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ND (National Security-Defense)

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Scope and Content Note


The file materials placed in the subject category ND (National Security-Defense) pertain to a broad spectrum of national security functions and include, beyond the subcategories listed below: the safeguarding of classified information; the use of military aircraft; troop transportation; and military operations which involve personnel, preparation, and conduct of warfare; the planning, mobilization, and management of resources and their production for such defense needs as are required for the protection of life and property by preparing for and carrying out nonmilitary functions to prevent, minimize, repair, and recover from damage caused by enemy attack, including post-attack mobilization plans.

The terms "Executive" and "General," the one or the other of which is stamped above the subject file code in the upper right corner of the first page of each document, indicates the source of the material. Items designated EXECUTIVE consist of communications between foreign, U.S. Federal, State, and Local governments and persons who held positions in the Nixon Administration. Items designated GENERAL are communications between Administration officials and private citizens and organizations. The topics under each heading are generally similar.

The types of records found in the subject file include original copy of incoming letters and interstaff memoranda; carbon and electrostatic copies of outgoing letters and staff memoranda; transmittal letters and memoranda pertaining to correspondence, reports, telephone messages, telegrams, cables, and teletype communications; printed materials such as reports, brochures, and magazine reprints; preservation copies of newspaper and magazine reprints; preservation copies of newspaper and magazine clippings; and cross references to relevant materials located in other files.

Other exceptions to the materials filed under this subject category pertain to

CO Countries
FE National Emergency
FO Military assistance to other nations
HE 13 Health
HU Human Rights
JL Alien property; war claims
VA Veterans and their dependents

The principal correspondents represented in these files include the President, his counselors, advisors, and assistants in the White House (among whom were Henry A. Kissinger and Alexander M. Haig); the heads of other government agencies, such as the Department of Army, Air Force, and national leaders of business, academic institutions, ethnic organizations, religious bodies, and private citizens, in addition to public figures such as: Edward Teller, Milton Friedman, Norman Vincent Peale, Bob Hope, Senators Henry Jackson and Mike Mansfield, Roy Wilkins, Hobart Lewis, Lt. William F. Calley, Captain Ernest L. Medina, Captain Aubrey M. Daniel III, and Jane Fonda.

The subcategories of materials filed under the subject of ND (National Security-Defense) are:


Includes general topic correspondence, research studies, memoranda, notes, and commentaries relative to defense policy matters; "military-industrial complex"; military technology; national defense budgets; unsolicited military affairs articles written for publication in public periodicals; military procurement and contracting; repeal of the Emergency Detention Act; funding of university research; and assistance to regional depressed economies.


Includes accidents.


Includes civilian travel.


Includes protection of life and property by preparing for and carrying out non military functions to prevent, minimize, repair, and recover from injury or damage caused by enemy attack.


Includes communications and warnings; Federal, State, and Local government plans for biological, chemical, and radiological defense; and ground observers.


Includes procedures for periodic Emergency Broadcast System radio and television tests.


Includes proposals for government assistance toward building civil defense shelters and review of national program for shelter construction.


Includes radar.


Includes material pertaining to the planning, mobilization, and management of resources and production for defense needs.


Includes military and civilian requirements. For military personnel matters, SEE: ND 8, below.


Includes requirements and stockpiling.


Includes hospitals and clinics.


Includes President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; demonstrations against Vietnam war; identification of military problems and study of intelligence concepts; proposals to amend the National Security Act of 1947; military intelligence surveillance of civilians; unified national intelligence system.


Includes sabotage of nuclear reactors; exchange of espionage agents; proposed revision of the Espionage Act; proposed "American Official Secrets Act"; air highjacking; and air terrorism.


Includes lists of subversive organizations and members.



Includes materials filed chronologically by subject's last name; dependents and retired personnel; US presence in Vietnam; prisoners-of-war and missing-in-action (POWs/MIAs) in Vietnam; race relations and minority groups in the armed forces; the My Lai incident; Lt. William F. Calley (Boxes 10-16); "volunteerism" in the armed forces; "book" letters to primary next-of-kin (PNOK) of POWs/MIAs not repatriated at end of the Vietnam War and letters of appreciation to the President from PNOKs and repatriates; "All Volunteer Armed Force"; troop reductions in Europe; USO in Vietnam; military deserters and amnesty; the Selective Service System; Ku Klux Klax activities in US Army Europe and counterdemonstrations; National League of Families; American Deserters Committee; activities related to the end of the Vietnam War.


For subject only -- Includes missing and wounded. For individuals, SEE: ND 8, above.


Includes graves registration service.

ND 8-1-2

Correspondence with PNOK and some alternate next-of-kin; subdivided by last name of deceased or missing serviceman who was not repatriated.


Includes Special Senate Subcommittee Report on Treatment of Deserters from Military Service; Study of Unauthorized Absence and Desertion; Military Code of Conduct.


Includes resolutions; Basic Allowance for Quarters; living conditions; shortages; Olympic Games in Munich.


Includes Military Code of Conduct; Annual Reports on the Operation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice; Annual Report of the US Court of Military Appeals; petitions; the Presidio Stockade incident; "Green Beret" case; My Lai; Lt. William Calley.


Includes re-computation of military retired pay; adjusting basic pay; Executive Order #11473 "Amending Executive Order #11157 as It Relates to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty Involving Participation in Flight Operations on the Flight Deck of an Aircraft Carrier"; Executive Order #11511 "Amending Executive Order #11157 as It Relates to Basic Allowances for Quarters for Members Without Dependents"; Executive Order #11525 "Adjusting the Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services"; clothing allowance; pro pay; non-crewmember flight pay; H.R. 6531 "Military Pay Bill."


Includes nominations; recommendations; re-assignments; legislation.


Includes designation of a General/Flag Officer position; Apollo 15 astronauts.


Includes nominations; recommendations; re-assignments; promotion lists; retention.


Includes nominations; recommendations; re-assignments; promotion lists; retention.


Includes nominations; recommendations; re-assignments; promotion lists; retention.


Includes nominations; recommendations; re-assignments; promotion lists; retention.


Includes review boards, recomputation of Military Retired Pay; Executive Orders; special retirement benefits for POWs; out-processing the mentally incompetent in lieu of courts martial; early releases; military personnel in civilian positions; Veterans Preference; mentally retarded personnel; drug users; Civil Aeronautics Board; "Brownsville Incident"; manpower reductions.


Includes retentions; extensions; promotions; withdrawals of nominations for promotion; assignments and resignations.


Includes retentions; extensions; promotions; withdrawals of nominations for promotion; assignments and resignations.


Includes retentions; extensions; promotions; withdrawals of nominations for promotion; assignments and resignations.


Includes training; military exercises; Executive Orders; Culebra Island, SAC visits; condolence letters; petitions; Soviet relations; My Lai; manpower reductions; strategic missile forces.


Includes SAC Air Threat briefing distribution to Congress; hearings on the Rules and Missions of Tactical Air Power.


Includes Far East trade mission.


Includes Culebra; Executive Orders; Sixth Fleet report; resolutions; Soviet Navy power.


Includes presidential visits; base closures (Ft. Lawton, Bangor Ammunition Depot, Sandpoint Naval Air Station, Torpedo Base at Keyport, Bremerton Naval Ship Yard, Bremerton Naval Supply Center, Fairchild Air Force Base, Ft. Hayes, Boston Navy Shipyard, Westover Air Base, Otis Air Base, Hunter Army Air Field, Glynco Naval Air Station, Quonset Point Naval Air Station, St. Alban's Hospital, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Wingate Ordnance Depot, Redstone Arsenal, Atlanta VA Hospital, Ft. Wolters); resolutions, Military Construction Authorization bill; military cutbacks; disposal of surplus real property; trips; overseas post exchanges; biological and toxin warfare; Southern and Atlantic Command merger; facility and living conditions; veteran employment; bachelor housing; Property Review Board; Legacy of Parks; Frankford Arsenal; Granite City Army Depot.

