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Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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The Presidential Historical materials of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Counselor and Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the Act and agency regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and non-historical items. These items have been returned.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the Act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.
  • Cubic feet of materials:  38.5
  • Number of boxes:  91
  • Approximate number of pages:  90,000

Biographical Note

Daniel Patrick Moynihan was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on March 16, 1927.  At the age of six Dr. Moynihan and his family moved to New York City where he graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School in East Harlem in 1943.  After spending a year at the City College of New York, Dr. Moynihan enlisted in the United States Navy and received officer training at Tufts University in Massachusetts.  He served on active duty with the navy from 1944 – 1947 and was the gunnery officer onboard the U.S.S. Quirinus.  After being discharged from the navy, Dr. Moynihan returned to Tufts University and received a B.A. in Sociology in 1948.  He continued his education by attending the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts in which he earned his M.A. in 1949.  In 1950, Dr. Moynihan was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and moved to London to attend the London School of Economics.  He remained in Great Britain until 1953.  He received his Ph.D. in International Relations from Syracuse University in 1961.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan is best known for his work in academia and politics.  However, in his youth he also worked as a shoe shiner, longshoreman and bartender.  His first entry into politics was in 1953 when he worked on Robert Wagner’s New York City mayoral campaign.  In 1954 he worked on W. Averell Harriman’s New York gubernatorial campaign and later worked in Harriman’s administration as a speech writer and chief aid.  Dr. Moynihan served in the administrations of four United States presidents.  He was a delegate at the 1960 Democratic National Convention for John F. Kennedy.  He then worked for the Kennedy Administration as an Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy.  He remained in this position into the early years of the Johnson Administration working primarily on national policy with regards to poverty.  He left the Johnson Administration in 1965 and remained out of politics until 1969 when as a Democrat he joined the Nixon Administration as Counselor to the President for Urban Affairs.  He was in this position until December of 1970 and focused on welfare reform through his Family Assistance Plan.  In 1973 President Nixon appointed Dr. Moynihan as United States Ambassador to India in which he remained until 1975.  In 1975, President Ford appointed Dr. Moynihan as the Permanent Representative to the United Nations where he served as the President of the United Nations Security Council.  In 1976 Daniel Moynihan retired from the United Nations and became a United States Senator from New York, defeating incumbent Republican James Buckley.  As a senator, Dr. Moynihan sat on the Select Committee on Intelligence and was the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.  He won re-election to the senate for three additional terms and retired in 2001.  In 2000, President Clinton awarded Dr. Moynihan the Medal of Freedom.

Daniel Moynihan’s career in academia began in 1958 after Governor Harriman lost his re-election effort to Nelson Rockefeller.  He relocated to Syracuse University to complete his P.hD. and to write about his time in the Harriman administration.  After leaving the Johnson administration in 1965, Dr. Moynihan became a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies at Wesleyan University.  In 1966 he became the Director of the Joint Center for Urban Studies at Harvard University as well as a tenured professor of Education at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.  After leaving the Nixon administration in 1970, Dr. Moynihan returned to Harvard as a professor in the Department of Government and shifted his interests from domestic policy to foreign affairs.  He briefly returned to Harvard in 1975 after serving as the United States Ambassador to India, but left to become the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations.  After he retired from the Senate in 2001, he joined the Public Administration faculty at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.  Dr. Moynihan received a Hubert Humphrey Award as well as a Heinz Award for his scholarly achievements.  Dr.  Moynihan was the author of 19 books.  Some of his works include:

Beyond the Melting Pot (1963)
The Negro Family: The Case for National Action (1965)
Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding: Community Action in the War on Poverty (1969)
Violent Crimes (1970)
Coping: Essays on the Practice of Government (1973)
The Politics of a Guaranteed Income (1973)
Business and Society in Change (1975)
A Dangerous Place (1978)
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year, 1980 (1980)
Family and Nation: The Godkin Lectures (1986)
Came the Revolution (1988)
On the Law of Nations (1990)
Pandemonium: Ethnicity in International Politics (1994)
Miles to Go: A Personal History of Social Policy (1996)
Secrecy: The American Experience (1998)
Future of the Family (2003)

In May 1955, Dr. Moynihan married Elizabeth Brennan who was a campaign worker on Governor Averell Harriman’s 1954 campaign as well as a staff member in Harriman’s Albany, New York office.  They had three children Timothy, Maura and John as well as two grandchildren.  Daniel Patrick Moynihan died on March 26, 2003 at the age of 76, after complications from a ruptured appendix.  He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Scope and Content Note

The materials of Daniel Patrick Moynihan cover the period from January 1969 to December 1970 when Dr. Moynihan served as Counselor to the President for Urban Affairs during the administration of President Richard Nixon.  The materials are arranged into five series including: Correspondence, Meetings Files, Subject Files, Council for Urban Affairs Files (CUA) and Photographs.

The materials in this collection reflect Dr. Moynihan’s activities in a wide range of domestic policy issues.  The correspondence series contains documents, in which Dr. Moynihan tries to utilize members of the academic community, particularly his fellow faculty members at Harvard, to offer assistance on developing policy, recruiting for government positions, and dealing with student unrest.  There are also a number of internal memoranda to other staff members of the administration including H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld as well as Chester Finn who worked on Dr. Moynihan’s staff.  The meetings files series consist of speeches, speech drafts and agendas from a number of meetings and conferences that Moynihan attended throughout the country.

The materials in the subject files series relate to Dr. Moynihan’s domestic policy activities.  Poverty was a major area of interest for Dr. Moynihan and there are numerous materials on the Family Assistance Plan (FAP), a plan which would replace certain federal programs with a direct cash payment to those who qualified.  Materials include documents on the development of FAP, letters to members of Congress and governors to support the program, internal memorandum to respond to criticism, statistical documentation and press releases.  In additions to FAP, the collection contains other materials relating to poverty including items on housing, jobs, education, race, and nutrition.  The environment is another topic covered in the subject files.  There includes documents on fossil fuel consumption and the green house effect along with materials relating the Council on the Concerns of Modern Society (CCMS).  The CCMS was a conference in Brussels, Belgium in which representatives from several nations came to discuss environmental issues, and Moynihan was the United States representative to the conference.  The collection contains materials dealing with architectural issues including hiring the Architect of the Capitol and the redevelopment of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. with the Pennsylvania Ave. Commission.  Other topics in the subject file series include health care, student unrest, city riots, crime and drug enforcement (especially dealing with heroin traffic from Turkey), the bicentennial, population control, civil rights, and the war in Vietnam.  The subject file also contains a number of books, articles, essays, reports and papers submitted to Dr. Moynihan from scholars, government officials and corporations.  These materials were used by Dr. Moynihan as research materials and were either submitted at Moynihan’s request or independently.

The series on the Council for Urban Affairs files (CUA) includes items about the creation of the Council including memoranda on who should be part of the CUA and what responsibilities of each council member will have.  President Nixon’s speech officially creating the CUA is included.  Other materials in this series include schedules, agendas and minutes from CUA meetings.  This series contains its own subject file which includes many of the same topics as in Moynihan’s office subject file.  Additional topics are insurance, legal matters, dealing with local governments, migration, science, transportation and creating volunteer programs.  The CUA series includes its own correspondence and meetings files.  This series also contains numerous books, articles, news clippings and reports used by the CUA. 

The photographs series maintains several loose photographs of Moynihan himself as well as events and meetings attended by Moynihan.  Some of these photographs are official White House photographs while others were independently taken.  A few of the photographs include President Nixon.  This series also contains multiple binders of black and white photographs taken from major cities in the United States detailing the cleanup efforts in urban areas.  Cities include Boston, New York, Detroit, Washington D. C., Baltimore and Los Angeles.  Some of the cleanup efforts took place after a city riot had occurred.  The materials in this series have been transferred to our audio visual department and are not included with the textual materials.  Please contact our audio visual staff to view these materials.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-8
Series:   Correspondence | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 - December 1970
Description:   Contains letters and memoranda to and from Dr. Moynihan. Materials consist of internal memoranda with White House staff and with the general public. Sub-Series include Memos to Staff. The entire series is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   9-15
Series:   Meetings Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – December 1970
Description:   Contains speeches, speech drafts, agendas, letters, memoranda, invitations, newspaper clippings, magazine articles and ephemera. Sub-Series include the National Growth Policy Conference. The main series is arranged chronologically. The National Growth Policy Conference sub-series is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   16-57
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – December 1970
Description:   Contains letters, memorandum, hand written notes, press releases, newspaper clippings, books, magazine articles, reports and ephemera. Sub-Series include Subject File #1, Subject File #2 Alpha Numeric File, Family Assistance Plan (FAP), and Papers Submitted to Dr. Moynihan. The entire series is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   58-91
Series:   Council for Urban Affairs | Folder Title List
Spans:   January 1969 – December 1970
Description:   Contains meeting agendas, meeting minutes, handwritten notes, letters, memorandum, press releases, newspaper clippings, books, magazine articles, reports and ephemera. Sub-Series include Action Memos, Subject File, and Books and Reports. The Action Memos sub-series is arranged chronologically, the remainder of the series is arranged alphabetically.

Series:   Photographs
Description:   The materials in this series have been transferred to our audio visual department. Please contact our audio visual archivists to view these materials.

Folder Title List

Series I: Correspondence

Box 1

A [09/09/1969 – 11/17/1969]
A [11/19/1969 – 03/11/1970]
A [03/17/1970 – 06/15/1970]
A [06/16/1970 – 10/12/1970]
B [01/05/1970 – 01/24/1970]
B [01/28/1970 – 03/04/1970]
B [03/05/1970 – 04/02/1970]
B [04/03/1970 – 04/22/1970]
B [04/22/1970 – 05/20/1970]
B [05/28/1970 – 06/23/1970]
B [06/23/1970 – 07/28/1970]
B [08/03/1970 – 09/29/1970]
B [10/09/1970 – 11/06/1970]
C [09/09/1969 – 11/25/1969]
C [12/01/1969 – 03/12/1970]
C [03/13/1970 – 04/30/1970]
C [05/06/1970 – 07/22/1970]
C [08/03/1970 – 11/05/1970]

Box 2

D [09/02/1969 – 10/22/1969]
D [10/29/1969 – 02/11/1970]
D [02/12/1970 – 08/03/1970]
D [08/05/1970]
D [08/10/1970 – 11/05/1970]
E [03/13/1969 – 11/12/1969]
Memos to and from Robert Ellsworth
E [11/13/1969 – 05/06/1970]
E [05/20/1970 – 11/05/1970]
F [09/02/1969 – 11/14/1969]
F [11/18/1969 – 02/04/1970]
F [02/12/1970 – 04/29/1970]
F [05/04/1970 – 07/21/1970]
F [07/21/1970 – 11/05/1970]
G [09/15/1969 – 10/30/1969]
G [11/06/1969 – 12/30/1969]
G [01/05/1970 – 03/12/1970]
G [03/12/1970 – 04/27/1970]
G [04/27/1970 – 05/23/1970]
G [06/04/1970 – 08/03/1970]

Box 3

G [08/04/1970 – 11/06/1970]
H [09/12/1969 – 10/06/1969]
H [10/08/1969 – 11/14/1969]
H [11/17/1969 – 12/03/1969]
H [12/04/1969 – 01/26/1970]
H [01/27/1970 – 03/06/1970]
H [03/09/1970 – 04/03/1970]
H [04/09/1970 – 04/30/1970]
H [05/01/1970 – 07/01/1970]
H [07/02/1970 – 09/01/1970]
H [09/08/1970 – 11/06/1970]
I [12/23/1968 – 11/05/1970]
J [12/12/1968 – 03/26/1969]
J [03/28/1969 – 02/10/1970]
J [02/12/1970 – 11/05/1970]
K [09/15/1969 – 11/26/1969]
K [12/01/1969 – 02/27/1970]
K [03/02/1970 – 05/28/1970]
K [06/01/1970 – 11/05/1970]
L [09/15/1969 – 12/15/1969]
L [12/16/1969 – 12/15/1969]
L [01/27/1970]

