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Series "P"   –   Formal Presidential Remarks

The "P" Series contains recordings of President Nixon's public or formal appearances, such as speeches, Dinners at the White House, and comments to groups or individuals. While the times given reflect the length of the President's remarks; the White House Communications Agency ("WHCA") usually recorded the entire event, not just the President's remarks. The tapes span the dates January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974. Transcripts of the President's remarks can often be found in The Public Papers of the Presidents, bound volumes published annually by the Government Printing Office.

WHCA numbered the tapes sequentially within each month. In order to create an overall numbering system to encompass all of the 1585 tapes in this series, the National Archives modified WHCA's system. Each tape now is identified by a six-digit number. The first two digits indicate the year; the second two digits, the month; and the last two digits are WHCA's number. Thus, the first tape recorded in January 1969 bears the number 690101. This number should not be confused with the date; P-690101 was recorded on January 20, 1969.

The National Archives never received the following three reels from WHCA: 740403, 740615 and 740710.

File/ID Number: P-690101
Date: 1/20/1969
Tape Contents: Inaugural ceremony and swearing-in with Senator Dirksen, Rev. Charles Tucker, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, Billy Graham, Terence Cardinal Cooke, His Eminence Iakovos
Program Time: 17:59

File/ID Number: P-690102
Date: 1/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Smithsonian with Dale Robertson and Mark Evans
Program Time: 07:44

File/ID Number: P-690103
Date: 1/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Shoreham with Lee Bowman, Mark Evans
Program Time: 0:10:02

File/ID Number: P-690104
Date: 1/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Sheraton Park with Mark Evans, Bobby Vinton
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number: P-690105
Date: 1/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Washington Hilton with Mark Evans
Program Time: 09:46

File/ID Number: P-690106
Date: 1/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Mayflower with Mark Evans, David Kennedy, Walter Hickel, Agnew, Jack Brickhouse
Program Time: 09:57

File/ID Number: P-690107
Date: 1/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball at Statler Hilton with Mark Evans, Agnew
Program Time: 0:14:45

File/ID Number: P-690108
Date: 1/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for friends and campaign workers with Agnew, Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David Eisenhower
Program Time: 0:12:10
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-690109
Date: 1/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in for WH staff with Chief Justice Earl Warren
Program Time: 0:05:46

File/ID Number: P-690110
Date: 1/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in for Cabinet with Chief Justice Earl Warren
Program Time: 0:20:00

File/ID Number: P-690111
Date: 1/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in for Walter Hickel with Chief Justice Earl Warren
Program Time: 03:50

File/ID Number: P-690112
Date: 1/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Alfalfa Club Dinner with Club President Wright [see I-1]
Program Time: 07:05

File/ID Number: P-690114
Date: 1/27/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 27:18

File/ID Number: P-690115
Date: 1/29/1969
Tape Contents: Visit to State Department with Secretary William Rogers
Program Time: 15:55

File/ID Number: P-690116
Date: 1/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional prayer breakfast with Al Quie, Gerald R. Ford, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, Senator J. Tydings, Senator Jennings Randolph, James O'Hara
Program Time: 06:19

File/ID Number: P-690117
Date: 1/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional prayer breakfast with RF, Agnew, Graham Purcell, Ambassador Sevilla Sacasa, Senators Frank Carlson, John Stennis, Mark Hatfield, and Edmund Muskie, and Billy Graham
Program Time: 08:22

File/ID Number: P-690118
Date: 1/30/1969
Tape Contents: Announcement of Col. Frank Borman's trip to Europe, with Borman
Program Time: 03:40

File/ID Number: P-690119
Date: 1/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Justice Department with Attorney-General John N. Mitchell
Program Time: 09:11

File/ID Number: P-690120
Date: 1/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at showing of Apollo 8 films with Astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-690121
Date: 1/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to key personnel at Defense Department with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 13:30

File/ID Number: P-690122
Date: 1/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for diplomatic corps with Ambassador Sevilla-Sacasa
Program Time: 04:34
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690201
Date: 2/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at church service with Rev. Richard Halvorson [see I-3]
Program Time: 01:02

File/ID Number: P-690202
Date: 2/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on visiting Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in Walter Reed Hospital
Program Time: 01:53

File/ID Number: P-690203
Date: 2/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to officials in HUD with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney
Program Time: 10:57

File/ID Number: P-690204
Date: 2/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to officials in Agriculture Dept. with Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin
Program Time: 14:20

File/ID Number: P-690205
Date: 2/4/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in for Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) with Judge Burdger, AB, GL, PM, and Herb Stein
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number: P-690206
Date: 2/4/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to officials in Labor Dept. with GS
Program Time: 12:11

File/ID Number: P-690207
Date: 2/5/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks presenting WB and LD to press with WB, LD, and RZ
Program Time: 04:01

File/ID Number: P-690208
Date: 2/6/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 29:20

File/ID Number: P-690209
Date: 2/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Post Office officials with WB
Program Time: 09:28

File/ID Number: P-690210
Date: 2/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Boy Scouts with President of Boy Scouts
Program Time: 05:46

File/ID Number: P-690211
Date: 2/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to group from Senate youth program with BW
Program Time: 15:36

File/ID Number: P-690212
Date: 2/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Secretary John Volpe to press, with Volpe
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-690215
Date: 2/11/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to officials in Transportation Dept. with Volpe
Program Time: 12:22

File/ID Number: P-690216
Date: 2/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in for WW, with WW
Program Time: 04:45

File/ID Number: P-690217
Date: 2/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to HEW officials with RF
Program Time: 16:33

File/ID Number: P-690218
Date: 2/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to officials in Treasury Dept., with Secretary Kennedy
Program Time: 16:22

File/ID Number: P-690219
Date: 2/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at lunch for press women
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-690220
Date: 2/18/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks presenting Heart of Year award to Dr. Irving Page with PN, Page, Dr. Paul White
Program Time: 03:36

File/ID Number: P-690221
Date: 2/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Interior Dept. officials with Secretary Hickel
Program Time: 11:26

File/ID Number: P-690222
Date: 2/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in filmed statement for Red Cross
Program Time: 00:48

File/ID Number: P-690223
Date: 2/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on appointment of Don Kendall as Chairman, Nat'l Alliance of Businessmen, with Kendall
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-690224
Date: 2/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to press covering European trip
Program Time: 20:36

File/ID Number: P-690225
Date: 2/23/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departing Andrews AFB for Europe
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-690226
Date: 2/23/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Brussels with King Baudouin
Program Time: 04:30

File/ID Number: P-690227
Date: 2/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in conference with NATO leaders, with NATO Sec-Gen., Belgian Ambassador
Program Time: 10:45

File/ID Number: P-690228
Date: 2/24/1969
Tape Contents: Toast to King and Queen of Belgium in the Royal Palace in Brussels, with King Baudouin
Program Time: 05:29
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690229
Date: 2/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in London with PM Harold Wilson
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-690230
Date: 2/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to London Embassy staff with Secretary Rogers, Ambassador David Bruce
Program Time: 12:50

File/ID Number: P-690231
Date: 2/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departing England, with PM Wilson
Program Time: 04:05

File/ID Number: P-690232
Date: 2/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Bonn, with Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger
Program Time: 02:53

File/ID Number: P-690233
Date: 2/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to the West German Parliament in Bonn
Program Time: 05:57

File/ID Number: P-690234
Date: 2/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in West Berlin, with Chancellor Kiesinger, Mayor Klaus Schuetz
Program Time: 06:45

File/ID Number: P-690235
Date: 2/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing Golden Book in Berlin, with Mayor Schuetz, Willy Brandt"
Program Time: 03:10

File/ID Number: P-690238
Date: 2/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Rome, with President Giuseppe Saragat
Program Time: 04:45

File/ID Number: P-690239
Date: 2/27/1969
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with President Saragat in Quirinale Palace, Rome
Program Time: 08:15

File/ID Number: P-690241
Date: 2/28/1969
Tape Contents: on arrival in Paris, with President Charles DeGaulle
Program Time: 03:00

File/ID Number: P-690242
Date: 2/28/1969
Tape Contents: Toast to President DeGaulle at Elysee Palace
Program Time: 04:11

File/ID Number: P-690301
Date: 3/1/1969
Tape Contents: Toast to President DeGaulle at Ambassador's residence, with President DeGaulle
Program Time: 03:37

File/ID Number: P-690302
Date: 3/2/1969
Tape Contents: to Paris Embassy staff and families with Ambassador Shriver
Program Time: 10:25

File/ID Number: P-690303
Date: 3/2/1969
Tape Contents: on departure from Paris, with President DeGaulle
Program Time: 00:50

File/ID Number: P-690304
Date: 3/2/1969
Tape Contents: Exchange of remarks with Pope Paul VI in the Vatican
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-690305
Date: 3/2/1969
Tape Contents: to 600 American priests
Program Time: 07:09

File/ID Number: P-690306
Date: 3/2/1969
Tape Contents: on arrival at Andrews AFB, with Agnew
Program Time: 03:06

File/ID Number: P-690307
Date: 3/4/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 55:16

File/ID Number: P-690308
Date: 3/5/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Goddard Memorial Award to Apollo 8 astronauts, announcement of TP as Director of NASA with TP, James Murray, Mrs. Goddard, Capt. James Lovell
Program Time: 05:02

File/ID Number: P-690309
Date: 3/7/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of 3 Congressional Medals of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 05:15

File/ID Number: P-690310
Date: 3/7/1969
Tape Contents: to personnel at CIA with Richard Helms
Program Time: 11:04

File/ID Number: P-690311
Date: 3/11/1969
Tape Contents: at opening of Easter Seal Campaign with Carol Burnett
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-690312
Date: 3/14/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 28:55

File/ID Number: P-690313
Date: 3/15/1969
Tape Contents: to Nat'l Alliance of Businessmen with WW, Don Kendall
Program Time: 12:02

File/ID Number: P-690314
Date: 3/15/1969
Tape Contents: at Am. Legion dinner with Efrem Zimbalist, Rev. C.J. Olander, William Hauck, Mr. Doyle
Program Time: 08:27

File/ID Number: P-690315
Date: 3/15/1969
Tape Contents: at Gridiron dinner with George Wallace, Hubert Humphrey, Agnew
Program Time: 11:30

File/ID Number: P-690316
Date: 3/16/1969
Tape Contents: at WH Sunday worship with Dr. Louis Evans, Jr. [see I-5]
Program Time: 01:06

File/ID Number: P-690317
Date: 3/17/1969
Tape Contents: accepting gift from Irish Ambassador Fay and naming John Moore Ambassador to Ireland
Program Time: 01:36

File/ID Number: P-690318
Date: 3/19/1969
Tape Contents: at Boys Club 1969 Boy of Year ceremony with Perry J. Ludy
Program Time: 03:36

File/ID Number: P-690320
Date: 3/20/1969
Tape Contents: to Chowder and Marching Society with Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 10:10

File/ID Number: P-690321
Date: 3/21/1969
Tape Contents: presenting piano to former President Truman at Truman Library
Program Time: 02:50

File/ID Number: P-690323
Date: 3/21/1969
Tape Contents: on motorcade in Kansas City, Mo.
Program Time: 00:49

File/ID Number: P-690324
Date: 3/21/1969
Tape Contents: on arrival at Pt. Mugu, Cal. NAS
Program Time: 04:16

File/ID Number: P-690325
Date: 3/21/1969
Tape Contents: on surveying oil damage to Santa Barbara, Cal. beach
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-690326
Date: 3/24/1969
Tape Contents: at WH arrival ceremony for PM Pierre Trudeau, with PM Trudeau
Program Time: 02:37

File/ID Number: P-690327
Date: 3/24/1969
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with PM Trudeau at state dinner
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-690328
Date: 3/25/1969
Tape Contents: presenting Walt Disney Commemorative Medal to Mrs. Disney, with Mrs. Disney, Senator George Murphy
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-690329
Date: 3/25/1969
Tape Contents: by P and PM Trudeau on conclusion of state visit
Program Time: 03:18

File/ID Number: P-690330
Date: 3/25/1969
Tape Contents: to Nat'l Assn. of Broadcasters with Rabbi Melman, Harold Essex, John Murphy, Grover Cobb, Arthur Godfrey
Program Time: 24:36

File/ID Number: P-690331
Date: 3/25/1969
Tape Contents: launching American Cancer Society crusade with Virginia Graham, Dr. Farber, Diana Butler
Program Time: 03:01

File/ID Number: P-690332
Date: 3/30/1969
Tape Contents: in eulogy in Capitol Rotunda for former President Eisenhower with Rev. E. Elson
Program Time: 15:24

File/ID Number: P-690401
Date: 4/8/1969
Tape Contents: in WH arrival ceremony for King Hussein, with King Hussein
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-690402
Date: 4/10/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on NATO 20th anniversary with Secretary Rogers, Willy Brandt, Manlio Brosio
Program Time: 19:15

File/ID Number: P-690403
Date: 4/10/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for Ray Bliss with Bliss, Glenn Hall, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, Mary Brooks, Charles Thomas, Agnew, Gov. Rhodes
Program Time: 10:23
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-690404
Date: 4/11/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to NATO FM's meeting with Secretary Rogers, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Manlio Brosio
Program Time: 1:21:00
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690405
Date: 4/12/1969
Tape Contents: Statement on 1970 budget
Program Time: 07:45

File/ID Number: P-690406
Date: 4/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Republican National Committee (RNC) representatives
Program Time: 01:40
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-690407
Date: 4/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to representatives of the Organization of American States (OAS) with OAS President
Program Time: 14:13

File/ID Number: P-690408
Date: 4/14/1969
Tape Contents: Statement on domestic programs
Program Time: 14:30

File/ID Number: P-690409
Date: 4/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican Women's Conference in Sheraton Park overflow guests with Mary Brooks
Program Time: 03:10

File/ID Number: P-690410
Date: 4/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican Women's Conference with Brooks, PN, Rev. Moore, Senator Dirksen, Pat Hitt
Program Time: 19:21

File/ID Number: P-690411
Date: 4/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for League of Women Voters with John Gardner, Mrs. Benson
Program Time: 10:12

File/ID Number: P-690412
Date: 4/18/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 30:20

File/ID Number: P-690413
Date: 4/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in of Virginia Knauer with Judge Kelly
Program Time: 02:18

File/ID Number: P-690414
Date: 4/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing DR as Director of Organization of Economic Opportunity (OEO), with DR
Program Time: 03:35

File/ID Number: P-690416
Date: 4/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH Photographers Assn. banquet with Agnew, Charles Shutt, Ray Bolger
Program Time: 02:31

File/ID Number: P-690417
Date: 4/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on Boys Club of America
Program Time: 02:14

File/ID Number: P-690418
Date: 4/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on coronation of Tricia Nixon as Norfolk, Va. Azalea Queen with Mayor Roy Martin
Program Time: 04:42

File/ID Number: P-690419
Date: 4/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Edward Latch [see I-7]
Program Time: 01:15

File/ID Number: P-690420
Date: 4/28/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call to Lloyd Wendt, publisher of Chicago Today"
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-690421
Date: 4/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at ceremony for Teacher of the Year, Barbara Coleman, with Coleman
Program Time: 08:35

File/ID Number: P-690422
Date: 4/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to US Chamber of Commerce with Mr. Shiver
Program Time: 18:27

File/ID Number: P-690423
Date: 4/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in a toast honoring Duke Ellington, with Ellington
Program Time: 02:03

File/ID Number: P-690424
Date: 4/29/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Presidential Medal of Freedom to Duke Ellington, with Ellington
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-690425
Date: 4/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing the Duke Ellington Jazz Session [see J-100]"
Program Time: 00:35

File/ID Number: P-690501
Date: 5/2/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call to Eugene Pulliam with Chris Schenkel
Program Time: 02:36

File/ID Number: P-690502
Date: 5/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on conclusion of visit in Columbia, SC with former Gov. & Mrs. John Byrnes
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-690503
Date: 5/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH Correspondents Association dinner with Carroll Kilpatrick, Charles Bailey, Mr. McGavin
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-690504
Date: 5/4/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. Espy [see I- 8]
Program Time: 00:43

File/ID Number: P-690505
Date: 5/5/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in of Joseph Blatchford as Director of Peace Corps, with Blatchford, Judge G. Hart
Program Time: 01:27

File/ID Number: P-690506
Date: 5/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in of William Brown as Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Council (OEOC), with Brown, Judge D. Hyde
Program Time: 02:51

File/ID Number: P-690507
Date: 5/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM John Gorton and wife, with PM Gorton
Program Time: 05:10
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690508
Date: 5/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing entertainment after state dinner for PM Gorton [see J-101]
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-690509
Date: 5/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of PM Gorton, with PM Gorton
Program Time: 01:40

File/ID Number: P-690510
Date: 5/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in ceremony for Gen. Robert Cushman as CIA Deputy Dir., with Cushman
Program Time: 04:46

File/ID Number: P-690511
Date: 5/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving Inaugural Medal and Speech Record with Melvin Payne, J.W. Marriott
Program Time: 12:09

File/ID Number: P-690512
Date: 5/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican dinner with Senator John Tower
Program Time: 16:10
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-690513
Date: 5/11/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York to the press, with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 02:21

File/ID Number: P-690515
Date: 5/14/1969
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on Vietnam
Program Time: 26:30

File/ID Number: P-690516
Date: 5/15/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing HCL to the press, with HCL
Program Time: 00:45

File/ID Number: P-690517
Date: 5/15/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Peter Nero to dinner guests, with Nero [see J-102]
Program Time: 02:45

File/ID Number: P-690518
Date: 5/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on presenting 2 Congressional Medals of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 04:50

File/ID Number: P-690519
Date: 5/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on Armed Forces Day aboard USS Saratoga, with Commander of USS Saratoga
Program Time: 06:49

File/ID Number: P-690520
Date: 5/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks presenting Scholastic Achievement Awards Recording for the Blind with Allen Merrill
Program Time: 03:19

File/ID Number: P-690521
Date: 5/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Presidential E awards ceremony with Secretary Stans"
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-690522
Date: 5/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks opening Multiple Sclerosis Campaign with DJ Haughton, Shirley Black
Program Time: 04:02

File/ID Number: P-690523
Date: 5/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on 4th of July Rebild Festival
Program Time: 02:37

File/ID Number: P-690524
Date: 5/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in of Robert Ellsworth as Congressman to NATO, with Ellsworth, Judge Hart
Program Time: 02:08

File/ID Number: P-690525
Date: 5/21/1969
Tape Contents: Announcement of Warren Burger as new Chief Justice, with Burger
Program Time: 03:27

File/ID Number: P-690526
Date: 5/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to the press on the nomination of Warren Burger
Program Time: 44:00

File/ID Number: P-690527
Date: 5/23/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks honoring U. of Minn. Concert Band with Jacob Cantor, Dr. Bencriscutto, Dr. Moose, Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson [see J-103]
Program Time: 09:50

File/ID Number: P-690528
Date: 5/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Terence Cardinal Cooke [see I-9]
Program Time: 01:57

File/ID Number: P-690529
Date: 5/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Liberian Embassy reception for anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) with Liberian Ambassador
Program Time: 10:07

File/ID Number: P-690530
Date: 5/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on swearing-in of DR as Director of OEO, with DR
Program Time: 01:06

File/ID Number: P-690531
Date: 5/26/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call with Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan, and Young
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-690532
Date: 5/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Postmaster General WB, with WB
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-690533
Date: 5/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival of PM Petrus De Jong, with PM De Jong
Program Time: 02:35

File/ID Number: P-690534
Date: 5/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM De Jong and FM Joseph Luns, with PM De Jong, FM Luns
Program Time: 03:20
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690535
Date: 5/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of PM De Jong and FM Luns, with PM De Jong, FM Luns
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-690536
Date: 5/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at FBI Academy graduation with Attorney-General John N. Mitchell, J.Edgar Hoover, J.J. Casper, James McGuire, Dr. Lewis
Program Time: 12:39

File/ID Number: P-690601
Date: 6/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks dedicating Karl Mundt Library in Madison, SD with Mundt, Frank Farrar, Dr. Bowes
Program Time: 26:45

File/ID Number: P-690602
Date: 6/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Karl Mundt after presentation of degree, with Mundt, Henry Bowes
Program Time: 00:48

File/ID Number: P-690603
Date: 6/4/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at USAF Academy commencement with Generals McConnell, Moorman, Olds, Col. Jarrell, Cadet Martin
Program Time: 25:40

File/ID Number: P-690604
Date: 6/4/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in San Clemente
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-690605
Date: 6/5/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Newport Beach, Cal. announcing Don Johnson as VA Director with Johnson
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-690606
Date: 6/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Hickam AFB in Honolulu
Program Time: 03:53

File/ID Number: P-690607
Date: 6/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks after meeting with President Thieu on Midway Island, with Thieu
Program Time: 05:01

File/ID Number: P-690608
Date: 6/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks after meeting with President Thieu and the US and RVN delegations, with Thieu
Program Time: 20:00
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690609
Date: 6/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks with President Thieu in a joint communique
Program Time: 02:22

File/ID Number: P-690610
Date: 6/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Midway
Program Time: 07:24

