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W. Mark Felt, former assistant director of the FBI during the Nixon administration, was identified as "Deep Throat," the secret Watergate source for Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

The Nixon Library has compiled the following list of references to Felt:

Note: The following resources are meant to be a starting point for research and not a comprehensive list of materials on the subject. We encourage you to visit the Nixon Library.

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White House Tapes

  • Complete Conversations  [See Also:  Complete Conversation Tapes]

    • Conversation Number: 247-4
      Conversation Date: 4/13/71
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman, Ehrlichman

      A portion of this conversation was transcribed for Special Access [SA] 15, US v. L[ouis] Patrick Gray, III, W. Mark Felt, and Edward S. Miller, No. 78-000179.

    • Conversation Number: 719-12
      Conversation Date: 5/4/72
      Participants: Nixon, Gray

    • Conversation Number: 339-3
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman, Colson

    • Conversation Number: 339-4
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman, Colson

    • Conversation Number: 24-104
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Haldeman, WH operator

    • Conversation Number: 24-106
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Kleindienst, Haldeman

    • Conversation Number: 24-107
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Ehrlichman

    • Conversation Number: 24-109
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Felt, Colson

    • Conversation Number: 24-113
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Kleindienst, Haldeman

    • Conversation Number: 24-116
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Felt

    • Conversation Number: 24-124
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Colson

    • Conversation Number: 24-125
      Conversation Date: 5/15/72
      Participants: Nixon, Ehrlichman

    • Conversation Number: 758-11
      Conversation Date: 8/1/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman

  • Excerpted Conversations-Abuse of Governmental Powers (AOGP)  [See Also:  AOGP Tapes]

    • Conversation Number: 744-24/745-1
      Conversation Date: 6/30/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 197-17
      Conversation Date: 7/22/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 370-9
      Conversation Date: 10/19/72
      Participants: Nixon and H. R. Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation and transcribed in Stanley Kutler's book Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (1997).

    • Conversation Number: 371-12
      Conversation Date: 10/21/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 859-38
      Conversation Date: 2/21/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 45-15
      Conversation Date: 4/26/73
      Participants: Nixon, Henry Petersen
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 45-34
      Conversation Date: 4/27/73
      Participants: Nixon and Richard Kleindienst
      Outline of Conversation and transcribed in Stanley Kutler's book Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (1997).

    • Conversation Number: 906-1
      Conversation Date: 4/27/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 906-23
      Conversation Date: 4/27/73
      Participants: Nixon, Petersen, Ziegler
      Outline of Conversation
      Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives by President Nixon (SRPC) transcript also available

    • Conversation Number: 164-10
      Conversation Date: 4/28/73
      Participants: Nixon, Petersen
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 165-8
      Conversation Date: 5/11/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haig
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 916-11
      Conversation Date: 5/11/73
      Participants: Nixon and Al Haig
      Outline of Conversation and transcribed in Stanley Kutler's book Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (1997).

    • Conversation Number: 916-16
      Conversation Date: 5/11/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haig
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 916-19
      Conversation Date: 5/11/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haig, Haldeman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 165-10
      Conversation Date: 5/12/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haig
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 441-9
      Conversation Date: 6/4/73
      Participants: Nixon, Ehrlichman
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 39-71
      Conversation Date: 6/4/73
      Participants: Nixon, Ziegler
      Outline of Conversation

    • Conversation Number: 441-35
      Conversation Date: 6/7/73
      Participants: Nixon, Buzhardt
      Outline of Conversation

  • Excerpted Conversations-Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) [See Also:  WSPF Tapes]

    • Conversation Number: 741-2
      Conversation Date: 6/23/72
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman
      This conversation is commonly referred to as the "Smoking Gun".
      WSPF Transcript

    • Conversation Number: 394-21
      Conversation Date: 1/8/73
      Participants: Nixon, Colson
      WSPF Transcript

    • Conversation Number: 858-3
      Conversation Date: 2/16/73
      Participants: Nixon, Ehrlichman, Gray
      WSPF Transcript

    • Conversation Number: 864-4
      Conversation Date: 2/27/73
      Participants: Nixon, Ehrlichman
      WSPF Transcript

    • Conversation Number: 865-14
      Conversation Date: 2/28/73
      Participants: Nixon, Dean
      WSPF Transcript
      House Judiciary Committee and SRPC transcripts also available.

    • Conversation Number: 878-14
      Conversation Date: 3/13/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman, Dean
      WSPF Transcript
      House Judiciary Committee and SRPC transcripts also available.

    • Conversation Number: 431-9
      Conversation Date: 4/26/73
      Participants: Nixon, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Bull, Ziegler
      WSPF Transcript

    • Conversation Number: 442-1
      Conversation Date: 6/4/73
      Participants: Nixon and Haig
      WSPF Transcript

Textual Materials

  • White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files: H. R. Haldeman; Box 45; Folder: H Notes, April 1, 1972-May 15, 1972 (Notes for May 2)

  • White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files: H. R. Haldeman; Box 46; Folder: H Notes, Oct-Nov-Dec 1972 [10/20-11/17/72] Part I (Notes for Oct. 20)

  • White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files: H. R. Haldeman; Box 102; Folder: Lawrence Higby, September 1972 (Sept. 25 memo from Higby to Haldeman)

  • White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files: H. R. Haldeman; Box 251; Folder: Dec. 30, 1969 WH Staff Evaluation by LH (Notes for Sep. 30 and Sep. 25)

Audovisual Materials

  • While the staff has not identified any other audiovisual or photographic coverage of Felt, coverage exists of two public events likely attended both by the President and Felt. Those events are the commencement of the FBI Academy on June 30, 1971, and the funeral of Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 4, 1972. Additionally, general audiovisual coverage exists of meetings and other contacts between the President or the White House Staff and the FBI Director Hoover or other bureau personnel.

Haldeman Diaries CD-ROM

  • H. R. Haldeman, Nixon's Chief of Staff, refers to Felt on April 26 and 27, 1973, in the CD-ROM version of his diaries. These references do not appear in the print version of The Haldeman Diaries.

  • The CD-ROM of The Haldeman Diaries is out of print. Copies, however, can be located in libraries, including the National Archives' library located on the third floor of the College Park, Maryland, facility.
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