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William E. Timmons

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The Presidential Historical materials of William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the Act and agency regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and non-historical items. These items have been returned.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the Act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.
  • Cubic feet of materials:  126
  • Number of boxes:  361
  • Approximate number of pages:  350,000

Biographical Note

William E. Timmons was born on December 27, 1930 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. After graduating from the Baylor Military Academy in 1949, Mr. Timmons worked for the Provident Insurance Company until he joined the United States Air Force in 1951. He served in the Air Force until 1955 and took part in the Korean War. After leaving the Air Force, Mr. Timmons worked as an aide for Senator Alexander Wiley. He worked for Senator Wiley until 1961 during which time he earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree from Georgetown University in 1959. In 1962, Mr. Timmons worked as the Administrative Assistant to Representative Bill Brock and held this position until 1968. He was Congressman Brock’s Campaign Manager in 1962, 1964 and 1968. In 1965, Mr. Timmons was selected as the Outstanding Young Republican by the National Young Republicans.

In 1968, Mr. Timmons worked as the Director of Congressional Relations for the Nixon-Agnew campaign and after the election of Richard Nixon, he became the Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs working for Bryce Harlow. In 1970, after Bryce Harlow left the Nixon White House, Mr. Timmons became the Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs. Mr. Timmons held this position for the entire Nixon Presidency and he continued on as the Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs for President Gerald R. Ford after President Nixon’s resignation,. In 1975, Mr. Timmons left the Ford Administration and, along with former White House staff member Tom Korologos, established the lobbying firm Timmons and Company. Timmons and Company became one of the top lobbying firms in Washington D.C. representing companies such as the Chrysler Corporation and Bristol-Myers. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter named Mr. Timmons to the Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations. Mr. Timmons then served as an advisor to Ronald Reagan during his 1980 presidential campaign and he was in charge of Congressional Relations for the Reagan transition team after Ronald Reagan’s election. He was appointed to the U.S.-Japan Advisory Commission in 1986. In 2008, Mr. Timmons worked for the presidential campaign of John McCain preparing a transition team in case Mr. McCain won the election. Mr. Timmons also served as the Republican National Convention Manager for the conventions of 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1984. He was a convention advisor for George H.W. Bush in 1988 and George W. Bush in 2000.

William Timmons and his wife Mimi have three children and nine grandchildren. They currently reside in Bethesda, Maryland.

Scope and Content Note

The materials of the William E. Timmons collection cover the period from January 1969 to August 1974. During this period Mr. Timmons served first as Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (1969-1970) under Bryce Harlow and then as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (1970-1974). Mr. Timmons served in this position until President Nixon’s resignation on August 9, 1974. The materials in this collection are arranged into seven series including Subject Files, Legislative Files, Inter-Office Memoranda, Correspondence, Chronological Files, Personnel Files and Reference and Research Files.

The Subject Files and Legislative Files series cover a wide range of foreign and domestic policy issues. Subjects in this series include: Vietnam, the environment, abortion, women’s rights, 18 year old voting age, health care, energy, the economy, and Watergate to name just a few. The materials mention creating legislation and strategy on how to get particular pieces of legislation passed or defeated. The series contains vote tracking sheets for Mr. Timmons and his staff to keep track on how the administration stood on an issue and what was needed to do to gather more support. There are also materials on potential implications if the President were to veto a piece of legislation and if there was sufficient support in Congress to overturn the President’s veto. Materials covering Vice-President Agnew’s resignation, the appointment of Congressman Gerald Ford as Vice-President and the potential impeachment of President Nixon over the Watergate affair are included.

The Inter-Office Memoranda series includes internal correspondence between Mr. Timmons and his staff, President Nixon and other members of the White House Staff. White House staff members who have materials in this series include: Henry Kissinger, H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, John Dean and Charles Colson. The subjects of this series are on legislative strategy and political issues. Campaign strategy is discussed in these materials including which Members of Congress have been favorable to the Nixon Administration and should receive White House support in their re-election efforts. The series contains a large amount of materials on Congressman Gerald Ford, Senator Bob Dole and Senator Strom Thurmond.

The Correspondence series is the largest series in the collection. Materials in this series include correspondence to and from Mr. Timmons and the Legislative Affairs staff. Staff members include Bill Casselman, Dick Cook, Patrick O’Donnell, Ken BeLieu, Max Friederadorf, Tom Korologos, Fred Webber, and Vern Loen. Subjects of these correspondences include requests from Members of Congress for The President to review certain legislative topics as well as requests for the President to contact members of their constituency on special occasions. The series also contains correspondence from Clark MacGregor who served as Counselor to the President for Legislative Affairs and correspondence Mr. Timmons received from the general public.

The Chronological Files series contain copies of all correspondence sent by Mr. Timmons and his staff. The materials are of the same subjects as correspondence in the collections other series. The Personnel Files series contain materials on individuals seeking positions with Mr. Timmons staff or with Legislative Affairs staff in other government agencies. Correspondence in this series includes requests from Members of Congress to find positions for individuals in their constituency and requests from Members of Congress who lost re-election seeking to find positions for themselves. Internal memoranda discuss the status of current Legislative Affairs staff and who should be kept or replaced. The Reference and Research Files series contains reports, books and articles used by Mr. Timmons and his staff to collect data to establish whether the administration support or attempt to defeat a legislative issue.

The collection includes one box of photographs and one audio tape that has been transferred to our audio-visual department. Please contact the Nixon Library audio-visual staff if you are interested in viewing these items.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-52
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  Contains letters and memoranda to and from Mr. Timmons and the Legislative Affairs staff as well as reports, articles, speech drafts and other ephemera. The materials cover subjects on both foreign and domestic policy, legislation and campaign issues for Members of Congress and President Nixon. The series is arranged chronologically in two groups 1969-1972 and 1973-1974 and then alphabetically by subject name.

Boxes:   53-85
Series:   Legislative Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  The materials in this series include letters, memoranda, reports, draft legislation, published legislation and vote tracking sheets. The majority of the materials come from the 91st and 92nd sessions of Congress. The series is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   86-112
Series:   Inter-Office Memoranda | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  The materials in this series include internal memoranda between Mr. Timmons, the Legislative Affairs staff and other White House staff members. The series has three sub-series: House of Representatives, Senate and White House Staff. Each sub-series are arranged alphabetically by name.

Boxes:   113-270
Series:   Correspondence | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  The materials in this series include letters and memoranda to and from Mr. Timmons and the Legislative affairs staff. The series has four sub-series: House of Representatives, Senate, Clark MacGregor Files and General Correspondence. The House of Representatives and Senate sub-series are arranged chronologically by year and then alphabetically by name. The Clark MacGregor Files and General Correspondence sub-series are arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   271-334
Series:   Chronological Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  The materials in this series include copies of all correspondence sent by William Timmons and the Legislative Affairs staff to The President, White House staff members, Members of Congress and the general public. The series is arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically within each year.

Boxes:   335-348
Series:   Personnel Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  Materials in this series include letters, memoranda, resumes and application forms from individuals seeking positions with the White House Legislative Affairs staff or the Legislative affairs staff at different government agencies. The series is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   349-361
Series:   Reference and Research Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – August 1974
Description:  Materials in this series include reports, books, articles, and magazines used by the Legislative Affairs staff to research legislative issues. The series is arranged alphabetically.

Folder Title List

Series I: Subject Files

Box 1

1970 Campaign Issue (1 of 4)
1970 Campaign Issue (2 of 4)
1970 Campaign Issue (3 of 4)
1970 Campaign Issue (4 of 4)
1971 Congressional Records Highlights (1 of 3)
1971 Congressional Records Highlights (2 of 3)
1971 Congressional Records Highlights (3 of 3)
92nd Congress Legislative Issues & Wrap-up (1 of 5)
92nd Congress Legislative Issues & Wrap-up (2 of 5)
92nd Congress Legislative Issues & Wrap-up (3 of 5)
92nd Congress Legislative Issues & Wrap-up (4 of 5)
92nd Congress Legislative Issues & Wrap-up (5 of 5)
92nd Congress Legislative Proposals (1 of 3)
92nd Congress Legislative Proposals (2 of 3)
92nd Congress Legislative Proposals (3 of 3)

Box 2

ABM Phase II Chron (1 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (2 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (3 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (4 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (5 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (6 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (7 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (8 of 9)
ABM Phase II Chron (9 of 9)
ABM, Safeguard, Etc. (1 of 3)
ABM, Safeguard, Etc. (2 of 3)
ABM, Safeguard, Etc. (3 of 3)

Box 3

Action Agency (Peace Corp.)
Administrative Conference
Advisory Boards & Commissions (1 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (2 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (3 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (4 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (5 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (6 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (7 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (8 of 9)
Advisory Boards & Commissions (9 of 9)
Aging Administration

Box 4

Agriculture (1 of 4)
Agriculture (2 of 4)
Agriculture (3 of 4)
Agriculture (4 of 4)
Agriculture Dept. 1969
Air Transportation Policy
Alphabetical Files (1 of 5)
Alphabetical Files (2 of 5)
Alphabetical Files (3 of 5)
Alphabetical Files (4 of 5)
Alphabetical Files (5 of 5)
Armed Forces
Atomic Energy Commission

Box 5

B+ Budget Form
Belieu, Kenneth E.
Bill Procedure-Presidential Action
Bill Signings 1972 (1 of 2)
Bill Signings 1972 (2 of 2)
Black Caucus (1 of 2)
Black Caucus (2 of 2)
Border Patrol Crisis
Briefings (1 of 7)
Briefings (2 of 7)
Briefings (3 of 7)
Briefings (4 of 7)
Briefings (5 of 7)
Briefings (6 of 7)
Briefings (7 of 7)

Box 6

Bryce Harlow Memos (1 of 3)
Bryce Harlow Memos (2 of 3)
Bryce Harlow Memos (3 of 3)
Budget FY 1971 (1 of 4)
Budget FY 1971 (2 of 4)
Budget FY 1971 (3 of 4)
Budget FY 1971 (4 of 4)
Budget 1972
Bull Elephants
Bureau of the Budget 1969 (1 of 2)
Bureau of the Budget 1969 (2 of 2)
Butterfield, Alex

Box 7

Cabinet MTGS
Cambodia Misc. (1 of 4)
Cambodia Misc. (2 of 4)
Cambodia Misc. (3 of 4)
Cambodia Misc. (4 of 4)
Cambodia Situation (1 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (2 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (3 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (4 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (5 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (6 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (7 of 8)
Cambodia Situation (8 of 8)
Campaigns and Elections (1 of 2)
Campaigns and Elections (2 of 2)

Box 8

Chapin, Dwight
Chowder and Marching Club
Civil Svc. Commission
Coal Mine Safety
Coffee Legislation
Cole, Ken
Colleague Letters
Colson, Chuck
Commerce (1 of 2)
Commerce (2 of 2)
Commerce Dept. 1969
Commissions (1 of 3)
Commissions (2 of 3)
Commissions (3 of 3)
Committee of Six
Conferences (1 of 2)
Conferences (2 of 2)
Cong. Activity: 6/7/71 – 11/27/71 (1 of 3)
Cong. Activity: 6/7/71 – 11/27/71 (2 of 3)
Cong. Activity: 6/7/71 – 11/27/71 (3 of 3)

Box 9

Congress-Former Members
Congressional Liaison (1 of 3)
Congressional Liaison (2 of 3)
Congressional Liaison (3 of 3)
Congressional Mass Mailing 1972 (1 of 5)
Congressional Mass Mailing 1972 (2 of 5)
Congressional Mass Mailing 1972 (3 of 5)
Congressional Mass Mailing 1972 (4 of 5)
Congressional Mass Mailing 1972 (5 of 5)
Congressional Misc. (1 of 2)
Congressional Misc. (2 of 2)

Box 10

Congressional Staff Advisory Council
Congressional Leadership Race
Construction Cut-Back
Consumer Affairs
Council on Environmental Quality (1 of 6)
Council on Environmental Quality (2 of 6)
Council on Environmental Quality (3 of 6)
Council on Environmental Quality (4 of 6)
Council on Environmental Quality (5 of 6)
Council on Environmental Quality (6 of 6)
Cowen, Gene
CR Heads Conference –Camp David
CR Staffs, WH Depts. & Agencies (1 of 3)
CR Staffs, WH Depts. & Agencies (2 of 3)
CR Staffs, WH Depts. & Agencies (3 of 3)

Box 11

Daylight Savings Time
Dean, John
Defense Department (1 of 2)
Defense Department (2 of 2)
Dent, Harry
Domestic Council (1 of 3)
Domestic Council (2 of 3)
Domestic Council (3 of 3)
Economic Develop. Admin. (1 of 3)
Economic Develop. Admin. (2 of 3)
Economic Develop. Admin. (3 of 3)
Economic Opportunity, Office of 1969 Correspondence
Education, Cabinet Committee on (PT of Dom. Council)
Emergency Strike
Employment – Defeated Incumbents
Environmental Protect Authority (1 of 3)
Environmental Protect Authority (2 of 3)
Environmental Protect Authority (3 of 3)
Environmental Qty. Council
Environmental Quality Council 1969
Executive Privilege
Expo 70 – Osaka

Box 12

Federal Trade Commission
Federal Water Quality Admin.
Finch, Robert
Flanigan, Peter
Franklin, Barbara
Fuel Shortage
General Services Administration (1 of 2)
General Services Administration (2 of 2)
Geneva Protocol (Unclassified)
Gifford, Bill
Gift Section
GOP Leadership 1972 (1 of 3)
GOP Leadership 1972 (2 of 3)
GOP Leadership 1972 (3 of 3)
Government Agency Cases

Box 13

Hasek, Eliska
Health, Education & Welfare
Hew Correspondence 1969
HR Haldeman
House Administration Committee (Empty)
House Clubs and Groups
House Committees (1 of 5)
House Committees (2 of 5)
House Committees (3 of 5)
House Committees (4 of 5)
House Committees (5 of 5)
House Democratic Caucus (1 of 1)
House GOP Conference (1 of 1)
House Key Votes
House of Rep. Miscellaneous (1 of 2)
House of Rep. Miscellaneous (2 of 2)
Housing & Urban Development (1 of 3)
Housing & Urban Development (2 of 3)
Housing & Urban Development (3 of 3)
Human Investment

Box 14

Inflation Alert
Intergovernmental Personnel Policy
Intergovernmental Relations, Office of
Interior Appropriations (Empty)
Interior Committee
Interior, Dept. of Miscellaneous
Internal Revenue Service
Internal Security Committee
International Economic Policy Council
International Narcotics Control
International Organizations
Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Interstate Commerce Commission
Invitations W.E.T. (1 of 3)
Invitations W.E.T. (2 of 3)
Invitations W.E.T. (3 of 3)
Invitations White House
Justice Department (1 of 1)

Box 15

Labor (1 of 2)
Labor (1 of 2)
Law Enforcement (1 of 1)
Leaded Gas (Treas.) (1 of 1)
Legislation, Status Reports by CR Staff (1 of 3)
Legislation, Status Reports by CR Staff (2 of 3)
Legislation, Status Reports by CR Staff (3 of 3)
Legislation, Undesirable to Admin.
Legislation Weekly Report from Departments
Legislative Interdepartmental Group of National Security (1 of 1)
Legislative Sequence (1 of 1)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (1 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (2 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (3 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (4 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (5 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (6 of 7)
Legislative Tracking System #2 (7 of 7)
Letters of Resignation

Box 16

Management & Budget, Office of-1970 (1 of 4)
Management & Budget, Office of-1970 (2 of 4)
Management & Budget, Office of-1970 (3 of 4)
Management & Budget, Office of-1970 (4 of 4)
Management & Budget, Office of-1971 (1 of 3)
Management & Budget, Office of-1971 (2of 3)
Management & Budget, Office of-1971 (3 of 3)
Meetings, Congress Relations
Members of Congress
Memorandum for the Record (1 of 2)
Memorandum for the Record (2 of 2)
Message Distribution
Message to Congress-Johnson
Messages to Congress-91st Congress (1 of 3)
Messages to Congress-91st Congress (2 of 3)
Messages to Congress-91st Congress (3 of 3)

Box 17

Messages 92nd Congress (1 of 6)
Messages 92nd Congress (2 of 6)
Messages 92nd Congress (3 of 6)
Messages 92nd Congress (4 of 6)
Messages 92nd Congress (5 of 6)
Messages 92nd Congress (6 of 6)
Mid East Problems (1 of 5)
Mid East Problems (2 of 5)
Mid East Problems (3 of 5)
Mid East Problems (4 of 5)
Mid East Problems (5 of 5)
Mtgs. With Governors, Mayors & Top Officials of Companies

Box 18

NASA (1 of 2)
NASA (2 of 2)
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (1 of 3)
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (2 of 3)
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (3 of 3)
National Security Council (1 of 2)
National Security Council (2 of 2)
Navy (Empty)
Nixon, Mrs. Staff
OEO (1 of 2)
OEO (2 of 2)
Office of Emergency Preparedness (1 of 2)
Office of Emergency Preparedness (2 of 2)
Office of Emergency Preparedness 1969
Oil Import
Organizations Involved in Departmental Legislation (1 of 2)
Organizations Involved in Departmental Legislation (2 of 2)
Overseas Private Investment Corp.

Box 19

Personnel (1 of 3)
Personnel (2 of 3)
Personnel (3 of 3)
Photograph Requests
Political (1 of 9)
Political (2 of 9)
Political (3 of 9)
Political (4 of 9)
Political (5 of 9)
Political (6 of 9)
Political (7 of 9)
Political (8 of 9)
Political (9 of 9)

Box 20

Post Office (1 of 4)
Post Office (2 of 4)
Post Office (3 of 4)
Post Office (4 of 4)
Pres. Nixon Memos (Empty)
Presidential Accomplishments (1 of 3)
Presidential Accomplishments (2 of 3)
Presidential Accomplishments (3 of 3)
Presidential Notes (Empty)
Press office
Proclamations Proposed
Project Funding
Project Managers Daily Reports
Public Laws: Senate and House

Box 21

Requests for Photos of Nixon
Rose Mary Woods
Science and Astronautics
Securities Exchange Commission
Selection Service
Senate Key Votes
Senate Committees (1 of 2)
Senate Miscellaneous Info
Senate Parliamentary Procedure
Senatorial Invitations to White House Functions (1 of 3)
Senatorial Invitations to White House Functions (2 of 3)
Senatorial Invitations to White House Functions (3 of 3)

Box 22

Senatorial Meetings w/President (1 of 5)
Senatorial Meetings w/President (2 of 5)
Senatorial Meetings w/President (3 of 5)
Senatorial Meetings w/President (4 of 5)
Senatorial Meetings w/President (5 of 5)
Small Business Administration
Smith, Mike ( 1 of 2)
Smith, Mike (2 of 2)
Social Advisors
Social Events (1 of 2)
Social Events (2 of 2)
Staff Memos—Timmons 1971 (1 of 2)
Staff Memos—Timmons 1971 (2 of 2)
Staff Memos—White House

Box 23

State Department (1 of 4)
State Department (2 of 4)
State Department (3 of 4)
State Department (4 of 4)
Strike Legislation
Summer Interns
Supreme Court Investigations (1 of 2)
Supreme Court Investigations (2 of 2)

Box 24

Task Forces
Taxes—Excise, Estate, Gift, et al.
Tkach, M.D., Gen. Walter
Transportation (1 of 2)
Transportation (2 of 2)
Transportation, Dept. of—Miscellaneous
Transportation—Sizes, Trucks, and Buses, etc.
Travel Info (1 of 2)
Travel Info (2 of 2)
Travel Instruction
Treasury Department

Box 25

Unemployment Compensation
United Nations (1 of 2)
United Nations (2 of 2)
United States Information Agency
Urban Coalition
U.S. Intern’l Development Corp.
Veterans Administration (1 of 3)
Veterans Administration (2 of 3)
Veterans Administration (3 of 3)
Veterans Admin. Appropriation (empty)
Veto Strategy (1 of 3)
Veto Strategy (2 of 3)
Veto Strategy (3 of 3)
Vice President (1 of 2)
Vice President (2 of 2)

Box 26

Visitor’s Office
Voting Record of Senators and House of Rep.
Water Desalination Program
Water Resource Council
White House Fellows
William E. Timmons (1 of 5)
William E. Timmons (2 of 5)
William E. Timmons (3 of 5)
William E. Timmons (4 of 5)
William E. Timmons (5 of 5)
Women’s Rights

Series I: Subject Files
1973 – 1974

Box 27

1973—Bills Received (1 of 6)
1973—Bills Received (2 of 6)
1973—Bills Received (3 of 6)
1973—Bills Received (4 of 6)
1973—Bills Received (5 of 6)
1973—Bills Received (6 of 6)
Agriculture (1 of 3)
Agriculture (2 of 3)
Agriculture (3 of 3)
Alaska Pipeline
Attorney General

Box 28

Bicentennial File
Bills Received 1974 (1 of 5)
Bills Received 1974 (2 of 5)
Bills Received 1974 (3 of 5)
Bills Received 1974 (4 of 5)
Bills Received 1974 (5 of 5)
Campaign Reform (1 of 4)
Campaign Reform (2 of 4)
Campaign Reform (3 of 4)
Campaign Reform (4 of 4)
(1 of 2) Campaign Reform
(2 of 2) Campaign Reform
Cargo Preference
Class A Car Privileges
Commerce (1 of 2)
Commerce (2 of 2)

Box 29

Committee Reform
Congress Background Info
Congress Members
Congressmen—Defeated + New (1 of 2)
Congressmen—Defeated + New (2 of 2)
Congressional Campaigns (1 of 3)
Congressional Campaigns (2 of 3)
Congressional Campaigns (3 of 3)
Congressional Clippings
Consumer Protection Agency (1 of 3)
Consumer Protection Agency (2 of 3)
Consumer Protection Agency (3 of 3)
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Contracts/Grants/Loans (1 of 2)
Contracts/Grants/Loans (2 of 2)

Box 30

Cost of Living Council
Crime/Gun Control (Misc.)
C/R (Depts.) Correspondence (1 of 2)
C/R (Depts.) Correspondence (2 of 2)
Debt Ceiling
Defense (1 of 3)
Defense (2 of 3)
Defense (3 of 3)
Domestic Issues
Disasters—1973 (1 of 3)
Disasters—1973 (2 of 3)
Disasters—1973 (3 of 3)

Box 31

Disasters Jan-Apr 1974 (1 of 4)
Disasters Jan-Apr 1974 (2 of 4)
Disasters Jan-Apr 1974 (3 of 4)
Disasters Jan-Apr 1974 (4 of 4)
Disasters May-Jul 1974 (1 of 5)
Disasters May-Jul 1974 (2 of 5)
Disasters May-Jul 1974 (3 of 5)
Disasters May-Jul 1974 (4 of 5)
Disasters May-Jul 1974 (5 of 5)
Distribution Guidelines for Presidential Messages and Statements (1 of 2)
Distribution Guidelines for Presidential Messages and Statements (2 of 2)

Box 32

EDA/Regional Commissions
Economic Adjustment Act (1 of 4)
Economic Adjustment Act (2 of 4)
Economic Adjustment Act (3 of 4)
Economic Adjustment Act (4 of 4)
Energy (1 of 8)
Energy (2 of 8)
Energy (3 of 8)
Energy (4 of 8)
Energy (5 of 8)
Energy (6 of 8)
Energy (7 of 8)
Energy (8 of 8)

Box 33

Energy I (1 of 8)
Energy I (2 of 8)
Energy I (3 of 8)
Energy I (4 of 8)
Energy I (5 of 8)
Energy I (6 of 8)
Energy I (7 of 8)
Energy I (8 of 8)

Box 34

Energy II (1 of 5)
Energy II (2 of 5)
Energy II (3 of 5)
Energy II (4 of 5)
Energy II (5 of 5)
Energy III (1 of 3)
Energy III (2 of 3)
Energy III (3 of 3)
Energy IV (1 of 2)
Energy IV (2 of 2)
Energy V (1 of 10)

Box 35

Energy V (2 of 10)
Energy V (3 of 10)
Energy V (4 of 10)
Energy V (5 of 10)
Energy V (6 of 10)
Energy V (7 of 10)
Energy V (8 of 10)
Energy V (9 of 10)
Energy V (10 of 10)
Executive Privilege (1 of 2)
Executive Privilege (2 of 2)
Exports (1 of 2)
Exports (2 of 2)

Box 36

Federal Property Council (1 of 5)
Federal Property Council (2 of 5)
Federal Property Council (3 of 5)
Federal Property Council (4 of 5)
Federal Property Council (5 of 5)

Box 37

First Family Appearances (1 of 4)
First Family Appearances (2 of 4)
First Family Appearances (3 of 4)
First Family Appearances (4 of 4)
Foreign Affairs (1 of 4)
Foreign Affairs (2 of 4)
Foreign Affairs (3 of 4)
Foreign Affairs (4 of 4)
Foreign Aid (1 of 3)
Foreign Aid (2 of 3)
Foreign Aid (3 of 3)
FY ’75 Budget Draft

Box 38

General Services Administration (1 of 3)
General Services Administration (1 of 3)
General Services Administration (1 of 3)
Housing (1 of 2)
Housing (2 of 2)
House Republican Contacts
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (1 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (2 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (3 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (4 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (5 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (6 of 8)

Box 39

Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (13 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (14 of 14)
Indian Revenue Sharing
Indochina (1 of 4)
Indochina (2 of 4)
Indochina (3 of 4)
Indochina (4 of 4)
Induction Authority
Interior (1 of 2)
Interior (2 of 2)
International Conferences
Invitations to the President

Box 40

Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (7 of 8)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—Thru April 1974 (8 of 8)
Impeachment/House Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (1 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (2 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (3 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (4 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (5 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (6 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (7 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (8 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (9 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (10 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (11 of 14)
Impeachment/Judiciary Committee—May 1974 (12 of 14)

Box 41

Legal Services
Legal Services (1 of 2)
Legal Services (2 of 2)
Legislative Reorganization
Legislation—Misc. (1 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (2 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (3 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (4 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (5 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (6 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (7 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (8 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (9 of 11)
Legislation—Misc. (10 of 11)

Box 42

Legislation—Misc. (11 of 11)
Legislative Misc. (1 of 3)
Legislative Misc. (2 of 3)
Legislative Misc. (3 of 3)
Legislative Status Report
Legislative Q&A
LIG Meetings
Legislation (1 of 6)
Legislation (2 of 6)
Legislation (3 of 6)
Legislation (4 of 6)
Legislation (5 of 6)
Legislation (6 of 6)
Log Export File

Box 43

Meat Imports
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage File
Misc. (1 of 5)
Misc. (2 of 5)
Misc. (3 of 5)
Misc. (4 of 5)
Misc. (5 of 5)
Miscellaneous File
Misc. Files (1 of 14)
Misc. Files (2 of 14)
Misc. Files (3 of 14)
Misc. Files (4 of 14)
Misc. Files (5 of 14)
Misc. Files (6 of 14)
Misc. Files (7 of 14)

Box 44

Misc. Files (8 of 14)
Misc. Files (9 of 14)
Misc. Files (10 of 14)
Misc. Files (11 of 14)
Misc. Files (12 of 14)
Misc. Files (13 of 14)
Misc. Files (14 of 14)
Misc. (1 of 11)
Misc. (2 of 11)
Misc. (3 of 11)
Misc. (4 of 11)
Misc. (5 of 11)
Misc. (6 of 11)
Misc. (7 of 11)
Misc. (8 of 11)

Box 45

Misc. (9 of 11)
Misc. (10 of 11)
Misc. (11 of 11)
Mushroom File
National Health Insurance
National Security Council
National Transportation Safety Board (1 of 2)
National Transportation Safety Board (2 of 2)
National Security Council
“New Federalism”
NE Railroad (1 of 4)
NE Railroad (2 of 4)
NE Railroad (3 of 4)
NE Railroad (4 of 4)
No-Fault Insurance

Box 46

ODY Fish File (1 of 2)
ODY Fish File (2 of 2)
OEP (Office of Emergency Preparedness)
Office of Campaign Practices
Office of Economic Opportunity
Office of Management and Budget
Oil Import Initiative
OMB (1 of 2)
OMB (2 of 2)
OMB (1 of 2)
OMB (2 of 2)
Other White House
Patronage Memos
Pay Raise—Executive, Congressional, Judicial, Federal (1 of 2)
Pay Raise—Executive, Congressional, Judicial, Federal (2 of 2)
Passport Office I
Passport Office II

Box 47

Pending Draft Replies
Pension Reform
Personal Reps. of the President (1 of 2)
Personal Reps. of the President (2 of 2)
Presidential Events (1 of 4)
Presidential Events (2 of 4)
Presidential Events (3 of 4)
Presidential Events (4 of 4)
Presidential Library and Papers
Presidential Speeches
President’s Taxes
Projects (1 of 4)
Projects (2 of 4)

Box 48

Projects (3 of 4)
Projects (4 of 4)
Radio Free Europe
Ralph Wader’s Suit Against Agriculture Department
Reduction of Federal Expenditures
Republican Congressional News
Republican Leadership Meetings
Republican Leadership Meeting
Renegotiation Board
Reorganization Plan No.2 of ‘73
Reorganization Plan
Rhodesian Chrome
RNC Staff
San Clemente
Selective Service
Special Prosecutor

Box 49

State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (1 of 6)
State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (2 of 6)
State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (3 of 6)
State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (4 of 6)
State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (5 of 6)
State of the Union/Budget/Economic Report (6 of 6)
Strip/Surface Mining
Timmons—Cole Briefing for the Vice President
VEEP (1 of 5)
VEEP (2 of 5)
VEEP (3 of 5)
VEEP (4 of 5)
VEEP (5 of 5)
Vocational Rehab-Aging
Voter Registration Act

Box 50

War Powers (1 of 3)
War Powers (2 of 3)
War Powers (3 of 3)
Wage & Price Control (1 of 2)
Wage & Price Control (2 of 2)
Watergate (1 of 6)
Watergate (2 of 6)
Watergate (3 of 6)
Watergate (4 of 6)
Watergate (5 of 6)
Watergate (6 of 6)

Box 51

Water Resources Act of 1973
Weekly Legislative Reports (1 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (2 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (3 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (4 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (5 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (6 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports (7 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (1 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (2 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (3 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (4 of 7)

Box 52

Weekly Legislative Reports II (5 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (6 of 7)
Weekly Legislative Reports II (7 of 7)
White House Authorization (1 of 2)
White House Authorization (2 of 2)
White House Tour
White House Gifts
White House Functions
Witness Hours