File/ID Number: P-690611
Date: 6/10/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on return to DC from Midway
Program Time: 04:21

File/ID Number: P-690612
Date: 6/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival of President Carlos Lleras Restrepo, with President Lleras
Program Time: 03:34

File/ID Number: P-690613
Date: 6/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at graduation of students from Capitol Page School with Congressman Frank Bow
Program Time: 02:35

File/ID Number: P-690614
Date: 6/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for President Lleras, with President Lleras
Program Time: 08:28
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690615
Date: 6/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing entertainment at state dinner for President Lleras [see J-104]
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-690616
Date: 6/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at departure of President Lleras, with President Lleras
Program Time: 02:24

File/ID Number: P-690617
Date: 6/15/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with Norman Vincent Peale [see I-10]
Program Time: 00:46

File/ID Number: P-690618
Date: 6/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to WH Fellows with Dr. Fleming
Program Time: 05:48

File/ID Number: P-690619
Date: 6/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks presenting Young American Medals for Bravery and Service with Solicitor General
Program Time: 01:34

File/ID Number: P-690620
Date: 6/20/1969
Tape Contents: Televised press conference
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number: P-690621
Date: 6/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on Richard Berlin's 50th anniversary with Hearst Corp.
Program Time: 01:05

File/ID Number: P-690622
Date: 6/23/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at swearing-in of Chief Justice Warren Burger with Earl Warren
Program Time: 08:32

File/ID Number: P-690623
Date: 6/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Old House Gymnasium Group with Carl Albert
Program Time: 03:16

File/ID Number: P-690624
Date: 6/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. Louis Finklestein [see I-11]
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-690625
Date: 6/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at 10th anniv. of St. Lawrence Seaway with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York , PM Trudeau
Program Time: 06:51

File/ID Number: P-690626
Date: 6/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in Montreal on 10th anniversary of St. Lawrence Seaway [TR]
Program Time: 12:55

File/ID Number: P-690627
Date: 6/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Budget Bureau awards ceremony with Mr. Hughes, Robert Mayo
Program Time: 06:27

File/ID Number: P-690628
Date: 6/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for Apollo 10 astronauts with Agnew, Lovell, Stafford, Cernan [see J-105]
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-690701
Date: 7/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at arrival of Emperor Haile Selassie, with Emperor Selassie
Program Time: 05:39

File/ID Number: P-690702
Date: 7/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for Emperor Selassie, with Emperor Selassie
Program Time: 06:56
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690703
Date: 7/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing entertainment at state dinner for Emperor Selassie with Eugene List
Program Time: 02:48

File/ID Number: P-690704
Date: 7/9/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of Emperor Selassie, with Emperor Selassie
Program Time: 03:08

File/ID Number: P-690705
Date: 7/10/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks presenting Dr. Roger Egeburg and RF to the press, with Egeburg, RF, JV
Program Time: 02:05

File/ID Number: P-690706
Date: 7/11/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, with Lemnitzer, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-690707
Date: 7/11/1969
Tape Contents: Statement re Vietnam proposals by President Thieu
Program Time: 05:46

File/ID Number: P-690708
Date: 7/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Rev. Noren at WH worship service [see I-12]
Program Time: 00:35

File/ID Number: P-690709
Date: 7/15/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call to Apollo 11 astronauts Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin at Cape Kennedy
Program Time: 05:15

File/ID Number: P-690710
Date: 7/16/1969
Tape Contents: Proclamation of National Day of Participation 7/21 in honor of Apollo 11 mission"
Program Time: 02:30

File/ID Number: P-690711
Date: 7/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for Exec. Comm. of Republican Govs. with Agnew, Rogers Morton, Reagan
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-690712
Date: 7/17/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. John McConnell, with McConnell, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-690713
Date: 7/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Senator Hatfield, Congressman JH Buchanan, Paul Smith, F Borman [see I- 13]
Program Time: 02:03

File/ID Number: P-690714
Date: 7/20/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon
Program Time: 01:14

File/ID Number: P-690715
Date: 7/21/1969
Tape Contents: Congratulatory message to those involved in Apollo 11 mission
Program Time: 01:02

File/ID Number: P-690716
Date: 7/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional breakfast with Secretarys Kennedy, Fowler, Rogers, Senator Mansfield, Congressman Hale Boggs
Program Time: 34:16
Restriction(s): B (Three excisions, totaling 2 minutes and 49 seconds)

File/ID Number: P-690717
Date: 7/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to American Field Service students
Program Time: 16:02

File/ID Number: P-690718
Date: 7/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Baseball Centennial celebration with Commissioner Bowie Kuhn
Program Time: 09:04

File/ID Number: P-690719
Date: 7/24/1969
Tape Contents: Conversation with astronauts Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin aboard USS Hornet
Program Time: 06:05

File/ID Number: P-690720
Date: 7/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Guam
Program Time: 02:06

File/ID Number: P-690721
Date: 7/25/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference in Guam
Program Time: 47:15

File/ID Number: P-690722
Date: 7/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at NAS in Guam
Program Time: 02:26

File/ID Number: P-690723
Date: 7/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Manila, with President Ferdinand Marcos
Program Time: 09:12

File/ID Number: P-690724
Date: 7/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinnerin Malacanan Palace in Manila, with President Marcos
Program Time: 13:44

File/ID Number: P-690725
Date: 7/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Manila, with President Marcos
Program Time: 09:30

File/ID Number: P-690726
Date: 7/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Djakarta, with President Suharto
Program Time: 05:47

File/ID Number: P-690727
Date: 7/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner in Negara Palace, with President Suharto
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-690728
Date: 7/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Djakarta, with President Suharto
Program Time: 03:51

File/ID Number: P-690729
Date: 7/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving the key to the city of Bangkok with Lord Mayor Chalit Kulkanthorn
Program Time: 06:06

File/ID Number: P-690730
Date: 7/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at State Banquet in Royal Palace in Bangkok with King Bhumibol Aduldet
Program Time: 08:37
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690731
Date: 7/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Americans and Bangkok Embassy staff with Ambassador Unger
Program Time: 04:15

File/ID Number: P-690732
Date: 7/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Independence Palace in Saigon with President Thieu
Program Time: 05:16

File/ID Number: P-690733
Date: 7/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Thanom Kittakachorn in state dinner in Bangkok, with PM Thanom
Program Time: 03:00

File/ID Number: P-690734
Date: 7/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Delhi with President Hidayatullah
Program Time: 04:09

File/ID Number: P-690735
Date: 7/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi with President Hidayatullah
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-690801
Date: 8/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departing Delhi, with President Hidayatullah
Program Time: 02:15

File/ID Number: P-690802
Date: 8/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Lahore, with President Yahya Khan
Program Time: 03:00

File/ID Number: P-690803
Date: 8/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving Nishan-E-Pakistan medal with Chief of Protocol Anwar Khan
Program Time: 01:17

File/ID Number: P-690804
Date: 8/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner in Governors House, Lahore with President Yahya Khan
Program Time: 13:14

File/ID Number: P-690805
Date: 8/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Lahore, with President Yahya Khan
Program Time: 02:38

File/ID Number: P-690806
Date: 8/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Bucharest, with President Nicolae Ceausescu
Program Time: 04:19

File/ID Number: P-690807
Date: 8/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in Council of States, Bucharest, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 08:28
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690808
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at lunch given for President Ceausescu, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 04:05

File/ID Number: P-690809
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at marketplace in Bucharest with PN
Program Time: 00:43

File/ID Number: P-690810
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departing Bucharest, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 02:04

File/ID Number: P-690811
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Mildenhall AFB in Great Britain, with PM Wilson [see I-14]
Program Time: 03:31

File/ID Number: P-690812
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Press reception at Mildenhall AFB, with PM Wilson
Program Time: 10:38

File/ID Number: P-690813
Date: 8/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on return to Andrews AFB, with Agnew
Program Time: 04:03

File/ID Number: P-690814
Date: 8/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in arrival ceremony for Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger, with Chancellor Kiesinger
Program Time: 04:17

File/ID Number: P-690815
Date: 8/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner honoring Chancellor Kiesinger, with Chancellor Kiesinger [see J-106]
Program Time: 10:04
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690816
Date: 8/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at surprise party on anniversary of nomination with Rogers Morton
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-690817
Date: 8/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of Chancellor Kiesinger, with Chancellor Kiesinger
Program Time: 02:27

File/ID Number: P-690818
Date: 8/8/1969
Tape Contents: Televised statement to the nation on welfare
Program Time: 33:51

File/ID Number: P-690819
Date: 8/9/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at western WH
Program Time: 04:24

File/ID Number: P-690820
Date: 8/13/1969
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of John Wilks as Dep. Asst. Secretary Labor for Compliance, at western WH
Program Time: 02:05

File/ID Number: P-690821
Date: 8/13/1969
Tape Contents: State dinner for Apollo 11 astronauts at Century Plaza Hotel in LA with TP, Agnew, Gov. Ronald Reagan, Astronauts Collins, Aldrin, and Armstrong [see J-107]
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number: P-690822
Date: 8/21/1969
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Park, with President Park, in San Francisco
Program Time: 03:54

File/ID Number: P-690823
Date: 8/21/1969
Tape Contents: Toast at state dinner for President Park in SF's St. Francis Hotel, with Park [see J-108]
Program Time: 09:49
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690824
Date: 8/22/1969
Tape Contents: Departure ceremony for President Park from SF, with President Park
Program Time: 01:12

File/ID Number: P-690825
Date: 8/24/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation from western WH to Bob Hope in Jackson, Miss.
Program Time: 01:53

File/ID Number: P-690826
Date: 8/26/1969
Tape Contents: Filmed testimonials to Senator Hiram Fong and Ed Broyhill
Program Time: 03:10

File/ID Number: P-690827
Date: 8/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Arcata, Cal. airport with Lyndon Johnson
Program Time: 02:37

File/ID Number: P-690828
Date: 8/27/1969
Tape Contents: Dedication of Lady Bird Johnson Grove in Orick, Cal. with Pres. and Mrs. Johnson, Secretary Walter Hickel, Gov. Ronald Reagan, Congressman Clausen, Billy Graham
Program Time: 08:05

File/ID Number: P-690901
Date: 9/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks for United Funds from western WH
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-690902
Date: 9/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Colorado Springs, Col.
Program Time: 03:14

File/ID Number: P-690903
Date: 9/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Govs. Conference in Colorado Springs with JL, Buford Ellington, Mr. Hart
Program Time: 33:06

File/ID Number: P-690904
Date: 9/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner in his honor in Colorado Springs, with JL
Program Time: 05:20

File/ID Number: P-690905
Date: 9/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to press with RZ, WB, RM, Bailey, and O'Brien, at western WH
Program Time: 02:39

File/ID Number: P-690906
Date: 9/8/1969
Tape Contents: Dedication of Amistad Dam in Del Rio, Mex. with President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 04:14

File/ID Number: P-690907
Date: 9/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Diaz Ordaz at Amistad Dam, with President Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 04:48
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690908
Date: 9/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Mexican Camp at Amistad Dam, with President Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 01:01

File/ID Number: P-690909
Date: 9/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Laughlin AFB, Texas
Program Time: 02:47

File/ID Number: P-690910
Date: 9/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Gulfport, Miss., with Gov. John Bell Williams
Program Time: 07:16

File/ID Number: P-690911
Date: 9/9/1969
Tape Contents: Eulogy for Senator Dirksen in Capitol Rotunda with Senator Baker, Senate Chaplain Elson
Program Time: 11:06

File/ID Number: P-690912
Date: 9/16/1969
Tape Contents: Statement re lowering of US troop ceiling in Vietnam
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-690913
Date: 9/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for PM Keith Holyoake, with PM Holyoake
Program Time: 06:45
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-690914
Date: 9/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing HR 11235-8, amendment to Older Americans Act
Program Time: 01:09

File/ID Number: P-690915
Date: 9/18/1969
Tape Contents: Address to the General Assembly of the UN
Program Time: 29:10

File/ID Number: P-690916
Date: 9/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks re reduction in military draft, introduction of Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird to press with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, RZ
Program Time: 02:12

File/ID Number: P-690917
Date: 9/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of Association for Student Governments
Program Time: 11:25

File/ID Number: P-690918
Date: 9/21/1969
Tape Contents: WH worship service conducted by Dr. Melik with Congressman Guy VanderJagt [see I-17]
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-690919
Date: 9/22/1969
Tape Contents: Statements for college football's centennial and for Nat'l Alliance of Businessmen
Program Time: 01:36

File/ID Number: P-690920
Date: 9/23/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks re SST
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-690921
Date: 9/25/1969
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Golda Meir, with PM Meir
Program Time: 03:32

File/ID Number: P-690922
Date: 9/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Meir, with PM Meir [see J- 109]
Program Time: 06:21

File/ID Number: P-690923
Date: 9/26/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 29:56

File/ID Number: P-690924
Date: 9/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Federation of Republican Women with PN
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number: P-690925
Date: 9/26/1969
Tape Contents: Farewell statement to PM Meir, with PM Meir
Program Time: 03:35

File/ID Number: P-690926
Date: 9/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Allan R. Watson
Program Time: 01:52

File/ID Number: P-690927
Date: 9/30/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Presidential Unit Citation to 1st Marine Regt. with Secretary Chafee
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-691001
Date: 10/7/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Souvanna Phouma, with PM Souvanna Phouma
Program Time: 05:40
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-691002
Date: 10/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to American Revolution Bicentennial Comm. with Dr. J. Sterling
Program Time: 09:50

File/ID Number: P-691003
Date: 10/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks while filming statements for the Linwood Holton and William Cahill campaigns
Program Time: 08:09

File/ID Number: P-691004
Date: 10/9/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 03:22

File/ID Number: P-691005
Date: 10/10/1969
Tape Contents: Presidential Congressional message
Program Time: 27:14

File/ID Number: P-691006
Date: 10/11/1969
Tape Contents: Statements of support for the Holton and Cahill campaigns
Program Time: 01:48
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-691007
Date: 10/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Advisory Council for Minority Enterprise with Secretary Stans
Program Time: 07:47

File/ID Number: P-691008
Date: 10/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in a People-to-People ceremony with Ambassador GV Allen, Mr. Doty
Program Time: 10:21

File/ID Number: P-691009
Date: 10/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at an Eisenhower Dinner in Washington Hilton with WB, Billy Graham, Bob Hope, Gov. Ronald Reagan, Secretary Stans, Gen. Alfred Gruenther, Rosencrans, Byrd
Program Time: 01:04

File/ID Number: P-691010
Date: 10/15/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Senator George Murphy
Program Time: 04:40

File/ID Number: P-691011
Date: 10/17/1969
Tape Contents: Radio message on inflation
Program Time: 16:21

File/ID Number: P-691012
Date: 10/21/1969
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for Shah of Iran, with Shah
Program Time: 04:11

File/ID Number: P-691013
Date: 10/21/1969
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with Shah of Iran [see J- 110]
Program Time: 07:38
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-691014
Date: 10/22/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional Prayer Breakfast with Billy Graham, Senator Stennis, Congressman Clawson
Program Time: 10:04

File/ID Number: P-691015
Date: 10/23/1969
Tape Contents: Departure of the Shah of Iran, with Shah
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-691016
Date: 10/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Roanoke, Va.
Program Time: 02:14

File/ID Number: P-691017
Date: 10/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally in Roanoke in support of Linwood Holton with Holton, Richard Poff
Program Time: 18:12

File/ID Number: P-691018
Date: 10/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Morristown. NJ with William Cahill
Program Time: 03:34

File/ID Number: P-691019
Date: 10/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally in support of Cahill in Morristown, with Cahill
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-691020
Date: 10/29/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at a rally for Cahill in Hackensack
Program Time: 16:16

File/ID Number: P-691021
Date: 10/29/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call from Hackensack to Sea Girt, NJ
Program Time: 02:09

File/ID Number: P-691022
Date: 10/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Inter-Am. Heritage Group of RNC with Agnew, Lazlo Pastor
Program Time: 06:07

File/ID Number: P-691023
Date: 10/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Inter-Am. Press Assn.
Program Time: 28:48

File/ID Number: P-691101
Date: 11/3/1969
Tape Contents: Televised address re Vietnam
Program Time: 31:51

File/ID Number: P-691102
Date: 11/4/1969
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with Prince Phillip, with Agnew, Secretary Rogers, Dean Rusk, Dean Acheson
Program Time: 08:23
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-691103
Date: 11/5/1969
Tape Contents: Interview on Today show with Barbara Walters, Herb Kaplow"
Program Time: 07:12

File/ID Number: P-691104
Date: 11/5/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on meeting with Linwood Holton and William Cahill with Holton, Cahill
Program Time: 05:35

File/ID Number: P-691105
Date: 11/5/1969
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for Apollo 11 astronauts with Neil Armstrong
Program Time: 01:42

File/ID Number: P-691106
Date: 11/10/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York 's Latin American Message with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 04:06

File/ID Number: P-691107
Date: 11/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in House of Congressman chamber thanking them for support on Vietnam with John McCormack
Program Time: 13:23

File/ID Number: P-691108
Date: 11/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks following launch of Apollo 12 with TP
Program Time: 08:32

File/ID Number: P-691109
Date: 11/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Rawlings of NY Ave. Pres. Church [see I-29]
Program Time: 01:57

File/ID Number: P-691110
Date: 11/19/1969
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Eisaku Sato, with PM Sato
Program Time: 03:13

File/ID Number: P-691111
Date: 11/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for PM Sato, with PM Sato [see J-111]
Program Time: 08:05
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-691112
Date: 11/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of PM Sato, with PM Sato
Program Time: 00:56

File/ID Number: P-691113
Date: 11/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Briefing for Business meeting with Secretary Stans"
Program Time: 20:20

File/ID Number: P-691114
Date: 11/22/1969
Tape Contents: Telephone call to Chicago Republican dinner with Ray Page, Clem Stone
Program Time: 02:46

File/ID Number: P-691115
Date: 11/24/1969
Tape Contents: Presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-691116
Date: 11/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing ratification of Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty with Secretary Rogers
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-691117
Date: 11/24/1969
Tape Contents: Television conversation with Apollo 12 crew Conrad, Gordon, and Bean aboard USS Hornet
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-691118
Date: 11/25/1969
Tape Contents: Statement to press on chemical warfare with RZ
Program Time: 05:35

File/ID Number: P-691119
Date: 11/26/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to signing HR 14001: amendment to Military Services Act of 1967
Program Time: 02:17

File/ID Number: P-691120
Date: 11/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH Thanksgiving dinner for DC area old folks with Julie and Susan Eisenhower
Program Time: 11:49

File/ID Number: P-691201
Date: 12/1/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for Boys' Club/s with RF, JE Hoover, Albert Cole, John Griswold, John Burns, A. Boyd Hinds
Program Time: 12:50

File/ID Number: P-691202
Date: 12/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to WH Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health at Sheraton Park with WW, Dr. Mayer
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-691203
Date: 12/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to Govs. Conference with JDE, Agnew, JI, RF, Attorney-General John N. Mitchell, John Broger, Art Linkletter
Program Time: 11:02

File/ID Number: P-691204
Date: 12/3/1969
Tape Contents: [continuation of 691203]

File/ID Number: P-691205
Date: 12/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to governors and their wives with JL
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-691206
Date: 12/3/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing the 5th Dimension and Al Hirt [see J-112 and J-147]
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-691207
Date: 12/4/1969
Tape Contents: Announcement of Judge Clement Haynsworth's continuation on Circuit Court with Haynsworth
Program Time: 02:33

File/ID Number: P-691208
Date: 12/4/1969
Tape Contents: Christmas message to servicemen
Program Time: 02:22

File/ID Number: P-691209
Date: 12/4/1969
Tape Contents: Christmas message to veterans
Program Time: 01:16

File/ID Number: P-691210
Date: 12/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Ft. Smith, Ark. with Gov. W. Rockefeller
Program Time: 02:36

File/ID Number: P-691211
Date: 12/6/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks while attending Arkansas-Texas football game in Fayette with Chris Schenkel, Darrell Royal, Bill Fleming, and Frank Broyles
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-691212
Date: 12/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of Am. Farm Bureau Federation at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 13:30

File/ID Number: P-691213
Date: 12/8/1969
Tape Contents: Televised press conference
Program Time: 29:17

File/ID Number: P-691214
Date: 12/9/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at a Football Foundation dinner in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NYC
Program Time: 18:33

File/ID Number: P-691215
Date: 12/11/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at a Congressional reception with BH
Program Time: 12:33

File/ID Number: P-691216
Date: 12/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to POW-MIA wives with Mrs. Stockdale, Mulligan, Mearns, Rander, Hanson
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-691217
Date: 12/12/1969
Tape Contents: Taped remarks to RNC publicity film
Program Time: 01:56

File/ID Number: P-691218
Date: 12/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with NY Ave Presbyterian Church Choir doing The Messiah [see I-21]"
Program Time: 02:54

File/ID Number: P-691219
Date: 12/14/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to cast and crew of Bob Hope's Christmas show with Hope
Program Time: 06:10

