1972 [4 of 5]
Telephone Calls--Chapin--June-July 1972 [5 of 5]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls, Aug. '72 [1 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls, Aug. '72 [2 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls, Aug. '72 [3 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls (Sept. '72) [1 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls (Sept. '72) [2 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight L.--Telephone Calls (Sept. '72) [3 of 3]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [1 of 6]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [2 of 6]

Box 20

Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [3 of 6]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [4 of 6]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [5 of 6]
Chapin, Dwight--Telephone Calls--October 1972 [6 of 6]
Charlotte, N.C., 10/15/71 [Visit of the President to]
[Children's March for Survival, 3/28/72]
China Trip--Motion Picture Contract [1 of 4]
China Trip--Motion Picture Contract [2 of 4]
China Trip--Motion Picture Contract [3 of 4]
China Trip--Motion Picture Contract [4 of 4]
China Trip--Photo Contract [1 of 3]
China Trip--Photo Contract [2 of 3]
China Trip--Photo Contract [3 of 3]
Chinese Rifles [President Nixon's Gift of, 1970] [1 of 3]
Chinese Rifles [President Nixon's Gift of, 1970] [2 of 3]
Chinese Rifles [President Nixon's Gift of, 1970] [3 of 3]
Citizen Involvement Programs
Citizen Mail [1971-72]
Citizen Mail—General [1 of 5]
Citizen Mail—General [2 of 5]
Citizen Mail—General [3 of 5]

Box 21

Citizen Mail—General [4 of 5]
Citizen Mail—General [5 of 5]
Citizens Legal Defense Alliance [1 of 2]
Citizens Legal Defense Alliance [2 of 2]
151W CAB [Civil Aeronautics Board]--Presidential Powers [1 of 2]
151W CAB [Civil Aeronautics Board]--Presidential Powers [2 of 2]
Civil Rights Commission [proposed legislation]
Classification [I] [1 of 3]
Classification [I] [2 of 3]
Classification [I] [3 of 3]
Classification [II] [1 of 5]
Classification [II] [2 of 5]
Classification [II] [3 of 5]
Classification [II] [4 of 5]
Classification [II] [5 of 5]
Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material
Classification System (New) [1 of 3]
Classification System (New) [2 of 3]

Box 22

Classification System (New) [3 of 3]
Clawson [Muskie "Canuck" letter, 1972]
Clearing House for State Criminal Law Revision
Clippings [Watergate, Feb.-April 1973] [1 of 5]
Clippings [Watergate, Feb.-April 1973] [2 of 5]
Clippings [Watergate, Feb.-April 1973] [3 of 5]
Clippings [Watergate, Feb.-April 1973] [4 of 5]
Clippings [Watergate, Feb.-April 1973] [5 of 5]
Collection of Crime Statistics
Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries
Commission on Marihuana
Commission to Re-Direct Olympic Effort [1 of 3]
Commission to Re-Direct Olympic Effort [2 of 3]
Commission to Re-Direct Olympic Effort [3 of 3]
Commission on White House Fellows
Commissioning Certificates [1 of 2]
Commissioning Certificates [2 of 2]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [1 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [2 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [3 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [4 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [5 of 8]

Box 23

148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [6 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [7 of 8]
148W The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Glenn T. Seaborg [re Amchitka test] [8 of 8]
Committees of Congress, Jan. 1973 [Empty]
149W COSATI [Committee on Scientific and Technical Information]
Committee Requests (Congressional), IRS
Common Cause [I] [1 of 4]
Common Cause [I] [2 of 4]
Common Cause [I] [3 of 4]
Common Cause [I] [4 of 4]
Common Cause [II] [1 of 5]
Common Cause [II] [2 of 5]
Common Cause [II] [3 of 5]

Box 24

Common Cause [II] [4 of 5]
Common Cause [II] [5 of 5]
Confirmation of OMB Directorships [1 of 3]
Confirmation of OMB Directorships [2 of 3]
Confirmation of OMB Directorships [3 of 3]
Congressional Inquires
Congressional Redistricting, 1971 [1 of 3]
Congressional Redistricting, 1971 [2 of 3]
Congressional Redistricting, 1971 [3 of 3]
Congressional Subpoena Power
Constitutional Amendment--18-year-old vote [1 of 2]
Constitutional Amendment--18-year-old vote [2 of 2]
Constitutional Convention [1969]
Constitutional Oath Support Act [1 of 2]
Constitutional Oath Support Act [2 of 2]
"Constitutional Restrictions on Appointments of Congressmen"
Contempt of Congress [and the Columbia Broadcasting System]
Contracts [1972]
Convention '72 [1 of 7]
Convention '72 [2 of 7]
Convention '72 [3 of 7]

Box 25

Convention '72 [4 of 7]
Convention '72 [5 of 7]
Convention '72 [6 of 7]
Convention '72 [7 of 7]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [1 of 6]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [2 of 6]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [3 of 6]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [4 of 6]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [5 of 6]
110W, Copper Smelting Industry--White House Contacts [6 of 6]
Copyright [1 of 7]
Copyright [2 of 7]
Copyright [3 of 7]
Copyright [4 of 7]
Copyright [5 of 7]
Copyright [6 of 7]
Copyright [7 of 7]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [1 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [2 of 8]

Box 26

Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [3 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [4 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [5 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [6 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [7 of 8]
Corrections [Criminal Rehabilitation, 1969-70] [8 of 8]
Corrupt Practices Act Litigation--RNC, "Common Cause"/ RNC Correspondence [1 of 2]
Corrupt Practices Act Litigation--RNC, "Common Cause"/ RNC Correspondence [2 of 2]
Cost of Living Council
Coto de Caza Ranch and Hunt Club
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [1 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [2 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [3 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [4 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [5 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [I] [6 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [1 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [2 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [3 of 6]

Box 27

[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [4 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [5 of 6]
[Confidential Report for the President-Elect Re Crime] [II] [6 of 6]
Crime and the Rights of the Accused [1 of 3]
Crime and the Rights of the Accused [2 of 3]
Crime and the Rights of the Accused [3 of 3]
Crime Clippings--1968, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Crime--General, 1965-66 [Withdrawn and Returned]
Crime--General--1967, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Crime--General, 1968-69, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Crime--LBJ Statements
PR re Crime Fight
Cross Florida Barge Canal [1 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [2 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [3 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [4 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [5 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [6 of 7]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [7 of 7]
Culpeper Reaction Plan [Security of the Communications and Records Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond] [1 of 2]
Culpeper Reaction Plan [Security of the Communications and Records Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond] [2 of 2]
Customs Court [1 of 5]
Customs Court [2 of 5]

Box 28

Customs Court [3 of 5]
Customs Court [4 of 5]
Customs Court [5 of 5]
DACY [Norman F. Dacey]
Damson Oil Corp.
152W Davis-Bacon Act [1 of 3]
152W Davis-Bacon Act [2 of 3]
152W Davis-Bacon Act [3 of 3]
[John Dean, resumes and biographical information]
[John Dean], Financial Statement [and Caulfield IRS Memo]
Dean vs Dean [Divorce of John and Karla Dean] [Withdrawn and Returned]
October 13, 1972 [Wedding of John and Maureen Dean] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Declassification Project [1 of 2]
Declassification Project [2 of 2]
LBJ Declassification [1 of 4]
LBJ Declassification [2 of 4]
LBJ Declassification [3 of 4]
LBJ Declassification [4 of 4]
Defense Dept. Budget, FY 1973
Delegation of Authority [to the Staff Secretary]
Elias Demetracopoulos
Democratic Platform
Democratic State Central Committee vs. Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California
Dere Mr. President [re Art Linkletter's book]
Deserters to Canada
D.C. Bar Association [Withdrawn and Returned]
D.C. Juvenile, JWD [1965] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Dist. of Col. Reorganization Plan No. 3--1967, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
D.C. Representation [1 of 3]
D.C. Representation [2 of 3]
D.C. Representation [3 of 3]

Box 29

Draft Recovery Act of '72
Administration Drug Bill [1 of 4]
Administration Drug Bill [2 of 4]
Administration Drug Bill [3 of 4]
Administration Drug Bill [4 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [I] [1 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [I] [2 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [I] [3 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [I] [4 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [1 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [2 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [3 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [4 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [5 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [6 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [7 of 8]
[Administration Drug Bill] [II] [8 of 8]

Box 30

[Administration Drug Bill] [III] [1 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [III] [2 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [III] [3 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [III] [4 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [III] [5 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [IV] [1 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [IV] [2 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [IV] [3 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [IV] [4 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [IV] [5 of 5]
[Administration Drug Bill] [V] [1 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [V] [2 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [V] [3 of 4]
[Administration Drug Bill] [V] [4 of 4]
White House Drug Conference [1 of 2]
White House Drug Conference [2 of 2]
Drugs, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]

Box 31

William D. Eberle [Special Representative for Trade Negotiations] [1 of 4]
William D. Eberle [Special Representative for Trade Negotiations] [2 of 4]
William D. Eberle [Special Representative for Trade Negotiations] [3 of 4]
William D. Eberle [Special Representative for Trade Negotiations] [4 of 4]
D. Eberle [Special Representative for Trade Negotiations]
Personnel Forms, WDE [William D. Eberle] and DAK [1 of 3]
Personnel Forms, WDE [William D. Eberle] and DAK [2 of 3]
Personnel Forms, WDE [William D. Eberle] and DAK [3 of 3]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [I] [1 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [I] [2 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [I] [3 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [I] [4 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [II] [1 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [II] [2 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [II] [3 of 4]
Eighteen Year Old Vote [I] [II] [4 of 4]
Eighteen-Year-Old Vote [II] [1 of 3]
Eighteen-Year-Old Vote [II] [2 of 3]
Eighteen-Year-Old Vote [II] [3 of 3]
Election Reform [I] [1 of 3]

