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IT (International Organizations)

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Scope and Content Note

This subject category contains material pertaining to the establishment, disestablishment, organization, re-organization, location, or relocation, and reports to, from or about international organizations. Frequent correspondents include: the President, John Ehrlichman, Herbert Klein, Bryce Harlow, Harry Flemming, John Whitaker, Peter Flanigan, William Timmons, George Shultz, William Rogers, Peter Peterson, Richard Erb, Deane Hinton, David Abshire, Roland Elliott and Noble Melencamp. Among the National Security Council staff members found in these files are Henry Kissinger, Gen. Alexander Haig, Jeanne Davis, Marshall Wright, Melvin Levine, C. Fred Bergsten, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Robert Hormats, Richard Moose, John Lehman and Brent Scowcroft. United States delegate correspondents include Robert Ellsworth, David Kennedy, Glenn Olds, George Bush, John Scali, Rita Hauser and Daniel Moynihan. Heads of state and other figures of international importance found in these files include: United Nations Secretary Generals U. Thant and Kurt Waldheim, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary Manilo Bosio, Prime Ministers Takeio Fukuda of Japan and Pierre Trudeau of Canada, President Salvadore Allende of Chile, and Prince Bernard of the Netherlands.

The Executive File within this subject category includes the correspondence of the President, White House Staff, Administration officials and other United States delegates with heads of state, officials of international organizations, members of Congress, and business, patriotic and ethnic organizations concerning foreign affairs and United States participation in international organizations. The General File mainly contains correspondence of the President and the White House Staff with members of Congress and the general public; however, many of the same correspondents and subjects are found in both files. Some of the files are subdivided numerically by country (/CO#) or by job appointment (/A).

Related materials may be found in the following categories:

CM Commodities
CO Countries
FG 6-6 National Security Council
FG 6-9 Office of Science and Technology
FG 6-10 Office of Special Trade Negotiations
FG 6-14 Office of Telecommunications Policy
FG 6-16 Office of Management and Budget
FG 6-20 Council on International Economic Policy
FG 11 Department of State
FG 12 Department of Treasury
FG 230 United States Information Agency
FG 999 Proposed Departments-Agencies-Boards-Commissions
FI 4 Budgets-Appropriations
FI 9 Monetary Systems
FO Foreign Affairs
HE Heath
ND National Security-Defense
NR Natural Resources
OS Outer Space
UT 1 Communications-Telecommunications
WE Welfare

Among the 100 organizations found in the International Organizations files are materials concerning: treaty negotiations, tariff, trade and export/import issues, monetary reform, international banks and development loans, scientific cooperation, ocean environment, fishery resources, commodities, hijacking, terrorism and human rights concerns in Biafra, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the U.S.S.R. United States domestic concerns about the funding of international organizations, ratification of treaties and foreign trade are also found in the files. Presidential correspondence with heads of state and international organizations, ceremonial and foreign policy messages, proclamations and protocols, and materials concerning White House dinners and other social events, meetings, and job appointments are found in the files as well as reports, studies, meeting agendas and correspondence from United States delegates, officials from international bodies, the State Department, the National Security Council and the Council on International Economic Policy. Selected categories from the International Organization files are described below.


These categories include materials concerning the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), tariff preferences, pollution standards, nuclear safeguards, Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP) studies, United States and European Community negotiations with Japan, Israel and Spain, European Community enlargement, monetary reform and various commodities such as steel, tobacco, citrus, textiles, footwear, wheat and automobiles.


United States satellite programs with European countries and Israel, INTELSAT launches, and the Rostow Task Force on Telecommunications Policy are among the topics in these files.


This category concerns the funding of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the Milton Eisenhower Presidential Study Commission on International Broadcasting, and a proposed ending of support for the Assembly of Captive European Nations.


Correspondence from Director Robert McNamara and information concerning loans to various countries, including Zambia, Indochina, South Korea, Peru, Tanzania and India are found in these files.