File/ID Number: P-691220
Date: 12/14/1969
Tape Contents: Introduction of the Bob Hope Christmas Show with Hope, Connie Stevens, Theresa Graves, Eva Rueber-Staier, Gold Diggers, Les Brown Band [see J-113]
Program Time: 06:15

File/ID Number: P-691221
Date: 12/15/1969
Tape Contents: Televised report on Vietnam
Program Time: 11:26

File/ID Number: P-691222
Date: 12/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on RM's decision not to run for the Senate with RM, RZ
Program Time: 14:00

File/ID Number: P-691223
Date: 12/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Reserve Recognition Day ceremony with Undersec. David Packard"
Program Time: 03:06

File/ID Number: P-691224
Date: 12/16/1969
Tape Contents: Christmas Tree lighting with Michael Pyle, ER Carr, WW, John Dalton, Congressman King, Secretary Hickel, Rev. Demetrios, G. Kalaris, Chattanooga Boys' Choir
Program Time: 07:07

File/ID Number: P-691225
Date: 12/16/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Elmer Bobst with Al Driscoll, William Cahill, Agnew, Dodo Bobst, George Champion, Arnold Palmer, Bobst, Secretary Rogers"
Program Time: 17:25

File/ID Number: P-691226
Date: 12/17/1969
Tape Contents: Excerpts from letter to Congressional leaders on spending
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-691227
Date: 12/17/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Christmas party for WH press [see J- 114]
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-691228
Date: 12/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks in conclusion of year-end Cabinet briefing
Program Time: 12:25

File/ID Number: P-691229
Date: 12/19/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at Christmas program by Kendall School for the Deaf
Program Time: 03:28

File/ID Number: P-691230
Date: 12/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Carla Scouten, Susan Butterfield, Brigid Flanigan, Maureen Finch, Jan Ehrlichman [see I- 22]
Program Time: 03:28

File/ID Number: P-691231
Date: 12/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re Agnew's foreign trip with Agnew
Program Time: 03:14

File/ID Number: P-691232
Date: 12/21/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for WH staff
Program Time: 06:02

File/ID Number: P-691233
Date: 12/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re the tax bill
Program Time: 04:47

File/ID Number: P-691234
Date: 12/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at El Toro Marine Base, Cal.
Program Time: 01:42

File/ID Number: P-700101
Date: 1/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press at Bob Hope's residence in Beverly Hills
Program Time: 03:05

File/ID Number: P-700102
Date: 1/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Norman Peale and Vienna Boys Choir [see I-23]
Program Time: 00:40

File/ID Number: P-700103
Date: 1/7/1970
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with King Hassan II of Morocco
Program Time: 03:17

File/ID Number: P-700104
Date: 1/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks while registering to vote in Santa Ana, Cal. with PN, Tricia Nixon
Program Time: 08:14

File/ID Number: P-700105
Date: 1/13/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of Caspar Weinberger as head of FTC with Weinberger
Program Time: 01:09

File/ID Number: P-700106
Date: 1/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving Tuss McLaughtery Award from Football Coaches Assn. with Paul Dietzel
Program Time: 04:06

File/ID Number: P-700107
Date: 1/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for William McChesney Martin [see J-115]
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number: P-700108
Date: 1/19/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message on the 1970 census
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-700109
Date: 1/19/1970
Tape Contents: Taped remarks for Presidential Prayer Breakfast
Program Time: 04:21

File/ID Number: P-700110
Date: 1/22/1970
Tape Contents: State of Union address
Program Time: 35:30

File/ID Number: P-700111
Date: 1/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped remarks for Congressman Sam Devine and for the Columbus Sportswriters Dinner
Program Time: 02:15

File/ID Number: P-700112
Date: 1/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped remarks for the Eisenhower dinner
Program Time: 02:01

File/ID Number: P-700113
Date: 1/24/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to Eugene Ormandy in Phila. with Ormandy, Stu. Lochheim
Program Time: 04:12

File/ID Number: P-700114
Date: 1/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican Party leaders at Anderson House with RM
Program Time: 12:15

File/ID Number: P-700115
Date: 1/26/1970
Tape Contents: Televised statement re HEW Bill veto
Program Time: 10:05

File/ID Number: P-700116
Date: 1/27/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Harold Wilson, with PM Wilson
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-700117
Date: 1/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks following state dinner for PM Wilson, with PM Wilson [see J-116]
Program Time: 08:57
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700118
Date: 1/28/1970
Tape Contents: Interview with Art Linkletter for Am. Rainbow series with Darby, Maureen, and Clint Howard, HB Barnum"
Program Time: 13:40

File/ID Number: P-700119
Date: 1/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Congressmen with BH
Program Time: 10:04

File/ID Number: P-700120
Date: 1/29/1970
Tape Contents: Introduction of Am. Env. Council to press with RZ, LD, RT, Robt. Cahn, Dr. McDonald
Program Time: 03:51

File/ID Number: P-700121
Date: 1/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Red Skelton in Evening at the WH with Skelton [see J-117]"
Program Time: 02:41

File/ID Number: P-700122
Date: 1/30/1970
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 28:15

File/ID Number: P-700123
Date: 1/31/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Cabinet chair to AB with AB
Program Time: 06:45

File/ID Number: P-700124
Date: 1/31/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of AB as Chairman of Federal Reserve with AB
Program Time: 07:06

File/ID Number: P-700201
Date: 2/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with Dr. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird Wilson, the Tudor Singers from the University of Wisconsin [see I- 24]
Program Time: 01:13

File/ID Number: P-700202
Date: 2/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for ladies of the press with East Wing Players"
Program Time: 06:34

File/ID Number: P-700203
Date: 2/5/1970
Tape Contents: Presidential prayer breakfast with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Senators Carlson and Talmadge, Representatives Talcott, Udall, and Quie, and Adm. Thomas Moorer
Program Time: 09:20

File/ID Number: P-700204
Date: 2/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Boy Scouts on 60th anniv. with Irving Feist, Luther Leavitt, Arthur Stalks, Joel Smith, and Freddy Martinez
Program Time: 03:16

File/ID Number: P-700205
Date: 2/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Indianapolis, with Gov. Roger Whitcomb
Program Time: 03:21

File/ID Number: P-700206
Date: 2/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks outside City-County Bldg. in Indianapolis with Mayor Richard Lugar
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-700207
Date: 2/6/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on completion of 1st Environmental Council meeting, in Chicago
Program Time: 11:15

File/ID Number: P-700208
Date: 2/6/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd at Schaumburg Airport in Roselle, Ill.
Program Time: 03:03

File/ID Number: P-700209
Date: 2/7/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of Secretary Rogers for Africa, with Secretary Rogers
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-700210
Date: 2/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with Dr. Henry Russell and Am. University Choir [see I-25]
Program Time: 01:40

File/ID Number: P-700211
Date: 2/10/1970
Tape Contents: Message on environmental control, message to Bob Hope
Program Time: 10:46

File/ID Number: P-700212
Date: 2/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Senator Richard Russell with Russell
Program Time: 06:01

File/ID Number: P-700213
Date: 2/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Businessmen's Dinner Conference with Mr. Borch
Program Time: 58:28

File/ID Number: P-700214
Date: 2/16/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of National Medal of Science Award with LD
Program Time: 07:15

File/ID Number: P-700215
Date: 2/16/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to briefing by LD with RZ, Henry A. Kissinger, ER, Undersecretary David Packard
Program Time: 05:29

File/ID Number: P-700216
Date: 2/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner honoring Gen. Lewis Hershey with Hershey
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number: P-700217
Date: 2/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks following dinner in honor of Andrew Wyeth with Wyeth [see J-118]
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-700218
Date: 2/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Radio and TV Correspondents Assn. at Shoreham with Roger Mudd, Charles Warren
Program Time: 11:23

File/ID Number: P-700219
Date: 2/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to National Center for Voluntary Action with Dr. Allen, Mr. Stone, Max Fisher
Program Time: 25:55

File/ID Number: P-700220
Date: 2/24/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Georges Pompidou, with President Pompidou [see J-120]
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-700221
Date: 2/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for President Pompidou, with President Pompidou
Program Time: 05:22

File/ID Number: P-700222
Date: 2/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment at dinner for President Pompidou with Peggy Lee
Program Time: 01:29

File/ID Number: P-700223
Date: 2/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Governors' Conference at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 22:00

File/ID Number: P-700224
Date: 2/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner at French Embassy given by Pres. Pompidou, with Pres. Pompidou
Program Time: 07:45

File/ID Number: P-700225
Date: 2/26/1970
Tape Contents: Departure ceremony for President Pompidou, with President Pompidou
Program Time: 02:31

File/ID Number: P-700226
Date: 2/26/1970
Tape Contents: Statement on the Federal Economy Act
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-700227
Date: 2/26/1970
Tape Contents: Telephone birthday greetings to Jackie Gleason in Miami
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-700301
Date: 3/2/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for President Pompidou in NYC by Fr.-Am. Soc. of Am. with Pres Pompidou
Program Time: 05:55

File/ID Number: P-700302
Date: 3/5/1970
Tape Contents: Signing of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with Secretary Rogers, Mr. Stevenson
Program Time: 06:30

File/ID Number: P-700303
Date: 3/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Alliance of Businessmen dinner with Don Kendall, Bob Ingram, Gilbert Hayes, Call Youngblood, Lynn Townsend
Program Time: 17:56
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700304
Date: 3/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to VFW convention at Sheraton Park with Richard Homan, Senator Henry Jackson
Program Time: 09:22

File/ID Number: P-700305
Date: 3/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Foreign Business Policy dinner at the State Dept.
Program Time: 16:15

File/ID Number: P-700306
Date: 3/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican fund-raiser with Agnew, Gerald R. Ford, RM, HS, Senator John Tower, Congressman Wilson
Program Time: 18:54

File/ID Number: P-700307
Date: 3/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at fund-raiser for National Symphony at the Shoreham Hotel
Program Time: 08:57

File/ID Number: P-700308
Date: 3/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Washington Technical Institute

File/ID Number: P-700309
Date: 3/13/1970
Tape Contents: Filmed remarks for Job Bank, Narcotics Conference, Armed Forces Day
Program Time: 06:12

File/ID Number: P-700310
Date: 3/13/1970
Tape Contents: [see 700309]

File/ID Number: P-700311
Date: 3/13/1970
Tape Contents: [see 700309]

File/ID Number: P-700312
Date: 3/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Young Republican Leadership meeting
Program Time: 18:46

File/ID Number: P-700313
Date: 3/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Gridiron Dinner with Agnew, Attorney-General John N. Mitchell, Warren Burger, Senator Edmund Muskie
Program Time: 11:27

File/ID Number: P-700314
Date: 3/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks ar WH worship service with Billy Graham, the Bucknell College Choir
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-700315
Date: 3/16/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing S 2107 to establish a commission on population and the Am. future
Program Time: 04:03

File/ID Number: P-700316
Date: 3/19/1970
Tape Contents: Filmed remarks on Higher Education Message
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-700317
Date: 3/19/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Boy of Year Award to James Heath with Heath, John Burns"
Program Time: 00:53

File/ID Number: P-700318
Date: 3/21/1970
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 36:00

File/ID Number: P-700319
Date: 3/23/1970
Tape Contents: Televised remarks re postal work stoppage
Program Time: 06:52

File/ID Number: P-700320
Date: 3/23/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for OAU with Liberian Ambassador, US Army Chorus
Program Time: 08:58

File/ID Number: P-700401
Date: 4/2/1970
Tape Contents: Dedication of Press Lobby and comments on postal wage proposal with RZ, JDE
Program Time: 02:57

File/ID Number: P-700402
Date: 4/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks after dinner prior to entertainment with Bobby Short and the Young Saints [see J-122]
Program Time: 01:28

File/ID Number: P-700403
Date: 4/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with John Cardinal Krol
Program Time: 01:05

File/ID Number: P-700404
Date: 4/7/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor to 21 people with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 06:09

File/ID Number: P-700405
Date: 4/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Institute of Municipal Law Officers with Charles Ryan
Program Time: 08:45

File/ID Number: P-700406
Date: 4/9/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re Judge Carswell and future nominations to the Supreme Court
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-700407
Date: 4/10/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for Chancellor Willy Brandt, with Chancellor Brandt
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-700408
Date: 4/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks for film on Apollo 11 mission
Program Time: 08:30

File/ID Number: P-700409
Date: 4/10/1970
Tape Contents: Taped remarks for dinner of Am. Foundation for Religion and Psychiatry for Dr NV Peale
Program Time: 01:41

File/ID Number: P-700410
Date: 4/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner for Chancellor Brandt, with Chancellor Brandt [see J-123]
Program Time: 10:43
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700411
Date: 4/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner prior to entertainment by Pearl Bailey
Program Time: 01:43

File/ID Number: P-700412
Date: 4/14/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Hilmar Baunsgaard, with PM Baunsgaard
Program Time: 02:55

File/ID Number: P-700413
Date: 4/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner for PM Baunsgaard, with PM Baunsgaard
Program Time: 07:02
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700414
Date: 4/16/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on Family Assistance Plan
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-700415
Date: 4/17/1970
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Apollo 13 astronauts on their safe return to Earth
Program Time: 03:13

File/ID Number: P-700416
Date: 4/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press after Apollo 13 splashdown
Program Time: 02:54

File/ID Number: P-700417
Date: 4/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican Women's Convention at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 08:33

File/ID Number: P-700418
Date: 4/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing after dinner entertainment incl. Jonny Cash [see J-124]
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-700419
Date: 4/18/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at awards presentation at NASA in Houston with TP
Program Time: 10:21

File/ID Number: P-700420
Date: 4/18/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival at Hickam AFB, Ha. & presentation of Medal of Freedom to Apollo 13 astronauts
Program Time: 07:02

File/ID Number: P-700421
Date: 4/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to Sunday worship service in Honolulu
Program Time: 06:09

File/ID Number: P-700422
Date: 4/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at El Toro Marine Air Station
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-700423
Date: 4/21/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner for Dep. PM Chiang Ching-kuo, with Dep. PM Chiang
Program Time: 06:17
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700424
Date: 4/20/1970
Tape Contents: Televised statement from western WH on Vietnam troop withdrawals
Program Time: 15:20

File/ID Number: P-700425
Date: 4/22/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to journalist with Squire Behrens, Edward Folliard, Arthur Krock, David Lawrence, Gould Lincoln, Raymond Moley, Adela Rogers St. John
Program Time: 31:10

File/ID Number: P-700426
Date: 4/22/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of Government Procurement Commission with Judge Byron Sorell
Program Time: 02:19

File/ID Number: P-700427
Date: 4/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with Rev. John Huffman, Jr., Laurentian Singers [see I-29]
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-700428
Date: 4/28/1970
Tape Contents: Taped messages: Nat'l Academy of Science dinner, Speech Rehab. dinner for Elmer Bobst
Program Time: 04:11

File/ID Number: P-700429
Date: 4/30/1970
Tape Contents: Televised address on Vietnam and Cambodia
Program Time: 28:10

File/ID Number: P-700430
Date: 4/30/1970
Tape Contents: Background briefing to Congressmen and Cabinet prior to Cambodian message
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number: P-700501
Date: 5/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arriving and departing the Pentagon
Program Time: 01:40

File/ID Number: P-700502
Date: 5/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to the Mexican-American Interparliamentary Conference
Program Time: 02:48

File/ID Number: P-700503
Date: 5/8/1970
Tape Contents: Press Conference
Program Time: 32:05

File/ID Number: P-700504
Date: 5/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to WH worship service with Rev. Stephen Szilagyi [see I-30]
Program Time: 02:13

File/ID Number: P-700505
Date: 5/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner for Sir Alec Douglas- Hume
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number: P-700506
Date: 5/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony
Program Time: 04:19

File/ID Number: P-700507
Date: 5/22/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to group of Senate Red Cross ladies
Program Time: 02:08

File/ID Number: P-700508
Date: 5/26/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Suharto, with President Suharto
Program Time: 02:37

File/ID Number: P-700509
Date: 5/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at program honoring retiring Speaker John McCormack with Gerald R. Ford, Carl Albert, McCormack, Lyndon Johnson
Program Time: 07:20

File/ID Number: P-700510
Date: 5/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast honoring President Suharto, with President Suharto
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-700511
Date: 5/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to after-dinner entertainment by Jerome Hines [see J-125]
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-700512
Date: 5/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at luncheon honoring Speaker John McCormack
Program Time: 11:21

File/ID Number: P-700513
Date: 5/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to leading businessmen at dinner and discussion
Program Time: 1:15:00
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700514
Date: 5/27/1970
Tape Contents: [continuation of 700513]

Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700515
Date: 5/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at presentation of President Madison portrait, with PN, Mrs. Lyndon Johnson
Program Time: 01:39

File/ID Number: P-700516
Date: 5/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at billy Graham rally in Knoxville with Billy graham, Ethel Waters
Program Time: 13:38

File/ID Number: P-700601
Date: 6/2/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Rafael Caldera, with President Caldera
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-700602
Date: 6/2/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner for President caldera, with President Caldera
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-700603
Date: 6/2/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to after-dinner entertainment by Vicki Carr [see J-127]
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-700604
Date: 6/3/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of Edward Miller of NLRB with GS, Justice Byron White
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number: P-700605
Date: 6/3/1970
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on cambodia
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number: P-700606
Date: 6/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Presidential Scholars Awards ceremony with W. Allen Wallis
Program Time: 12:18

File/ID Number: P-700607
Date: 6/6/1970
Tape Contents: Announcement of appointment of RF to Domestic Council with RF, ER
Program Time: 07:04

File/ID Number: P-700608
Date: 6/10/1970
Tape Contents: Announcement of staff changes with GS, CW, Robert Mayo
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-700609
Date: 6/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to a group of US Attorneys
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number: P-700610
Date: 6/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney on the housing crisis
Program Time: 01:47

File/ID Number: P-700611
Date: 6/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Congress of Intl. Fed. of Newspaper Publishers
Program Time: 03:05

File/ID Number: P-700612
Date: 6/17/1970
Tape Contents: Televised address on the economy
Program Time: 26:40

File/ID Number: P-700613
Date: 6/18/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Advertising Council
Program Time: 12:45

File/ID Number: P-700614
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to group of the Public Land Law review Committee
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-700615
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message for 4th annual Sportsman's World Awards
Program Time: 01:11

File/ID Number: P-700616
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message for testimonial dinner for W. Clement Stone
Program Time: 01:27

File/ID Number: P-700617
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message of greeting to state of Alaska
Program Time: 01:37

File/ID Number: P-700618
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: [same as 700617]
Program Time: 01:37

File/ID Number: P-700619
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message in tribute to Louis Armstrong
Program Time: 01:42

File/ID Number: P-700620
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message for Honor America Day--July 4, 1970
Program Time: 01:39

File/ID Number: P-700621
Date: 6/23/1970
Tape Contents: [same as 700617]

File/ID Number: P-700622
Date: 6/24/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of RF and of ER as Secretary of HEW with RF, ER
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-700623
Date: 6/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Scott AFB, IL
Program Time: 05:45

File/ID Number: P-700624
Date: 6/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to National JAYCEES Convention in St. Louis with Andre Letendre
Program Time: 38:44

File/ID Number: P-700625
Date: 6/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on opening of world affairs briefing at western WH
Program Time: 12:47

File/ID Number: P-700626
Date: 6/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure of PN from El Toro MAS for Peru
Program Time: 01:46

File/ID Number: P-700627
Date: 6/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on relief to Romainian flood victims, at western WH
Program Time: 01:01

File/ID Number: P-700628
Date: 6/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on return of PN to El Toro MAS from Peru
Program Time: 02:48

File/ID Number: P-700701
Date: 7/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at ABC studio in LA with John Chancellor, Eric Sevareid, Howard K. Smith
Program Time: 57:15

File/ID Number: P-700702
Date: 7/2/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in for Judge Thurman Clarke, GS and CW,with Clarke
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-700703
Date: 7/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on introducing Ambassador David Bruce, ambasssador to Paris Peace Talks
Program Time: 02:09

File/ID Number: P-700704
Date: 7/5/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival of Julie and David Eisenhower at El Toro MAS from Japan, with PN, Eisenhowers
Program Time: 00:38

File/ID Number: P-700705
Date: 7/7/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to OAS, in DC
Program Time: 03:53

File/ID Number: P-700706
Date: 7/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Women's National Press Club at Shoreham Hotel
Program Time: 07:17

File/ID Number: P-700707
Date: 7/9/1970
Tape Contents: Presentation of Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Earle Wheeler with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Wheeler
Program Time: 02:56

File/ID Number: P-700708
Date: 7/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Secretary-Gen. U Thant with Secretary-Gen. Thankt, Ambassador Charles yost, Senator Mike Mansfield, Shirley Temple Black, Ralph Bunce, Dr. Norman V. Peale
Program Time: 18:17

File/ID Number: P-700709
Date: 7/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at reunion of Whittier College class of 1934 with Dr. Newsom, Dick Thompson
Program Time: 13:40

File/ID Number: P-700710
Date: 7/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Louisville with Gov. Louis Nunn
Program Time: 04:11

File/ID Number: P-700711
Date: 7/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Federal office Buiding in Louisville
Program Time: 02:55