Box 32

Election Reform [I] [2 of 3]
Election Reform [I] [3 of 3]
Election Reform [II] [I] [1 of 4]
Election Reform [II] [I] [2 of 4]
Election Reform [II] [I] [3 of 4]
Election Reform [II] [I] [4 of 4]
Election Reform [II] [II] [1 of 3]
Election Reform [II] [II] [2 of 3]
Election Reform [II] [II] [3 of 3]
Election Reform: Campaign Fund Act of 1971 [1 of 3]
Election Reform: Campaign Fund Act of 1971 [2 of 3]
Election Reform: Campaign Fund Act of 1971 [3 of 3]
Election Reform: Federal Election Law--Summary [1 of 4]
Election Reform: Federal Election Law--Summary [2 of 4]
Election Reform: Federal Election Law--Summary [3 of 4]
Election Reform: Federal Election Law--Summary [4 of 4]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [I] [1 of 5]

Box 33

Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [I] [2 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [I] [3 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [I] [4 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [I] [5 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [II] [1 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [II] [2 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [II] [3 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [II] [4 of 5]
Election Reform Legislation, Correspondence [II] [5 of 5]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [I] [1 of 3]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [I] [2 of 3]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [I] [3 of 3]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [II] [1 of 5]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [II] [2 of 5]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [II] [3 of 5]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [II] [4 of 5]
Election Reform, Tax Check-off/Pres. Election Campaign Fund [II] [5 of 5]

Box 34

Electoral College [1 of 4]
Electoral College [2 of 4]
Electoral College [3 of 4]
Electoral College [4 of 4]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [I] [1 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [I] [2 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [I] [3 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [II] [1 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [II] [2 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [II] [3 of 3]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [III] [1 of 4]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [III] [2 of 4]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [III] [3 of 4]
EDS [Electronic Data Systems, H. Ross Perot, Congressional Investigation of] [III] [4 of 4] [contains subfolder: ATT. 45]
Emergency Detention
Emergency Detention Act

Box 35

Employment Applications [I]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [1 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [2 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [3 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [4 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [5 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [I] [6 of 6]
Employment Applications [II] [II] [1 of 5]
Employment Applications [II] [II] [2 of 5]
Employment Applications [II] [II] [3 of 5]
Employment Applications [II] [II] [4 of 5]
Employment Applications [II] [II] [5 of 5]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] [1 of 5]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] [2 of 5]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] [3 of 5]

Box 36

EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] [4 of 5]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] [5 of 5]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] -- Business Plant Relocation and Title VII
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission]/OFCC [Office of Federal Contract Compliance]
Equal Rights for Women Amendment
Executive Agreements [Congressional Investigations of, 1972] [1 of 2]
Executive Agreements [Congressional Investigations of, 1972] [2 of 2]
[Executive Agreements] Case Bill--LIG [Legislative Interdepartmental Group] [1 of 3]
[Executive Agreements] Case Bill--LIG [Legislative Interdepartmental Group] [2 of 3]
[Executive Agreements] Case Bill--LIG [Legislative Interdepartmental Group] [3 of 3]
Executive Lobbying [Executive Branch Lobbying of Congress]
Executive Order (Proposed/Misc.) [Oversize Attachment 7087] [1 of 3]
Executive Order (Proposed/Misc.) [Oversize Attachment 7087] [2 of 3]
Executive Order (Proposed/Misc.) [Oversize Attachment 7087] [3 of 3]

Box 37

153W Executive Order--Continuing the Regulation of Exports [re the issuance and revocation of Executive Order No. 11677]
154W Executive Order--Implementation System
Executive Protective Service [1 of 2]
Executive Protective Service [2 of 2]
Extradition Agreement--Cuba
Federal Advisory Committee Act
[Report: Federal Assistance to the Negro Companies] [1 of 3]
[Report: Federal Assistance to the Negro Companies] [2 of 3]
[Report: Federal Assistance to the Negro Companies] [3 of 3]
Federal Bar Association [John Dean's Membership] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Federal Pay Raise Options
Federal National Mortgage Association
Finance Committee, 1701 [Finance Committee to Re-elect the President]
Financial Statements--Domestic Council--July '72
Supplemental Financial Statements--WH Office, July '72
Fire Prevention and Control (National Commission on)
Flanigan, Peter

Box 38

109W, Peter Flanigan [1 of 5]
109W, Peter Flanigan [2 of 5]
109W, Peter Flanigan [3 of 5]
109W, Peter Flanigan [4 of 5]
109W, Peter Flanigan [5 of 5]
Ford Motor Company Suit/EPA [1971]
Foreign Assistance Act [1 of 2]
Foreign Assistance Act [2 of 2]
Format--Presidential Phone Calls and Meetings
Fort DeRussy, Hawaii
Fort Worth Five [re: Irish gun smuggling, 1972] [1 of 5]
Fort Worth Five [re: Irish gun smuggling, 1972] [2 of 5]
Fort Worth Five [re: Irish gun smuggling, 1972] [3 of 5]
Fort Worth Five [re: Irish gun smuggling, 1972] [4 of 5]
Fort Worth Five [re: Irish gun smuggling, 1972] [5 of 5]
Freedom of Information [1 of 2]
Freedom of Information [2 of 2]
Freedom of Information Act, Requests from Sen. Ervin's Subcom. [1 of 4]
Freedom of Information Act, Requests from Sen. Ervin's Subcom. [2 of 4]

Box 39

Freedom of Information Act, Requests from Sen. Ervin's Subcom. [3 of 4]
Freedom of Information Act, Requests from Sen. Ervin's Subcom. [4 of 4]
Fund Violations/Democratic Party
Fund Violations/Finance Committee (1701) [Finance Committee to Re-elect the President]
Gambling Statute (H.R. 16666), JWD
GAO Investigations [of the Finance Committee to Re-elect the President]
General Counsel [s of the Departments and Agencies]
Gifts to the President [1 of 2]
Gifts to the President [2 of 2]
155W Gifts (Vice President's Eagles)
Government Facilities (use of) [1 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [2 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [3 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [4 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [5 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [6 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [7 of 8]
Government Facilities (use of) [8 of 8]
156W Government Patent Policy
Government Procurement Commission [1 of 2]
Government Procurement Commission [2 of 2]

Box 40

Governors Conferences Re Drugs [1 of 5]
Governors Conferences Re Drugs [2 of 5]
Governors Conferences Re Drugs [3 of 5]
Governors Conferences Re Drugs [4 of 5]
Governors Conferences Re Drugs [5 of 5]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [1 of 6]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [2 of 6]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [3 of 6]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [4 of 6]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [5 of 6]
Grain Deal [U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Sale, 1972] [6 of 6]
GSA [General Services Administration]--Building Regulations [1 of 2]
GSA [General Services Administration]--Building Regulations [2 of 2]
Habeas Corpus
Hatch Act [I] [1 of 2] [1 of 5]
Hatch Act [I] [1 of 2] [2 of 5]
Hatch Act [I] [1 of 2] [3 of 5]
Hatch Act [I] [1 of 2] [4 of 5]
Hatch Act [I] [1 of 2] [5 of 5]

Box 41

Hatch Act [I] [2 of 2] [1 of 4]
Hatch Act [I] [2 of 2] [2 of 4]
Hatch Act [I] [2 of 2] [3 of 4]
Hatch Act [I] [2 of 2] [4 of 4]
Hatch Act [II] [1 of 3]
Hatch Act [II] [2 of 3]
Hatch Act [II] [3 of 3]
Hatch Act Revision [1 of 3]
Hatch Act Revision [2 of 3]
Hatch Act Revision [3 of 3]
Aircraft Hijacking [1 of 2]
Aircraft Hijacking [2 of 2]
Hidalgo, Edward
Hilliard Trial--Secret Service Involvement
Honoraria [White House Staff Acceptance of]
Hoover Retirement
Housing (3d Circuit Ct. of Appeals Opinion) [1971]

Box 42

HUD Section 235
FHA Funds: HUD--New Orleans
H.R. Hughes/McGraw-Hill [Hughes autobiography; Donald Nixon Loan; Hughes Medical Institute] [1 of 3]
H.R. Hughes/McGraw-Hill [Hughes autobiography; Donald Nixon Loan; Hughes Medical Institute] [2 of 3]
H.R. Hughes/McGraw-Hill [Hughes autobiography; Donald Nixon Loan; Hughes Medical Institute] [3 of 3]
Hughes Medical Institute [tax status of]
Immigrant Legislation
Immunity [1 of 2]
Immunity [2 of 2]
Immunity, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Impeachment of the President
Impounded Funds [1 of 9]
Impounded Funds [2 of 9]
Impounded Funds [3 of 9]
Impounded Funds [4 of 9]
Impounded Funds [5 of 9]
Impounded Funds [6 of 9]
Impounded Funds [7 of 9]
Impounded Funds [8 of 9]
Impounded Funds [9 of 9]
Index [to files withdrawn from and retained in the Dean safe, Room 84, OEOB]

Box 43

Indians [I] [Legislation, 1969]
Indians [II] ["Trail of Broken Treaties," 1972]
Insanity Amendments [Report of the Intra-Department Committee to Revise Chapter 313, Title 18, U.S.C.] [1 of 2]
Insanity Amendments [Report of the Intra-Department Committee to Revise Chapter 313, Title 18, U.S.C.] [2 of 2]
Inter-American Development Bank
[Summary Report, Questioned Activities in the Interior Department] [1 of 5]
[Summary Report, Questioned Activities in the Interior Department] [2 of 5]
[Summary Report, Questioned Activities in the Interior Department] [3 of 5]
[Summary Report, Questioned Activities in the Interior Department] [4 of 5]
[Summary Report, Questioned Activities in the Interior Department] [5 of 5]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [1 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [2 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [3 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [4 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [5 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [I] [6 of 6]
Internal Revenue Service [II] [1 of 5]
Internal Revenue Service [II] [2 of 5]
Internal Revenue Service [II] [3 of 5]
Internal Revenue Service [II] [4 of 5]
Internal Revenue Service [II] [5 of 5]