This subject category includes material about the 50th Anniversary celebration of the ILO. There is frequent correspondence or meetings with labor union leaders George Meany, Jay Lovestone and Joseph Curran concerning union attempts to influence Congress to withhold appropriations from the International Labor Organization.


Topics in this category include: international monetary reform, proposed Romanian membership, agendas and summaries of meetings, differences in West German and United States import and export statistics, and H.R. 18306, a bill to increase United States payment to the Fund by $1.5 million.


This category includes materials relating to the Mansfield Resolution for NATO troop reduction, two quarterly reports concerning the effect of maintaining troops on the United States balance of payments, President Nixon's correspondence with NATO Secretary Manilo Brosio and former President Harry Truman, and various projects of the Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (IT 50-3).


Disaster assistance, oil spills, air and ocean pollution, road safety and an Experimental Safety Vehicle (ESV), and a Conference of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana, May 26-28, 1971, are among the topics in these files.


This subject category includes materials concerning the United States-Chile relationship, the Honduran-El Salvador dispute, the Pan American Highway Congress, torture in Brazil, the 16th Assembly of the Inter-American Commission for Women (see also: IT 80), the OAS Convention on Terrorism and the policy of the United States and the OAS with Cuba.


Materials relating to the balance of payments, licensing in East-West trade, the environment, the monetary situation, the world food shortage, maritime transport, multilateral safeguard systems, and committees or study groups such as the Oil and Energy Committee, Urban Research Program, the High Level Trade Group and the Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (IT 50-3) are found in these files.


Among the many topics found in this file are the retirement of Ralph Bunche, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly (October 24, 1970), the flights of Apollo spacecrafts 11-17 and the presentation of lunar rocks to the United Nations, the United Nations' role in Vietnam, the reduction of the United States contribution to the United Nations budget to 25%, and the United Nations Orchestra. International concerns such as hijacking, terrorism, world population, narcotic drugs, famine, civil war, the arms race, genocide and minority rights in troubled areas, including Biafra, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Northern Ireland, Palestine, and the U.S.S.R. are also found in the files.


Correspondence and speeches of United States delegates, including Ambassadors George Bush and Charles Yost and representative Rita Hauser are found in this category.


Materials relating to Biafran relief efforts are found in this subject category.

Folder Title List

Box 1

EX IT International Organizations [1969-1970]
EX IT International Organizations 1/1/1971-12/31/1972
EX IT International Organizations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT International Organizations [1969-1970]
GEN IT International Organizations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT International Organizations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 1 African Development Bank [1969-1970]
EX IT 1 African Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 1 African Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 1 African Development Bank [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 1 African Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 1 African Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 2 Asian Development Bank [1969-1970]
EX IT 2 Asian Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 2 Asian Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 2 Asian Development Bank [1969-1970]
GEN IT 2 Asian Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 2 Asian Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 2/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 2/A 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 2/A 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 2

EX IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 3 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 4 Customs Cooperation Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee [1969-1970]
GEN IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee [1969-1970]
GEN IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 5 18-Nation Disarmament Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 6 European Communities [1969-1970]
EX IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
EX IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]
EX IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [1 of 2]
EX IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [2 of 2]
GEN IT 6 European Communities [1969-1970]
GEN IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 6 European Communities 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 6/A 1971-1972

Box 3

EX IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) [1971-1972]
EX IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 6-1 Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 6-2 Coal and Steel Community 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) [1969-1970]
EX IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 6-3 Economic Community-Common Market (EEC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 7 European Space Research Organization [1969-1970]
GEN IT 7 European Space Research Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 7 European Space Research Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 7 European Space Research Organization [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 7 European Space Research Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 7 European Space Research Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Includes Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty] [1969-1970]
EX IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Includes Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty] 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Includes Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty] 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 4