Box 4

L [01/28/1970 – 04/20/1970]
L [04/22/1970 – 06/18/1970]
L [06/25/1970 – 11/06/1970]
Mc [09/24/1969 – 03/04/1970]
Mc [03/05/1970 – 07/22/1970]
Mc [07/24/1970 – 10/15/1970]
M [09/04/1969 – 09/24/1969]
M [09/25/1969 – 11/04/1969]
M [11/06/1969 – 12/31/1969]
M [01/03/1970 – 02/02/1970]
M [02/04/1970 – 03/14/1970]
M [03/16/1970 – 04/09/1970]
M [04/10/1970 – 06/03/1970]
M [06/04/1970 – 08/31/1970]
M [09/02/1970 – 11/06/1970]
N [09/15/1969 – 03/12/1970]
N [04/01/1970 – 11/05/1970]
Nast, Thomas [03/02/1969 – 07/10/1969]
O [09/08/1969 – 04/02/1970]
O [04/03/1970 – 11/05/1970]
P [09/15/1969 – 10/09/1969]
P [10/10/1969 – 11/20/1969]

Box 5

P [11/24/1969 – 01/15/1970]
P [01/19/1970 – 03/06/1970]
P [03/11/1970 – 04/16/1970]
P [04/20/1970 – 04/27/1970]
P [04/28/1970 – 06/12/1970]
P [06/15/1970 – 08/11/1970]
P [08/27/1970 – 10/13/1970]
P [10/14/1970 – 11/05/1970]
Riesman [1/2]
Riesman [2/2]
R [09/02/1969 – 10/01/1969]
R [10/03/1969 – 11/21/1969]
R [11/24/1969 – 01/13/1970]
R [01/14/1970 – 02/26/1970]
R [03/04/1970 – 03/11/1970]
R [03/12/1970 – 04/01/1970]
R [04/02/1970 – 04/20/1970]
R [04/22/1970 – 05/18/1970]
R [05/19/1970 – 06/17/1970]
R [06/22/1970 – 08/11/1970]
R [08/12/1970 – 08/31/1970]
R [09/01/1970 – 09/15/1970]
R [09/16/1970 – 11/06/1970]
S [09/08/1969 – 09/16/1969]
S [09/18/1969 – 10/15/1969]
S [10/16/1969 – 11/13/1969]
S [11/14/1969 – 11/28/1969]
S [12/01/1969 – 12/05/1969]
S [12/08/1969 – 12/30/1969]
S [01/05/1970 – 01/26/1970]
S [01/27/1970 – 02/17/1970]
S [02/24/1970 – 03/05/1970]
S [03/06/1970 – 03/31/1970]
S [04/01/1970 – 04/10/1970]
S [04/13/1970 – 04/27/1970]

Box 6

S [04/28/1970 – 05/02/1970]
S [05/05/1970 – 06/05/1970]
S [06/08/1970 – 06/29/1970]
S [07/01/1970 – 08/11/1970]
S [08/14/1970 – 09/16/1970]
S [09/17/1970 – 10/06/1970]
S [10/10/1970 – 11/06/1970]
Professor M.N. Srinivas
T [09/08/1969 – 03/31/1970]
T [04/01/1970 – 11/06/1970]
U [03/04/1969 – 07/16/1970]
V [12/30/1968 – 04/09/1969]
V [04/11/1969 – 11/05/1970]
W [09/15/1969 – 11/24/1969]
W [12/01/1969 – 12/18/1969]
W [12/22/1969 – 03/24/1970]
W [03/25/1970 – 07/20/1970]
W [07/28/1970 – 11/05/1970]
XYZ [1969 – 1 of 1]
XYZ [1970 – 1 of 2]
XYZ [1970 – 2 of 2]

Sub-Series A: Memos to Staff

Harry C. Blaney [11/03/1969 – 11/17/1970]
John R. Brown III [12/22/1969 – 12/10/1970]
Arthur F. Burns [01/23/1969 – 01/20/1970]
Alexander P. Butterfield [03/24/1970 – 07/13/1970]
Dwight Chapin [03/27/1969 – 12/07/1970]
Kenneth Cole [06/26/1969 – 12/06/1969]

Box 7

Kenneth Cole [01/07/1970 – 03/05/1970]
Kenneth Cole [03/13/1970 – 12/01/1970]
Lee A. DuBridge [08/11/1969 – 04/21/1970]
John Ehrlichman [02/14/1969 – 10/24/1969]
John Ehrlichman [10/24/1969 – 11/12/1969]
John Ehrlichman [11/17/1969 – 01/21/1970]
John Ehrlichman [01/22/1970 – 01/23/1970]
John Ehrlichman [01/26/1970 – 02/04/1970]
John Ehrlichman [02/07/1970 – 03/11/1970]
John Ehrlichman [03/13/1970 – 07/06/1970]
John Ehrlichman [07/07/1970 – 12/03/1970]
Robert Finch [06/09/1970 – 11/05/1970]
Chester Finn [08/13/1969 – 04/28/1970]
Chester Finn [05/05/1970 – 11/30/1970]
Peter M. Flanagan [07/25/1969 – 12/03/1970]
Harry S. Fleming [04/06/1970 – 11/25/1970]
Leonard Garment [08/22/1969 – 12/01/1970]
Bob Haldeman [06/18/1969 – 01/19/1970]
Bob Haldeman [01/21/1970 – 03/10/1970]
Bob Haldeman [03/11/1970 – 07/13/1970]

Box 8

Bob Haldeman [08/13/1970 – 12/01/1970]
Bryce Harlow [08/04/1969 – 09/21/1970]
Stephen Hess [07/24/1969 – 12/05/1969]
Larry Higby [08/06/1969 – 11/20/1970]
Henry Kissinger [10/15/1969 – 01/21/1970]
Henry Kissinger [01/23/1970 – 11/05/1970]
Herb Klein [12/22/1970]
Bud Krogh [12/15/1969 – 08/19/1970]
Edward L. Morgan [08/22/1969 – 10/14/1970]
Dick Nathan [11/04/1969 – 05/04/1970]
Dick Nathan [08/19/1969 – 10/23/1969]
Donald Rumsfeld [11/13/1969 – 10/15/1970]
Bill Safire [11/06/1969 – 03/10/1970]
Hugh Sloan [09/14/1969 – 10/08/1969]
Hugh Sloan [10/14/1969 – 02/17/1970]
Hugh Sloan [03/09/1970 – 11/23/1970]
Bill Timmons [09/19/1969 – 11/05/1970]
Don Webster [03/05/1970 – 06/08/1970]
John C. Whitaker [10/24/1969 – 12/01/1970]
Clay T. Whitehead [11/25/1969]
Ron Ziegler [12/01/1969 – 05/28/1970]
Ron Ziegler [06/10/1970 – 12/10/1970]

Series II: Meetings Files

Box 9

Focus 1969 Birmingham, Ala. March 4, 1969 [1 of 3]
Focus 1969 Birmingham, Ala. March 4, 1969 [2 of 3]
Focus 1969 Birmingham, Ala. March 4, 1969 [3 of 3]          
National Association of Counties 11:00 am Wednesday March 5 Marriot Twin Bridges Motor                                                                          -Hotel
Under Secretaries Meetings March 15, 1969 (Domestic Program)
Meeting with Stanford-Sloan Fellows 3/24/1969 Madison Hotel
Chamber of Commerce Television Presentation Wed. March 26, 1969 [1 of 4] 
Chamber of Commerce Television Presentation Wed. March 26, 1969 [2 of 4] 
Chamber of Commerce Television Presentation Wed. March 26, 1969 [3 of 4] 
Chamber of Commerce Television Presentation Wed. March 26, 1969 [4 of 4] 
Public Affairs Councils Urban Affairs Conference April 2, 1969
American Philosophical Society Philadelphia April 24, 1969
Conference of Arts and Sciences Boston, Mass. On May 2 and 3 [1969]
Syracuse University Speech May 8, 1969
American Society of Magazine Editors St. Regis Hotel, N.Y. May 12, 1969
United States Catholic Conference Univ. of Maryland May 12, 1969
Harvard Comes to Cincinnati May 16, 1969
DPM Before House Appropriations sub-cmtc on HUD and Indp’T offices 5/16/1969
DPM Remarks – FORTUNE publishing staff W.H. May 20, 1969
DPM – Management Interns Indian Treaty Room EOB May 20, 1969
University of California at Los Angles May 22 – 25, 1969
Nat’l League of Cities – US Conference of Mayors Luncheon May 27, 1969
DPM Urban League Journalists Indian Treaty Room EOB May 28, 1969
Regional Council Conference Naval Academy May 26, 1969
Notre Dame Speech June 1, 1969
Washington Conference of the Advertising Council June 9, 1969
DOT Executive Dinner – Fort McNair Officer’s Club June 18, 1969
June 19, 1969 Federal Executive Institute – Nat’l Institute of Public Affairs Charlottesville
American Institute of Architects 6/23/1969 [1 of 2]
American Institute of Architects 6/23/1969 [2 of 2]

Box 10

Lunch with TRW, Inc. June 25, 1969 [1 of 2]
Lunch with TRW, Inc. June 25, 1969 [2 of 2]
Speaking to College Summer Interns at Coolidge Aud. –Library of Congress July 30, 1969
Address – Manpower Training Workshop – (BNA – ASPA – NAB) Sept. 24, 1969
Peace Corps – Informal Remarks w/ 60 Directors from abroad Sept. 23, 1969
Industrial College of the Armed Forces September 15, 1969 [1 of 2]
Industrial College of the Armed Forces September 15, 1969 [2 of 2]
Round-the-World Trip Aug. 29 – Sept. 13, 1969
The Associated Press Managing Editors Associations-Hartford, Connecticut Oct. 1, 1969
Annual Convention of Assoc. Press Managing Editors Assn., Hartford, Conn. -Oct. 1, 1969
- [1 of 2]
Annual Convention of Assoc. Press Managing Editors Assn., Hartford, Conn. -Oct. 1, 1969
- [2 of 2]
British ATV Network Taping – Washington DC. Oct. 2, 1969
“Firing Line” with William Buckley – WETA – 26 Oct. 7, 1969
“Future of Urban America” Equity Research Associations, Inc. October 9, 1969
Hudson River Basin Compact Meeting w/ Ron Pederson October 10, 1969
MIAMI TRIP Dade County Community Relations Bd. October 13, 1969 [1 of 4]
MIAMI TRIP Dade County Community Relations Bd. October 13, 1969 [2 of 4]
MIAMI TRIP Dade County Community Relations Bd. October 13, 1969 [3 of 4]
MIAMI TRIP Dade County Community Relations Bd. October 13, 1969 [4 of 4]
Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy Foreign Service Institute October 15, 1969

Box 11

W. MICHAEL BLIMEWTHAL DINNER New York City October 27, 1969
Northwest Universities ‘Business Adm. Conf. Seattle, Wash. October 25, 1969 [1 of 3]
Northwest Universities ‘Business Adm. Conf. Seattle, Wash. October 25, 1969 [2 of 3]
Northwest Universities ‘Business Adm. Conf. Seattle, Wash. October 25, 1969 [3 of 3]
Detroit Free Press – Phone Interview October 27, 1969
PHILIDELPHIA October 28, 1969 (DPM did not go)
Bush Task Force Meeting November 6, 1969
Scripps-Howard Editors Denver November 10, 1969
Charlotte, North Carolina meeting November 11, 1969 [1 of 3]
Charlotte, North Carolina meeting November 11, 1969 [2 of 3]
Charlotte, North Carolina meeting November 11, 1969 [3 of 3]
Hill Appearances – November 12, 1969 TV Taping – Briefing of Senate Aides
Council of Jewish Fed. and Welfare Funds, Inc. Boston, Mass. November 15, 1969
Briefing of Foreign Correspondents USIA – November 19, 1969
National Conf. of State Legislature Leaders Atlanta, Ga. November 19, 1969
BRUSSLES – PARIS CCMS MTG December 6-12, 1969
DPM spoke before Federal Management Conf. January 14, 1970
Smithsonian Luncheon – DPM to speak February 3, 1970
Michigan Health Offices Assoc. Lansing, Michigan February 4, 1970 [1 of 2]
Michigan Health Offices Assoc. Lansing, Michigan February 4, 1970 [2 of 2]
SEVEN UNIVERSITIES GROUP Cambridge, Mass. February 7, 1970
Conference of Business Economists – DPM to talk February 12, 1970
National Alliance of Businessmen El Paso, Texas February 13, 1970
Antigua February 28, 1970
Univ. of Michigan Club Annual Congressional Dinner 3/3/1970 – D.C.
Gridiron Club Dinner March 14, 1970
National Research Council Mayflower Hotel 3/16/1970
National Jewish Welfare Board (excerpts) March 19. 1970
Greater Tulsa Community Services March 20, 1970
St. Croix Virgin Islands March 24-30. 1970
Hendrix College Conway, Ark. April 6, 1970
Brussels - Bonn – London April 13-18, 1970
N. A. M. Meeting Watergate Hotel Wed. April 22, 1970
American Newspaper Publishers Association April 22, 1970