ND 10/FG 13

FG 13 pertains to Department of Defense properties and facilities. Includes base closings (Twin Cities Naval Air Base); married housing; Bainbridge Island missile site; Sentinel anti-ballistic missile site; Defense Cost Reduction Program; Wingate Army Depot; Frankford Arsenal; Maryland Department of Defense facilities; United States Armed Forces Institute.

ND 10/FG 14

FG 14 pertains to Department of the Army properties and facilities. Includes invitations, "thank you" letters; base closures (Ft. Polk, Ft. Detrick, Ft. Wolters, Oakland Army Terminal, Ft. Irwin, Granite City Army Depot, Army Pictorial Center, Army Intelligence Center); Ft. DeRussy; Armed Forces Recreation Centers; Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University; The Presidio.

ND 10/FG 15

FG 15 pertains to Department of the Navy properties and facilities. Includes Brooklyn Navy Yard; resolutions; base closures (Sandpoint Naval Air Station, Seattle; Los Alamitos Naval Air Station; Mayport Naval Station; Philadelphia Naval Ship Yard; Indianapolis Naval Avionics Facility; Hunter's Point Naval Ship Yard; Forest Park Naval Ordnance Station; Cherry Point Naval Air Rework Facility); Culebra Island; Portsmouth Navy Yard; Floyd Bennet Field; family housing; racial disturbance at Naval Station Keflavik; petitions; Sand Point Naval Air Station; Naval War College; Newport Naval Base; Quonset Point, Rhode Island; Rhode Island, Massachusetts ("New England") Naval and Air Force installations; Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory; Naval Applied Science Laboratory; Olathe Naval Air Station; Guantanamo Bay.

ND 10/FG 15-5

FG 15-5 pertains to Marine Corps properties and facilities. Includes "thank you" and condolence letters; Camp Pendleton (beaches, Las Flores Adobe); Quantico; Parris Island; Vieques; Cherry Point Naval Air Rework Facility.

ND 10/FG 16

FG 16 pertains to Department of the Air Force properties and facilities. Includes base closings (Clinton County Air Force base, Goodfellow Air Force Base, McCoy Air Force Base, Stewart Air Force Base, Ramey Air Force Base, Lewistown Air Force Base, Hamilton Air Force Base); "thank you" and condolence letters; Foreign Technology Division; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; invitations; Andrews Air Force Base; Elmendorf Air Force Base; Tinker Air Force Base; Oxnard Air Force Base; Griffiss Air Force Base; Ground Electronic Engineering Installation Agency; Space Shuttle Facilities Group; Edwards Air Force Base; Myrtle Beach Air Force Base; Bolling-Anacostia Air Force Base; Luke Air Force Base.

ND 10/FG 25-4

FG 25-4 pertains to US Coast Guard properties and facilities. Includes San Clemente; "thank you" letters.


Includes Federal Contract Research Centers; research grants; Department Defense; Chemical Warfare and Biological Research programs.


Includes Annual Reports of the Secretary of Defense on Reserve Forces; Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) (training camps deferments, campus disturbances); PL 90-500 "Procurement Authorization Act of 1969"; Executive Order #11485 "Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia"; rules of engagement for National Guard; Kent State incident; "thank you" and condolence letters; Selective Service Reserve Officers Program; Coast Guard Selective reserve program; H.R. 8187 to "Recognize Female Participation in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Units"; resolutions, petitions; Junior ROTC.

ND 12/FG

FGs included are FG 14 Department of the Army, FG 15 Department of the Navy, FG 15-5 Marine Corps, Department of the Air Force, FG 25-4 US Coast Guard. Includes nominations for promotion; wreath-laying ceremonies for former Presidents; Annual REports of the District of Columbia National Guard; SAFEGUARD system; resignations; Stennis Center; H.R. 9575 "Women in the Coast Guard Reserve"; termination of the Coast Guard Reserve Training Program; ROTC Enrichment Program.


Includes the Western hemisphere; arms and explosives; facilities; personal security, documents; procedures; trans-Alaskan and trans-Canadian pipelines; Sandia Corporation.


Includes detention camps; Savannah River Atomic Energy Plant.


Includes Voluntary Censorship Code.


Includes safeguarding; procedures; security reports; Dr. Edward Teller; transmittal; control and protection; the "Pentagon Papers"; the New York Times; declassification; "Keelhaul" documents; access; the State Department's "Foreign Relations of the United States" series; Executive Order #11652 "Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material"; British Official Secrets Act; National Security Council Directive Governing the Classification, Downgrading, Declassification and Safeguarding of National Security Information; classification markings; Interagency Classification Review Committee; petitions.


Includes Pugwash Conference; security clearances; Executive Order #11633 "Security Clearance Program for United States Citizens Employed Directly by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the South-East Asia Treaty Organization and the Central Treaty Organization"; Helen Hays; S. 2318 "Freedom from Surveillance Act of 1973"; Executive Order #11785 "Amending Executive Order #10450, as Amended, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment and for Other Purposes."


Includes US Naval Academy; US Military Academy; US Air Force Academy; US Coast Guard Academy; lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union; H.R. 2 "Uniformed Services Health Professions Revitalization Act."


The subject category ND 18-3 consists of memoranda, petitions, telegrams, letters, and newspaper clippings about Americans held prisoner or missing during the conflict in Vietnam. Major correspondents in the files include but are not exclusive to Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, Air Force Generals James D. Hughes and Brent Scowcroft, Herb Klein, Ron Ziegler, David Parker, and William Timmons. The largest portion of this collection consists of correspondence between the President, James D. Hughes, Brent Scowcroft and the families and friends of the Prisoners of War or Missing in Action from the Vietnam conflict. There is a very limited amount of information on men who remained unaccounted for from the Korean War and also on men who were held prisoner in China.

The terms Executive and General precede each ND 18-3 file designation. The Executive file category contains the correspondence between Major General James D. Hughes, Brigadier General Brent Scowcroft, and William Timmons and Congressmen, Senators, and state and local officials. The members of Congress and state and local governments sent petitions, resolutions, and letters they received from their constituents as well as offering their own suggestions on how to obtain the release of the Prisoners of War. The Executive file also contains letters from the families of the Prisoners of War and Missing in Action to the President and information on the meetings between Henry Kissinger and the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. Lastly, the Executive file contains correspondence between the President and returned Prisoners of War, information on Presidential meetings with these returned Prisoners, and discussiosn on how to best honor the returned POW's culminating in the May 24, 1973 dinner at the White House.

The General file category consists ofm ore correspondence between the White House and the relatives, friends, and American public concerned with the fate of Americans held prisoner or missing in Southeast Asia. The majority of the letters, petitions, and resolutiosn urge the President to continue giving top priority to obtaining the release of the prisoners. Additional letters discuss ways to put more pressure on Hanoi to adhere to the standards demanded by the Geneva Convention including more humane treatment and providing a complete list of men held in captivity by the North Vietnamese, Vietcong, and the Pathet Lao. Lastly, the later letters ask the President to continue searching for men still unaccounted for in Southeast Asia.

The Oversize Attachments for this collection have also been processed and will be made available to researchers upon request.