GEN IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Radio Free Europe] [1969-1970]
GEN IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Radio Free Europe] 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
GEN IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Radio Free Europe] 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]
GEN IT 9 Free Europe, Inc. [Radio Free Europe] 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 10 Great Lake[s] Fisheries Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 10/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 10/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law [1969-1970]
GEN IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 11 Hague Conference on Private International Law 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board [1969-1970]
EX IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 12 Inter-American Defense Board 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 12/A [1973-1974]
4 EX IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank [1969-1970]
EX IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank [1969-1970]
GEN IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 13 Inter-American Development Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 13/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 13/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 13/A [1973-1974]

Box 5

EX IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 14 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 14/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration [1969-1970]
EX IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration [1969-1970]
GEN IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 15 Intergovernmental Committee for Europe Migration 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 16 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 17 International Arbitral Tribunal 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [1969-1970]
EX IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 18 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 18/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 18/A [1971-1972]
GEN IT 18/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank [1969-1970]
EX IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank [1969-1970]
GEN IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 19 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-World Bank 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 19/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 19/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 19/A [1973-1974]

Box 6

EX IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
EX IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[[8/9/1974]]
GEN IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
GEN IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 20 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 20/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 20/A 1973-1974
EX IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico [1969-1970]
EX IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico [1969-1970]
GEN IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 21 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 21/A 1973-1974
EX IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 22 International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 22/A 1973-1974
EX IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 23 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 23/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 23/A 1971-1972
EX IT 24 International Coffee Organization [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 24 International Coffee Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 24 International Coffee Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 24 International Coffee Organization [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 24 International Coffee Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 24 International Coffee Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries [1969-1970]
GEN IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 25 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 25/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 25/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 25/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 26 International Commission for Peace, United States and Finland 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea [1969-1970]
GEN IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 27 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions [1969-1970]
EX IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 28 International Council of Scientific Unions 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 7

EX IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) [1969-1970]
EX IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 29 International Development Association (IDA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 29/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) [1969-1970]
EX IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 30 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 30/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau [1969-1970]
EX IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 31 International Hydrographic Bureau 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 32 International Institute for Cotton [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 32 International Institute for Cotton 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 32 International Institute for Cotton 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 32 International Institute for Cotton [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 32 International Institute for Cotton 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 32 International Institute for Cotton 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
EX IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
GEN IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 33 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 33/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 33/A 1973-1974
EX IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 34 International Labor Organization (ILO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 34/A [1969-1970]

Box 8

EX IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) [1969-1970]
EX IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 35 International Monetary Fund (The Fund) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 35/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 35/A 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 35/A 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 36 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 36/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 36/A 1971-1972
EX IT 36/A 1973-1974
EX IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 37 International Pacific Halibut Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 37/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 37/A 1971-1972
EX IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 38 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 38/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 38/A 1971-1972
EX IT 38/A 1973-1974
EX IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 39 International Secretariat for Volunteer Service 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 9

EX IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium [1969-1970]
EX IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium [1969-1970]
GEN IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 40 International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 40/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) [1969-1970]
EX IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 41 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 42 International Whaling Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 42 International Whaling Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 42 International Whaling Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 42 International Whaling Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 42 International Whaling Commission 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 42 International Whaling Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 42/A 1971-1972
EX IT 42 International Whaling Commission 1973-1974
EX IT 43 International Wheat Council [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 43 International Wheat Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 43 International Wheat Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 43 International Wheat Council [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 43 International Wheat Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 43 International Wheat Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 44 Interparliamentary Union [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 44 Interparliamentary Union 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 44 Interparliamentary Union 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 44 Interparliamentary Union [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 44 Interparliamentary Union 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 44 Interparliamentary Union 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 45 Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1971-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 46 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs [1969-1970]
EX IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs [1969-1970]
GEN IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 47 Joint United States-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs [1969-1970]
EX IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 48 Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 49 Joint United States-Philippine Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 10

EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Begin-6/30/1969
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 7/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 5/1/1970-5/31/1970 [Empty]
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 6/1/1970-6/30/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 7/10/1970-7/31/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 8/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 9/1/1970-9/30/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 10/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 11/1/1970-11/30/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 12/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1971-4/30/1971
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 5/1/1971-5/31/1971
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 6/1/1971-7/31/1971
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 8/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 8/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]

