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Chronological Complete Conversations

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As established in the 1996 Tapes Settlement Agreement, the Nixon White House Tapes are being reviewed chronologically. The Chronological review will be completed in five segments.

  • To date, four of the five chronological segments have been fully released to the public. Three November 1972 tapes from the fifth chronological segment were released July 11, 2007; the remainder of tapes from November and December 1972 were released on December 2, 2008. Tapes from January 1973 were released on June 23, 2009.
  • The releases include 831 Nixon White House Tapes totalling approximately 2,636 hours of conversation.

The tapes consist of the conversations recorded in the following locations:

  • the Oval Office   (February 1971 - July 1973)
  • the President's Old Executive Office Building (EOB) Office   (April 1971 - June 1973)
  • telephones in the Oval Office, EOB Office, and Lincoln Sitting Room   (April 1971 - June 1973)
  • Camp David   (May 1972 - June 1973)

Available Chronological Complete Conversations

First Chronological Release:  October 5, 1999

Consists of conversations recorded between February 1971 and July 1971.

Second Chronological Release:   October 26, 2000

Consists of conversations recorded between August 1971 and December 1971.

Third Chronological Release:   February 28, 2002

Consists of conversations recorded between January 1972 and June 1972.

Fourth Chronological Release:   December 10, 2003

Consists of conversations recorded between July 1972 and October 1972.

Fifth Chronological Release, Part I:   July 11, 2007

Partial release consisting of conversations recorded between November 3-19, 1972.

Fifth Chronological Release, Part II:   December 2, 2008

Partial release consisting of conversations recorded November 1972 and December 1972.

Fifth Chronological Release, Part III:   June 23, 2009

Partial release consisting of conversations recorded January 1973.

Fifth Chronological Release, Part IV:   December 9, 2010

Partial release consisting of conversations recorded February 1973 and March 1973.

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