[End of Partial Release]

Folder Title List


Box 1

EX ND National Security-Defense Beginning-12/31/1969
EX ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND National Security-Defense 9/1/1970-[12/31/1970]
EX ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND National Security-Defense Begin-5/31/1969
GEN ND National Security-Defense 6/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1970-5/30/1970
GEN ND National Security-Defense 6/1/1970-[12/31/1970]

Box 2

GEN ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1971-[12/31/1973]
GEN ND National Security-Defense 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 1 Aircraft [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 1 Aircraft 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 1 Aircraft 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 1 Aircraft [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 1 Aircraft [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 1 Aircraft 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 3

EX ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft 1/1/1973-8/9/1974
GEN ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 1-1 Non-Military Use of Aircraft 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 2 Civil Defense [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 2 Civil Defense 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 2 Civil Defense 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 4

GEN ND 2 Civil Defense [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 2 Civil Defense 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 2 Civil Defense 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972][Empty]
GEN ND 2-1 Civil Defense Plans 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests [1/1/1973-8/9/1974][Empty]
GEN ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests [1/1/1971-12/31/1972][Empty]
GEN ND 2-2 Alert Exercises and Tests [1/1/1973-[8/9/1974][Empty]
EX ND 2-3 Shelters [Begin-12/31/1970][Empty]
GEN ND 2-3 Shelters [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 2-3 Shelters 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 2-3 Shelters 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974][Empty]
EX ND 3 Communications-Electronics [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 3 Communications-Electronics 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 3 Communications-Electronics 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 3 Communications-Electronics [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 3 Communications-Electronics 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 3 Communications-Electronics 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 4 Defense Mobilization [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 4 Defense Mobilization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 4 Defense Mobilization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 4 Defense Mobilization [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 4 Defense Mobilization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 4 Defense Mobilization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 4-1 Manpower [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 4-1 Manpower 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 4-1 Manpower 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 4-1 Manpower [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 4-1 Manpower [1/1/1971-12/31/1972][Empty]
GEN ND 4-1 Manpower [1/1/1973-8/9/1974][Empty]
EX ND 4-2 Materials [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 4-2 Materials 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 4-2 Materials 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 5

GEN ND 4-2 Materials [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 4-2 Materials 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 4-2 Materials 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 5 Health-Medical [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 5 Health-Medical 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 5 Health-Medical 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 5 Health-Medical [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 5 Health-Medical 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 5 Health-Medical 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 6 Intelligence [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 6 Intelligence [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 6 Intelligence 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 6 Intelligence [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 6 Intelligence 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 6 Intelligence 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 6-1 Sabotage-Espionage 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 6

EX ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 6-2 Subversive Activities Control 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel Begin-7/31/1969
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 8/1/1969-10/31/1969
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 11/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1970-3/31/1970
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 9/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1971-12/31/1972 [1 of 4]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1971-12/31/1972 [2 of 4]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1971-12/31/1972 [3 of 4]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1971-12/31/1972 [4 of 4]

Box 7

EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1973-4/18/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [1 of 6]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [2 of 6]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [3 of 6]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [4 of 6]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [5 of 6]
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/19/1973 [6 of 6]

Box 8

EX ND 8 Military Personnel 4/20/1973-4/30/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 5/1/1973-5/31/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 6/1/1973-7/31/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 8/1/1973-9/30/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 10/1/1973-12/31/1973
EX ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1974-8/9/1974
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel Begin-2/28/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 3/1/1969-3/31/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 4/1/1969-4/30/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 5/1/1969-5/31/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 6/1/1969-8/31/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 9/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 5/1/1970-9/30/1970

Box 9

GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 10/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8 Military Personnel 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/A [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/A [1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/A [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/A-Allsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/A-Alm-Andz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/A-Ane-Ashz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Asi-Az [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/A [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/A [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/B [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/B [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 10

GEN ND 8/B-Barz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Bas-Bisdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Bise-Brown, J. [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/B [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/Brown,K-Bz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/B [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/C [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/Calley 1/1/1971-3/31/1971
EX ND 8/Calley 4/1/1971-4/25/1971
EX ND 8/Calley 4/26/1971
EX ND 8/Calley 4/27/1971-4/30/1971
EX ND 8/Calley 5/1/1971-5/31/1971
EX ND 8/Calley 6/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/C [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 11

GEN ND 8/C-Casz [Begin-12/30/1970]
GEN ND 8/Cai-Finz [Begin-12/30/1970]
GEN ND 8/Cio-Colz [Begin-12/30/1970]
GEN ND 8/Com-Cqz [Begin-12/30/1970]
GEN ND 8/Cr-Cz [Begin-12/30/1970]
GEN ND 8/C [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/Calley Begin-4/20/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/21/1971 [1 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/21/1971 [2 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/22/1971

Box 12

GEN ND 8/Calley 4/23/1971 [1 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/23/1971 [2 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/24/1971-4/27/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/28/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/29/1971 [1 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/29/1971 [2 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 4/30/1971

Box 13

GEN ND 8/Calley 5/1/1971-5/3/1971 [1 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/4/1971 [2 of 2]
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/5/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/5/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/6/1971-5/9/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/10/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/11/1971

Box 14

GEN ND 8/Calley 5/12/1971-5/13/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/14/1971-5/16/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/17/1971-5/18/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/19/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/20/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 5/21/1971-5/25/1971

Box 15

GEN ND 8/Calley 5/26/1971-5/31/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 6/1/1971-6/3/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 6/4/1971-6/9/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 6/10/1971-6/30/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 7/1/1971-9/30/1971
GEN ND 8/Calley 10/1/1971-12/31/1971

Box 16

GEN ND 8/Calley 1/1/1972-10/31/1972
GEN ND 8/Calley 11/1/1972-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/Calley 1/1/1973-[8/8/1974]
GEN ND 8/C [1/1/1972-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/D [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/D [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/D [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/D-Delz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Dem-Drz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Ds-Dz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/D [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/D [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 17

EX ND 8/E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/E [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/E [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/E-Egz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Eh-Ez [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/E [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/E [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/F [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/F [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/F-Fonz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Foo-Fz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/F [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/F [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/G [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/G [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/G [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 18

GEN ND 8/G-Glaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Gle-Graz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Gre-Gz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/G [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/G [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/H [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/H [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/H [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/H-Hawz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/H [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/H [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 19

GEN ND 8/Hax-Hinz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Hio-Holz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Hom-Hz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/I [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/I 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974][Empty]
GEN ND 8/I [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/I [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/I 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974][Empty]
EX ND 8/J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/J [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/J [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/J [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/J [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/J [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/K [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/K-Kez [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Kf-Kocz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Kod-Kz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/K [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 20

EX ND 8/L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/L [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/L [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/L-Levz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Lew-Lz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/L [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/L [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/M [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/M [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/M [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 21

GEN ND 8/M-McGz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/McH-McZ [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Me-Mitz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Miu-Mz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/M [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/M 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/N [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/N [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/N 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/N-Nez [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Nf-Nz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/N [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/N 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/O [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/O [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/O 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 22

GEN ND 8/O [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/O [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/O 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/P [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/P [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/P 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/P [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/P [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/P 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/Q [1/1/1971-12/31/1972][Empty]
EX ND 8/Q 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974][Empty]
GEN ND 8/Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Q [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/Q 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/R [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/R 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/R-Riz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/R-Ry [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 23

GEN ND 8/R [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/R 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/S [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/S 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/S-Sfz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Sg-Skz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Sl-Starz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Stas-Sz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 24

GEN ND 8/S [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/S 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/T [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/T [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/T 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/T-Thz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Ti-Tz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/T [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/T 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/U [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/U 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 8/U 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/U [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/U [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/V [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/V [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/V 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/V [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/V [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/V 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 25

EX ND 8/W [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/W [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/W [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/W-Warz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Was-Whez [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Whf-Winz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/Wio-Wz [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/W [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/W [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8/XYZ [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8/X-Y-Z [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8/XYZ [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8/XYZ [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8/X-Y-Z [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8/XYZ [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 26

EX ND 8-1 Casualties [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1 Casualties [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1 Casualties [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-1 Casualties 1/1/1973-12/31/1973
EX ND 8-1 Casualties 1/1/1974-3/31/1974
EX ND 8-1 Casualties 4/1/1974-6/5/1974
EX ND 8-1 Casualties 6/6/1974-[8/9/1974]

Box 27

GEN ND 8-1 Casualties [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8-1 Casualties 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8-1 Casualties 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-1-1 Burials [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-1 Burials 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-1-1 Burials [Begin-12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8-1-1 Burials 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2 Condolence Letters [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2 Condolence Letters 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2 Condolence Letters 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-1-2 Condolence Letters [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-Acz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ad-Adaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Adb-Afz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ag-Akz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Al-Alcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ald-Aldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ale-Alkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/All-Allz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Alm-Alz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 28

EX ND 8-1-2/Am-Amz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/An-Anderson [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Anderson, J-Anderson, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Anderson, A-Andz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ane-Anz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ao-Arlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Arm-Armz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Arn-Arqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Arr-Arz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/As-Ashbz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ashc-Asz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/At-Atkiz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Atkj-Atz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Au-Ausz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Aut-Axz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ay-Ayez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ayf-Azz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-Akz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Al-Aqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ar-Az [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-E 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-1-2/B-Badz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 29

