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Excerpted Watergate-Related Conversations

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These are excerpts of conversations relating to the Watergate break-in and the administration cover-up that were subpoenaed by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force to use in trials of Watergate conspirators.

The Watergate Trial tapes and the remaining conversations (which were not used in court) were accessioned into the National Archives as part of RG-460:   Records of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.

About the Transcripts

The Watergate Special Prosecution Force prepared transcripts of the conversations to accompany the trial tapes.

  • While every effort has been made to ensure that the electronic version is a faithful copy, these electronic versions may not be identical in every respect to the original typewritten transcripts.

  • Some conversations span several cassettes

"Smoking Gun" Conversation

  • Date:   Friday, June 23, 1972
    Conversation Number:   741-2
    Cassette Number / Minutes:   E - 2 Segment 1 (8 minutes)   |   Adobe Acrobat PDFTranscript | Listen
    Exhibit Number:   Exhibit 1 – U.S. v John B. Connally, et al.
    Haldeman and Nixon discuss the progress of the FBI's investigation especially the tracing of the source of money found on the burglars. They propose having the CIA ask the FBI to halt their investigation of the Watergate break-in by claiming that the break-in was a national security operation. 
    Location:   White House Oval Office 
    • President Nixon
    • H.R.Haldeman

    This conversation segment was released in context as part of the:

"Cancer on the Presidency" Conversation

  • Date:   Wednesday, March 21, 1973 between 10:12am and 11:55am
    Conversation Number:   668.8
    Cassette Number / Minutes:   E - 7 – E - 9 (1 hour 23 minutes)   |   Adobe Acrobat PDFTranscript | Listen
    Location:   White House Oval Office 
    Exhibit Number:   Exhibit 12 – U.S. v John N. Mitchell, et al.
    • Exhibit 12 continues onto Reference Cassette Numbers E - 8 and E - 9
    Dean recaps the history of the Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up for the President. They guess at who was responsible for setting the break-in in motion. Dean tells the President that the cover-up is "a cancer on the Presidency" that must be excised or his Presidency would be in danger. Also discussed: references to blackmail, perjury; discussion of paying the burglars off with one million dollars.
    • President Nixon 
    • H.R.Haldeman 
    • John W. Dean III

    This conversation segment was released in context as part of the:

"Dean Resignation" Conversation

  • Cassette Number / Minutes:   E - 20 Segment 1 (38 minutes)   |   Adobe Acrobat PDFTranscript| Listen
    Location:   White House Oval Office 
    Exhibit Number:   Exhibit 25 – U.S. v. John N. Mitchell, et al.
    "Dean Resignation":  President discusses the need to have resignations of Dean (and Haldeman and Ehrlichman) "at the ready" and offers two options, "indefinite leave of absence" or "resignation", depending on plea; Magruder questioned about Haldeman and Ehrlichman's role in cover-up; contrast between involvement of White House staff in break-in and cover-up; Hunt's blackmail; review of March 21st conversation; Executive Privilege; plumbers operation; Senate hearings; Segretti's dirty tricks operation; the need for open testimony; Ehrlichman's instructions to Colson regarding clemency for Hunt; Petersen's reports to President; form resignation letter.
    • President Nixon 
    • John W. Dean III

    This conversation segment was released in context as part of the:

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