Box 12

Chamber of Commerce April 27, 1970
American Scholar Board Meeting May 1, 1970
Citizens’ Housing & Planning Council of New York, Inc. May 5, 1970
Association of American Universities Meeting 11:00 a.m. – May 7, 1970 [1 of 2]
Association of American Universities Meeting 11:00 a.m. – May 7, 1970 [2 of 2]
American Jewish Community “Liberalism and Knowledge” May 15, 1970
Congress on Urban Environment ROTTERDAM May 25, 1970
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Commencement address June 6, 1970 [1 of 2]
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Commencement address June 6, 1970 [2 of 2]
GROCERY MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA White Sulphur Springs June 16, 1970
Youth Advisory Conference of Selective Service System June 30, 1970
Social Science Research Council York, England July 3-4, 1970
MTG w/ APPALACHIAN GOVERNORS Louisville, Ky. July 14, 1970
THE TODAY SHOW – WRC TV (NBC) – Transcript  July 24, 1970
Tenth Annual Conference on Research & Statistics August 11, 1970
Cabinet Committee on Education New Orleans – August 14, 1970
DOMESTIC COUNCILING MTG. San Clemente August 27, 1970 
National Legislative Conference Salt Lake City August 28, 1970
Meet with Senate Finance Comm. SAN DIEGO September 2-3, 1970
FACE THE NATION September 13, 1970
SOUTHERN GOVERNORS CONF. Biloxi, Mississippi September 22, 1970
FINANCIAL ANALYSTS SEMINAR September 24, 1970 Washington, D.C.
The Financial Analysts Federation Seminar September 24, 1970 – Wash., D.C.
Manpower Researchers Conference September 25, 1970 – Wash., D.C.

Box 13

EUROPE TRIP WITH PRESIDENT September 25 – October 5, 1970 [1 of 3]
EUROPE TRIP WITH PRESIDENT September 25 – October 5, 1970 [2 of 3]
EUROPE TRIP WITH PRESIDENT September 25 – October 5, 1970 [3 of 3]
LINDENWOOD COLLEGES St. Charles, Mo. October 7, 1970
AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION October 8, 1970 St. Louis [1 of 3]
AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION October 8, 1970 St. Louis [2 of 3]
AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION October 8, 1970 St. Louis [3 of 3]
Europe – October 18 - November 4  Europe, October 18 – November 3   Brussels, Wolfsburg,           -Venice, Brussels
Accident Investigation Workshop Wolfsburg, Germany October 21, 1970
CCMS: Flood Mitigation Experts Venice October 23, 1970
Pennsylvania Planning Association Bethlehem, Pa. Nov. 5, 1970
American Scholar Board MIG Century Club – November 6, 1970
Robert Morris Associates Boston, November 9, 1970 [1 of 2]
Robert Morris Associates Boston, November 9, 1970 [2 of 2]
Mtg. w/ Business-Industry Council (per Hess) Nov. 17, 1970
[Mtg. w/ Business-Industry Council (per Hess) Nov. 17, 1970 – Duplicate Handouts]
Housing Industry Conf. Acapulco, Mexico Nov. 19-22
Housing Industry President’s Conf. Acapulco, Mexico Nov. 19-22, 1970
National Association of Counties Meeting – November 23, 1970

Sub-Series A: Meetings: Nat. Growth Policy Conference

Nat. Goals Report Counselor’s Report June 25, 1970 [1 of 2]
Nat. Goals Report Counselor’s Report June 25, 1970 [2 of 2]
Preliminary Report (Meyer + Reckons) April 23-24, 1970
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [1 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [2 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [3 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [4 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [5 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [6 of 9]

Box 14

Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [7 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [8 of 9]
Presentation Papers April 23-24, 1970 [9 of 9]
National Growth Policy [1 of 3]
National Growth Policy [2 of 3]
National Growth Policy [3 of 3]
Correspondence [1 of 5]
Correspondence [2 of 5]
Correspondence [3 of 5]
Correspondence [4 of 5]
Correspondence [5 of 5]
Background Materials I [1 of 7]
Background Materials I [2 of 7]
Background Materials I [3 of 7]
Background Materials I [4 of 7]
Background Materials I [5 of 7]
Background Materials I [6 of 7]
Background Materials I [7 of 7]
Background Materials II [1 of 5]
Background Materials II [2 of 5]

Box 15

Background Materials II [3 of 5]
Background Materials II [4 of 5]
Background Materials II [5 of 5]
Background Materials III [1 of 4]
Background Materials III [2 of 4]
Background Materials III [3 of 4]
Background Materials III [4 of 4]
Background Materials IV [1 of 9]
Background Materials IV [2 of 9]
Background Materials IV [3 of 9]
Background Materials IV [4 of 9]
Background Materials IV [5 of 9]
Background Materials IV [6 of 9]
Background Materials IV [7 of 9]
Background Materials IV [8 of 9]
Background Materials IV [9 of 9]
Background Materials V [1 of 3]
Background Materials V [2 of 3]
Background Materials V [3 of 3]

Series III: Subject Files

Sub-Series A: Subject File #1

Box 16

AFDC Study (1969 Preliminary Findings)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Institute of Architects Address – June 23, 1969 [1 of 5] 
American Institute of Architects Address – June 23, 1969 [2 of 5] 
American Institute of Architects Address – June 23, 1969 [3 of 5] 
American Institute of Architects Address – June 23, 1969 [4 of 5] 
American Institute of Architects Address – June 23, 1969 [5 of 5] 
American Institute of Architects [1 of 6]
American Institute of Architects [2 of 6]
American Institute of Architects [3 of 6]
American Institute of Architects [4 of 6]
American Institute of Architects [5 of 6]
American Institute of Architects [6 of 6]
American Jewish Committee
American Political Science Association (DPM)
The American Scholar
American Sociological Association
Amherst Declaration (complete file with John Price’s files)
Anglo/American Conf. on the Evaluation of Social Action Programmes (Ditchley Park) [1 of 3]
Anglo/American Conf. on the Evaluation of Social Action Programmes (Ditchley Park) [2 of 3]
Anglo/American Conf. on the Evaluation of Social Action Programmes (Ditchley Park) [3 of 3]

Box 17

Anglo/American Conf. on the Evaluation of Social Action Programmes (Ditchley Park): British-                                                                                                                                                -American Exchange Evaluation
Anglo/American Conf. on the Evaluation of Social Action Programmes (Ditchley Park):Ditchley -Park Conference
Appointment Requests [1 of 7]
Appointment Requests [2 of 7]
Appointment Requests [3 of 7]
Appointment Requests [4 of 7]
Appointment Requests [5 of 7]
Appointment Requests [6 of 7]
Appointment Requests [7 of 7]
Architect of the Capitol: General Correspondence
Architect of the Capitol: Endorsements for Candidates for Architect of the Capitol: Georg White [1 of 2]
Architect of the Capitol: Endorsements for Candidates for Architect of the Capitol: Georg White [2 of 2]
Architect of the Capitol: Endorsements for Candidates for Architect of the Capitol: Mario Campioli
Architect of the Capitol: Endorsements for Candidates for Architect of the Capitol: Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
Architect of the Capitol: Endorsements for Candidates for Architect of the Capitol: Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
Ash Council [1 of 2]
Ash Council [2 of 2]
Articles and Reports: America in the Sixties- An Intellectual History – Ronald Berman
Articles and Reports: Alexis de Tocqueville – “The Bitch-Goddess Success”
Articles and Reports: Intelligence and Heredity – Some Common Misconceptions - Cyril Burt
Articles and Reports: The Future of Socialism by C.A.R. Crosland
Association of American Universities

Box 18

Automobile Insurance
Banfield, Edward, Prof. 
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [1 of 5]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [2 of 5]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [3 of 5]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [4 of 5]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [5 of 5]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [Public Interest Editorial Board 7:00pm- St. Regis Hotel]
Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [Irving Kristol- Correspondence]
Benenson (Willard Hotel)
Bicentennial Commission [1 of 6]
Bicentennial Commission [2 of 6]
Bicentennial Commission [3 of 6]
Bicentennial Commission [4 of 6]
Bicentennial Commission [5 of 6]
Bicentennial Commission [6 of 6]
Boston Agreement
Budget Clips
Bureau of the Budget [1 of 2]
Bureau of the Budget [2 of 2]
Cabinet Members
Cabinet (Agriculture Department – Clifford M. Hardin)
Cabinet (Commerce Department – Maurice H. Stans) [1 of 2]
Cabinet (Commerce Department – Maurice H. Stans) [2 of 2]

Box 19

Cabinet (Defense Department - Melvin R. Laird)
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [1 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [2 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [3 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [4 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [5 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [6 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [7 of 8]
Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [8 of 8]
Cabinet (Housing and Urban Development – George W. Romney) [1 of 3]
Cabinet (Housing and Urban Development – George W. Romney) [2 of 3]
Cabinet (Housing and Urban Development – George W. Romney) [3 of 3]
Cabinet (Interior Department – Walter J. Hickel)
Cabinet (Justice Department – John N. Mitchell) [1 of 3]
Cabinet (Justice Department – John N. Mitchell) [2 of 3]
Cabinet (Justice Department – John N. Mitchell) [3 of 3]
Cabinet (Department of Labor) [1 of 3]
Cabinet (Department of Labor) [2 of 3]
Cabinet (Department of Labor) [3 of 3]
Cabinet (Post Office Department – William M. Blount)
Cabinet (State Department – William P. Rogers)
Cabinet (Transportation Department – John Volpe) [1 of 2]
Cabinet (Transportation Department – John Volpe) [2 of 2]

Box 20

Cabinet (Treasury Department – David M. Kennedy)
Campus Unrest [1 of 8]
Campus Unrest [2 of 8]
Campus Unrest [3 of 8]
Campus Unrest [4 of 8]
Campus Unrest [5 of 8]
Campus Unrest [6 of 8]
Campus Unrest [7 of 8]
Campus Unrest [8 of 8]
Canty letler/ exchange
Catholic Conference (U.S.)
Clark Plan, The (Kenneth B. Clark) [1 of 2]
Clark Plan, The (Kenneth B. Clark) [2 of 2]
Coin Collection
Columbia University – re: appointment
Commission on Campus Unrest [1 of 4]
Commission on Campus Unrest [2 of 4]
Commission on Campus Unrest [3 of 4]
Commission on Campus Unrest [4 of 4]
Commission on Civil Rights
Commission on Marihuana Drug Abuse
Commission on School Finance [1 of 7]
Commission on School Finance [2 of 7]
Commission on School Finance [3 of 7]
Commission on School Finance [4 of 7]