EX ND 8-1-2/Bae-Bahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bai-Bailez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Balif-Bakdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bake-Baker, J. [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Baker, K-Bakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bal-Balkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ball-Bamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ban-Banz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bao-Barez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Barf-Barndz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Barne-Barnes [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Barnesa-Barqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Barr-Barsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bart-Bartlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bartm-Barz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bas-Basz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bat-Batz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bau-Baulz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Baum-Bavz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bax-Bdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Be-Beamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bean-Bearz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Beas-Bebz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bec-Beckdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Becke-Bedz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 30

EX ND 8-1-2/Bee-Bekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bel-Belkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bell-Bell, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bella-Belz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bem-Brenmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ber-Bermz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bern-Berz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bes-Besz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bet-Bez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bf-Bidz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bie-Bikz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bil-Birz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bis-Bkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bl-Blacz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Blad-Blajz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Blak-Blatz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Blau-Blhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bli-Blz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bm-Bohz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Boi-Bolsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bolt-Bomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bon-Bonz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Boo-Borz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 31

EX ND 8-1-2/Bos-Botz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bou-Bovz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bow-Bowenz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Boweo-Bowz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Box-Boydz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Boye-Bozz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bp-Bradrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brads-Brahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brai-Bransz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brant-Brdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bre-Brelz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brem-Brerz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bres-Brhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bri-Brimz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brin-Brnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bro-Broojz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brou-Bromz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown-Brown, F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown, G-Brown, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown, J-Brown, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown-M-Brown, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown, S-Brown, V [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brown, W-Brown, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Browne, A-Broxz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 32

EX ND 8-1-2/Broy-Brudz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brue-Brumz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Brun-Brxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bry-Btz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bu-Buczz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bud-Bull [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bulla-Buqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bur-Burhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Buri-Burkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Burks-Burnrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Burns-Burqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Burr-Burz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bus-Bustz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/But-Bxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/By-Bz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/B-Bdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Be-Bhz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bi-Bkz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bl-Bnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bo-Bqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]

Box 33

EX ND 8-1-2/Br-Btz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Bu-Bz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-E [1/1/1971-12/31/1972] [B's only; 2 of 5]
EX ND 8-1-2/C-Cakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cal-Call [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Calla-Calz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cam-Camoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Camp-Campbell, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Campbell, J-Camz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Can-Canz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cao-Carcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Caro-Carcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Carl-Carmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Carn-Carqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Carr-Carrnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Carro-Carsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cart-Carz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 34

EX ND 8-1-2/Casi-Cast [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cas-Cashz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Casta-Castz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Casw-Cav [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cava-Cgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ch-Chao [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Chap-Charz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Chas-Chdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Che-Cherz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ches-Chqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Chr-Christidz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Christie-chrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Chs-Chz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ci-Clark, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Clark, J-Clark, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Clarka-Cldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cle-Clhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cli-Clnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Clo-Clz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cm-Coez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cof-Cohz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Coi-Cole [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Colea-Coll [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Colla-Colnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Colo-Colz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 35

EX ND 8-1-2/Com-Con [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cona-Conmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Conn-Conz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Coo-Cook [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cooka-Cookz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cool-Cooz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cop-Corbz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Corc-Corqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Corr-Corz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cos-Cotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cou-Covz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cow-Cowz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cox-Coxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Coy-Coz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cp-Craig [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Craiga-Crdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cre-Crhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cri-Crnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cro-Croojz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Crock-Crosz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Crot-Crowkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Crowl-Crurz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Crus-Ctz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cu-Cumlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cumm-Cuqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 36

EX ND 8-1-2/Cur-Currz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Curs-Curz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cus-Cz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/C-Cdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ce-Cgz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ch-Ckz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cl-Cnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Co-Cqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cr-Ctz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Cu-Cz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-G [1/1/1973-12/31/1974] [C's only; 3 of 5]
EX ND 8-1-2/D-Dakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dal-Dalz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dam-Daniel [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Daniella-Daqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dar-Darz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Das-Davdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dave-Davirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Davis-Davis, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Davis, D-Davis, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Davis, J-Davis, K [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 37

EX ND 8-1-2/Davis, L-Davis, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Davis, S-Davis, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Davis, A-Daz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/De-Debz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dec-Dedz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dee-Defz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Deg-Dekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Del-Delkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dell-Demdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Deme-Demz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Den-Deqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Der-Desq [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Det-Dhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Di-Dicz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Did-Dioz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dip-Diqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dix-Dnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Do-Docz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dod-Dokz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dol-Dolz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dom-Dooz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dop-Dotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dov-Dqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 38

EX ND 8-1-2/Dr-Dtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Du-Dufz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dug-Dunez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dunf-Duoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dup-Durz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dus-Dxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Dy-Dzz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/D-Ddz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/De-Dhz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Di-Dnz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Do-Dtz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Du-Dz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [D's only; 4 of 5]
EX ND 8-1-2/E-Earz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Eas-Ebz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ec-Edvz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Edw-Egz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Eh-Ejz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ek-Ell [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ella-Ellis [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ellis-Elz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Em-Engl [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 39

EX ND 8-1-2/Engla-Erhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Eri-Erz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Es-Esrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ess-Evz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ev-Evans, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Evans-Evans, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Evans, A-Ez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/E-Ekz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/El-Ez [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-E [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [E only]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-Fakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fal-Faqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Far-Farz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fas-Femz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fen-Fergz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ferh-Fhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fi-Fiez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fif-Finkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Finl-Fisz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fit-Flamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Flan-Flelz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Flem-Floxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Floy-Fnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fo-Foqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/For-Ford [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Forda-Fordz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 40

EX ND 8-1-2/Fors-Fosz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fot-Fowz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fox-Frank [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Franka-Frasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Frat-Fredz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Free-Frehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Frei-Frhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fri-Fry [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Frya-Full [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fulla-Fumz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fun-Fz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-Fdz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fe-Fhz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fi-Fkz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fl-Fnz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fo-Fqz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fr-Ftz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Fu-Fz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [F's only; 1 of 6]
EX ND 8-1-2/G-Gakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gal-Galz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gam-Gaqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gar-Garcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gard-Garkz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 41

EX ND 8-1-2/Garl-Karqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Garr-Garl [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gas-Gatz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gau-Gawz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gax-Gdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ge-Gehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gei-Genz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Geo-Geqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ger-Ghz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gi-Gicz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gid-Gilkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gill-Gillz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gilm-Gimz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gin-Gkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gl-Gldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gle-Glhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gli-Gnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Go-Godz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Goe-Golz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gom-Gonz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Goo-Goqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gor-Gorz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gos-Gqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 42

EX ND 8-1-2/Gr-Graqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Grah-Grahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Grai-Grarz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gras-Grdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gre-Green, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Green, J-Green, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Green, R-Green, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Greena-Greeqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Greer-Grehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Grei-Grhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gri-Grikz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gril-Grnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gro-Grosz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Grot-Grtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gru-Gtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gu-Gukz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gul-Gusz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gut-Gutz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Guu-Gz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/G-Gdz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ge-Ghz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/GI-Gkz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/GL-Gnz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Go-Gqz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gr-Gtz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Gu-Gz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [G's only; 2 of 6]

Box 43

EX ND 8-1-2/H-Hadz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hae-Hagz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hah-Halkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hall-Hall, J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hall, K-Hall, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Halla-Hamlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hamm-Hamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Han-Hankz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hanl-Hanrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hans-Haqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Har-Hardkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hardl-Hardz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hare-Harkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harr-Harrirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harris-Harris, J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harris, K-Harris, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harris, R-Harris, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harrisa-Harsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hart-Harthz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harti-Harvz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Harv-Harz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Has-Hasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hat-Hatz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hau-Havz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Haw-Haxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hay-Hayrz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 44