Series II: Legislation Files

Box 53

ABM, Nerva, Etc. (1 of 3)
ABM, Nerva, Etc. (2 of 3)
ABM, Nerva, Etc. (3 of 3)
Add’l Asst. Sec. Commerce HR 16810
Agriculture (1 of 3)
Agriculture (2 of 3)
Agriculture (3 of 3)
Agric. Plant Variety 5/30/70 (H. RES. 1290) PL 91-577
Agriculture, Potato Research & Promotion Act S.1181 (HR 18884)
Agriculture Trade Development & Assistance Act (Food For Peace) (PL 83-480)
Agric. Wheat Marketing Quota H.J. Res. 1396 PL 91-445 (Dead)
Aid Reorganization (1 of 2)
Aid Reorganization (2 of 2)
Air Cargo Thefts HJ Res. 1307, SJ Res. 222
Airports and Airways Legis.
Alaska Native Claims
Alaska Native Land Claims S.1830
Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Prevention S.3835 & HR 18874
Allied Health Prof. Training S.3718, HR 16808
Animal Welfare Amendments of 1970 HR 19846 91-579 (12124170)
Appalachian Regional Commission
Appropriations 1970
Appropriations – Agriculture
Appropriations – Agric. & Related Agencies HR 17923 PL 91-566
Appropriations – Civil Rights Comm. S.2455 PL 91-521
Appropriations – Commerce 1971 Maritime Programs
Appropriations – Continuing HJ Res. 742, 829 (Foreign Military Sales)
Appropriations – Continuing Resolution 12/8/71

Box 54

Appropriations D.C. 1971 91-337
Appropriations – Defense
Appropriations – Dist. of Columbia
Appropriations – Domestic Council
Appropriations – Education HR 7016
Appropriations – Educations HR 13971 PL 91-390
Atomic Energy Comm. Authorization HR 9388 – H. Res. 528
Appropriations – GSA
Appropriations – Hud/Indep. Office HR 19830 PL 91-556
Appropriations – Hud, Mass Transit FY ‘71
Appropriations – Hud, Space Science, Vets Appropriations (HR 9382)
Appropriations – Interior HR 9417
Appropriations – Interior HR 17619 PL 91-361
Appropriations – Labor Hew 1971 HR 18515
Appropriations – Labor and Occup. Safety & Health Review Commission
Appropriations – Legislative HR 16915 PL 91-382
Appropriations – Military Construc. HR 17970 PL 91-544
Appropriations – OEO Extension & Childcare Legis.
Appropriations – OMB Domestic Council
Appropriations Process
Appropriations – Public Works HR 18127 PL 91-439
Appropriations – State Justice Commerce PL 91-472 HR 17575
Appropriations, SUPPLMTL 1971 HR 19928
Appropriations – 2nd Supplemental

Box 55

Appropriations – Trans. SST (1 of 2)
Appropriations – Trans. SST (2 of 2)
Appropriations – Treas. P.O.H.R. 16900 PL 91-422
Appropriations – Vets Admin. (1 of 2)
Appropriations – Vets Admin. (2 of 2)
Architect of the Capitol
Arkansas River Projects HR 13493
Armed Forces Legislation
Atomic Energy Legislation
Auto Insurance Legislation
Bicentennial Authorization Bill S.1857, HR 7374
Blackmail Legislation
Blue Lake, Designate HR 19855 PL 91-634
Broker – Dealer Insurance Bill (MOSS-HR 18458) HR 19333 S. 2348 91-598

Box 56

Cancer – Cube Program (1 of 2)
Cancer – Cube Program (2 of 2)
Camp Pendleton (1 of 2)
Camp Pendleton (2 of 2)
Campaign Legislature: Check-off (1 of 3)
Campaign Legislature: Check-off (2 of 3)
Campaign Legislature: Check-off (3 of 3)
Campaign Reform Legislation (1 of 3)
Campaign Reform Legislation (2 of 3)
Campaign Reform Legislation (3 of 3)
Campaign Unrest HJRES 1284, HR 19129 (1 of 2)
Campaign Unrest HJRES 1284, HR 19129 (2 of 2)

Box 57

Carson Nat’l Forest Watershed (Taos Blue Lake) HR 971 PL 91-550
CBS Contempt Citation
Chemical Warfare Agents Storage
Child Development
Circuit Court Executives Bill HR 17901 (Signed 1/5/71)
Civil Rights Commission S.2455 PL 91-521
Civil Rights – Desegregation (1 of 2)
Civil Rights – Desegregation (2 of 2)
Civil Service, Retirement, Financing & Benefits PL 91-93 HR 9825
Clean Air & Solid Waste HR 1833, S4012, S4319, S2005, S4358, HR 17255, PL 91-604 (1 of 2)
Clean Air & Solid Waste HR 1833, S4012, S4319, S2005, S4358, HR 17255, PL 91-604 (2 of 2)
Coffee Legislation
Commerce Dept. of Special Studies 1170 (HR 8668 PL 91-412)
Communications International Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty
Communist Countries, Sales to PL 480
Controller Gen’l, Revise & Strengthen S. 4432
Congress – General
Congressional Seniority Reform

Box 58

Consumer Advocate Legislation
Consumers Credit Information S. 823
Consumer Price Index
Consumer Protection Legis. S.3201, HR 14931, HR 18764
Consumer Representation S. 3240, S. 4459, HR 18202
Continuing Resolution HJ Res. 1421 (1/2/71) 91-454
Continuing Resolution – Mahon Introduced 11/3/71-12:10pm
Copyright Law
Copyright Law PL 91-555 SJ Res. 230 (SJ Res. 143) 12/17/70
Courts, District Courts for Eastern District of NY PL 91-546 HR 18126
Crime Legislation – 91st Congress
Cyclamate Indemnification
Cyclamates S.4000

Box 59

D.C. Crime Bill HR 16196 (S.2601) PL 91-358 (1 of 2)
D.C. Crime Bill HR 16196 (S.2601) PL 91-358 (2 of 2)
D.C. Government Message
D.C. Legislation – 91st Congress
D.C. Medical Bills S.3974, HR 18368, HR 18606 (1 of 2)
D.C. Medical Bills S.3974, HR 18368, HR 18606 (2 of 2)
D.C. Non-Voting Delegate PL 91-405 HR 18725 S.2164
D.C. Revenue Act HR 19885
D.C. Revenue Bill
Defense Appropriations Authorization Bill HR 17123 91-441 (1 of 2)
Defense Appropriations Authorization Bill HR 17123 91-441 (2 of 2)
Defense Appropriations HR 19590

Box 60

Desalting Program Expansion HR 9093
Detention Camps HR 234 & 820
Defense Production Act Amended – Amend PL 91-379
Dirksen Federal Building
Disaster Assistance Act of 1970 S.3619, HR 17518, 17824 (1 of 2)
Disaster Assistance Act of 1970 S.3619, HR 17518, 17824 (2 of 2)
Dollar Devaluation
Domestic Policy
Drug Abuse & Drug Dependence Prevention, Treatment & Rehab S.3562
Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Act, 1970 S. 3246, HR 18583, HR 17463 & PL 91-513

Box 61

Economic Assistance and Investing Security
Economic Opportunity Act S.2007 & HR 10351
Economic Act, Federal S.3593, HR 16224 (1 of 5)
Economic Act, Federal S.3593, HR 16224 (2 of 5)
Economic Act, Federal S.3593, HR 16224 (3 of 5)
Economic Act, Federal S.3593, HR 16224 (4 of 5)
Economic Act, Federal S.3593, HR 16224 (5 of 5)
Economy Legislation
Education Appropriations Bill PL 91-380 (HR 16916) (VETOED) (Passed Over H-8/13 S-8/18)
Education – Elementary & Secondary Amend of ’69 PL 91-230, Whitten HR 514 Jonas
Education Legislation S.659 (1 of 2)
Education Legislation S.659 (2 of 2)
Election Reform Act of 1971 HR 12773, S.734
Emergency Detention Act of 1950 (HR 234)
Emergency Employment Act of 1971 HR 3613
Emergency Home Finance Act PL 91-351 (S.3685 & HR 17495)

Box 62

Emergency Labor Disputes (1 of 2)
Emergency Labor Disputes (2 of 2)
Emergency Loan Guarantee Act H. Res. 566 & HR 8432 (Lockheed) (1 of 2)
Emergency Loan Guarantee Act H. Res. 566 & HR 8432 (Lockheed) (2 of 2)
Emergency School Aid & Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971
Emergency School Aid
Emergency School Aid Act of 1970 S.3883, HR 17846 & 19446 (1 of 2)
Emergency School Aid Act of 1970 S.3883, HR 17846 & 19446 (2 of 2)
Emergency Strike Legislation
Employee Benefits Protection Act (1 of 3)
Employee Benefits Protection Act (2 of 3)
Employee Benefits Protection Act (3 of 3)
Energy Message and Legislation (1 of 2)
Energy Message and Legislation (2 of 2)
Environment and Technology, Joint Comte. on HJ Res. 11/7, H. Res. 1021, SJ Res. 207

Box 63

Environmental Education Act HR 18260 PL 91-516 (Environ. Financing Act) (10/30/70)
Environmental Protection Agency S.4269, HR 19009
Equal Employment Opportunities HR 17555 S. 2453
Equal Employment Opportunity
Equal Time S.3637 (Vetoed 10/12/70) Sustained 11/23/70
Equality for Women, FED Employees HR 3628
Excise Taxes HR 19868
Executive Office Reorganization
Executive Pay Schedule
Executive Privilege
Executive Protection Force HR 14944, H. Res. 754, PL 91-217
Executive Protection Service PL91-217 (HR 14944, H. Res. 754)
Executive Reorganization Plan #2 (1 of 2)
Executive Reorganization Plan #2 (2 of 2)
Export Expansion Finance Act S. 581
Export – Import Bank Act
Export – Import Bank Act S.4268
Extension & Revision of Draft Act HR 6531

Box 64

Family Assistance Plan Committee Report & Printed Matter (1 of 2)
Family Assistance Plan Committee Report & Printed Matter (2 of 2)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (1 of 6)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (2 of 6)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (3 of 6)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (4 of 6)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (5 of 6)
Family Assistance Plan S. 2986, H.R. 14173, 16311 (6 of 6)
Family Planning Services S. 2105, H.R. 15159, P.L. 91-572
Farmers Home Admin., Real Estate Loans H.R. 11547, P.L. 91-620, H.Res. 1228
Farms Legislation
Federal Aid Highway Act S. 4055, S. 4418, H.R. 19504 (1 of 2)
Federal Aid Highway Act S. 4055, S. 4418, H.R. 19504 (2 of 2)

Box 65

Federal City Bicentennial Development Corp. S. 4196, H.R. 19097, 18677 (1of 3)
Federal City Bicentennial Development Corp. S. 4196, H.R. 19097, 18677 (2 of 3)
Federal City Bicentennial Development Corp. S. 4196, H.R. 19097, 18677 (3 of 3)
Fed. Employees—Airport Police S. 3958
Federal Classified Pay Bill
Federal Deposit Insurance Act Amendment H.Res. 941, H.R. 15073, P.L. 91-508
Federal Employees Beneficiary, Second Spouse S. 437 Passed 1/8/71
Federal Employee Blue Collar Wage Increase H.R. 9092
Fed. Employees Fixing Equitable Rates of Pay H.R. 9092
Fed. Employees Health Benefits H.R. 16968, P.L. 91-418
Fed. Employees—Police Pay Incr.
Fed. Employee, Policy on Pay Raise H.R. 17809 (H.Res. 1182 & S. 4227 (1 of 2)
Fed. Employee, Policy on Pay Raise H.R. 17809 (H.Res. 1182 & S. 4227 (2 of 2)
Federal Employees, Protect Privacy H.R. 11150, S. 1438
Fed. Employees Right to Privacy S. 782
Fed. Insurance Guaranty Act S. 2236
Federal Salary Comparability Act H.R. 13000, H.Res. 576
Fed-State Unemployment Compensation Act P.L. 91-373, H.R. 14705
Fire Fighters—Fed. Employees S. 578, Vetoed 1/2/71
Fire Research & Safety H.R. 16538
Fiscal Responsibilities Act of ’70 H.R. 18876
Fishing, Illegal in Territorial Waters H.R. 14678, P.L. 91-514
Flammable Fabrics Act H.R. 16824
Floor Watching

Box 66

Food and Drug Legislation
Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act Amend. H.R. 13426
Food Stamp Act H.R. 18582 (S. 2547), PL 91-Signed 1/11/71
Foreign Aid Appropriations
Foreign Assistance Act of 1969 H.Res.707, H.R. 14580, 91-175
Foreign Assistance Appropriations H.R.17867, H.R. 19911, H.Res. 129
Foreign Assistance Legislation (1 of 3)
Foreign Assistance Legislation (2 of 3)
Foreign Assistance Legislation (3 of 3)
Foreign Military Sales Act H.R. 15628, H.Res. 879 (1 of 4)
Foreign Military Sales Act H.R. 15628, H.Res. 879 (2 of 4)
Foreign Military Sales Act H.R. 15628, H.Res. 879 (3 of 4)
Foreign Military Sales Act H.R. 15628, H.Res. 879 (4 of 4)
Forests, Nat’l Timber Conservation & Mgmt Act H.R. 12025
Freedom of Information Bill
“Freedoms” Bill—1st Amendment McCulloch Bill (Dead)

Box 67

Gateway East Recreation Area
General Farm Bill H.R. 18546, S. 4118, P.L. 91-526
Geothermal Steam Act S. 368, P.L. 91-581
GNMA Ceiling Limit Increase S. 2522
Government Advisory Comte, Uniform Standards and Procedures S. 1637
Grain to Soviets
Great Lakes Spoil Disposal Facil. S. 3742, H.R. 17099
Guaranteed Loans S. 1641 (Javits)
Gulf Islands Nat’l Seashore H.R. a10874
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution S. Con. Res 64
Gun Control Act

Box 68

Hazardous Substances, Child Resistant Packaging S. 2162, P.L. 91-601
Health, Hospital & Medical Schools to Aid in Family Medicine S. 3418 & H.R. 19599
Health, Manpower Training & Nurse Training H.R. 8629, H.R. 8630
Health, Nat’l Health Services Corps S. 4106, H.R. 19246
Health Services Improvement Act H.R. 17570, S. 3355, H.R. 18110, P.L. 91-515
Health Training Act S. 3586, H.R. 13100, P.L. 13100
Higher Education S. 3636, H.R. 16621, 18849
Highway Safety
Hijacking Aircraft, Guards for H.R. 19444 (H.Res. 1231)
Housing Act of 1970 S. 4368, H.R. 19436 (1 of 4)
Housing Act of 1970 S. 4368, H.R. 19436 (2 of 4)
Housing Act of 1970 S. 4368, H.R. 19436 (3 of 4)
Housing Act of 1970 S. 4368, H.R. 19436 (4 of 4)
Housing, Emergency Communities Facilities Act of 1970 (S. 3998, P.L. 91-431, H.R. 17795,
H.Res. 1178)
Housing Legislation
Housing & Urban Development
H.R. 1 General [Empty]
H.R. 1 Social Security

Box 69

Ice Age National Park H.R. 4172, P.L. 91-483
Immigration Legislation (1 of 2)
Immigration Legislation (2 of 2)
Impounded Funds
Indian School Children, Construction Funds For S.J.Res. 144
Indian Legislation
Indochina Briefings (1 of 2)
Indochina Briefings (2 of 2)
Indochina, Laos, Vietnam et al. (1 of 4)
Indochina, Laos, Vietnam et al. (2 of 4)
Indochina, Laos, Vietnam et al. (3 of 4)
Indochina, Laos, Vietnam et al. (4 of 4)
Interest Rates, Mtge Credit Control & Cost of Living Stabilization H.R. 4246 (H.Res 276,
S.J.Res. 55)
Intergovernmental Personnel Act S.11 Signed 1/5/71
International Development Association H.R. 18306, P.L. 91-599
Int’l Security Assistance Program
International Travel Act H.R. 14685 (Dead)
Investment Company Act S. 2224 (H.R. 17333) P.L. 91-547

Box 70

Joint Economic Report
Kennedy Center Act Amend.
King, Martin Luther—Medal S. 3643, H.R. 16685

Box 71

Labor—HEW Appropriations Bill (1 of 3)
Labor—HEW Appropriations Bill (2 of 3)
Labor—HEW Appropriations Bill (3 of 3)
Law Enforcement Assistance Act S. 3, H.R. 17825, P.L. 91-644
LBJ Library
Lead-Based Paint H.R. 19172
Lease Purchase
Legislative Reorganization Act H.R. 17654, P.L. 91-510
1970 Legislative Committee
Library Services & Contruc. Amend. S. 3318, H.R. 19132, 14363, P.L. 91-600
Longshoremen’s & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act Amdmts.

Box 72

Mail, Obscene, Define & Prohibit H.R. 2331, H.R. 8805
Manpower Training Act S. 3867, H.R. 19519 (Vetoed)
Mansfield Amendment (1 of 2)
Mansfield Amendment (2 of 2)
Marine Protection Research Act H.R. 9727
Maritime Authorization Bill
Mass Transit S. 3154, H.R. 18185, P.L. 91-453
Meat Legislation
Medical Facilities Construction and Modernization Act H.R. 11102, P.L. 91-296
Mental Retardation Facilities S. 2846, H.R. 14237, H.Res. 1131
Metro Subway D.C.
Mexican-American Affairs, Inter-Agency P.L. 91-181 (S. 740)

Box 73

Military Construction Authorization H.R. 9844
Military Medical School H.R. 2
Military Procurement Bill H.R. 8687 (1 of 2)
Military Procurement Bill H.R. 8687 (2 of 2)
Military Selective Service Act H.R. 6531, H.Res. 350, S. (1 of 2)
Military Selective Service Act H.R. 6531, H.Res. 350, S. (2 of 2)
Milk Program Exchange H.R. 5554
Minimum Wage Legislation
Mining & Mineral Leasing Legislation
Minute Man Nat’l Historical Park H.R. 13934, P.L. 91-548
Mortgage Credit Act P.L. 91-151, S. 2577, H.R. 15091

Box 74

Nat’l Adult Week H.Res. 614, P.L. 91-72
National Credit Union H.R. 2 (Dead)
National Governor’s Conference
National Retailing Week 1/10/71 – 1/16/71 – H.J.Res. 1255
Natural Gas Amendments H.R. 2513
Natural Resources Act S. 1445
National Science Foundation, Authoriz. for 1972 H.R. 4743
NEP: General
New Appropriations H.R. 10061
New Communities
New Mexico, Convey Lands for Recreational Purposes H.R. 10834, P.L. 91-459
Newspaper Preservation Act

Box 75

Obscene Mail H.R. 8805, H.Res. 516
Obscenity and Pornography
Occupational Health and Safety S. 2193 (H.R. 16785) P.L. 91-596
Ocean Dumping
Ocean Dumping H. R. 4723
Older Americans Act P.L. 91-69, H.R. 11235
One Bank Holding Company P.L. 91-607, H.R. 6778 (S. 1664) Eisenhower Dollar
Open Committee Amendments to Omnibus Housing Act
Organized Crime Bill (P.L. 91-452) S. 30 (H.Res. 1235)

Box 76

Parochial Schools
Penn Central Operations
Pension Reform
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (1 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (2 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (3 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (4 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (5 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (6 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (7 of 8)
Political Broadcast S. 3637 (8 of 8)
Population Growth, Commission On
Population Growth & Amer. Future, Comm. On H.R. 14245
Postal Reorganization (1 of 3)
Postal Reorganization (2 of 3)
Postal Reorganization (3 of 3)

Box 77

Prayer Amendment
POW/MIA Legislation for Income Tax Exemption – H.R. 6833
Price Wage Controls
Private Bills
Private Bills [Empty]
Private Bills Enacted
Property Management Program Surplus Program
Protest Demonstration Legis.
Public Bldgs. Amendments of 1971
Public Debt, Increase P. L. 91-.301. H.R. 17802 (H. Res. 1051)
Public Debt Limit – H.R. 4690 PL 92-5
Public Health Service Disease Control S. 2264, H.R. 11913
Public Health Services, Hospitals & Clinics H. Con. Res. 370
Public Health Smoking Cigarette Act of 1969 – H.R. 6543
Public Works Acceleration Act Amend. (1 of 2)
Public Works Acceleration Act Amend. (2 of 2)
Public Works, Economic Devel. Act 1965 Extension PL 91-304 (1 of 2)
Public Works, Economic Devel. Act 1965 Extension PL 91-304 (2 of 2)
Public Works Legislation H.R. 6279
Pure Drink Water Act – H.R. 437

Box 78

Rail Passenger Act H.R. 17849 (H. Res. 1251) (S-3706)
Railroad Retirement Act Amend H.R. 6444 & H. Res. 390
Railroad Retirement Act Amend. (H.R. 15733, H. Res. 8920) PL-91-377
Reorganization Plan No. 1 – 1971 (voluntary action programs)
Repatriation of Americans of African Decent H.R. 8965 and H.R. 5250
Resource Recovery Act H.R. 11833 PL-91-512
Revenue Sharing (1 of 3)
Revenue Sharing (2 of 3)
Revenue Sharing (3 of 3)
Revenue Sharing 1970 Correspondence
Revenue Sharing (#1 File) Correspondence 1971 (1 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#1 File) Correspondence 1971 (2 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#1 File) Correspondence 1971 (3 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#1 File) Correspondence 1971 (4 of 4)

Box 79

Revenue Sharing (#2 File) Correspondence 1971 (1 of 5)
Revenue Sharing (#2 File) Correspondence 1971 (2 of 5)
Revenue Sharing (#2 File) Correspondence 1971 (3 of 5)
Revenue Sharing (#2 File) Correspondence 1971 (4 of 5)
Revenue Sharing (#2 File) Correspondence 1971 (5 of 5)
Revenue Sharing (#3 File) Correspondence 1971 (1 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#3 File) Correspondence 1971 (2 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#3 File) Correspondence 1971 (3 of 4)
Revenue Sharing (#3 File) Correspondence 1971 (4 of 4)

Box 80

Revenue Sharing: General (1)
Revenue Sharing: General (2)
Revenue Sharing – Special Elementary & Secondary Education
Revenue Sharing – Special Law Enforcement Assistance
Revenue Sharing – Special Manpower Training
Revenue Sharing – Special Rural Community Development
Revenue Sharing – Special Transportation
Revenue Sharing – Special Urban Community Development
Rivers and Harbors
Rivers and Harbors Legis.: H.R. 19877, S. 4572
Rural Electric Bank
Rural Telephone System H.R. 7, S. 3387

Box 81

S. 1508: Retirement of Judges: Bazelon, Bill
S. 3942: Livestock Products Imported
St. Lawrence Seaway: S. Con Res. 17
Seal Killing Bill
School Lunch Act Amendmt. – Natl. H.R. 5257 – Incr. Appropr.
School Lunch Program (H.R. 515)
Second Supplemental Approp. Act ’70 P.L. 91-305 (H.R. 17399) (HRES 972)
Security Investor Protection Act H.R. 19333 P.L. 91-598
Security Assistance Suppl.
Selective Service Amendments: H.R. 17814
Shoe Imports
Small Business Admin., Loan Increase S. 4536 H.R. 19828
Small Business Amendments S. 4316, H.R. 16644
Small Business Investment Act H.R. 4604, S. 1260, H. Res. 423
Social Security
Southeast Asia H.Res. 976
Space Shuttle
Spanish-Speaking Constituents
Statutory Expenditure Ceiling S. 4292, H.R. 18876 (1 of 3)
Statutory Expenditure Ceiling S. 4292, H.R. 18876 (2 of 3)
Statutory Expenditure Ceiling S. 4292, H.R. 18876 (3 of 3)
Standard Reference Data Act H.R. 7189
State, Justice & Commerce Approp.
Stennis Amendment – see emergency school aid & quality integrated Education Act of 1971 [Empty]
Stockpile Legislation S. 3450, H.R. 16294 S. 3455 (1 of 3)
Stockpile Legislation S. 3450, H.R. 16294 S. 3455 (2 of 3)
Stockpile Legislation S. 3450, H.R. 16294 S. 3455 (3 of 3)

Box 82

Supersonic Transport List (1 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (2 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (3 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (4 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (5 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (6 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (7 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (9 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (10 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (11 of 13)
Supersonic Transport List (12 0f 13)
Supersonic Transport List (13 of 13)

Box 83

Tax, Withholding State Income H.R. 10634 (H Res 1192) PL 91-569
Telecommunications Legislation
Telecommunications Policy Reorganization Plan #1
Television Subscription (Pay TV): H.R. 16418
Three Sisters Bridge
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (1 of 6)
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (2 of 6)
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (3 of 6)
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (4 of 6)
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (5 of 6)
Trade Act 1969 HR 14870, HR 18970 1971 (6 of 6)
Trade Legislation
Transportation Legislation (Empty)
Transportation Regulatory Modernization Act of 1971
Treasury – PO-Exec. Office of Pres., Appropriations

Box 84

U.N Headquarters Expansion, SJ Res. 173, HJ Res. 1146
U.S Development Corps.: S. 4145
U.S –Russian Government Officials, S. 3125
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act
VA- Education and Vocational Rate Increases, H.R. 11959, PL 91-219
VA-Re computation of Military Retired Pay HR 372
Value Added Tax
Vessel Bridge to Bridge Radio-Telephone Act S. 699, H.R. 4354
Veterans Administration
Vets- Disability Compensation, S. 3348 PL 91 -376
Veterans Educational Assist. Act, P.L. 91-219 (H. Con. Res. 554)
Vets Educational Asst. Allowance, S. 3657, H.R. 16710
Veterans Guaranteed Loans, H.R 16710, P.L. 91-506
Veterans Hospitals (Pt. of HR 17548-Ind. Office and HUD) Vetoed
Vetoes 91st Congress (1 of 3)
Vetoes 91st Congress (2 of 3)
Vetoes 91st Congress (3 of 3)

Box 85

Vietnam Land Reform-H.R. 17117
Vietnam Prisoners of War, H. Con. Res. 454
Vietnam-U.S. Involvement In S. Res. 140 (Symington)
Voting, Extend Right to Citizens 18 yrs of Age or Older, SJ RES 7, HJ RES 223
Voting Rights Act (1 of 3)
Voting Rights Act (2 of 3)
Voting Rights Act (3 of 3)
Wage System Act of 1971, Federal
Water Bank Bill H.R. 15770
Water Pollution Control Act, H.R. 4148, H. Res. 340. H. Con. R559, PL 91-224
Watershed Projects-Dept. of Agric.
Waterways and Ports
Water Quality Legislation
Wilderness, Certain Lands Designated, S. 3014 (HR 19007) PL 91-304
Youth Appreciation Week H.J. RES 556
Youth Conservation Corps (HR 15361) S. 1076 P.L. 91-378
Youth Council Act of 1971

Series III: Inter-Office Memoranda: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 86

Aberbathy, Thomas G.
Abnor, James
Abourezk, James
Adair, Ross
Addabo, Joseph P.
Albert, Carl (1 of 2)
Albert, Carl (2 of 2)
Alexander, Bill
Anderson, Glenn M.
Anderson, John B.
Andrews, Ike (Empty)
Anderson, William R.
Andrews, George W. Rep.
Andrews, Mark
Annunzio, Frank
Archer, Bill
Arends, Leslie C. (1 of 3)
Arends, Leslie C. (2 of 3)
Arends, Leslie C. (3 of 3)
Armstrong, William (Empty)
Ashbrock, John M.
Ashley, Thomas L.
Aspin, Lee
Aspinall, Wayne N.
Ayers, William Rep.
Bafals, L.A.
Baker, Lamar
Baring, Walter S.
Barrett, William A.
Bauman, Robert E.
Beall, J. Glenn Rep.
Beard, Robin L.
Begich, Nick
Belcher, Page ( 1 of 2)
Belcher, Page (2 of 2)
Bell, Alphonzo
Berry, E. Y.
Betts, Jackson E.
Bennet, Charles E.
Biester, Jr., Edward G.
Blackburn, Benjamin B. (1 of 3)

Box 87

Blackburn, Benjamin B. (2 of 3)
Blackburn, Benjamin B. (3 of 3)
Blatnik, John A.
Boggs, Corinne C. (Lindy)
Boggs, Hale
Boland, Edward P.
Bolling, Richard
Bow, Frank T. (1 of 2)
Bow, Frank T. (2 of 2)
Brademas, John
Bray, William G.
Breaux, John B.
Brinkley, Jack
Brock, Bill Rep.
Broomfield, William S.
Brotzman, Donald G.
Brown, Clarence J.
Brown, Garry
Brown, George E. Rep.
Broyhill, James T.
Broyhill, Joel T.
Buchanan, John
Burgener, Clair
Burke, J. Herbert
Burke, James A.
Burleson, Otto
Burlison, Bill D. (Empty)
Burton, Lawrence Rep.
Burton, Phillip
Bush, Cong. George
Butler, M. Caldwell
Button, Dan Rep.
Byrnes, John W.
Byron, Goodloe E.

Box 88

Carbell, Earle
Caffery, Patrick T.
Camp, John N. Happy
Carey, Hugh L.
Carter, Tim Lee
Casey, Bob
Cederberg, Elford A.
Carlson, Clifford D.
Celler, Emmanuel
Chamberlain, Charles E.
Chappell, Bill Jr.
Chisholm, Shirley
Clancy, Donald D.
Clausen, Don H.
Clawson, Del
Clay, William
Cleveland, James C.
Cohelan, Jeff Rep.
Collier, Harold R.
Collins, James M.
Collins, George W.
Colmer, William M. (1 of 2)
Colmer, William M. (2 of 2)
Conable, Barber, Jr.
Congressman (Abbitt to Kyros) Book I (1 of 4)
Congressman (Abbitt to Kyros) Book I (2of 4)
Congressman (Abbitt to Kyros) Book I (3 of 4)
Congressman (Abbitt to Kyros) Book I (4 of 4)
Conlan, John B.
Conte, Silvio O.
Conyers, John J.
Corbett, Robert J. Rep.
Cordova, Jorge L.
Coughlin, R. Lawrence

Box 89

Cowger, William Rep.
Cramer, William Rep.
Crane, Phillip M.
Culver, John C.
Cunningham, Glenn Rep.
Daniel, Robert W., Jr.
Daniel, W.C.
Daniels, Dominick W.
Davis, Glenn R.
Davis, John W.
Dawson, William Rep.
De la Garza, Eligio
Delaney, James J.
Dellenback, John
Denney, Robert Rep.
Dennis, David W.
Dent, John H.
Derwinkski, Edward J.
Devine, Samuel L.
Dickson, William L.
Diggs, Charles C., Jr.
Dingell, John D.
Donohue, Harold D.
Dorn, Wm. Jennings Bryan
Dow, John G.
Dowdy, John
Downing, Thomas N.
Drinan, Robert F. (Empty)
Dulski, Thaddeus J.
Duncan, John J.
Du Pont, Pierre S.
Dwyer, Florence P.
Eckhardt, Bob
Edmondson, Ed
Edwards, Don
Edwards, Edwin W.
Edwards, Jack
Eilberg, Joshua (Empty)
Erlenborn, John N.
Esch, Marvin L.
Eshleman, Edwin D.
Evans, Frank E.
Evins, Joe L.