Box 21

Commission on School Finance [5 of 7]
Commission on School Finance [6 of 7]
Commission on School Finance [7 of 7]
Committee on Interagency Education Research
Committee on Interagency Education Research: Interagency Research Review
Committee on Social Program Research
Copyright Law
Councils and Committees 1969 [1 of 4]
Councils and Committees 1969 [2 of 4]
Councils and Committees 1969 [3 of 4]
Councils and Committees 1969 [4 of 4]
Councils and Committees [1 of 2]
Councils and Committees [2 of 2]
Council and Economic Advisers (Paul W. McCracken Chairman): Paul McCracken Articles and –Remarks [1 of 4]
Council and Economic Advisers (Paul W. McCracken Chairman): Paul McCracken Articles and –Remarks [2 of 4]
Council and Economic Advisers (Paul W. McCracken Chairman): Paul McCracken Articles and –Remarks [3 of 4]
Council and Economic Advisers (Paul W. McCracken Chairman): Paul McCracken Articles and –Remarks [4 of 4]
D.C. Crime Statistics (Wash. Post) [1 of 5]
D.C. Crime Statistics (Wash. Post) [2 of 5]
D.C. Crime Statistics (Wash. Post) [3 of 5]
D.C. Crime Statistics (Wash. Post) [4 of 5]
D.C. Crime Statistics (Wash. Post) [5 of 5]

Box 22

D.C. Crime [1 of 4]
D.C. Crime [2 of 4]
D.C. Crime [3 of 4]
D.C. Crime [4 of 4]

Box 23

D.C. School System
Derthick Article “Defeat at Fort Lincoln” [1 of 2]
Derthick Article “Defeat at Fort Lincoln” [2 of 2]
Derthick Project
Domestic Hours (with the President) [1 of 3]
Domestic Hours (with the President) [2 of 3]
Domestic Hours (with the President) [3 of 3]
Drugs [1 of 5]
Drugs [2 of 5]
Drugs [3 of 5]
Drugs [4 of 5]
Drugs [5 of 5]
Education [1 of 8]
Education [2 of 8]
Education [3 of 8]
Education [4 of 8]
Education [5 of 8]
Education [6 of 8]

Box 24

Education [7 of 8]
Education [8 of 8]
Environment Teach-In
EOB Renovation
Family Security System [1 of 6]
Family Security System [2 of 6]
Family Security System [3 of 6]
Family Security System [4 of 6]
Family Security System [5 of 6]
Family Security System [6 of 6]
Family Security System (Jean Mayer) [1 of 3]
Family Security System (Jean Mayer) [2 of 3]
Family Security System (Jean Mayer) [3 of 3]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (Bill & Message) [1 of 4]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (Bill & Message) [2 of 4]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (Bill & Message) [3 of 4]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (Bill & Message) [4 of 4]

Box 25

Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [1 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [2 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [3 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [4 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [5 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (General) [6 of 6]
Federal City Bicentennial Development CORP (Presidential Statement)
Federal City Club Speech
Fordham University (Re: Schweitzer Chair)
Foxen, R.W.
Foundations [1 of 2]
Foundations [2 of 2]
General Services Administration Governors’ Conference (3 Dec. ’69) [1 of 3]
General Services Administration Governors’ Conference (3 Dec. ’69) [2 of 3]
General Services Administration Governors’ Conference (3 Dec. ’69) [3 of 3]

Box 26

Health Care [1 of 2]
Health Care [2 of 2]
Heineman Commission Report (President’s Comm. on Income Maintenance)
Heineman Report (President’s Task Force on Gov. Organization) [1 of 2]
Heineman Report (President’s Task Force on Gov. Organization) [2 of 2]
Hendrix College Speech [1 of 2]
Hendrix College Speech [2 of 2]
Heroin-Governor’s Conference
Higher Education [1 of 6]
Higher Education [2 of 6]
Higher Education [3 of 6]
Higher Education [4 of 6]
Higher Education [5 of 6]
Higher Education – Rep. Edith Green [6 of 6]
Housing (HS) [1 of 2]
Housing (HS) [2 of 2]
ILO-International Labor Organization
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [1 of 7]

Box 27

Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [2 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [3 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [4 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [5 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [6 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee CO 1-6 [7 of 7]
Internal Migration Subcommittee Correspondence 1-6 [1 of 3]
Internal Migration Subcommittee Correspondence 1-6 [2 of 3]
Internal Migration Subcommittee Correspondence 1-6 [3 of 3]
Invitations Regretted [1 of 5]
Invitations Regretted [2 of 5]
Invitations Regretted [3 of 5]
Invitations Regretted [4 of 5]
Invitations Regretted [5 of 5]
Invitations Regretted by Daniel Moynihan [1 of 3]
Invitations Regretted by Daniel Moynihan [2 of 3]
Invitations Regretted by Daniel Moynihan [3 of 3]

Box 28

John Hopkins Exchange + Riesman Letter
“Langner” Project (AFDC) [1 of 4]
“Langner” Project (AFDC) [2 of 4]
“Langner” Project (AFDC) [3 of 4]
“Langner” Project (AFDC) [4 of 4]
London School of Economics
M+M Book
Medal of Freedom
Medical Disqualifications
Meetings with the President
Meiklejohn Lecture
Memos for the Record
Moynihan Bio and Photographs- Biography + Photo Daniel Patrick Moynihan [1 of 2]
Moynihan Bio and Photographs- Biography + Photo Daniel Patrick Moynihan [2 of 2]
Moynihan Clips [1 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [2 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [3 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [4 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [5 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [6 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [7 of 8]
Moynihan Clips [8 of 8]

Box 29

Moynihan – Press Conferences [1 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [2 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [3 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [4 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [5 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [6 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [7 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [8 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [9 of 10]
Moynihan – Press Conferences [10 of 10]
Richard Nathan [1 of 2]
Richard Nathan [2 of 2]
National Capital Planning Commission [1 of 5]
National Capital Planning Commission [2 of 5]
National Capital Planning Commission [3 of 5]
National Capital Planning Commission [4 of 5]
National Capital Planning Commission [5 of 5]

Box 30

National Goals Research [1 of 3]
National Goals Research [2 of 3]
National Goals Research [3 of 3]
National Growth Policy [1 of 3]
National Growth Policy [2 of 3]
National Growth Policy [3 of 3]
National Growth Policy Conf. (April 23-24, 1970) [1 of 4]
National Growth Policy Conf. (April 23-24, 1970) [2 of 4]
National Growth Policy Conf. (April 23-24, 1970) [3 of 4]
National Growth Policy Conf. (April 23-24, 1970) [4 of 4]
National Land Use Policy
NATO: Cmte on Challenges of Modern Society [1 of 4]
NATO: Cmte on Challenges of Modern Society [2 of 4]
NATO: Cmte on Challenges of Modern Society [3 of 4]
NATO: Cmte on Challenges of Modern Society [4 of 4]
Negotiation Now
Negros [1 of 3]
Negros [2 of 3]
Negros [3 of 3]
Niven. Paul—Eulogy [1 of 4]

Box 31

Niven. Paul—Eulogy [2 of 4]
Niven. Paul—Eulogy [3 of 4]
Niven. Paul—Eulogy [4 of 4]
Norte Dame – June 1, 1969 [1 of 5]
Norte Dame – June 1, 1969 [2 of 5]
Norte Dame – June 1, 1969 [3 of 5]
Norte Dame – June 1, 1969 [4 of 5]
Norte Dame – June 1, 1969 [5 of 5]
Office of Management and Budget
Overlap of OEO and HEW Programs
Past Phone Calls [1 of 3]
Past Phone Calls [2 of 3]
Past Phone Calls [3 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [1 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [2 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [3 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [4 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [5 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [6 of 6]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pennsylvania Avenue [1 of 3]

Box 32

Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pennsylvania Avenue [2 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pennsylvania Avenue [3 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Background [1 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Background [2 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Background [3 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Correspondence [1 of 5]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Correspondence [2 of 5]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Correspondence [3 of 5]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Correspondence [4 of 5]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Correspondence [5 of 5]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pa. Ave. Commission Progress Report
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue [1 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue [2 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue [3 of 3]
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: Pennsylvania Avenue Competition – AIA
Pennsylvania Avenue Commission: DRAFTS-- Pennsylvania Avenue Message
Photo Files
Point Four Plan
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [1 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [2 of 8]

Box 33

Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [3 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [4 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [5 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [6 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [7 of 8]
Politics as the Art of the Impossible: Further Clippings [8 of 8]
Population Commission (MOOS Vacancy)
Population Commission [1 of 5]
Population Commission [2 of 5]
Population Commission [3 of 5]
Population Commission [4 of 5]
Population Commission [5 of 5]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (1) [1 of 3]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (1) [2 of 3]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (1) [3 of 3]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (2) [1 of 4]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (2) [2 of 4]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (2) [3 of 4]
Population Commission: Population Commission Members (2) [4 of 4]
Population Growth
Poverty Statistics (Mollie Orshansky)

Box 34

The Presidents Messages to Congress [1 of 3]
The Presidents Messages to Congress [2 of 3]
The Presidents Messages to Congress [3 of 3]
Pres. Nixon Clips [1 of 2]
Pres. Nixon Clips [2 of 2]
Pres. Nixon – Compendium of Quotations (EMPTY)
Presidents Tour of Federal City Area – 8 September 1970 [1 of 3]
Presidents Tour of Federal City Area – 8 September 1970 [2 of 3]
Presidents Tour of Federal City Area – 8 September 1970 [3 of 3]
The Press [1 of 5]
The Press [2 of 5]
The Press [3 of 5]
The Press [4 of 5]
The Press [5 of 5]
Procedures & Methods – 1969 Agenda & Minutes [1 of 4]
Procedures & Methods – 1969 Agenda & Minutes [2 of 4]
Procedures & Methods – 1969 Agenda & Minutes [3 of 4]
Procedures & Methods – 1969 Agenda & Minutes [4 of 4]
Public Service Message I [1 of 2]
Public Service Message I [2 of 2]
Public Service Message II [1 of 5]
Public Service Message II [2 of 5]

Box 35

Public Service Message II [3 of 5]
Public Service Message II [4 of 5]
Public Service Message II [5 of 5]
Railpax [1 of 2]
Railpax [2 of 2]
Railroads [1 of 2]
Railroads [2 of 2]
RAND – New York City
Readers Digest
Riot Cleanup
Rural Affairs Council [1 of 2]
Rural Affairs Council [2 of 2]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [1 of 6]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [2 of 6]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [3 of 6]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [4 of 6]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [5 of 6]
Dr. Earl Schaefer, NIMH [6 of 6]
Schedules—Moynihan [1 of 5]
Schedules—Moynihan [2 of 5]
Schedules—Moynihan [3 of 5]
Schedules—Moynihan [4 of 5]
Schedules—Moynihan [5 of 5]

Box 36

School Desegregation Message
Social Science Research Council – London
Speech Drafts
Speech Material [1 of 4]
Speech Material [2 of 4]
Speech Material [3 of 4]
Speech Material [4 of 4]
State of the Union [1 of 2]
State of the Union [2 of 2]
“Syracuse” File [1 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [2 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [3 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [4 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [5 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [6 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [7 of 8]
“Syracuse” File [8 of 8]
Tax Reform Bill [1 of 2]
Tax Reform Bill [2 of 2]
Urban Institute [1 of 2]
Urban Institute [2 of 2]

Box 37

Vice President (Memos To) [1 of 4]
Vice President (Memos To) [2 of 4]
Vice President (Memos To) [3 of 4]
Vice President (Memos To) [4 of 4]
Vice President—Speech Material For
Vietnam Slayings [1 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [2 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [3 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [4 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [5 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [6 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [7 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [8 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [9 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [10 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [11 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [12 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [13 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [14 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [15 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [16 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [17 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [18 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings [19 of 19]
Vietnam Slayings (Song My)

Box 38

Weaver Report
Welfare Message [1 of 6]
Welfare Message [2 of 6]
Welfare Message [3 of 6]
Welfare Message [4 of 6]
Welfare Message [5 of 6]
Welfare Message [6 of 6]
Welfare Statistics [1 of 2]
Welfare Statistics [2 of 2]
White House Conference on Children and Youth
W.H. Conference on Food, Nutrition & Health
Woodrow Wilson Center [1 of 5]
Woodrow Wilson Center [2 of 5]
Woodrow Wilson Center [3 of 5]
Woodrow Wilson Center [4 of 5]
Woodrow Wilson Center [5 of 5]

Box 39

Woodrow Wilson Center (Director’s Report) [1 of 2]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Director’s Report) [2 of 2]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [1 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [2 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [3 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [4 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [5 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson) [6 of 6]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson Memorial Center Chronology) [1 of 3]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson Memorial Center Chronology) [2 of 3]
Woodrow Wilson Center (Woodrow Wilson Memorial Center Chronology) [3 of 3]
Woodrow Wilson Foundation [1 of 2]
Woodrow Wilson Foundation [2 of 2]