Box 44

IRS—Under withholding Problem [1 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [2 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [3 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [4 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [5 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [6 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [7 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [8 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [9 of 10]
IRS—Under withholding Problem [10 of 10]
International Agreements/Treaties [1 of 2]
International Agreements/Treaties [2 of 2]
International House--Saigon
ILA [International Longshoreman's Association] [1 of 2]
ILA [International Longshoreman's Association] [2 of 2]
ITT [I] [1 of 6]
ITT [I] [2 of 6]
ITT [I] [3 of 6]
ITT [I] [4 of 6]
ITT [I] [5 of 6]
ITT [I] [6 of 6]
ITT [II] [1 of 4]
ITT [II] [2 of 4]
ITT [II] [3 of 4]

Box 45

ITT [II] [4 of 4]
ITT—Chile [1 of 4]
ITT—Chile [2 of 4]
ITT—Chile [3 of 4]
ITT—Chile [4 of 4]
Executive Privilege, ITT/Chile
ITT—Chile (OPIC) [Empty]
ITT, Clippings [1 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [2 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [3 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [4 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [5 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [6 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [7 of 8]
ITT, Clippings [8 of 8]
File re Timmons [Republican National Convention/ITT] [1 of 5]
File re Timmons [Republican National Convention/ITT] [2 of 5]
File re Timmons [Republican National Convention/ITT] [3 of 5]

Box 46

File re Timmons [Republican National Convention/ITT] [4 of 5]
File re Timmons [Republican National Convention/ITT] [5 of 5]
Brown vs ITT
[ITT: Administration Merger Policy] [1 of 2]
[ITT: Administration Merger Policy] [2 of 2]
[ITT: Affidavits re Dita Beard]
[ITT: Dita Beard Testimony, Senate Judiciary Committee, 3/26/72]
[ITT: AP, UPI Wire Stories Re Dita Beard Memo]
[ITT] Fred Fielding, Eyes Only
ITT—Flanigan [1 of 4]
ITT—Flanigan [2 of 4]
ITT—Flanigan [3 of 4]
ITT—Flanigan [4 of 4]
Congressional Record, 3/14/72 [Draft Statement on ITT/Flanigan enclosed, p. 33890]
[Loose Memorandum, Correspondence re ITT]
ITT Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
ITT Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
ITT Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
[ITT: Kleindienst Confirmation Hearings] [1 of 2]
[ITT: Kleindienst Confirmation Hearings] [2 of 2]

Box 47

ITT—News Summary
[ITT], Photographs
ITT--Q and A [1 of 2]
ITT--Q and A [2 of 2]
[ITT--Q and A] [1 of 3]
[ITT--Q and A] [2 of 3]
[ITT--Q and A] [3 of 3]
Loose Papers from #18 [Republican National Convention/ITT] [1 of 5]
Loose Papers from #18 [Republican National Convention/ITT] [2 of 5]
Loose Papers from #18 [Republican National Convention/ITT] [3 of 5]
Loose Papers from #18 [Republican National Convention/ITT] [4 of 5]
Loose Papers from #18 [Republican National Convention/ITT] [5 of 5]
[ITT/Republican National Convention: Suggested Q's for Dita Beard]
[ITT/Republican National Convention] [1 of 4]
[ITT/Republican National Convention] [2 of 4]
[ITT/Republican National Convention] [3 of 4]
[ITT/Republican National Convention] [4 of 4]
1972 Convention [ITT/Republican National Convention]
ITT--SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] Investigations

Box 48

ITT--Summary of Testimony [1 of 2]
ITT--Summary of Testimony [2 of 2]
Interpol [1969-70]
Intertel [International Intelligence Incorporated]
JDL [Jewish Defense League]
Thomas F. Johnson [Commutation of Sentence of] [1 of 2]
Thomas F. Johnson [Commutation of Sentence of] [2 of 2]
Jolley vs INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service, re renunciation of American citizenship] [1 of 2]
Jolley vs INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service, re renunciation of American citizenship] [2 of 2]
Judicial Inability
Judicial Vacancies [1973]
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenders, JWD
Kehrli--Action Memo [Foreign Affairs (Bolivia, Columbia, Ethiopia, Spain), payment for Vietnam POW's, Government National Mortgage Association, Port Authority Trans Hudson Corporation, Peace Medal, appointments]
Kennedy vs Jones, et al. [1 of 5]
Kennedy vs Jones, et al. [2 of 5]

Box 49

Kennedy vs Jones, et al. [3 of 5]
Kennedy vs Jones, et al. [4 of 5]
Kennedy vs Jones, et al. [5 of 5]
Kennedy Investigation [Watergate]
Kent State [1 of 2]
Kent State [2 of 2]
Kidnap [Secret Service protection for First Family and administration members, 1970] [1 of 2]
Kidnap [Secret Service protection for First Family and administration members, 1970] [2 of 2]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [1 of 6]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [2 of 6]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [3 of 6]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [4 of 6]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [5 of 6]
Kingsley/Malek, Personnel Problems [6 of 6]
Kleindienst Nomination Hearing

Box 50

[Kleindienst Nomination Hearings, Senate Judiciary Committee, 3/26/72] [1 of 2]
[Kleindienst Nomination Hearings, Senate Judiciary Committee, 3/26/72] [2 of 2]
Koch, [Edward J.] [1 of 3]
Koch, [Edward J.] [2 of 3]
Koch, [Edward J.] [3 of 3]
Kunstler, William
Labor [1 of 3]
Labor [2 of 3]
Labor [3 of 3]
113W, Lafferty v. United States (Civil Action No. 2033-71) [Access to Government Middle East studies]
Law and Order
Law Day--1971
Law Library
Lawyers for RN [1 of 2]
Lawyers for RN [2 of 2]
Leaks [1 of 5]
Leaks [2 of 5]
Leaks [3 of 5]
Leaks [4 of 5]
Leaks [5 of 5]
"Legal Services Corporation Act"
Legislative Activities Disclosure Act

Box 51

Legislative Reorganization Act [1 of 4]
Legislative Reorganization Act [2 of 4]
Legislative Reorganization Act [3 of 4]
Legislative Reorganization Act [4 of 4]
LIG [Legislative Interdepartment Group] Meeting
Lithuanian Defector Case [1 of 2]
Lithuanian Defector Case [2 of 2]
158W Lobbying Act
[James] Lovell Speaking Tour
Loyalty Oath Cases
JWD--Mailing Lists [White House Staff and Friends]
Marihuana Commission [I]
Marihuana Commission [II] [1 of 4] [1 of 5]
Marihuana Commission [II] [1 of 4] [2 of 5]
Marihuana Commission [II] [1 of 4] [3 of 5]
Marihuana Commission [II] [1 of 4] [4 of 5]
Marihuana Commission [II] [1 of 4] [5 of 5]
Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [1 of 6]
Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [2 of 6]

Box 52

Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [3 of 6]
Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [4 of 6]
Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [5 of 6]
Marihuana Commission [II] [2 of 4] [6 of 6]
Marihuana Commission [II] [3 of 4] [1 of 3]
Marihuana Commission [II] [3 of 4] [2 of 3]
Marihuana Commission [II] [3 of 4] [3 of 3]
Marihuana Commission [II] [4 of 4] [1 of 4]
Marihuana Commission [II] [4 of 4] [2 of 4]
Marihuana Commission [II] [4 of 4] [3 of 4]
Marihuana Commission [II] [4 of 4] [4 of 4]
Sen. McGovern [1 of 4]
Sen. McGovern [2 of 4]
Sen. McGovern [3 of 4]
Sen. McGovern [4 of 4]
McGraw-Hill [Opinion Research Corp.]
Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [1 of 6]
Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [2 of 6]
Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [3 of 6]
Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [4 of 6]

Box 53

Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [5 of 6]
Memoranda to White House Staff [and Press Releases] [6 of 6]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [1 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [2 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [3 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [4 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [5 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [6 of 7]
147W Mink v. EPA [re access to Amchitha test documents] [7 of 7]
Miscellaneous Papers [Secret Service; Edward Kennedy and the IRS; use of the Presidential seal; etc.] [1 of 2]
Miscellaneous Papers [Secret Service; Edward Kennedy and the IRS; use of the Presidential seal; etc.] [2 of 2]
164W Miscellaneous [White House administrative matters; proposed "Youth Manifesto"] [1 of 3]
164W Miscellaneous [White House administrative matters; proposed "Youth Manifesto"] [2 of 3]
164W Miscellaneous [White House administrative matters; proposed "Youth Manifesto"] [3 of 3]
Mission Inn [Riverside, California]
Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [1 of 6]
Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [2 of 6]
Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [3 of 6]
Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [4 of 6]
Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [5 of 6]

Box 54

Nader vs Volpe [Air Bags] [6 of 6]
National Advisory Council on Education of Disadvantaged Children
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [1 of 3]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [2 of 3]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [3 of 3]
National Association of Real Estate Boards [1 of 2]
National Association of Real Estate Boards [2 of 2]
Budget--JWD, NCRFCL [National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Commission Correspondence, 1967-Feb. 1968, NCROFCL [National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Commission Correspondence, 3/68 thru 11/68, JWD [National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws] [Withdrawn and Returned]
JWD Corres.--Commission NCRFCL [National Commission on Reform
of Federal Criminal Laws] Nov. 1968-Feb. 1969 [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chrono, 8-17-67 to 2/4/69, NCRFCL [National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal Correspondence, NCRFCL [National Commission on Reform of Criminal Laws] [Withdrawn and Returned]
National Foundation of Law and Justice
NIH [National Institute of Health] Grant [Withdrawn and Returned]
NSDM [National Security Decision Memorandum]--Congressional Requests
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum] 108
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [I] [1 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [I] [2 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [I] [3 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [I] [4 of 4]