Box 90

Fallon, George Rep.
Fascell, Dante B.
Fauntroy, Walter E. Rep.
Findley, Paul
Fish, Hamilton, Jr.
Fisher, O.C.
Flood, Daniel J.
Flowers, Walter
Flynt, John J., Jr.
Foley, Thomas S.
Ford, Gerald R. (1 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. (2 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. (3 of 3)
Ford, Gerald-Inter Office 1970 (1 of 3)
Ford, Gerald-Inter Office 1970 (2 of 3)
Ford, Gerald-Inter Office 1970 (3 of 3)
Ford, William D.
Foreman, Ed Rep.
Forsythe, Edwin B.
Fountain, L.H.
Fraser, Donald M.
Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B.
Frenzel, Bill
Frey, Louis Jr.
Friedel, Samuel Jr.
Froelich, Harold V.
Fulton, James G. Rep.
Fulton, Richard H.
Fuqua, Don
Gallagher, Cornelius E.
Garmatz, Edward A.
Gettys, Tom S.
Giaimo, Robert N.
Gibbons, Sam
Gilman, Benjamin A.
Ginn, Bo
Goldwater, Barry M., Jr.
Gonzalez, Henry B.
Goodling, George A.
Gray, Kenneth J.

Box 91

Green, Edith
Griffin, Charles H.
Griffiths, Martha W.
Gross, H.R.
Grover, James R., Jr.
Gubser, Charles S.
Gude, Gilbert
Guyer, Tennyson
Hall, Durward G.
Halper N., Seymour
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hammerschmidt, John Paul
Hanley, James M.
Hanna, Richard T.
Hanrahan, Robert P.
Hansen, Julia Butler
Hansen, Orval
Harrington, Michael
Harsha, William H.
Harvey, James
Hastings, James F.
Hays, Wayne L.
Herbert, F. Edward
Hechler, Ken
Heckler, Margaret M.
Heinz, John III
Henderson, David N.
Hicks, Louise Day
Hillis, Elwood
Hinshaw, Andrew J.
Hogan, Lawrence J.
Holifield, Chet
Holt, Marjorie S.
Horton, Frank
Hosmer, Craig
Howard, James J.
Huber, Robert J.
Hudnut, William H. III
Hull, W.R., Jr.
Hungate, William L.
Hunt, John E.
Hutchinson, Edward
Ichord, Richard H.
Jacobs, Andrew Jr.
Jarman, John
Johnson, Albert W.
Johnson, Howard T.

Box 92

Jonas, Charles Raper (1 of 2)
Jonas, Charles Raper (2 of 2)
Jones, Ed
Jones, Robert E.
Jones, Walter B.
Jordan, Barbara
Karth, Joseph E.
Keating, William J.
Kee, James
Keith, Hastings
Kemp, Jack F.
Ketchum, William M.
King, Carleton J.
Kirwan, Mike Rep.
Kleppe, Tom Rep.
Kluczynski, John C.
Koch, Edward I.
Kuykendall, Dan
Kyl, John
Kyros, Peter N.
Landgrebe, Earl F.
Landrum, Phil M.
Langen, Odin Rep.
Latta, Delbert L.
Leggett, Robert L.
Lennon, Alton
Lent, Norman F.
Lipscomb, George Rep.
Lloyd, Sherman P.
Long, Clarence D.
Long, Speedy O.
Lott, Trent
Lowenstein, Allard Rep.
Lujan, Manuel, Jr.
Lukens, Donald Rep. (1 of 2)
Lukens, Donald Rep. (2 of 2)

Box 93

MacGregor, Clark Rep.
Madden, Ray J.
Mahon, George H.
Maillard, William S.
Mallary, Richard W.
Mann, James R.
Maraziti, Joseph J. (Empty)
Martin, Dave
Martin, James G.
Marsh, Jack Rep.
Mathias, Robert B.
Matsunaga, Spark M.
May, Catherine Rep.
Mayne, Wiley
McCarthy, David Richard Rep.
McClory, Robert
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr.
File on McCloskey Correspondence Check 6/24
McClure, John Rep.
McCollister, John Y.
McCormack, John
McCormack, Mike
McCulloch, William M.
McDade, Joseph M.
McDonald, Jack H.
McEwen, Robert C.
McFall, John J.
McKevitt, James D.
McKinney, Stewart B.
McKneally, Martin Rep.
McMillan, John L.
Melcher, John
Meskill, Tom Rep.
Michel, Robert H.
Milford, Dave
Miller, Clarence E.

Box 94

Mills, Wilbur D. (1 of 4)
Mills, Wilbur D. (2 of 4)
Mills, Wilbur D. (3 of 4)
Mills, Wilbur D. (4 of 4)
Mize, Chester Rep.
Mikva, Abner J.
Minish, Joseph G.
Mink, Patsy T.
Minshall, William E.
Mizell, Wilmer
Mollohan, Robert H.
Monagan, John S.
Montgomery, G.V.
Moorhead, William S.
Morgan, Thomas E.
Morse F. Brauford
Morton, Rogers C. Rep.
Mosher, Charles A.
Moss, John E.
Murphy, John M.
Myers, John T. Rep.
Murphy, Morgan F.
Natcher, William
Nelson, Ancher (1 of 2)
Nelson, Ancher (2 of 2)
Obey, David R.
O'Brien, George M.
O’Konski, Alvin E.
O’Neal, Maston Rep.
O’Neill, Thomas P. Jr.
Ottinger, Richard Rep.
Owens, Wayne
Parris, Stanford E.

Box 95

Passman, Otto E. (1 of 2)
Passman, Otto E. (2 of 2)
Patman, Wright
Patten, Edwards J.
Pelly, Thomas M.
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Carl D.
Pettis, Jerry L.
Peyser, Peter A.
Philbin, Phillip J. Rep.
Pickle, J.J.
Pike, Otis G.
Pirnie, Alexander
Poage, W.R.
Podell, Betram L.
Poff, Richard H.
Pollock, Howard Rep.
Powell, Adam C. Rep.
Powell, Walter E.
Preyer, Richardson
Price, Robert
Pritchard, Joel
Pucinski, Roman C.
Purcell, Graham
Quie, Albert H. (1 of 4)
Quie, Albert H. (2 of 4)
Quie, Albert H. (3 of 4)
Quie, Albert H. (4 of 4)
Quillen, James H. (1 of 2)
Quillen, James H. (2 of 2)
Railsback, Tom
Randall, Wm. J.
Rangel, Charles B.

Box 96

Rarick, John R.
Rees, Thomas M.
Regula, Ralph S.
Reid, Ogden R.
Reifel, Ben Rep.
Reuss, Henry S.
Rhodes, John J. (1 of 2)
Rhodes, John J. (2 of 2)
Riegle, Donald W., Jr.
Rivers, L. Mendel Rep.
Robinson, J. Kenneth
Robinson, Howard W.
Roe, Robert A.
Roger, Paul G.
Rooney, Fred B.
Rooney, John J.
Rosenthal, Benjamin
Rostenkowski, Dan
Ruth, Williams Rep.
Roudebush, Richard Rep.
Rousselot, John H.
Roybal, Edward R.
Runnels, Harold N.
Ruppe, Phillip E.
Ruth, Earl B.
Ryan, William F.
St. Germain, Fernand J.
St. Onge, William Rep.
Sandman, Charles W., Jr.
Sarasin, Ronald A.
Saylor, John P.
Schadeburg, Henry
Scherle, William J. (1 of 3)
Scherle, William J. (2 of 3)
Scherle, William J. (3 of 3)
Scheuer, James H.
Schmitz, John G.
Schneebeli, Herman T.

Box 97

Schwengel, Fred (1 of 2)
Schwengel, Fred (2 of 2)
Sebelius, Keith G.
Shoup, Richard G.
Shriver, Garner E.
Shuster, E.G.
Sikes, Robert L.F.
Sisk, B.F.
Skubitz, Joe
Slack, John M.
Smith, H. Allen
Smith, Henry P. III
Smith, Neal
Synder, M.G.
Spence, Floyd
Springer, William L.
Stafford, Robert T.
Staggers, Harley O.
Stanton, J. William
Stanton, James V.
Steed, Tom
Steele, Robert H.
Steiger, Sam
Steiger, William A.
Stephens, Robert G., Jr.
Stokes, Louis
Stratton, Samuel S.
Stuckey, W.S.
Symington, James W.
Taft, Robert, Jr. Rep.
Talcott, Burt L.
Taylor, Gene
Teague, Charles M.
Teague, Olin E.
Terry, John H.

Box 98

Thompson, Fletcher
Thompson, Frank Jr.
Thomson, Vernon W.
Thone, Charles
Treen, David C.
Udall, Morris K.
Ullman, Al
Utt, James Rep.
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles A.
Veysey, Vic
Waggonner, Joe D., Jr. (1 of 2)
Waggonner, Joe D., Jr. (2 of 2)
Waldie, Jerome R.
Walsh, William F.
Wampler, William C.
Ware, John
Watkins, Robert Rep.
Watson, Albert Rep.
Watts, John C. Rep.
Weicker, Lowell Rep.
Whalen, Charles W. Rep.
White, Richard C.
Whitehurst, G. William
Whitten, Jamie L.
Widnall, William B.
Wiggins, Charles E.
Williams, Lawrence G.
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Charles (Tex.)
Wilson, Charles H.
Winn, Larry Jr.
Wolff, Lester L.
Wright, Jim
Wyatt, Wendell
Wydler, John W.
Wylie, Chambers P.
Wyman, Louis C.
Young, C.W. Bill
Young, Don
Young, Samuel H.
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger

Series III: Inter-Office Memoranda: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 99

A-Z Senate
Senators (Aiken to Long) Book I (1 of 2)
Senators (Aiken to Long) Book I (2 of 2)
Senators (McClellan to Young) Book II (1 of 2)
Senators (McClellan to Young) Book II (2 of 2)
Aiken, George D. Sen.
Allen, James B. Sen.
Allot, Gordon Sen.
Anderson, Clinton P. Sen.
Baker, Howard H., Jr. Sen.
Bartlett, Dewey F.
Bayh, Birch Senator
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. Senator
Bellmon, Henry Senator
Bennett, Wallace F., Sen.
Bentsen, Lloyd M. Sen.
Bible, Alan Senator
Boggs, J. Caleb, Senator
Brock, W.E. Senator
Brooke, Edward W.
Buckley, James L. Sen.
Byrd, Harry F., Jr. Sen.
Byrd, Robert C. Sen. (1 of 2)
Byrd, Robert C. Sen. (2 of 2)

Box 100

Cannon, Howard W. Sen.
Case, Clifford P. Sen.
Chiles, Lawton Sen.
Church, Frank Sen.
Clark, Dick (Empty)
Cook, Marlow Sen.
Cooper, John Sherman _Senator
Cotton, Norris Sen.
Cranston, Alan Sen.
Curtis, Carl T. Sen.
Dodd, Thomas J. Sen.
Dole, Robert J. Sen. (1 of 2)
Dole, Robert J. Sen. (2 of 2)
Domenici, Pete V.
Dominick, Peter H., Sen.
Eagleton, Thomas F. Sen.
Eastland, James O. Sen.
Ellender, Allen J. –Senator
Ervin, Sam J., Jr. Sen.
Fannin, Paul J. Sen.
Fong, Hiram L. Sen.
Fulbright, J.W. –Sen.
Gambrell, Sen. David H.
Goldwater, Barry M. Sen. (1 of 2)
Goldwater, Barry M. Sen. (2 of 2)
Goodell, Charles Sen.
Gore, Albert Sen.
Gravel, Mike- Sen.
Griffin, Robert P. –Sen.

Box 101

Gurney, Edward J. –Sen.
Hansen, Clifford P. -Sen.
Harris, Fred R. –Senator
Hart, Phillip A. –Sen.
Hartke, Vance- Sen.
Haskell, Floyd K. (Empty)
Hatfield, Mark O. -Sen.
Hathaway, William D.
Helms, Jesse A.
Hollings, Ernest F. –Sen.
Hruska, Roman L. –Sen.
Hughes, Harold E.
Hughes Harold E. –Sen.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Humphrey, Hubert H.- Sen.
Inouye, Daniel K.
Inouye, Daniel K. -Sen.
Jackson, Henry M.
Jackson, Henry M. –Sen.
Javits, Jacob K.
Javits, Jacob –Sen.
Johnson, J. Bennett
Johnston, J, Bennett, Jr.
Jordan, B. Everett- Senator
Jordan, Len B. –Senator
Kennedy, Edward M. –Sen.
Kennedy, Edward M.
Long, Russell B.
Long, Russell B. –Senator
Magnuson, Warren G.
Magnuson, Warren G.- Senator

Box 102

Mansfield, Mike
Mansfield, Mike- Senator (1 of 3)
Mansfield, Mike- Senator (2 of 3)
Mansfield, Mike- Senator (3 of 3)
Mathias, Charles McC. –Sen.
Mathias, Charles McC.
McClellan, John L.
McClellan, John L. -Sen.
McClure, James A.
McClure, James A.
McGee, Gale W.
McGee, Gale W. - Sen.
McGovern, George- Sen.
McGovern, George
McIntyre, Thomas J.
McIntyre, Thomas J. –Sen.
Metcalf, Lee –Sen.
Metcalf, Lee
Metzenbaum, Howard (Empty)
Miller, Jack –Senator
Mondale, Walter F.
Mondale, Walter F. – Senator
Montoya, Joseph M.
Montoya, Joseph M. – Sen.
Moss, Frank E.
Moss, Frank E. –Sen.

Box 103

Mundt, Karl E. –Sen.
Murphy, George Sen.
Muskie, Edmund S.
Muskie, Edmund S. - Sen.
Nelson, Gaylord –Sen.
Nunn, Sam
Packwood, Robert W. –Sen.
Pastore, John O. –Sen.
Pearson, James B. –Sen.
Pell, Claiborne –Sen.
Percy, Charles H. - Sen.
Proxmire, William –Senator
Prouty, Winston L. Sen.
Randolph, Jennings –Senator
Ribicoff, Abraham –Senator
Roth, William V. –Senator
Russell, Richard Sen.
Saxbe, William B. –Senator
Schweiker, Richard S. –Senator
Scott, Hugh –Senator (1 of 6)
Scott, Hugh –Senator (2 of 6)
Scott, Hugh –Senator (3 of 6)
Scott, Hugh –Senator (4 of 6)
Scott, Hugh –Senator (5of 6)
Scott, Hugh –Senator (6 of 6)
Scott, William Lloyd (1 of 3)
Scott, William Lloyd (2 of 3)
Scott, William Lloyd (3 of 3)
Smith, Margaret Chase –Senator
Smith, Ralph T. Sen.

Box 104

Sparkman, John –Senator
Spong, William B., Jr. –Senator
Stafford, Robert (R-VT) Sen.
Stennis, John C. –Senator (1 of 2)
Stennis, John C. –Senator (2of 2)
Stevens, Ted –Senator
Stevenson, Adlai E. –Senator
Symington, Stuart –Senator
Taft, Robert Jr. –Senator
Talmadge, Herman E. –Senator
Thurmond, Storm –Senator (1 of 3)
Thurmond, Storm –Senator (2 of 3)
Thurmond, Storm –Senator (3of 3)
Tower, John (1 of 2)
Tower, John (2of 2)
Tunney, John V. –Senator
Tydings, Joseph Sen.
Weicker, Lowell P. –Senator
Williams, Harrison A. –Senator
Williams, John J. –Sen.
Yarborough, Ralph Sen.
Young, Milton R. –Senator
Young, Stephen Sen.

Series III: Inter-Office Memoranda: Sub-Series C: White House Staff

Box 105

Action Memos (RN) (1 of 3)
Action Memos (RN) (2 of 3)
Action Memos (RN) (3 of 3)
Action Memorandums- Completed (1 of 6)
Action Memorandums- Completed (2 of 6)
Action Memorandums- Completed (3 of 6)
Action Memorandums- Completed (4 of 6)
Action Memorandums- Completed (5 of 6)
Action Memorandums- Completed (6 of 6)
January 1971- Action Memos
February 1971- Action Memos (1 of 2)
February 1971- Action Memos (2 of 2)
March 1971- Action Memos (1 of 3)
March 1971- Action Memos (2 of 3)
March 1971- Action Memos (3 of 3)

Box 106

April 1971- Action Memos (1 of 6)
April 1971- Action Memos (2 of 6)
April 1971- Action Memos (3 of 6)
April 1971- Action Memos (4 of 6)
April 1971- Action Memos (5 of 6)
April 1971- Action Memos (6 of 6)

Box 107

Eugene Ainsworth
Lamar Alexander
Dr. Martin Anderson
Ash (1 of 2)
Ash (2 of 2)
George T. Bell
C. Fred Bergstein
Bob Brown (Empty)
John R. Brown III
Robert J. Brown
Patrick J. Buchanan
Stephen B. Bull
Dr. Arthur Burns
Richard T. Burress
Alexander P. Butterfield
Fred Buzhardt
John L. Campbell
Henry C. Cashew II
Murray Chotiner
Chuck Colson
Congressional Clippings
Congressional Relations Staff (1 of 2)
Congressional Relations Staff (2 of 2)

Box 108

Dean, John
Lee A. Dubridge
Ehrlichman, John (1 of 3)
Ehrlichman, John (2 of 3)
Ehrlichman, John (3 of 3)
Michael J. Farrell
Peter Flanigan
Leonard Garment
Bill Gavin
Haldeman 1969-1970 (1 of 3)
Haldeman 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
Haldeman 1969-1970 (3 of 3)
Haldeman, H.R. (1 of 3)
Haldeman, H.R. (2 of 3)
Haldeman, H.R. (3 of 3)
Harlow January 1969
Harlow February 1969 (1 of 2)

Box 109

Harlow February 1969 (2 of 2)
Harlow March 1969
Harlow April 1969
Harlow May 1969
Harlow June 1969
Harlow July 1969
Harlow August 1969
Harlow September 1969
Harlow October 1969 (1 of 2)
Harlow October 1969 (2 of 2)
Harlow November 1969
Harlow December 1969

Box 110

Bryce Harlow (1 of 3)
Bryce Harlow (2of 3)
Bryce Harlow (3 of 3)
Hasek, Eliska 1969-1970 (1 of 3)
Hasek, Eliska 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
Hasek, Eliska 1969-1970 (3 of 3)
Stephen Hess
Lawrence M. Higby
Higgins, Ann
Daniel W. Hofgren
Col. James D. Hughes
Tod Hullin
Huntsman, John
Huston, Tom
Jones, Tom
James Keogh (1 of 2)
James Keogh (2 of 2)
Kingsley, Dan (Empty)
Klein, Herb
Henry A. Kissinger (1 of 2)
Henry A. Kissinger (2 of 2)
Kissinger (1 of 3)
Kissinger (2 of 3
Kissinger (3 of 3)
Gwen King

Box 111

Korologos, Tom
Egil Krogh, Jr.
Mel Laird
General Lawson
Vern Loen Memos
McGregor, Clark (1 of 5)
McGregor, Clark (2 of 5)
McGregor, Clark (3 of 5)
McGregor, Clark (4 of 5)
McGregor, Clark (5 of 5)
Magruder, Jeb
Malek, Fred (Empty)
Mardian, Robert
Mayo, Robert P. (Empty)
McLane, Jamie
Nobel Melencamp
Clark, Mollenhoff
Edward L. Morgan
Pat Moynihan
John Nidecker
Parker, David N. ‘72
Parker, Dave (See Dwight Chapin) (Empty)
Peterson, Pete
President’s File
Press Office
Price, John

Box 112

Susan Reincke
John Rose
Norm Ross (1 of 2)
Norm Ross (2 of 2)
Donald Rumsfeld
Kenneth Rush
St. Clair
Savelle, Ginger
General Robert Schulz (Empty)
5 Couten, Rex –Usher’s Office
Sequoia (1 of 2)
Sequoia (2 of 2)
Shultz, George P.
Duke Sloan
Ken Smith
Charles Edward Stuart (Empty)
Darrell M. Trent
Fred Weber Memos
John C. Whitaker
Clay T. Whitehead
Charles B. Wilkinson
Lucy Winchester
Ron Ziegler

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 113

AA to Andrew (1 of 3)
AA to Andrew (2 of 3)
AA to Andrew (3 of 3)
AR to AZ (1 of 2)
AR to AZ (2 of 2)
BA to BE (1 of 3)
BA to BE (2 of 3)
BA to BE (3 of 3)
BI to BRAY (1 of 3)
BI to BRAY (2 of 3)
BI to BRAY (3 of 3)
BRE Thru Brooks (1 of 3)
BRE Thru Brooks (2 of 3)
BRE Thru Brooks (3 of 3)
Broomfield Thru Brown, Clarence (1 of 4)

Box 114

Broomfield Thru Brown, Clarence (2 of 4)
Broomfield Thru Brown, Clarence (3 of 4)
Broomfield Thru Brown, Clarence (4 of 4)
Brown, Gary Thru Bush (1of 5)
Brown, Gary Thru Bush (2of 5)
Brown, Gary Thru Bush (3of 5)
Brown, Gary Thru Bush (4of 5)
Brown, Gary Thru Bush (5of 5)
C Thru Collins ’69 Mail (1 of 4)
C Thru Collins ’69 Mail (2 of 4)
C Thru Collins ’69 Mail (3 of 4)
C Thru Collins ’69 Mail (4 of 4)

Box 115

Colmer Thru Corman (1 of 3)
Cormer Thru Corman (2 of 3)
Cormer Thru Corman (3 of 3)
Couglin-Cunningham (1 of 2)
Couglin- Cunningham (2 of 2)
De la Garza- Derwinski (1 of 2)
De la Garza- Derwinski (2 of 2)
Flood Thru Foley
Ford (1 of 5)
Ford (2 of 5)
Ford (3 of 5)
Ford (4 of 5)
Ford (5 of 5)
DA Thru Dawson (1 of 2)
DA Thru Dawson (2 of 2)

Box 116

Ford, Jerry (1 of 2)
Ford, Jerry (2 of 2)
House H (1 of 5)
House H (2 of 5)
House H (3 of 5)
House H (4 of 5)
House H (5 of 5)
House I-J-K (1 of 2)
House I-J-K (2 of 2)

Box 117

Evans Thru Feighan
Frelinghuysen-Fuqua (1 of 2)
Frelinghuysen-Fuqua (2 of 2)
Findley Thru Fisher (1 of 3)
Findley Thru Fisher (2of 3)
Findley Thru Fisher (3 of 3)
Dev.-Dingell (1 of 2)
Dev.-Dingell (2 of 2)
Donohue-Dwyer (1 of 3)
Donohue-Dwyer (2 of 3)
Donohue-Dwyer (3 of 3)
Eckhardt-Esch (1 of 3)
Eckhardt-Esch (2 of 3)
Eckhardt-Esch (3 of 3)

Box 118

House L (1 of 2)
House L (2 of 2)
House M-1 (1 of 4)
House M-1 (2 of 4)
House M-1 (3 of 4)
House M-1 (4 of 4)
House M-2 (1 of 3)
House M-2 (2 of 3)
House M-2 (3 of 3)

Box 119

House – MC (1 of 3)
House – MC (2 of 3)
House – MC (3 of 3)
House N-O
House P & Q (1 of 3)
House P & Q (2 of 3)
House P & Q (3 of 3)

Box 120

House –R (1 of 3)
House – R (2 of 3)
House – R (3 of 3)
House – S (1 of 4)
House – S (2 of 4)
House – S (3 of 4)
House – S (4 of 4)

Box 121

House – T (1 of 3)
House –T (2 of 3)
House – T (3 of 3)
House U & V
House W (1 of 2)
House W (2 of 2)
House W-2 (1 of 3)
House W-2 (2 of 3)
House W-2 (3 of 3)
House Y and Z

Box 122

Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (1 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (2 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (3 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (4 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (5 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (6 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (7 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (8 of 9)
Vanderjagt, Guy; House D (9 of 9)
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [1/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [2/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [3/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [4/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [5/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [6/8]

Box 123

Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [7/8]
Vanick, Charles (Ohio); House F [8/8]
Vigonto, Joseph; House G [1/5]
Vigonto, Joseph; House G [2/5]
Vigonto, Joseph; House G [3/5]
Vigonto, Joseph; House G [4/5]
Vigonto, Joseph; House G [5/5]
(1 of 2) Whalley, J. Irving
(2 of 2) Whalley, J. Irving
Wold, John; House E (1 of 4)
Wold, John; House E (2 of 4)
Wold, John; House E (3 of 4)
Wold, John; House E (4 of 4)
Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y.); House B-2 [1/6]
Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y.); House B-2 [2/6]
Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y.); House B-2 [3/6]
Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y.); House B-2 [4/6]

Box 124

Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y); House B-2 [5/6]
Wolff, Lester L. (N.Y.); House B-2 [6/6]
(1 of 4) Zion, Roger H. --- Ind.
(2 of 4) Zion, Roger H. --- Ind.
(3 of 4) Zion, Roger H. --- Ind.
(4 of 4) Zion, Roger H. --- Ind.
(1 of 3) Zwach, John --- Minn.
(2 of 3) Zwach, John --- Minn.
(3 of 3) Zwach, John --- Minn.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 125

Abbitt, Watkins M. – Va.
Abernethy, Thomas G. – Miss.
Adair, E. Ross – Ind.
Adams, Brock – Wash.
Addabo, Joseph P. – N.Y.
Albert, Carl – Okla.
Alexander, William (Ark.)
Anderson, Glenn M. – Cal.
Anderson, John B. – Ill.
Anderson, William R.
Andrews, George – Ala.
Andrews, Mark – N.D.
Annunzio, Frank
Arends, Leslie C. – Ill.
Ashbrook, John M. – Ohio
Ashley, Thomas L. – Ohio
Aspinall, Wayne N. – Colo.
Ayres, William H. – Colo.

Box 126

Baring, Walter S. – Nev.
Barrett, William H. – Mass.
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. – Md.
(1 of 2) Belcher, Page – Cal.
(2 of 2) Belcher, Page – Cal.
Bell, Alphonzo – Cal.
Bennett, Charles E. – Fla.
Berry, E. Y. – S. Dak.
Betts, Jackson E. – Ohio
Bevill, Tom – Ala.
Biaggi, Mario – N.Y.
Biester, Edward G., Jr.
Bingham, Jonathan – N.Y.
(1 of 2) Blackburn, Ben – Ga.
(2 of 2) Blackburn, Ben – Ga.
Blanton, Ray – Tenn.
Blatnik, John – Minn.
Boggs, Hale – La.
Boland, Edward – Mass.
Bolling, Richard – Mo.
Bow, Frank – Ohio
Brademas, John – Ind.
Brasco, Frank J. – N.Y.
Bray, William J. – Ind.
Brinkley, Jack – Ga.

Box 127

(1 of 2) Brock, William – Tenn.
(2 of 2) Brock, William – Tenn.
Brooks, Jack –Tex.
Broomfield, W. – Mich.
Brotzman, D. – Colo.
(1 of 2) Brown, C.J., Jr. – Ohio
(2 of 2) Brown, C.J., Jr. – Ohio
Brown, Gary – Mich.
Brown, George – Calif.
Broyhill, J.T. – N.C.
(1 of 2) Broyhill, Joel – Va.
(2 of 2) Broyhill, Joel – Va.
Buchanan, John – Ala.
Burke, James A. – Mass.
Burke, J. Herbert – Fla.
Burleson, Omar – Tex.

Box 128

Burlison, Bill O. – Mo.
Burton, Laurence – Utah
Burton, Philip – Calif.
Bush, George – Tex. (1 of 2)
Bush, George – Tex. (2 of 2)
Button, Daniel – N.Y.
Byrne, James A. – Pa.
Byrnes, John A. – Wis.
Cabell, Earle – Tex.
Caffery, Patrick – La.
Camp, John N. Happy – Okla.
Carey, Hugh – N.Y.
Carter, Tim Lee – Ky.
Casey, Bob – Tex.
Cederberg, Elford – Mich.
Celler, Emanuel – N.Y.
Chamberlain, Charles – Mich.
Chappell, Bill, Jr. – Fla.
Chisholm, Shirley – N.Y.
Clancy, Donald – Ohio
Clark, Frank – Pa.
Clausen, Don – Ca.
Clawson, Del – Ca.
Clay, William – Mo.
Cleveland, James – N.H.
Cohelan, Jeffrey – Calif.
Collier, Harold – Ill.
Collins, James – Tex.

Box 129

Colmer, William – Miss.
Conable, Barber – N.Y.
Conte, Silvio – Mass.
Conyers, John – Mich.
Corbett, Robert J.
Cordova, Jorge – P.R.
Corman, James – Calif.
Coughlin, R. Lawrence – Pa.
Cowger, William – Ky.
Cramer, William – Fla.
Crane, Phillip – Ill.
Culver, John – Iowa
Cunningham, Glen – Nebr.
Daddario, Emilio – Conn.
Daniel, W.C. (Dan) – Va.
Daniels, Dominick – N.J.
Davis, Glenn R. – Wisc.
Davis, John W. – Ga.
Dawson, William – Ill.
de la Garza, Eligio – Tex.
Delaney, James – N.Y.
Dellenback, J.R. – Oreg.
Denney, Robert V. – Nebr.

Box 130

Dennis, David W. – Ind.
Dent, John H. – Pa.
Derwinski, Ed – Ill.
Devine, Samuel – Ohio (1 of 2)
Devine, Samuel – Ohio (2 of 2)
Dickinson, W.L. – Ala.
Diggs, Charles – Mich.
Dingell, John D. – Mich.
Donohue, Harold – Mass.
Dorn, W.J. Bryan – S.C.
Dowdy, John – Tex.
Downing, Thomas – Va.
Dulski, Thaddeus – N.Y.
Duncan, John J. – Tenn. (1 of 2)
Duncan, John J. – Tenn. (2 of 2)
Dwyer, Florence – N.J.
Eckhardt, R.C. – Tex.
Edmonson, Ed – Olka.
Edwards, Don – Calif.
Edwards, Edwin – La.
Edwards, Jack – Ala. (1 of 2)
Edwards, Jack – Ala. (1 of 2)

Box 131

Eilberg, Joshua – Pa.
Erlenborn, John – Ill.
Esch, Marvin – Mich.
Esheleman, Edwin – Pa. (1 of 2)
Esheleman, Edwin – Pa. (2 of 2)
Evans, Frank E. – Col.
Everett, Robert A. – Tenn. (Empty)
Evins, Joe – Tenn.
Fallon, George – Md.
Farbstein, Leonard – N.Y.
Fascell, Donte – Fla.
Feighan, Michael – Ohio
Findley, Paul – Ill. (1 of 2)
Findley, Paul – Ill. (1 of 2)
Fish, Hamilton Jr. – N.Y.
Fisher, O.C. – Tex.
Flood, Daniel – Pa.
Flowers, Walter – Ala.
Flynt, John J. – Ga.
Foley, Thomas – Wash.
Ford, Gerald R. – Mich. (1 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. – Mich. (2 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. – Mich. (3 of 3)
Ford, William D. – Mich.
Foreman, Ed – N. Mex.
Fountain, L.H. – N.C.
Fraser, Donald M. – Minn.