Sub-Series B: Subject File #2

Box 40

Administration 1:  Personnel [1 of 2]
Administration 1:  Personnel [2 of 2]
Administration 1:  Personnel:  Tony Wiener [1 of 2]
Administration 1:  Personnel:  Tony Wiener [2 of 2]
Administration (Empty)
Administration 1-1:  Applications for Positions Resumes [1 of 2]
Administration 1-1:  Applications for Positions Resumes [2 of 2]
Administration 1-2:  Consultants
Administration 2:  Office Methods
Administration 2-1:  Form Letters (Empty)

Box 41

Administration 3:  Reporters & Interviews
Administration 4:  Space
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [1 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [2 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [3 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [4 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [5 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [6 of 7]
Administration 5:  Staff Memoranda [7 of 7]
Administration 8:  Travel
Atlanta Trip
Brazil Trip
Business-Economics 5-6:  Employment & Unemployment
Business-Economics 6:  Minority Business Enterprise
Civil Rights
Civil Rights 2-1:  Education-Schooling
Civil Rights Voting [1 of 5]
Civil Rights Voting [2 of 5]
Civil Rights Voting [3 of 5]
Civil Rights Voting [4 of 5]
Civil Rights Voting [5 of 5]
Civil Rights Women I [1 of 2]
Civil Rights Women I [2 of 2]
Civil Rights 2-5:  Women II
Civil Rights 3:  Freedoms

Box 42

Civil Rights 4:  Groups [1 of 3]
Civil Rights 4:  Groups [2 of 3]
Civil Rights 4:  Groups [3 of 3]
Consumer Affairs
Councils & Committees
Councils & Committees 1:  Council for Urban Affairs
Councils & Committees 1-1:  Council for Urban Affairs:  Procedures and Methods
Councils & Committees 1-1-1:  Council for Urban Affairs:  Agenda and Minutes
Councils & Committees 1-1-2:  Council for Urban Affairs:  Statements
Councils & Committees 1-1-3:  Council for Urban Affairs:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-2:  Crime Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-2-1:  Crime Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-2-2:  Crime Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-2-3:  Crime Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-3:  Education Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-3-1:  Education Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-3-2:  Education Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-3-3:  Education Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-4:  Future of Model Cities Pgm Subcommittee
Councils & Committees 1-4-1:  Future of Model Cities Pgm Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-4-2:  Future of Model Cities Pgm Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-4-3:  Future of Model Cities Pgm Subcommittee:  Reports
Councils & Committees 1-5:  Future of Poverty Pgm & OEO Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-5-1:  Future of Poverty Pgm & OEO Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-5-2:  Future of Poverty Pgm & OEO Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-5-3:  Future of Poverty Pgm & OEO Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-6:  Internal Migration Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-6-1:  Internal Migration Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-6-2:  Internal Migration Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-6-3:  Internal Migration Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-7:  Land Use and Development Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-7-1:  Land Use and Development Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-7-2:  Land Use and Development Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-7-3:  Land Use and Development Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-8:  Transportation Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-8-1:  Transportation Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-8-2:  Transportation Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-8-3:  Transportation Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-9:  Minority Business Enterprise Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-9-1:  Minority Business Enterprise Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-9-2:  Minority Business Enterprise Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-9-3:  Minority Business Enterprise Subcommittee: Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-10:  Surplus Food and Nutrition Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-10-1:  Surplus Food and Nutrition Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-10-2:  Surplus Food and Nutrition Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-10-3:  Surplus Food and Nutrition Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-11:  Welfare Subcommittee (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-11-1:  Welfare Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes
Councils & Committees 1-11-2:  Welfare Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-11-3:  Welfare Subcommittee:  Reports [1 of 2]
Councils & Committees 1-11-3:  Welfare Subcommittee:  Reports [2 of 2]
Councils & Committies1-12:  Under Secretaries Group Subcommittee [1 of 2]
Councils & Committees 1-12:  Under Secretaries Group Subcommittee [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees 1-12-1:  Under Secretaries Group Subcommittee:  Agenda and Minutes
Councils & Committees 1-12-2:  Under Secretaries Group Subcommittee:  Statements (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-12-3:  Under Secretaries Group Subcommittee:  Reports (Empty)
Councils & Committees 1-13:  Urban Affairs Research Committee
Councils & Committees 1-13-1:  Urban Affairs Research Committee:  Agenda and Minutes
Councils & Committees 1-13-2:  Urban Affairs Research Committee:  Statements [1 of 2]
Councils & Committees 1-13-2:  Urban Affairs Research Committee:  Statements [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees 1-13-3:  Urban Affairs Research Committee:  Reports [1 of 2]

Box 43

Councils & Committees 1-13-3:  Urban Affairs Research Committee:  Reports [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees 2:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action [1 of 3]
Councils & Committees 2:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action [2 of 3]
Councils & Committees 2:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action [3 of 3]
Councils & Committees 2-1:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action:  Agenda and Minutes
Councils & Committees 2-2:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action:  Statements [1 of 2]
Councils & Committees 2-2:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action:  Statements [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees 2-3:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action:  Reports [1 of 2]
Councils & Committees 2-3:  Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action:  Reports [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees 3:  Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy 8-1-69
Councils & Committees 3-1:  Economic Policy & Agenda and Minutes 8-1-69
Councils & Committees 3-2:  Economic Policy:  Statements 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 3-3:  Economic Policy:  Reports 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 3-4:  Subcommittee of Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 3-5: Economic “TROIKA” 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 3-6: Economic “QUADRIAD” 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 4: Cabinet Committee on Federal Credit Program 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 5: Working Group on Lumber Costs 8-1-69
Councils & Committees 6: National Security Council 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 7: Comprehensive Review of Oil Import Controls 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 8: Environmental Quality Control 8-1-69 [1 of 2]
Councils& Committees 8: Environmental Quality Control 8-1-69 [2 of 2]
Councils & Committees: Cabinet Committee on Veterans 8-1-69 (Empty)
Councils & Committees 10: Domestic Plans Group
Councils & Committees 12: Science Advisory Council 1969
Education 8-1-69 [1 of 5]
Education 8-1-69 [2 of 5]
Education 8-1-69 [3 of 5]
Education 8-1-69 [4 of 5]
Education 8-1-69 [5 of 5]
Education 1: Buildings, Grounds, Facilities 8-1-69
Education 3: Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants 8-1-69
Education 6: Student Unrest 8-1-69
Environment 8-1-69
Environment 2: Water Pollution 8-1-69

Box 44

Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 8-1-69
Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 1: Indians 8-1-69
Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 2: Mexican-Americans 8-1-69
Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 4: Working Poor/ Lower Middle Class 8-1-69
Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 3: Negroes 8-1-69
Ethnic & Socio-Economic Groups 5: Jews 8-1-69
Federal City College
Federal Aid 1: Revenue Sharing 8-1-69
Federal Aid 2: Urbank 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 5-1-2: Contracts 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 5-2-1: Federal Agency Field Structures 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 6: Executive Office of the President 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 10: The Cabinet 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 10-1: Cabinet Meetings 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 31-1: Congressional Relations 8-1-69
Federal Government-Organizations 33: House Committees 8-1-69
Finance 2: Banks-Banking 8-1-69
Finance 4: Budget Appropriations 8-1-69
Finance 11: Taxation 8-1-69
Foreign Affairs 3: Economic-Technical Development 8-1-69
Foreign Affairs 5: Information Exchange Activities 8-1-69
Foreign Affairs 8: International Travel 8-1-69
Health Diseases 8-1-69
Health Food-Nutrition 8-1-69
Health Hunger and Malnutrition 8-1-69
Health Drug Addiction (New York Times Series)
Health Narcotics [1 of 2]
Heath Narcotics [2 of 2]
Health Hospitals-Medical Care 8-1-69
Health Research 8-1-69
Housing Public Housing Programs [1 of 3]
Housing Public Housing Programs [2 of 3]
Housing Public Housing Programs [3 of 3]
Housing Construction 8-1-69
Housing Finance [1 of 7]
Housing Finance [2 of 7]
Housing Finance [3 of 7]
Housing Finance [4 of 7]
Housing Finance [5 of 7]
Housing Finance [6 of 7]
Housing Finance [7 of 7]

Box 45

Insurance 8-1-69
Judicial- Legal Matters 8-1-69
Judicial-Legal Matters: Crime 8-1-69
Judicial-Legal Matters: Civil Disturbances, Riots, Disorders 8-1-69
Judicial-Legal Matters: Police 8-1-69
Land 8-1-69
Local Governments 8-1-69
Local Governments: Model Cities 8-1-69 [1 of 4]
Local Governments: Model Cities 8-1-69 [2 of 4]
Local Governments: Model Cities 8-1-69 [3 of 4]
Local Governments: Model Cities 8-1-69 [4 of 4]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [1 of 6]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [2 of 6]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [3 of 6]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [4 of 6]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [5 of 6]
Local Governments: New Towns 8-1-69 [6 of 6]
Local Governments: District of Columbia 8-1-69
Local Governments: Pennsylvania Avenue 8-1-69
Meetings-Conferences 8-1-69 [1 of 4]
Meetings-Conferences 8-1-69 [2 of 4]
Meetings-Conferences 8-1-69 [3 of 4]
Meetings-Conferences 8-1-69 [4 of 4]
Meetings-Conferences: Invitations 8-1-69 [1 of 5]
Meetings-Conferences: Invitations 8-1-69 [2 of 5]
Meetings-Conferences: Invitations 8-1-69 [3 of 5]
Meetings-Conferences: Invitations 8-1-69 [4 of 5]
Meetings-Conferences: Invitations 8-1-69 [5 of 5]
Meeting: Schreiber Interview 8-21-69

Box 46

Migration 8-1-69
Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
National Security-Defense 8-1-69
National Security-Defense: ABM 8-1-69
National Security-Defense: Military Personnel 8-1-69
National Security-Defense: Conscription 8-1-69
National Security-Defense: Peace 8-1-69
Political Affairs-Voting 8-1-69
Presidential Directives 8-1-69
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [1 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [2 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [3 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [4 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [5 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [6 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [7 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [8 of 9]
Presidential Directives-Action Memos 8-1-69 [9 of 9]
Presidential Directives 2: Presidential Instructions 8-1-69
Presidential Memos (To and From) 8-1-69
Presidential Memos 1: Vice President’s Memos 8-1-69
Public Relations 8-1-69
Public Relations 2: Commendations 8-1-69
Public Relations 6: Publicity 8-1-69
Public Relations 6-1: Press, Radio, and TV 8-1-69
Public Relations 6-2: Presidential Messages 8-1-69
Public Relations 6-3: Press Conferences 8-1-69
Public Relations 8-1-1: Presidential Messages to Congress 8-1-69 [1 of 5]
Public Relations 8-1-1: Presidential Messages to Congress 8-1-69 [2 of 5]
Public Relations 8-1-1: Presidential Messages to Congress 8-1-69 [3 of 5]
Public Relations 8-1-1: Presidential Messages to Congress 8-1-69 [4 of 5]
Public Relations 8-1-1: Presidential Messages to Congress 8-1-69 [5 of 5]
Public Relations 8: Speeches 8-1-69
Public Relations (PR) 10: Polls 8-1-69
Reports-Statistics: DPM 8-1-69 [1 of 2]
Reports-Statistics: DPM 8-1-69 [2 of 2]

Box 47

Reports-Statistics 2: Census 8-1-69 [1 of 2]
Reports-Statistics 2: Census 8-1-69 [2 of 2]
Reports-Statistics 2-1: Demography 8-1-69
Reports-Statistics 4: Vital Statistics 8-1-69 [1 of 2]
Reports-Statistics 4: Vital Statistics 8-1-69 [2 of 2]
Safety-Accident Prevention 8-1-69
Sciences 8-1-69 [1 of 4]
Sciences 8-1-69 [2 of 4]
Sciences 8-1-69 [3 of 4]
Sciences 8-1-69 [4 of 4]
Transportation 8-1-69
Transportation 7: Water 8-1-69
Transportation 8: Mass Transit 8-1-69
Urban Affairs 8-1-69 [1 of 3]
Urban Affairs 8-1-69 [2 of 3]
Urban Affairs 8-1-69 [3 of 3]
Urban Affairs 2: Research 8-1-69
Veterans Affairs 8-1-69
Veteran’s Affairs 3: Educational Programs 8-1-69 [1 of 2]
Veterans’ Affairs 3: Educational Programs 8-1-69 [2 of 2]
Welfare 8-1-69 [1 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [2 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [3 of 8]