EX ND 8-1-2/Hays-Hdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/He-Hebz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hec-Hehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hei-Heirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Heis-Helz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hemm-Henmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Henn-Henrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hens-Henz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Heo-Herlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Herm-Herqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Herr-Herz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hes-Hevz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hew-Hhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hi-Hickrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hicks-Hicz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hid-Higz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hih-Hilkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hill-Hill, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hill, D-Hill, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hill, J-Hill, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hilla-Himz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hin-Hioz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hip-Hiuz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hiv-Hnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ho-Hobz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hoc-Hocz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hod-Hodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hoe-Hogz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hoh-Holdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hole-Hollnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hollo-Hollz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Holm-Holmz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 45

EX ND 8-1-2/Holn-Holz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Homz-Hooz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hop-Hopz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hoq-Hormz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hor-Hornz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Horo-Horz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hos-Hotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hou-Hovz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/How-Howdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Howe-Howez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Howf-Hoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hp-Hubz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Huc-Hudz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hue-Huez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Huf-Hufz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hug-Hughes, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hughes, J-Huhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hui-Humz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hun-Hunsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hunt-Hunt, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hunta-Hurlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hurm-Hurz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hus-Hylz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hym-Hz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/H-Hdz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/He-Hhz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hi-Hnz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ho-Htz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hu-Hz [1/1/1971-12-31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/H [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 46

EX ND 8-1-2/I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/I [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [I's only; 4 of 6]
EX ND 8-1-2/J-Jackson [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jackson, G-Jackson, M [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jackson, N-Jackson, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jackson, Jacz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jad-Jamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jan-Japz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jaq-Jdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Je-Jemz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jen-Jenkins, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jenkins, L-Jenkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jenl-Jenrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jens-Jensen, M [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jensen, N-Jeqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jer-Jhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ji-Jodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Joe-Johnson, A [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, B-Johnson, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, D [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, E-Johnson, F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, G [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, H-Johnson, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, J-Johnson, Jas, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, Jas, J-Johnson, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, M [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, N-Johnson, O [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, P-Johnson, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, T [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, U [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, V [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnson, W-Johnson, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Johnsona-Jomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jon-Jones, D [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 47

EX ND 8-1-2/Jones, E-Jones, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jones, J-Johnes, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jones, M-Jones, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jones, S-Joqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jor-Jorz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jos-Joy [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Joya-Jtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ju-Jumz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jun-Jz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/J-Jdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Je-Jnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jo-Jom [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Jon-Jz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [J's only; 5 of 6]
EX ND 8-1-2/K-Kagz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kah-Kaoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kap-Katz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kau-Kdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ke-Keef [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Keefa-Keehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Keen-Kehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kei-Kekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kel-Keller, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Keller, L-Keller, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kellera-Kellhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kelli-Kelly, I [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 48

EX ND 8-1-2/Kelly, J-Kelz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kem-Kenmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kenn-Kensz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kent-Kerqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kerr-Khz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kif-Kilz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kim-Kinfz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/King-King, E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/King, F-King, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/King, R-King, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kinga-Kipz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kipp-Krjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kirk-Kiz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kj-Klhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kli-Klz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Km-Knnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kno-Knowz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Knox-Knz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ko-Kodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Koe-Kojz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kok-Kooz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kop-Kotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kou-Kqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kr-Krhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kri-Krtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kru-Ktz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ku-Kugz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kuh-Kukz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kul-Kumz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kun-Kuqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kur-Kz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 49

EX ND 8-1-2/K-Kdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ke-Khz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ki-Kkz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kl-Knz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ko-Kqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Kr-Kz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/F-K [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [K's only; 6 of 6]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-Labz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lac-Lacz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lad-Lajz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lak-Lamaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lamb-Lamoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lamp-Landz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lane-Lanfz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lang-Langz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lanh-Laqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lar-Larrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lars-Lasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lat-Lauz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lav-Lavz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Law-Lawz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lax-Ldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Le-Leazz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Leb-Ledz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lee-Lee, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lee, J-Lee, L [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 50

EX ND 8-1-2/Lee, M-Leez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lef-Lehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lei-Lelz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lem-Lemz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Len-Leqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ler-Lesz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Let-Levz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lewis, K-Lewis, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lewis,R-Lhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Li-Lifz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lig-Lindkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lindl-Lioz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lip-Lirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lis-Lisz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lit-Lnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lo-Lodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Loe-Logz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Loh-Lomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lon-Lonz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Loo-Looz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lop-Loqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lor-Lotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lou-Luz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lov-Lovelkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lovell-Lovz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Low-Lowz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lox-Ltz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lu-Lucdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Luce-Lucz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lud-Lumz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lun-Luqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lur-Lxz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 51

EX ND 8-1-2/Ly-Lynch, M [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lynch, N-Lynmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lynn-Lyomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lyon-Lz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-Ldz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Le-Lhz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Li-Lnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lo-Ltz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Lu-Lz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-R [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [L's only; 1 of 7]
EX ND 8-1-2/M-Macjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mack-Macz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mad-Maddz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Made-Mafz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mag-Magz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mah-Mahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mai-Makz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mal-Malkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mall-Mamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Man-Mandz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mane-Manmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mann-Manoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Manp-Maqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mar-Marcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mard-Marjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mark-Marlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Marm-Marrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mars-Marsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mart-Martin, D [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martin, E-Martin, J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martin, K-Martin, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martin, M-Martin, S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martin, T-Martindz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martine-Martinez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Martinf-Marz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mas-Masrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mass-Massz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 52

EX ND 8-1-2/Mast-Masz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mat-Matkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Matl-Mattgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Matth-Matthz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Matti-Maxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/May-Mayaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mayb-Maz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mb-Mcaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mcb-Mccamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCann-McCarthz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCarti-McCkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCl-McClhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCli-McCnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCo-McCoroz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCorp-McCqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCr-McCtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McCu-McCz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McD-McDnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McDo-McDondz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McDone-McDz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McE-McFz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McG-McGnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McGo-McHz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McI-McJz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McK-McKhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McKi-McKmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McKn-McKz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McL-McLz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McM-McMahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McMai-McMhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McMi-McNdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McNe-McNhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McNi-McRz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/McS-McZ [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 53

EX ND 8-1-2/Md-Meaqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mear-Medz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mee-Meez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mef-Mekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mel-Melsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Melt-Memz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Men-Menmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Menn-Meqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mer-Merqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Merr-Merz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mes-Mesz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Met-Mexz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mey-Mhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mi-Micz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mid-Milerz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Miles-Milkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mill-Miller, E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Miller, F-Miller, J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Miller, K-Miller, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Miller, R-Miller, S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Miller, T-Millerz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mills-Milz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mim-Minz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mio-Mirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mis-Mitchell, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mitchell, M-Mitchell, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mitchell, R-Mkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ml-Moez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mof-Mojz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mok-Mojz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mont-Montdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Monte-Monz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moo-Mooqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 54

EX ND 8-1-2/Moor-Moore, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moore, J-Moore, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moore, L-Moore, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moore, S-Moorz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moos-Mordz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/More-Morfz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morg-Morgan, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morgan, J-Morgan, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morgan, R-Mormz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morn-Morris, D [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morris, E-Morris, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Morris, R-Morrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mors-Morz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mos-Mosrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moss-Mosz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mot-Motsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mott-Moxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Moy-Mukz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mul-Mulz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mum-Muqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mur-Murphy, E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Murphy, F-Murqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Murr-Murz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mus-Musz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mut-Mz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/M-Maqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mar-Mbz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mc-McJz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/McK-Mdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Me-Mhz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mi-Mnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mo-Mtz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Mu-Mz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-R [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [M's only; 2 of 7]