Box 132

Frelinghuysen, Peter – N.J.
Frey, Louis Jr. – Fl. (1 of 2)
Frey, Louis Jr. – Fl. (2 of 2)
Friedel, Samuel – Md.
Fulton, James – Pa.
Fulton, Richard
Fuqua, Don – Fla.
Galifianakis, Nick – N.C.
Gallagher, Cornelius – N.J.
Garmatz, Edward – Md.
Gaydos, Joseph – Pa.
Gettys, Tom – S.C.
Giaimo, Robert – Conn.
Gibbons, Sam M. – Fla.
Gilbert, Jacob H. – N.Y.
Goldwater, Barry Jr. – Cal.
Gonzalez, Henry B. – Tex.
Goodling, George A. – Pa. (1 of 2)
Goodling, George A. – Pa. (2 of 2)
Gray, Kenneth J. – Ill.
Green, Edith – Org.
Green, William J. – Pa.
Griffin, Charles H. – Miss.
Griffiths, Martha W. – Mich.
Gross, H.R. – Iowa (1 of 3)
Gross, H.R. – Iowa (2 of 3)
Gross, H.R. – Iowa (3 of 3)

Box 134

Grover, James R. Jr. – N.Y.
Gubser, Charles S. – Calif. (1 of 3)
Gubser, Charles S. – Calif. (2 of 3)
Gubser, Charles S. – Calif. (3 of 3)
Gude, Gilbert – Md.
Hagan G. Elliott – Ga.
Haley, James A. – Fla.
Hall, Durward G. – Mo. (1 of 3)
Hall, Durward G. – Mo. (2 of 3)
Hall, Durward G. – Mo. (3 of 3)
Halpen, Seymour – N.Y. (1 of 2)
Halpen, Seymour – N.Y. (2 of 2)
Hamilton, Lee – Ind. (1 of 2)
Hamilton, Lee – Ind. (2 of 2)
Hammerschmidt, John – Ark. (1 of 4)
Hammerschmidt, John – Ark. (2 of 4)
Hammerschmidt, John – Ark. (3 of 4)
Hammerschmidt, John – Ark. (4 of 4)
Hanley, James M. – N.Y.
Hanna, Richard T. – Calif.
Hansen, Julia Butler – Wash.
BOX 134
Hansen, Orval – Idaho (1 of 2)
Hansen, Orval – Idaho (2 of 2)
Harrington, Michael
Harsha, William H. – Ohio (1 of 2)
Harsha, William H. – Ohio (2 of 2)
Harvey, James – Mich. (1 of 2)
Harvey, James – Mich. (2 of 2)
Hastings, James F. – N.Y.
Hathaway, William D. – Maine
Hawkins, Agustus F. – Calif.
Hays, Wayne L. – Ohio
Herbert, F. Edward – La. (1 of 2)
Herbert, F. Edward – La. (2 of 2)
Hechler, Ken W. – VA. (1 of 2)
Hechler, Ken W. – VA. (2 of 2)
Heckler, Margaret M. – Mass. (1 of 2)
Heckler, Margaret M. – Mass. (2 of 2)
Helstoski, Henry – N.J.
Henderson, David N. – N.C.

Box 135

Hicks, Floyd V. – Wash.
Hogan, Lawrence J. – MD (1 of 3)
Hogan, Lawrence J. – MD (2 of 3)
Hogan, Lawrence J. – MD (3 of 3)
Holifield, Chet – Calif.
Horton, Frank – N.Y. (1 of 4)
Horton, Frank – N.Y. (2 of 4)
Horton, Frank – N.Y. (3 of 4)
Horton, Frank – N.Y. (4 of 4)
Hosmer, Craig – Calif. (1 of 2)
Hosmer, Craig – Calif. (2 of 2)
Howard, James J. – N.J.
Hull, W.R. Jr. – MO
Hungate, William L. – MO
Hunt, John E. – N.J. (1 of 2)
Hunt, John E. – N.J. (2 of 2)
Hutchinson, Edward – Mich.
Ichord, Richard H. MO (Empty)

Box 136

Jacobs, Andrew Jr. – Ind.
Jarman, John – Okla.
Joelson, Charies S. – N.J.
Johnson, Albert W. – PA
Johnson, Harold T. – Calif.
Jonas, Charles R. – N.C.
Ed Jones
Jones, Robert E. – Ala.
Jones, Walter B. – N.C.
Karth, Joseph E. – Minn.
Kastenmeier, Robert N. – Wis.
Kazen, Abraham Jr. – Tex.
Kee, James – W. VA
Keith, Hastings – Mass.
King, Carleton J. N.Y.
Kleppe, Thomas S. – N. Dak.
Kluczunski, John C. – Ill.
Koch, Edward I.
Kuukendall, Dan
Kul, John – Iowa
Kuros, Peter N. – Maine

Box 137

Landgrebe, Earl F. – Ind. (1 of 2)
Landgrebe, Earl F. – Ind. (2 of 2)
Landrum, Phil M. – GA
Langer, Odin – Minn.
Letta, Delbert L. – Ohio
Leggett, Robert L. – Calif.
Lennon, Alton – N.C.
Lipscom, Glenard P. – Calif.
Llomd, Sherman P. – Utah
Long, Clarence D. – MD.
Long, Speedu O. – LA
Lowenstein, Allard K. – N.Y.
Lujan, Manuel Jr. – N. Mex. (1 of 2)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. – N. Mex. (2 of 2)
Lukens, Donald Buzz E. – Ohio (1 of 2)
Lukens, Donald Buzz E. – Ohio (2 of 2)
McCarthy, Richard D. – N.Y.
McClory, Robert – Ill.
McCloskey, Paul- Calif.
McClure, James A. - Idaho (1 of 2)

Box 138

McClure, James A. - Idaho (2 of 2)
John W. McCormick (1 of 3)
John W. McCormick (2 of 3)
John W. McCormick (3 of 3)
McCulloch, William M. – Ohio
McDade, Joseph M. – PA
McDonald, Jack S. – Mich.
McEwen, Robert C. – N.Y.
McFall, John J. – CA
McKneally, Martin B. – N.Y. (1 of 2)
McKneally, Martin B. – N.Y. (2 of 2)
McMillan, John L. – S.C.
MacDonald, Torbert H. – Mass.
MacGregor, Clark – Minn. (1 of 3)
MacGregor, Clark – Minn. (2 of 3)
MacGregor, Clark – Minn. (3 of 3)

Box 139

Madden, Ray J. – Ind.
Mahon, George H. – Tex.
Mailliard, William S. – Ca.
Mann, James R. – S.C.
Marsh, John O., Jr. – Va.
Martin, David T. – Neb. (1 of 2)
Martin, David T. – Neb. (2 of 2)
Mathias, Robert B. – Ca.
Matsunaga, Spark M. – Hi.
May, Catherine – Wash. (1 of 3)
May, Catherine – Wash. (2 of 3)
May, Catherine – Wash. (3 of 3)
Mayne, Wiley – Ia.
Meeds, Lloyd – Wash.
Melcher, John
Meskill, Thomas J. – Conn. (1 of 3)
Meskill, Thomas J. – Conn. (2 of 3)
Meskill, Thomas J. – Conn. (3 of 3)
Michel, Robert H. – Ill. (1 of 2)
Michel, Robert H. – Ill. (1 of 2)
Michel, Robert H. – Ill. (2 of 2)
Mikva, Abner J. – Ill.

Box 140

Miller, Clarence E. - Ohio (1 of 2)
Miller, Clarence E. - Ohio (2 of 2)
Miller, George –Calif.
Miller, William M. (Fishbait) [Empty]
Mills, Wilbur –Ark. (1 of 2)
Mills, Wilbur –Ark. (2 of 2)
Minsh, Joseph G. –N.J.
Mink, Patsy T. –Hawaii
Minshall, William E. –Ohio (1 of 2)
Minshall, William E. –Ohio (2 of 2)
Mize, Chester L. –Kansas
Mizell, Wilmer –S.C. (1 of 4)
Mizell, Wilmer –S.C. (2 of 4)
Mizell, Wilmer –S.C. (3 of 4)
Mizell, Wilmer –S.C. (4 of 4)
Mollohan, Robert H. –W.Va.
Monagan, John S. –Conn.
Montgomery, G.V. –Miss.
Moorhead, Williams –Pa.

Box 141

Morgan, Thomas E. –PA
Morse, F. Bradford –Mass. (1 of 3)
Morse, F. Bradford –Mass. (2 of 3)
Morse, F. Bradford –Mass. (3 of 3)
Morton, Rogers C.B. –MD (1 of 2)
Morton, Rogers C.B. –MD (2 of 2)
Mosher, Charles A. –Ohio (1 of 2)
Mosher, Charles A. –Ohio (2 of 2)
Moss, John E. –Calif.
Murphy, John M. –NY
Murphy, William T.
Myers, John T. –Ind. (1 of 2)
Myers, John T. –Ind. (2 of 2)
Natcher, William H. –KY
Nedzi, Lucien N. –Mich.
Nelson, Ancher (1 of 2)
Nelson, Ancher (2 of 2)
Nichols, William –Ala.
Nix, Robert N.C. –PA
Obey, David R.
O’Hara, James G.-Mich.
O’Konski, Alvin E. –Wis.
Olsen, Arnold –Mont.

Box 142

O’Neal, Maston –GA
O’Neill, Thomas P. Sr. –Mass.
Ottinger, Richard L. NY
Passman, Otto E. –LA
Patman, Wright –Tex.
Patten, Edward J. –NJ
Pelly, Thomas M. –Wash. (1 of 2)
Pelly, Thomas M. –Wash. (2 of 2)
Pepper, Claude –Fla.
Perkins, Carl D. –KY
Pettis, Jerry L. –Calif. (1 of 2)
Pettis, Jerry L. –Calif. (2 of 2)
Philbin, Phillip J. –Mass. (1 of 2)
Philbin, Phillip J. –Mass. (2 of 2)
Pickle, J. J. –Tex.
Pike, Ottis G. –NY
Pirnie, Alexander –NY
Poage, W.R. –Tex.
Podell, Betram L. –NY
Poff, Richard H. –VA
Pollack, Howard W. –Alaska (1 of 2)
Pollack, Howard W. –Alaska (2 of 2)

Box 143

Powell, Adam C. –NY
Preyer, Richardson –N.C.
Price, Melvin –Ill.
Price, Robert D. –Tex.
Pucinski, Roman C. –Ill.
Purcell, Graham –Tex.
Quie, Albert H. –Minn. (1 of 2)
Quie, Albert H. –Minn. (2 of 2)
Quillen, James H. –Tenn.
Railsback, Thomas –Ill. (1 of 2)
Railsback, Thomas –Ill. (2 of 2)
Randall, William J. –MO
Rarick, John R. –LA
Rees, Thomas M. –Calif.
Reid, Charlotte T. –Ill.
Reid, Ogden R. –NY
Reifel, Ben –S. Dak.
Reuss, Henry S. –Wis.
Rhodes, John J. –Ariz. (1 of 2)
Rhodes, John J. –Ariz. (2 of 2)
Riegle, Donald W., Jr. –Mich.

Box 144

Rivers, L. Mendel –S.C.
Roberts, Ray –Tex.
Robinson, Howard W. –NY (1 of 2)
Robinson, Howard W. –NY (2 of 2)
Rodino, Peter W., Jr. –NJ
Roe, Robert
Rogers, Byron –Colo.
Rogers, Paul –Fla. (1 of 2)
Rogers, Paul –Fla. (2 of 2)
Ronan, Daniel J. –Ill.
Rooney, Fred –PA
Rooney, John J. –NY
Rosenthal, Benjamin S. –NY
Rostenkowski, Dan –Ill.
Roth, William V., Jr. –DEL (1 of 2)
Roth, William V., Jr. –DEL (2 of 2)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (1 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (2 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (3 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (4 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (5 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (6 of 7)
Roudebush, Richard L. –Ind. (7 of 7)
Rousselot, William –Calif.
Roybal, Edward R. –Calif.

Box 145

Rumsfeld, Donald (Ill.)
Ruppe, Phillip E. –Mich.
Ruth, Earl B. –N.C. (1 of 2)
Ruth, Earl B. –N.C. (2 of 2)
Ryan, William F. –NY
St. Germain, Fernand J. –RI
Sandman, Charles W. –NJ
Satterfield, David –Va.
Saylor, John P. –Pa. (1 of 3)
Saylor, John P. –Pa. (2 of 3)
Saylor, John P. –Pa. (3of 3)
Schadeberg, Henry –Wis. (1 of 2)
Schadeberg, Henry –Wis. (2 of 2)
Scherle, William J. –Iowa (1 of 5)
Scherle, William J. –Iowa (2 of 5)
Scherle, William J. –Iowa (3 of 5)
Scherle, William J. –Iowa (4 of 5)
Scherle, William J. –Iowa (5 of 5)
Scheuer, James H. –NY
Schmitz, John G. (Calif.)
Schneebelt, Herman T. –Pa. (2 of 4)
Schneebelt, Herman T. –Pa. (3 of 4)
Schneebelt, Herman T. –Pa. (4 of 4)
Schwengel, Fred –Iowa (1 of 3)

Box 146

Schwengel, Fred –Iowa (2 of 3)
Schwengel, Fred –Iowa (3 of 3)
Scott, William L. –VA (1 of 3)
Scott, William L. –VA (2 of 3)
Scott, William L. –VA (3 of 3)
Sebelius, Keith G. –Kans.
Shipley, George E. –Ill.
Shriver, Garner E. –Kans. (1 of 2)
Shriver, Garner E. –Kans. (2 of 2)
Sikes, Robert –Fla.
Sisk, B.F. –Calif.
Skubitz, Joe –Kans.
Slack, John –W. Va.
Smith, H. Allen –Calif. (1 of 2)
Smith, H. Allen –Calif. (2of 2)
Smith, Henry –NY (1 of 2)
Smith, Henry –NY (2 of 2)
Smith, Neal –Iowa

Box 147

Synder, M.G. –KY (1 of 3)
Synder, M.G. –KY (2 of 3)
Synder, M.G. –KY (3 of 3)
Springer, William – Ill.
St. Onge, William L. –Conn.
Strafford, Robert –VT
Staggers, Harley –W. Va. (1 of 2)
Staggers, Harley –W. Va. (2 of 2)
Stanton, J. William –Ohio (1 of 2)
Stanton, J. William –Ohio (2 of 2)
Steed, Tom – Okla.
Steiger, Sam –Ariz. (1 of 2)
Steiger, Sam –Ariz. (2 of 2)
Steiger, William –Wis. (1 of 4)
Steiger, William –Wis. (2 of 4)
Steiger, William –Wis. (3 of 4)
Steiger, William –Wis. (4 of 4)
Stephens, Robert –GA
Stokes, Louis –Ohio [Empty]
Stratton, Samuel –NY (1 of 2)
Stratton, Samuel –NY (2 of 2)
Stubblefield, Frank –KY
Stuckey, Williamson- GA
Sullivan, Leonor- Mo.
Symington, James –Mo.

Box 148

Taft, Robert –Ohio (1 of 5)
Taft, Robert –Ohio (2 of 5)
Taft, Robert –Ohio (3 of 5)
Taft, Robert –Ohio (4 of 5)
Taft, Robert –Ohio (5 of 5)
Talcott, Burt –Calif. (1 of 2)
Talcott, Burt –Calif. (2 of 2)
Taylor, Roy –N.C.
Teague, Charles –Calif. (1 of 4)
Teague, Charles –Calif. (2 of 4)
Teague, Charles –Calif. (3 of 4)
Teague, Charles –Calif. (4 of 4)
Teague, Olin –Tex. (1 of 2)
Teague, Olin –Tex. (2 of 2)
Thompson, Fletcher –Ga. (1 of 4)
Thompson, Fletcher –Ga. (2 of 4)
Thompson, Fletcher –Ga. (3 of 4)
Thompson, Fletcher –Ga. (4 of 4)

Box 149

Thompson, Frank –NJ
Thomas, Vernon –Wis.
Tiernan, Robert –RI
Tunney, John –Calif.
Udall, Morris K.
Ullman, Al
Utt, James B.
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles A.
Vigorito, Joseph P.
Waggoner, Joe D. Jr.
Waldie, Jerome R.
Wampler, William C.
G. Robert Watkins
Watson, Albert W.
Watts, John C.
Weicker, Lowell P. (1 of 3)
Weicker, Lowell P. (2 of 3)
Weicker, Lowell P. (3 of 3)
Whalen, Charles W., Jr.
Whalley, J. Irving
White, Richard C.
Whitehurst, G. William (1 of 2)
Whitehurst, G. William (2 of 2)
Whitten, Jamie L.
Widnall, William B.
Wiggins, Charles E. (1 of 2)
Wiggins, Charles E. (2 of 2)

Box 150

Williams, Lawrence G. (1 of 2)
Williams, Lawrence G. (2 of 2)
Wilson, Bob (1 of 2)
Wilson, Bob (2 of 2)
Wilson, Charles H.
Winn, Larry Jr.
Wold, John
Wolff, Lester L.
Wright, James C.
Wyatt, Wendell (1 of 2)
Wyatt, Wendell (2 of 2)
Wydler, John W.
Wylie, Chalmers P. (1 of 2)
Wylie, Chalmers P. (2 of 2)
Wyman, Louis C. (1 of 2)
Wyman, Louis C. (2 of 2)
Yates, Sidney –Ill.
Yatron, Gus
Young, John
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger H.
Zwach, John M.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 151

Abbitt, W. – Abowrez J.
Abzug, Della – Addabbo, Joseph
Albert, Carl (1 of 3)
Albert, Carl (2 of 3)
Albert, Carl (3 of 3)
Alexander, Wm. – Anderson, John (1 of 3)
Alexander, Wm. – Anderson, John (2 of 3)
Alexander, Wm. – Anderson, John (3 of 3)
Anderson, William R. – Archer, Bill (1 of 3)
Anderson, William R. – Archer, Bill (2 of 3)
Anderson, William R. – Archer, Bill (3 of 3)
Arends, Lesile R. – Aspinall, Wayne N. (1 of 2)
Arends, Lesile R. – Aspinall, Wayne N. (2 of 2)
Badillo, Herman – Barrett, William A. (1 of 2)
Badillo, Herman – Barrett, William A. (2 of 2)

Box 152

Begich, Nick – Bell, Alphonzo (1 of 3)
Begich, Nick – Bell, Alphonzo (21 of 3)
Begich, Nick – Bell, Alphonzo (3 of 3)
Bennett, Charles E. – Betts, Jackson E. (1 of 3)
Bennett, Charles E. – Betts, Jackson E. (2 of 3)
Bennett, Charles E. – Betts, Jackson E. (3 of 3)
Bevill, Tom Thru Blackburn, Benjamin B. (1 of 3)
Bevill, Tom Thru Blackburn, Benjamin B. (2 of 3)
Bevill, Tom Thru Blackburn, Benjamin B. (3 of 3)
Blanton, Roy Thru Bolling, Richard (1 of 2)
Blanton, Roy Thru Bolling, Richard (2 of 2)
Bow, Frank T. Thru Brinkley, Jack (1 of 4)
Bow, Frank T. Thru Brinkley, Jack (2 of 4)
Bow, Frank T. Thru Brinkley, Jack (3 of 4)
Bow, Frank T. Thru Brinkley, Jack (4 of 4)

Box 153

Brooks, Jack Thru Brotzman, Daniel G. (1 of 2)
Brooks, Jack Thru Brotzman, Daniel G. (2 of 2)
Brown, Clarence J. Thru Broyhill, James T. (1 of 3)
Brown, Clarence J. Thru Broyhill, James T. (2 of 3)
Brown, Clarence J. Thru Broyhill, James T. (3 of 3)
Broyhill, Joel T. (1 of 4)
Broyhill, Joel T. (2 of 4)
Broyhill, Joel T. (3 of 4)
Broyhill, Joel T. (4 of 4)
Buchanan, John Thru Burke, James A. (1 of 3)
Buchanan, John Thru Burke, James A. (2 of 3)
Buchanan, John Thru Burke, James A. (3 of 3)
Burleson, Omar Thru Byron, Goodloe E. (1 of 3)
Burleson, Omar Thru Byron, Goodloe E. (2 of 3)
Burleson, Omar Thru Byron, Goodloe E. (3 of 3)

Box 154

Carney, Charles J. Thru Cedderberg, Elford A. (1 of 3)
Carney, Charles J. Thru Cedderberg, Elford A. (2 of 3)
Carney, Charles J. Thru Cedderberg, Elford A. (3 of 3)
Cabell, Earle Thru Carey, Hugh L. (1 of 2)
Cabell, Earle Thru Carey, Hugh L. (2 of 2)
Celler, Emmanuel Thru Chrisholm, Shirley (1 of 2)
Celler, Emmanuel Thru Chrisholm, Shirley (2 of 2)
Claney, Donald D. Thru Clawson, Del (1 of 3)
Claney, Donald D. Thru Clawson, Del (2 of 3)
Claney, Donald D. Thru Clawson, Del (3 of 3)
Clay, Wm. Thru Collins, James M. (1 of 2)
Clay, Wm. Thru Collins, James M. (2 of 2)
Colmer, Wm. M. Thru Conte, Silvio O. (1 of 3)
Colmer, Wm. M. Thru Conte, Silvio O. (2 of 3)
Colmer, Wm. M. Thru Conte, Silvio O. (3 of 3)
Conyers, John Jr. Thru Crane, Phillip M. (1 of 2)
Conyers, John Jr. Thru Crane, Phillip M. (2 of 2)
Culver, John C. Thru Danielson, Geo. E.

Box 155

Davis, Glen R. Thru Denholm, Frank E. (1 of 2)
Davis, Glen R. Thru Denholm, Frank E. (2 of 2)
Dennis, David N. Thru Dickinson, Wm. L. (1 of 3)
Dennis, David N. Thru Dickinson, Wm. L. (2 of 3)
Dennis, David N. Thru Dickinson, Wm. L. (3 of 3)
Diggs, Charles C. Thru Downing, Thomas N. (1 of 2)
Diggs, Charles C. Thru Downing, Thomas N. (2 of 2)
Drinan, Robert F. Thru Dwyer, Florence P.
Eckhart, Bob Thru Edwards, Jack
Eilberg, Joshua Thru Evans, Frank E.
Evins, Joe L. Thru Findley, Paul (1 of 2)
Evins, Joe L. Thru Findley, Paul (2 of 2)

Box 156

Fish, Hamilton, Jr. Thru Flynt, John J.
Foley, Thomas S. Thru Ford, Gerald (1 of 2)
Foley, Thomas S. Thru Ford, Gerald (2 of 2)
Ford, Wm. D. Thru Frenzel, Bill (1 of 2)
Ford, Wm. D. Thru Frenzel, Bill (2 of 2)
Frey, Louis Jr. Thru Gallagher, Cornelius E. (1 of 2)
Frey, Louis Jr. Thru Gallagher, Cornelius E. (2 of 2)
Gamatz, Ed. A. Thru Goldwater, Barry Jr. (1 of 2)
Gamatz, Ed. A. Thru Goldwater, Barry Jr. (2 of 2)
Gonzalez, Henry B. Thru Griffiths, Martha W. (1 of 2)
Gonzalez, Henry B. Thru Griffiths, Martha W. (2 of 2)
Gross, H.R. Thru Grover, James R.

Box 157

Gubser, Charles S. –Haley, James A. (1 of 3)
Gubser, Charles S. –Haley, James A. (2 of 3)
Gubser, Charles S. –Haley, James A. (3 of 3)
Hall, Durward, G. –Hammerschmidt, John Paul (1 of 3)
Hall, Durward, G. –Hammerschmidt, John Paul (2 of 3)
Hall, Durward, G. –Hammerschmidt, John Paul (3 of 3)
Henley, James M. –Hansen, Orval (1 of 3)
Henley, James M. –Hansen, Orval (2 of 3)
Henley, James M. –Hansen, Orval (3 of 3)
Harrington, Michael – Hastings, James F. (1 of 4)
Harrington, Michael – Hastings, James F. (2 of 4)
Harrington, Michael – Hastings, James F. (3 of 4)
Harrington, Michael – Hastings, James F. (4 of 4)

Box 158

Hathaway, Wm. D. –Heckler, Margaret M. (1 of 4)
Hathaway, Wm. D. –Heckler, Margaret M. (2 of 4)
Hathaway, Wm. D. –Heckler, Margaret M. (3 of 4)
Hathaway, Wm. D. –Heckler, Margaret M. (4 of 4)
Heinz, H. John III –Hicks, Louis Day (1 of 2)
Heinz, H. John III –Hicks, Louis Day (2 of 2)
Hills, Elwood –Hogan, Lawrence J. (1 of 2)
Hills, Elwood –Hogan, Lawrence J. (2 of 2)
Holifield, Chet –Horton, Frank (1 of 5)
Holifield, Chet –Horton, Frank (2 of 5)
Holifield, Chet –Horton, Frank (3 of 5)
Holifield, Chet –Horton, Frank (4 of 5)
Holifield, Chet –Horton, Frank (5 of 5)

Box 159

Hosmer, Craig –Hutchinson, Ed. (1 of 3)
Hosmer, Craig –Hutchinson, Ed. (2 of 3)
Hosmer, Craig –Hutchinson, Ed. (3 of 3)
Ichord, Richard H. –Joe, Ed (1 of 2)
Ichord, Richard H. –Joe, Ed (2 of 2)
Jones, Robert E. –Kemp, Jack F. (1 of 3)
Jones, Robert E. –Kemp, Jack F. (2 of 3)
Jones, Robert E. –Kemp, Jack F. (3 of 3)
King, Carelton, J. –Kyl. John (1 of 3)
King, Carelton, J. –Kyl. John (2 of 3)
King, Carelton, J. –Kyl. John (3 of 3)
Kyros, Peter N. – Latta, Delbert L. (1 of 2)
Kyros, Peter N. – Latta, Delbert L. (2 of 2)

Box 160

Leggett, Robert L. – Long, Speedy O. (1 of 4)
Leggett, Robert L. – Long, Speedy O. (2 of 4)
Leggett, Robert L. – Long, Speedy O. (3 of 4)
Leggett, Robert L. – Long, Speedy O. (4 of 4)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. Thru McCloskey, Paul (1 of 5)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. Thru McCloskey, Paul (2 of 5)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. Thru McCloskey, Paul (3 of 5)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. Thru McCloskey, Paul (4 of 5)
Lujan, Manuel Jr. Thru McCloskey, Paul (5 of 5)
McClure, James Thru McDade, Joseph (1 of 3)
McClure, James Thru McDade, Joseph (2 of 3)
McClure, James Thru McDade, Joseph (3 of 3)
McDonald, Jack Thru McMillan, John (1 of 3)
McDonald, Jack Thru McMillan, John (2 of 3)
McDonald, Jack Thru McMillan, John (3 of 3)

Box 161

MacDonald, Turbert Thru Martin, Dave (1 of 2)
MacDonald, Turbert Thru Martin, Dave (2 of 2)
Mathias, Robert (Bob) Thru Melcher, John (1 of 2)
Mathias, Robert (Bob) Thru Melcher, John (2 of 2)
Metcalfe, Ralph Thru Mills, Wilbur (1 of 5)
Metcalfe, Ralph Thru Mills, Wilbur (2 of 5)
Metcalfe, Ralph Thru Mills, Wilbur (3 of 5)
Metcalfe, Ralph Thru Mills, Wilbur (41 of 5)
Metcalfe, Ralph Thru Mills, Wilbur (5 of 5)
Morgan, Thomas, Thru Murphy, John (1 of 4)
Morgan, Thomas, Thru Murphy, John (2 of 4)
Morgan, Thomas, Thru Murphy, John (3 of 4)
Morgan, Thomas, Thru Murphy, John (4 of 4)

Box 162

Mizell, Wilmer Thru Moorhead, Wm. S. (1 of 3)
Mizell, Wilmer Thru Moorhead, Wm. S. (2 of 3)
Mizell, Wilmer Thru Moorhead, Wm. S. (3 of 3)
Mills, Wm. O. Thru Mitchell, Paren (1 of 3)
Mills, Wm. O. Thru Mitchell, Paren (2 of 3)
Mills, Wm. O. Thru Mitchell, Paren (3 of 3)
Murphy, Wm. H. –O’Hara, James G. (1 of 3)
Murphy, Wm. H. –O’Hara, James G. (2 of 3)
Murphy, Wm. H. –O’Hara, James G. (3 of 3)
O’Konski, Alvin E. –Pelly, Thomas M. (1 of 2)
O’Konski, Alvin E. –Pelly, Thomas M. (2 of 2)
Pepper, Claude –Pickle, J.J. (1 of 3)
Pepper, Claude –Pickle, J.J. (2 of 3)
Pepper, Claude –Pickle, J.J. (3 of 3)

Box 163

Pike, Otis G. – Preyer, Richardson (1 of 3)
Pike, Otis G. – Preyer, Richardson (2 of 3)
Pike, Otis G. – Preyer, Richardson (3 of 3)
Price, Melvin –Purcell, Graham (1 of 2)
Price, Melvin –Purcell, Graham (2 of 2)
Quie, Albert H. – Randall, Wm. J. (1 of 2)
Quie, Albert H. – Randall, Wm. J. (2 of 2)
Rangel, Charles B. –Reuss, Henry S. (1 of 3)
Rangel, Charles B. –Reuss, Henry S. (2 of 3)
Rangel, Charles B. –Reuss, Henry S. (3 of 3)
Robinson, John J. Thru Robinson, Howard W. (1 of 2)
Robinson, John J. Thru Robinson, Howard W. (2 of 2)

Box 164

Rodino, Peter Thru Rooney, Fred B. (1 of 2)
Rodino, Peter Thru Rooney, Fred B. (2 of 2)
Rooney, John J. Thru Ruppe, Phillip E. (1 of 2)
Rooney, John J. Thru Ruppe, Phillip E. (2 of 2)
Ruth, Earl B. Thru Satterfield, David E. III (1 of 2)
Ruth, Earl B. Thru Satterfield, David E. III (2 of 2)
Saylor, John P. Thru Schneebeli, Herman T. (1 of 3)
Saylor, John P. Thru Schneebeli, Herman T. (2 of 3)
Saylor, John P. Thru Schneebeli, Herman T. (3 of 3)
Schwengel, Fred Thru Shirpley, Geo E. (1 of 2)
Schwengel, Fred Thru Shirpley, Geo E. (2 of 2)
Shoup, Richard G. Thru Siski, B.F. (1 of 2)
Shoup, Richard G. Thru Siski, B.F. (2 of 2)

Box 165

Skubitz, Joe Thru Smith, Neal (1 of 2)
Skubitz, Joe Thru Smith, Neal (2 of 2)
Synder, M. G. Thru Staggers, Harley O. (1 of 2)
Synder, M. G. Thru Staggers, Harley O. (2 of 2)
Stanton, William J. Thru Steiger, Sam (1 of 2)
Stanton, William J. Thru Steiger, Sam (2 of 2)
Steiger, Wm. A. Thru Stuckey, W.S. (1 of 2)
Steiger, Wm. A. Thru Stuckey, W.S. (2 of 2)
Sullivan, Leonor, K. Thry Terry, John H. (1 of 3)
Sullivan, Leonor, K. Thry Terry, John H. (2 of 3)
Sullivan, Leonor, K. Thry Terry, John H. (3 of 3)
Thompson, Frank Thru Thone, Charles (1 of 2)
Thompson, Frank Thru Thone, Charles (2 of 2)

Box 166

Tiernan, Robert O. Thru Vanik, Charles A.
Veysey, Victor V. Thru Whalen, Charles W. (1 of 2)
Veysey, Victor V. Thru Whalen, Charles W. (2 of 2)
Whalley, J. Irving – Whitten, James L.
Windall, Wm. B. –Wilson, Bob (1 of 2)
Windall, Wm. B. –Wilson, Bob (2 of 2)
Wilson, Charles H. –Wright, Jim (1 of 2)
Wilson, Charles H. –Wright, Jim (2 of 2)
Watt, Wendell –Wylie, Chalmers P. (1 of 3)
Watt, Wendell –Wylie, Chalmers P. (2 of 3)

Box 167

Watt, Wendell –Wylie, Chalmers P. (3 of 3)
Wyman, Louis C. –Young, John (1 of 2)
Wyman, Louis C. –Young, John (2 of 2)
Zablocki, Clement J. – Zwach, John M.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 168

Abbot, Watkins M.
Abernethy, Thomas G.
Abourezk, James
Abzug, Bella S.
Adams, Brock
Addabbo, Joseph P.
Albert, Carl (1 of 2)
Albert, Carl (2 of 2)
Alexander, Jr. William
Anderson, Glenn M.
Anderson, John B. (1 of 2)
Anderson, John B. (2 of 2)
Anderson, William R.
Andrews, Elizabeth
Andrews, Mark
Annunzio, Frank
Archer, Bill (1 of 2)
Archer, Bill (2 of 2)
Arends, Leslie C.
Ashbrook, John M.
Ashley, Thomas Ludlow
Aspin, Les
Aspinall, Wayne
Badillo, Herman
Baker, Lamar
Baring, Walter S.