Box 48

Welfare 8-1-69 [4 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [5 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [6 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [7 of 8]
Welfare 8-1-69 [8 of 8]
Welfare 1: Children 8-1-69
Welfare 1-1: Day Care 8-1-69
Welfare 1-2: Child Development 8-1-69
Welfare 1-3: Foster Care 8-1-69
Welfare 3: Family Planning 8-1-69
Welfare 3-2: Family Planning (Population Commission-Legislative) (Empty)
Welfare 3-3: Family Planning (Population Commission-Legislative) (Empty)
Welfare 9: Youth Programs 8-1-69
Welfare 10: Poverty Programs 8-1-69
Welfare 10-1: Project Head Start 8-1-69
Welfare 10-4: Work Incentive Program (WIN) 8-1-69
Welfare 11: National Goals 8-1-69 [1 of 4]
Welfare 11: National Goals 8-1-69 [2 of 4]
Welfare 11: National Goals 8-1-69 [3 of 4]
Welfare 11: National Goals 8-1-69 [4 of 4]
Welfare 12: Income Maintenance Programs 8-1-69
Welfare 12-1: Family Security System 8-1-69 [1 of 3]
Welfare 12-1: Family Security System 8-1-69 [2 of 3]
Welfare 12-1: Family Security System 8-1-69 [3 of 3]
Welfare 14: Social and Domestic Involvement and Research 8-1-69
Welfare 15: Family Assistance Program 8-1-69 [1 of 5]
Welfare 15: Family Assistance Program 8-1-69 [2 of 5]
Welfare 15: Family Assistance Program 8-1-69 [3 of 5]

Box 49

Welfare 15: Family Assistance Program 8-1-69 [4 of 5]
Welfare 15: Family Assistance Program 8-1-69 [5 of 5]
Welfare 15-1: Press Reaction 8-1-69 [1 of 4]
Welfare 15-1: Press Reaction 8-1-69 [2 of 4]
Welfare 15-1: Press Reaction 8-1-69 [3 of 4]
Welfare 15-1: Press Reaction 8-1-69 [4 of 4]
Welfare 15-3: Legislation
Welfare 16: O.E.O [1 of 2]
Welfare 16: O.E.O [2 of 2]

Sub-Series C: Family Assistance Plan (FAP)

“A Study of the AFDC Program” (HEW, December 1969)
Bills- HR16311 (FAP) HR 17550 (Social Security)
Benefits Available to Four- Person Female- Headed Families
Brief Description FAP [1 of 3]
Brief Description FAP [2 of 3]
Brief Description FAP [3 of 3]
“Canty” Article [1 of 2]      
“Canty” Article [2 of 2]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [1 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [2 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [3 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [4 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [5 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [6 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [7 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [8 of 9]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP April thru July 1970 [9 of 9]

Box 50

Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [1 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [2 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [3 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [4 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [5 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [6 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [7 of 8]
Clips RE Welfare & FAP August thru December 1970 [8 of 8]
Correspondence (FAP) [1 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [2 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [3 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [4 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [5 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [6 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [7 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [8 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [9 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [10 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [11 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [12 of 13]
Correspondence (FAP) [13 of 13]
Congressional Record Statements
FAP Fact Sheet Background Material (24 October 1969)
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [1 of 6]
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [2 of 6]
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [3 of 6]
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [4 of 6]
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [5 of 6]
FAP Reports (from Don Webster) [6 of 6]
Health Insurance Assistance Act of 1970 (Draft)
Impact of FAP- Illinois
Katz/ Moynihan Exchange (The New Republic)
Moynihan Speeches (Salt Lake; urban coalition; ANPA)
Organizations “for” FAP [1 of 2]
Organizations “for” FAP [2 of 2]

Box 51

Presidents Statements 10 June & 28 Aug 1970
Proposed Legislature- FAP (HEW- Oct 1969) [1 of 3]
Proposed Legislature- FAP (HEW- Oct 1969) [2 of 3]
Proposed Legislature- FAP (HEW- Oct 1969) [3 of 3]
Statements/ Proceedings (Senate Finance Committee) [1 of 4]
Statements/ Proceedings (Senate Finance Committee) [2 of 4]
Statements/ Proceedings (Senate Finance Committee) [3 of 4]
Statements/ Proceedings (Senate Finance Committee) [4 of 4]
Summary of Public Attitudes (FAP) [1 of 3]
Summary of Public Attitudes (FAP) [2 of 3]
Summary of Public Attitudes (FAP) [3 of 3]
“Training & Jobs for the Urban Poor” (CED, 20 May 1970) [1 of 2]
“Training & Jobs for the Urban Poor” (CED, 20 May 1970) [2 of 2]
Workfare Proposal (Sen. Bennett)
Notebook [1 of 2]
Notebook [2 of 2]

Sub-Series D: Papers Submitted to Dr. Moynihan

Box 52

Assassination and Political Violence [1 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [2 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [3 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [4 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [5 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [6 of 7]
Assassination and Political Violence [7 of 7]
Automobile Insurance…for whose benefit?
Citizen Participation in Probation Programs (Assorted Documents)
Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy [1 of 3]
Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy [2 of 3]
Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy [3 of 3]
Commission Statement on Assassination
Commission Statement on Violence and Law Enforcement
Community Profiles [1 of 2]
Community Profiles [2 of 2]
Concerned Citizens and a City Criminal Court I
Concerned Citizens and a City Criminal Court II
Department of Housing and Urban Development Statement on Proposals to Amend Tax Rules on Real Estate Accelerated Depreciation
Economic Indicators (August 1969)
The Economics of the Tax Bill
The Evaluation of Equality of Educational Opportunity
Evaluating Social Action Programs

Box 53

Federal Evaluation Policy [1 of 6]
Federal Evaluation Policy [2 of 6]
Federal Evaluation Policy [3 of 6]
Federal Evaluation Policy [4 of 6]
Federal Evaluation Policy [5 of 6]
Federal Evaluation Policy [6 of 6]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) I [1 of 4]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) I [2 of 4]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) I [3 of 4]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) I [4 of 4]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) II [1 of 3]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) II [2 of 3]
Foundations and the Tax Bill (H.R. 13270) II [3 of 3]
Foundations and the Unity of Charitable Organizations [1 of 3]
Foundations and the Unity of Charitable Organizations [2 of 3]
Foundations and the Unity of Charitable Organizations [3 of 3]
Harvard Educational Review Vol. 40, No. 1 Feb. 1970

Box 54

H.R. 13270 (Changes in Private Foundation Provisions) [1 of 4]
H.R. 13270 (Changes in Private Foundation Provisions) [2 of 4]
H.R. 13270 (Changes in Private Foundation Provisions) [3 of 4]
H.R. 13270 (Changes in Private Foundation Provisions) [4 of 4]
H.R. 13270:  Explanation of Proposed New Definition of “Private Foundation”
Impact of the Tax Reform Bill (H.R. 13270) on Urban Areas
Interracial Climates and Achievement
Law and Order Reconsidered:  A Staff Report to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
Major OEO Impact Evaluations Currently Underway
The Measurement of Educational Opportunity
Memorandum NS-125:  The Urgent Need for Experimentation
Metropolitan Development:  Community Profiles
Metropolitan Development:  Metropolitan Indicators Research
Metropolitan Development:  Metropolitan Profiles Project
Metropolitan Indicators Project, Administrative and Political Indicators [1 of 3]
Metropolitan Indicators Project, Administrative and Political Indicators [2 of 3]
Metropolitan Indicators Project, Administrative and Political Indicators [3 of 3]
Mexican Americans and the Administration of Justice in the Southwest
Models of the Educational Process:  A Sociologist’s Perspective
National Program for Voluntary Action
Participation and Poverty

Box 55

Politics and Research:  The Evaluation of Large Scale Social Action Programs in Education
The Politics of Evaluation:  The Case of Head Start
The Pre-Retirement Years (Labor Market Study) [1 of 5]
The Pre-Retirement Years (Labor Market Study) [2 of 5]
The Pre-Retirement Years (Labor Market Study) [3 of 5]
The Pre-Retirement Years (Labor Market Study) [4 of 5]
The Pre-Retirement Years (Labor Market Study) [5 of 5]
Program on Regional and Urban Economics [1 of 2]
Program on Regional and Urban Economics [2 of 2]
A Proposal to Disseminate the Concept of Court Volunteer Probation Programs
Proposed Amendments Relating to Foundations (H.R. 13270)
The Quality of the Data Collected in the Equality of Educational Opportunity Survey [1 of 2]
The Quality of the Data Collected in the Equality of Educational Opportunity Survey [2 of 2]
Race and the Outcomes of Schooling
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [1 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [2 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [3 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [4 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [5 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [6 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [7 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [8 of 11]

Box 56

Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [9of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [10 of 11]
Report of the Urban Center Curriculum Project [11 of 11]
School and Family Effects on Black and White Achievement:  A Re-examination of the USOE Data [1 of 2]
School and Family Effects on Black and White Achievement:  A Re-examination of the USOE Data [2 of 2]
Some Thoughts About Future Studies [1 of 2]
Some Thoughts About Future Studies [2 of 2]
The Sources of Student Rebellion [1 of 2]
The Sources of Student Rebellion [2 of 2]
Special Report to the Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan on Conditions in the District of Columbia Public School System [1 of 4]
Special Report to the Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan on Conditions in the District of Columbia Public School System [2 of 4]
Special Report to the Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan on Conditions in the District of Columbia Public School System [3 of 4]
Special Report to the Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan on Conditions in the District of Columbia Public School System [4 of 4]
A Survey of the Employment Status of Mentally Retarded Adults in New York City
Symposium – Project Head Start:  A National Evaluation
Tax Incentives for Social Objectives
Tax Reform Act of 1969:  Supplemental Report (House Ways and Means Committee) [1 of 2]
Tax Reform Act of 1969:  Supplemental Report (House Ways and Means Committee) [2 of 2]
Tax Reform Proposals [1 of 5]
Tax Reform Proposals [2 of 5]
Tax Reform Proposals [3of 5]
Tax Reform Proposals [4 of 5]
Tax Reform Proposals [5 of 5]

Box 57

Toward Defining Equality of Educational Opportunity
The Training of Tool and Die Makers
The Two-Year Compensatory Program of the College of Basic Studies:  Implications of a Successful Model
Unknown [1 of 3]
Unknown [2 of 3]
Unknown [3 of 3]
Unknown 2 [1 of 2]
Unknown 2 [2 of 2]
Upward Bound 1965 – 1969 [1 of 4]
Upward Bound 1965 – 1969 [2 of 4]
Upward Bound 1965 – 1969 [3 of 4]
Upward Bound 1965 – 1969 [4 of 4]
Urban Action Clearinghouse Case Study No. 12:  Indianapolis Chamber Leads in Upgrading Police Quality

Series IV: Council for Urban Affairs (CUA)

Sub-Series A: Action Memos

Box 58

Action Memos:  March, Feb., 1969 [1 of 4]
Action Memos:  March, Feb., 1969 [2 of 4]
Action Memos:  March, Feb., 1969 [3 of 4]
Action Memos:  March, Feb., 1969 [4 of 4]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [1 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [2 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [3 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [4 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [5 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [6 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [7 of 8]
Action Memos:  April, 1969 [8 of 8]
Action Memos:  May, 1969 [1 of 3]
Action Memos:  May, 1969 [2 of 3]
Action Memos:  May, 1969 [3 of 3]
Action Memos:  June, 1969 [1 of 3]
Action Memos:  June, 1969 [2 of 3]
Action Memos:  June, 1969 [3 of 3]