Box 55

EX ND 8-1-2/N-Naqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nar-Ndz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ne-Nedz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nee-Nekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nel-Nelson, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nelson, L-Nerz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nes-Neuz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nev-Nevz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/New-Newlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Newm-Newman, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Newman, L-Newrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/News-Nhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ni-Nicholqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nicholr-Nichols [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nicholsa-Nicjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nick-Nidz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nie-Nnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/No-Nodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Noe-Nofz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nog-Noqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nor-Norsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nort-Nosz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Not-Novz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Now-Ntz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nu-Nunmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nunn-Nuqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Nur-Nz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/N-Ndz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ne-Nhz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ni-Nnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/No-Nz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-R [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [N's only; 3 of 7]
EX ND 8-1-2/O-Obz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Oc-Ocz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Od-Oez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Of-Okz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ol-Oliuz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Oliv-Oliver, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Oliver, L-Olrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ols-Olsnz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 56

EX ND 8-1-2/Olso-Olz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Om-Oneill, B [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Oneill, C-Ooz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Op-Orkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Orl-Ormz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Orn-Orqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Orr-Orz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Os-Osez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Osf-Osmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Osn-Osz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ot-Ouz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ov-Ovhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ovi-Ovz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ow-Ozz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/O [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-R [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [O's only; 4 of 7]
EX ND 8-1-2/P-Pacz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pad-Padz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pae-Page, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Page, L-Pakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pal-Palmeoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Palmep-Pamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pan-Paqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Par-Parjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Park-Parker, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Parker, J-Parker, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Parker, L-Parkhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Parki-Parqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Parr-Pasnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Paso-Pasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pat-Patteqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Patter-Peehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Patti-Patz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pau-Pauz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pav-Pawz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pax-Pdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pe-Pearrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pears-Pebs [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pec-Pedz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pee-Pemz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pen-Penkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Penl-Pepoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pepp-Perjz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 57

EX ND 8-1-2/Perk-Perqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Perr-Perz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pes-Peters [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Petersa-Peterson, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Peterson, J-Peterson, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Peterson, L-Petqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Petr-Petsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pett-Pez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pf-Philkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Phill-Phillips, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Phillips, J-Phillips, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Phillips, R-Phz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pi-Pidz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pie-Piez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pief-Pimz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pin-Piqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pir-Pitsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pitt-Pkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pl-Platz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Plau-Pnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Po-Pokz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pol-Polkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Poll-Ponz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Poo-Poqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Por-Porter [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Portera-Porz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pos-Potz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pou-Pqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pr-Prbz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Prc-Preston, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Preston, L-Prhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pri-Pridz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Prie-Prisz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Prit-Prnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pro-Prorz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pros-Ptz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 58

EX ND 8-1-2/Pu-Pulkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pull-Puqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pur-Pxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Py-Pz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/P-Pdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pe-Pgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ph-Pnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Po-Pqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Pr-Pz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/P [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Q [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Q [1/1/1973-8/9/1974][Empty]
EX ND 8-1-2/R-Radz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rae-Ralz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ram-Ramnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ramo-Ramz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ran-Ranz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rao-Rasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rat-Ravz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Raw-Rdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Re-Redz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ree-Reed, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Reed, J-Reekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Reel-Regz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Reh-Rejz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rek-Reoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rep-Rewz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 59

EX ND 8-1-2/Rex-Reymz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Reyn-Reynolds, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Reynolds, M-Rgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rh-Rhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ri-Riccz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ricd-Ricgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rich-Richards [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Richardsa-Richsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Richt-Ridz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rie-Rijz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rik-Rinz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rio-Rirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ris-Rivera, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rivera, J-Rnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ro-Roacz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Road-Robersz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Robert-Roberts [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Robersta-Robhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Robi-Robinson, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Robinson, J-Robrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Robs-Rocz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rod-Rodqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rodr-Rodriguez, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rodriguez, L-Rodz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Roe-Rofz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rog-Rogers, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rogers, M-Rokz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rol-Rolz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rom-Romz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ron-Rorz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ros-Rose [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rosea-Rosrz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 60

EX ND 8-1-2/Ross-Rosshz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rossi-Rovz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Row-Roxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Roy-Rtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ru-Rucz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ru-Rucz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rud-Rufz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rug-Ruhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rui-Ruoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Rup-Rusrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Russ-Russell, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Russell, L-Russez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Russf-Rxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ry-Rz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/R-Rdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Re-Rhz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ri-Rnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ro-Rtz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ru-Rz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/L-R [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [R's only; 7 of 7]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Sahz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sai-Sakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sal-Saldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sale-Salz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sam-Samz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/San-Sancz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sand-Sanders, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sanders, J-Sandez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sandf-Sanez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sanf-Santiaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Santib-Saoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sap-Sasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sat-Satz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sau-Sauz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sav-Sawz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 61

EX ND 8-1-2/Sax-Sbz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sc-Schadz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schae-Schakz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schal-Schhc [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schi-Schkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schl-Schmicz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schmid-Schmnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schmo-Schoez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schof-Schqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schr-Schtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schu-Schulz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Schum-Schz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sci-Scott, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Scott, L-Scott, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Scott, S-Scqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Scr-Sebz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sec-Sefz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Seg-Sekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sel-Senz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Seo-Sevz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sew-Shaez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shaf-Shaoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shap-Shasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shat-Shavz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shaw-Shdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/She-Shekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shel-Sheoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shep-Sherlz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sherm-Shiez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shif-Shnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sho-Shoqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 62

EX ND 8-1-2/Shor-Shusz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Shut-Sidz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sie-Sijz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sik-Silz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sim-Simoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Simp-Simz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sin-Sioz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sip-Sirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sis-Sisz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sit-Sjz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sk-Skz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sl-Slazxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Slay-Sloz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Slp-Smhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smi-Smith, A [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, B-Smith, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, D [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, E-Smith, F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, G-Smith, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, J [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, K-Smith, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, M-Smith, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, R-Smith, S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smith, T-Smith, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Smitha-Smz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sn-Snxz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sny-Snz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/So-Solz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Som-Somz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Son-Sotz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 63

EX ND 8-1-2/Sou-Soz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sp-Spdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Spe-Spemz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Spen-Sphz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Spi-Spnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Spo-Sprz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sps-Ssz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/St-Staez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Staf-Stagz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stah-Stalz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stam-Stamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stan-Stanez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stanf-Staqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Star-Starz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stas-Stdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ste-Stehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stei-Steoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Step-Steqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ster-Stevz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stew-Sthz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sti-Stnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sto-Stocz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stod-Stomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ston-Stoqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stor-Stqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Str-Strdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stre-Strkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Strl-Strtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stru-Sttz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stu-Stulz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Stum-Stz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Su-Sulz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sum-Svz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 64

EX ND 8-1-2/Sw-Swdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Swe-Swhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Swi-Swnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Swo-Sz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Sbz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sc-Sdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Se-Sgz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sh-Shz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Si-Slz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sm-Smz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sn-Soz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Sp-Ssz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/St-Stz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Su-Sz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [S's only; 1 of 8]
EX ND 8-1-2/T-Takz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tal-Talz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tam-Taoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tap-Tarz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tas-Tauz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tav-Taylor, E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Taylor, F-Taylor, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Taylor, L-Taylor, O [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Taylor, P-Taylor, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Taylor, S-Tdz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 65

EX ND 8-1-2/Te-Tekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tel-Teqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ter-Terz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tes-Tgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Th-Thdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/The-Thhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thi-Thnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tho-Thomas, B [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, C-Thomas, F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, G-Thomas, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, J-Thomas, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, L-Thomas, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, R-Thomas, V [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomas, W-Thomoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thomp-Thompson [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thompson, D-Thompson, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thompson, J-Thompson, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thompson, M-Thompson, S [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thompson, T-Thoqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thor-Thornsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thornt-Thtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Thu-Thz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ti-Tiez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tif-Tilz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tim-Timz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tin-Tioz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tip-Tnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/To-Tokz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tol-Tomz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ton-Torqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Torr-Torsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tort-Tqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tr-Trekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Trel-Trhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tri-Trnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tro-Ttz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tu-Tuez [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 66

EX ND 8-1-2/Tuf-Tunz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tuo-Turner, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Turner, J-Turner, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Turner, R-Tusz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tut-Txz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ty-Tyrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tys-Tz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/T-Tdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Te-Tgz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Th-Tivz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/To-Tqz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tr-Ttz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Tu-Tz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [T's only; 2 of 8]
EX ND 8-1-2/V-Valkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vall-Vamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Van-Vangz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vanh-Vanqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Var-Vatz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vau-Vdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ve-Veqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ver-Vhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vi-Vilkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vill-Vilz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vim-Vnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vo-Voqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Vow-Vz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/V [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [V's only; 4 of 8]