Box 55

NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [II] [1 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [II] [2 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [II] [3 of 4]
NSSM [National Security Study Memorandum]-113 [II] [4 of 4]
Newsmen's Privilege [1 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [2 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [3 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [4 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [5 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [6 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [7 of 8]
Newsmen's Privilege [8 of 8]
Nixon Crime Materials--"A Strategic Crime Control Program for a New Administration," by Richard M. Nixon, 10/21/68 [Withdrawn and Returned]
Nixon Crime Materials--Appendix Materials [I] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Nixon Crime Materials--Appendix Materials [II] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Nixon Crime Materials--RN Crime File [Withdrawn and Returned]
Nixon, Ed
[F. Donald Nixon]
[F. Donald Nixon] Hallamore Homes, Inc.
[Richard Nixon Presidential Library]
[President Nixon's Cape Florida Property]
Nixon Law Office Preservation, Inc.
Biography--Mrs. Nixon

Box 56

112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [I] [1 of 3]
112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [I] [2 of 3]
112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [I] [3 of 3]
112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [II] [1 of 3]
112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [II] [2 of 3]
112W, Northern Helex Co. v. United States [II] [3 of 3]
113W, Northern Helex Documents [1 of 4]
113W, Northern Helex Documents [2 of 4]
113W, Northern Helex Documents [3 of 4]
113W, Northern Helex Documents [4 of 4]
Nuclear Deployment Information and the Okinawa Treaty [1 of 2]
Nuclear Deployment Information and the Okinawa Treaty [2 of 2]
Obscenity [1 of 5]
Obscenity [2 of 5]

Box 57

Obscenity [3 of 5]
Obscenity [4 of 5]
Obscenity [5 of 5]
Obscenity, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Obscenity Commission [I]
Obscenity Commission [II] [1 of 5]
Obscenity Commission [II] [2 of 5]
Obscenity Commission [II] [3 of 5]
Obscenity Commission [II] [4 of 5]
Obscenity Commission [II] [5 of 5]
Obscenity Report (Illustrated)
159W Ocean Mammal Protection Act
Office [of Counsel to the President] Activities [1 of 2]
Office [of Counsel to the President] Activities [2 of 2]
157W Office of Legal Services [1 of 2]
157W Office of Legal Services [2 of 2]
Official Publication of Federal Enactments, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]

Box 58

Ombudsman [1 of 2]
Ombudsman [2 of 2]
Organized Crime [1 of 3]
Organized Crime [2 of 3]
Organized Crime [3 of 3]
Organized Crime--Ass't A.G. [1 of 3]
Organized Crime--Ass't A.G. [2 of 3]
Organized Crime--Ass't A.G. [3 of 3]
Patent Policy
161W Pen Pals and....
[Pentagon Papers] McNamara Papers (New York Times) [1 of 5]
[Pentagon Papers] McNamara Papers (New York Times) [2 of 5]
[Pentagon Papers] McNamara Papers (New York Times) [3 of 5]
[Pentagon Papers] McNamara Papers (New York Times) [4 of 5]
[Pentagon Papers] McNamara Papers (New York Times) [5 of 5]
[Pentagon Papers] U.S. v Russo/Ellsberg
160W Times/Post Correspondence on Pentagon Papers [1 of 5]
160W Times/Post Correspondence on Pentagon Papers [2 of 5]

Box 59

160W Times/Post Correspondence on Pentagon Papers [3 of 5]
160W Times/Post Correspondence on Pentagon Papers [4 of 5]
160W Times/Post Correspondence on Pentagon Papers [5 of 5]
Photograph (Presidential)
Pictures--White House Staff [1 of 2]
Pictures--White House Staff [2 of 2]
Pledge of Allegiance Amendment [1 of 2]
Pledge of Allegiance Amendment [2 of 2]
Pocket Veto [1 of 5]
Pocket Veto [2 of 5]
Pocket Veto [3 of 5]
Pocket Veto [4 of 5]
Pocket Veto [5 of 5]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [1 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [2 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [3 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [4 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [5 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [6 of 10]

Box 60

[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [7 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [8 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [9 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [I] [10 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [1 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [2 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [3 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [4 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [5 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [6 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [7 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [8 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [9 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [I] [re his Congressional Career] [II] [10 of 10]
[Richard] Poff [II] [1 of 2]
[Richard] Poff [II] [2 of 2]
[Richard Poff] [1 of 4]
[Richard Poff] [2 of 4]
[Richard Poff] [3 of 4]

Box 61

[Richard Poff] [4 of 4]
Police Protection/Legislation
Political Contributions
Political Contributions--Tax Consequences [1 of 3]
Political Contributions--Tax Consequences [2 of 3]
Political Contributions--Tax Consequences [3 of 3]
Pollution (EPA)
Postal Service [I] [1 of 4]
Postal Service [I] [2 of 4]
Postal Service [I] [3 of 4]
Postal Service [I] [4 of 4]
Postal Service [II] [1 of 4]
Postal Service [II] [2 of 4]
Postal Service [II] [3 of 4]
Postal Service [II] [4 of 4]
Postal Service [III] [1 of 4]
Postal Service [III] [2 of 4]

Box 62

Postal Service [III] [3 of 4]
Postal Service [III] [4 of 4]
Postal Service/Flanigan
Potomac Associates
Paul Powell
[Federal] Pre-emption [of State Laws], JWD
Presidential Appointments--Special Collections
Pres. Libraries [divider]
Presidential Papers
Presidential Papers (LBJ)
Presidential Schedule [1 of 2]
Presidential Schedule [2 of 2]
Presidential Transition Act
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, 1969-70 [contains only the following subfolder]
[Draft: “A New Regulatory Framework” – Hon. Peter M. Flanigan] [1 of 4]
[Draft: “A New Regulatory Framework” – Hon. Peter M. Flanigan] [2 of 4]
[Draft: “A New Regulatory Framework” – Hon. Peter M. Flanigan] [3 of 4]
[Draft: “A New Regulatory Framework” – Hon. Peter M. Flanigan] [4 of 4]
Press Inquiries
Press Releases--Jan. 1973
[Press Releases] January 1973 [1 of 3]

Box 63

[Press Releases] January 1973 [2 of 3]
[Press Releases] January 1973 [3 of 3]
Press Releases--Feb. 1973 [1 of 4]
Press Releases--Feb. 1973 [2 of 4]
Press Releases--Feb. 1973 [3 of 4]
Press Releases--Feb. 1973 [4 of 4]
[Press Releases] February 1973 [1 of 4]
[Press Releases] February 1973 [2 of 4]
[Press Releases] February 1973 [3 of 4]
[Press Releases] February 1973 [4 of 4]
Printing and Distribution of Presidential Documents [1 of 5]
Printing and Distribution of Presidential Documents [2 of 5]
Printing and Distribution of Presidential Documents [3 of 5]
Printing and Distribution of Presidential Documents [4 of 5]
Printing and Distribution of Presidential Documents [5 of 5]
Private Counsel Issue [1 of 3]

Box 64

Private Counsel Issue [2 of 3]
Private Counsel Issue [3 of 3]
Property Review Board [1 of 7]
Property Review Board [2 of 7]
Property Review Board [3 of 7]
Property Review Board [4 of 7]
Property Review Board [5 of 7]
Property Review Board [6 of 7]
Property Review Board [7 of 7]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [1 of 6]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [2 of 6]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [3 of 6]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [4 of 6]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [5 of 6]
Property Review Board—Beltsville [6 of 6]
Protection—Cabinet Members [1 of 4]
Protection—Cabinet Members [2 of 4]
Protection—Cabinet Members [3 of 4]
Protection—Cabinet Members [4 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Dignitaries [1 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Dignitaries [2 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Dignitaries [3 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Dignitaries [4 of 4]

Box 65Protection--Foreign Heads of State [I] [1 of 5]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [I] [2 of 5]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [I] [3 of 5]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [I] [4 of 5]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [I] [5 of 5]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [II] [1 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [II] [2 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [II] [3 of 4]
Protection—Foreign Heads of State [II] [4 of 4]
Protection—Major Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates [1 of 3]
Protection—Major Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates [2 of 3]
Protection—Major Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates [3 of 3]
Protection of UN Missions [1 of 3]
Protection of UN Missions [2 of 3]
Protection of UN Missions [3 of 3]

Box 66

Protection—25th UN Anniversary [1 of 6]
Protection—25th UN Anniversary [2 of 6]
Protection—25th UN Anniversary [3 of 6]
Protection—25th UN Anniversary [4 of 6]
Protection—25th UN Anniversary [5 of 6]
Protection—25th UN Anniversary [6 of 6]
Public Interest Law Firms [1 of 3]
Public Interest Law Firms [2 of 3]
Public Interest Law Firms [3 of 3]
Puerto Rico [1 of 2]
Puerto Rico [2 of 2]
Questions and Answers for Pres. Press Conf., 4/21/72
Racial Problems in the Military [1 of 6]
Racial Problems in the Military [2 of 6]
Racial Problems in the Military [3 of 6]
Racial Problems in the Military [4 of 6]
Racial Problems in the Military [5 of 6]
Racial Problems in the Military [6 of 6]
RFE [Radio Free Europe]/ RL [Radio Liberty]
Rail Passenger Corporation [1 of 3]
Rail Passenger Corporation [2 of 3]
Rail Passenger Corporation [3 of 3]

Box 67

Recess Appointments [1 of 2]
Recess Appointments [2 of 2]
Reale, Major Dante S. [1 of 3]
Reale, Major Dante S. [2 of 3]
Reale, Major Dante S. [3 of 3]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), I] [1 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), I] [2 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [1 of 4] [1 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [1 of 4] [2 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [2 of 4] [1 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [2 of 4] [2 of 2]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [3 of 4] [1 of 3]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [3 of 4] [2 of 3]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [3 of 4] [3 of 3]