Box 169

Barrett, William A.
Begich, Nick
Belcher, Page (1 of 2)
Belcher, Page (2 of 2)
Bell, Alphonzo
Bennett, Charles E. (1 of 2)
Bennett, Charles E. (2 of 2)
Bergland, Bob
Betts, Jackson E.
Bevill, Tom
Biaggi, Mario
Biester, Jr., Edward G. “Pete”
Bingham, Jonathan B.
Blackburn, Ben B. (1 of 2)
Blackburn, Ben B. (2 of 2)
Blanton, Ray
Blatnik, John A.
Boggs, Hale
Boland, Edward P.
Bolling, Richard
Bow, Frank T.
Brademas, John
Bray, William G.
Breaux, John
Brinkley, Jack
Brooks, Jack
Broomfield. William S. (1 of 2)
Broomfield. William S. (2 of 2)
Brotzman, Donald G.

Box 170

Brown, Clarence J. (“Bud”)
Brown, Garry
Broyhill, James T.
Broyhill, Joel T, (1 of 2)
Broyhill, Joel T, (2 of 2)
Buchanan, Jr., John H. (1 of 2)
Buchanan, Jr., John H. (2 of 2)
Burke, J. Herbert
Burke, James A.
Burleson, Omar
Burton, Phillip
Byrne, James A.
Byrnes, John W.
Byron, Goodloe E.
Cabell, Earle
Caffey, Patrick T.
Happy Camp. John N.
Carney, Hugh L.
Carlson, Clifford D.
Carney, Charles J.
Carter, Tim Lee
Casey, Bob
Cederberg, Elford A.
Celler, Emanuel
Chamberlin, Charles E.
Chappell, Bill

Box 171

Chisholm, Shirley
Clancy, Donald D.
Clark, Frank M.
Clausen, Don H.
Clawson, Del
Clay, William L.
Cleveland, James C.
Collier, Harold R.
Collins, George W.
Collins, James M.
Colmer, William M.
Conable, Jr., Barber B.
Conover, II, William S.
Conte, Silvio O.
Conyers, Jr., John
Cordova, Jorge L.
Corman, James
Cotter, William B.
Coughlin, Lawrence
Crane, Phillip
Culver, John C.
Curlin, Jr., William D.

Box 172

Daniel, W.C.
Daniels, Dominick V.
Danielson, George E.
Davis, Glenn R.
Davis, John W.
Davis, Mendel J.
De La Garza, (E) Kika
Delaney, James J.
Dellenback, John
Dellums, Ronald V.
Denholm, Frank E.
Dennis, David W.
Dent, John H.
Derwinski, Edward J.
Devine, Samuel L. (1 of 2)
Devine, Samuel L. (2 of 2)
Dickinson, William L.
Diggs, Jr., Charles G.
Dingell, John
Donohue, Harold D.
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan
Dow, John G.
Dowdy, John
Downing, Thomas N.
Drinan, Robert F.
Dulski, Thaddeus J.
Duncan, John J.
Du Pont IV, Pierre S.
Dwyer, Florence D.

Box 173

Eckhardt, Bob
Edmonson, Ed
Edwards, Don
Edwards, Jack (1 of 3)
Edwards, Jack (2 of 3)
Edwards, Jack (3 of 3)
Eilberg, Joshua
Erlenborn, John J.
Eshleman, Edwin D.
Esch, Marvin L.
Evans, Frank E.
Evins, Joe L.
Fascell, Dante B.
Fauntroy, Walter E.
Findley, Paul
Fish, Jr., Hamilton
Fisher, O.C. (“Clark”)
Flood, Daniel J.
Flowers, Walter
Flynt, Jr., John J.
Foley, Thomas S.
Ford, Gerald R. (1 of 4)
Ford, Gerald R. (2 of 4)
Ford, Gerald R. (3 of 4)
Ford, Gerald R. (4 of 4)

Box 174

Ford, William D.
Forsynthe, Edwin B.
Fountain, L.H.
Fraser, Donald
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B.
Frenzel, Bill (1 of 3)
Frenzel, Bill (2 of 3)
Frenzel, Bill (3 of 3)
Frey, Jr., Lou
Fulton, Richard H.
Fugua, Don
Galifanakis, Nick
Gallagher, Cornelius E.
Garmatz, Edward A.
Gaydos, Joseph M.
Gettys, Tom S.
Giaimo, Robert N.
Gibbons, Sam M.
Goldwater, Jr., Barry M.
Gonzalez, Henry B.
Goodling, George A.
Grasso, Ella T.
Gray, Kenneth J.
Green, William J.
Griffin, Charles H.
Griffiths, Martha W.
Gross, H.R.
Grover, Jr., James R.
Gubser, Charles (1 of 2)
Gubser, Charles (2 of 2)
Gude, Gilbert

Box 175

Hagan, Elliott
Haley, James A.
Hall, Durward G.
Halpern, Seymour
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hammerschmidt, John Paul (1 of 2)
Hammerschmidt, John Paul (2 of 2)
Hanley, James M.
Hanna, Richard T.
Hanson, Julia Butler
Hansen, Oval (1 of 2)
Hansen, Oval (2 of 2)
Harrington, Michael J.
Harsha, William H.
Harvey, James (1 of 2)
Harvey, James (2 of 2)
Hastings, James F.
Hathaway, William D.
Hawkins, Augustus F.
Hays, Wayne L.
Hebert, F. Edward
Hechler, Ken
Heckler, Margaret M.
Heinz, H. John III (1 of 2)
Heinz, H. John III (2 of 2)
Helstoski, Henry
Henderson, David N.

Box 176

Hicks, Floyd V.
Hicks, Louise Day
Hills, Elwood H. (1 of 2)
Hills, Elwood H. (2 of 2)
Hogan, Lawrence J. (1 of 2)
Hogan, Lawrence J. (2 of 2)
Holifield, Chet
Horton, Frank (1 of 3)
Horton, Frank (2of 3)
Horton, Frank (3 of 3)
Hosmer, Craig
Howard, James J.
Hull Jr., W.R.
Hungate, William L.
Hunt, John E.
Hutchinson, Edward
Ichord, Richard H.
Jacobs, Jr., Andrew
Jarman, John
Johnson, Albert W.
Johnson, Harold T.
Jonas, Charles R.
Jones, Ed
Jones, Robert E.
Jones, Walter B.

Box 177

Karth, Joseph E. (1 of 2)
Karth, Joseph E. (2 of 2)
Kastenmeier, Robert W.
Keating, William J. (1 of 3)
Keating, William J. (2 of 3)
Keating, William J. (3 of 3)
Kee, James
Keith, Hastings
Kemp, Jack (1 of 3)
Kemp, Jack (2 of 3)
Kemp, Jack (3 of 3)
King, Carleton J.
Klucznski, John C.
Koch, Edward I.
Kuykendall, Dan
Kyl, John
Kyros, Peter N.
Landgrebe, Earl F.
Landrum, Phil M.
Latta, Delbert L.
Leggett, Robert L.
Lennon, Alton
Lent, Norman F.
Link, Arthur A.

Box 178

Metcalfe, Ralph H.
Michel, Robert H.
Mikua, Abner J.
Miller, Clarence E. (1 of 3)
Miller, Clarence E. (2 of 3)
Miller, Clarence E. (3 of 3)
Miller, George P.
Mills, Wilbur D. (1 of 2)
Mills, Wilbur D. (2 of 2)
Mills, William O.
Minish, Joseph
Mink, Patsy Y. –Hawaii
Minshall, William E.
Mitchell, Parren J.
Mizell, Wilmer D.
Mollohan, Robert H.
Monagan, John S.
Montgomery, G.V.
Moorhead, William S.
Morgan, Thomas E.
Morse, F. Bradford
Mosher, Charles A.
Moss, John E.
Murphy, John M.
Murphy, Morgan F.
Myers, John T.

Box 179

Lloyd, Sherman P.
Long, Clarence D.
Long, Speedy O.
Lujan, Jr., Manuel
McLory, Robert (1 of 2)
McLory, Robert (2 of 2)
McClosky, Jr., Paul N.
McKay, K. Gunn
McClure, James A.
McCollister, John Y.
McCormack, Mike
McCulloch, William M.
McDade, Joseph M.
McDonald, Jack
McEwen, Robert C.
McFall, John J.
McKevitt, James D.
McKinney, Stewart B.
McMillan, John L.
MacDonald, Torbert H.
Madden, Ray J.
Mahon, George
Mailliard, William S.
Mallary, Richard W.
Mann, James R.
Martin, Dave
Mathias, Bob B.
Mathis, Dawson
Matsunaga, Spark M.
Mayne, Wiley
Mazzoli, Romano
Meeds, Lloyd
Melcher, John

Box 180

Natcher, William H.
Nedzi, Lucien N.
Nelson, Ancher
Nichols, Bill
Nix, Robert N.C.
Obey, David R.
O’Hara, James G.
O’Konski, Alvin E.
O’Neill, Thomas P.
Passman, Otto E.
Patman, Wright
Patten, Edward J.
Thomas Pelly
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Carl D.
Pettis, Jerry L.
Peyser, Peter A.
Pickle, J.J. (“Jake”)
Pike, Otis G.
Pirnie, Alexander
Poage, W.R.
Podell, Bertram L.
Poff, Richard H.
Powell, Walter E.
Preyer, Richardson
Price, Melvin
Price, Robert (“Bob”)
Pryor, David
Pucinski, Roman C.
Purcell, Graham
Quie, Albert H.
Quillen, James H.

Box 181

Railsback, Thomas F.
Randall, William J.
Rangel, Charles B.
Rarick, John R.
Rees, Thomas M.
Reid, Ogden R.
Reuss, Henry S.
Rhodes, John J. (1 of 2)
Rhodes, John J. (2 of 2)
Riegle, Jr., Donald W.
Roberts, Ray
Robinson, J. Kenneth
Robinson, Howard W.
Rodino, Jr., Peter W.
Roe, Robert A.
Rogers, Paul G.
Roncalio, Teno
Rooney, Fred B.
Rooney, John J.
Rosenthal, Benjamin S.
Rostenkowski, Dan S.
Roush, Edward J.
Rousselot, John H. (1 of 2)
Rousselot, John H. (2of 2)
Roy, William R.
Roybal, Edward R.
Runnels, Harold
Ruppe, Phillip E.
Ruth, Earl B.
Ryan, William F.
St. Germain, Fernand J.
Sandman Jr., Charles W. (1 of 2)
Sandman Jr., Charles W. (2 of 2)
Sarbanes, Paul S.
Satterfield III, David E.
Saylor, John P.

Box 182

Scherle, William J. (1 of 2)
Scherle, William J. (2 of 2)
Scheuer, James H.
Schmitz, John G.
Schneebeli, Herman T.
Schwengel, Fred (1 of 2)
Schwengel, Fred (2 of 2)
Scott, William Lloyd
Sebelius, Keith G.
Seiberling, John F.
Shoup, Richard G. (1 of 3)
Shoup, Richard G. (2 of 3)
Shoup, Richard G. (3 of 3)
Shriver, George E.
Sikes, Robert L.F.
Sisk, B.F.
Skubitz, Joe
Slack, Jr., John M.
Smith, Allen H.
Smith III, Henry P.
Smith, Neal
Synder, M. Gene
Spence, Floyd D.
Springer, William L.

Box 183

Staggers, Harley O.
Stanton, William J.
Stanton, James V.
Steed, Tom
Steele, Robert H.
Steiger, Sam
Steiger, William A.
Stephens, Jr., Robert G.
Stokes, Louis
Stratton, Samuel S.
Stubblefield, Frank A.
Stuckley, Jr., W.S. (Bill)
Sullivan, Leonor K.
Symington, James W.
Talcott, Burt L.
Taylor, Roy A.
Teague, Charles M. (1 of 2)
Teague, Charles M. (2 of 2)
Teague, Olin E.
Terry, John H.
Thompson, Jr., Frank
Thompson, Fletcher
Thomson, Vernon W.
Thone, Charles
Tiernan, Robert O.
Udall, Morris K.
Ullman, Al
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles A.

Box 184

Veysey, Victor V.
Waggoner, Joe D.
Waldie, Jerome R.
Wampler, William C.
Ware, John H.
Whalen, Charles W.
Whalley, J. Irving
White, Richard C.
Whitehurst, G, William (1 of 2)
Whitehurst, G, William (2 of 2)
Whitten, James L.
Widnall, William B.
Wiggins, Charles E.
Williams, Lawrence G.
Wilson, Bob (1 of 2)
Wilson, Bob (2 of 2)
Wilson, Charles H.
Winn, Larry Jr.
Wolff, Lester L.
Wright, Jim
Wyatt, Wendell (1 of 2)
Wyatt, Wendell (2 of 2)
Wydler, Jack W. (1 of 2)
Wydler, Jack W. (2 of 2)
Wylie, Chalmers P.
Wyman, Louis C. (1 of 2)
Wyman, Louis C. (2 of 2)

Box 185

Yates, Sidney R.
Yatron, Gus
Young, Bill (1 of 2)
Young, Bill (2 of 2)
Young, John
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger H. (1 of 2)
Zion, Roger H. (2 of 2)
Zwach, John M. (1 of 2)
Zwach, John M. (2 of 2)

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 186

Abdnor, James
Adams, Brock
Addabbo, Joseph P.
Albert, Carl
Alexander, Bill
Anderson, Glenn M.
Anderson, John B.
Andrews, Ike F.
Andrews, Mark
Annunzio, Frank
Archer, Bill (1 of 2)
Archer, Bill (2 of 2)
Arends, Leslie C.
Armstrong, William L.
Ashbrook, John M.
Ashley, Thomas L.
Aspin, Les
Badillo, Herman
Bafalis, L.A. “Skip”
Baker, Lamar
Barrett, William A.
Bauman, Robert E.
Beard, Robin
Bell, Alphonzo
Benitez, Jamie
Bennett, Charles E. (1 of 2)
Bennett, Charles E. (2 of 2)

Box 187

Bergland, Bob
Bevill, Tom
Biaggi, Mario
Biester, Edward G.
Bingham, Jonathan B.
Blackburn, Ben R.
Blatnik, John A.
Bogs, J. Caleb
Boggs, Corinne C.
Boland, Edward P.
Bolling, Richard
Bowen, David R.
Brademas, John
Brasco, Frank J.
Bray, William G.
Breaux, John
Breckinridge, John
Brinkley, Jack T.
Brooks, Jack
Broomfield, William S. (1 of 2)
Broomfield, William S. (2 of 2)
Brotzman, Donald G.
Brown, Clarence J.
Brown, Garry
Brown, Jr., George E.
Broyhill, James T.

Box 188

Broyhill, Joe T. (1 of 2)
Broyhill, Joe T. (1 of 2)
Buchanan, John
Burgener, Clair W.
Burke, J. Herbert
Burke, James A.
Burke, Yvonne Braithwaite
Burleson, Omar
Burlison, Bill D.
Burton, Phillip
Butler, M. Caldwell
Byron, Goodloe E.
Camp, John N. Happy
Carey, Hugh L.
Carney, Charles J.
Carter, Tim Lee
Casey, Bob
Cederberg, Elford A.
Chamberlain, Charles E.
Chappell, Bill
Chisholm, Shirley
Clancy, Donald D.
Clark, Frank M.
Clausen, Don H.
Clawson, Del
Clay, William
Cleveland, James C.
Cochran, Thad
Cohen, William S.
Collier, Harold H.
Collins, Cardiss

Box 189

Collins, James M.
Conable, Jr., Barber B.
Conlan, John B.
Conte, Silvio O.
Conyers, Jr., John
Corman, James C.
Cotter, William R.
Coughlin, Lawrence
Crane, Phillip M.
Cronin, Paul W.
Culver, John C.
Daniel, Jr., Robert W.
Daniel, W.C. (Dan)
Daniels, Dominick V.
Davis, Glenn R.
Davis, John W.
Davis, Mendel J.
De La Garza, E. (Kika)
Delaney, James J.
Dellenback, John
Dellums, Ronald V.
De Lugo, Ron
Denholm, Frank E.
Dennis, David W.
Dent, John H.
Derwinski, Edward J.
Devine, Samuel L.
Dickinson, William L.
Diggs, Jr., Charles C.
Dingell, John D.
Donohue, Harold D.
Dorn, Wm. Jennings Bryan
Downing, Thomas N.

Box 190

Drinan, Robert F.
Dulski, Thaddeus J.
Duncan, John J.
Du Pont, IV, Pierre (Pete) S.
Eckhardt, Bob
Edwards, Don
Edwards, Jack
Eilberg, Joshua
Erlenborn, John N.
Esch, Marvin L.
Eshleman, Edwin D.
Evans, Frank E.
Evins, Joe L.
Fascell, Dante B.
Fauntroy, Walter E.
Findley, Paul
Fish, Hamilton, Jr.
Fisher, O.C.
Flood, Daniel J.
Flowers, Walter
Flynt, Jr., John J.
Foley, Thomas S.
Ford, Gerald R. (1 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. (2 of 3)
Ford, Gerald R. (3 of 3)
Ford, William D.
Forsythe, Edwin B.
Fountain, L.H.
Fraser, Donald M.
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B.
Frenzel, Bill
Frey, Jr., Louis

Box 191

Froehlich, Harold V.
Fulton, Richard H.
Fuqua, Don
Gaydos, Joseph M.
Gettys, Tom S.
Giaimo, Robert N.
Gibbons, Sam
Giman, Benjamin A.
Ginn, Ronald “Bo”
Goldwater, Jr., Barry M.
Gonzalez, Henry B.
Goodling, George A.
Grasso, Ella T.
Gray, Kenneth J.
Green, Edith
Green, William J.
Griffiths, Martha W.
Gross, H.R.
Grover Jr., James R.
Gubser, Charles S.
Gude, Gilbert
Gunter, Bill
Guyer, Tennyson
Haley, James A.
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hammerschmidt, John Paul
Hanley, James H.
Hanna, Richard T.
Hanrahan, Robert P.
Hansen, Julia Butler
Hansen, Orval
Harrington, Michael
Harsha, William H,
Harvey, James
Hastings, James F.

Box 192

Hawkins, Augustus F.
Hays, Wayne L.
Herbert, F. Edward
Hechler, Ken
Heckler, Margaret M.
Heinz III, H. John
Helstoski, Henry
Henderson, David N.
Hicks, Floyd V.
Hillis, Elwood H.
Hinshaw, Andrew J.
Hogan, Lawrence J.
Holifield, Chet
Holt, Marjorie S.
Holtzman, Elizabeth
Horton, Frank
Hosmer, Craig
Howard, James J.
Hubner, Robert J.
Hudnut III, William H.
Hungate, William J.
Hunt, John B.
Hutchinson, Edward
Ichord, Richard H.
Jarman, John
Johnson, Albert W.
Johnson, Harold T. (BIZZ)

Box 193

Johnson, James P.
Jones, Ed
Jones, Walter B.
Jones, James R.
Jones, Robert E.
Jones, Walter B.
Jordan, Barbara
Karth, Joseph E.
Kastenmeier, Robert W.
Kazen, Jr., Abraham
Keating, William J.
Kemp, Jack F.
Ketchum, William M.
King, Carleton J.
Kluczynski, John C.
Koch, Edward I.
Kuykendall, Dan
Kyros, Peter N.
Landgrebe, Earl F.
Landrum, Phil M.
Latta, Delbert L.
Legette, Robert L.
Lehman, William
Lent, Norman F.
Litton, Jerry
Long, Clarence D.
Long, Gillis W.
Lott, Trent
Lujan, Jr., Manuel

Box 194

McClory, Robert
McCloskey, Jr., Paul N.
McCollister, John Y.
McCormack, Mike
McDade, Joseph M.
McEwen, Robert C.
McFall, John J.
McKay, Gunn
McKinney, Stewart B.
McKevitt, James D.
McSpadden, Clem Rodgers
MacDonald, Torbert
Madden, Ray J.
Madigan, Edward R.
Mahon, George
Malliard, Williams S.
Mallary, Richard W.
Mann, James R.
Maraziti, Joseph J.
Martin, Dave
Martin, James G.
Mathias, Bob
Mathias, Dawson
Matsunaga, Spark M.
Mayne, Wiley
Mazzoli, Romano L.
Meeds, Lloyd
Melcher, John
Metcalf, Ralph
Mezvinsky, Edward
Michel, Robert H.
Milford, Dale
Miller, Clarence B.
Mills, Wilbur D.
Mills, William O.
Minish, Joseph G.
Mink, Patsy

Box 195

Minshall, William E.
Mitchell, Donald J.
Mitchell, Parren J.
Mizell, Wilmer D.
Moakley, John J.
Mollohan, Robert H.
Montgomery, Gillespie V.
Moorhead, Carlos J.
Moorhead, William S.
Morgan, Thomas E. “Doc”
Mosher, Charles A.
Moss, John E.
Murphy, John M.
Murphy, Morgan F.
Myers, John T.
Natcher, William H.
Nedzi, Lucien N.
Nelson, Ancher
Nichols, William
Nix, Sr., Robert N.C.
Obey, David R.
O’Brien, George M.
O’Hara, James G.
O’Neill, Jr., Thomas P. “Tip”
Owens, Wayne

Box 196

Parris, Stanford E.
Passman, Otto E.
Patman, Wright
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Carl D.
Pettis, Jerry L.
Peyser, Peter A.
Pickle, J.J.
Pike, Otis G.
Poage, W.R.
Podell, Bertram L.
Powell, Walter E.
Preyer, Richardson
Price, Melvin
Price, Bob
Pritchard, Joel
Quie, Albert H.
Quillen, James H.
Railsback, Thomas F.
Randall, William J.
Rangel, Charles B.
Rarick, John R.
Rhodes, John J.
Riegle, Jr., Donald W.
Rinaido, Matthew J.
Roberts, Ray

Box 197

Robinson, J. Kenneth
Robison, Howard W.
Rodino, Jr., Peter W.
Roe, Robert A.
Rogers, Paul G.
Roncalio, Teno
Roncallo, Angello D.
Rooney, Fred B.
Rose, Charles
Rosenthal, Benjamin S.
Rostenkowski, Dan
Roush, J. Edward
Rousselot, John H.
Roy, William R.
Roybal, Edward R.
Runnels, Harold
Ruppe, Phillip E.
Rut, Earl B.
Ryan, Led J.
St. Germain, Fernand J.
Sandman, Jr., Charles W.
Sarasin, Ronald A.
Sarbanes, Paul S.
Satterfield III, David E.
Scherle, William J.
Schneebeli, Herman
Schroder, Patricia
Sebelius, Keith G.
Seiberling, John F.
Shipley, George E.
Shoup, Richard G.
Shriver, Garner E.
Shuster, E.G.
Sikes, Robert
Sisk, B.F.
Skubitz, Joe
Slack, John M.

Box 198

Smith III, Henry P.
Snyder, M. Gene
Spence, Floyd D.
Staggers, Harley O.
Stanton, William J.
Stark Jr., Fortney H.
Steed, Tom
Steel, Robert H.
Steelman, Alan
Steiger, Sam
Stephens Jr., Robert G.
Stokes, Louis
Stratton, Samuels S.
Stubblefield, Frank A.
Stuckey Jr., W.S.
Studds, Gerry E.
Sullivan, Leonor K.
Symington, James W.
Symms, Steven D.
Talcott, Burt L.
Taylor, Gene
Teague, Charles M.
Thompson Jr., Frank
Thomson, Vernon W.
Thone, Charles
Thornton, Ray
Tiernan, Robert O.
Towell, David

Box 199

Treen, David C.
Udall, Morris K.
Ullman, Al
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles A.
Veysey, Victor V.
Vigorito, Joseph P.
Waggonner Jr., Joe D.
Waldie, Jerome R.
Walsh, William F.
Wampler, William C.
Ware, John C.
Whalen Jr., Charles W.
White, Richard C.
Whittenhurst, G. William
Whitten, Jamie L.
Widnall, William B.
Wiggins, Charles E.
Williams, Lawrence G.
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Charles
Winn Jr., Larry
Wolff, Lester L.
Won Pat, Antonio B.
Wright Jr., James C.
Wyatt, Wendell

Box 200

Wydler, John W.
Wylie, Chambers P.
Wyman, Louis C.
Yates, Sidney R.
Yatron, Gus
Young, Andrew
Young, C.W. Bill
Young, Don
Young, Edward
Young, John
Young, Samuel H.
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger
Zwach, John M.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series A: House of Representatives

Box 201

Abdnor, James
Abaug, Bella S.
Adams, Brock
Addabbo, Joseph P.
Albert, Carl
Alexander, Bill
Anderson, Glenn M.
Anderson, John B.
Andrews, Ike
Andrews, Mark
Annunzio, Frank
Archer, Bill
Arends, Leslie C.
Armstrong, William L.
Ashbrook, John M.
Aspin, Los
Badillo, Herman
Bafalis, L.A. “Skip”
Baker, Lamar
Barrett, William A.
Bauman, Robert E.
Beard, Robin
Bell, Alphonzo
Bennett, Charles E.
Bergland, Bob
Bevill, Tom
Biaggi, Mario
Biester Jr., Edward G.
Bingham, Jonthan B.
Blackburn, Ben B.
Blatnik, John
Boggs, Lindy (Mrs. Hale)
Boland, Edward P.
Bolling, Richard
Brademas, John
Brasco, Frank J.
Bray, William
Breaux, John
Brinkley, Jack
Brooks, Jack
Broomfield, William S.
Brotzman, Donald G.
Brown, Clarence J.
Brown, Garry
Broyhill, James T.
Broyhill, Joel T.
Buchanan, Jr., John H.
Burgener, Clair W.
Burke, J. Herbert
Burke, James A.
Burke, Yvonne B.
Burleson, Omar
Butler, M. Caldwell
Byron, Goodloe E.
Happy Camp, John N.
Carey, Hugh L.
Carney, Charles J.
Carter, Tim Lee
Casey, Bob
Cederberg, Elford A.
Chamberlain, Charles
Chappell, Bill
Chisholm, Shirley
Clancy, Donald D.
Clawson, Don

Box 202

Clawson, Del
Cleveland, James G.
Cochran, Thad
Collier, Harold R.
Collins, Cardiss
Collins, James M.
Conable, Jr., Barber
Conlan, John B.
Conte, Silvio O.
Conyers, John
Corman, James C.
Cotter, William R.
Coughlin, Lawrence
Crane, Phillip M.
Cronin, Paul W.
Culver, John C.
Daniel, Robert W., Jr.
Daniel, Dan
Daniels, Dominick V.
Danielson, George E.
Davis, Glenn R.
Davis, John W.
Davis, Mendel J.
Del la Garza, Kika
Delaney, James J.
Dellenback, John
Dellums, Ronald V.
De Lugo, Ron
Denholm, Frank E.
Dennis, David W.
Dent, John H.
Derwinski, Edward J.
Devine, Samuel L.
Dickinson, William L.
Diggs, Jr., Charles C.
Dingell, John D.
Donohue, Harold D.
Dorn, Wm. Jennings Bryan
Downing, Thomas N.
Drinan, Robert F.
Dulski, T.J.
Duncan, John J.
Du Pont, Pierre S.
Edwards, Don
Edwards, Jack
Ellberg, Joshua
Erlenborn, John N.
Esch, Marvin E.
Eshleman, Edwin D.
Evans, Frank E.
Fascell, Dante B.
Fauntroy, Walter E.
Findley, Paul
Fish, Jr., Hamilton
Fisher, O.C.
Flood, Daniel J.
Flowers, Walter
Flynt, Jr., John J.
Foley, Thomas S.
Ford, William D.
Forsythe, Edwin B.
Fountain, L.H.
Fraser, Donald M.
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B.
Frenzel, Bill
Frey, Jr., Louis
Froehlich, Harold V.
Fulton, Richard H.
Fuqua, Don

Box 203

Gaydos, Joseph M.
Giamo, Robert N.
Gibbons, Sam A.
Gilman, Benjamin A.
Goldwater, Jr., Barry N.
Ginn, Ronald Bo
Gonzalez, Henry B.
Goodling, George A.
Grasso, Ella
Gray, Kenneth J.
Griffiths, Martha W.
Gross, H.R.
Grover, Jr., James R.
Gubser, Charles S.
Gude, Gilbert
Gunter, Bill
Guyer, Tennyson
Haley, James A.
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hammerschmidt, John Paul
Hanley, James M.
Hanrahan, Robert P.
Hansen, Orval
Hansen, Julia Butler
Harrington, Michael J.
Harsha, William
Harvey, James
Hastings, James F.
Hawkings, Augustus F.
Hebert, F. Edward
Hechler, Ken
Heckler, Margaret M.
Heinz, III., H. John
Helstoski, Henry
Hillis, Eldwood H.
Hinshaw, Andrew J.
Hogan, Lawrence J.
Holt, Marjorie S.
Holtzman, Elizabeth
Horton, Frank
Hosmer, Craig
Howard, James J.
Huber, Robert J.
Hudnut, III, William H.
Hungate, William L.
Hunt, John E.
Hutchinson, Edward
Ichord, Robert H.
Jarman, John
Johnson, Albert W.
Johnson, Harold T.
Jones, Ed
Jones, James R.
Jones, Robert E.
Jones, Walter B.
Jordan, Barbara
Karth, Joseph E.
Kastenmeier, Bob
Kemp, Jack
Ketchum, William M.