Box 11

EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [1 of 3]
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [2 of 3]
EX IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [3 of 3]
GEN IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Beginning-12/31/1969
GEN IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1970-7/31/1970
GEN IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 8/1/1970-[12/31/1970]
GEN IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 50 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 50/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 50/A [1971-1972]
GEN IT 50/A [1969-1970]

Box 12

EX IT 50-1 Military Committee [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1 Military Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 50-1 Military Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 50-1 Military Committee [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1 Military Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1 Military Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 50-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 50-1-1/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1-1/A 1971-1974
EX IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 50-1-2 Channel Committee and Allied Channel Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 50-1-3 European Command [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1-3 European Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 50-1-3 European Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 50-1-3 European Command [1969-1970]
GEN IT 50-1-3 European Command 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 50-1-3 European Command 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 50-1-3/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-1-3/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 50-1-3/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council [1969-1970]
GEN IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 50-2 North Atlantic Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 50-2/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 50-2/A 1971-1972
EX IT 50-2/A 1973-1974
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) Begin-12/31/1969
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) 5/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) [1971-1972]
EX IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]

Box 13

GEN IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) [1971-1972]
GEN IT 50-3 Committee on Challenges of the Modern Society (CCMS) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 50-3/A 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 51 North Pacific Fur Seal Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 51/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 51/A 1971-1972
EX IT 51/A 1973-1974
EX IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) [1969-1970]
EX IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 52 Organization of American States (OAS) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 52/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 52/A 1973-1974
EX IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council [1969-1970]
EX IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-1 Inter-American Economic & Social Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 52-1/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) [1969-1970]
EX IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-2 Inter-American Committee for the Alliance of Progress (CIAP) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 52-2/A 1971-1972
EX IT 52-3 Inter-American Children's Institute [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 52-3 Inter-American Children's Institute [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-3 Inter-American Children's Institute [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 52-3 Inter-American Children's Institute [1971-1972] [Empty]
EX IT 52-3/A [1969-1970]

Box 14

EX IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) [1969-1970]
EX IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 53/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 53/A 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 53/A 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 53-1 Development Assistance Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 54 Pan American Health Organization [1969-1970]
EX IT 54 Pan American Health Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 54 Pan American Health Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 54 Pan American Health Organization [1969-1970]
GEN IT 54 Pan American Health Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 54 Pan American Health Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 54-1 Pan American Sanitary Conference 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association [1969-1970]
EX IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 55 Pan American Railway Congress Association 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 55/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 55/A 1971-1972
EX IT 56 Pan American Union [1969-1970]
EX IT 56 Pan American Union 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 56 Pan American Union 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 56 Pan American Union [1969-1970]
GEN IT 56 Pan American Union 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 56 Pan American Union 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration [1969-1970]
EX IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 57 Permanent Court of Arbitration 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 58 Permanent Engineering Board (U.S.-Canada-Columbia River) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 59 Permanent International Organization of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 15

EX IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
EX IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada [1969-1970]
GEN IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 60 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United States and Canada 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 60/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 61 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 62 South Pacific Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 62 South Pacific Commission 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 62 South Pacific Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 62 South Pacific Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 62 South Pacific Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 62 South Pacific Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 62/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 62/A 1971-1972
EX IT 62/A 1973-1974
EX IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 63 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64 United Nations Begin-6/30/1969
EX IT 64 United Nations 7/1/1969-10/31/1969
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1970-4/30/1970
EX IT 64 United Nations 5/1/1970-6/30/1970

Box 16

EX IT 64 United Nations 7/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX IT 64 United Nations 9/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1971-1/31/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 2/1/1971-3/31/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 4/1/1971-4/30/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 5/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 7/1/1971-8/30/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 9/1/1971-9/31/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 10/1/1971-10/31/1971
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [11/1971-12/1971] [1 of 5]