Box 68

[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [4 of 4] [1 of 3]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [4 of 4] [2 of 3]
[Bebe Rebozo (Monroe Land and Title Company), II] [4 of 4] [3 of 3]
144W RECAT [Committee on Cumulative Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automotive Transportation] [1 of 3]
144W RECAT [Committee on Cumulative Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automotive Transportation] [2 of 3]
144W RECAT [Committee on Cumulative Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automotive Transportation] [3 of 3]
Recording Devices on Telephones [1970]
Removal of Commissioners, U.S. Attorney and Marshalls, Comptroller of the Currency Reorganization--1972/73 [1 of 2]
Removal of Commissioners, U.S. Attorney and Marshalls, Comptroller of the Currency Reorganization--1972/73 [2 of 2]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [I] [1 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [I] [2 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [I] [3 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [I] [4 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [II] [1 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [II] [2 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [II] [3 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [II] [4 of 4]

Box 69

REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [III] [1 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [III] [2 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [III] [3 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [III] [4 of 4]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [IV] [1 of 3]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [IV] [2 of 3]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [IV] [3 of 3]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [V] [1 of 3]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [V] [2 of 3]
REORGANIZATION--1972/73 [V] [3 of 3]
[Republican National Convention, 1972: License Plates] [Withdrawn and Returned]
[Memo, 3/2/72, re Law Enforcement Planning at the Republican National Convention, San Diego]
Republican Task Force on Crime, JWD [Withdrawn and Returned]
Revenue Sharing, Special [1 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [2 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [3 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [4 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [5 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [6 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [7 of 15]

Box 70

Revenue Sharing, Special [8 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [9 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [10 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [11 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [12 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [13 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [14 of 15]
Revenue Sharing, Special [15 of 15]
417--Rhodes, Gov. James and IRS
Rhodesia/Byrd Amendment, E.O. 11322 [1 of 2]
Rhodesia/Byrd Amendment, E.O. 11322 [2 of 2]
Right to Privacy
Riland, Dr. Kenneth W.
Russia Trip--Motion Picture Contract [1 of 3]
Russia Trip--Motion Picture Contract [2 of 3]
Russia Trip--Motion Picture Contract [3 of 3]
Scanlan's Magazine [1 of 3]

Box 71

Scanlan's Magazine [2 of 3]
Scanlan's Magazine [3 of 3]
Schick vs George J. Reed [re Presidential pardon power]
School Desegregation-1971 [1 of 3]
School Desegregation-1971 [2 of 3]
School Desegregation-1971 [3 of 3]
School Prayer Amendment
SCOPE [Student Council on Pollution and Environment]
Schorr, Daniel [1 of 4]
Schorr, Daniel [2 of 4]
Schorr, Daniel [3 of 4]
Schorr, Daniel [4 of 4]
"Seals" (Mammals!)
Secret Service
Secret Service-CIA Coordination
Secret Service/EPS Security Reports
Secret Service Liaison--WH
Secret Service/Monthly Reports
Secret Service Precautions--President
Secret Service Protection (Classified)

Box 72

Secret Service Suggestions--White House Security
Security [of government information] [1 of 5]
Security [of government information] [2 of 5]
Security [of government information] [3 of 5]
Security [of government information] [4 of 5]
Security [of government information] [5 of 5]
Security--New EOB
"SEC [Security and Exchange Commission]—Competitive Rates" [1 of 2]
"SEC [Security and Exchange Commission]—Competitive Rates" [2 of 2]
SEC [Security and Exchange Commission]/Legislative Agenda
Securities Investor Protection Corp.
Sequoia Replacement [1 of 2]
Sequoia Replacement [2 of 2]
"Setting the Course" [Withdrawn and Returned]
Shearson-Hammill [Withdrawn and Returned]
Ship Building Contracts
[Hugh] Sloan [1973]
Life Mag.--C. Arnholdt Smith [1 of 2]
Life Mag.--C. Arnholdt Smith [2 of 2]
165W Soucie v. David [re release of the Garwin Report (about impact of the Supersonic Transport)] [1 of 5]
165W Soucie v. David [re release of the Garwin Report (about impact of the Supersonic Transport)] [2 of 5]
165W Soucie v. David [re release of the Garwin Report (about impact of the Supersonic Transport)] [3 of 5]
165W Soucie v. David [re release of the Garwin Report (about impact of the Supersonic Transport)] [4 of 5]
165W Soucie v. David [re release of the Garwin Report (about impact of the Supersonic Transport)] [5 of 5]

Box 73

Spanish-Speaking People, Tony Rodriguez
Special Sessions of Congress
Speeches [1 of 2]
Speeches [2 of 2]
Staff Contacts with Regulatory Agencies [1 of 2]
Staff Contacts with Regulatory Agencies [2 of 2]
[Standards of Conduct] Confidential Report of Empl[oyment] and Financial Interests (WH), 1971 [1 of 3]
[Standards of Conduct] Confidential Report of Empl[oyment] and Financial Interests (WH), 1971 [2 of 3]
[Standards of Conduct] Confidential Report of Empl[oyment] and Financial Interests (WH), 1971 [3 of 3]
[Standards of Conduct] Confidential Report of Empl[oyment] and Financial Interests (Domestic Council), 1971
[Maurice] Stans [1972]
State Profiles [1 of 4]
State Profiles [2 of 4]
State Profiles [3 of 4]
State Profiles [4 of 4]
[State Reporting Requirements--N. Carolina/1972]
State Requirements--Political Advertisements and Handbills [1 of 2]
State Requirements--Political Advertisements and Handbills [2 of 2]
State of the Union--January 1972

Box 74

SALT Agreements [1 of 3]
SALT Agreements [2 of 3]
SALT Agreements [3 of 3]
SALT Standstill Agreement
Subversive Activities Control Board [1 of 4]
Subversive Activities Control Board [2 of 4]
Subversive Activities Control Board [3 of 4]
Subversive Activities Control Board [4 of 4]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [I] [1 of 2]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [I] [2 of 2]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [II] [1 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [II] [2 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [II] [3 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [II] [4 of 5]

Box 75

SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [II] [5 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [III] [1 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [III] [2 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [III] [3 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [III] [4 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [III] [5 of 5]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [IV] [1 of 4]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [IV] [2 of 4]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [IV] [3 of 4]
SACB [Subversive Activities Control Board] [IV] [4 of 4]
Supreme Court Appointments [1 of 6]
Supreme Court Appointments [2 of 6]
Supreme Court Appointments [3 of 6]
Supreme Court Appointments [4 of 6]
Supreme Court Appointments [5 of 6]

Box 76

Supreme Court Appointments [6 of 6]
Supreme Court Vacancies [1 of 4]
Supreme Court Vacancies [2 of 4]
Supreme Court Vacancies [3 of 4]
Supreme Court Vacancies [4 of 4]
Taft-Hartley/Dock Strikes, 1971 [1 of 2]
Taft-Hartley/Dock Strikes, 1971 [2 of 2]
Taft-Hartley Injunction--Dock Strikes, 10/71
Tariff Commission Proceedings
Tariff Issues and Answers [1 of 3]
Tariff Issues and Answers [2 of 3]
Tariff Issues and Answers [3 of 3]
Task Force on Productivity and Competition, Feb. 18, 1969
Tax Reforms/Charitable Deductions [1 of 2]
Tax Reforms/Charitable Deductions [2 of 2]
Terrorism Acts (International)
Textile Product Imports (President's Authority to Impose Restrictions) [1 of 2]
Textile Product Imports (President's Authority to Impose Restrictions) [2 of 2]

Box 77

Threats Against the President
Timberlake, Katherine
Timmons [Empty]
162W Tjernagel Family [re recompense for home destroyed by Iowa National Guard jet]
Travel Forms [1 of 3]
Travel Forms [2 of 3]
Travel Forms [3 of 3]
Travel Procedures for White House
Travel Restrictions (foreign)
Treaty, U.S.-Spain
Unauthorized Entry/W.H. Complex
UN, re Security of Missions, Draft Resolutions
U.S. Congress, JWD [pre-Presidential news clippings] [Withdrawn and Returned]
U.S. v. Philip M. Bailey [re call girl ring]
[Valenti, Jack]
Vanik Amendment [re Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and foreign emigration policy] [1 of 2]
Vanik Amendment [re Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and foreign emigration policy] [2 of 2]
163W VA Hospital Disaster Legislation
145W Vietnam Veterans Against the War v. Laird
Voter Registration Bills [1 of 3]
Voter Registration Bills [2 of 3]
Voter Registration Bills [3 of 3]
Bills Relating to Federal Voter Registration [1 of 5]
Bills Relating to Federal Voter Registration [2 of 5]
Bills Relating to Federal Voter Registration [3 of 5]

Box 78

Bills Relating to Federal Voter Registration [4 of 5]
Bills Relating to Federal Voter Registration [5 of 5]
Voting Rights Act [1 of 4]
Voting Rights Act [2 of 4]
Voting Rights Act [3 of 4]
Voting Rights Act [4 of 4]
Voting Rights Act of 1970
[Voting Rights, Sen. Brooke's Bill]
Waldron, Agnes
Gov. George Wallace [1972] [1 of 2]
Gov. George Wallace [1972] [2 of 2]
War Powers [1 of 2]
War Powers [2 of 2]
War Powers of the President [I] [1 of 5]
War Powers of the President [I] [2 of 5]
War Powers of the President [I] [3 of 5]
War Powers of the President [I] [4 of 5]
War Powers of the President [I] [5 of 5]
War Powers of the President [II] [1 of 4]