Box 59

Action Memos:  July, 1969 [1 of 3]
Action Memos:  July, 1969 [2 of 3]
Action Memos:  July, 1969 [3 of 3]
Action Memos:  August, 1969 [1 of 3]
Action Memos:  August, 1969 [2 of 3]
Action Memos:  August, 1969 [3 of 3]
Action Memos:  Sept., 1969 [1 of 3]
Action Memos:  Sept., 1969 [2 of 3]
Action Memos:  Sept., 1969 [3 of 3]
Action Memos:  Oct., 1969 [1 of 4]
Action Memos:  Oct., 1969 [2 of 4]
Action Memos:  Oct., 1969 [3 of 4]
Action Memos:  Oct., 1969 [4 of 4]

Sub-Series B: Subject File

Box 60

Administration (Empty)
Administration 1 Personnel [1 of 2]
Administration 1 Personnel [2 of 2]
Administration 1-3 Interns Program
Administration 2 Office Methods [1 of 2]
Administration 2 Office Methods [2 of 2]
Administration 2 [1 of 3]
Administration 2 [2 of 3]
Administration 2 [3 of 3]
Administration 5 Staff Memoranda
Administration 7 Supplies & Equipment
Administration 7-1 Reproduction Services
Administration 8 Travel – Arthur Klebanoff
Administration 8 Travel – Michael Monroe
Business Economics 3 Economic Controls [1 of 2]
Business Economics 3 Economic Controls [2 of 2]
Business – Economics 4 Industry
Business – Economics 5-1 Business Trends
Business – Economics 5-2 Cost of Living
Business – Economics 5-4 National Incomes
Business – Economics 5-3 Inflation
Civil Aviation (CA) [1 of 2]
Civil Aviation (CA) [2 of 2]
Civil Rights (CI) [1 of 2]
Civil Rights (CI) [2 of 2]

Box 61

Civil Rights Citizenship
Civil Rights Equality 2 [1 of 4]
Civil Rights Equality 2 [2 of 4]
Civil Rights Equality 2 [3 of 4]
Civil Rights Equality 2 [4 of 4]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [1 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [2 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [3 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [4 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [5 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [6 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-1 Education-Schooling [7 of 7]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [1 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [2 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [3 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [4 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [5 of 12]

Box 62

Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [6 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [7 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [8 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [9 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [10 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [11 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-2 Employment [12 of 12]
Civil Rights 2-3 Housing
Commission on Civil Rights [1 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [2 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [3 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [4 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [5 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [6 of 7]
Commission on Civil Rights [7 of 7]
Commission on Federal Statistics [1 of 2]
Commission on Federal Statistics [2 of 2]
Environment (EN)
Environment 1 Air Pollution

Box 63

Environment 2 Water Pollution
Environment 3 Noise
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (FG) [1 of 3]
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (FG) [2 of 3]
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (FG) [3 of 3]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 1 Indians [1 of 3]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 1 Indians [2 of 3]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 1 Indians [3 of 3]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 1 Indians – Bureau of Indian Affairs, Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers Closure Statistics
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 1 Indians – Bureau of Indian Affairs, Kicking Horse Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 2 Mexican-Americans
Ethnic-Socio-Economic Groups (ET 2) Mexican-Americans [1 of 5]
Ethnic-Socio-Economic Groups (ET 2) Mexican-Americans [2 of 5]
Ethnic-Socio-Economic Groups (ET 2) Mexican-Americans [3 of 5]
Ethnic-Socio-Economic Groups (ET 2) Mexican-Americans [4 of 5]
Ethnic-Socio-Economic Groups (ET 2) Mexican-Americans [5 of 5]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [1 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [2 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [3 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [4 of 9]

Box 64

Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [5 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [6 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [7 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [8 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3:  Negroes [9 of 9]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3-1:  Militants [1 of 2]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 3-1:  Militants [2 of 2]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 4:  Working Poor-Lower Middle Class
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 5:  Jewish [1 of 4]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 5:  Jewish [2 of 4]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 5:  Jewish [3 of 4]
Ethnic and Socio-Economic Groups 5:  Jewish [4 of 4]
Federal Advisory Council on Regional Economic Development
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [1 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [2 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [3 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [4 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [5 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [6 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [7 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [8 of 9]
Federal Aid 1:  Revenue Sharing [9 of 9]

Box 65

Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [1 of 6]
Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [2 of 6]
Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [3 of 6]
Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [4 of 6]
Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [5 of 6]
Federal Government:  Organization (FG) [6 of 6]
Federal Government 1-1:  Delegation of Authority
Federal Government 1-2:  Personal Representative (Empty)
Federal Government 1-3:  Executive Orders
Federal Government 2 [1 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [2 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [3 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [4 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [5 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [6 of 7]
Federal Government 2 [7 of 7]
Federal Government 2:  Small Business Administration [1 of 4]
Federal Government 2:  Small Business Administration [2 of 4]
Federal Government 2:  Small Business Administration [3 of 4]
Federal Government 2:  Small Business Administration [4 of 4]
Federal Government 3:  Transition to Incoming Administration
Federal Government 4:  Ethical Practices, Code of (Empty)
Federal Government 5:  Executive Branch (Empty)
Federal Government 5-1:  Procurement (Empty)
Federal Govern. – Organ. (FG) Proposals 5-1-1 (Empty)
Federal Government 5-1-1 Proposals [1 of 2]

Box 66

Federal Government 5-1-1 Proposals [2 of 2]
Federal Government 5-1-2 Contracts
Federal Government 5-2
Federal Government FG 5-2 (Ash Council) [1 of 2]
Federal Government FG 5-2 (Ash Council) [2 of 2]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [1 of 6]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [2 of 6]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [3 of 6]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [4 of 6]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [5 of 6]
Federal Government 5-2 Reorganization [6 of 6]
Federal Govern. – Organ. (FG) Federal Agency Field Structure 5-2-1
Federal Government 5-2-1 Federal Agency Field Structure [1 of 5]
Federal Government 5-2-1 Federal Agency Field Structure [2 of 5]
Federal Government 5-2-1 Federal Agency Field Structure [3 of 5]
Federal Government 5-2-1 Federal Agency Field Structure [4 of 5]

Box 67

Federal Government 5-2-1 Federal Agency Field Structure [5 of 5]
Federal Government 5-3 Decentralization (Empty)
Federal Government FG 6 (Bureau of the Budget) [1 of 4]
Federal Government FG 6 (Bureau of the Budget) [2 of 4]
Federal Government FG 6 (Bureau of the Budget) [3 of 4]
Federal Government FG 6 (Bureau of the Budget) [4 of 4]
Federal Government 6 Executive Office of the President [1 of 2]
Federal Government 6 Executive Office of the President [2 of 2]
Federal Government 6 White House Fellows Program [1 of 2]
Federal Government 6 White House Fellows Program [2 of 2]
Federal Government 10 The Cabinet
Federal Government 10-1 Cabinet Meetings (Empty)
Federal Government 31 Congress of the United States
Federal Government 31-1 Congressional Relations (Empty)
Federal Government 31-1-2 Congressional Relations [1 of 3]
Federal Government 31-1-2 Congressional Relations [2 of 3]
Federal Government 31-1-2 Congressional Relations [3 of 3]
Federal Government 32 House of Representatives (Empty)
Federal Government 33 House Committees
Federal Government 35 Senate (Empty)
Federal Government 36 Senate Committees (Empty)
Federal Government 38 Task Forces
Federal Government Federal Trade Commission [1 of 2]
Federal Government Federal Trade Commission [2 of 2]
Finance (FI)
Finance 4 Budget-Appropriations [1 of 2]
Finance 4 Budget-Appropriations [2 of 2]
Foreign Affairs 4 Financial Relations
Foreign Affairs 5-1 Educational [1 of 3]

Box 68

Foreign Affairs 5-1 Educational [2 of 3]
Foreign Affairs 5-1 Educational [3 of 3]
Health 3 Food-Nutrition [1 of 4]
Health 3 Food-Nutrition [2 of 4]
Health 3 Food-Nutrition [3 of 4]
Health 3 Food-Nutrition [4 of 4]
Health 3-3 Malnutrition and Brain Damage Mental Retardation [1 of 2]
Health 3-3 Malnutrition and Brain Damage Mental Retardation [2 of 2]
Health 3-3 Malnutrition and Brain Damage, Material for DPM speech April 15 Mental Retardation [1 of 2]
Health 3-3 Malnutrition and Brain Damage, Material for DPM speech April 15 Mental Retardation [2 of 2]
Health 5 Medicines-Drugs-Serums
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [1 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [2 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [3 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [4 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [5 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [6 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [7 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [8 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [9 of 10]
Health 5-1 Narcotics, Narcotics-General (HE5-1) [10 of 10]
Health 6 Hospitals-Medical Care

Box 69

Health 8 Research
Housing ’69 [1 of 2]
Housing ’69 [2 of 2]
Human Rights Commission
Insurance (IS) [1 of 4]
Insurance (IS) [2 of 4]
Insurance (IS) [3 of 4]
Insurance (IS) [4 of 4]
Insurance IS 2 [1 of 2]
Insurance IS 2 [2 of 2]
Job Therapy for Prisoners and Parolees […]
Judicial-Legal Matters (JL) [1 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters (JL) [2 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 2 Civil Matters [1 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 2 Civil Matters [2 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [1 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [2 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [3 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [4 of 12]

Box 70

Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [5 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [6 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [7 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [8 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [9 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [10 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [11 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3 Crime [12 of 12]
Judicial-Legal Crime (2) 3 [1 of 4]
Judicial-Legal Crime (2) 3 [2 of 4]
Judicial-Legal Crime (2) 3 [3 of 4]
Judicial-Legal Crime (2) 3 [4 of 4]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3-1 Rehabilitation [1 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 3-1 Rehabilitation [2 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 5 Juvenile Delinquency
Judicial-Legal Matters 6 Police [1 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 6 Police [2 of 2]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [1 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [2 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [3 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [4 of 10]

Box 71

Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [5 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [6 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [7 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [8 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [9 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7 Civil Disturbances, riots, disorders [10 of 10]
Judicial-Legal Matters 7-1 Strikes
Land (LA)
Local Governments (LG) [1 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [2 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [3 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [4 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [5 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [6 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [7 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [8 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [9 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [10 of 12]
Local Governments (LG) [11 of 12]

Box 72

Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [1 of 6]
Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [2 of 6]
Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [3 of 6]
Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [4 of 6]
Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [5 of 6]
Local Governments (LG) 1 Model Cities [6 of 6]
Local Government – Atlanta
Local Government – Baltimore
Local Government – Bedford-Stuyvesant
Local Government – Brooklyn Model Cities Plan
Local Government – Charleston, S.C.
Local Government – Charlotte, N.C.  [1 of 3]
Local Government – Charlotte, N.C.  [2 of 3]
Local Government – Charlotte, N.C.  [3 of 3]
Local Government – Chicago
Local Government – Dayton – Project 2000 [1 of 2]
Local Government – Dayton – Project 2000 [2 of 2]
Local Governments D.C. 1969 [1 of 6]
Local Governments D.C. 1969 [2 of 6]
Local Governments D.C. 1969 [3 of 6]

Box 73

Local Governments D.C. 1969 [4 of 6]
Local Governments D.C. 1969 [5 of 6]
Local Governments D.C. 1969 [6 of 6]
Local Governments D.C. Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [1 of 2]
Local Governments D.C. Pennsylvania Avenue Commission [2 of 2]
Local Governments – Denver
Local Governments (LG) – Newark
Local Government New York [1 of 4]
Local Government New York [2 of 4]
Local Government New York [3 of 4]
Local Government New York [4 of 4]
Local Government (LG) Pittsburgh [2 of 2]
Local Government (LG) Pittsburgh [2 of 2]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [1 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [2 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [3 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [4 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [5 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [6 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [7 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [8 of 10]