Box 17

EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1/1972-3/1972] [2 of 5]
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [4/1972-6/1972] [3 of 5]
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [7/1972-9/1972] [4 of 4]
EX IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [10/1972-12/1972] [5 of 5]
EX IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [1 of 2]
EX IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [2 of 2]
GEN IT 64 United Nations Begin-7/30/1969
GEN IT 64 United Nations 8/1/1969-10/31/1969
GEN IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1970-6/30/1970

Box 18

GEN IT 64 United Nations 7/1/1970-8/31/1970
GEN IT 64 United Nations 9/1/1970-10/31/1970
GEN IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1971-6/30/1971
GEN IT 64 United Nations 7/1/1971-10/31/1971
GEN IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1971-12/31/1971
GEN IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1972-10/31/1972
GEN IT 64 United Nations 11/1/1972-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64 United Nations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64/A [1971-1972]

Box 19

EX IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-1 Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64/1-A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64/1-A [1973-1974]
EX IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-2 Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
EX IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]
EX IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-3 Conference on Law of the Sea 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-4 Development Program [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-4 Development Program 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-4 Development Program 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-4 Development Program [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-4 Development Program 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-4 Development Program 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-5 Disarmament Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-6 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 20

EX IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE)[1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-7 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-7/A 1971-1972
EX IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-8 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-9 Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
EX IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]
EX IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-10 Economic and Social Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-10/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-10/A 1971-1972
EX IT 64-10/A 1973-1974

Box 21

EX IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-11 European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-11/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-11/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 64-12 General Assembly [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-12 General Assembly 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-12 General Assembly 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-12 General Assembly [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-12 General Assembly 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-12 General Assembly 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-12/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-12/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 64-12/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-13 Commission on Human Rights 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-13/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-13/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-14 International Court of Justice-The World Court 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-14/A [1969-1970]

Box 22

EX IT 64-15 International Law Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-15 International Law Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-15 International Law Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-15 International Law Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-15 International Law Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-15 International Law Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-16 International Refugee Organization (IRO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-17 Narcotic Drugs Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-17/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-18 Peace Observation Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-19 Population Commission [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-19 Population Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-19 Population Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-19 Population Commission [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-19 Population Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-19 Population Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-20 Program for the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-21 Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-22 Security Council [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-22 Security Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-22 Security Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-22 Security Council [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-22 Security Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-22 Security Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-22/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-22/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 64-22/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 64-23 Social Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-23 Social Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-23 Social Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-23 Social Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-23 Social Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-23 Social Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-23/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-24 Statistical Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-24 Statistical Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-24 Statistical Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-24 Statistical Commission [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-24 Statistical Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-24 Statistical Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-24/A 1973-1974
EX IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-25 Commission on Status of Women 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-25/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-25/A [1973-1974]

Box 23

EX IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 64-26 Trusteeship Council 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 64-26/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-26/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations [1969-1970] [2 of 2]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 4]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 4]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [3 of 4]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [4 of 4]
EX IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 64-27 United States Mission to the United Nations 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 64-27/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 64-27/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 64-27/A [1973-1974]
GEN IT 64-27/A [1969-1970]
GEN IT 64-27/A [1973-1974] [Empty]

Box 24

EX IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [1 of 2]
EX IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [2 of 2]
EX IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 65 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 65/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 65/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster [1969-1970]
EX IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 66 United States-Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning for Mutual Assistance in Case of Disaster 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship [1969-1970]
EX IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship [1969-1970]
GEN IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship 1971-1972 [Empty]
GEN IT 67 United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 67/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 68 United States Mission to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 68/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 68/A [1973-1974]
GEN IT 68/A [1969-1970] [Empty]

Box 25

EX IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO [1969-1970]
EX IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO [1969-1970]
GEN IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 69 United States National Commission for UNESCO 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) [1969-1970]
EX IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 70 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) [1969-1970]
EX IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) [1969-1970]
GEN IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 71 World Health Organization (WHO) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 71/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 71/A [1973-1974]
EX IT 72 World Meteorological Organization [1969-1970]
EX IT 72 World Meteorological Organization 1/1/1972-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 72 World Meteorological Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 72 World Meteorological Organization [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 72 World Meteorological Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 72 World Meteorological Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 73 Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 73 Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 73 Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 73 Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 74 World Intellectual Property Organization [1969-1970]
EX IT 74 World Intellectual Property Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 74 World Intellectual Property Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 74 World Intellectual Property Organization [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 74 World Intellectual Property Organization 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 75 World Intellectual Property Organization 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) [1969-1970] [Empty]
EX IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 75 International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 26