File/ID Number: P-700712
Date: 7/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on All-Star Basebal game at Riverfront Stadiium in Cincinnati with Lindsey Nelson
Program Time: 01:16

File/ID Number: P-700713
Date: 7/16/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival of Prince Charles and Princess Ann, with Prince Charles
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-700714
Date: 7/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at rehearsal with Gary Puckett, Gene Taft, Tommy Oliver [see J-128, J-129]
Program Time: 03:25

File/ID Number: P-700715
Date: 7/20/1970
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference
Program Time: 31:22

File/ID Number: P-700716
Date: 7/22/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Boys'Nation Delegates
Program Time: 09:55

File/ID Number: P-700717
Date: 7/23/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Urho Kekkonen, with President Kekkonen
Program Time: 02:12

File/ID Number: P-700718
Date: 7/23/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to president Kekkonen, with President Kekkonen
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-700719
Date: 7/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at library in Fargo, ND
Program Time: 08:22

File/ID Number: P-700721
Date: 7/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remark at Church of Latter Day Saints Admin. Bldg. in Salt lake City
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-700722
Date: 7/29/1970
Tape Contents: Signing ceremony for DC Crime Bill at western WH
Program Time: 03:11

File/ID Number: P-700723
Date: 7/30/1970
Tape Contents: Televised press confeence from LA
Program Time: 29:40

File/ID Number: P-700724
Date: 7/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on Middle East cease-fire from western WH
Program Time: 04:16

File/ID Number: P-700801
Date: 8/3/1970
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to crowd at Stapleton Airport in Denver
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-700802
Date: 8/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Denver
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-700803
Date: 8/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on Arrival at Federal Office Bldg. in Denver
Program Time: 07:22

File/ID Number: P-700804
Date: 8/3/1970
Tape Contents: Statement on crime prevention, Fed. Office Bldg., Denver
Program Time: 11:18

File/ID Number: P-700805
Date: 8/3/1970
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to member of Crime Prevention Convention in Denver
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-700806
Date: 8/4/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Mobutu, with President Mobutu
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-700807
Date: 8/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing after-dinner entertainer, Andre Watts [see J-132]
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-700808
Date: 8/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to president Joseph Mobutu, with President Mobutu
Program Time: 06:30

File/ID Number: P-700809
Date: 8/6/1970
Tape Contents: Posthumous presentation of Congressional Medals of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 04:40

File/ID Number: P-700810
Date: 8/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing Employment Security amendments
Program Time: 04:36

File/ID Number: P-700811
Date: 8/10/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at birthday reception for Bernard Lasker with Lasker
Program Time: 05:10

File/ID Number: P-700812
Date: 8/11/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on vetoing 2 appropriations bills with RZ
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-700813
Date: 8/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on Signing Postal Reorganization Bill in Post Office Dept. with WB
Program Time: 10:18

File/ID Number: P-700814
Date: 8/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Royal Orleans Hotel in New Orleans with Al Hirt, Pete Fountain
Program Time: 03:59

File/ID Number: P-700815
Date: 8/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Southern Editors and Publisheres re school desegregation with RZ, GS
Program Time: 09:15

File/ID Number: P-700817
Date: 8/18/1970
Tape Contents: Taped messages to Amvets Convention, Nat'l Assn. Letter Carriers, Explorer Olympics/Boy Scots, Inter. Quality Symp.
Program Time: 05:12

File/ID Number: P-700818
Date: 8/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks after dinner with cabinet Members with Agnew, Cabinet
Program Time: 25:26

File/ID Number: P-700819
Date: 8/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 02:54

File/ID Number: P-700820
Date: 8/20/1970
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with Preisdent Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 06:48

File/ID Number: P-700821
Date: 8/20/1970
Tape Contents: Joint statement with President Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 02:13

File/ID Number: P-700822
Date: 8/21/1970
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with President Diaz Ordaz
Program Time: 03:58

File/ID Number: P-700823
Date: 8/22/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on Departure of VP Agnew for Asia with Agnew at western WH
Program Time: 01:08

File/ID Number: P-700824
Date: 8/24/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing at western WH
Program Time: 12:20

File/ID Number: P-700825
Date: 8/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican candidates for Cal. state legislature at western WH
Program Time: 12:35

File/ID Number: P-700826
Date: 8/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Mrs. Dorothy Chandler with Mrs. Chandler in the LA Music Center
Program Time: 12:05
Listen: mp3 file (14 MB)

File/ID Number: P-700827
Date: 8/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks with Senator George Murphy at western WH
Program Time: 02:33

File/ID Number: P-700828
Date: 8/29/1970
Tape Contents: Interview with CBS re peace at home and in Vietnam at western WH
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-700901
Date: 9/3/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz at North Island NAS, Cal. with Agnew
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-700902
Date: 9/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in San Diego for Pres. Diaz Ordaz, with Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, President Diaz Ordaz [see J-137]
Program Time: 22:30

File/ID Number: P-700903
Date: 9/7/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner honorign national labor leaders with George Meany in DC
Program Time: 20:30

File/ID Number: P-700904
Date: 9/7/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Third Infantry Torchlight Tattoo"
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-700905
Date: 9/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Brooks Hays, Dr. Judd [see I-46]
Program Time: 01:44

File/ID Number: P-700906
Date: 9/14/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing=in of ED as Sceince Advisor with ED
Program Time: 04:21

File/ID Number: P-700907
Date: 9/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to group of Congressmen with Speaker John McCormack in the Capitol
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-700909
Date: 9/16/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on campus disordes to students at Ksass St. U. in Manhattan, Kansas
Program Time: 33:50

File/ID Number: P-700910
Date: 9/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at a naturalization ceremony in Chicago
Program Time: 08:53

File/ID Number: P-700911
Date: 9/18/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at party for Capitol Hill staff members
Program Time: 09:30

File/ID Number: P-700912
Date: 9/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at stag dinner for businessmen with Henry A. Kissinger, Herb Stein
Program Time: 55:34

File/ID Number: P-700913
Date: 9/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival a Quirinale Palace in Rome, with President Giuseppe Saragat
Program Time: 02:19

File/ID Number: P-700914
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Da Vinci Airpoprt to TWA hi=jack victims with Tom Garrary
Program Time: 06:34

File/ID Number: P-700915
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with President Saragat at Quirinale Palace in rome
Program Time: 07:38

File/ID Number: P-700916
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to north American Students and clergy in the Vatican with President Saragat
Program Time: 08:44

File/ID Number: P-700917
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Exchange of gifts with Pope Paul VI in the Vatican
Program Time: 03:43

File/ID Number: P-700918
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Da Vinci Airport to refugees from Jordan
Program Time: 12:15

File/ID Number: P-700919
Date: 9/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks aboard USS Saratoga to crew and Sixth Fleet
Program Time: 05:33

File/ID Number: P-700920
Date: 9/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on departing USS Saratoga with Herb Kaplow
Program Time: 02:28

File/ID Number: P-700921
Date: 9/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at NATO honors ceremony in Naples with Adm. Rivero
Program Time: 07:10

File/ID Number: P-700922
Date: 9/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to NATO leaders with Adm. Rivero
Program Time: 24:05
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700923
Date: 9/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to NATO Council at NATO HQ. in Naples with Secretary Rogers
Program Time: 15:00
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-700924
Date: 9/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press in naples after returning from USS Springfield
Program Time: 03:03

File/ID Number: P-700925
Date: 9/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner in the White Palace,m Belgrade with Pres. Josip Tito
Program Time: 08:51

File/ID Number: P-700926
Date: 9/28/1970
Tape Contents: Film interview with newsmen
Program Time: 27:20

File/ID Number: P-701001
Date: 10/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in response to President Markovich of Serbia in Serbia
Program Time: 01:05

File/ID Number: P-701002
Date: 10/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at reciprocal state dinner in Old palace, Belgrade, with President Tito
Program Time: 04:15

File/ID Number: P-701003
Date: 10/2/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Madrid, with General Francisco Franco
Program Time: 02:33

File/ID Number: P-701004
Date: 10/1/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving key to the city of Madrid with Mayor Arias Navarro
Program Time: 00:50

File/ID Number: P-701005
Date: 10/2/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast in state dinner in Madrid held in his honor, with General Franco
Program Time: 06:04

File/ID Number: P-701006
Date: 10/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Madrid, with General Franco
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-701007
Date: 10/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remark on arrival in Shannon Airport, Ireland, with The Taoiseach [President of Ireland]
Program Time: 04:14

File/ID Number: P-701008
Date: 10/3/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press at Dromoland Castle, Limerick re trip
Program Time: 24:38

File/ID Number: P-701010
Date: 10/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at state lunch in Dublin Castle, with PM Jack Lynch
Program Time: 13:40

File/ID Number: P-701011
Date: 10/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to departure from Dublin Airport, with PM Lynch
Program Time: 02:55

File/ID Number: P-701012
Date: 10/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on return to Andrews AFB with Agnew
Program Time: 07:17

File/ID Number: P-701013
Date: 10/6/1970
Tape Contents: remarks to press on Vietnam policy
Program Time: 04:12

File/ID Number: P-701014
Date: 10/7/1970
Tape Contents: Televised remarks to nation on new peace initiatives in Vietnam
Program Time: 14:35

File/ID Number: P-701015
Date: 10/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at hunter Army Airfield in Savannah
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number: P-701016
Date: 10/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks en route to Skidaway Boat Dock in Savannah
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number: P-701017
Date: 10/8/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks dedicating Oceanographic Research Center in Savannah
Program Time: 18:01

File/ID Number: P-701018
Date: 10/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks re foreign policy to NE editors and publishers in Hartford with HK, Henry A. Kissinger, J. Sisco
Program Time: 36:30

File/ID Number: P-701019
Date: 10/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at the Itlaina Center in Stamford
Program Time: 12:32

File/ID Number: P-701021
Date: 10/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at stag dinner
Program Time: 49:06
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-701022
Date: 10/16/1970
Tape Contents: Taped messages for condidtates in NJ, Penna., Cal., Vermont, Wisconsin
Program Time: 06:16

File/ID Number: P-701023
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in Burlington, Vt., on behalf of Republ. Candidates with Congressman Robert Stafford, Senator Winston Prouty, Gov. Davis
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number: P-701024
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally for Nelson Gross at teterboro Airport
Program Time: 18:39

File/ID Number: P-701025
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at political rally in Ocean Grove, NJ Auditorium
Program Time: 23:30

File/ID Number: P-701026
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport rally for Republican Candidates in Lancaster, Penna.
Program Time: 22:21

File/ID Number: P-701027
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Green Bay with Bart Starr, Phil Bengston, Bob Skoronski
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-701028
Date: 10/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at testimonial dinner in Green Bay for Bart Starr with Robert McKenna, Henry Jordan, Phil Bengston, Bob Sherman, Warren Knowles, Dominic Olejniczak
Program Time: 12:46

File/ID Number: P-701029
Date: 10/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of Organized Crime Control Bill in the Justice Dept. with Attorney-General John N. Mitchell
Program Time: 05:49

File/ID Number: P-701029
Date: 10/18/1970
Tape Contents: Taped messages to voters in several states
Program Time: 14:35

File/ID Number: P-701030
Date: 10/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at political rally at the Capitol in columbus, OH with Robert Taft, Gov. Rhodes, Roger Cloud
Program Time: 19:50

File/ID Number: P-701031
Date: 10/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Grand Forks Airport re Republican candidates with Mark Andrews, Jack Huss, Thomas Kleppe
Program Time: 22:02

File/ID Number: P-701032
Date: 10/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in Kansas City, Mo. Auditorium re Republican candidates with Jack Danforth
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number: P-701033
Date: 10/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at East Tennessee St. U. in Johnson City with Senator Howard Baker, Representatives Brock and Quillen, Winfield Dunn
Program Time: 24:56

File/ID Number: P-701034
Date: 10/20/1970
Tape Contents: remarks at rally in Pack Square in Ashville, NC W/Miss North Carolina
Program Time: 25:44

File/ID Number: P-701035
Date: 10/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican rally in Ft. Wayne Memorial Coliseum
Program Time: 34:40

File/ID Number: P-701036
Date: 10/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to overflow crowd after Ft. Wayne rally
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-701037
Date: 10/22/1970
Tape Contents: Christmas message to Veterans' hospitals
Program Time: 00:41

File/ID Number: P-701038
Date: 10/23/1970
Tape Contents: Address to the UN
Program Time: 24:11

File/ID Number: P-701039
Date: 10/23/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in NYC to the US Mission to the UN
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-701040
Date: 10/23/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to AFL-CIO rally in Unio Hall in Dandalk, MD.
Program Time: 30:11

File/ID Number: P-701041
Date: 10/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to 40 foreign dignitaries with Emperor haile Selassie
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-701042
Date: 10/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for dignitaries with James McCracken, Sandra Warfield [see J-135]
Program Time: 01:59

File/ID Number: P-701043
Date: 10/26/1970
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Nicolae Ceausecu, with president Ceausescu
Program Time: 01:52

File/ID Number: P-701044
Date: 10/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remark at state dinner for President Ceausescu, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 04:30

File/ID Number: P-701045
Date: 10/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to after-dinner entertainment with Annoa Moffo [see J-136]
Program Time: 01:46

File/ID Number: P-701046
Date: 10/27/1970
Tape Contents: Signing of the Narcotics Control Act of 1970 in the Fed. Narcotics Bldg. with Attorney-General John N. Mitchell, JI
Program Time: 03:57

File/ID Number: P-701047
Date: 10/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in a video taping
Program Time: 04:01

File/ID Number: P-701048
Date: 10/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at West palm Beach rally for Republican candidates with Gov. Claude Kirk
Program Time: 24:03

File/ID Number: P-701049
Date: 10/27/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Miami Convention Hall
Program Time: 22:25

File/ID Number: P-701050
Date: 10/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Bay Front Center in st. Petersburg
Program Time: 26:00

File/ID Number: P-701051
Date: 10/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at a Tallahassee rally for Republican Candidates
Program Time: 23:44

File/ID Number: P-701052
Date: 10/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at a Longview, texas political rally with Paul Eggars, Goerge Bush
Program Time: 28:00

File/ID Number: P-701053
Date: 10/28/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally in Market Hall in Dallas
Program Time: 34:36

File/ID Number: P-701055
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Mt. Prospect HS in Chicago
Program Time: 23:20

File/ID Number: P-701056
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport rally in Rockford, Ill.
Program Time: 22:15

File/ID Number: P-701057
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican rally in Rochester, Minn. with Congressman Al Quie, Clark MacGregor, Gov. Harold Levander
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number: P-701058
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to overflow crowd at Mayo Civic Auditorium in Rochester, Minn.
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-701059
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in omaha in support of Republican candidates
Program Time: 28:00

File/ID Number: P-701060
Date: 10/29/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally in San Jose for Senator George Murphy with Murphy, Gov. Ronald Reagan
Program Time: 31:02

File/ID Number: P-701061
Date: 10/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican victory rally in Anaheim [see I-49]
Program Time: 20:32

File/ID Number: P-701062
Date: 10/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in rally in ANG hangar in Phoenix
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number: P-701063
Date: 10/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Albuquerque rally for Republican candidates with Andy Carter
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-701064
Date: 10/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Las Vegas, Nevada rally for Republican candidates with Bill Baggio
Program Time: 36:30

File/ID Number: P-701065
Date: 10/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City
Program Time: 29:19

File/ID Number: P-701066
Date: 10/31/1970
Tape Contents: Informal remarks to Utah press re defense plant closings
Program Time: 02:51

File/ID Number: P-701101
Date: 11/2/1970
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks at riverside, Cal. airport and motorcade
Program Time: 04:06

File/ID Number: P-701102
Date: 11/3/1970
Tape Contents: Informal remaks in front of San Clemente firehouse
Program Time: 03:35

File/ID Number: P-701103
Date: 11/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re election results in western WH
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-701104
Date: 11/5/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner for Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-701105
Date: 11/6/1970
Tape Contents: Taped message for Cal. Highway Patrol Widows and Orphans Fund
Program Time: 01:06

File/ID Number: P-701106
Date: 11/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at orly airport in paris
Program Time: 01:09

File/ID Number: P-701107
Date: 11/12/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at paris Embassy to employees and families with Ambassador David Bruce
Program Time: 07:01

File/ID Number: P-701108
Date: 11/16/1970
Tape Contents: filmed statement in DC for British TV for Bob Hope
Program Time: 00:34

File/ID Number: P-701109
Date: 11/16/1970
Tape Contents: Filmed statement for British TV for Bob Hope
Program Time: 00:40

File/ID Number: P-701110
Date: 11/17/1970
Tape Contents: Dedication of 3 paintings at Penna. Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia
Program Time: 07:36

File/ID Number: P-701111
Date: 11/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Ash Council
Program Time: 22:02

File/ID Number: P-701112
Date: 11/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Board of directors of Retail Clreks Assn. at their HQ in Washington, DC
Program Time: 14:49

File/ID Number: P-701113
Date: 11/22/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in WH worship service with Monsignor McCarthy and Hope College Chapel Choir
Program Time: 02:57

File/ID Number: P-701114
Date: 11/24/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, JDH, DJ, and James Oats
Program Time: 02:27

File/ID Number: P-701115
Date: 11/25/1970
Tape Contents: Zward ceremony for North Vietnam POW Raider Team
Program Time: 03:25

File/ID Number: P-701116
Date: 11/25/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in ceremony for new WH lighting system
Program Time: 04:45

File/ID Number: P-701117
Date: 11/26/1970
Tape Contents: Welcome to veterans at Thanksgiving dinner
Program Time: 03:11

File/ID Number: P-701118
Date: 11/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for veterans [see J- 138]
Program Time: 04:50

File/ID Number: P-701119
Date: 11/30/1970
Tape Contents: Private taping for 1st annual Baseball Awards dinner
Program Time: 01:11

File/ID Number: P-701201
Date: 12/3/1970
Tape Contents: Awards ceremony for Bravery and Service Medals with RK
Program Time: 03:24

File/ID Number: P-701202
Date: 12/4/1970
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of WR as Administrator of Environmental Protection with WR, Justice Burger
Program Time: 02:01

File/ID Number: P-701203
Date: 12/4/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Assn. of Manufacturers in NYC with William Keeler, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Program Time: 26:34

File/ID Number: P-701204
Date: 12/9/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in re-enlistment ceremony with Dep. Secretary of Defense David Packard
Program Time: 03:22

File/ID Number: P-701205
Date: 12/10/1970
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 33:20

File/ID Number: P-701206
Date: 12/11/1970
Tape Contents: Announcement of appointment of George Bush as Ambassador to UN with charles yost, Bush
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-701207
Date: 12/13/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to WH Conference on Children with ER
Program Time: 26:21

File/ID Number: P-701208
Date: 12/14/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re appointment of Cabinet members, with David Kennedy, JC
Program Time: 08:05

File/ID Number: P-701209
Date: 12/14/1970
Tape Contents: Taped remarks to Armed Forces
Program Time: 01:11

File/ID Number: P-701210
Date: 12/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in bill-signing ceremony for Indians
Program Time: 06:54

File/ID Number: P-701211
Date: 12/15/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Commerce Department re GNP exceeding 1 trillion dollars
Program Time: 09:48

File/ID Number: P-701212
Date: 12/16/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony
Program Time: 09:09

File/ID Number: P-701213
Date: 12/17/1970
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Edward heath, with PM Heath
Program Time: 02:22

File/ID Number: P-701214
Date: 12/17/1970
Tape Contents: Message for nat. Military Prayer Breakfast
Program Time: 01:08

File/ID Number: P-701215
Date: 12/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Beltsville, Md. Agricultural Research Center at Corn Blight Conference with Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin
Program Time: 15:02

File/ID Number: P-701216
Date: 12/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for PM Heath [see J-139]
Program Time: 07:14

File/ID Number: P-701217
Date: 12/18/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to Evening at WH with David Frost [see J-140]
Program Time: 05:20

File/ID Number: P-701218
Date: 12/18/1970
Tape Contents: [continuation of 701217] [see J-140]

File/ID Number: P-701219
Date: 12/19/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Staff Open House
Program Time: 07:15

File/ID Number: P-701220
Date: 12/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service [see I-53]
Program Time: 05:51

File/ID Number: P-701221
Date: 12/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks at Staff Open House
Program Time: 05:04

File/ID Number: P-701222
Date: 12/21/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to Cabinet and sub-Cabinet group
Program Time: 11:54 [of the President's remarks; the recording is much longer]
Restriction(s): B (Three excisions, totaling 7 minutes and 20 seconds)

File/ID Number: P-701223
Date: 12/29/1970
Tape Contents: Signing ceremony in Interdepartmental Auditorium for Health and Safety Bill
Program Time: 06:09

File/ID Number: P-701224
Date: 12/31/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing Clean Air amendments of 1970
Program Time: 07:20

File/ID Number: P-710101
Date: 1/4/1971
Tape Contents: TV conversation with 4 reporters [see I-55]
Program Time: 56:58

File/ID Number: P-710102
Date: 1/14/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to students and faculty at U of Nebraska in Lincoln. Neb.
Program Time: 26:46