Box 74

Meetings – Conferences (MC) [9 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) [10 of 10]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) Governor’s Conference February 27, 1969 [1 of 2]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) Governor’s Conference February 27, 1969 [2 of 2]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) Mayors’ Mtg 10am Thurs., April 24
Meetings – Conferences (MC) Urban League of Rochester, NY:  JRP October 22, 1969 [1 of 2]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) Urban League of Rochester, NY:  JRP October 22, 1969 [2 of 2]
Meetings – Conferences (MC) U.S. Catholic Conference
Meetings – Conferences (MC) White House Conference on Children and Youth
Meetings – Conferences 1 Invitations
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [1 of 6]
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [2 of 6]
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [3 of 6]
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [4 of 6]
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [5 of 6]
Meetings – Conferences 2 Chamber of Commerce [6 of 6]
Meetings and conferences (MC) California 10/7/69 [1 of 3]
Meetings and conferences (MC) California 10/7/69 [2 of 3]
Meetings and conferences (MC) California 10/7/69 [3 of 3]
Memos – Anderson – CUA
Memos – Anderson – Hess
Memos – Blumenthal – CUA
Memos – Bob – CUA
Memos – Brown – DPM
Memos – Bull – DPM
Memos – Butterfield – DPM

Box 75

Memos – Chapin DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – Chapin DPM [2 of 2]
Memos – Cole – DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – Cole – DPM [2 of 2]
Memos:  CUA – Agencies (Empty)
Memos – CUA – DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – CUA – DPM [2 of 2]
Memos – DeMuth – CUA
Memos – Dent – DPM
Memos – DuBridge DPM
Memos – Ehrlichman Price
Memos – Ellsworth – DPM
Memos – Finn – CUA [1 of 2]
Memos – Finn – CUA [2 of 2]
Memos – Fischbein – CUA [1 of 2]
Memos – Fischbein – CUA [2 of 2]
Memos – Flanagan – DPM [1 of 3]
Memos – Flanagan – DPM [2 of 3]
Memos – Flanagan – DPM [3 of 3]
Memos – Garment DPM
Memos – Goggin – CUA
Memos – Haldeman DPM
Memos – Haldeman Price
Memos – Harlow DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – Harlow DPM [2 of 2]
Memos – Harlow Price
Memos – Hess – CUA
Memos – HEW – CUA
Memos – Higby DPM
Memos – H.U.D. – CUA
Memos – Inter-Council (CUA) [Empty]
Memos – Justice – CUA
Memos – Keogh – DPM
Memos – Klebanoff – CUA
Memos – Klein – DPM
Memos – Klein – Hess
Memos – Labor
Memos – Miller – CUA
Memos – Monroe – CUA [1 of 3]

Box 76

Memos – Monroe – CUA [2 of 3]
Memos – Monroe – CUA [3 of 3]
Memos – Morgan – DPM, Hess
Memos – OEO
Memos – Others [1 of 5]
Memos – Others [2 of 5]
Memos – Others [3 of 5]
Memos – Others [4 of 5]
Memos – Others [5 of 5]
Memos – Presidential Staff CUA
Memos – Price – CUA [1 of 3]
Memos – Price – CUA [2 of 3]
Memos – Price – CUA [3 of 3]
Memos – Price, R. – DPM
Memos – Raines – CUA [1 of 2]
Memos – Raines – CUA [2 of 2]
Memos – Sloan – DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – Sloan – DPM [2 of 2]
Memos – Toner – DPM
Memos – Whitaker – DPM [1 of 2]
Memos – Whitaker – DPM [2 of 2]
Memos – Whitehead – DPM
Memos – Wilkinson, J. – DPM
Memos – Ziegler – DPM
Migration (MI) [1 of 9]
Migration (MI) [2 of 9]
Migration (MI) [3 of 9]
Migration (MI) [4 of 9]
Migration (MI) [5 of 9]

Box 77

Migration (MI) [6 of 9]
Migration (MI) [7 of 9]
Migration (MI) [8 of 9]
Migration (MI) [9 of 9]
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity [1 of 3]
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity [2 of 3]
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity [3 of 3]
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children [1 of 5]
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children [2 of 5]
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children [3 of 5]
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children [4 of 5]
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children [5 of 5]
National Advisory Council on Educations Professions Development [1 of 2]
National Advisory Council on Educations Professions Development [2 of 2]
National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education [1 of 2]
National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education [2 of 2]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [1 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [2 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [3 of 7]

Box 78

National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [4 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [5 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [6 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services [7 of 7]
National Advisory Council on Vocational Education [1 of 2]
National Advisory Council on Vocational Education [2 of 2]
National Commission on the Governance of Universities (FG) [1 of 3]
National Commission on the Governance of Universities (FG) [2 of 3]
National Commission on the Governance of Universities (FG) [3 of 3]
National Commission on Urban Problems (FG)
National Security 3 ABM
National Security 8-3 Conscription [1 of 4]
National Security 8-3 Conscription [2 of 4]
National Security 8-3 Conscription [3 of 4]
National Security 8-3 Conscription [4 of 4]
National Security 18 Wars
National Security 18-1 Peace [1 of 5]
National Security 18-1 Peace [2 of 5]
National Security 18-1 Peace [3 of 5]
National Security 18-1 Peace [4 of 5]
National Security 18-1 Peace [5 of 5]
Political Affairs 3 Messages

Box 79

Political Affairs PL 5-2-1 Americans for Democratic Action [1 of 3]
Political Affairs PL 5-2-1 Americans for Democratic Action [2 of 3]
Political Affairs PL 5-2-1 Americans for Democratic Action [3 of 3]
Political Affairs 5-4 Republican Party [1 of 2]
Political Affairs 5-4 Republican Party [2 of 2]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [1 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [2 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [3 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [4 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [5 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1 Republican National Committee [6 of 6]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [1 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [2 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [3 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [4 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [5 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [6 of 13]

Box 80

Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [7 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [8 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [9 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [10 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [11 of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [12of 13]
Political Affairs 5-4-1-1 Republican National Committee – Minorities Division [13 of 13]
Political Affairs 8 Voting
Politics – 69
Presidential Directives (PD) [1 of 4]
Presidential Directives (PD) [2 of 4]
Presidential Directives (PD) [3 of 4]
Presidential Directives (PD) [4 of 4]
Raines Notes:  Review of Presidential Advisory Groups [1 of 4]
Raines Notes:  Review of Presidential Advisory Groups [2 of 4]
Raines Notes:  Review of Presidential Advisory Groups [3 of 4]
Raines Notes:  Review of Presidential Advisory Groups [4 of 4]
Reports and Statistics 1 Annual Non-Governmental [1 of 3]
Reports and Statistics 1 Annual Non-Governmental [2 of 3]
Reports and Statistics 1 Annual Non-Governmental [3 of 3]
Reports and Statistics 2 Census [1 of 4]
Reports and Statistics 2 Census [2 of 4]
Reports and Statistics 2 Census [3 of 4]
Reports and Statistics 2 Census [4 of 4]

Box 81

Reports and Statistics 2-1 Demography
Reports and Statistics 3 Governmental Reports [1 of 2]
Reports and Statistics 3 Governmental Reports [2 of 2]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [1 of 6]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [2 of 6]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [3 of 6]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [4 of 6]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [5 of 6]
Reports and Statistics 4 Vital Statistics [6 of 6]
Sciences (SC) [1 of 2]
Sciences (SC) [2 of 2]
Science 1 Space Program [1 of 3]
Science 1 Space Program [2 of 3]
Science 1 Space Program [3 of 3]
Transportation 1 Highways [1 of 2]
Transportation 1 Highways [2 of 2]
Transportation 2 Interurban
Transportation 8 Mass Transit [1 of 3]

Box 82

Transportation 8 Mass Transit [2 of 3]
Transportation 8 Mass Transit [3 of 3]
Urban Affairs (UA) [1 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [2 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [3 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [4 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [5 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [6 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [7 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [8 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [9 of 10]
Urban Affairs (UA) [10 of 10]
Urban Affairs 1 Voluntary Action [1 of 5]
Urban Affairs 1 Voluntary Action [2 of 5]
Urban Affairs 1 Voluntary Action [3 of 5]
Urban Affairs 1 Voluntary Action [4 of 5]
Urban Affairs 1 Voluntary Action [5 of 5]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [1 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [2 of 8]

Box 83

Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [3 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [4 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [5 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [6 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [7 of 8]
Urban Affairs (UA) 1 Voluntary Activity (Raines) [8 of 8]
Urban Affairs 2 [1 of 2]
Urban Affairs 2 [2 of 2]         
Urban Affairs 2 Research [1 of 4]
Urban Affairs 2 Research [2 of 4]
Urban Affairs 2 Research [3 of 4]
Urban Affairs 2 Research [4 of 4]
Urban Affairs 2 Voluntary Action 1 (Empty)
Urban Affairs (UA) 4 Urban Coalition
Urban Affairs (UA) 5 Urban America [1 of 3]
Urban Affairs (UA) 5 Urban America [2 of 3]
Urban Affairs (UA) 5 Urban America [3 of 3]

Box 84

Urban Coalition
Urban Coalition, Urban Coalition Dinner, Monday, May 12, 1969 [1 of 2]
Urban Coalition, Urban Coalition Dinner, Monday, May 12, 1969 [2 of 2]
Voluntary Activity [1 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [2 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [3 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [4 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [5 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [6 of 7]
Voluntary Activity [7 of 7]
Voluntary Activity – HUD
Welfare [1 of 7]
Welfare [2 of 7]
Welfare [3 of 7]
Welfare [4 of 7]

Box 85

Welfare [5 of 7]
Welfare [6 of 7]
Welfare [7 of 7]
Welfare 1 & 1-1 Children
Welfare 1-2 Child Development [1 of 5]
Welfare 1-2 Child Development [2 of 5]
Welfare 1-2 Child Development [3 of 5]
Welfare 1-2 Child Development [4 of 5]
Welfare 1-2 Child Development [5 of 5]
Welfare 1-4 Private Organizations [1 of 3]
Welfare 1-4 Private Organizations [2 of 3]
Welfare 1-4 Private Organizations [3 of 3]
Welfare 2
Welfare 9 Youth Programs [1 of 3]

Box 86

Welfare 9 Youth Programs [2 of 3]
Welfare 9 Youth Programs [3 of 3]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [1 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [2 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [3 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [4 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [5 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [6 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs I [7 of 7]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [1 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [2 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [3 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [4 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [5 of 10]

Box 87

Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [6 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [7 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [8 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [9 of 10]
Welfare 10 Poverty Programs II [10 of 10]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [1 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [2 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [3 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [4 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [5 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [6 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [7 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [8 of 9]
Welfare 13 Peace Corps [9 of 9]
[no folder title] [1 of 4]

Box 88

[no folder title] [2 of 4]
[no folder title] [3 of 4]
[no folder title] [4 of 4]

Sub-Series C: Books and Reports

Box 89

American Urban History edited by Alexander B. Callow, Jr.
Factors Affecting Voter Reactions to Governmental Reorganization in Metropolitan Areas
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health I [1 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health I [2 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health I [3 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health I [4 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health I [5 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health II [1 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health II [2 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health II [3 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health II [4 of 5]
Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health II [5 of 5]

Box 90

The Freeway in the City
Industrial Development Bond Financing
Jobs for America – Economic Development Administration Annual Report Fiscal 1969
Junior Fellowship Program
Launching NASA’s sustaining University Program by W. Henry Lambright
Long-Range Planning for Urban Research and Development Technological Considerations 1968
Metropolitan America:  Challenge to Federalism – Study to Inter-governmental Relations Subcommittee 1966
The NASA University Memoranda of Understanding by Laurin L. Henry
National Evaluation of Project Follow Through 1967 – 1968
Prelude to Organization:  The Kennedy Foreign Aid Message of March 22, 1961 by Edward W. Weidner

Box 91

The Quality of the Urban Environment edited by Harvey S. Perloff
Report to the President of the United States on the 1969 Urban Action Forums
Social and Economic Information for Urban Planning by Doris B. Holleb
A Strategic Approach to Urban Research and Development, Social and Behavioral Science Considerations 1968
The Urban Action Exchange [1 of 3]
The Urban Action Exchange [2 of 3]
The Urban Action Exchange [3 of 3]
Urban Affairs Quarterly Vol. IV, No. 4 June 1969
Urban Research and Development, Social and Behavioral Science and Technological Considerations 1968
Youth in Turmoil



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