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RA (Real Property)

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Scope and Content Note

File materials under this subject category pertain to the planning, development and administration of public buildings and lands. Includes matters pertaining to the design and construction of public buildings, real property acquisition and utilization, public buildings and industrial property management and related activities. Excepted materials include those pertaining to the Executive Mansion and grounds and Executive Office Building (see WH); United States Embassies (see FO); Indian Reservations (see IN); Libraries (see ED and FE); military installations and properties (see ND); parks, cemeteries, memorials and reservations (see PA); school facilities (see ED); and the United States Capitol (see FE).

The principal correspondents in these files are the President; his counselors, assistants and advisors in the White House, including among others, Henry A. Kissinger, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Peter M. Flanigan, Kenneth Cole, Egil Krogh, John Dean, Arthur Burns, Martin Anderson, and Brad Patterson. Also included are the Secretaries or Administrators and executive level officials of government agencies such as Melvin Laird and David Packard of the Department of Defense; Walter Hickel, Harrison Loesch, and Robert Hitt of the Department of the Interior; and John Mitchell and William Rehnquist of the Department of Justice. Other correspondents include Members of Congress, state and local government executives, and members of the Property Review Board, including Darrell Trent.

The terms Executive and General, which are stamped above the subject file code, indicate the source of the materials. Documents designated as Executive are communications between foreign, national and state and local government executives and prominent persons. Those documents designated General are communications among government officials and private citizens and organizations. The topics filed under each heading are generally similar.

The types of records found in the subject files include original incoming letters and staff memoranda; carbons and electrostatic copies of outgoing letters and staff memoranda; transmittal letters and memoranda for correspondence, reports and other items; telegrams, cables, and teletype communications; printed materials such as reports, brochures, and magazine reprints; preservation copies of newspaper and magazine clippings; cross references to other file materials; and withdrawal forms for materials either transferred as audiovisual or museum items, or withdrawn for national security or privacy considerations.

Some materials relating to RA are in the following subject files:

BE Business-Economics
CA Civil Aviation
CO Countries
FG 6-11-1/Ehrlichman Ehrlichman, John D.
FG 6-11-1/Krogh Krogh, Egil
FG 6-11-1/Patterson Patterson, Brad
FG 6-11-1/Trent Trent, Darrell
FG 19 Department of the Interior
GI Gifts
IN Indians


NR Natural Resources
PA Parks-Monuments
RE Recreation
ST States-Territories
UT Utilities
VA Veterans


Topics include, among others, Department of Defense Real and Personal Property reports; draft legislation to amend the Public Buildings Act of 1959; the PRedator Indemnification Bill; Geothermal Steam Act of 1970; National Land Use Policy Act of 1971; expiration of the Public Land Sales Act; an Executive Order authorizing conveyance of Federal lands for airport development; Federal predator control program; Federal excess property program; national land use policy; public lands grazing fees; Alaskan natives and American Indian natives land claims; oil, gas, and geothermal leasing; land reform in the Philippines and South Vietnam; use of off-road vehicles on public lands; coastal zone management; District of Columbia redevelopment projects, including Constitution Gardens on the Mall; Ferry Farm (boyhood home of George Washington); and various Federal office buildings, post offices and veterans hospitals.


Among the topics included are acquisition of Federal park and recreation land; wilderness areas; reclamation projects; land and water conservation fund expenditures; the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; EO 11572--Planning, Acquisition and Management of Federal Space; Indian claims; land or building property transfers; post office sites; VA hospitals and historic preservation sites.


Topics include the transfer of regional offices of Federal agencies; review of Federally-owned property; improvement of exterior signs on Federal buildings; rental charges for credit unions in Federal buildings; renovation of historic Federal buildings such as the San Francisco Mint and the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C.; removal of the Navy Department buildings on the Mall; office space for former Presidents, the military assistant to the President, and the Gift Unit and Domestic Intelligence Unit at the White House; use of Federal buildings for anti-war action groups, such as the NIH Moratorium Committee; and the construction of various post offices and Veterans Administration hospitals.


Correspondence concerns a residence for the Vice President; invitations to use the Blair House; Blair House events such as meetings and dinners; and gifts for the Blair House, such as the Franklin D. Roosevelt dining room.


Topics include an audit of Government Services, Inc. (GSI); cafeterias in Federal buildings; subsidized executive dining; vending stands operated by the blind; bank concessions and minority-owned concessions.


Much of the material concerns cutbacks in Federal construction programs from buildings to highways. Other topics include state government construction programs; construction industry inflation and wage freeze; rental charges for Federally-owned leased real property; construction and design and landscaping contracts for Federal buildings; including post offices and VA hospitals; suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act; vocational education for the construction trades; access for the handicapped to the White House and national parks; building design improvement; replacement of the Navy Munitions buildings on the D.C. Mall; and minority participation in Federal building programs.