Box 204

Kluczynski, John C.
Koch, Edward
Kuykendall, Dan
Kyros, Peter N.
Lagomarsino, Robert J.
Landgrebe, Earl F.
Landrum, Phil
Latta, Delbert L.
Leggett, Robert L.
Lohman, William
Lent, Norman F.
Litton, Jerry
Long, Clarence D.
Long, Gills W.
Lott, Trent
Luken, Thomas A.
Lujan, Manuel
McClory, Robert
McCloskey, Jr., Paul N.
McCollister, John Y.
McCormack, Mike
McDade, Joseph M.
McEwen, Robert C.
McFall, John J.
McKinney, Stewart B.
McSpadden, Clem
MacDonald, Torbert H.
Madden, Ray J.
Madigan, Edward R.
Mahon, George H.
Maillard, William
Mallary, Richard
Mann, James R.
Maraziti, Joseph J.
Martin, Dave
Martin, James G.
Mathias, Bob
Mathias, Dawson
Mayne, Wiley
Mazzoli, Romano L.
Meeds, Lloyd
Melcher, John
Metcalfe, Ralph H.
Michel, Robert H.
Milford, Dale
Miller, Clarence E.
Mills, Wilbur D.
Minish, Joseph G.
Mink, Patsy
Minshall, William E.
Mitchell, Donald J.
Mizell, Wilmer D.
Moakley, John J.
Mollohan, Robert H.
Montgomery, G.V. “Sonny”
Moorhead, Carlos J.
Moorhead, William S.
Morgan, Thomas E.
Mosher, Charles A.
Moss, John E.
Murphy, John M.
Murphy, Morgan F.
Murtha, John P.
Myers, John T.

Box 205

Nedzi, Lucien N.
Nelson, Archer
Nichols, Bill
Nix, Robert N.C.
Obey, David R.
O’Brien, George M.
O’Hara, James G.
O’Neill, Jr., Thomas P.
Owens, Wayne
Parris, Stan
Passman, Otto E.
Patman, Wright
Patten, Edward J.
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Carl D.
Pettis, Jerry L.
Payser, Peter A.
Pickle, J.J.
Pike, Otis G.
Poage, W.R.
Podell, Betram L.
Powell, Walter E.
Preyser, Richardson
Price, Melvin
Price, Robert
Quie, Albert H.
Quillen, James H.
Railsback, Thomas F.
Randall, William J.
Rangel, Charles B.
Rarick, John R.
Regula, Ralph
Reid, Ogden R.
Rhodes, John J.
Riegle, Jr., Donald W.
Rinaldo, Mathew J.
Roberts, Ray
Robbins, Albert W.
Robinson, J. Kenneth
Robinson, Howard W.
Rodino, Jr., Peter W.
Roe, Robert A.
Rogers, Paul G.
Roncalio, Teno
Roncallo, Angelo D.
Rose, Charlie
Rosenthal, Benjamin S.
Rostenkowski, Dan
Roush J. Edward
Rousselot, John H.
Roy, William R.
Roybal, Edward R.
Runnels, Harold
Ruppe, Phillip E.
Ruth, Earl B.
Ryan, Leo J.
Sandman, Jr., Charles W.
Sarasin, Ronald A.
Satterfield, David E.
Scherle, William J.
Schneebeli, Herman T.
Schroeder, Patricia
Sebelius, Keith G.
Seiberling, John
Shipley, George E.
Shoup, Dick
Shriver, Garner E.
Shuster, E.G.
Sikes, Robert L.F.
Sisk, B.F.
Skubitz, Joe
Smith, Henry P.
Snyder, M. Gene
Spence, Floyd D.

Box 206

Staggers, Harley O.
Stanton, J. William
Stanton, James V.
Stark, Fortney H.
Steele, Robert H.
Steelman, Alan
Steiger, Sam
Steiger, William A.
Stephens, Robert G.
Stokes, Louis
Stratton, Samuel S.
Stubblefield, Frank A.
Stuckey, W.S.
Studds, Garry E.
Sullivan, Leonor K.
Symington, James
Symms, Steven D.
Talcott, Burt L.
Taylor, Gene
Taylor, Roy A.
Teague, Olin E.
Thompson, Frank
Thomson, Vernon W.
Thone, Charles
Tiernan, Robert O.
Towell, David G.
Treen, David C.
Udall, Morris K.
Ullman, Al
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles
Veysey, Victor V.
Vigorito, Joseph P.
Waggoner, Joe D. Jr.
Walsh, William F.
Wampler, William C.
Ware, John H.
Whalen, Charles W. Jr.
White, Richard C.
Whitehurst, William G.
Whitten, Jamie L.
Widnall, William B.
Wiggens, Charles E.
Williams, Lawrence G.
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Charles
Winn, Larry Jr.
Wolff, Lester L.
Won Pat, Antonio Borja
Wright, Jim
Wyatt, Wendell
Wydler, John W.
Wylie, Chalmers P.
Wyman, Louis C.
Yates, Sidney R.
Yatron, Gus
Young, Andrew
Young, Bill C.W.
Young, Don
Young, Ed
Young, Samuel H.
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger H.
Zwach, John M.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 207

Buck Slips (1 of 5)
Buck Slips (2 of 5)
Buck Slips (3 of 5)
Buck Slips (4 of 5)
Buck Slips (5 of 5)
Senate A
Senate B (1 of 4)
Senate B (2 of 4)
Senate B (3 of 4)
Senate B (4 of 4)

Box 208

Senate C (1 of 4)
Senate C (2 of 4)
Senate C (3 of 4)
Senate C (4 of 4)
Senate D (1 of 2)
Senate D (2 of 2)
Senate E (1 of 2)
Senate E (2 of 2)
Senate F

Box 209

Senate G (1 of 3)
Senate G (2 of 3)
Senate G (3 of 3)
Senate H (1 of 3)
Senate H (2 of 3)
Senate H (3 of 3)
Senate I-J-K (1 of 3)
Senate I-J-K (2 of 3)
Senate I-J-K (3 of 3)

Box 210

Senate M (1 of 8)
Senate M (2 of 8)
Senate M (3 of 8)
Senate M (4 of 8)
Senate M (5 of 8)
Senate M (6 of 8)
Senate M (7 of 8)
Senate M (8 of 8)
Senate Mc and N

Box 211

Senate P (1 of 3)
Senate P (2 of 3)
Senate P (3 of 3)
Senate R
Senate S (1 of 7)
Senate S (2 of 7)
Senate S (3 of 7)
Senate S (4 of 7)
Senate S (5 of 7)
Senate S (6 of 7)
Senate S (7 of 7)

Box 212

Senate T (1 of 4)
Senate T (2 of 4)
Senate T (3 of 4)
Senate T (4 of 4)
Senate W & Y (1 of 3)
Senate W & Y (2 of 3)
Senate W & Y (3 of 3)

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 213

Alken, George D. – VT
Allen, James B. – Ala.
Allcott, Gordon – Colo.
Anderson, Clinton P. – N. Mex.
Baker, Howard H. – TN (1 of 2)
Baker, Howard H. – TN (2 of 2)
Bayh, Birch – IN.
Bellmon, Henry – OK
Bible, Alan – Nev.
Boggs, J. Caleb – Del.
Brooke, Edward W. – MA (1 of 2)
Brooke, Edward W. – MA (2 of 2)
Burdick, Quentin – N. Dak.
Byrd, Harry F. – VA
Byrd, Robert C. – WV

Box 214

Cannon, Howard W. – NV
Case, Clifford P. – NJ
Church, Frank – ID
Cook, Marlow W. – KY
Cooper, John Sherman – KY
Cotton, Norris – NH
Cranston, Alan – CA
Curtis, Carl T. – NE
Dodd, Thomas J – CJ
Dole, Robert – KS (1 of 3)
Dole, Robert – KS (2 of 3)
Dole, Robert – KS (3 of 3)
Dominick, Peter H. – CO
Eagleton, Thomas F. – MO
Eastland, James O – Miss.
Ellender, Allen J. – LA
Ervin, Sam J. – NC
Fanin, Paul J. – AZ
Fong, Hiram L. – HI
Fulbright, JW – AR

Box 215

Goldwater, Barry – AZ
Goodell, Charles E. – NY
Gore, Albert – TN
Gravel, Mike – AK
Griffin, Robert P. – Mich.
Gurney, Edward J. – FL.
Hansen, Clifford P. – WY
Harris, Fred R. – OK
Hart, Philipa – Mich.
Hartke, Vance – IN
Hatfield, Mark – OR (1 of 2)
Hatfield, Mark – OR (2 of 2)
Holand, Spessard L – FL.
Hollings, Ernest F. – SC
Hruska, Roman L. – NE
Hughes, Harold E – Iowa
Inouye, Daniel K. – HI

Box 216

Jackson, Henry M. – WA
Javits, Jacob K. – NY
Jordan, B. Everett – NC
Jordan, Len B. – ID
Kennedy, Edward M. – MA
Long, Russell B. – LA
Magnuson, Warren G. – WA
Mansfield, Mike – MT
Mathias, Charles McC – MD
Metcalf, Lee – MT
Miller, Jack – Iowa
Mondale, Walter F – MN
Montoya, Joseph M. – NM
Moss, Frank E – UT
Mundt, Karl E. – SD
Murphy, George – CA (1 of 2)

Box 217

Murphy, George – CA (2 of 2)
Muskie, Edmund S. – Maine
McCarthy, Eugene J – Minn.
McClellan, John L. – Ark.
McGee, Gale W. – WY
McGovern, George – SD
McIntyre, Thomas J – NH
Nelson, Gaylord – WI
Packwood, Robert W. – OR
Pastore, John O. – RI
Pearson, James B. – KS
Pell, Clairborne – RI
Percy, Charles H. – IL
Prouty, Winston L. – VT
Proxmire, William – Wisc.
Randolph, Jennings – WV
Ribicoff, Abraham – CT
Russell, Richard B. – GA

Box 218

Saxbe, William B. – Ohio
Schweiker, Richard S. – PA
Scott, Hugh – PA (1 of 5)
Scott, Hugh – PA (2 of 5)
Scott, Hugh – PA (3 of 5)
Scott, Hugh – PA (4 of 5)
Scott, Hugh – PA (5 of 5)

Box 219

Smith, Margaret Chase – Maine (1 of 2)
Smith, Margaret Chase – Maine (2 of 2)
Smith, Ralph T. – Illinois (1 of 2)
Smith, Ralph T. – Illinois (2 of 2)
Sparkman, John – Alabama
Spong, William B. – Virginia
Stennis, John – Mississippi
Stevens, Theodore – Alaska (1 of 2)
Stevens, Theodore – Alaska (2 of 2)
Symington, Stuart – Missouri
Talmadge, Herman – Georgia
Thurmond, Strom – SC (1 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom – SC (2 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom – SC (3 of 3)
Tower, John G. – Texas (1 of 3)
Tower, John G. – Texas (2 of 3)
Tower, John G. – Texas (3 of 3)

Box 220

Tydings, Joseph D. – Maryland
Williams, Harrison A. – New Jersey
Williams, John J. – Delaware
Yarborough, Ralph – Texas
Young, Milton R. – North Dakota
Young, Stephen M. – Ohio

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 221

Aiken, Geo D.—Anderson, Clinton
Barker, Howard—Beall, J. Glenn (1 of 2)
Barker, Howard—Beall, J. Glenn (2 of 2)
Bellmon, Henry—Bible, Alan (1 of 2)
Bellmon, Henry—Bible, Alan (2 of 2)
Boggs, J. Caleb—Brooke, Ed W. (1 of 2)
Boggs, J. Caleb—Brooke, Ed W. (2 of 2)
Buckely, James L.—Byrd, Robert

Box 222

Cannon, Howard W.—Cook, Marlow W.
Cooper, John Sherman—Curtis, Carl T. (1 of 2)
Cooper, John Sherman—Curtis, Carl T. (2 of 2)
Dole, Robert J. (1 of 2)
Dole, Robert J. (2 of 2)
Dominick, Peter H.—Eruin, Sam J. (1 of 2)
Dominick, Peter H.—Eruin, Sam J. (2 of 2)
Fannin, Paul J.—Fulbright, J.W.
Gambrell, David H.—Griffin, Robert D. (1 of 2)
Gambrell, David H.—Griffin, Robert D. (2 of 2)

Box 223

Gurney, Ed L.—Hart, Philip A. (1 of 2)
Gurney, Ed L.—Hart, Philip A. (2 of 2)
Hartke, Vance—Hruska, Roman L.
Hughes, Harold E.—Jackson, Henry M.
Javits, Jacob K. (1 of 2)
Javits, Jacob K. (2 of 2)
Jordan, B. Everett
Jordan, Len B.
Kennedy, Edward M.
Long, Russell B.
Magnuson, Warren G.
Mansfield, Mike

Box 224

Mathias, Jr. Charles McC. (1 of 2)
Mathias, Jr. Charles McC. (2 of 2)
McClellan, John L.
McGee, Gale W.
McGovern, George
McIntyre, Thomas J.
Metcalf, Lee
Miller, Jack
Mondale, Walter F.
Montoya, Joseph M.
Moss, Frank E.
Mundt, Karl E.
Muskie, Edmund S.
Nelson, Gaylond
Packwood, Bob
Pastore, John O.
Pearson, James B.
Pell, Claiborne
Percy, Charles H. (1 of 2)
Percy, Charles H. (2 of 2)
Prouty, Winston L.
Proxmire, William

Box 225

Randolph, Jennings
Ribicoff, Abraham
Roth, Jr., William V.
Saxbe, William B.
Schweiker, Richard S.
Scott, Hugh (1 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (2 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (3 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (4 of 4)
Smith, Margaret Chase (1 of 2)
Smith, Margaret Chase (2 of 2)
Sparkman, John
Spong, Jr., Williams B.

Box 226

Stafford, Robert T.
Stennis, John C.
Stevens, Ted (1 of 2)
Stevens, Ted (2 of 2)
Stevenson III, Adlai E.
Symington, Stuart
Taft, Jr., Robert (1 of 2)
Taft, Jr., Robert (2 of 2)
Talmadge, Herman E.
Thurmond, Strom (1 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (2 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (3 of 3)

Box 227

Tower, John G. (1 of 3)
Tower, John G. (2 of 3)
Tower, John G. (3 of 3)
Tunney, John V.
Weiker, Jr., Lowell P. (1 of 2)
Weiker, Jr., Lowell P. (2 of 2)
Williams, Jr., Harrison A.
Young, Milton B.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 228

Aiken, George
Allen, James B.
Allott, Gordon
Anderson, Clinton P.
Baker, Jr., Howard H.
Bayh, Birch
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. (1 of 2)
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. (2 of 2)
Bellmon, Henry
Bennett, Wallace F.
Bible, Alan
Bentsen, Lloyd
Boggs, Caleb J.
Brock, Bill (1 of 3)
Brock, Bill (2 of 3)
Brock, Bill (3 of 3)

Box 229

Brooke, Edward W. (1 of 2)
Brooke, Edward W. (2 of 2)
Buckley, James L.
Burdick, Quintin N.
Byrd, Robert C. (1 of 2)
Byrd, Robert C. (2 of 2)
Cannon, Howard W.
Case, Clifford P.
Chiles, Lawton
Church, Frank
Cook, Marlow W.
Cooper, John Sherman
Cotton, Norris (1 of 2)
Cotton, Norris (2 of 2)

Box 230

Cransten, Alan
Curtis, Carl T. (1 of 2)
Curtis, Carl T. (2 of 2)
Dole, Robert [Bob] (1 of 2)
Dole, Robert [Bob] (2 of 2)
Dominick, Peter H. (1 of 2)
Dominick, Peter H. (2 of 2)
Eagleton, Thomas F.
Edwards, Jack
Edwards, Elaine S.
Eastland, James O.
Ellender, Allen J., Jr.
Ervin, Sam J., Jr. (1 of 2)
Ervin, Sam J., Jr. (2 of 2)
Fannin, Paul
Fong, Hiram L.
Fulbright J.W.
Gambrell, David H.
Goldwater, Barry
Gravel, Mike

Box 231

Griffin, Robert P. (1 of 2)
Griffin, Robert P. (2 of 2)
Gurney, Edward J.
Hansen, Cliff
Harris, Fred R.
Hart, Philip
Hartke, Vance
Hatfield, Mark O.
Hollings, Earnest F.
Hruska, Roman L.
Hughes, Harold E.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Inouye, Daniel K.
Jackson, Henry M.
Javits, Jacob K. (1 of 2)
Javits, Jacob K. (2 of 2)
Jordan, B. Everett
Jordan, Len B.
Kennedy, Edward M.
Long, Russell B.

Box 232

Magnuson, Warren G. (1 of 2)
Magnuson, Warren G. (2 of 2)
Mansfield, Mike (1 of 3)
Mansfield, Mike (2 of 3)
Mansfield, Mike (3 of 3)
Mathias, Charles Mc C. (1 of 3)
Mathias, Charles Mc C. (2 of 3)
Mathias, Charles Mc C. (3 of 3)
McClellan, John L.
McGee, Gale
McGovern, George
McIntyre, Thomas J.
Metcalf, Lee
Miller, Jack
Mondale, Walter F.
Montoya, Joseph M.
Moss, Frank
Graff, John R. (Mundt)
McCaughey, Robert L.
Muskie, Edmund K.
Nelson, Gaylord

Box 233

Packwood, Robert
Pastore, John O.
Pearson, James B.
Pell, Claiborne
Percy, Charles H. (1 of 3)
Percy, Charles H. (2 of 3)
Percy, Charles H. (3 of 3)
Proxmire, William
Randolph, Jennings
Ribicoff, Abraham A.
Roth, Jr., William V.
Saxbe, William B. (1 of 2)
Saxbe, William B. (2 of 2)
Schweiker, Richard S. (1 of 2)
Schweiker, Richard S. (2 of 2)

Box 234

Scott, Hugh (1 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (2 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (3 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (4 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (5 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (6 of 7)
Scott, Hugh (7 of 7)
Smith, Margaret Chase (1 of 3)
Smith, Margaret Chase (2 of 3)
Smith, Margaret Chase (3 of 3)
Sparkman, John
Spong, William B.
Stafford, Robert T.
Stennis, John C.

Box 235

Stevens, Ted (1 of 2)
Stevens, Ted (2 of 2)
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Taft, Robert (1 of 3)
Taft, Robert (2 of 3)
Taft, Robert (3 of 3)
Talmadge, Herman (1 of 2)
Talmadge, Herman (2 of 2)
Thurmond, Strom (1 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (2 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (3 of 3)
Tower, John G. (1 of 3)
Tower, John G. (2 of 3)
Tower, John G. (3 of 3)
Tunney, John V.
Weicker, Jr., Lowell P. (1 of 2)
Weicker, Jr., Lowell P. (2 of 2)
Williams, Jr., Harrison A.
Young, Milton R. (1 of 2)
Young, Milton R. (2 of 2)

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 236

Abourezk, James
Aiken, George D.
Allen, James B.
Baker, Jr., Howard K.
Bartlett, Dewey F.
Bayh, Birch
Beall, Jr., J. Glenn
Bellmon, Henry
Bennett, Wallace F.
Bentsen, Lloyd
Bible, Alan
Biden Jr., Joseph R.
Brock, William E. (1 of 2)
Brock, William E. (2 of 2)
Brooke, Edward W.
Buckley, James L.

Box 237

Burdick, Quentin N.
Byrd Jr., Harry F.
Byrd, Robert C.
Cannon, Howard W.
Case, Clifford P.
Chiles, Lawton
Church, Frank
Clark, Dick
Cook, Marlow W.
Cotton, Norris
Cooper, John Sherman
Cranston, Alan
Curtis, Carl T.
Dole, Bob (1 of 2)
Dole, Bob (2 of 2)
Dominici, Pete V.
Dominick, Peter H.
Eagleton, Thomas F.
Eastland, James O.
Ervin, Jr., Sam J.
Fannin, Paul

Box 238

Fong, Hiram L.
Fulbright, J.W.
Goldwater, Barry
Gravel, Mike
Griffin, Robert P.
Gurney, Edward J.
Hansen, Clifford P.
Hart, Philip A.
Hartke, Vance
Haskell, Floyd K.
Hatfield, Mark O.
Hathaway, William D.
Helms, Jesse A.
Hollings, Ernest P.
Hruska, Roman L.
Huddleston, Walter D.

Box 239

Nelson, Gaylord
Nunn, Sam
Packwood, Bob
Pastore, John O.
Pearson, James B.
Pell, Clairborne
Percy, Charles H.
Proxmire, William
Randolph, Jennings
Ribicoff, Abraham
Ruth, Jr., William V.
Saxbe, William B.
Schweiker, Richard S.
Scott, Hugh (1 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (2 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (3 of 4)
Scott, Hugh (4 of 4)
Scott, William L.
Sparkman, John
Stafford, Robert T.

Box 240

Stennis, John C.
Stevens, Ted
Stevenson III, Adlai E.
Symington, Stuart
Taft, Jr., Robert
Talmadge, Herman E.
Thurmond, Strom (1 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (2 of 3)
Thurmond, Strom (3 of 3)
Tower, John G. (1 of 2)
Tower, John G. (2 of 2)
Tunney, John V.
Weicker, Jr., Lowell P.
Williams, Jr., Harrison A.
Young, Milton R.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series B: Senate

Box 241

Abourezk, James
Allen, James B.
Baker, Jr., Howard H.
Bartlett, Dewey
Bayh, Birch
Beall, Jr., Glenn
Bellmon, Henry
Bennett, Wallace F.
Bentsen, Lloyd
Bible, Alan
Biden, Jr., Joseph R.
Brock, Bill
Brock, Edward W.
Buckley, James L.
Burdick, Quentin N.
Byrd, Jr., Harry F.
Byrd, Robert C.
Cannon, Howard W.
Case, Clifford P.
Chiles, Lawton
Church, Frank
Clark, Dick
Cook, Marlow W.
Cotton, Norris
Cranston, Alan
Curtis, Carl T.
Dole, Bob
Domenici, Pete V.
Eagleton, Thomas F.
Eastland, James O.
Ervin, Jr., Sam J.
Fannin, Paul
Fong, Hiram L.
Fulbright, J. William
Gentry, Charles R.
Goldwater, Barry
Gravel, Mike

Box 242

Griffin, Robert F.
Gurney, Edward
Hansen, Clifford P.
Hart, Philip A.
Hartke, Vance
Hatfield, Mark O.
Hathaway, William D.
Helms, Jesse
Hollings, Ernest F.
Hruska, Roman L.
Huddleston, Walter
Hughes, Harold E.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Inouye, Daniel K.
Jackson, Henry M.
Javits, Jacob K.
Johnston, Jr., J. Bennett
Kennedy, Edward M.
Long, Russell
Magnuson, Warren G.
Mansfield, Mike
Mathias, Jr., Charles McC
McClellan, John
McClure, James A.
McGee, Gale
McGovern, George
McIntyre, Thomas J.
Metcalf, Lee
Netzenbaum, Howard M.
Mondale, Walter F.
Montoya, Joseph M.
Moss, Frank E.
Muskie, Edmund S.
Nelson, Gaylord
Nunn, Sam
Packwood, Bob

Box 243

Pastore, John O.
Pearson, James B.
Pell, Claiborne
Percy, Charles H.
Promire, William
Randolph, Jennings
Ribicoff, Abe
Roth, Jr., William V.
Schweiker, Richard S.
Scott, William
Sparkman, John
Stafford, Robert T.
Stennis, John C.
Stevens, Ted
Stevenson III, Adlai E.
Symington, Stuart
Taft, Jr., Robert
Talmadge, Herman E.
Scott, Hugh
Thurmond, Strom
Tower, John G.
Tunney, John V.
Weicker, Jr., Lowell
Williams, Jr., Harrison A.
Young, Milton R.

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series C: Clark MacGregor Files

Box 244

Aiken, George D.
Allott, Gordon
Allen, James B.
Anderson, Clinton D.
Baker, Jr., Howard
Bayh, Birch
Bellmon, Henry
Beall, Jr., J. Glenn
Bennett, Wallace F.
Bentson, Lloyd
Bible, Alan
Boggs, J. Caleb
Brock, W. E. (Bill)
Brooke, Edward W.
Buckley, James
Burdick, Quentin N.
Byrd, Jr., Harry F.
Byrd, Robert C.
Cannon, Howard W. [Empty]
Case, Clifford
Chiles, Lawton
Church, Frank
Cook, Marlow
Cotton, Norris
Cooper, John
Cranston, Alan [Empty]
Curtis, Carl T.
Dole, Robert
Dominick, Peter (1 of 2)
Dominick, Peter (2 of 2)
Eagleton, Thomas, F.

Box 245

Ellender, Allen J.
Ervin, Jr., Sam J.
Fannin, Paul J.
Fong, Hiram L.
Fulbright, J.W.
Goldwater, Barry
Gravel, Mike
Griffin, Robert P.
Gurney, Edward J.
Hansen, Clifford P.
Harris, Fred R.
Hart, Philip A.
Hartke, Vance
Hatfield, Mark D.
Hollings, Ernest F.
Hruska, Roman
Hughes, Harold E.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Inouye, Daniel K.
Jackson, Henry M.
Javits, Jacob K.
Jordan, B. Everett
Jordan, Len B.
Kennedy, Edward M.
Long, Russell B.
McClellan, John L.
McGee, Gale W.
McGovern, George
McIntyre, Thomas J. [Empty]

Box 246

Mathias, Jr., Charles Mc C (1 of 3)
Mathias, Jr., Charles Mc C (2 of 3)
Mathias, Jr., Charles Mc C (3 of 3)
Magnuson, Warren G.
Mansfield, Mike
Metcalf, Lee [Empty]
Miller, Jack (1 of 2)
Miller, Jack (2 of 2)
Mondale, Walter F.
Montoya, Joseph M.
Moss, Frank E.
Mundt, Karl E.
Muskie, Edmund S.
Nelson, Gaylord
Packwood, Robert W. (1 of 3)
Packwood, Robert W. (2 of 3)
Packwood, Robert W. (3 of 3)

Box 247

Pastore, John O.
Pearson, James B.
Pell, Claiborne
Percy, Charles H. (1 of 2)
Prouty, Winston L.
Proxmire, William
Randolph, Jennings
Ribicoff, Abraham
Roth, William V.
Scott, Hugh (1 of 2)
Scott, Hugh (2 of 2)
Saxbe, William
Schweiker, Richard S.
Smith, Margaret Chase
Sparkman, John
Spong, Jr., Wiliam B.
Stafford, Robert T.

Box 248

Stennis, John C.
Stevens, Ted
Stevenson, III, Adlai E.
Symington, Stuart
Taft, Robert
Talmadge, Herman E.
Thurmond, Strom
Tower, John
Tuney, John V.
Williams, Jr., Harrison A.
Weicker, Jr., Lowell P.3
Young, Milton

Box 249

Abbit, W.M.
Abernethy, Thomas G. – 5876 (Empty)
Abourezk, James
Abzug, Bella S. – 5635
Adams, Brock – 3106
Addabbo, Joseph P. – 3461 (Empty)
Alexander, Bill – 4076 (Empty)
Albert, Carl
Anderson, John B.
Anderson, Glenn M. – 6676 (Empty)
Anderson, William R. – 2811
Andrews, George W. – 4422 (Empty)
Annunzio, Frank – 6661
Andrews, Mark
Arends, Leslie C.
Ashbrook, John M. – 6431
Archer, Bill – 2571
Aspin, Les – 3031
Aspinall, Wayne N. – 4431 (Empty)
Badillo, Herman – 4361 (Empty)
Baker, LaMar
Baring, Walter S.
Barrett, William A. – 4731 (Empty)
Begich, Nick – 5765 (Empty)
Belcher, Page – 2211
Bell, Alphonzo – 6451 (Empty)
Charles E. Bennett
Bergland, Bob – 2165
Betts, Jackson E. – 3865
Bevill, Tom – 4876
Biaggi, Mario – 2464
Biester, Edward G. Jr. – 4276
Bingham, Jonathan B. – 4411 (Empty)
Benjamin B. Blackburn
Blanton, Ray – 7084 (Empty)

Box 250

Blatnik, John A.
Boggs, Hale
Boland, Edward P. – 5601 (Empty)
Bolling, Richard – 4535 (Empty)
Bow, Frank T.
Brandemas, John – 3915 (Empty)
Brasco, Frank J. – 5471 (Empty)
Bray, William G.
Brinkley, Jack – 5901
Brooks, Jack – 6565 (Empty)
Broomfield, William S.
Brotzman, Donald G. – 2161
Brown, Clarence “Bud”
Brown, Garry – 5011
Broyhill, James T. – 2576
Broyhill, Joel T.
Buchanan, John – 4921
Burke, James A. – 3215
Burke, J. Herbert
Burleson, Omar – 6605
Burlison, Bill D. – 4404 (Empty)
Burton, Phillip
Byrne, James A. – 2431
Byrnes, John W.
Byron, Goodloe E. – 2721 (Empty)
Cabell, Earle – 2231 (Empty)
Caffery, Patrick T. – 4031
Camp, John N. Happy – 5565
Carey, Hugh L. – 4105
Carney, Charles J. – 5261

Box 251

Carter, Tim Lee
Casey, Bob-5951
Cederberg, Elford A.-3561
Celler Emanuel- 3531
Charles E. Chamberlain
Chappel, Bill Jr.
Chisholm, Shirley-6231
Clancy, Donald D.-2216
Clark, Frank M. -2565
Clausen, Don H.
Clawson, Del-3576
Clay, William (Bill)- 2406
Cleveland, James C. -5206
Collins, George W. -5006
Collins, James M.
Collier, Harold R. -4561
Colmer, William
Conable, Barber B. Jr.
Conte, Silvio O.
Conyers, John C.
Corbett, Robert J. 52135
Cordova, Jorge L. 2615
Corman, James C. 5811
Cotter, William R. 2265
Coughlin, R. Lawrence 6111
Culver, John C.
Crane, Philip M. 3711
Curtis, Thomas B.
Daniel, W.C. (Dan) 4711
Danielson, George E. 5464
Davis, Glenn R. 5101
Daniels, Dominick V. 2765
De la Garza, Eligio 2531
Davis, John W. 2931
Dehnolm, Frank E. -2801
Delaney, James J. -3965
Dellenback, John -6416
Dellums, Ronald V. -7177
Denis, David W. -3021
Dennis, David W. -3021
Dent, John H. -5631
Derwinski, Edward J.