Box 79

War Powers of the President [II] [2 of 4]
War Powers of the President [II] [3 of 4]
War Powers of the President [II] [4 of 4]
Warren Commission
[Watergate: Report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency] [1 of 5]
[Watergate: Report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency] [2 of 5]
[Watergate: Report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency] [3 of 5]
[Watergate: Report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency] [4 of 5]
[Watergate: Report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency] [5 of 5]
Watergate Pleadings [I] [1 of 2]
Watergate Pleadings [I] [2 of 2]
Watergate Pleadings [II] [1 of 3]
Watergate Pleadings [II] [2 of 3]
Watergate Pleadings [II] [3 of 3]
Watergate Pleadings [III] [1 of 4]
Watergate Pleadings [III] [2 of 4]
Watergate Pleadings [III] [3 of 4]

Box 80

Watergate Pleadings [III] [4 of 4]
Watergate Press Releases [I] [1 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [I] [2 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [I] [3 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [I] [4 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [I] [5 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [II] [1 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [II] [2 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [II] [3 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [II] [4 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [II] [5 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [III] [1 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [III] [2 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [III] [3 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [III] [4 of 5]
Watergate Press Releases [III] [5 of 5]
[Watergate Press Releases]

Box 81

Watergate Related
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord, and related cases] [1 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord, and related cases] [2 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord, and related cases] [3 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [I] [1 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [I] [2 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [I] [3 of 3]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [II] [1 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [II] [2 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [II] [3 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [II] [4 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [III] [1 of 5]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [III] [2 of 5]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [III] [3 of 5]

Box 82

[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [III] [4 of 5]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [III] [5 of 5]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [IV] [1 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [IV] [2 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [IV] [3 of 4]
[Watergate: Democratic National Committee vs. James McCord] [IV] [4 of 4]
Water Quality Bill
Weninger v. Nixon [1972]
West Wing Improvements
Professor [John W.] Whalen
W.H. Computer Project
White House Christmas Gifts--1970
White House Fellowship
WH File (continuing) [Primary dates; Gray nomination hearings; executive privilege; etc.]
White House Historical Association
White House Office Budget [1 of 2]
White House Office Budget [2 of 2]
White House Office Papers [1 of 2]
White House Office Papers [2 of 2]
White House Stationery
White House Tour Route

Box 83

Whitney, Jonathan Dwight
Who's Who [Withdrawn and Returned]
Will Wilson [re corruption charge] [1 of 3]
Will Wilson [re corruption charge] [2 of 3]
Will Wilson [re corruption charge] [3 of 3]
[Wiretapping] Questionnaires (from Wash. Post re wiretapping)
Wolf Trap Farm Park
Work Assignment and Tickler Sheet
Work Papers [1972 Campaign; Watergate; Attorney-Client Privilege; ITT; Presidential Inability; Howard Hunt; Ronald Reagan] [1 of 4]
Work Papers [1972 Campaign; Watergate; Attorney-Client Privilege; ITT; Presidential Inability; Howard Hunt; Ronald Reagan] [2 of 4]
Work Papers [1972 Campaign; Watergate; Attorney-Client Privilege; ITT; Presidential Inability; Howard Hunt; Ronald Reagan] [3 of 4]
Work Papers [1972 Campaign; Watergate; Attorney-Client Privilege; ITT; Presidential Inability; Howard Hunt; Ronald Reagan] [4 of 4]
Wounded Knee, 3/73
Xerox [documents left in the machine]
Youth [I] [1 of 3]
Youth [I] [2 of 3]
Youth [I] [3 of 3]
Youth [II] [1 of 3]

Box 84

Youth [II] [2 of 3]
Youth [II] [3 of 3]
Youth [III] [1 of 3]
Youth [III] [2 of 3]
Youth [III] [3 of 3]


Box 85

[Memorandum, CIA to Huston, 7 August 1969, Arab Attempts to Foster Anti-Semitism]
[Memorandum, Helms to Huston, 12 August 1970, on Arab Extremists]
Air Force
Project Alpha
Project Alpha/Black Panthers
Project Alpha/Black Power/Cuba
Project Alpha/Black Power/Europe
Project Alpha/European Based Anti-war Actvities (U.S. Nat[ionals])
Project Alpha/International Union of Students
Project Alpha/Ninth World Youth Festival
Project Alpha/San Francisco State [College], Violence Commission
Project Alpha/U.S. Deserters in Sweden
Project Alpha/Stokley Charmichael [Stokely Carmichael]
Project Alpha/Western Hemisphere Conf. to End War in V.N., 28 Nov.-1 Dec. '68, Montreal
Army [1 of 2]
Army [2 of 2]
[Reports on Black Organizations] [1 of 2]
[Reports on Black Organizations] [2 of 3]
[Reports on Black Organizations] [3 of 3]
Black Panthers
Black Radicalism in the Caribbean
Brown Engineers-Saudi Arabia Contract
91W, BIA [Bureau of Indian Affairs] Occupation [1 of 3]
91W, BIA [Bureau of Indian Affairs] Occupation [2 of 3]
91W, BIA [Bureau of Indian Affairs] Occupation [3 of 3]
92W, Cannikin Documents

Box 86

93W, Chinese Intelligence Study
Civil Disorder Task Force Operations Manual [I] [1 of 2]
Civil Disorder Task Force Operations Manual [I] [2 of 2]
Civil Disorder Task Force Operations Manual [II] [1 of 3]
Civil Disorder Task Force Operations Manual [II] [2 of 3]
Civil Disorder Task Force Operations Manual [II] [3 of 3]
Civil Disorder [1 of 3]
Civil Disorder [2 of 3]
Civil Disorder [3 of 3]
Civil Disorders [1 of 5]
Civil Disorders [2 of 5]
Civil Disorders [3 of 5]
Civil Disorders [4 of 5]
Civil Disorders [5 of 5]
79W Civil Disturbance Information (Justice) [1 of 2]
79W Civil Disturbance Information (Justice) [2 of 2]

Box 87

CBS [Columbia Broadcasting System] Plot to Invade Haiti
Communist Infiltration of Labor Movement [1 of 2]
Communist Infiltration of Labor Movement [2 of 2]
CPUSA [Communist Party, USA]
94W Communist Party Study
Congress of African Peoples
Cost of Demonstrations-May 1971 (Confidential) [1 of 2]
Cost of Demonstrations-May 1971 (Confidential) [2 of 2]
DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency]
D.C. Demonstrations Reimbursement--July 1971 (Unclassified)
Demonstration--10/15/69--Wash. D.C. [1 of 3]
Demonstration--10/15/69--Wash. D.C. [2 of 3]
Demonstration--10/15/69--Wash. D.C. [3 of 3]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [I] [1 of 4]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [I] [2 of 4]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [I] [3 of 4]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [I] [4 of 4]

Box 88

Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [1 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [2 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [3 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [4 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [5 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [6 of 7]
Demonstration--November, 1969, Wash. D.C. [II] [7 of 7]
Demonstration--5/9/70, Wash. D.C. [1 of 5]
Demonstration--5/9/70, Wash. D.C. [2 of 5]
Demonstration--5/9/70, Wash. D.C. [3 of 5]
Demonstration--5/9/70, Wash. D.C. [4 of 5]
Demonstration--5/9/70, Wash. D.C. [5 of 5]
Demonstration--7/4/70, Wash. D.C., "Honor America Day"
Demonstration--9/1/70, Portland, Ore.
Demonstration Contingency Plan--D.C.

Box 89

1970 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (Secret) 1 [1 of 3]
1970 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (Secret) 1 [2 of 3]
1970 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (Secret) 1 [3 of 3]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 1 of 3 Files (Confidential) [1 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 1 of 3 Files (Confidential) [2 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 1 of 3 Files (Confidential) [3 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 1 of 3 Files (Confidential) [4 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 1 of 3 Files (Confidential) [5 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [1 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [2 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [3 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [4 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [5 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [6 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [7 of 8]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 2 of 3 Files (Secret) [8 of 8]

Box 90

Demonstrations--May 1971, 3 of 3 Files (Secret) [1 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 3 of 3 Files (Secret) [2 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 3 of 3 Files (Secret) [3 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 3 of 3 Files (Secret) [4 of 5]
Demonstrations--May 1971, 3 of 3 Files (Secret) [5 of 5]
Fall 1971 Demonstration (Secret) [1 of 3]
Fall 1971 Demonstration (Secret) [2 of 3]
Fall 1971 Demonstration (Secret) [3 of 3]
1971 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (General) (Secret) 4 [1 of 5]
1971 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (General) (Secret) 4 [2 of 5]
1971 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (General) (Secret) 4 [3 of 5]
1971 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (General) (Secret) 4 [4 of 5]
1971 Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence (General) (Secret) 4 [5 of 5]
Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [1 of 6]

Box 91

Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [2 of 6]
Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [3 of 6]
Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [4 of 6]
Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [5 of 6]
Demonstrations--April, May 1972 (Secret) [6 of 6]
107W Demonstrations at Inauguration, '73 (1) [1 of 4]
107W Demonstrations at Inauguration, '73 (1) [2 of 4]
107W Demonstrations at Inauguration, '73 (1) [3 of 4]
107W Demonstrations at Inauguration, '73 (1) [4 of 4]
108W Demonstrations at Inauguration (2) [1 of 4]
108W Demonstrations at Inauguration (2) [2 of 4]
108W Demonstrations at Inauguration (2) [3 of 4]
108W Demonstrations at Inauguration (2) [4 of 4]
95W Demonstrations--(General)