Box 67

EX ND 8-1-2/W-Wadez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wadf-Wagz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wah-Waljz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walker, H-Walker, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walker, L-Walker, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wall-Wall, K [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wall, L-Walldz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walle-Walrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wals-Walsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walt-Walters, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walters, M-Waltgz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Walth-Wamz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wan-Warcz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ward-Wardz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ware-Warmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Warn-Warqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Warr-Warz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Was-Wasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wat-Watrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wats-Watsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Watt-Wdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/We-Weaz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Webb-Webdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Webe-Wedz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wee-Wehz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wei-Weikz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Weis-Wekz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wel-Welkz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Well-Wellz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Welm-Welz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wem-Werz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wes-West [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Westa-Wez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wf-Whdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Whe-Whez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Whf-Whitd [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Whita-White, G [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/White, H-White, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/White, M-White, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/White, R-White, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 68

EX ND 8-1-2/Whitea-Whitez [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Whitf-Whitmz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Whitn-Whz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wi-Wierz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wies-Wikz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wil-Wildz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilk-Wilkhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Will-Williams, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williams, D-Williams, E [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williams, F-Williams, H [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williams, I-Williams, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williams, M-Williams, R [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williams, S-Williams, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Williamsa-Willz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilm-Wilson, C [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilson, D-Wilson, F [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilson, K-Wilson, Q [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilson, R-Wilsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wilt-Wimz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Win-Wirz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wis-Wisz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wit-Wnz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wo-Wokz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wol-Wood [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wooda-Woodrz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Woods-Wookz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wool-Woqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wor-Workz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Worl-Worsz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wort-Wqz [Begin-12/31/1970]

Box 69

EX ND 8-1-2/Wr-Wright, I [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wright, J-Wtz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wu-Wz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/W-Wdz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/We-Wgz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wh-Whz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wi-Wnz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/Wo-Wz [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [W's only; 5 of 8]
EX ND 8-1-2/Y-Yaqz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Yar-Yasz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Yat-Hdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ye-Yhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Hi-Hotz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/You-Young, L [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Young, M-Young, Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Young-Yz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Y [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974] [Y's only; 7 of 8]
EX ND 8-1-2/Z-Zaoz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Zap-Zdz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Ze-Zhz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Zi-Zilz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Zim-Ztz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Zu-Zzz [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Z [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-1-2/S-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-Z [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-1-2/A-Z [Begin-12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-1-2/Condolence Letters [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 70

EX ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior Begin-[12/31/1970]
EX ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior Begin-[12/31/1970]
GEN ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN ND 8-2 Conduct-Deportment-Behavior 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-4 Housing-Quarters Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-4 Housing-Quarters 1/1/1971-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-4 Housing-Quarters Begin-12/31/1972
GEN ND 8-4 Housing-Quarters 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-5 Military Courts & Courts-Martial Begin-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-5 Military Courts & Courts-Martial 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-5 Military Courts & Courts-Martial Begin-[9/9/1974]
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions Begin-2/28/1970
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 3/1/1970-12/31/1970

Box 71

EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1971-7/14/1971
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 7/15/1971
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 7/16/1971-7/31/1971
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 8/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1972-2/29/1972
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 3/1/1972-4/30/1972
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 5/1/1972-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 72

GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions Begin-[8/31/1969]
GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 9/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1970-5/31/1970
GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 6/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
GEN ND 8-6 Pay-Allowances-Pensions 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7 Promotions-Demotions Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7 Promotions-Demotions 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-7 Promotions-Demotions 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-7 Promotions-Demotions Begin-[8/9/1974]

Box 73

EX ND 8-7-1 Approved Promotions Begin-12/31/1972 [8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army Begin-3/19/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 3/20/1969-3/24/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 3/25/1969-5/22/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/23/1969-8/28/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 8/29/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 8/30/1969-12/31/1969

Box 74

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1970-6/30/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 7/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 9/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/1/1971-2/28/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 3/1/1971-3/8/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 3/9/1971-4/30/1971

Box 75

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1971-5/13/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/14/1971-5/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 6/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/1/1972-2/29/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 3/1/1972-3/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 4/1/1972-4/30/1972

Box 76

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1972-6/5/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 6/6/1972-6/30/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 7/1/1972-7/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 8/1/1972-8/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 9/1/1972-9/30/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 10/1/1972-12/31/1972

Box 77

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/1/1973-1/26/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/27/1973-1/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 2/1/1973-4/30/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1973-5/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 6/1/1973-6/17/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 6/18/1973-7/16/1973

Box 78

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 7/17/1973-12/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 1/1/1974-1/31/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 2/1/1974-3/30/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 4/1/1974-4/30/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1974-[8/9/1974] [1 of 2]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 14 Approved Promotions/Army 5/1/1974-[8/9/1974] [2 of 2]

Box 79

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy Begin-5/30/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 6/1/1969-8/31/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 9/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 1/1/1970-3/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 4/1/1970-5/30/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 6/1/1970-7/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 8/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 11/1/1970-12/31/1970

Box 80

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 1/1/1971-2/28/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 3/1/1971-4/19/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 4/20/1971-5/10/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 5/11/1971-5/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 6/1/1971-9/9/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 9/10/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 1/1/1972-2/29/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 3/1/1972-4/30/1972

Box 81

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 5/1/1972-6/30/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 7/1/1972-12/31/1972 [1 of 2]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 7/1/1972-12/31/1972 [2 of 2]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 1/1/1973-1/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 2/1/1973-3/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 4/1/1973-4/30/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 5/1/1973-7/31/1973

Box 82

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 8/1/1973-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 1/1/1973-3/20/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 3/21/1973-5/6/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 5/7/1974-6/30/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15 Approved Promotions/Navy 7/1/1974-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps Begin-7/31/1969

Box 83

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 8/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 5/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 9/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 1/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 7/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 1/1/1972-6/30/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 7/1/1972-12/31/1972

Box 84

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 1/1/1973-6/30/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 7/1/1973-12/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 15-5 Approved Promotions/Marine Corps 1/1/1974-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force Begin-1/27/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/28/1969-2/23/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 2/24/1969-4/9/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 4/10/1969-6/30/1969
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 7/1/1969-12/31/1969

Box 85

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/1/1970-1/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 2/1/1970-2/5/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 2/6/1970-3/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 4/1/1970-5/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 6/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 9/1/1970-12/31/1970

Box 86

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/1/1971-4/19/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 4/20/1971-6/30/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 7/1/1970-8/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 9/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/1/1972-4/30/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 5/1/1972-6/30/1972

Box 87

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 7/1/1972-10/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 11/1/1972-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/1/1973-3/15/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 3/16/1973-3/20/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 3/21/1972-3/31/1973

Box 88

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 4/1/1973-5/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 6/1/1973-6/30/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 7/1/1973-7/31/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 8/1/1973-9/6/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 9/7/1973-9/30/1973
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 10/1/1973-12/31/1973

Box 89

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 1/1/1974-1/31/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 2/1/1974-3/15/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 3/16/1974-4/30/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 5/1/1974-5/31/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 6/1/1974-6/30/1974
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 16 Approved Promotions/Air Force 7/1/1974-[8/9/1974]

Box 90

EX ND 8-7-1/FG 21-8 Approved Promotions/ESSA Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 21-18 Approved Promotions/NOAA 1/1/1971-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 23-8 Approved Promotions/Public Health Service Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 23-8 Approved Promotions/Public Health Service 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 23-8 Approved Promotions/Public Health Service 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 25-4 Approved Promotions/Coast Guard Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 25-4 Approved Promotions/Coast Guard 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-7-1/FG 25-4 Approved Promotions/Coast Guard 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements Begin-12/31/1970
GEN ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
GEN ND 8-8 Separations-Discharges-Retirements 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-8/FG 14 Separations-Discharges-Retirements/Army Begin-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-8/FG 15 Separations-Discharges-Retirements/Navy Begin-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-8/FG 15-5 Separations-Discharges-Retirements/Marine Corps Begin-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 8-8/FG 16 Separations-Discharges-Retirements/Air Force Begin-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 8-8/FG 16 Separations-Discharges-Retirements/Air Force 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 91