Box 252

Devine, Sam (1 of 2)
Devine, Sam (2 of 2)
Dickenson, William L. (1 of 2)
Dickenson, William L. (2 of 2)
Diggs, Charles C., Jr. 2261
Dingell, John D.
Donohue, Harold D. 6101
Dorn, WM. Jennings Bryan 5301
Dow, John G. 3776
Dowdy, John 2401
Downing, Thomas N.
Drinan, Robert F. 5931
Dulski, Thaddeus J. 3306
Duncan, John J. 5435
Dupont, Pierre S. (Pete) 4165
Dwyer, Florence
Edwards, Don
Edwards, Jack (1 of 4) 4931
Edwards, Jack (2 of 4)
Edwards, Jack (3 of 4)
Edwards, Jack (4 of 4)
Eckhardt, Bob 4901
Edmondson, Ed 2701
Edwards, Edwin W. 2031
Eilberg, Joshua 4661
Erlenborn, John
Esch, Marvin L. 4401
Eshleman, Edwin D.
Evans, Frank E. 4716
Evins, Joe
Fascell, Dante B.
Fauntroy, Walter E.
Findley, Paul
Fish, Hamilton, Jr. 5441
Fisher, O.C. 4236
Flood, Daniel J. 6511
Flowers, Walter 2665
Flynt, John J., Jr. 4501
Foley, Thomas S. 2006
Ford, Gerald R. (1 of 2)
Ford, Gerald R. (2 of 2)
Ford, William D. 6261
Forsythe, Edwin B. 4765
Fountain, L.H. 4531
Fraser, Donald M. 4755
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B. 7300

Box 253

Frenzel, Bill (1 of 4)
Frenzel, Bill (2 of 4)
Frenzel, Bill (3 of 4)
Frenzel, Bill (4 of 4)
Frey, Lou, Jr.
Fulton, Jim
[EMPTY] Fulton, Richard H.4311
Fuqua, Don

Box 254

[EMPTY] Galifianakis, Nick 2515
[EMPTY] Gallagher, Cornelius 5801
Garmatz, Edward A. 6161
[EMPTY] Gaydos, Joseph M. 4631
[EMPTY] Gettys, Tom S. 5501
Gibbons, Sam
Giaimo, Robert 3661
Goldwater, Jr., Barry M.
[EMPTY] Gonzalez, Henry B. 3236
Goodling, George A. 5836
Grasso, Ella T. 4476
[EMPTY] Gray, Kenneth J. 5201
[EMPTY] Green, Edith 4811
Green, William J. 6271
Griffin, Charles H.
Griffiths, Martha W. 4961
Gross, H.R.
Grover, Jr., James R.
Gubser, Charles S.
[EMPTY] Gude, Gilbert 5341
Hagan, G. Elliott 5831
Haley, James A.
Hall, Durward G. 6536
Halpern, Seymour (1 of 2)
Halpern, Seymour (2 of 2)
[EMPTY] Hamilton, Lee H. 5315
Hammerschmidt, John Paul
Hansen, Orval 5531
[EMPTY] Hanley, James M. 3701
[EMPTY] Hanna, Richard T. 2985
[EMPTY] Hansen, Julia Butler 3536
Harrington, Michael 8020
Harsha, William H. 5705 (1 of 2)
Harsha, William H. 5705 (2 of 2)
Harvey, James
[EMPTY] Hastings, James F. 3161
[EMPTY] Hathaway, William D. 6306
Hawkins, Augustus F. 2201
Hays, Wayne L. 6265
Hebert, Eddie
Hechler, Ken 3452
Heckler, Margaret M.
Heinz, John
[EMPTY] Helstoki, Henry 5061
[EMPTY] Henderson, David N. 3415
[EMPTY] Hicks, Floyd V. 5916
Hicks, Louise Day 8273

Box 255

Hillis, Elwood 5037
Hogan, Lawrence J.
Holifield, Chet
Horton, Frank
Hosmer, Craig
Howard, James J. 4671
Hull, Jr. W.R. 7041
Hungate, William L. 2956
Hunt, John E.
Hutchinson, Edward 3761
Ichord, Richard H. 5155
[EMPTY] Jacobs, Andrew, Jr. 4011
[EMPTY] Jarman, John 2132
Johnson, Albert W. 5121
Johnson, Harold T. 3076
Jonas, Charles Raper
[EMPTY] Jones, Ed 4714
[EMPTY] Jones, Robert E. 4801
Jones, Walter B. 3101
Karth, Joseph E.
[EMPTY] Kastenmeier, Robert W. 2906
[EMPTY] Kazen, Abraham, Jr. 4511
Keating, William J.
Keith, Hastings, 3111
Kee, James 2176
Kemp, Jack F. 5265
King, Carleton J. 5615
Kluczynski, John C.
Koch, Edward I.
Kuykendall, Dan (1 of 2)
Kuykendall, Dan (2 of 2)

Box 256

Kyl, John
[EMPTY] Kyros, Peter N. 6116
[EMPTY] Landgrebe, Earl F. 5777
[EMPTY] Landrum, Phil M. 5211
Latta, Delbert
[EMPTY] Leggett, Robert L. 5716
[EMPTY] Lennon, Alton 2731
Lent, Norman F. 7896
[EMPTY] Link, Arthur A. 5736
Lloyd, Sherman P. 3011
[EMPTY] Long, Clarence D. 3061
[EMPTY] Long, Speedy O.4926
Lujan, Manuel, Jr. 6316
McClory, Robert
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. (1 of 4)
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. (2 of 4)
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. (3 of 4)
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. (4 of 4)
McClure, James
McCollister, John Y.
[EMPTY] McCormack, Mike 5816
McCulloch, William M.
Mills, Wilbur (1 of 3)
Mills, Wilbur (2 of 3)
Mills, Wilbur (3 of 3)
Mills, William O.

Box 257

Minish, Joseph G.
Mink, Patsy
Minshall, William E.
Mitchell, Darren J.
Mizell, Wilmer
Mollohan, Robert
Monagan, John S,
Montgomery, G.V. (Sonny)
Moorhead, William S.
Morgan, Thomas E.
Morse, F. Bradford
Mosher, Charles A.
Moss, John E.
Murphy, John M.
Murphy, Morgan F.
Myers, John T.
McDade, Joseph M.
McDonald, Jack H.
McEwen, Robert C.
McFall, John J.
McKay, K. Gunn
McKevitt, James D.
McKinney, Stuart B.
McMillan, John L.
MacDonald, Tobert H.
Madden, Ray J.
Mahon, George
Mailliard, William S.
Mann, James R.
Matsunaga, Spark M.
Martin, Dave
Mathias, Robert B.
Mathis, Dawson
Mayne, Wiley
Mazzoli, Romano L.
Meeds, Lloyd
Melcher, John
Metcalfe, Ralph H.
Michel, Robert H.
Mikva, Abner J.
Miller, Clarence E.
Miller, George P.

Box 258

Nelsen, Archer
Nichols, Bill
Nix, Robert N.C
Nedzi, Lucien N.
Obey, David R.
O’hara, James G.
O’konski, Alvin E.
Jr. O’neil, Thomas P.
Passman, Otto
Patman, Wright
Patten, Edward
Pelly, Thomas M.
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Carl D.
Pettis, Jerry L.
Peyser, Peter A.
Pickle, J.J.
Pike, Otis G.
Pirnie, Al
Poage, W.R.
Podell, Bertram L.
Poff, Richard
Powell, Walter E.
Preyer, Richardson
Price, Melvin
Price, Robert
Pryor, David
Purcell, Graham
Pucinski, Roman
Quie, Albert H.
Quillen, James H.
Railsback, Thomas F.
Randall, William J.
Rangel, Charles B.
Rarick, John R.
Rees, Thomas M.
Reid, Charlotte T.
Reid, Ogden R.
Reuss, Henry S.
Rhodes, John
Riegle, Don
Roberts, Ray
Robinson, Howard W.
Robinson, J. Kenneth
Rodino, Peter W.
Roe, Robert A.
Rogers, Paul G.

Box 259

Roncalio, Teno
Rooney, Fred B.
Rooney, John J.
Rosenthal, Benjamin S.
Rostenkowski, Dan
Roush, J. Edward
Rousselot, John
Roy, Williams R.
Roybal, Edward R.
Runnels, Harold
Ruppe, Phillip E.
Ruth, Earl
Ryan, William F.
St. Germain, Fernand J.
Sandman, Charles W. Jr.
Saylor, John P.
Sarbanes, Paul S.
Satlerfield, David E., III
Saylor, John P.
Scherle, William J.
Scheuer, James H.
Schmitz, John
Schneebeli, Herman T.
Schwengel, Fred
Scott, William Lloyd
Sebelius, Keith G.
Seiberling, John F.
Shipley, George E.
Shoup, Richard
Shoup Richard
Shriver, Garner E.
Sikes, Robert L.F.
Sisk, B.F.
Skubitz, Joe
Slack, John M.
Smith, Henry P., III
Smith, Neal
Smith, H. Allen

Box 260

Snyder, M.G.
Spence, Floyd
Springer, William L.
Staggers, Harley O.
Stanton, James V.
Stanton, William
Steed, Tom
Steele, Robert H.
Steiger, Sam
Steiger, William A.
Stephens, Robert G.
Stokes, Louis
Stratton, Samuel S.
Stubblefield, Frank A.
Stuckey, W.S. (Bill), Jr.
Sullivan, Lenor K. (Mrs. John B.)
Symington, James W.
Talcott, Burt L.
Taylor, Roy A.
Teague, Charles M.
Teague, Olin E.
Terry, John H.
Thompson, Fletcher
Thompson, Frank Jr.
Thomson, Vernon W.
Thone, Charles
Tiernan, Robert O.
Udall, Morris
Ullman, Al
Van Deerlin, Lionel
Vander Jagt, Guy
Vanik, Charles A.
Veysey, Victor V.
Vigorito, Joseph P.
Waggonner, Jr., Joe D.
Waldie, Jerome R.
Wampler, William C.
Ware, John H.
Watts, John C.
Whalen, Charles W., Jr.
Whalley, J. Irving
White, Richard C.
Whitten, Jamie L.
Widnall, Ball
Wiggins, Charles E.

Box 261

Williams, Larry
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Charles H.
Winn, Larry Jr.
Whitehurst, G. William
Wolfe, Lester L.
Wright, Jim
Wyatt, Wendell
Wyatt, Wendell
Wyatt, Wendell
Wydler, John W.
Wylie, Chalmers P.
Wyman, Louis
Yates, Sydney R.
Yatron, Gus
Young, C.W. Bill
Young, John
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zion, Roger H.
Zwach, John

Series IV: Correspondence: Sub-Series C: General Correspondence

Box 262

1969 Correspondence- “F” “G” “H” (1 of 3)
1969 Correspondence- “F” “G” “H” (2 of 3)
1969 Correspondence- “F” “G” “H” (3 of 3)
1969 Correspondence- “I” Thru “J” (1 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “I” Thru “J” (2 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “I” Thru “J” (3 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “I” Thru “J” (4 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “I” Thru “J” (5 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “K” Thru “Pi” (1 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “K” Thru “Pi” (2 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “K” Thru “Pi” (3 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “K” Thru “Pi” (4 of 5)
1969 Correspondence- “K” Thru “Pi” (5 of 5)

Box 263

1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (1 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (2 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (3 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (4 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (5 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “PL” Thru “SP” (6 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “ST” Thru “TE” (1 of 5)
1969 Correspondence “ST” Thru “TE” (2 of 5)
1969 Correspondence “ST” Thru “TE” (3 of 5)
1969 Correspondence “ST” Thru “TE” (4 of 5)
1969 Correspondence “ST” Thru “TE” (5 of 5)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (1 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (2 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (3 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (4 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (5 of 6)
1969 Correspondence “TH” Thru “Vietnam” (6 of 6)

Box 264

1969 Correspondence “VO” Thru Z
1969 Correspondence- Misc.
Comments by Judiciary Committee A-K
Comments by Judiciary Committee L-W
Congressional Mail and Photos
Congressional Relations Photo File (1 of 5)
Congressional Relations Photo File (2 of 5)
Congressional Relations Photo File (3 of 5)
Congressional Relations Photo File (4 of 5)
Congressional Relations Photo File (5 of 5)
Congressional Relations Response Log (1 of 2)
Congressional Relations Response Log (2 of 2)
Congressman Landgrebe To Zwach Book II (1 of 4)
Congressman Landgrebe To Zwach Book II (2 of 4)
Congressman Landgrebe To Zwach Book II (3 of 4)
Congressman Landgrebe To Zwach Book II (4 of 4)

Box 265

Form Letters and Multiple Mailings
List of Patronage Letters Received in 1973
Misc. Filing-1974 (1 of 2)
Misc. Filing-1974 (2 of 2)
Non-Congressional Letters (1 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (2 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (3 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (4 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (5 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (6 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (7 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (8 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (9 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (10 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (11 of 12)
Non-Congressional Letters (12 of 12)

Box 266

Public Correspondence (A) (1 of 4)
Public Correspondence (A) (2 of 4)
Public Correspondence (A) (3 of 4)
Public Correspondence (A) (4 of 4)
Public Correspondence (B) (1 of 5)
Public Correspondence (B) (2 of 5)
Public Correspondence (B) (3 of 5)
Public Correspondence (B) (4 of 5)
Public Correspondence (B) (5 of 5)
Public Correspondence (C) (1 of 5)
Public Correspondence (C) (2 of 5)
Public Correspondence (C) (3 of 5)
Public Correspondence (C) (4 of 5)
Public Correspondence (C) (5 of 5)

Box 267

Public Correspondence D (1 of 4)
Public Correspondence D (2 of 4)
Public Correspondence D (3 of 4)
Public Correspondence D (4 of 4)
Public Correspondence E (1 of 2)
Public Correspondence E (2 of 2)
Public Correspondence F (1 of 4)
Public Correspondence F (2 of 4)
Public Correspondence F (3 of 4)
Public Correspondence F (4 of 4)
Public Correspondence G (1 of 4)
Public Correspondence G (2 of 4)
Public Correspondence G (3 of 4)
Public Correspondence G (4 of 4)

Box 268

Public Correspondence H (1 of 6)
Public Correspondence H (2 of 6)
Public Correspondence H (3 of 6)
Public Correspondence H (4 of 6)
Public Correspondence H (5 of 6)
Public Correspondence H (6 of 6)
Public Correspondence I (1 of 1)
Public Correspondence J (1 of 2)
Public Correspondence J (2 of 2)
Public Correspondence K (1 of 2)
Public Correspondence K (2 of 2)
Public Correspondence L (1 of 3)
Public Correspondence L (2 of 3)
Public Correspondence L (3 of 3)
Public Correspondence M (1 of 3)
Public Correspondence M (2 of 3)
Public Correspondence M (3 of 3)

Box 269

Public Correspondence N (1 of 2)
Public Correspondence N (2 of 2)
Public Correspondence O - R (1 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (2 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (3 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (4 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (5 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (6 of 7)
Public Correspondence O - R (7 of 7)
Public Correspondence S (1 of 5)
Public Correspondence S (2 of 5)
Public Correspondence S (3 of 5)
Public Correspondence S (4 of 5)
Public Correspondence S (5 of 5)
Public Correspondence T (1 of 3)
Public Correspondence T (2 of 3)
Public Correspondence T (3 of 3)

Box 270

Public Correspondence U - V
Public Correspondence W (1 of 3)
Public Correspondence W (2 of 3)
Public Correspondence W (3 of 3)
Public Correspondence X – Y
Public Correspondence Z

Series V: Chronological Files

Box 271

Belieu: 1969 – 1970 (1 of 2)
Belieu: 1969 – 1970 (2 of 2)
Casselman 1969 & 1970 thru Sept.
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (1 of 6)
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (2 of 6)
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (3 of 6)
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (4 of 6)
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (5 of 6)
Chapin 1969 – 1970 (6 of 6)

Box 272

Chronological January (1 of 2)
Chronological January (2 of 2)
Chronological Feb. 1 -15 (1 of 3)
Chronological Feb. 1 -15 (2 of 3)
Chronological Feb. 1 -15 (3 of 3)
Chronological File Feb. 16 – 28 (1 of 2)
Chronological File Feb. 16 – 28 (2 of 2)
Chron. File March 1 – 15 (1 of 4)
Chron. File March 1 – 15 (2 of 4)
Chron. File March 1 – 15 (3 of 4)
Chron. File March 1 – 15 (4 of 4)
Chron. File March 16 – 31 (1 of 3)
Chron. File March 16 – 31 (2 of 3)
Chron. File March 16 – 31 (3 of 3)

Box 273

Chron. File April 1 – (1 of 5)
Chron. File April 1 – (2 of 5)
Chron. File April 1 – (3 of 5)
Chron. File April 1 – (4 of 5)
Chron. File April 1 – (5 of 5)
May 1 – 15, 1969 (1 of 3)
May 1 – 15, 1969 (2 of 3)
May 1 – 15, 1969 (3 of 3)
May 16 – 31, 1969 (1 of 3)
May 16 – 31, 1969 (2 of 3)
May 16 – 31, 1969 (3 of 3)

Box 274

June 1 – 15, 1969 (1 of 2)
June 1 – 15, 1969 (2 of 2)
June 16 – 30 (1 of 2)
June 16 – 30 (2 of 2)
July 1 – 15 Chron. File (1 of 3)
July 1 – 15 Chron. File (2 of 3)
July 1 – 15 Chron. File (3 of 3)
July 16 – 30 Chronological File (1 of 3)
July 16 – 30 Chronological File (2 of 3)
July 16 – 30 Chronological File (3 of 3)

Box 275

August 1 – 15 Chron. File (1 of 2)
August 1 – 15 Chron. File (2 of 2)
August 16 – 30 (1 of 5)
August 16 – 30 (2 of 5)
August 16 – 30 (3 of 5)
August 16 – 30 (4 of 5)
August 16 – 30 (5 of 5)
September 1 – 15 Chronological File (1 of 2)
September 1 – 15 Chronological File (2 of 2)
September 16 – 30 Chronological File (Empty)
October Chron. (1 of 4)
October Chron. (2 of 4)
October Chron. (3 of 4)
October Chron. (4 of 4)

Box 276

October Chron. – Not Separated (1 of 6)
October Chron. – Not Separated (2 of 6)
October Chron. – Not Separated (3 of 6)
October Chron. – Not Separated (4 of 6)
October Chron. – Not Separated (5 of 6)
October Chron. – Not Separated (6 of 6)
November Chronological (1 of 5)
November Chronological (2 of 5)
November Chronological (3 of 5)
November Chronological (4 of 5)
November Chronological (5 of 5)

Box 277

December Chron. (Drafts) (1 of 4)
December Chron. (Drafts) (2 of 4)
December Chron. (Drafts) (3 of 4)
December Chron. (Drafts) (4 of 4)
Chronological File December 15-30 (1 of 3)
Chronological File December 15-30 (2 of 3)
Chronological File December 15-30 (3 of 3)
Cole 1969-1970 (1 of 3)
Cole 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
Cole 1969-1970 (3 of 3)
Dent, Harry: Chron. File: 1969-1970 (1 of 3)
Dent, Harry: Chron. File: 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
Dent, Harry: Chron. File: 1969-1970 (3 of 3)

Box 278

Ehrlichman: 1969-1970 (1 of 3)
Ehrlichman: 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
Ehrlichman: 1969-1970 (3 of 3)
Elouise Frayer
Flanigan: 1969-1970 (1 of 2)
Flanigan: 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
Harry Flemming (1 of 2)
Harry Flemming (2 of 2)
Chron File- President’s Letters (1 of 4) January- October 1969
Chron File- President’s Letters (2 of 4) January-October 1969
Chron File- President’s Letters (3 of 4) January-October 1969
Chron File- President’s Letters (4 of 4) January-October 1969
Presidential Chronological File (1 of 2) November-December 1969
Presidential Chronological File (2 of 2) November-December 1969

Box 279

Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (1 of 6)
Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (2 of 6)
Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (3 of 6)
Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (4 of 6)
Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (5 of 6)
Pres. Log: July 30, 1969-March 1970 (6 of 6)
Presidential Memos: WET-1969
Timmons: Chron. File: July 1969

Series V: Chorological Files

Box 280

91st Congress
Annual Report of the Office of Alien Property
Casselman: Chron. File: Sept-Oct 1970
Casselman: Chron. File- November-December 1970 (1 of 2)
Casselman: Chron. File- November-December 1970 (2 of 2)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (1 of 6)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (2 of 6)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (3 of 6)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (4 of 6)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (5 of 6)
Jan. 1970-Chron. (6 of 6)
Feb. 1970-Chronicle (1 of 5)
Feb. 1970-Chronicle (2 of 5)
Feb. 1970-Chronicle (3 of 5)
Feb. 1970-Chronicle (4 of 5)
Feb. 1970-Chronicle (5 of 5)

Box 281

Chron. File-March 1970 (1 of 6)
Chron. File-March 1970 (2 of 6)
Chron. File-March 1970 (3 of 6)
Chron. File-March 1970 (4 of 6)
Chron. File-March 1970 (5 of 6)
Chron. File-March 1970 (6 of 6)
Chron. File-April 1970 (1 of 5)
Chron. File-April 1970 (2 of 5)
Chron. File-April 1970 (3 of 5)
Chron. File-April 1970 (4 of 5)
Chron. File-April 1970 (5 of 5)

Box 282

May 1970-Chronicle (1 of 4)
May 1970-Chronicle (2 of 4)
May 1970-Chronicle (3 of 4)
May 1970-Chronicle (4 of 4)
June 1970-Chron. File (1 of 5)
June 1970-Chron. File (2 of 5)
June 1970-Chron. File (3 of 5)
June 1970-Chron. File (4 of 5)
June 1970-Chron. File (5 of 5)

Box 283

July 1970-Chron. (1 of 4)
July 1970-Chron. (2 of 4)
July 1970-Chron. (3 of 4)
July 1970-Chron. (4 of 4)
August 1970-Chron. (1 of 4)
August 1970-Chron. (2 of 4)
August 1970-Chron. (3 of 4)
August 1970-Chron. (4 of 4)

Box 284

September 1970-Chron. (1 of 3)
September 1970-Chron. (2 of 3)
September 1970-Chron. (3 of 3)
October 1970-Chron. (1 of 4)
October 1970-Chron. (2 of 4)
October 1970-Chron. (3 of 4)
October 1970-Chron. (4 of 4)
Nov. 1970-Chron. (1 of 3)
Nov. 1970-Chron (2 of 3)
Nov. 1970-Chron (3 of 3)

Box 285

Dec. 1970-Chron. (1 of 5)
Dec. 1970-Chron (2 of 5)
Dec. 1970-Chron (3 of 5)
Dec. 1970-Chron (4 of 5)
Dec. 1970-Chron (5 of 5)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (1 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (2 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (3 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (4 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (5 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (6 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (7 of 11)

Box 286

Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (8 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (9 of 11)
Chron. Logs-Cong to Pres (10 of 11)
Chron. Logs- Cong to Pres (11 of 11)
Cook, Dick: Chron. File: July, August 1970 (1 of 2)
Cook, Dick: Chron. File: July, August 1970 (2 of 2)
Cook: Chron. File: September-October 1970 (1 of 2)
Cook: Chron. File: September-October 1970 (2 of 2)
Cook Memos: June to August 1970 (1 of 3)
Cook Memos: June to August 1970 (2 of 3)
Cook Memos: June to August 1970 (3 of 3)

Box 287

Copy of Presidential Pen Letters—7/23/1970 (1 of 3)
Copy of Presidential Pen Letters—7/23/1970 (2 of 3)
Copy of Presidential Pen Letters—7/23/1970 (3 of 3)
GOP Leadership 1970 (1 of 2)
GOP Leadership 1970 (2 of 2)
Hanks, Nancy—Arts and Humanities
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (1 of 6)
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (2 of 6)
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (3 of 6)
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (4 of 6)
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (5 of 6)
Legislative Issues 91st Congress (6 of 6)

Box 288

Picture Requests: Last Names I-L
Picture Requests: Last Names M-P
Picture Requests: Last Names Q-R
Picture Requests: Last Names S-V
Picture Requests: Last Names W-Z
Pres. Chron. Apr 1970-Oct 1970 (1 of 3)
Pres. Chron. Apr 1970-Oct 1970 (2 of 3)
Pres. Chron. Apr 1970-Oct 1970 (3 of 3)
Pres. Digest, April-Sept. 1970 (1 of 5)
Pres. Digest, April-Sept. 1970 (2 of 5)
Pres. Digest, April-Sept. 1970 (3 of 5)
Pres. Digest, April-Sept. 1970 (4 of 5)
Pres. Digest, April-Sept. 1970 (5 of 5)

Box 289

Letters to Members from President (1 of 4)
Letters to Members from President (2 of 4)
Letters to Members from President (3 of 4)
Letters to Members from President (4 of 4)
Letters to the President Senate (1 of 4)
Letters to the President Senate (2 of 4)
Letters to the President Senate (3 of 4)
Letters to the President Senate (4 of 4)
Lyn Nofziger (1 of 2)
Lyn Nofziger (2 of 2)
Nidecker Corresp. 1970 (1 of 2)
Nidecker Corresp. 1970 (2 of 2)
Picture Requests: Last Names A-C
Picture Requests: Last Names D-H

Box 290

Pres. Digest, Oct-Dec 1970 (1 of 2)
Pres. Digest, Oct-Dec 1970 (2 of 2)
Presidential Invitations—W.H. Functions 1970 (1 of 2)
Presidential Invitations—W.H. Functions 1970 (2 of 2)
Presidential Invites—Congress
Presidential Meetings: Representatives 91st Congress
Presidential Meetings: Senators 91st Congress
Presidential Memoranda: April-October 1970 (1 of 4)
Presidential Memoranda: April-October 1970 (2 of 4)
Presidential Memoranda: April-October 1970 (3 of 4)
Presidential Memoranda: April-October 1970 (4 of 4)

Box 291

Presidential Memos: November-December 1970
Presidential Memos: WET January-February 1970
Presidential Memos: WET March-April 1970
Presidential Memos: WET May-June 1970
Presidential Memos: WET July-August 1970
Presidential Memos: WET September-October 1970
Presidential Memos: WET November-December 1970
Presidential Pictures
Presidential Telephone Calls 1970
Timmons 70-71 (1 of 3)
Timmons 70-71 (2 of 3)
Timmons 70-71 (3 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: February 1970 (1 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: February 1970 (2 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: March 1970 (1 of 4)
Timmons-Chron. File: March 1970 (2 of 4)
Timmons-Chron. File: March 1970 (3 of 4)
Timmons-Chron. File: March 1970 (4 of 4)

Box 292

Timmons-Chron. File: April 1970 (1 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: April 1970 (2 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: April 1970 (3 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: May 1970
Timmons-Chron. File: February 1970 (3 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: June 1970 (1 of 2)
Timmons-Chron. File: June 1970 (2 of 2)
Timmons-Chron. File: July 1970
Timmons-Chron. File: September 1970
Timmons-Chron. File: October 1970 (1 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: October 1970 (2 of 3)
Timmons-Chron. File: October 1970 (3 of 3)
Timmons Chron. Nov-Dec 1970 (1 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov-Dec 1970 (2 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov-Dec 1970 (3 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov-Dec 1970 (4 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov-Dec 1970 (5 of 5)
Timmons Information Copies 1970-1971

Series V: Chronological Files 1971

Box 293

Casselman-Chron. File: January-February 1971 (1 of 3)
Casselman-Chron. File: January-February 1971 (2 of 3)
Casselman-Chron. File: January-February 1971 (3 of 3)
Casselman-Chron. File: March-April 1971
Casselman-Chron. File: May-June 1971
Jan ’71 Chron. (1 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (2 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (3 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (4 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (5 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (6 of 7)
Jan ’71 Chron. (7 of 7)

Box 294

Feb ’71 Chron. (1 of 6)
Feb ’71 Chron. (2 of 6)
Feb ’71 Chron. (3 of 6)
Feb ’71 Chron. (4 of 6)
Feb ’71 Chron. (5 of 6)
Feb ’71 Chron. (6 of 6)
March ’71 Chron. (1 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (2 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (3 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (4 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (5 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (6 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (7 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (8 of 11)

Box 295

March ’71 Chron. (9 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (10 of 11)
March ’71 Chron. (11 of 11)
April ’71 Chron. (1 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (2 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (3 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (4 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (5 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (6 of 7)
April ’71 Chron. (7 of 7)
May ’71 Chron. (1 of 5)
May ’71 Chron. (2 of 5)
May ’71 Chron. (3 of 5)
May ’71 Chron. (4 of 5)
May ’71 Chron. (5 of 5)

Box 296

June ’71 Chron. (1 of 5)
June ’71 Chron. (2 of 5)
June ’71 Chron. (3 of 5)
June ’71 Chron. (4 of 5)
June ’71 Chron. (5 of 5)
July ’71 Chron. (1 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (2 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (3 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (4 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (5 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (6 of 7)
July ’71 Chron. (7 of 7)

Box 297

August ’71 Chron. (1 of 6)
August ’71 Chron. (2 of 6)
August ’71 Chron. (3 of 6)
August ’71 Chron. (4 of 6)
August ’71 Chron. (5 of 6)
August ’71 Chron. (6 of 6)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (1 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (2 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (3 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (4 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (5 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (6 of 7)
Sept. ‘71 Chron. (7 of 7)

Box 298

October ’71 Chron. (1 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (2 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (3 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (1 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (5 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (6 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (7 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (8 of 9)
October ’71 Chron. (9 of 9)
Nov. ’71 Chron. (1 of 6)
Nov. ’71 Chron. (2 of 6)
Nov. ’71 Chron. (3 of 6)

Box 299

Nov. ’71 Chron. (4 of 6)
Nov. ’71 Chron. (5 of 6)
Nov. ’71 Chron. (6 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (1 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (2 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (3 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (4 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (5 of 6)
Dec. ’71 Chron. (6 of 6)
Ed Morgan (1 of 3)
Ed Morgan (2 of 3)
Ed Morgan (3 of 3)

Box 300

GOP Leadership 1971 (1 of 2)
GOP Leadership 1971 (2 of 2)
House Joint Letters: A
House Joint Letters: B
House Joint Letters: C
House Joint Letters: D
House Joint Letters: E – F
House Joint Letters: G – H
House Joint Letters: I – K
House Joint Letters: L – M
House Joint Letters: Mc – P
House Joint Letters: Q – R
House Joint Letters: S
House Joint Letters: T – Z

Box 301

Misc. 1971 (1 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (2 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (3 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (4 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (5 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (6 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (7 of 8)
Misc. 1971 (8 of 8)
Photo Requests 1971: Chron. File
President Richard Nixon 1971 (1 of 6)
President Richard Nixon 1971 (2 of 6)
President Richard Nixon 1971 (3 of 6)
President Richard Nixon 1971 (4 of 6)
President Richard Nixon 1971 (5 of 6)
President Richard Nixon 1971 (6 of 6)