Some of the topics included are possible sale of uranium enrichment plants; a Government corporation for certain Atomic Energy Commission plants; Alaska land selection; the Study Group on Disposition of Surplus Federal Property; takeover of Alcatraz Island by Indians; saving architectural landmarks; proposed sale of Washington National and Dulles airports; converting military bases to peacetime use; new uses for former Nike missile sites; use of Federal surplus property for community development and housing purposes; and the Legacy of Parks program.

Folder Title List

Box 1

EX RA Real Property Beginning-12/31/1969
EX RA Real Property 1/1/1970-9/30/1970
EX RA Real Property 10/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX RA Real Property 1/1/1971-1/31/1971
EX RA Real Property 2/1/1971-2/28/1971
EX RA Real Property 3/1/1971-3/31/1971
EX RA Real Property 4/1/1971-4/30/1971
EX RA Real Property 5/1/1971-5/31/1971
EX RA Real Property 6/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX RA Real Property 7/1/1971-7/31/1971
EX RA Real Property 8/1/1971- [1 of 4]
EX RA Real Property 8/1/1971- [2 of 4]

Box 2

EX RA Real Property 8/1/1971- [3 of 4]
EX RA Real Property 8/1/1971- [4 of 4]
EX RA Real Property 1/1/1973- [1 of 3]
EX RA Real Property 1/1/1973- [2 of 3]
EX RA Real Property 1/1/1973- [3 of 3]
GEN RA Real Property [1969-1970] [1 of 4]
GEN RA Real Property [1969-1970] [2 of 4]
GEN RA Real Property [1969-1970] [3 of 4]

Box 3

GEN RA Real Property [1969-1970] [4 of 4]
GEN RA Real Property 1/1/1971-6/30/1971
GEN RA Real Property 7/1/1971-12/31/1971
GEN RA Real Property 1/1/1972-6/30/1972 [1 of 2]
GEN RA Real Property 1/1/1972-6/30/1972 [2 of 2]
GEN RA Real Property 7/1/1972-9/30/1972
GEN RA Real Property 10/1/1972-
GEN RA Real Property 1/1/1973

Box 4

EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements [1969-1970] [1 of 3]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements [1969-1970] [2 of 3]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements [1969-1970] [3 of 3]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1971- [1 of 2]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1971- [2 of 2]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1973- [1 of 2]
EX RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1973- [2 of 2]
GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1969-1970 [2 of 3]

Box 5

GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1969-1970 [3 of 3]
GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1971- [1 of 2]
GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1971- [2 of 2]
GEN RA 1 Acquisitions-Requirements 1/1/1973-
EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management [1969-1970] [2 of 2]
EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1971- [1 of 2]
EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1971- [2 of 2]

Box 6

EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1973- [1 of 2]
EX RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1973- [2 of 2]
GEN RA 2 Building-Plant Management [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
GEN RA 2 Building-Plant Management [1969-1970] [2 of 2]
GEN RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1971-
GEN RA 2 Building-Plant Management 1/1/1973-
EX RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House [1969-1970]
EX RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House 1/1/1971-
EX RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House 1/1/1973-
GEN RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House [1969-1970]
GEN RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House 1/1/1971-
GEN RA 2-1 Guest Houses-Blair House 1/1/1973-
EX RA 3 Concesions [1969-1970]
EX RA 3 Concesions 1/1/1971-

Box 7

EX RA 3 Concesions 1/1/1973 [Empty]
GEN RA 3 Concesions [1969-1970]
GEN RA 3 Concesions 1/1/1971-
GEN RA 3 Concesions 1/1/1973 [Empty]
EX RA 4 Construction-Design [1969-1970] [1 of 3]
EX RA 4 Construction-Design [1969-1970] [2 of 3]
EX RA 4 Construction-Design [1969-1970] [3 of 3]
EX RA 4 Construction-Design 1/1/1971-
EX RA 4 Construction-Design 1/1/1973-
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design Beginng-8/31/1969
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 9/1/1969-10/31/1969 [1 of 2]
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 9/1/1969-10/31/1969 [2 of 2]

Box 8

GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 11/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 1/1/1970-2/28/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 3/1/1970-4/30/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 5/1/1970-6/30/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 7/1/1970-8/31/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 9/1/1970-10/31/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 1/1/1971-
GEN RA 4 Construction-Design 1/1/1973-
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus [1969-1970]
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1971-1/31/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 2/1/1971-2/28/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 3/1/1971-3/31/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 4/1/1971-4/30/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 5/1/1971-5/31/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 6/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 7/1/1971-7/31/1971

Box 9

EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 8/1/1971- [1 of 4]
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 8/1/1971- [2 of 4]
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 8/1/1971- [3 of 4]
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 8/1/1971- [4 of 4]
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1973-3/30/1973
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 4/1/1973-8/30/1973
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 9/1/1973-12/31/1973
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1974-3/30/1974

Box 10

EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 4/1/1974-6/30/1974
EX RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 7/1/1974-
GEN RA 5 Disposal-Surplus [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
GEN RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1971-12/31/1971
GEN RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1972-10/31/1972
GEN RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 11/1/1972-
GEN RA 5 Disposal-Surplus 1/1/1973-



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