EX ND 9 Preparedness Begin-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 9 Preparedness Begin-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 9-1 Air Power 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
GEN ND 9-1 Air Power Begin-12/31/1972
GEN ND 9-2 Ground Forces Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 9-3 Naval Power Begin-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 9-3 Naval Power Begin-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 10 Properties-Installations Begin-12/31/1970
EX ND 10 Properties-Installations 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX ND 10 Properties-Installations 1/1/1973
GEN ND 10 Properties-Installations
GEN ND 10 Properties-Installations 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 10 Properties-Installations 1/1/1973-

Box 92

GEN ND 10/FG-ND 10/FG 13
GEN ND 10/FG 13
EX ND 10/FG 13-ND 10/FG 14
EX ND 10/FG 14
EX ND 10/FG 14
GEN ND 10/FG 14 1/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 10/FG 14 1/1/1970-7/31/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 14 8/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 14 1/1/1971
GEN ND 10/FG 14
EX ND 10/FG 15 Beginning-6/30/1970
EX ND 10/FG 15 7/1/1970-

Box 93

EX ND 10/FG 15[1 of 3]
EX ND 10/FG 15[2 of 3]
EX ND 10/FG 15[3 of 3]
EX ND 10/FG 15[1 of 2]
EX ND 10/FG 15[2 of 2]

Box 94

GEN ND 10/FG 15 1/1/1969-6/30/1969
GEN ND 10/FG 15 7/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 10/FG 15 1/1/1970-6/30/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 15 7/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 15 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 10/FG 15
EX ND 10/FG 15-5
EX ND 10/FG 15-5

Box 95

GEN ND 10/FG 15-5 1/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 10/FG 15-5 1/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 15-5 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 10/FG 15-5
EX ND 10/FG 16
EX ND 10/FG 16
EX ND 10/FG 16
GEN ND 10/FG 16 Begin-12/31/1969
GEN ND 10/FG 16 1/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN ND 10/FG 16 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 10/FG 16

Box 96

EX ND 10/FG 17
EX ND 10/FG 17
GEN ND 10/FG 25-4
GEN ND 10/FG 25-4
EX ND 11 Research-Engineering
EX ND 11 Research-Engineering 1/1/1971-
EX ND 11 Research-Engineering 1/1/1973
GEN ND 11 Research-Engineering
GEN ND 11 Research-Engineering 1/1/1971-
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard Beginning-5/31/1969
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 6/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1970-2/28/1970
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 3/1/1970
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1971-
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard

Box 97

EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1973-
EX ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard
GEN ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard Beginning-12/31/1969
GEN ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1970-7/31/1970
GEN ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 8/1/1970
GEN ND 12/FG[1 of 2]
GEN ND 12/FG[2 of 2]
GEN ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1971-

Box 98

GEN ND 12 Reserve Forces and National Guard 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 12/FG #
EX ND 13 Security
EX ND 13 Security 1/1/1971-
EX ND 13 Security 1/1/1973-
GEN ND 13 Security
GEN ND 13 Security 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 13 Security 1/1/1973-
EX ND 13-1 Areas and Buildings
EX ND 13-1 Areas and Buildings 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 13-1 Areas and Buildings 1/1/1971-
EX ND 13-2 Censorship
GEN ND 13-2 Censorship
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 1/1/1971-6/30/1971

Box 99

GEN ND 13-3 Classified Information
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 7/1/1971-7/31/1971
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 8/1/1971 [1 of 3]
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 8/1/1971 [2 of 3]
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 8/1/1971 [3 of 3]
EX ND 13-3 Classified Information 1/1/1973-

Box 100

GEN ND 13-3 Classified Information 1/1/1971-7/15/1971
GEN ND 13-3 Classified Information 7/16/1971-8/31/1971
GEN ND 13-3 Classified Information 9/1/1971
GEN ND 13-3 Classified Information 1/1/1973
EX ND 13-4 Personnel
EX ND 13-4 Personnel
EX ND 13-4 Personnel 1/1/1971
EX ND 13-4 Personnel 1/1/1973-
GEN ND 13-4 Personnel
GEN ND 13-4 Personnel 1/1/1971-
GEN ND 13-4 Personnel 1/1/1973-
EX ND 14 Service Schools
EX ND 14 Service Schools 1/1/1971-
EX ND 14 Service Schools 1/1/1973-

Box 1

EX ND 18-3 Prisoners [1969-1970]
EX ND 18-3 Prisoners 1/1/1971-[1972]
EX ND 18-3 Prisoners 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 18-3 Prisoners [1969-1970]
GEN ND 18-3 Prisoners 1/1/1971-[1972]
GEN ND 18-3 Prisoners 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX ND 18-3/CO [1969-1970]
EX ND 18-3/CO 1/1/1971-[1972]
EX ND 18-3/CO [1973-8/9/1974]
GEN ND 18-3/CO [1969-1970]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 1/1/1971-[1972]
GEN ND 18-3/CO [1973-8/9/1974]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 Beginning-12/31/1969 [1 of 2]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 Beginning-12/31/1969 [2 of 2]

Box 2

EX ND 18-3/CO 165 1/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 9/1/1970-[12/31/1970] [1 of 2]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 9/1/1970-[12/31/1970] [2 of 2]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 [1/1/1971-12/31/1972]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165 [1/1/1973-8/9/1974]

Box 3

GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 Beginning-1/25/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 1/26/1969-1/31/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 2/1/1969-2/5/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 2/6/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 2/7/1969-8/24/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 8/25/1969-9/30/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 10/1/1969-10/31/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 11/1/1969-11/30/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 12/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 1/1/1970-1/31/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 2/1/1970-2/28/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 3/1/1970-4/30/1970

Box 4

GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 5/1/1970-6/30/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 7/1/1970-7/31/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 8/1/1970-8/31/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 9/1/1970-9/30/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 10/1/1970-10/31/1970
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 11/1/1970-[12/31/1970] [1 of 2]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 11/1/1970-[12/31/1970] [2 of 2]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 [1971-1972] [1 of 2]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 [1971-1972] [2 of 2]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165 [1973-8/9/1974]

Box 5

EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1971-3/31/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1971-4/30/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 5/1/1971-5/31/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 6/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 7/1/1971-7/31/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 8/1/1971-9/30/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 10/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1972-1/31/1972

Box 6

EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [1 of 3]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [2 of 3]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [3 of 3]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1973-1/31/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 2/1/1973-2/14/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 2/15/1973-2/20/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 2/21/1973-2/28/1973

Box 7

EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/1/1971-3/7/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/8/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/9/1973-3/16/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/17/1973-3/22/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/23/1973-3/31/1973 [1 of 2]
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/23/1973-3/31/1973 [2 of 2]

Box 8

EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1973-4/16/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/17/1973-4/30/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 5/1/1973-5/31/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 6/1/1973-12/31/1973
EX ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1971-[8/9/1974]
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1971-2/28/1971
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/1/1973-3/31/1971

Box 9

GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1971-5/31/1971
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 6/1/1971-6/30/1971
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 7/1/1971-9/30/1971
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 10/1/1971-12/31/1971
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1972-1/12/1972

Box 10

GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/13/1972-1/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 2/1/1972-2/29/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/1/1972-3/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1972-4/30/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 5/1/1972-5/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 6/1/1972-6/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 7/1/1972-7/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 8/1/1972-8/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 9/1/1972-9/30/1972

Box 11

GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 10/1/1972-10/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 11/1/1972-11/30/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 12/1/1972-12/31/1972
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 1/1/1973-2/28/1973
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 3/1/1973-3/31/1973
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 4/1/1973-4/30/1973
GEN ND 18-3/CO 165-1 5/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

[End of Partial Release]



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