Box 302

Presidents Chron. File Jan. 1971 House & Senate (1 of 3)
Presidents Chron. File Jan. 1971 House & Senate (2 of 3)
Presidents Chron. File Jan. 1971 House & Senate (3 of 3)
Pres. Pen Letters – House Jan. ‘71
Pres. Pen Letters – Senate Jan. ‘71
Presidential Meetings with MC’s 1971 (1 of 4)
Presidential Meetings with MC’s 1971 (2 of 4)
Presidential Meetings with MC’s 1971 (3 of 4)
Presidential Meetings with MC’s 1971 (4 of 4)
Presidential Memos 1971 (1 of 3)
Presidential Memos 1971 (2 of 3)
Presidential Memos 1971 (3 of 3)
Presidential Memos: January – February 1971

Box 303

President’s Mail – January 1971
President’s Mail – February 1971
President’s Mail – March 1971
President’s Mail – April 1971
President’s Mail – May 1971
President’s Mail – June 1971
President’s Mail – July 1971
President’s Mail – August 1971
President’s Mail – September 1971
President’s Mail – October 1971
President’s Mail – November 1971
President’s Mail – December 1971

Box 304

Representatives (1 of 3)
Representatives (2 of 3)
Representatives (3 of 3)
Republican National Com. (1 of 3)
Republican National Com. (2 of 3)
Republican National Com. (3 of 3)
RN Letters – Jan. 1971
Senate Joint Letters: A – B
Senate Joint Letters: C – G
Senate Joint Letters: H – Mc
Senate Joint Letters: N – S
Senate Joint Letters: T – W
Schedule Proposals 1971 – 1972 (1 of 3)
Schedule Proposals 1971 – 1972 (2 of 3)
Schedule Proposals 1971 – 1972 (3 of 3)
Senators Meetings 1971

Box 305

Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (1 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (2 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (3 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (4 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (5 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (6 of 7)
Timmons Chron. Jan. – Feb. 1971 (7 of 7)
Timmons Chron. March – April 1971 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chron. March – April 1971 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chron. March – April 1971 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chron. March – April 1971 (4 of 4)
Timmons Chron. April – June 1971 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chron. April – June 1971 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chron. April – June 1971 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chron. April – June 1971 (4 of 4)

Box 306

Timmons Chron. May – June 1971 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chron. May – June 1971 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chron. May – June 1971 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chron. May – June 1971 (4 of 4)
Timmons Chron. File July – Aug. 1971 (1 of 3)
Timmons Chron. File July – Aug. 1971 (2 of 3)
Timmons Chron. File July – Aug. 1971 (3 of 3)
Timmons Chron. File Sept. – Oct. 1971 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chron. File Sept. – Oct. 1971 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chron. File Sept. – Oct. 1971 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chron. File Sept. – Oct. 1971 (4 of 4)
Timmons Chron. November – December (1 of 3)
Timmons Chron. November – December (2 of 3)
Timmons Chron. November – December (3 of 3)

Series V: Chronological Files

Box 307

Chron. File: Jan. 1972 (1 of 5)
Chron. File: Jan. 1972 (2 of 5)
Chron. File: Jan. 1972 (3 of 5)
Chron. File: Jan. 1972 (4 of 5)
Chron. File: Jan. 1972 (5 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. 1972 (1 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. 1972 (2 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. 1972 (3 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. 1972 (4 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. 1972 (5 of 5)

Box 308

Chron. File:March 1972 (1 of 6)
Chron. File:March 1972 (2 of 6)
Chron. File:March 1972 (3 of 6)
Chron. File:March 1972 (4 of 6)
Chron. File:March 1972 (5 of 6)
Chron. File:March 1972 (6 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (1 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (2 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (3 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (4 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (5 of 6)
Chron. File:April 1972 (6 of 6)

Box 309

Chron. File:May 1972 (1 of 5)
Chron. File:May 1972 (2 of 5)
Chron. File:May 1972 (3 of 5)
Chron. File:May 1972 (4 of 5)
Chron. File:May 1972 (5 of 5)
Chron. File:June 1972 (1 of 5)
Chron. File:June 1972 (2 of 5)
Chron. File:June 1972 (3 of 5)
Chron. File:June 1972 (4 of 5)
Chron. File:June 1972 (5 of 5)

Box 310

Chron. July ’72 (1 of 5)
Chron. July ’72 (2 of 5)
Chron. July ’72 (3 of 5)
Chron. July ’72 (4 of 5)
Chron. July ’72 (5 of 5)
Chron. August ’72 (1 of 4)
Chron. August ’72 (2 of 4)
Chron. August ’72 (3 of 4)
Chron. August ’72 (4 of 4)
Chron. September ’72 (1 of 6)
Chron. September ’72 (2 of 6)
Chron. September ’72 (3 of 6)
Chron. September ’72 (4 of 6)

Box 311

Chron. September ’72 (5 of 6)
Chron. September ’72 (6 of 6)
Chron. October ’72 (1 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (1 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (2 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (3 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (4 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (5 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (6 of 7)
Chron. October ’72 (7 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (1 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (2 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (3 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (4 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (5 of 7)

Box 312

Chron. November ’72 (6 of 7)
Chron. November ’72 (7 of 7)
Chron. December ’72 (1 of 5)
Chron. December ’72 (2 of 5)
Chron. December ’72 (3 of 5)
Chron. December ’72 (4 of 5)
Chron. December ’72 (5 of 5)\
1972 House Log A-K (1 of 6)
1972 House Log A-K (2 of 6)
1972 House Log A-K (3 of 6)
1972 House Log A-K (4 of 6)
1972 House Log A-K (5 of 6)
1972 House Log A-K (6 of 6)
1972 House Log L-Z (1 of 5)
1972 House Log L-Z (2 of 5)

Box 313

1972 House Log L-Z (3 of 5)
1972 House Log L-Z (4 of 5)
1972 House Log L-Z (5 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (1 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (2 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (3 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (4 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (5 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (Continued) (1 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (Continued) (2 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (Continued) (3 of 5)
Misc. 1972 (Continued) (4 of 5)

Box 314

Misc. 1972 (Continued) (5 of 5)
Miscellaneous Filing 1972 (1 of 3)
Miscellaneous Filing 1972 (2 of 3)
Miscellaneous Filing 1972 (3 of 3)
Chron. File: 1972 Photo Requests
President’s Mail- January 1972
President’s Mail- February 1972
President’s Mail- March 1972
President’s Mail- April 1972
President’s Mail- May 1972
President’s Mail- June 1972
President’s Mail- July 1972
President’s Mail- August 1972
President’s Mail- September 1972
President’s Mail- October 1972

Box 315

Timmons Nov.-Dec. 1972 (1 of 5)
Timmons Nov.-Dec. 1972 (2 of 5)
Timmons Nov.-Dec. 1972 (3 of 5)
Timmons Nov.-Dec. 1972 (4 of 5)
Timmons Nov.-Dec. 1972 (5 of 5)
Timmons Chron. July-August 1972
Timmons-Misc. Confidential (1 of 2)
Timmons-Misc. Confidential (2 of 2)
1972 Veto File (1 of 4)
1972 Veto File (2 of 4)
1972 Veto File (3 of 4)
1972 Veto File (4 of 4)

Box 316

President’s Mail- November 1972
President’s Mail- December 1972
President’s Letters (1 of 2)
President’s Letters (2 of 2)
President’s Pen Letters- Senate
President’s Pen Letters- House
Property Review Board (1 of 3)
Property Review Board (2 of 3)
Property Review Board (3 of 3)
Property Review Board (1 of 3)
Property Review Board (2 of 3)
Property Review Board (3 of 3)
1972 Senate Log A-Z (1 of 3)
1972 Senate Log A-Z (2 of 3)
1972 Senate Log A-Z (3 of 3)
Timmons, Bill ‘1972 (1 of 3)
Timmons, Bill ‘1972 (2 of 3)

Box 317

Timmons, Bill ‘1972 (3 of 3)
Timmons Chron. Jan.-Feb. ’72 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chron. Jan.-Feb. ’72 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chron. Jan.-Feb. ’72 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chron. Jan.-Feb. ’72 (4 of 4)
Timmons Chron. Mar.-April 1972 (1 of 2)
Timmons Chron. Mar.-April 1972 (2 of 2)
Timmons Chron. May- June ‘72
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (1 of 6)
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (2 of 6)
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (3 of 6)
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (4 of 6)
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (5 of 6)
Timmons Chron. Sept. - Oct. 1972 (6 of 6)

Series V: Chronological Files

Box 318

Congressional Meetings 1972
January 1972 Chron. (1 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (2 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (3 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (4 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (5 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (6 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (7 of 8)
January 1972 Chron. (8 of 8)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (1 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (2 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (3 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (4 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (5 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (6 of 7)
Feb. ’73 Chron. (7 of 7)

Box 319

March ’73 Chron. (1 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (2 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (3 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (4 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (5 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (6 of 7)
March ’73 Chron. (7 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (1 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (2 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (3 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (4 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (5 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (6 of 7)
April ’73 Chron. (7 of 7)

Box 320

May ’73 Chron. (1 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (2 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (3 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (4 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (5 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (6 of 7)
May ’73 Chron. (7 of 7)
June ’73 Chron. (1 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (2 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (3 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (4 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (5 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (6 of 6)

Box 321

June ’73 Chron. (1 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (2 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (3 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (4 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (5 of 6)
June ’73 Chron. (6 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (1 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (2 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (3 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (4 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (5 of 6)
August ’73 Chron. (6 of 6)
September ’73 Chron. (1 of 4)
September ’73 Chron. (2 of 4)
September ’73 Chron. (3 of 4)
September ’73 Chron. (4 of 4)

Box 322

October ’73 Chron. (1 of 5)
October ’73 Chron. (2 of 5)
October ’73 Chron. (3 of 5)
October ’73 Chron. (4 of 5)
October ’73 Chron. (5 of 5)
November ’73 Chron. (1 of 6)
November ’73 Chron. (2 of 6)
November ’73 Chron. (3 of 6)
November ’73 Chron. (4 of 6)
November ’73 Chron. (5 of 6)
November ’73 Chron. (6 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (1 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (2 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (3 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (4 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (5 of 6)
December ’73 Chron. (6 of 6)

Box 323

Logs of House Mail to Pres.- Dec. 1973
Logs of House Mail to Pres.-Nov. 1973
Logs of House Mail to Pres.-Oct. 1973
Logs of House Mail to Pres.-Sept. 1973
Logs of House Mail to Pres.-Aug. 1973
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (1 of 6)
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (2 of 6)
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (3 of 6)
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (4 of 6)
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (5 of 6)
Miscellaneous Mail 1973 (6 of 6)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (1 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (2 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (3 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (4 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (5 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (6 of 7)
O’Donnell Chron. Dec. 1973 (7 of 7)

Box 324

Official Social Lists (1973) (1 of 4)
Official Social Lists (1973) (2 of 4)
Official Social Lists (1973) (3 of 4)
Official Social Lists (1973) (4 of 4)
Patronage Material (1 of 7)
Patronage Material (2 of 7)
Patronage Material (3 of 7)
Patronage Material (4 of 7)
Patronage Material (5 of 7)
Patronage Material (6 of 7)
Patronage Material (7 of 7)
President’s Chron. 1973 (1 of 4)
President’s Chron. 1973 (2 of 4)
President’s Chron. 1973 (3 of 4)
President’s Chron. 1973 (4 of 4)

Box 325

1973 President’s Log: A-K (1 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (2of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (3 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (4 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (5 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (6 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (7 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (8 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (9 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (10 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (11 of 12)
1973 President’s Log: A-K (12 of 12)
President’s Log: House [Z] (1 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (2 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (3 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (4 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (5 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (6 of 7)
President’s Log: House [Z] (7 of 7)
1973 President’s Log- Senate (1 of 3)
1973 President’s Log- Senate (2 of 3)
1973 President’s Log- Senate (3 of 3)

Box 326

President’s Mail- January 1973
President’s Mail- February 1973
President’s Mail- March 1973
President’s Mail- April 1973
President’s Mail- May 1973
President’s Mail- July 1973
Property Review Board (1 of 2)
Property Review Board (2 of 2)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (1 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (2 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (3 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (4 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (5 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (6 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. - Jan. –Feb. 1973 (7 of 7)

Box 327

Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (1 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (2 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (3 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (4 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (5 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (6 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (7 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: May-June 1973 (8 of 8)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (1 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (2 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (3 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (4 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (5 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (6 of 7)
Timmons Chrons.: March-April ’73 (7 of 7)
Timmons Chrons. –July-August 1973 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. –July-August 1973 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. –July-August 1973 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. –July-August 1973 (4 of 4)

Box 328

Timmons Chron. Sept. – October 1973 (1 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Sept. – October 1973 (2 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Sept. – October 1973 (3 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Sept. – October 1973 (4 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Sept. – October 1973 (5 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov.-Dec. 1973 (1 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov.-Dec. 1973 (2 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov.-Dec. 1973 (3 of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov.-Dec. 1973 (4of 5)
Timmons Chron. Nov.-Dec. 1973 (5 of 5)

Box 329

1974 Nixon Congressional Meetings (1 of 3)
1974 Nixon Congressional Meetings (2 of 3)
1974 Nixon Congressional Meetings (3 of 3)
Chron. File: Jan. ’74 OMB (1 of 4)
Chron. File: Jan. ’74 OMB (2 of 4)
Chron. File: Jan. ’74 OMB (3 of 4)
Chron. File: Jan. ’74 OMB (4 of 4)
January ’74 Chron. (1 of 5)
January ’74 Chron. (2 of 5)
January ’74 Chron. (3 of 5)
January ’74 Chron. (4 of 5)
January ’74 Chron. (5 of 5)
February ’74 Chron. (1 of 3)
February ’74 Chron. (2 of 3)
February ’74 Chron. (3 of 3)

Box 330

Chron. File: Feb. ’74 OMB (1 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. ’74 OMB (2 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. ’74 OMB (3 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. ’74 OMB (4 of 5)
Chron. File: Feb. ’74 OMB (5 of 5)
Chron. File: March ’74 OMB (1 of 5)
Chron. File: March ’74 OMB (2 of 5)
Chron. File: March ’74 OMB (3 of 5)
Chron. File: March ’74 OMB (4 of 5)
Chron. File: March ’74 OMB (5 of 5)
Chron. File: April ’74 OMB (1 of 5)
Chron. File: April ’74 OMB (2 of 5)
Chron. File: April ’74 OMB (3 of 5)
Chron. File: April ’74 OMB (4 of 5)
Chron. File: April ’74 OMB (5 of 5)

Box 331

April ’74 Chron. (1 of 3)
April ’74 Chron. (2 of 3)
April ’74 Chron. (3 of 3)
March ’74 Chron. (1 of 5)
March ’74 Chron. (2 of 5)
March ’74 Chron. (3 of 5)
March ’74 Chron. (4 of 5)
March ’74 Chron. (5 of 5)
Chron. File: May ’74 OMB (1 of 5)
Chron. File: May ’74 OMB (2 of 5)
Chron. File: May ’74 OMB (3 of 5)
Chron. File: May ’74 OMB (4 of 5)
Chron. File: May ’74 OMB (5 of 5)
May ’74 Chron. (1 of 4)
May ’74 Chron. (2 of 4)
May ’74 Chron. (3 of 4)
May ’74 Chron. (4 of 4)

Box 332

Chron. File: June OMB (1 of 4)
Chron. File: June OMB (2of 4)
Chron. File: June OMB (3 of 4)
Chron. File: June OMB (4 of 4)
June ’74 Chron. (1 of 4)
June ’74 Chron. (2 of 4)
June ’74 Chron. (3 of 4)
June ’74 Chron. (4 of 4)
Chron. File: July OMB (1 of 5)
Chron. File: July OMB (2 of 5)
Chron. File: July OMB (3 of 5)
Chron. File: July OMB (4 of 5)
Chron. File: July OMB (5 of 5)
July 1974 Chron. (1 of 3)

Box 333

July 1974 Chron. (2 of 3)
July 1974 Chron. (3 of 3)
Chron. File: August OMB
Aug. 1-8, 1974 Chron.
Money Ret’d for Pres. Tax debt
Pen Letters (1 of 2)
Pen Letters (1 of 2)
Misc. Cong. Correspondence (1 of 4)
Misc. Cong. Correspondence (2 of 4)
Misc. Cong. Correspondence (3 of 4)
Misc. Cong. Correspondence (4 of 4)
Logs of House Mail to Pres. –Feb.-March 1974
Logs of House Mail to Pres. –Jan. 1974
Key Presidential Support Votes
Logs of House Mail to Pres. –July –Aug 1974
Logs of House Mail to Pres. –June 1974
Logs of House Mail to Pres. –April-May 1974

Box 334

Powell Moore Chron. May 1974
Powell Moore Chron. June 1974
Powell Moore Chron. July 1974
Powell Moore Chron. Aug. 1-8, 1974
Timmons’ Chron. March-April 1974 (1 of 5)
Timmons’ Chron. March-April 1974 (2 of 5)
Timmons’ Chron. March-April 1974 (3 of 5)
Timmons’ Chron. March-April 1974 (4 of 5)
Timmons’ Chron. March-April 1974 (5 of 5)
Timmons’ Chron. Jan.-Feb. 1974 (1 of 4)
Timmons’ Chron. Jan.-Feb. 1974 (2 of 4)
Timmons’ Chron. Jan.-Feb. 1974 (3 of 4)
Timmons’ Chron. Jan.-Feb. 1974 (4 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. May-June 1974 (1 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. May-June 1974 (2 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. May-June 1974 (3 of 4)
Timmons Chrons. May-June 1974 (4 of 4)
BTs Chron. July-Aug. 8, 1974 (1 of 2)
BTs Chron. July-Aug. 8, 1974 (2 of 2)

Series VI: Personnel Files

Box 335

Abrahams, Al
Ahlers, John C.
Albert, Henry
Anderson, Robert L.
Andrus, Carlton
Avery, Frank B., Jr.
Barber, Max M.
Behlke, John
Bell, Belden
Bell, Jack
Bennett, Bob
Berry, Lewis E.
Boehlert, Sherwood (Empty)
Borda, Joseph L.
Botsford, Charles G.
Burress, Richard
Buschmann, George
Case, Robert
Casselman, Wm. E. II
Clarke, David S.
Cole, David
Cole, Thomas E.
Cole, Tom
Collins, Raymond T.
Cook, Clair M.
Crane, Kent B.
Cronin, Francis
Culbertson, Samuel A.
Curran, Ned
Curtis, Lawrence
Dunn, Robert J.
Fritzel, Chas.
Gaines, George W. (Empty)
Gerachis, Jackie
Grant, Robert Lee
Harrison, Joseph W.
Harvey, Matthew J.
Helm, Lew
Higgins, Billy K.
Holley, Thomas P.
Hough, James E.
Hummel, R. Stuart
Huston, Harris
Hvasta, John
Hyde, Henry
Jackson, Roger S.
Jay, Vincent
Jeffery, Joseph A.
Johnson, J. Wills III
Kimball, Jeffery B.
Kingsley, Joseph T.
Kirkpatrick, Dick
Kirtley, Donald R. (Empty)
Kittle, Ralph W.
Kitzmiller, Howard L.
Knauss, Russell N.
Knoarr, Gene A.
Korologos, Tom C.
Kunzig, Robert
Ladd, Bruce C., Jr.
Langford, Terry Joy
LaPlante, Bryan F.
Lerf, William B.
Lias, Thomas
Linhof, Eric
Lorentzson, C. Short

Box 336

Macaulay, Joseph H.
MacCarthy, Shane
Manuel, Robert E.
Mattson, Charles N.
McCarthy, John J.
Melbye, Donald A.
Moranda, George E.
Mosher, Sol
Morgan, Edgar, G.E.
Mote, Walter L.
Murphy, Richard W.
Murphy, William G.
Murray, Rick
Nellor, Edward K.
Nonnenmacher, Nicholas T. (Empty)
O’Hara, Joseph P., Jr.
Panetta, Leon Edward
Parker, Dennis
Pattison, David J.
Perlman, E. Sherman
Phillips, Howard
Pitkiel, Joseph A.
Polk, Franklin
Rabb, Bruce
Ressing, A. Herbert
Reynolds, Jerry Lee
Rossides, Eugene T.
Robbins, Stuart B.
Ruddy, Robert E.
Rykken, Jr., W.R.
Santarelli, Donald E.
Seely, E.A.
Sibal, Abner W.
Siegrist, Robert R.
Steele, Fred
Stephens, Vern
Stockmeyer, Steven F.
Swan, Alan G.B
Van Arsdale, Dona
Ware, Fred
Watson, Jack
Webb, William J.
Wernstrom, Milton H.
West, J. Robinson
Woodbury, Lon
Woodward, Ray, Jr.
Woolley, John R.
Zeller, Fritz “Duke”
Zorack, Lt. Col. John L.

Box 337

Inactive Personnel A-C (1 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (2 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (3 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (4 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (5 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (6 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (7 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (8 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (9 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (10 of 11)
Inactive Personnel A-C (11 of 11)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (1 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (2 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (3 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (4 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (5 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (6 of 7)
Inactive Personnel: D-G (7 of 7)

Box 338

Inactive Personnel H-K (1 of 5)
Inactive Personnel H-K (2 of 5)
Inactive Personnel H-K (3 of 5)
Inactive Personnel H-K (4 of 5)
Inactive Personnel H-K (5 of 5)
Inactive Personnel L-N (1 of 4)
Inactive Personnel L-N (2 of 4)
Inactive Personnel L-N (3 of 4)
Inactive Personnel L-N (4 of 4)

Box 339

Inactive Personnel O-S (1 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (2 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (3 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (4 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (5 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (6 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (7 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (8 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (9 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (10 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (11 of 12)
Inactive Personnel O-S (12 of 12)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (1 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (2 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (3 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (4 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (5 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (6 of 7)
Inactive Personnel T-Z (7 of 7)

Box 340

Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (1 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (2 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (3 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (4 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (5 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (6 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (7 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (8 of 9)
Inactive Pers. –Groups, Etc. (9 of 9)

Box 341

Personnel F-J, 1973-1974 (1 of 3)
Personnel F-J, 1973-1974 (2 of 3)
Personnel F-J, 1973-1974 (3 of 3)
Personnel K-M [1973-1974] (1 of 3)
Personnel K-M [1973-1974] (2 of 3)
Personnel K-M [1973-1974] (3 of 3)
Personnel N-R, 1973-1974
Personnel S-Z, 1973-1974 (1 of 4)
Personnel S-Z, 1973-1974 (2 of 4)
Personnel S-Z, 1973-1974 (3 of 4)
Personnel S-Z, 1973-1974 (4 of 4)

Box 342

Personnel 1973 (1 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (2 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (3 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (4 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (5 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (6 of 7)
Personnel 1973 (7 of 7)
Personnel A-E [1973-1974] (1 of 3)
Personnel A-E [1973-1974] (2 of 3)
Personnel A-E [1973-1974] (3 of 3)

Box 343

Boards & Commissions - A (1 of 2)
Boards & Commissions - A (2 of 2)
Boards & Commissions B – M (1 of 5)
Boards & Commissions B – M (2 of 5)
Boards & Commissions B – M (3 of 5)
Boards & Commissions B – M (4 of 5)
Boards & Commissions B – M (5 of 5)
Boards & Commissions N (1 of 3)
Boards & Commissions N (2 of 3)
Boards & Commissions N (3 of 3)
Boards & Commissions P – T

Box 344

Boards & Commissions U – Z (1 of 6)
Boards & Commissions U – Z (2 of 6)
Boards & Commissions U – Z (3 of 6)
Boards & Commissions U – Z (4 of 6)
Boards & Commissions U – Z (5 of 6)
Boards & Commissions U – Z (6 of 6)
Federal Energy Office (1 of 3)
Federal Energy Office (2 of 3)
Federal Energy Office (3 of 3)

Box 345

Personnel A – B 1971
Personnel C 1971
Personnel D – F 1971
Personnel G – H 1971
Personnel I – L 1971
Personnel M 1971
Personnel N – Q 1971
Personnel R – S 1971
Personnel T – Z 1971

Box 346

Personnel Clearances (1 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (2 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (3 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (4 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (5 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (6 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (7 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (8 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (9 of 10)
Personnel Clearances (10 of 10)

Box 347

Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (1 of 6)
Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (2 of 6)
Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (3 of 6)
Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (4 of 6)
Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (5 of 6)
Personnel Appointments 1973 – 1974 (6 of 6)

Box 348

Congressional Relations A – G (1 of 6)
Congressional Relations A – G (2 of 6)
Congressional Relations A – G (3 of 6)
Congressional Relations A – G (4 of 6)
Congressional Relations A – G (5 of 6)
Congressional Relations A – G (6 of 6)
Congressional Relations H – Z (1 of 5)
Congressional Relations H – Z (2 of 5)
Congressional Relations H – Z (3 of 5)
Congressional Relations H – Z (4 of 5)
Congressional Relations H – Z (5 of 5)
C/R Personnel (1 of 7)
C/R Personnel (2 of 7)
C/R Personnel (3 of 7)
C/R Personnel (4 of 7)
C/R Personnel (5 of 7)
C/R Personnel (6 of 7)
C/R Personnel (7 of 7)

Series VII: Reference and Research Files

Box 349

1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (1 of 4)
1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (2 of 4)
1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (3 of 4)
1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (4 of 4)
1971 New Starts – Corps of Engineers – Bureau of Reclamation (1 of 3)
1971 New Starts – Corps of Engineers – Bureau of Reclamation (2 of 3)
1971 New Starts – Corps of Engineers – Bureau of Reclamation (3 of 3)

Box 350

91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (1 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (2 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (3 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (4 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (5 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (6 of 7)
91st Congress Civil Rights Legislation (7 of 7)
Amendments to H.R. 514 (1 of 2)
Amendments to H.R. 514 (2 of 2)
The Battle of the Budget (1 of 3)
The Battle of the Budget (2 of 3)
The Battle of the Budget (3 of 3)

Box 351

Camp David Meetings (1 of 3)
Camp David Meetings (2 of 3)
Camp David Meetings (3 of 3)
Constitutional Amendments
CQ Weekly June 3 & 10, 1972
CQ Weekly June 17 – 24, 1972
CQ Weekly July 1 – 15, 1972
CQ Weekly July 22 & 29, 1972

Box 352

CQ Weekly July 29 – Aug 12, 1972
CQ Weekly Aug 19 & 26, 1972
CQ Weekly Sept 2 & 9, 1972
CQ Weekly Sept 16 – 30, 1972
CQ Weekly Oct 7 & 14, 1972
CQ Weekly Index Jan – Sept 1972 (Oct 14, 1972)
CQ Weekly Oct 21 & 28, 1972
CQ Weekly Nov 4 & 11, 1972
CQ Weekly Nov 18 – Dec 23, 1972
CQ Weekly Jan – Dec 1972 Index Jan 27, 1973
CQ Weekly Dec. 30, 1972 – Jan 20, 1973
CQ Weekly Jan 27 – Feb 3, 1973
CQ Weekly Feb 10 – 24, 1973

Box 353

CQ Weekly March 3 – 17, 1973
CQ Weekly March 24 – April 7, 1973
CQ Weekly April 14 – 21, 1973 & Jan – Mar. Index
CQ Weekly April 28 – May 12, 1973
CQ Weekly May 19 & 26, 1973
CQ Weekly Report June 2 & 9, 1973
CQ Weekly Reports June 16 & 23, 1973
CQ Weekly Reports June 30, 1973
Daily Departmental Reports (1 of 3)
Daily Departmental Reports (2 of 3)
Daily Departmental Reports (3 of 3)

Box 354

Departmental and Agency Weekly Congressional Reports (1 of 3)
Departmental and Agency Weekly Congressional Reports (2 of 3)
Departmental and Agency Weekly Congressional Reports (3 of 3)
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolution 93/1 – Issue No. 3 (Part 1)
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolution 93/1 – Issue No. 3 (Part 2)

Box 355

Digest of Public General Bills and Resolution 93/1 – Issue No. 3 (1973)
Economic Developments & Policies
Economic Report of the President Feb 1974
Federal Expenditures at San Clemente and Key Biscayne – Hearings
House Republican Group Talking Points (1 of 2)
House Republican Group Talking Points (2 of 2)
Laws & Amendments to Laws

Box 356

Leadership Meetings 1st Session (1 of 2)
Leadership Meetings 1st Session (2 of 2)
Leadership Meetings 1970 (1 of 4)
Leadership Meetings 1970 (2 of 4)
Leadership Meetings 1970 (3 of 4)
Leadership Meetings 1970 (4 of 4)
Misc. (1 of 3)
Misc. (2 of 3)
Misc. (3 of 3)
Personnel Status Report (1 of 2)
Personnel Status Report (2 of 2)

Box 357

Personnel Status Report II
The President Briefs Young Americans
Project Listing
Repeal Civil Rights Act
Radical – Liberal Index (1 of 2)
Radical – Liberal Index (2 of 2)
RGA: Communications ‘69
RGA: Communications ‘70
RGA: Communications ‘71
RGA: Communications ’72 (1 of 3)
RGA: Communications ’72 (2 of 3)
RGA: Communications ’72 (3 of 3)

Box 358

Senate (1 of 5)
Senate (2 of 5)
Senate (3 of 5)
Senate (4 of 5)
Senate (5 of 5)
Sense of Congress
School Desegregation (1 of 4)
School Desegregation (2 of 4)
School Desegregation (3 of 4)
School Desegregation (4 of 4)
School Districts by State (1 of 2)
School Districts by State (2 of 2)

Box 359

Talking Points
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents – 1969
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 19
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 38 – 40
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 41 – 44
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 45 – 48
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 49 – 50
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 9 NO. 51 – 52 Index
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 Index & NO. 2 – 4
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 5 – 7
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 8 – 12
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 13 – 15 & 17

Box 360

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 18 – 21
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 22 – 25
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 26
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 27
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 10 NO. 28 – 30

Box 361

Materials from Timmons Box 4 – 5 the American Political Report
Evans – Novak Political report
Nixon Material from Timmons Box #3 (1 of 3)
Nixon Material from Timmons Box #3 (2 of 3)
Nixon Material from Timmons Box #3 (3 of 3)
Nixon Material from Box #6 (1 of 3)
Nixon Material from Box #6 (2 of 3)
Nixon Material from Box #6 (3 of 3)
From Timmons Box #4 Material Prior to August 9, 1974
Office Procedures File Material Earlier Than August 9, 1974 (1 of 4)
Office Procedures File Material Earlier Than August 9, 1974 (2 of 4)
Office Procedures File Material Earlier Than August 9, 1974 (3 of 4)
Office Procedures File Material Earlier Than August 9, 1974 (4 of 4)



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