Box 92

90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [1 of 6]
90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [2 of 6]
90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [3 of 6]
90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [4 of 6]
90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [5 of 6]
90W Demonstrations--USSS [United States Secret Service] [6 of 6]
Demonstration Intelligence--Classified FBI Summaries
Demonstrations Regulations and Civil Disturbance Control Training (Unclassified) 3
Disclosure of Information (Unauthorized) Re Pentagon Papers [1 of 2]
Disclosure of Information (Unauthorized) Re Pentagon Papers [2 of 2]
89W D.C. Office of Civil Defense
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [I] [1 of 4]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [I] [2 of 4]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [I] [3 of 4]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [I] [4 of 4]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II] [1 of 6]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 Un[classified]) [II] [2 of 6]

Box 93

Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II] [3 of 6]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II] [4 of 6]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II] [5 of 6]
Disturbances During Republican National Convention--August 1972 (Un[classified]) [II] [6 of 6]
Domestic Intelligence Advisory Board
Report of Adhoc Committee on Domestic Intelligence, June 1970
Executive Order and Presidential Proclamation--May 1971 (Unclassified)
80W FBI--Civil Unrest--Acts of Violence [1 of 3]
80W FBI--Civil Unrest--Acts of Violence [2 of 3]
80W FBI--Civil Unrest--Acts of Violence [3 of 3]
81W FBI--Current Intelligence Analysis
82W FBI--Digest of Civil Disorders
83W FBI--Extremist Activities [1 of 2]
83W FBI--Extremist Activities [2 of 2]
85W FBI--Intelligence Calendar
84W FBI--Protest Activity
Fountain Amendment—ICBM

Box 94

Intelligence Activities--Domestic Military [1 of 4]
Intelligence Activities--Domestic Military [2 of 4]
Intelligence Activities--Domestic Military [3 of 4]
Intelligence Activities--Domestic Military [4 of 4]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [1 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [2 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [3 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [4 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [5 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [6 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [7 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [8 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [I] [9 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [1 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [2 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [3 of 9]

Box 95

Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [4 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [5 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [6 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [7 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [8 of 9]
Miscellaneous Intelligence [II] [9 of 9]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [1 of 6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [2 of 6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [3 of 6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [4 of 6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [5 of 6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee [6 of 6]
86W IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Estimates [1 of 2]
86W IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Estimates [2 of 2]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Estimates, Charter and Procedures
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on May 1971
Demonstrations (S[ecret]), 4a [1 of 4]
Demonstrations (S[ecret]), 4a [2 of 4]
Demonstrations (S[ecret]), 4a [3 of 4]

Box 96

IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on May 1971 Demonstrations (S[ecret]), 4a [4 of 4]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Democratic National Convention (Secret) [1 of 3]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Democratic National Convention (Secret) [2 of 3]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Democratic National Convention (Secret) [3 of 3]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [1 of 5]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [2 of 5]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [3 of 5]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [4 of 5]
IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports on Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [5 of 5]
78W IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports—Terrorist Attacks [1 of 3]
78W IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports—Terrorist Attacks [2 of 3]
78W IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports—Terrorist Attacks [3 of 3]
Miscellaneous IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports, 1971-1972 (S[ecret]) [1 of 4]
Miscellaneous IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports, 1971-1972 (S[ecret]) [2 of 4]
Miscellaneous IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports, 1971-1972 (S[ecret]) [3 of 4]
Miscellaneous IEC [Intelligence Evaluation Committee] Reports, 1971-1972 (S[ecret]) [4 of 4]

Box 97

Ku Klux Klan
Vice President Ky Visit--Oct. 3, 1970 (Confidential), 2
96W Libyan Funding of the Nation of Islam
"Majority Coalition"--May 1972 (Unclassified)
Military and Other Security Arrangements for Convention (C[onfidential]) [1 of 2]
Military and Other Security Arrangements for Convention (C[onfidential]) [2 of 2]
Movement of Democratic Military [Empty]
97W Name Trace Requests
NSA [National Security Agency]
National Student Association
88W Park Service Notices/Permits
87W Park Services--Calendar of Events
Tom Pauken [1 of 2]
Tom Pauken [2 of 2]
People's Army Jamboree
Potential Disruptions--Democratic National Convention (C[onfidential]) [1 of 2]
Potential Disruptions--Democratic National Convention (C[onfidential]) [2 of 2]
Presidential Memoranda
Racial Disturbances in Secondary Schools
RNC Convention--Intelligence [I] [1 of 4]
RNC Convention--Intelligence [I] [2 of 4]
RNC Convention--Intelligence [I] [3 of 4]

Box 98

RNC Convention--Intelligence [I] [4 of 4]
RNC Convention--Intelligence [II, Military Support]
RNC Convention--Intelligence--Misc. [1 of 2]
RNC Convention--Intelligence--Misc. [2 of 2]
Pre-Convention Intelligence, Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [1 of 4]
Pre-Convention Intelligence, Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [2 of 4]
Pre-Convention Intelligence, Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [3 of 4]
Pre-Convention Intelligence, Republican National Convention (S[ecret]) [4 of 4]
[Republican and Democratic Conventions] LEAA Pre-Convention Planning (U[nclassified]) [1 of 2]
[Republican and Democratic Conventions] LEAA Pre-Convention Planning (U[nclassified]) [2 of 2]
Riots [1 of 4]
Riots [2 of 4]
Riots [3 of 4]
Riots [4 of 4]
98W Secret Service (misc.)
Soviet Intelligence Activities

Box 99

Statistical Analysis of Student Disorders [1 of 2]
Statistical Analysis of Student Disorders [2 of 2]
Student Activity in Western Europe
Summer--1971 (Long, Hot)
[Threats Against Ambassadors] [1 of 4]
[Threats Against Ambassadors] [2 of 4]
[Threats Against Ambassadors] [3 of 4]
[Threats Against Ambassadors] [4 of 4]
[Partial Report of Uruguay Kidnappings and Assassination]
99W Vietnam End-the-War Amendments
White Extremist Organizations
WH Conf. on Youth--April 1971
100W White House Press Passes [1 of 3]
100W White House Press Passes [2 of 3]
100W White House Press Passes [3 of 3]
Chief Jerry Wilson's Salary (Unclassified)
Domestic Intelligence [Divider]


Box 100

White House Staff [Divider]
A [Divider]
Allen, Richard V.
Alexander, A[ndrew] Lamar, Jr.
Allin, Lyndon King
Anderson, [Martin Carl]
B [Divider]
Ball, Neal
Banuelos, Ramona [1 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [2 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [3 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [4 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [5 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [6 of 7]
Banuelos, Ramona [7 of 7]
Barker, Desmond
Baroody, William J., Jr.
Bill Blair
Blair, C, Stanley
Blekesmith, Ed
Blount, Winton M.
Brown, John
Brown, Robert J.
Buchanan, Patrick
Bull, Stephen
Dr. [Arthur F.] Burns
C [Divider]
Cashen, Henry
Chapin, Dwight
John Clarke
Cole, Jack T. (Tom)
Cole, Kenneth
Cowen, Eugene S.
Colson, Charles [1 of 4]
Colson, Charles [2 of 4]
Colson, Charles [3 of 4]
Colson, Charles [4 of 4]

Box 101

D [Divider]
D'Arcy, John P.
David, Edward E., Jr
Davies, John S.
Dean, John W.,III
Dent, [Harry]
Art[hur T.] Downey, [III]
Droge, Dolf
DuBridge, Lee A.
Dunn, Lawrence H.
E [Divider]
Ehrlichman, John D.
Elam, Harriet L.
Ellsworth, Robert
F [Divider]
Falk, James H.
Farrell, Mike [Michael J.]
Fielding, Fred F.
Flemming, Harry
G [Divider]
Garment, Leonard
Gavin, William F.
Gergen, Dave [David R.]
Glennon, Keith
Grubb, Dale
H [Divider]
Haig, Al[exander M., Jr.]
Haldeman, Robert [sic, Harry Robbins]
Elizabeth Hanford
Harper, Ed
Hasek, Eliska
Hess, Stephen
Van Der Heuvel, [Gerry]
Higby, Larry [Lawrence M.]
Hofgren, [David W.]
Houthakker, Hendrik S.
Howard, W. Richard
Heubner, Lee William
Humes, James C.
Jon Huntsman
Huston, Tom Charles
I [Divider]
J [Divider]
Jones, Jerry
K [Divider]
Kahn, Roger
Kissinger, Henry A.
Klein, Herb[ert G.]
Knauer, Virginia H.
Korologos, Tom
W. R. Kriegsman
L [Divider]
Lehman, John
Lincoln, G[eorge] A., Col.
Low, Susanne M.
Mc [Divider]
McCain, Wesley G.
McCracken, Paul W.
McLaughlin, John
M [Divider]
Clark MacGregor
Magruder, William M.
Martin, Joseph, Jr.
Robert P. Mayo
Mead, Dana
Milbank, Jerry
Miller, David C.
Minnick, Walter C.
Moore, Richard A.
Dapray Muir
Donald R. Murdock
N [Divider]
Nesbitt, Jack
Newton, Elizabeth
Nidecker, John E.

