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Robert H. Finch

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The Presidential historical materials of Robert H. Finch are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as nonhistorical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   19.5
  • Approximate number of pages:   38,500

Biographical Note

October 9, 1925 Born in Tempe, Arizona

1943-1945 Enlisted in the Marine Corps

1947 Graduated from Occidental College, B.A., Political Science

1951 J.D. University of Southern California

1951-1953 1st Lieutenant, Marine Corps

1953 Founding Partner, Finch, Bell, Duitsman and Margolis

1960 Campaign Manager, Nixon for President

1966-1968 Lieutenant Governor, California

1969-1970 Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

1970-1972 Counsellor to the President

1973 Returned to private life, Partner, McKenna, Fitting, and Finch

From 1969-1972, he served on the following Committees:

  • Urban Affairs Council
  • Committee on Voluntary Action
  • Council on Environmental Quality
  • Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for the Spanish Speaking
  • Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
  • Commission on White House Fellows
  • President's Committee on Mental Retardation
  • President's Committee on the Vietnam Veteran
  • The American Red Cross (Governor)
He is married to the former Carol Crothers and they have four children.

Scope and Content Note

Robert H. Finch was the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1969 to 1970. The file group documents his responsibilities as Counsellor to the President from 1970 to 1972. His primary role was advising President Nixon on domestic issues, and assisting in developing domestic policy. His main areas of concern included: health, youth issues, welfare reform, women's rights, education, economic opportunities for minorities, and voluntary action. Prominent personalities mentioned most frequently include: Staff Assistants George Grassmuck, Charles Lichtenstein, David Frohnmayer, Rayburn Hanzlik, Bonnie Bradbeer, and Warren Hendricks; Counsellor to the President Donald Rumsfeld; John Ehrlichman of the Domestic Council, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Elliot Richardson, Director of Communications Herb Klein, and top officials at the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

There are related materials in the following files:

FG 6-12 Council on Urban Affairs
FG 6-17 Council on Environmental Quality
FG 10 Cabinet
FG 23 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
FG 75 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
FG 145 Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for the Spanish Speaking
FG 147 Interdepartmental Committee on the Status of Women
FG 251 Cabinet Committee on the Environment
FG 252 Cabinet Committee on Voluntary Action
FG 259 National Center for Voluntary Action
FG 288 Commission on Campus Unrest

Series Description

Boxes:   1-14
Series:   Alphabetical Name/Subject File | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains memos, printed materials, correspondence, clippings, lists, schedules, and reports. Main topics include: The American Red Cross, American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, Cabinet Committee on Education, Commission on White House Fellows, and domestic and youth issues. The file is arranged alphabetically by main/subject name.

Boxes:   15-23
Series:   Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for the Spanish Speaking | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains memos, drafts, correspondence, reports, printed materials, and lists relating to the operation of the Committee, including appropriations, appointments, correspondence, draft action plans, regional meeting reports, press releases, reports, and economic concerns. The file is arranged alphabetically by main subject/name.

Boxes:   24-27
Series:   President's Commission on Campus Unrest | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains memos, correspondence, press releases, printed material, clippings, lists, draft reports, reports and schedules pertaining to the Scranton Commission, including appropriations, personnel, drafts, testimony, reports, and the Kent State incident. The file is arranged alphabetically by main subject.

Boxes:   28-30
Series:   Women's Rights Amendment | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, memos, telegrams, clippings, press releases, lists, reports and printed materials relating to women's issues including the Equal Rights Amendment, Women's Task Force, employment opportunities, and the Nixon Administration's effort to recruit women for government positions. The file is arranged alphabetically by main subject/name.

Boxes:   31-35
Series:   Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, printed materials, memos, lists, schedules, meeting reports, studies and reports pertaining to ACIR. The Commission was created to maintain a continual review of federal-state-local relations and recommend ways to improve them. The file is arranged chronologically by date.

Boxes:   36-37
Series:   National Center for Voluntary Action | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, memos, press releases, clippings, printed material, lists, and telegrams. NCVA was established in 1970 to work with non-profit and other voluntary agencies in a nationwide effort to make more effective use of volunteer resources. Counsellor Finch served as the liaison officer between the Center and Governmental Departments, including the Peace Corps and VISTA. NCVA was a component of the National Program for Voluntary Action. The file is arranged alphabetically by main subject.

Boxes:   38-42
Series:   Peru [Earthquake] Voluntary Assistance Program | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, memos, clippings, printed materials, photos, telegrams, press releases, and reports. The file contains material that documents Secretary Finch's role as aid/response coordinator in the administration's effort to assist Peru, including all information from the Peru Voluntary Assistance Group, Department of State/AID Reports, and Mrs. Nixon's visit to Peru. The file is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   43-45
Series:   Youth Activities | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains memos, correspondence, clippings, printed material, reports, lists, and press releases pertaining to youth issues, including appointments, youth programs, employment, Presidential Scholars, White House Conference on Youth, campus unrest and the 26th Amendment. The file is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   46-47
Series:   Rayburn Hanzlik File | Folder Title List
Description:   Consists of correspondence, memos, clippings, printed materials, lists, and schedules compiled by Rayburn Hanzlik, Staff Assistant to Counsellor Finch and Staff Member, White House Conference on Youth. Subjects include: Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for the Spanish Speaking, National Center for Voluntary Action, and Cable Television Final Report. The File is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   48-50
Series:   1970 Campaign Files | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, memos, speeches, lists, reports, and schedules pertaining to Counsellor Finch's role in the 1970 mid-term elections. The file is arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   51-55
Series:   Speaking Invitations | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains correspondence, memos, schedules, lists, telegrams, printed material, and clippings. Primarily, these invitations were turned-down by Counsellor Finch. The file is arranged alphabetically by State.

Boxes:   56-58
Series:   Speeches of Robert H. Finch | Folder Title List
Description:   Contains memos, schedules, draft speeches, and speeches given by Finch to various groups. Most of the speeches were given before June 1970 while Finch was Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. These speeches are arranged alphabetically by group. The remaining speeches are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Folder Title List

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