File/ID Number: P-710103
Date: 1/15/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of Nat'l Republican Center with RM
Program Time: 09:30

File/ID Number: P-710104
Date: 1/15/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at RNC reception
Program Time: 08:32

File/ID Number: P-710105
Date: 1/19/1971
Tape Contents: Announcement of PP as head of Intl. Economic Policy Council with PP, GS
Program Time: 05:37

File/ID Number: P-710106
Date: 1/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in staff meeting
Program Time: 06:32

File/ID Number: P-710107
Date: 1/22/1971
Tape Contents: State of Union address at Capitol [see I-57]
Program Time: 34:03

File/ID Number: P-710108
Date: 1/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks following memorial service for Senator Richard Russell in the Capitol in Atlanta
Program Time: 05:39

File/ID Number: P-710109
Date: 1/24/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. Eugene Coffman, Ethel Waters
Program Time: 02:45

File/ID Number: P-710110
Date: 1/26/1971
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for Prince Juan Carlos
Program Time: 01:48

File/ID Number: P-710111
Date: 1/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Prince Juan Carlos
Program Time: 07:31

File/ID Number: P-710112
Date: 1/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks before and after entertainment by Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 [see J-142]
Program Time: 03:43

File/ID Number: P-710113
Date: 1/28/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional reception
Program Time: 05:31

File/ID Number: P-710114
Date: 1/29/1971
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of RM as Interior Secretary with RM, Justice Potter Stewart
Program Time: 07:18

File/ID Number: P-710115
Date: 1/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in St. Croix, VI
Program Time: 02:24

File/ID Number: P-710201
Date: 2/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Prayer Breakfast in DC
Program Time: 06:15

File/ID Number: P-710202
Date: 2/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at sub-Cabinet meeting with DR
Program Time: 18:34

File/ID Number: P-710203
Date: 2/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Evening at WH entertainment with Beverly Sills [see J-143]
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-710204
Date: 2/4/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Am. College of Cardiologists at Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 12:21

File/ID Number: P-710205
Date: 2/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service [see I-58]
Program Time: 03:27

File/ID Number: P-710206
Date: 2/8/1971
Tape Contents: Taped statement on Environmental Message
Program Time: 00:51

File/ID Number: P-710207
Date: 2/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in a diplomatic reception
Program Time: 05:24

File/ID Number: P-710208
Date: 2/9/1971
Tape Contents: Conversation with Apollo 14 astronauts
Program Time: 03:25

File/ID Number: P-710209
Date: 2/9/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Freedom Foundation with Howard Calloway
Program Time: 07:23

File/ID Number: P-710210
Date: 2/10/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at breakfast for Democratic Congressmen
Program Time: 22:31

File/ID Number: P-710211
Date: 2/10/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Industrial Pollution Control Council with Secretary Maurice Stans
Program Time: 05:34

File/ID Number: P-710212
Date: 2/10/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Business Council
Program Time: 15:35

File/ID Number: P-710213
Date: 2/11/1971
Tape Contents: Signing ceremony for Seabed Treaty in State Dept.
Program Time: 02:39

File/ID Number: P-710214
Date: 2/11/1971
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for JC as Secretary of Treasury
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-710215
Date: 2/16/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation ceremony for Congressional Medal of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 05:06

File/ID Number: P-710216
Date: 2/16/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to National Meeting of Am. Legion at Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 10:27

File/ID Number: P-710217

Tape Contents: Informal press briefing
Program Time: 46:00

File/ID Number: P-710218
Date: 2/17/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at military reception [see J-144]
Program Time: 09:07

File/ID Number: P-710219
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Democratic Congressmen at breakfast
Program Time: 23:04

File/ID Number: P-710220
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Emilio Colombo, with PM Colombo
Program Time: 02:19

File/ID Number: P-710221
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in video-taping for 60 Minutes with Morley Safer"
Program Time: 03:08

File/ID Number: P-710222
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: [same as 710221]

File/ID Number: P-710223
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Wilson Center dedication with Senator H. Humphrey; remarks re Nat'l Health Message
Program Time: 12:18

File/ID Number: P-710224
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner for PM Colombo, with PM Colombo
Program Time: 08:27

File/ID Number: P-710225
Date: 2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Introduction of singer Anna Maria Alberghetti after state dinner [see J-145]
Program Time: 04:50

File/ID Number: P-710226
Date: 2/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Council on Physical Fitness
Program Time: 09:01

File/ID Number: P-710227
Date: 2/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Young Republicans
Program Time: 21:55

File/ID Number: P-710228
Date: 2/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Governors at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 24:00

File/ID Number: P-710229
Date: 2/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at gubernatorial dinner
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-710230
Date: 2/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment after dinner with Bob Hope, Agnew, Up With People Group [see I-146]
Program Time: 04:50

File/ID Number: P-710231
Date: 2/24/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in a staff meeting
Program Time: 12:06

File/ID Number: P-710232
Date: 2/25/1971
Tape Contents: State of the World address
Program Time: 23:31

File/ID Number: P-710233
Date: 2/25/1971
Tape Contents: Filmed statement on foreign policy
Program Time: 05:25

File/ID Number: P-710234
Date: 2/26/1971
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of George Bush as Ambassador to UN with Bush
Program Time: 04:41

File/ID Number: P-710235
Date: 2/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Adams portraits ceremony with PN, John Q. Adams, Andrew Oliver
Program Time: 09:06

File/ID Number: P-710301
Date: 3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Joint Legislative Session in Des Moines with Gov. Robert Ray
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number: P-710302
Date: 3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to press in Des Moines
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-710303
Date: 3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at conference on rural development at Ft. Des Moines Hotel [see G-84]
Program Time: 26:55
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710304
Date: 3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Background briefing for the news media in Des Moines
Program Time: 21:55

File/ID Number: P-710305
Date: 3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to news media at Des Moines airport
Program Time: 04:56

File/ID Number: P-710306
Date: 3/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner in honor of Apollo 14 astronauts
Program Time: 20:36

File/ID Number: P-710307
Date: 3/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to news media in DC
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-710308
Date: 3/2/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor with Secretarys Resor and Chafee
Program Time: 04:15

File/ID Number: P-710309
Date: 3/2/1971
Tape Contents: Private taping for 25th anniversary of Jewish War Veterans
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-710310
Date: 3/4/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 28:22

File/ID Number: P-710311
Date: 3/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service
Program Time: 03:25

File/ID Number: P-710312
Date: 3/10/1971
Tape Contents: Signing of Rural Special Revenue Sharing Message
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-710313
Date: 3/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to the Nat'l Conference on the Judiciary in Williamsburg
Program Time: 27:06

File/ID Number: P-710314
Date: 3/11/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with ladies of the press
Program Time: 65:04

File/ID Number: P-710315
Date: 3/11/1971
Tape Contents: Taped interview for Today show with Barbara Walters"
Program Time: 45:55

File/ID Number: P-710316
Date: 3/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Quonset Point NAS
Program Time: 01:46

File/ID Number: P-710317
Date: 3/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at NOCS graduation in Newport, RI
Program Time: 11:11

File/ID Number: P-710318
Date: 3/12/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to crowd at Quonset Point NAS
Program Time: 08:52

File/ID Number: P-710319
Date: 3/16/1971
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Jack Lynch
Program Time: 02:39

File/ID Number: P-710320
Date: 3/16/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Irish Evening at the WH program
Program Time: 08:52

File/ID Number: P-710321
Date: 3/17/1971
Tape Contents: Eulogy for Whitney Young at Greenwood Cemetery, Lexington, Ky.
Program Time: 08:41

File/ID Number: P-710322
Date: 3/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Assn. of Businessmen
Program Time: 11:59

File/ID Number: P-710323
Date: 3/22/1971
Tape Contents: ABC's A Conversation with the President with Howard K. Smith"
Program Time: 59:50

File/ID Number: P-710324
Date: 3/24/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican fund-raising dinner at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 15:20

File/ID Number: P-710325
Date: 3/25/1971
Tape Contents: Introduction of JC to brief press on reorganization with JC
Program Time: 01:11

File/ID Number: P-710326
Date: 3/25/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Newspaper Assn.
Program Time: 05:44

File/ID Number: P-710327
Date: 3/25/1971
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Boeing president William Allen
Program Time: 03:17

File/ID Number: P-710328
Date: 3/25/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at private stag dinner for businessmen
Program Time: 39:28
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710329
Date: 3/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to religious leaders at WH Conference on Drug Abuse
Program Time: 15:54
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710330
Date: 3/27/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to Samuel Goldwyn in Beverly Hills with Goldwyn
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-710331
Date: 3/31/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks concerning beachfront property at western WH
Program Time: 04:48

File/ID Number: P-710401
Date: 4/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re welfare at western WH with ER, Governor Ronald Reagan
Program Time: 02:22

File/ID Number: P-710402
Date: 4/6/1971
Tape Contents: Film clip re revenue sharing
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-710403
Date: 4/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to members of OAS Diplomatic Corps.
Program Time: 10:12

File/ID Number: P-710404
Date: 4/7/1971
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on troop withdrawals from SE Asia
Program Time: 19:40

File/ID Number: P-710405
Date: 4/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at domestic briefing with JDE, Ken Cole, John Whitaker
Program Time: 14:44

File/ID Number: P-710406
Date: 4/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at stag dinner for Illinois Republicans with Senator Charles Percy, Clem Stone, Jay Schiller, Leonard Lavey, Governor Richard Ogilvie
Program Time: 34:20

File/ID Number: P-710407
Date: 4/16/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with panelists at Am. Society of Newspaper Editors dinner in the Shoreham
Program Time: 58:35

File/ID Number: P-710408
Date: 4/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Haley [see I-66]
Program Time: 04:27

File/ID Number: P-710409
Date: 4/18/1971
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Bob Hope re Eisenhower Foundation fund-raising dinner
Program Time: 03:02

File/ID Number: P-710410
Date: 4/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Republican Governors Conference in Williamsburg
Program Time: 27:30

File/ID Number: P-710411
Date: 4/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at opening meeting of the DAR in Constitution Hall, Washington, DC
Program Time: 20:50

File/ID Number: P-710412
Date: 4/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to US Junior Chamber of Commerce
Program Time: 16:28

File/ID Number: P-710413
Date: 4/21/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to 4-H Club members with PN
Program Time: 11:15

File/ID Number: P-710414
Date: 4/22/1971
Tape Contents: Posthumous presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor with Secretary Resor
Program Time: 05:18

File/ID Number: P-710415
Date: 4/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at opening session of US Chamber of Commerce
Program Time: 30:50

File/ID Number: P-710416
Date: 4/27/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Voluntary Action Committee with Edwin D. Etherington
Program Time: 11:50

File/ID Number: P-710417
Date: 4/29/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 32:05

File/ID Number: P-710418
Date: 4/30/1971
Tape Contents: Ceremony honoring return of 1st Marine Div. from Vietnam, at Camp Pendleton
Program Time: 08:13

File/ID Number: P-710501
Date: 5/1/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference on lawn of western WH
Program Time: 32:47

File/ID Number: P-710502
Date: 5/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in salute to agriculture at Ambassador Annenberg's estate in Palm Springs
Program Time: 13:45

File/ID Number: P-710503
Date: 5/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Task Force on Revenue-sharing and Reorganization with JC
Program Time: 15:10

File/ID Number: P-710504
Date: 5/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at opening of Salute to Agriculture day at Dept. of Agriculture with Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin"
Program Time: 19:10

File/ID Number: P-710505
Date: 5/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to agriculture at a dinner
Program Time: 18:30

File/ID Number: P-710506
Date: 5/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment
Program Time: 03:41

File/ID Number: P-710507
Date: 5/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH Correspondents' Dinner at the Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-710508
Date: 5/9/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. Harper of St. John's Church [see I-74]
Program Time: 04:03

File/ID Number: P-710509
Date: 5/10/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks re Gateway Nat'l Recreation proposal in Newark, NJ with RM, Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York , Mayor John Lindsay
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-710510
Date: 5/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks concerning cancer research programs with ER, ED, Dr. Marsten [see G-107]
Program Time: 03:53

File/ID Number: P-710511
Date: 5/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional lunch in the Capitol
Program Time: 10:30

File/ID Number: P-710512
Date: 5/14/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Illinois Republican Party Leadership Seminar with Senator Charles Percy
Program Time: 14:40

File/ID Number: P-710513
Date: 5/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to state legislative leaders on revenue- sharing with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney
Program Time: 16:54

File/ID Number: P-710514
Date: 5/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Red Cross Convention at the Sheraton Park
Program Time: 16:30

File/ID Number: P-710515
Date: 5/20/1971
Tape Contents: Live TV statement
Program Time: 02:08

File/ID Number: P-710516
Date: 5/21/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of Intelsat Conference at State Dept. with Secretary William Rogers
Program Time: 07:32

File/ID Number: P-710517
Date: 5/21/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Nat'l Medal of Science Award with ED
Program Time: 20:19

File/ID Number: P-710518
Date: 5/21/1971
Tape Contents: Filmed statement for Senator John Tower
Program Time: 01:59

File/ID Number: P-710519
Date: 5/22/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Bergstrom AFB in Austin
Program Time: 05:35

File/ID Number: P-710520
Date: 5/22/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of LBJ Library in Austin with Billy Graham, Frank Erwin, Harry Ransom, Lyndon Johnson, Rev. George Davis
Program Time: 10:27

File/ID Number: P-710521
Date: 5/25/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in Mobile with Govs. George Wallace, L. Nunn
Program Time: 15:37

File/ID Number: P-710522
Date: 5/25/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to crowd at Parliament House in Birmingham
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-710523
Date: 5/25/1971
Tape Contents: Background briefing in Birmingham
Program Time: 50:00

File/ID Number: P-710524
Date: 5/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to the Nat'l Council for the Arts in America
Program Time: 20:01

File/ID Number: P-710525
Date: 5/27/1971
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for King Faisal of Saudi Arabia
Program Time: 01:20

File/ID Number: P-710526
Date: 5/27/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to King Faisal, with the King
Program Time: 03:21
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710527
Date: 5/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Corps of Cadets at West Point
Program Time: 13:40

File/ID Number: P-710528
Date: 5/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in Washington Hall, USMA, in declaring amnesty for cadets
Program Time: 01:19

File/ID Number: P-710529
Date: 5/14/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Voluntary Foreign Aid Committee with JAH, Charles Taft
Program Time: 09:30

File/ID Number: P-710601
Date: 6/1/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 29:31

File/ID Number: P-710602
Date: 6/2/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to William Hopkins on his retirement
Program Time: 05:30

File/ID Number: P-710603
Date: 6/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to a group of Explorer Scouts with William Stepheney
Program Time: 11:34

File/ID Number: P-710604
Date: 6/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Anastasio Somoza Debayle
Program Time: 07:45
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710605
Date: 6/3/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to 80th Congressional Club reception with Carl Albert
Program Time: 04:47

File/ID Number: P-710606
Date: 6/4/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing RM with a message re atomic energy with RM, ED, Dr. Glenn Seaborg [see G-119]
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-710607
Date: 6/4/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Tricia and Ed Cox given by Diplomatic Corps, with Tricia Cox
Program Time: 03:35

File/ID Number: P-710608
Date: 6/5/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas Navigation System in Tulsa with Governor Hall
Program Time: 22:47

File/ID Number: P-710609
Date: 6/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Am. Committee on Italian Migration Descendants
Program Time: 05:20

File/ID Number: P-710610
Date: 6/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to group of Congressmen in introducing PP with PP
Program Time: 04:51
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710611
Date: 6/8/1971
Tape Contents: [continuation of 710610]

Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710612
Date: 6/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at wedding rehearsal dinner in Blair House for Tricia and Ed Cox with Ed Cox, Greg Hedberg, Marie Cox, Maizie Cox, Julie Eisenhower
Program Time: 13:35
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-710613
Date: 6/15/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Congressional Medal of Honor
Program Time: 05:06

File/ID Number: P-710614
Date: 6/15/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner for Chancellor Willy Brandt, with Chancellor Brandt
Program Time: 04:20

File/ID Number: P-710615
Date: 6/16/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to group of teen-age Republicans
Program Time: 12:50
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-710616
Date: 6/16/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to REA Youth Council with Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin, MF
Program Time: 08:01

File/ID Number: P-710617
Date: 6/17/1971
Tape Contents: Statement re Drug Addiction Program
Program Time: 04:32

File/ID Number: P-710618
Date: 6/18/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing to NY area editors and publishers in Rochester
Program Time: 42:44

File/ID Number: P-710619
Date: 6/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to state dignitaries on revenue-sharing in Rochester, NY with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 16:02

File/ID Number: P-710620
Date: 6/22/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd outside Chalfont Haddon Hall in Atlantic City
Program Time: 05:23

File/ID Number: P-710621
Date: 6/22/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of AMA in Chalfont Haddon Hall in Atlantic City
Program Time: 34:04

File/ID Number: P-710622
Date: 6/22/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner
Program Time: 33:52

File/ID Number: P-710623
Date: 6/24/1971
Tape Contents: Film clip for use on Honor America Day
Program Time: 01:42

File/ID Number: P-710624
Date: 6/24/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of plaque commemorating mother Hannah Nixon's birthplace in Vernon, Ind.
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number: P-710625
Date: 6/24/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner in Indianapolis honoring Mr. Hovde
Program Time: 07:40

File/ID Number: P-710626
Date: 6/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Assn. of Retired Teachers in Chicago's Pick-Congress Hotel
Program Time: 30:42

File/ID Number: P-710627
Date: 6/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner honoring WB with WB, JDE, RM, George Bush
Program Time: 19:55

File/ID Number: P-710628
Date: 6/30/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to press re Turkish Poppy Crop Agreement with Ambassador Esambel, Secretary Rogers
Program Time: 01:15

File/ID Number: P-710629
Date: 6/30/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to graduating class of FBI agents with Attorney-General John N. Mitchell, J. Edgar Hoover, Joe Casper, George Davis, Jack Montgomery
Program Time: 10:40

File/ID Number: P-710630
Date: 6/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to news media outside church in Key Biscayne
Program Time: 03:58

File/ID Number: P-710631
Date: 6/28/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Chowder and Marching Society
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number: P-710701
Date: 7/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for Mrs. Juan Velasco of Peru with Ambassador Bercke Meyer
Program Time: 06:25

File/ID Number: P-710702
Date: 7/3/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Archives opening Bicentennial Celebration Comm. with Justice Burger, Speaker Carl Albert
Program Time: 14:16

File/ID Number: P-710703
Date: 7/5/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at ceremonies certifying the 18-year voting age
Program Time: 15:40

File/ID Number: P-710704
Date: 7/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in Kansas City, Mo. to media re future US positions in world affairs
Program Time: 42:00

File/ID Number: P-710705
Date: 7/12/1971
Tape Contents: Signing ceremony in western WH for Emergency Employment Act of 1970
Program Time: 01:26

File/ID Number: P-710706
Date: 7/15/1971
Tape Contents: Televided remarks from NBC studio in Burbank re forthcoming visit to PRC
Program Time: 03:21

File/ID Number: P-710707
Date: 7/27/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to meeting members of Society of Assn. Executives
Program Time: 00:45

File/ID Number: P-710708
Date: 7/28/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Boys Nation group"
Program Time: 13:50

File/ID Number: P-710709
Date: 7/28/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication of painting in Statuary Room of US Capitol
Program Time: 13:15

File/ID Number: P-710710
Date: 7/30/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Canton-Akron Airport
Program Time: 04:34

File/ID Number: P-710711
Date: 7/30/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, O. with Pete Rozelle
Program Time: 17:06

File/ID Number: P-710712
Date: 7/30/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with Frank Gifford for CBS in Canton
Program Time: 04:11

File/ID Number: P-710713
Date: 7/31/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dedication of Rathbun Dam in Centerville, Iowa
Program Time: 24:40

File/ID Number: P-710801
Date: 8/4/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 50:52

File/ID Number: P-710802
Date: 8/5/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Business Council for Consumer Affairs with Secretary Stans
Program Time: 24:08

File/ID Number: P-710803
Date: 8/5/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at informal Early Bird supporters reception with John Tower
Program Time: 12:25

File/ID Number: P-710804
Date: 8/6/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks at Bangor, Maine airport
Program Time: 09:01

File/ID Number: P-710805
Date: 8/6/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to crowd in downtown Nashua, NH
Program Time: 07:15

File/ID Number: P-710806
Date: 8/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd at Manchester, NH airport
Program Time: 14:03

File/ID Number: P-710807
Date: 8/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Girls Nation group"
Program Time: 22:15

File/ID Number: P-710808
Date: 8/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Greenbriar Nursing Home in Nashua, NH
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-710809
Date: 8/15/1971
Tape Contents: Televised remarks re 90-day wage and price freeze
Program Time: 18:08

File/ID Number: P-710810
Date: 8/16/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at State Dept. prior to briefing on Financial Message with Agnew, JDE, GS, PM, John Dolan, AB
Program Time: 01:30

File/ID Number: P-710811
Date: 8/17/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Convention of Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus in NYC with John McDevitt, Terence Cardinal Cooke, Bishop Gregor
Program Time: 23:40