Box 102

O [Divider]
P [Divider]
Pagnotta, Frank R.
Parker, David
Phelan, Wanda
Price, John Roy, Jr.
Price, Raymond K.
Q [Divider]
R [Divider]
S [Divider]
Safire, William
Savell, Virginia S.
Scott, Stan[ley] S.
Scouten, Rex W.
Sears, John
Simmons, Barbara L.
Sloan, Hugh
Snyder, Alvin--Affidavits
Stuart, Charles
T [Divider]
Thompson, Herbert L.
Timmons, Bill [William E.]
Toner, Albert P.
U [Divider]
Unger, Sherman, General Counsel, HUD
V [Divider]
W [Divider]
Waldmann, Raymond J.
Warren, Gerald Lee
Whelihan, James Bruce
White, Margareta E.
Whitehead, Clay T. (Tom)
Wilkinson, Bud [Charles B.]
Wilkinson, Jay
Woods, Rose [Mary]
XYZ [Divider]
Zartman, Leonard S., Jr.
Ziegler, Ron[ald L.]
Conflicts Chrono—1971 [1 of 2]
Conflicts Chrono—1971 [2 of 2]
Conflicts Chrono—Jan. to Jun. 1972 [1 of 2]
Conflicts Chrono—Jan. to Jun. 1972 [1 of 2]
Conflicts Chron—July 1972 to Dec. 1972
"Rosters" [of Conflict of Interest Statements]


Box 103

Kleindienst Hearing, Monday, March 6, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 8, 1972, afternoon session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 9, 1972, morning session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 9, 1972, afternoon [two copies, one marked "Mitchell"] [1 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 9, 1972, afternoon [two copies, one marked "Mitchell"] [2 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 10, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 14, 1972, Morning Session [two copies, one marked "Mitchell"] [1 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 14, 1972, Morning Session [two copies, one marked "Mitchell"] [2 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 14, 1972, Afternoon Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 15, 1972, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 15, 1972, [Afternoon Session]

Box 104

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 16, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 10, 1972, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 10, 1972 [two copies] [1 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 10, 1972 [two copies] [2 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 11, 1972, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 11, 1972 [Morning and Afternoon Sessions]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 12, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 13, 1972

Box 105

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 14, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 18, 1972, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 18, 1972, Afternoon Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 19, 1972, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 19, 1972 [Afternoon Session]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, April 20, 1972
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst, March 8, 1972, afternoon [in xerox copy; plus loose pages from hearings reports, pp. 203-204, and 934-952]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, February 28, 1973, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, February 28, 1973, Afternoon Session

Box 106

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 1, 1973, Morning Session [two copies] [1 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 1, 1973, Morning Session [two copies] [2 of 2]
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 1, 1973, Afternoon Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 6, 1973
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 7, 1973
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 8, 1973, Morning Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 8, 1973, Afternoon Session
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 9, 1973
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Nomination of L. Patrick Gray, III, March 12, 1973
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [I] [1 of 4]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [I] [2 of 4]

Box 107

[Additions to Gray Testimony] [I] [3 of 4]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [I] [4 of 4]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [II] [1 of 3]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [II] [2 of 3]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [II] [3 of 3]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [III] [1 of 3]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [III] [2 of 3]
[Additions to Gray Testimony] [III] [3 of 3]
Copies of Correspondence, Gray to Judiciary Committee, April 1972

1970 CAMPAIGN FILE, 1969-70

Box 108

[Advanceman's Checklist, 1971]
[1970 Campaign Allocation Lists by State] [1 of 2]
[1970 Campaign Allocation Lists by State] [2 of 2]
[1970 Campaign Office Records] [1 of 2]
[1970 Campaign Office Records] [2 of 2]
OK [1970 Campaign Office Records] [1 of 4]
OK [1970 Campaign Office Records] [2 of 4]
OK [1970 Campaign Office Records] [3 of 4]
OK [1970 Campaign Office Records] [4 of 4]
[Campaign Schedule Notes] [I] [1 of 2]
[Campaign Schedule Notes] [I] [2 of 2]
[Campaign Schedule Notes] [II]
[Contribution Lists] [I] [1 of 2]
[Contribution Lists] [I] [2 of 2]
[Contribution Lists] [II]
[Contribution Lists] [III]
[Contribution Lists] [IV]
[Contribution Lists, October] [1 of 3]
[Contribution Lists, October] [2 of 3]
[Contribution Lists, October] [3 of 3]
[Contribution Lists, November]

Box 109

[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [1 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [2 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [3 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [4 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [1 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [2 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [3 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [4 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions, Oct.-Nov. 1970] [1 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions, Oct.-Nov. 1970] [2 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions, Oct.-Nov. 1970] [3 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence re 1970 Campaign Contributions, Oct.-Nov. 1970] [4 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason, 1970 Campaign Finance Records] [1 of 2]
[Jack A. Gleason, 1970 Campaign Finance Records] [2 of 2]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [1 of 5]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [2 of 5]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [3 of 5]

Box 110

[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [4 of 5]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [I] [5 of 5]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [1 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [2 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [3 of 4]
[Jack A. Gleason Correspondence and Memos re 1970 Campaign Contributions] [II] [4 of 4]
[1970 State Campaign Finances] [1 of 4]
[1970 State Campaign Finances] [2 of 4]
[1970 State Campaign Finances] [3 of 4]
[1970 State Campaign Finances] [4 of 4]
[State Campaign Committees' Finances] [1 of 2]
[State Campaign Committees' Finances] [2 of 2]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [1 of 6]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [2 of 6]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [3 of 6]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [4 of 6]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [5 of 6]
The Presidential Advance Manual, 1971 [6 of 6]

Box 111

Indiana [1 of 2]
Indiana [2 of 2]
Michigan [Empty]
Nevada [1 of 2]
Nevada [2 of 2]
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico [1 of 2]
New Mexico [2 of 2]
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota

Box 112

Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Texas [1 of 2]
Texas [2 of 2]
Wyoming [1 of 2]
Wyoming [2 of 2]

1972 CAMPAIGN FILE, 1971-73

Box 113

[List of first forty folders – All have been withdrawn]
26W Alaska [Withdrawn and Returned]
27W Arkansas [Withdrawn and Returned]
28W California [Withdrawn and Returned]
29W Colorado [Withdrawn and Returned]
30W Connecticut [Withdrawn and Returned]
31W District of Columbia [Withdrawn and Returned]
32W Florida [Withdrawn and Returned]
33W Georgia [Withdrawn and Returned]
34W Illinois [Withdrawn and Returned]
35W Indiana [Withdrawn and Returned]
36W Iowa [Withdrawn and Returned]
37W Maryland [Withdrawn and Returned]
38W Massachusetts [Withdrawn and Returned]
39W Michigan [Withdrawn and Returned]
40W Missouri [Withdrawn and Returned]
41W Montana [Withdrawn and Returned]
42W Nebraska [Withdrawn and Returned]
43W Nevada [Withdrawn and Returned]
44W New Mexico [Withdrawn and Returned]
45W New York [Withdrawn and Returned]
46W North Carolina [Withdrawn and Returned]
47W Ohio [Withdrawn and Returned]
48W Oklahoma [Withdrawn and Returned]
49W Oregon [Withdrawn and Returned]
50W Pennsylvania [Withdrawn and Returned]
51W Rhode Island [Withdrawn and Returned]
52W South Carolina [Withdrawn and Returned]
53W South Dakota [Withdrawn and Returned]
54W Tennessee [Withdrawn and Returned]
55W West Virginia [Withdrawn and Returned]
56W Wisconsin [Withdrawn and Returned]
57W Wyoming [Withdrawn and Returned]
Candidates Reports [Divider]
58W Candidate Reports (Primaries) (1) [Withdrawn and Returned]
59W Candidate Reports (Primaries) (2) [Withdrawn and Returned]
60W Candidate Reports (State) [Withdrawn and Returned]
61W Vice Presidential Filings [Withdrawn and Returned]
62W Candidate Reports (General) [Withdrawn and Returned]
63W State Filing Requirements [Withdrawn and Returned]
63W2 ['72 Campaign: State Reports on Delegate Selection] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Federal Election Campaign Act [Divider]
64W Federal Election Campaign Act [1 of 4]
64W Federal Election Campaign Act [2 of 4]
64W Federal Election Campaign Act [3 of 4]
64W Federal Election Campaign Act [4 of 4]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [1 of 6]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [2 of 6]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [3 of 6]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [4 of 6]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [5 of 6]
65W Federal Election Campaign Act—Reference Material [6 of 6]
66W Federal Election Campaign Act—Regulations [1 of 2]
66W Federal Election Campaign Act—Regulations [2 of 2]
67W McGovern, Inc. [1 of 7]
67W McGovern, Inc. [2 of 7]
67W McGovern, Inc. [3 of 7]
67W McGovern, Inc. [4 of 7]

Box 114

67W McGovern, Inc. [5 of 7]
67W McGovern, Inc. [6 of 7]
67W McGovern, Inc. [7 of 7]
70W Section 610 [1 of 4]
70W Section 610 [2 of 4]
70W Section 610 [3 of 4]
70W Section 610 [4 of 4]
71W Common Cause v. TRW, Inc. [1 of 3]
71W Common Cause v. TRW, Inc. [2 of 3]
71W Common Cause v. TRW, Inc. [3 of 3]
72W Gifts of Stock [1 of 2]
72W Gifts of Stock [2 of 2]
73W Democratic Campaign Services, Inc.
74W Extension of Credit to Regulated Industries [1 of 4]
74W Extension of Credit to Regulated Industries [2 of 4]
74W Extension of Credit to Regulated Industries [3 of 4]
74W Extension of Credit to Regulated Industries [4 of 4]

Box 115

77W Common Cause v. Finance Comm. [1 of 4]
77W Common Cause v. Finance Comm. [2 of 4]
77W Common Cause v. Finance Comm. [3 of 4]
77W Common Cause v. Finance Comm. [4 of 4]
101W Political Advertising—Legal Requirements [1 of 3]
101W Political Advertising—Legal Requirements [2 of 3]
101W Political Advertising—Legal Requirements [3 of 3]
103W Ripon Society v. Republican National Committee [1 of 3]
103W Ripon Society v. Republican National Committee [2 of 3]
103W Ripon Society v. Republican National Committee [3 of 3]
102W Tax Consequences of Political Contributions
104W Cherne Mailing
105W Delegates Selection Law—Cases [1 of 3]
105W Delegates Selection Law—Cases [2 of 3]
105W Delegates Selection Law—Cases [3 of 3]
106W Electoral Law Reform [1 of 3]
106W Electoral Law Reform [2 of 3]
106W Electoral Law Reform [3 of 3]
Committee for the Election of Republican Candidates [Withdrawn and Returned]
Committee for the Loyal Opposition [Withdrawn and Returned]

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