EX IT 76 Organization of African Unity [1969-1970]
EX IT 76 Organization of African Unity 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 76 Organization of African Unity 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 76 Organization of African Unity [1969-1970]
GEN IT 76 Organization of African Unity 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 76 Organization of African Unity 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation [1969-1970]
EX IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 77 Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross [1969-1970]
EX IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross [1969-1970]
GEN IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
GEN IT 78 International Committee of the Red Cross 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) [1969-1970]
EX IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
EX IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 79 United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women [1969-1970]
EX IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women [1969-1970]
GEN IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 80 Inter-American Commission of Women 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom [1969-1970]
EX IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
EX IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom [1969-1970] [Empty]
GEN IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 81 Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 81/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 82 Inter-American Social Development Institute (ISDI) [1969-1970]
EX IT 82 Inter-American Social Development Institute (ISDI) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 82 Inter-American Social Development Institute [1969-1970]
GEN IT 82 Inter-American Social Development Institute 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 82/A [1969-1970]
EX IT 83 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [1971-1972]
EX IT 83 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 83 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 83 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]

Box 27

EX IT 84 International Organization of Legal Metrology [1971-1972]
EX IT 84 International Organization of Legal Metrology 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 84 International Organization of Legal Metrology [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 84 International Organization of Legal Metrology 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 85 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commercial Commission [1971-1972]
EX IT 85 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commercial Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 85 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commercial Commission [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 85 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commercial Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
EX IT 86 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Science and Technology [1971-1972]
EX IT 86 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Science and Technology 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
GEN IT 86 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Science and Technology [1971-1972]
GEN IT 86 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Science and Technology 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 87 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection [1971-1972]
EX IT 87 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 87 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 87 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 87/A [1971-1972]
EX IT 88 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Incidents-at-Sea Consultative Committee [1971-1972]
EX IT 88 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Incidents-at-Sea Consultative Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
GEN IT 88 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Incidents-at-Sea Consultative Committee [1971-1972] [Empty]
GEN IT 88 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Incidents-at-Sea Consultative Committee 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [Empty]
EX IT 89 U.S.-Chinese (P.R.C.) Trade Committee [1973-1974]
GEN IT 89 U.S.-Chinese (P.R.C.) Trade Committee [1973-1974]
EX IT 90 [Polish-American Trade Commission] [1971-1972]
EX IT 90 Polish-American Trade [Commission] [1973-1974]
GEN IT 90 Polish-American Trade [Commission] [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 91 Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Conference [1973-1974]
GEN IT 91 Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Conference [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 92 International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) [in Vietnam] [1973-1974]
GEN IT 92 International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) [in Vietnam] [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 93 [International Conference on Vietnam] [1973-1974]
GEN IT 93 [International Conference on Vietnam] [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 94 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) [1973-1974]
GEN IT 94 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 95 U.S.-D.R.V.N. (Democratic Republic of North Vietnam) Joint Economic Commission [1973-1974]
GEN IT 95 U.S.-D.R.V.N. (Democratic Republic of North Vietnam) Joint Economic Commission [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 96 Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Committee for Cooperative Studies of the World Ocean [1973-1974]
GEN IT 96 Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Committee for Cooperative Studies of the World Ocean [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 97 World Tourism Organization [1973-1974]
GEN IT 97 World Tourism Organization [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 98 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade and Economic Council [1973-1974]
GEN IT 98 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade and Economic Council [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX IT 99 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Agricultural Cooperation [1973-1974]
EX IT 100 Romanian-American Economic Commission [1973-1974]
GEN IT 100 Romanian-American Economic Commission [1973-1974] [Empty]



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