File/ID Number: P-710812
Date: 8/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at bill-signing ceremony in Old Capitol, Springfield, Ill. with Governor Ogilvie
Program Time: 14:08

File/ID Number: P-710813
Date: 8/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Junior Livestock Pavilion, Ill. State Fair, Springfield
Program Time: 02:55

File/ID Number: P-710814
Date: 8/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Fanning Field in Idaho Falls
Program Time: 08:40

File/ID Number: P-710815
Date: 8/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to convention of VFW in Municipal Auditorium in Dallas with Herbert Rainwater
Program Time: 25:32

File/ID Number: P-710816
Date: 8/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dedication of Veterans Hospital in Loma Linda, Cal.
Program Time: 13:51

File/ID Number: P-710817
Date: 8/20/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with ABC correspondent at western WH
Program Time: 14:45

File/ID Number: P-710901
Date: 9/3/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at dedication of new Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH
Program Time: 13:25

File/ID Number: P-710902
Date: 9/3/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Associated Milk Producers Convention in Chicago's McCormick Place
Program Time: 30:30

File/ID Number: P-710903
Date: 9/6/1971
Tape Contents: Radio address to nation from Camp David
Program Time: 11:25

File/ID Number: P-710904
Date: 9/9/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Joint Session of Congress on New Economic Policy with Carl Albert
Program Time: 27:45

File/ID Number: P-710905
Date: 9/10/1971
Tape Contents: Toast at dinner for Joint US-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs
Program Time: 05:03
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-710906
Date: 9/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Ben Haden, Norma Zimmer, Billy Graham
Program Time: 03:02

File/ID Number: P-710907
Date: 9/16/1971
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference
Program Time: 37:26

File/ID Number: P-710908
Date: 9/21/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to group representing a Racing Association with Secretary Volpe
Program Time: 10:16

File/ID Number: P-710909
Date: 9/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of Detroit Economic Club in Cobo Hall, Detroit
Program Time: 55:04

File/ID Number: P-710910
Date: 9/25/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Glacier Nat'l Park Airport, Kalispell, Montana
Program Time: 09:03

File/ID Number: P-710911
Date: 9/25/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Portland, Ore.
Program Time: 07:23

File/ID Number: P-710912
Date: 9/25/1971
Tape Contents: Press conference in Benson Hotel in Portland
Program Time: 35:05

File/ID Number: P-710913
Date: 9/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport arrival in Walla Walla, Wash.
Program Time: 11:37

File/ID Number: P-710914
Date: 9/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to public at Battelle Northwest Labs in Richland, Wash.
Program Time: 12:31

File/ID Number: P-710915
Date: 9/26/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks greeting Emperor Hirohito at Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, with Emperor Hirohito
Program Time: 02:45

File/ID Number: P-710916
Date: 9/26/1971
Tape Contents: [see 710915]

File/ID Number: P-710917
Date: 9/27/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Mamie Eisenhower's 75th birthday celebration at the Wash., DC Hilton
Program Time: 06:04

File/ID Number: P-710918
Date: 9/28/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to POW wives
Program Time: 05:45

File/ID Number: P-710919
Date: 9/29/1971
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to Manlio Brosio, Secretary-Gen. of NATO with S-G Brosio
Program Time: 04:15

File/ID Number: P-710920
Date: 9/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for delegates to the Intl. Bank
Program Time: 10:55

File/ID Number: P-710921
Date: 9/30/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at correspondents' party for Doug Cornell with Cornell, Helen Thomas, PN, RZ, GW
Program Time: 09:38

File/ID Number: P-711001
Date: 10/4/1971
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation from Key Biscayne with Congressman Otto Passman re drug abuse
Program Time: 08:45

File/ID Number: P-711002
Date: 10/7/1971
Tape Contents: Televised remarks re Phase II of New Economic Policy
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number: P-711003
Date: 10/8/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Mountain Forest Festival in Elkins, W. Va.
Program Time: 13:45

File/ID Number: P-711004
Date: 10/10/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. Trueblood, Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin
Program Time: 01:40

File/ID Number: P-711005
Date: 10/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks re talks with Soviet Union
Program Time: 26:50

File/ID Number: P-711006
Date: 10/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks re Pay Board policy with GS, RZ
Program Time: 03:46

File/ID Number: P-711007
Date: 10/12/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at unveiling of portrait of Congressman F. Edward Hebert in Rayburn Bldg.
Program Time: 09:35

File/ID Number: P-711008
Date: 10/12/1971
Tape Contents: Filmed message for Senators Charles Percy, Robert Griffin
Program Time: 02:09

File/ID Number: P-711009
Date: 10/13/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Citizens for a New Prosperity
Program Time: 08:23

File/ID Number: P-711010
Date: 10/15/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Billy Graham Testimonial Day at Charlotte College, Charlotte, NC
Program Time: 19:27

File/ID Number: P-711011
Date: 10/15/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Charlotte
Program Time: 08:49

File/ID Number: P-711012
Date: 10/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in briefing at Ft. Detrick, Md. with Ken Cole, Dr. Zubron, Dr. Baker
Program Time: 31:57

File/ID Number: P-711013
Date: 10/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Ft. Detrick HQ Bldg.
Program Time: 04:57

File/ID Number: P-711014
Date: 10/19/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Joint Chiefs of Staff
Program Time: 14:07
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-711015
Date: 10/21/1971
Tape Contents: Televised remarks re choice of Supreme Court nominees
Program Time: 14:37

File/ID Number: P-711016
Date: 10/22/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Fed. of Republican Women at the Washington Hilton
Program Time: 22:59

File/ID Number: P-711017
Date: 10/24/1971
Tape Contents: Live radio remarks on Veterans Day
Program Time: 08:15

File/ID Number: P-711018
Date: 10/26/1971
Tape Contents: Private taping for Nat'l Assn. of Manufacturers
Program Time: 02:12

File/ID Number: P-711019
Date: 10/28/1971
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Josip Tito, with President Tito
Program Time: 03:27

File/ID Number: P-711020
Date: 10/28/1971
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with the President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito on the occasion of the Yugoslav President’s state visit to the United States, October 28, 1971
Program Time: 05:39

File/ID Number: P-711021
Date: 10/28/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment in honor of President Tito with Gail Robertson
Program Time: 02:12

File/ID Number: P-711101
Date: 11/2/1971
Tape Contents: Toast at state dinner in honor of PM William McMahon, with PM McMahon
Program Time: 07:45

File/ID Number: P-711102
Date: 11/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment by Richard Tucker for PM McMahon
Program Time: 01:03

File/ID Number: P-711103
Date: 11/4/1971
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Indira Gandhi, with Mrs. Gandhi
Program Time: 04:17

File/ID Number: P-711104
Date: 11/4/1971
Tape Contents: Private tapings for Senator Gordon Allott Appreciation Night, Senator William Brock Fund-raiser; Message for VA's 1971 Christmas Show
Program Time: 05:14

File/ID Number: P-711105
Date: 11/4/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toasts to PM I. Gandhi, with PM Gandhi
Program Time: 11:25

File/ID Number: P-711106
Date: 11/4/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for PM I. Gandhi
Program Time: 01:15

File/ID Number: P-711107
Date: 11/6/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in birthday greeting from Key Biscayne to Senator Robert Griffin with Griffin
Program Time: 01:39

File/ID Number: P-711108
Date: 11/9/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at GOP Fundraiser at Americana Hotel, NYC with Bob Hope, Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 18:58

File/ID Number: P-711109
Date: 11/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at GOP Fundraiser in Chicago's Conrad Hilton Hotel with Agnew, Bob Hope, Art Linkletter, Governor Ronald Reagan, Senator Charles Percy
Program Time: 21:30

File/ID Number: P-711110
Date: 11/11/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing re resignation of Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin with Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin, Earl Butz
Program Time: 07:10

File/ID Number: P-711111
Date: 11/12/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing
Program Time: 25:40

File/ID Number: P-711112
Date: 11/14/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service [see I-94]
Program Time: 01:35

File/ID Number: P-711113
Date: 11/15/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Cost of Living Council with JC
Program Time: 04:54

File/ID Number: P-711114
Date: 11/16/1971
Tape Contents: Private taping for Armed Forces Radio
Program Time: 00:58

File/ID Number: P-711115
Date: 11/19/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention in Bal Harbour, Fla.
Program Time: 31:30

File/ID Number: P-711116
Date: 11/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to high school students
Program Time: 08:35

File/ID Number: P-711117
Date: 11/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at Wash. Redskins practice session in Fairfax County, Va.
Program Time: 14:36

File/ID Number: P-711118
Date: 11/27/1971
Tape Contents: Dedication ceremony for Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs, Cal. with Bob Hope, Mamie Eisenhower, Governor Ronald Reagan, Delores Hope, Agnew
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-711119
Date: 11/30/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with Readers Digest
Program Time: 56:54

File/ID Number: P-711125
Date: 12/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to German press after joint statement with Chancellor Brandt
Program Time: 03:14

File/ID Number: P-711201
Date: 12/1/1971
Tape Contents: Statement to Nat'l Conference on Correction
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-711202
Date: 12/1/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Congress of the 4H at the Conrad Hilton in Chicago
Program Time: 30:10

File/ID Number: P-711203
Date: 12/1/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in Grand Ball Room of the Hilton in Chicago
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-711204
Date: 12/2/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to WH Conference on Aging at Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 36:13

File/ID Number: P-711205
Date: 12/2/1971
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Earl Butz with Butz, Secretary Rogers, Senator George Aiken
Program Time: 04:16

File/ID Number: P-711206
Date: 12/6/1971
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau on the occasion of the Canadian prime minister’s visit to the United States, Washington, December 6, 1971.
Program Time: 04:58

File/ID Number: P-711207
Date: 12/7/1971
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Emilio Medici
Program Time: 03:02

File/ID Number: P-711208
Date: 12/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast honoring President Medici, with President Medici
Program Time: 05:45

File/ID Number: P-711209
Date: 12/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment in honor of President Medici
Program Time: 01:52

File/ID Number: P-711210
Date: 12/10/1971
Tape Contents: Private tapings: Christmas message to Armed Forces; Armed Forces Nat'l Prayer Breakfast; Thanks for the Memories, An Evening with Bob Hope
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-711211
Date: 12/10/1971
Tape Contents: Signing of the 1971 Revenue Act
Program Time: 07:30

File/ID Number: P-711212
Date: 12/13/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Georges Pompidou in Governor's Palace, Terceria Is., Azores, with PM Marcello Caetano
Program Time: 07:20
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-711213
Date: 12/14/1971
Tape Contents: Joint statement with President Pompidou at Junta General, Azores with RZ
Program Time: 01:29

File/ID Number: P-711214
Date: 12/14/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks to press at Andrews AFB with JC, Secretary Rogers
Program Time: 00:46

File/ID Number: P-711215
Date: 12/18/1971
Tape Contents: Taped message to Alaska Claims Convention
Program Time: 00:48

File/ID Number: P-711216
Date: 12/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks at the Smithsonian Inst.
Program Time: 03:22

File/ID Number: P-711217
Date: 12/19/1971
Tape Contents: Interview with Hugh Sidey, Hedley Donovan, Henry Grunwald
Program Time: 90:22

File/ID Number: P-711218
Date: 12/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks re 10% Import Surcharge Elimination at Governor's House, Hamilton, Bermuda
Program Time: 00:58

File/ID Number: P-711219
Date: 12/20/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast aboard HMS Glamorgan in Hamilton, Bermuda with PM Edward Heath
Program Time: 13:03
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-711220
Date: 12/21/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on conclusion of talks with PM Heath in Hamilton, Bermuda
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-711221
Date: 12/21/1971
Tape Contents: NBC program A Day in the Life of the President aired 12/21/71"
Program Time: 60:00

File/ID Number: P-711222
Date: 12/23/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing Cancer Research Bill with Dr. Detin of Nat'l Cancer Soc.
Program Time: 07:39

File/ID Number: P-711223
Date: 12/24/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on leaving Bethesda Naval Hospital after physical
Program Time: 04:27

File/ID Number: P-711224
Date: 12/29/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks on conclusion of talks with Chancellor Willy Brandt in Key Biscayne, with Brandt
Program Time: 02:08

File/ID Number: P-720101
Date: 1/2/1972
Tape Contents: Dan Rather's A Conversation with the President"
Program Time: 58:45

File/ID Number: P-720102
Date: 1/4/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Steel and Shipbuilding Co. in San Diego
Program Time: 07:14

File/ID Number: P-720103
Date: 1/7/1972
Tape Contents: Joint statement with PM Eisaku Sato in San Clemente
Program Time: 03:14

File/ID Number: P-720104
Date: 1/9/1972
Tape Contents: Welcome Home ceremony for PN at Andrews AFB with PN, Agnew
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-720105
Date: 1/10/1972
Tape Contents: Private taping on James Roche and on Jess Hill
Program Time: 01:23

File/ID Number: P-720106
Date: 1/13/1972
Tape Contents: Introduction of Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird re Vietnam troop withdrawals with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, RZ
Program Time: 00:36

File/ID Number: P-720107
Date: 1/13/1972
Tape Contents: Private taping re the Vince Lombardi Award
Program Time: 01:09

File/ID Number: P-720108
Date: 1/20/1972
Tape Contents: State of the Union Message in the Capitol with Fishbait Miller, Speaker Carl Albert
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number: P-720109
Date: 1/20/1972
Tape Contents: Private tapings for the US Olympic Team and for the EPA
Program Time: 01:54

File/ID Number: P-720110
Date: 1/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Cabinet dinner
Program Time: 38:20

File/ID Number: P-720111
Date: 1/25/1972
Tape Contents: Televised major foreign policy statement
Program Time: 18:53

File/ID Number: P-720112
Date: 1/26/1972
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Henry A. Kissinger at the Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 00:36

File/ID Number: P-720113
Date: 1/27/1972
Tape Contents: Announcement of resignation of Secretary Stans with Secretary Stans, PP, PF
Program Time: 04:21

File/ID Number: P-720114
Date: 1/28/1972
Tape Contents: Toast honoring Dewitt Wallace, with Wallace, Billy Graham, Secretary Rogers, Bob Hope
Program Time: 09:34

File/ID Number: P-720115
Date: 1/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing entertainment honoring Dewitt Wallace with Wallace
Program Time: 09:28

File/ID Number: P-720116
Date: 1/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks honoring Bob Brown at Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 09:15

File/ID Number: P-720201
Date: 2/1/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Prayer Breakfast at Washington Hilton
Program Time: 21:15

File/ID Number: P-720202
Date: 2/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in a drug seminar
Program Time: 10:13

File/ID Number: P-720203
Date: 2/7/1972
Tape Contents: Filmed statement on environment and career education
Program Time: 04:24

File/ID Number: P-720204
Date: 2/7/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Businessmen's Dinner at Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 26:07

File/ID Number: P-720205
Date: 2/8/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in a reception for Jaycees
Program Time: 18:40

File/ID Number: P-720206
Date: 2/9/1972
Tape Contents: Televised State of the World Mesage
Program Time: 10:08

File/ID Number: P-720207
Date: 2/9/1972
Tape Contents: Filmed spot from State of the World Message
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-720208
Date: 2/10/1992
Tape Contents: Remarks re PRC trip
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number: P-720209
Date: 2/16/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Voluntary Action Awards Banquet at Kennedy Center
Program Time: 15:50

File/ID Number: P-720210
Date: 2/17/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure for PRC
Program Time: 03:45

File/ID Number: P-720211
Date: 2/19/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Kanohe MCAS, Hawaii
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-720212
Date: 2/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Guam
Program Time: 03:31

File/ID Number: P-720213
Date: 2/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Chou En-lai in the Great Hall of the People in Peking
Program Time: 06:41

File/ID Number: P-720214
Date: 2/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks: at Great Wall; at private dinner in Peking
Program Time: 15:35

File/ID Number: P-720215
Date: 2/25/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Chou En-lai in Great Hall of the People in Peking
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-720216
Date: 2/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to press at West Lake Guest Cottage in Hangchow
Program Time: 12:48

File/ID Number: P-720217
Date: 2/26/1972
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with head of the Revolutionary Committee of Hangchow
Program Time: 06:28

File/ID Number: P-720218
Date: 2/27/1972
Tape Contents: Banquet toast in Shanghai
Program Time: 10:50

File/ID Number: P-720219
Date: 2/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska
Program Time: 03:32

File/ID Number: P-720220
Date: 2/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on return from PRC at Andrews AFB, with Agnew
Program Time: 10:10

File/ID Number: P-720221
Date: 2/1/1972
Tape Contents: Toast for Republican Governors w/Govs. Ronald Reagan of California, Nelson Rockefeller of New York, Linwood Holton of Virginia, and William Milliken of Michigan. Governor Holton describes the challenge of de-segregating Virginia’s schools.
Program Time: 33:16

File/ID Number: P-720301
Date: 3/7/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at VFW Congressional Awards Dinner at Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 13:45

File/ID Number: P-720302
Date: 3/13/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Health Forum
Program Time: 00:52

File/ID Number: P-720303
Date: 3/16/1972
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on busing
Program Time: 14:20

File/ID Number: P-720304
Date: 3/19/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Fred B. Rhodes and the Campus Sing Chorus
Program Time: 27:50

File/ID Number: P-720305
Date: 3/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at narcotics briefing in Federal Office Bldg. in NYC [see I-116]
Program Time: 03:52
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-720306
Date: 3/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd at JFK Intl. Airport on drug problem
Program Time: 03:52

File/ID Number: P-720307
Date: 3/21/1972
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Nihat Erim, with PM Erim
Program Time: 02:15

File/ID Number: P-720308
Date: 3/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing the Drug Abuse and Treatment Act of 1972 with JJ
Program Time: 08:40

File/ID Number: P-720309
Date: 3/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast honoring PM Erim, with PM Erim
Program Time: 08:55

File/ID Number: P-720310
Date: 3/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing entertainment with Dorothy Kirsten
Program Time: 01:28

File/ID Number: P-720311
Date: 3/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at press briefing re labor leaders with RZ
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-720312
Date: 3/24/1972
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 35:04

File/ID Number: P-720313
Date: 3/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Advertising Council
Program Time: 16:12

File/ID Number: P-720314
Date: 3/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner honoring King Hussein, with King Hussein
Program Time: 07:00
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-720315
Date: 3/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in tribute to Mark Spitz, Sullivan Award winner
Program Time: 00:32

File/ID Number: P-720401
Date: 4/6/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Catholic Education Assn. in Philadelphia with John Cardinal Krol
Program Time: 31:34

File/ID Number: P-720402
Date: 4/10/1972
Tape Contents: State Dept. signing ceremony for Convention on Biological Weapons with Secretary Rogers, Ambassador Anatoliy Dobrynin
Program Time: 03:47

File/ID Number: P-720403
Date: 4/10/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Nat'l Alliance of Businessmen
Program Time: 13:20

File/ID Number: P-720404
Date: 4/13/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at arrival at Upland RCAFB in Ottawa
Program Time: 05:49

File/ID Number: P-720405
Date: 4/13/1972
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts at state dinner with Canadian Governor General Roland Michener on the occasion of the President’s state visit to Canada, Ottawa April 5, 1972.
Program Time: 13:15

File/ID Number: P-720406
Date: 4/14/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at House of Commons in Ottawa with PM Pierre Trudeau, Speaker of the House
Program Time: 20:56

File/ID Number: P-720407
Date: 4/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing the Great Lakes Treaty in Ottawa with PM Trudeau
Program Time: 03:14

File/ID Number: P-720408
Date: 4/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to OAS in the WH with President Maro
Program Time: 16:05
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-720409
Date: 4/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for OAS dinner guests with Birgit Nilson
Program Time: 02:03

File/ID Number: P-720410
Date: 4/17/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional lunch in the Capitol with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Carl Albert
Program Time: 13:05

File/ID Number: P-720411
Date: 4/18/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to PRC Table Tennis Team
Program Time: 01:30

File/ID Number: P-720412
Date: 4/19/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to DC Police Dept. representatives with Chief Jerry Wilson
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-720413
Date: 4/25/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in dinner for retiring Congressmen
Program Time: 54:57

File/ID Number: P-720414
Date: 4/26/1972
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on Vietnam
Program Time: 17:47

File/ID Number: P-720415
Date: 4/30/1972
Tape Contents: Q&A session at Picosa Ranch, Floresville, Texas with JC
Program Time: 55:40

File/ID Number: P-720416
Date: 4/8/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Customs officials at Key Biscayne
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-720501
Date: 5/2/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on death of JE Hoover
Program Time: 01:20

File/ID Number: P-720502
Date: 5/4/1972
Tape Contents: Eulogy for JE Hoover at Nat'l Presbyterian Church in DC with Rev. Edward Elson [see I-112]
Program Time: 10:23

File/ID Number: P-720503
Date: 5/8/1972
Tape Contents: Televised remarks re Vietnam
Program Time: 16:56

File/ID Number: P-720504
Date: 5/9/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner for Duke Law Class of '37
Program Time: 30:02

File/ID Number: P-720505
Date: 5/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at dedication of the Blue Room
Program Time: 06:46

File/ID Number: P-720506
Date: 5/16/1972
Tape Contents: Announcement of successor for JC as Secretary of the Treasury with JC
Program Time: 12:46

File/ID Number: P-720507
Date: 5/16/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Mexico-US Interparliamentary Group
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-720508
Date: 5/19/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for press prior to departure for Soviet Union
Program Time: 26:12

File/ID Number: P-720509
Date: 5/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Andrews AFB prior to departure for Salzburg, Austria
Program Time: 04:14

File/ID Number: P-720510
Date: 5/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at toast in Salzburg, Austria with Chancellor Bruno Kreisky
Program Time: 04:12

File/ID Number: P-720511
Date: 5/21/1972
Tape Contents: Informal remarks at Schloss Klessheim in Salzburg
Program Time: 03:48

File/ID Number: P-720512
Date: 5/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast in dinner in the Moscow Kremlin given by the USSR
Program Time: 10:16

File/ID Number: P-720513
Date: 5/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at reciprocal dinner at Spasso House in Moscow with PM Alexei Kosygin
Program Time: 03:34

File/ID Number: P-720514
Date: 5/27/1972
Tape Contents: Toast at lunch in Leningrad City Hall
Program Time: 03:34

File/ID Number: P-720515
Date: 5/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on live television from Moscow
Program Time: 18:33

File/ID Number: P-720516
Date: 5/29/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner hosted by Ukrainian Govt. in Kiev
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-720517
Date: 5/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Shayad Monument in Tehran when presented key to the city
Program Time: 01:20

File/ID Number: P-720518
Date: 5/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Shah of Iran in Tehran's Niavanan Palace, with Shah
Program Time: 23:24

File/ID Number: P-720519
Date: 5/31/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in lunch toast in Sadabad Palace in Tehran with Shah
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-720520
Date: 5/31/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in arrival ceremony in Warsaw
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-720521
Date: 5/31/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in Palace of Ministers in Warsaw
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-720601
Date: 6/1/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in lunch toast in Wilanow Palace, Warsaw with Chairman of Council of Ministers
Program Time: 03:36

File/ID Number: P-720602
Date: 6/1/1972
Tape Contents: Address to Joint Session of Congress on the Moscow talks
Program Time: 27:15

File/ID Number: P-720603
Date: 6/12/1972
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony with CW, GS, RK, and Chief Justice Burger
Program Time: 07:35

File/ID Number: P-720604
Date: 6/13/1972
Tape Contents: Film spot on arms limitation
Program Time: 00:45

File/ID Number: P-720605
Date: 6/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Henry A. Kissinger to members of Congress
Program Time: 12:30

File/ID Number: P-720606
Date: 6/15/1972
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Luis Echeverria Alvarez
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-720607
Date: 6/15/1972
Tape Contents: Exchange of toasts with President Echeverria Alvarez
Program Time: 09:10
Restriction(s): B

File/ID Number: P-720608
Date: 6/15/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Pete Fountain as entertainer at the state dinner
Program Time: 02:59

File/ID Number: P-720609
Date: 6/22/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference
Program Time: 41:43

File/ID Number: P-720610
Date: 6/23/1972
Tape Contents: TV spot for the Education Bill
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-720611
Date: 6/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks after inspecting flood damage from Hurricane Agnes in Harrisburg
Program Time: 01:38

File/ID Number: P-720612
Date: 6/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks re meat prices
Program Time: 00:40

File/ID Number: P-720613
Date: 6/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Polish-Americans
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-720614
Date: 6/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for radio and TV personalities
Program Time: 09:48

File/ID Number: P-720615
Date: 6/29/1972
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 42:10

File/ID Number: P-720616
Date: 6/30/1972
Tape Contents: Interview with Clifford Evans
Program Time: 07:07

File/ID Number: P-720701
Date: 7/4/1972
Tape Contents: 4th of July address to nation from San Clemente
Program Time: 10:37

File/ID Number: P-720702
Date: 7/12/1972
Tape Contents: Flood aid radio broadcast from San Clemente
Program Time: 06:11

File/ID Number: P-720703
Date: 7/26/1972
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with PM Golda Meir
Program Time: 03:46

File/ID Number: P-720704
Date: 7/27/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference
Program Time: 39:21

File/ID Number: P-720705
Date: 7/28/1972
Tape Contents: Signing of Federal Crop Insurance Act
Program Time: 06:54

File/ID Number: P-720801
Date: 8/1/1972
Tape Contents: Private taping for the Retired Officers Assn.
Program Time: 00:58

File/ID Number: P-720802
Date: 8/1/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Secret Service
Program Time: 02:32

File/ID Number: P-720803
Date: 8/8/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner in honor of Cabinet members at Camp David
Program Time: 39:20

File/ID Number: P-720804
Date: 8/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in airport arrival in Miami
Program Time: 07:41

File/ID Number: P-720805
Date: 8/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Youth for Nixon rally in Miami's Marine Stadium
Program Time: 10:29

File/ID Number: P-720806
Date: 8/23/1972
Tape Contents: Acceptance of Republican Presidential nomination in Miami
Program Time: 41:25

File/ID Number: P-720807
Date: 8/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in handshaking session after acceptance speeches at convention in Miami
Program Time: 00:53

File/ID Number: P-720808
Date: 8/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to American Legion Nat'l Convention in Chicago
Program Time: 32:20

File/ID Number: P-720809
Date: 8/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Eisenhower HS dedication in Shelby Township, Michigan
Program Time: 25:58

File/ID Number: P-720810
Date: 8/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at political rally in San Diego
Program Time: 21:55

File/ID Number: P-720811
Date: 8/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at western WH
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-720812
Date: 8/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Celebrities for the President at poolside party in San Clemente
Program Time: 12:52

File/ID Number: P-720813
Date: 8/29/1972
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 39:35

File/ID Number: P-720814
Date: 8/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Hickam AFB, Hawaii with Governor Burns
Program Time: 04:26

File/ID Number: P-720815
Date: 8/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival of PM Tanaka at Hickam AFB, with PM Kakuei Tanaka
Program Time: 03:08

File/ID Number: P-720901
Date: 9/1/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at retirement ceremony for Adm. McCain at Hickam AFB
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-720902
Date: 9/2/1972
Tape Contents: Taped message for Labor Day from western WH
Program Time: 17:20

File/ID Number: P-720903
Date: 9/4/1972
Tape Contents: Reception for news media at western WH
Program Time: 06:36

File/ID Number: P-720904
Date: 9/5/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Citizens Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality in San Francisco
Program Time: 37:33

File/ID Number: P-720905
Date: 9/5/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks in San Francisco re terrorism at the Munich Olympics
Program Time: 03:52

File/ID Number: P-720906
Date: 9/5/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to press in San Francisco
Program Time: 05:06

File/ID Number: P-720907
Date: 9/8/1972
Tape Contents: Private tapings for Congressman Charles Jonas, Mr. Gross, and for the advancemen
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-720908
Date: 9/9/1972
Tape Contents: Presentation of $4,000,000 check to Wilkes College in Wilkes-Barre, Penna.
Program Time: 02:23

File/ID Number: P-720909
Date: 9/9/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at mobile home park for elderly flood victims in Kingston, Penna.
Program Time: 05:37

File/ID Number: P-720910
Date: 9/12/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Republican Nat'l Committee with Agnew
Program Time: 17:10

File/ID Number: P-720911
Date: 9/17/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at annual Italian Fall Festival in Mitchellvile, Md.
Program Time: 08:31

File/ID Number: P-720912
Date: 9/18/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at State Dept. to senior staff re narcotics control
Program Time: 10:43

File/ID Number: P-720913
Date: 9/21/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at bil signing ceremony with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 03:01

File/ID Number: P-720914
Date: 9/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Customs officials in Laredo, Texas
Program Time: 06:34

File/ID Number: P-720915
Date: 9/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Rio Grande City, Texas HS with Congressman de la Garza
Program Time: 24:06

File/ID Number: P-720916
Date: 9/22/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at JC's Democrats for Nixon dinner in Floresville, Texas with JC
Program Time: 27:18

File/ID Number: P-720917
Date: 9/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Texas GOP leaders in San Antonio
Program Time: 17:45

File/ID Number: P-720918
Date: 9/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Young Labor for Nixon meeting in DC
Program Time: 26:00

File/ID Number: P-720919
Date: 9/25/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Board of Governors of IMF, IFC, IDA, and World Bank
Program Time: 19:11

File/ID Number: P-720920
Date: 9/26/1972
Tape Contents: Dedication of Immigration Museum at the Statue of Liberty in NYC
Program Time: 09:55

File/ID Number: P-720921
Date: 9/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Victory 72 fundraising dinner in NYC with PN, CM, Senator Robert Dole
Program Time: 24:40

File/ID Number: P-720922
Date: 9/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Labor Leaders for Nixon in NYC's Waldorf-Astoria
Program Time: 09:43

File/ID Number: P-720923
Date: 9/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Victory 72 lunch in San Francisco's Sheraton Palace with Governor Ronald Reagan
Program Time: 32:10

File/ID Number: P-720924
Date: 9/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at GOP fundraising dinner in Los Angeles's Century Plaza Hotel
Program Time: 24:55

File/ID Number: P-720925
Date: 9/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Am. Cancer Institute in LA
Program Time: 15:28

File/ID Number: P-720926
Date: 9/29/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks for Salute to Ethel Waters dinner in DC
Program Time: 00:43

File/ID Number: P-720927
Date: 9/29/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks re Opportunities Industrialization Center
Program Time: 01:55

File/ID Number: P-720928
Date: 9/30/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks while signing Interim SALT Agreement
Program Time: 02:43

File/ID Number: P-721001
Date: 10/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing SALT Ratification Agreement with Carl Salans, FM Andrei Gromyko
Program Time: 06:40

File/ID Number: P-721002
Date: 10/5/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference
Program Time: 38:35

File/ID Number: P-721003
Date: 10/7/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast from Camp David on federal spending
Program Time: 14:42

File/ID Number: P-721004
Date: 10/8/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Columbus Day celebration
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number: P-721005
Date: 10/9/1972
Tape Contents: Audio taping for Home Builders Assn.
Program Time: 02:08

File/ID Number: P-721006
Date: 10/10/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l and State Newspaper Assns.
Program Time: 14:21

File/ID Number: P-721007
Date: 10/12/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Southern GOP and Re-Election Committees in Atlanta's Regency Hyatt House
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-721008
Date: 10/15/1972
Tape Contents: Paid political radio broadcast on crime and drug abuse from Camp David
Program Time: 14:20

File/ID Number: P-721009
Date: 10/16/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to POW families meeting
Program Time: 09:40

File/ID Number: P-721010
Date: 10/17/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to visiting labor leaders from 24 foreign nations
Program Time: 10:36

File/ID Number: P-721011
Date: 10/17/1972
Tape Contents: Veterans Day message
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-721012
Date: 10/20/1972
Tape Contents: Signing of Revenue Sharing Bill in Independence Hall with Agnew, Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York , G. Spellman, Pete Wilson, L. Welsh, Governor Warren Hearnes
Program Time: 09:38

File/ID Number: P-721013
Date: 10/21/1972
Tape Contents: Live radio speech on philosophy of government from Camp David
Program Time: 13:36

File/ID Number: P-721014
Date: 10/22/1972
Tape Contents: Live radio speech in Veterans Day message
Program Time: 12:05

File/ID Number: P-721015
Date: 10/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception at Rockefeller estate in Tarrytown, NY with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 16:13

File/ID Number: P-721016
Date: 10/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nassau County Coliseum on Long Island with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
Program Time: 32:03

File/ID Number: P-721017
Date: 10/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Islip, Long Island
Program Time: 06:43

File/ID Number: P-721018
Date: 10/23/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks at Tuckahoe, NY
Program Time: 01:25

File/ID Number: P-721019
Date: 10/24/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks signing veterans legislation: HR 10880, HR 12828, HJ Res. 748
Program Time: 08:40

File/ID Number: P-721020
Date: 10/25/1972
Tape Contents: Live radio speech on federal responsibility to education
Program Time: 14:48

File/ID Number: P-721021
Date: 10/25/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on behalf of Republican candidates
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-721022
Date: 10/26/1972
Tape Contents: Private tapings: endorsement of WB, news clip on vetoes
Program Time: 01:32

File/ID Number: P-721023
Date: 10/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Huntington, W. Va.
Program Time: 10:58

File/ID Number: P-721024
Date: 10/26/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Paul Blazer HS in Ashland, Ky.
Program Time: 35:20

File/ID Number: P-721025
Date: 10/27/1972
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast on agriculture
Program Time: 13:45

File/ID Number: P-721026
Date: 10/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to Am. ethnic leaders and press
Program Time: 09:25

File/ID Number: P-721027
Date: 10/28/1972
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast entitled One America"
Program Time: 14:55

File/ID Number: P-721028
Date: 10/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd in North Royalton, Ohio on the death of a policeman
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-721029
Date: 10/28/1972
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks to Mr. and Mrs. Lorence of Mantua Corners, Ohio on amnesty
Program Time: 02:48

File/ID Number: P-721030
Date: 10/28/1972
Tape Contents: Endorsements of Senator Robert Taft, Jr. and Congressman Stanton in Warren, Ohio
Program Time: 01:47

File/ID Number: P-721031
Date: 10/28/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport arrival rally in Saginaw, Michigan
Program Time: 10:05

File/ID Number: P-721032
Date: 10/29/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to surrogate campaigners re election issues with JDE, CM, AH, Secretary Rogers in DC
Program Time: 27:26

File/ID Number: P-721033
Date: 10/29/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast re national defense
Program Time: 13:40

File/ID Number: P-721034
Date: 10/29/1972
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with Senator John Tower and Committee to Re-Elect the President
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-721035
Date: 10/30/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast from Camp David re signing HR 1
Program Time: 12:38

File/ID Number: P-721101
Date: 11/1/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast on urban affairs
Program Time: 13:48

File/ID Number: P-721102
Date: 11/2/1972
Tape Contents: Taped TV address
Program Time: 23:32

File/ID Number: P-721103
Date: 11/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in appreciation of Tom McCabe and radio message on medicine
Program Time: 11:32

File/ID Number: P-721104
Date: 11/3/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast on foreign policy
Program Time: 13:06

File/ID Number: P-721105
Date: 11/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nixon/Dewey Bartlett rally in Tulsa
Program Time: 16:40

File/ID Number: P-721106
Date: 11/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport rally in Nat'l Guard hangar in Chicago
Program Time: 21:20

File/ID Number: P-721107
Date: 11/3/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at rally ot Theodore Green Airport in Warwick (Providence), RI
Program Time: 14:58

File/ID Number: P-721108
Date: 11/4/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at political rally in Greensboro, NC with Jesse Helms
Program Time: 21:20

File/ID Number: P-721109
Date: 11/4/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in political rally in Albuquerque
Program Time: 22:07

File/ID Number: P-721110
Date: 11/4/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at airport rally in Ontario, Cal. with Governor Ronald Reagan
Program Time: 23:50

File/ID Number: P-721111
Date: 11/5/1972
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast from western WH on 10 American goals
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-721112
Date: 11/5/1972
Tape Contents: Interview at western WH with Jack Horner of Washington Star
Program Time: 51:24

File/ID Number: P-721113
Date: 11/6/1972
Tape Contents: TV broadcast from western WH
Program Time: 04:07

File/ID Number: P-721114
Date: 11/7/1972
Tape Contents: Victory statement on election eve from the Oval Office
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-721115
Date: 11/8/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at victory party at Shoreham Hotel with Agnew
Program Time: 10:50

File/ID Number: P-721116
Date: 11/23/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to officers, enlisted men, and dependents of the Sequoia galley, at Camp David
Program Time: 04:30

File/ID Number: P-721117
Date: 11/25/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in NYC
Program Time: 07:23

File/ID Number: P-721118
Date: 11/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks on Administration reorganization at Camp David
Program Time: 18:13

File/ID Number: P-721201
Date: 12/12/1972
Tape Contents: Audio taping for Nat'l Armed Forces Prayer Breakfast
Program Time: 00:42

File/ID Number: P-721202
Date: 12/16/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast for old and new Cabinet members with AA, Secretary William Rogers
Program Time: 26:12

File/ID Number: P-721203
Date: 12/16/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks introducing Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians with Waring
Program Time: 04:33

File/ID Number: P-721204
Date: 12/17/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks in Christmas worship service with John Cardinal Krol
Program Time: 02:23

File/ID Number: P-721205
Date: 12/19/1972
Tape Contents: Telephone conversation with crew of Apollo 17
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-721206
Date: 12/19/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for surrogate campaigners
Program Time: 13:19

File/ID Number: P-730101
Date: 1/2/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks re death of Roberto Clemente
Program Time: 00:54

File/ID Number: P-730102
Date: 1/5/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Congressional leadership breakfast with JDE, GS
Program Time: 80:09

File/ID Number: P-730103
Date: 1/5/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for freshman Congressmen
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-730104
Date: 1/12/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Shen Yang Acrobatic Troupe from PRC
Program Time: 06:36

File/ID Number: P-730105
Date: 1/20/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony and Inaugural Address from the Capitol steps
Program Time: 17:15

File/ID Number: P-730106
Date: 1/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball in Kennedy Center's Grand Foyer
Program Time: 04:29

File/ID Number: P-730107
Date: 1/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball in Kennedy Center's Roof Terrace
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-730108
Date: 1/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball in the Pension Bldg. with Agnew
Program Time: 05:53

File/ID Number: P-730109
Date: 1/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to news media following Inaugural Parade with PN
Program Time: 03:18

File/ID Number: P-730110
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Youth Ball in Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 07:45

File/ID Number: P-730111
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball in the Museum of Natural History with Agnew
Program Time: 08:18

File/ID Number: P-730112
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Inaugural Ball in Museum of History and Technology
Program Time: 06:58

File/ID Number: P-730113
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Billy Graham, Rev. J. Bernardin, Rabbi Edgar Magnin
Program Time: 06:15

File/ID Number: P-730114
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in reception for the Nixon-Ryan families
Program Time: 09:10
Restriction(s): G

File/ID Number: P-730115
Date: 1/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for the Republican National Committee
Program Time: 14:10

File/ID Number: P-730116
Date: 1/23/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks re the end of the Vietnam War
Program Time: 09:29

File/ID Number: P-730117
Date: 1/25/1973
Tape Contents: Radio speech on the proposed federal budget
Program Time: 11:02

File/ID Number: P-730118
Date: 1/26/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to POW-MIA wives
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-730119
Date: 1/31/1973
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 38:43

File/ID Number: P-730120
Date: 1/31/1973
Tape Contents: Private taping for dedication of the Marriott Center at Brigham Young U.
Program Time: 00:50

File/ID Number: P-730201
Date: 2/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Prayer Breakfast at Wash. Hilton with AA, Congressman Myers, Justice Blackmun, Senator Mark Hatfield, Speaker Carl Albert, Secretary Johnson [sic], Billy Graham
Program Time: 08:35

File/ID Number: P-730202
Date: 2/1/1973
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for PM Edward Heath, with PM Heath
Program Time: 02:30

File/ID Number: P-730203
Date: 2/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Heath, with PM Heath
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-730204
Date: 2/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for PM Heath with US Army Chorus
Program Time: 04:09

File/ID Number: P-730205
Date: 2/2/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Cabinet members with Chief Justice Burger, ER, HD, Peter Brennan, JTL, Claude Brinegar, John Scali, AA, James Schlesinger, Kenneth Rush, WS, Snead, John Whitaker, Frank Carlucci, Krough, Ambassador William Porter, Will
Program Time: 07:32

File/ID Number: P-730206
Date: 2/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to King Hussein, with King Hussein
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-730207
Date: 2/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment in honor of King Hussein
Program Time: 02:19

File/ID Number: P-730208
Date: 2/7/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks re Senator John Stennis at Walter Reed Army Hospital
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-730209
Date: 2/7/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for John Dunlop as Director of COLC with Dunlop
Program Time: 01:27

File/ID Number: P-730210
Date: 2/7/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to news media with Helen Thomas
Program Time: 06:18

File/ID Number: P-730211
Date: 2/11/1973
Tape Contents: Impromptu press conference following WH worship service
Program Time: 04:10

File/ID Number: P-730212
Date: 2/12/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Caspar Weinberger with CW, Judge Caldcott
Program Time: 02:22

File/ID Number: P-730213
Date: 2/13/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on flag-raising for return of Vietnam POWs
Program Time: 01:12

File/ID Number: P-730214
Date: 2/13/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to bystanders at Statler Hilton Hotel
Program Time: 10:28

File/ID Number: P-730215
Date: 2/14/1973
Tape Contents: Broadcast remarks on natural resources and the environment
Program Time: 11:37

File/ID Number: P-730216
Date: 2/14/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on natural resources and the environment, excerpt for reels
Program Time: 04:50

File/ID Number: P-730217
Date: 2/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at the Pentagon
Program Time: 06:17

File/ID Number: P-730218
Date: 2/16/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Mayport, Fla. NAS and aboard the USS Albany
Program Time: 02:04

File/ID Number: P-730219
Date: 2/19/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at AFL-CIO Executive meeting in Miami's Americana Hotel
Program Time: 36:46

File/ID Number: P-730220
Date: 2/19/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Jackie Gleason Golf Tournament at Inverary Country Club, Lauderhill, Fla.
Program Time: 03:54

File/ID Number: P-730221
Date: 2/19/1973
Tape Contents: Taping of economic policy radio message at Key Biscayne
Program Time: 14:14

File/ID Number: P-730222
Date: 2/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to SC House of Representatives in Columbia, SC with Governor John West, Tarlton Cave
Program Time: 24:04

File/ID Number: P-730223
Date: 2/22/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Boy Scouts in Oval Office
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-730224
Date: 2/22/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for WW
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-730225
Date: 2/22/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Congressional supporters of the Vietnam policy
Program Time: 14:50

File/ID Number: P-730226
Date: 2/22/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to reporters at the National Theater
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-730227
Date: 2/23/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on jobs for veterans with James Oates, Secretary of Labor Peter Brennan
Program Time: 03:55

File/ID Number: P-730228
Date: 2/23/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in photo opportunity with Hafez Ismail
Program Time: 02:03

File/ID Number: P-730229
Date: 2/23/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Congressman Joe Waggonner, and the Mardi Gras King, Queen, and Princess
Program Time: 10:30

File/ID Number: P-730230
Date: 2/23/1973
Tape Contents: Radio message on human resources
Program Time: 13:46

File/ID Number: P-730231
Date: 2/25/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service
Program Time: 03:40

File/ID Number: P-730232
Date: 2/28/1973
Tape Contents: Taping for EK Gaylord
Program Time: 01:50

File/ID Number: P-730233
Date: 2/28/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Governors and their wives
Program Time: 37:30

File/ID Number: P-730301
Date: 3/1/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with PM Golda Meir, Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 03:28

File/ID Number: P-730302
Date: 3/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Meir, with PM Meir
Program Time: 07:05

File/ID Number: P-730303
Date: 3/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for PM Meir
Program Time: 03:25

File/ID Number: P-730304
Date: 3/2/1973
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 33:45

File/ID Number: P-730305
Date: 3/2/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in photo opportunity
Program Time: 02:28

File/ID Number: P-730306
Date: 3/3/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Brad Cooke of SEC with Cooke
Program Time: 01:15

File/ID Number: P-730307
Date: 3/3/1973
Tape Contents: Radio message on community development
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number: P-730308
Date: 3/3/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH entertainment by Sammy Davis, Jr.
Program Time: 02:11

File/ID Number: P-730309
Date: 3/6/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Chief Jerry Wilson
Program Time: 03:54

File/ID Number: P-730310
Date: 3/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks while viewing Am. Foreign Service Assn. plaque at State Dept. with Thomas Boyatt
Program Time: 07:29

File/ID Number: P-730311
Date: 3/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at stag dinner
Program Time: 33:05

File/ID Number: P-730312
Date: 3/7/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to recipients of the Federal Woman's Award
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-730313
Date: 3/7/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at stag dinner with Bob Hope
Program Time: 37:10

File/ID Number: P-730314
Date: 3/9/1973
Tape Contents: Tape for radio broadcast on crime and drugs
Program Time: 14:47

File/ID Number: P-730315
Date: 3/9/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on crime and drugs for network film
Program Time: 00:50

File/ID Number: P-730316
Date: 3/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in WH worship service with Monsignor John Kuhn
Program Time: 02:25

File/ID Number: P-730317
Date: 3/13/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Foreign Service wives
Program Time: 13:04

File/ID Number: P-730318
Date: 3/14/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportinity with Vernon Acree and 5 US Customs agents
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-730319
Date: 3/15/1973
Tape Contents: Press briefing
Program Time: 37:15

File/ID Number: P-730320
Date: 3/16/1973
Tape Contents: Taping on 1st Federal Design Assembly and the Am. Battlefield Monument
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-730321
Date: 3/20/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mrs. Trapeynihovia, Co- Chairman USSR Committee on Science
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-730322
Date: 3/21/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with USSR Women's Gymnastics Team
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-730323
Date: 3/22/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Presidential appointees
Program Time: 74:00

File/ID Number: P-730324
Date: 3/22/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mrs. Bedford
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-730325
Date: 3/24/1973
Tape Contents: Taped radio message on veterans affairs from Key Biscayne
Program Time: 10:39

File/ID Number: P-730326
Date: 3/27/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Congressman Lindy Boggs
Program Time: 02:09

File/ID Number: P-730327
Date: 3/29/1973
Tape Contents: Televised address on Vietnam and domestic economic programs
Program Time: 19:58

File/ID Number: P-730328
Date: 3/30/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for state legislators with RA, CW, JTL, Secretary Earl Butz
Program Time: 21:21

File/ID Number: P-730329
Date: 3/30/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Soviet Minister of Culture, Mrs. Yekaterina Furtseva
Program Time: 01:21

File/ID Number: P-730330
Date: 3/31/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at program honoring John Ford in Beverly Hills with Ford, Danny Kaye, C. Heston
Program Time: 07:32

File/ID Number: P-730401
Date: 4/2/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony at San Clemente for President Thieu, with President Thieu
Program Time: 02:56

File/ID Number: P-730402
Date: 4/3/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Thieu at San Clemente, with President Thieu
Program Time: 03:41

File/ID Number: P-730403
Date: 4/3/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at conclusion of talks with President Thieu
Program Time: 01:06

File/ID Number: P-730404
Date: 4/8/1973
Tape Contents: Presentation of the 1st Citizen Award at El Toro, Cal. MCAS with Mayor of Orange County
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-730405
Date: 4/9/1973
Tape Contents: Film clip on the Trade Bill
Program Time: 00:32

File/ID Number: P-730406
Date: 4/10/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Lee Kuan Yew
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-730407
Date: 4/10/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment in honor of PM Lee Kuan Yew with Mary Costa
Program Time: 01:21

File/ID Number: P-730408
Date: 4/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at presentation of Cancer Courage Award to Jack Pardee with PN, M&M Pardee
Program Time: 02:35

File/ID Number: P-730409
Date: 4/12/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Congressional veto supporters with HS, Gerald R. Ford, Senator John McClellan, Congressman Joe Waggonner, Army Chorus
Program Time: 16:28

File/ID Number: P-730410
Date: 4/13/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for OAS delegates
Program Time: 05:40

File/ID Number: P-730411
Date: 4/14/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to tour group on the South Grounds of the WH with PN
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-730412
Date: 4/14/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner for WH correspondents at the Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 10:23

File/ID Number: P-730413
Date: 4/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Rev. Edward Victor Hill
Program Time: 02:36

File/ID Number: P-730414
Date: 4/16/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Building and Construction Funds Convention of AFL-CIO at the Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 25:01

File/ID Number: P-730415
Date: 4/17/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for PM Giulio Andreotti
Program Time: 03:23

File/ID Number: P-730416
Date: 4/17/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with PM Andreotti, Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 03:45

File/ID Number: P-730417
Date: 4/17/1973
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 03:43

File/ID Number: P-730418
Date: 4/17/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Andreotti
Program Time: 04:25

File/ID Number: P-730419
Date: 4/18/1973
Tape Contents: Taped film clip on energy
Program Time: 02:03

File/ID Number: P-730420
Date: 4/27/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Stennis Training Center at Meridian, Miss. NAS
Program Time: 12:08

File/ID Number: P-730421
Date: 4/27/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Rose Mary Woods's reception for WH secretaries with Woods
Program Time: 06:58

File/ID Number: P-730422
Date: 4/30/1973
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on Watergate
Program Time: 24:07

File/ID Number: P-730501
Date: 5/1/1973
Tape Contents: Arrival ceremony for Chancellor Willy Brandt, with Chancellor Brandt, newsman Burroughs
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-730502
Date: 5/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Chancellor Brandt, with Chancellor Brandt
Program Time: 07:10

File/ID Number: P-730503
Date: 5/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for Chancellor Brandt
Program Time: 02:52

File/ID Number: P-730504
Date: 5/3/1973
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast on foreign policy
Program Time: 07:27

File/ID Number: P-730505
Date: 5/9/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at New Majority dinner at Wash. Hilton with Agnew, HS, William Brock
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number: P-730506
Date: 5/10/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Michael Balzano of ACTION with Balzano, S. Annunzio
Program Time: 03:08

File/ID Number: P-730507
Date: 5/10/1973
Tape Contents: Private tapings: highway safety legislation; Sikes testimonial; drug abuse
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-730508
Date: 5/14/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mrs. Roberto Clemente with HS, Senator Richard Schweiker
Program Time: 08:07

File/ID Number: P-730509
Date: 5/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Emperor Haile Selassie, with Emperor Selassie
Program Time: 02:51

File/ID Number: P-730510
Date: 5/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for Emperor Selassie
Program Time: 01:17

File/ID Number: P-730511
Date: 5/16/1973
Tape Contents: Radio remarks re federal election reform
Program Time: 10:44

File/ID Number: P-730512
Date: 5/19/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on Armed Forces Day at Pier 12 in Norfolk, Va. with V. Adm. Plate
Program Time: 23:30

File/ID Number: P-730513
Date: 5/24/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at State Dept. reception for POWs with 2 POWs
Program Time: 35:24

File/ID Number: P-730514
Date: 5/24/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner and entertainment for POWs
Program Time: 18:58

File/ID Number: P-730515
Date: 5/25/1973
Tape Contents: Taped radio message for POWs on Memorial Day
Program Time: 00:52

File/ID Number: P-730516
Date: 5/25/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity at dedication of flag made by POWs
Program Time: 02:45

File/ID Number: P-730517
Date: 5/25/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for ER as Attorney General with ER, Chief Justice Burger
Program Time: 05:30

File/ID Number: P-730518
Date: 5/30/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Huang Chen, chief of the PRC Liaison Office with Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 03:13

File/ID Number: P-730519
Date: 5/31/1973
Tape Contents: Impromptu remarks after meeting with Pres. Georges Pompidou in Kjarvallsstadir, Iceland
Program Time: 00:36

File/ID Number: P-730520
Date: 5/31/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Pres. Kristjan Eldjarn, with Presidents Eldjarn & Pompidou
Program Time: 05:56

File/ID Number: P-730601
Date: 6/3/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with President William Tolbert on his arrival
Program Time: 00:35

File/ID Number: P-730602
Date: 6/5/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with President Tolbert
Program Time: 02:24

File/ID Number: P-730603
Date: 6/5/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Tolbert, with President Tolbert
Program Time: 05:50

File/ID Number: P-730604
Date: 6/8/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at graduation of Florida Technical University
Program Time: 26:34

File/ID Number: P-730605
Date: 6/13/1973
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on the economy
Program Time: 15:40

File/ID Number: P-730606
Date: 6/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at cornerstone ceremony for Dirksen Library & Research Center in Pekin, Ill.
Program Time: 14:00

File/ID Number: P-730607
Date: 6/17/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Skylab astronauts from Key Biscayne
Program Time: 01:41

File/ID Number: P-730608
Date: 6/18/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, with Gen-Sec Brezhnev
Program Time: 03:37

File/ID Number: P-730609
Date: 6/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to General Secretary Brezhnev, with Gen-Sec Brezhnev
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-730610
Date: 6/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at introduction of entertainment, with General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 06:57

File/ID Number: P-730611
Date: 6/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to correspondents at the state dinner for General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 03:03

File/ID Number: P-730612
Date: 6/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in the signing of the Soviet-American agreements
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-730613
Date: 6/21/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at dinner in Soviet Embassy given by General Secretary Brezhnev, with Brezhnev
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-730614
Date: 6/22/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of Soviet-American agreement with General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 00:55

File/ID Number: P-730615
Date: 6/22/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity at Camp David with General Secretary Brezhnev, RZ
Program Time: 10:02

File/ID Number: P-730616
Date: 6/22/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at western WH with General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 00:10

File/ID Number: P-730617
Date: 6/23/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at poolside reception at western WH with General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 04:13

File/ID Number: P-730618
Date: 6/24/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at western WH in a signing and departure with General Secretary Brezhnev
Program Time: 05:59

File/ID Number: P-730619
Date: 6/30/1973
Tape Contents: Radio broadcast on the economy from western WH
Program Time: 12:22

File/ID Number: P-730701
Date: 7/2/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony at western WH for JS as Secretary of Defense with JS
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-730702
Date: 7/5/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with TE at western WH
Program Time: 01:25

File/ID Number: P-730703
Date: 7/7/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity at western WH with SEC nominee Garrett
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-730704
Date: 7/9/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony at Federal Bldg. in Kansas City, Mo. for Clarence Kelly as Director of the FBI with Kelly, Dr. Bash, Comm. Davis, ER, John Danforth, Governor Bond, Judge Becker
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-730705
Date: 7/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on receiving commemorative medal from Nat'l Capitol Historic Assn. with Gerald R. Ford, Senator Hubert Humphrey, Hansen
Program Time: 02:23

File/ID Number: P-730706
Date: 7/12/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Minister from Germany
Program Time: 04:20

File/ID Number: P-730707
Date: 7/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Bethesda Naval Hospital
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-730708
Date: 7/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on return to WH from stay in Bethesda Naval Hospital
Program Time: 11:00

File/ID Number: P-730709
Date: 7/24/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for Shah and Empress of Iran, with Shah
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-730710
Date: 7/24/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to the Shah of Iran
Program Time: 07:07

File/ID Number: P-730711
Date: 7/24/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for the Shah of Iran
Program Time: 01:13

File/ID Number: P-730712
Date: 7/25/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to the Shah of Iran at the Iranian Embassy
Program Time: 08:13

File/ID Number: P-730713
Date: 7/31/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for PM Kakuei Tanaka, with PM Tanaka
Program Time: 06:29

File/ID Number: P-730714
Date: 7/31/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Tanaka, with PM Tanaka
Program Time: 13:10

File/ID Number: P-730715
Date: 7/31/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for PM Tanaka
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-730801
Date: 8/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to summer interns
Program Time: 08:40

File/ID Number: P-730802
Date: 8/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in signing the Crime Prevention Bill
Program Time: 02:07

File/ID Number: P-730803
Date: 8/15/1973
Tape Contents: Televised address re Watergate
Program Time: 28:08

File/ID Number: P-730804
Date: 8/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to VFW Convention at Rivergate Convention Center in New Orleans with Commander-in-Chief of the VFW Carr, the Nat'l President of the VFW, Lola Reed
Program Time: 32:34

File/ID Number: P-730805
Date: 8/22/1973
Tape Contents: Televised remarks from San Clemente
Program Time: 43:00

File/ID Number: P-730902
Date: 9/5/1973
Tape Contents: Televised press briefing
Program Time: 36:00

File/ID Number: P-730903
Date: 9/6/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with GS
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number: P-730904
Date: 9/4/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for William Colby as CIA Director with Colby
Program Time: 02:05

File/ID Number: P-730904
Date: 9/8/1973
Tape Contents: Press briefing with GW, JL
Program Time: 10:35

File/ID Number: P-730905
Date: 9/8/1973
Tape Contents: Radio address on legislative agenda
Program Time: 18:20

File/ID Number: P-730906
Date: 9/10/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to members of the Republican National Committee
Program Time: 10:10

File/ID Number: P-730907
Date: 9/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to TASC Conference on drug abuse
Program Time: 11:27

File/ID Number: P-730908
Date: 9/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception honoring select Republican Congressmen
Program Time: 17:30

File/ID Number: P-730909
Date: 9/13/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Representatives Herman Schneebeli, Al Ullman, W. Pearce, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Henry A. Kissinger, WT
Program Time: 02:57

File/ID Number: P-730910
Date: 9/14/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Nancy Hanks
Program Time: 02:14

File/ID Number: P-730911
Date: 9/17/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Council on Environmental Quality
Program Time: 01:05

File/ID Number: P-730912
Date: 9/18/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Program Time: 05:10

File/ID Number: P-730913
Date: 9/18/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with PM Bhutto
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-730914
Date: 9/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Bhutto, with PM Bhutto
Program Time: 07:15

File/ID Number: P-730915
Date: 9/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for PM Bhutto
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-730916
Date: 9/19/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with selected group of Governors
Program Time: 02:14

File/ID Number: P-730917
Date: 9/19/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with PM Bhutto
Program Time: 02:57

File/ID Number: P-730918
Date: 9/23/1973
Tape Contents: Swearing-in ceremony for Henry A. Kissinger as Secretary of State with Henry A. Kissinger, Chief Justice Burger
Program Time: 06:20

File/ID Number: P-730919
Date: 9/24/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with panel on timber and the environment
Program Time: 13:22

File/ID Number: P-730920
Date: 9/26/1973
Tape Contents: Bill signing ceremony
Program Time: 02:56

File/ID Number: P-730921
Date: 9/27/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with PM Norman Kirk
Program Time: 03:00

File/ID Number: P-730922
Date: 9/27/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to PM Kirk, with PM Kirk
Program Time: 05:33

File/ID Number: P-731001
Date: 10/2/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with senior citizens from Whittier, Cal.
Program Time: 06:20

File/ID Number: P-731002
Date: 10/3/1973
Tape Contents: Press conference
Program Time: 26:00

File/ID Number: P-731003
Date: 10/8/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-731004
Date: 10/9/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Felix Houphouet-Boigny
Program Time: 05:20

File/ID Number: P-731005
Date: 10/9/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with President Houphouet- Boigny
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-731006
Date: 10/9/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to President Houphouet-Boigny, with President Houphouet-Boigny
Program Time: 06:20

File/ID Number: P-731007
Date: 10/9/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at the entertainment with Billy Taylor
Program Time: 04:17

File/ID Number: P-731008
Date: 10/10/1973
Tape Contents: Presentation of the Nat'l Medal of Science
Program Time: 14:16

File/ID Number: P-731009
Date: 10/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Conference on Export Expansion with Perry Wilson, Dale Swanson, James King
Program Time: 03:30

File/ID Number: P-731010
Date: 10/12/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in announcing nomination of Gerald R. Ford as VP with Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 09:10

File/ID Number: P-731011
Date: 10/13/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Gerald R. Ford, AH, Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 02:06

File/ID Number: P-731012
Date: 10/14/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Congressman William Hudnut, the New Wine Singers
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-731013
Date: 10/15/1973
Tape Contents: Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony with 3 service secretaries
Program Time: 04:51

File/ID Number: P-731014
Date: 10/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to William Rogers with Gerald R. Ford, Chief Justice Burger, Mamie Eisenhower
Program Time: 05:01

File/ID Number: P-731015
Date: 10/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for William Rogers with Rogers, Roger Williams
Program Time: 09:40

File/ID Number: P-731016
Date: 10/17/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Arab Foreign Ministers and Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 04:04

File/ID Number: P-731017
Date: 10/26/1973
Tape Contents: Televised press conference
Program Time: 38:00

File/ID Number: P-731018
Date: 10/31/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity at departure of Senator William Saxbe with Saxbe
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number: P-731019
Date: 10/31/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Egyptian FM Ismail Fahmy
Program Time: 02:42

File/ID Number: P-731101
Date: 11/1/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks announcing choice for Attorney General with William Saxbe, Robert Bork
Program Time: 03:16

File/ID Number: P-731102
Date: 11/7/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with members of the Cabinet
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-731103
Date: 11/7/1973
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on the energy crisis
Program Time: 24:00

File/ID Number: P-731104
Date: 11/8/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nevada State Society honoring PN, Eve Adams, Helen Bentley as Women of the Century, in the Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 11:26

File/ID Number: P-731105
Date: 11/9/1973
Tape Contents: Private taping for VA 1973 Christmas Show
Program Time: 00:45

File/ID Number: P-731106
Date: 11/15/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Sheraton Park Hotel to Nat'l Assn. of Realtors
Program Time: 34:00

File/ID Number: P-731107
Date: 11/15/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Cambodian FM Long Boret, Brent Scowcroft
Program Time: 03:00

File/ID Number: P-731108
Date: 11/16/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks signing the Alaska Pipeline Bill
Program Time: 18:20

File/ID Number: P-731109
Date: 11/17/1973
Tape Contents: News conference with AP managing editors
Program Time: 60:00

File/ID Number: P-731110
Date: 11/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at 90th birthday of Carl Vinson & 100th birthday of Mercer U. in Macon, Ga.
Program Time: 23:05

File/ID Number: P-731111
Date: 11/18/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at arrival ceremony at Robbins AFB, Ga.
Program Time: 07:15

File/ID Number: P-731112
Date: 11/20/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to crowd at Republican Governors' Conference at the Holiday Inn in Memphis
Program Time: 04:06

File/ID Number: P-731113
Date: 11/24/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with JL, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 02:35

File/ID Number: P-731114
Date: 11/25/1973
Tape Contents: Televised remarks on energy crisis
Program Time: 13:28

File/ID Number: P-731115
Date: 11/26/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at convention of Seafarers Intl. Union at Statler Hilton with Pres. Paul Hall
Program Time: 25:55

File/ID Number: P-731116
Date: 11/26/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival and departure from Seafarers Convention
Program Time: 27:20

File/ID Number: P-731117
Date: 11/27/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks on narcotics control
Program Time: 01:04

File/ID Number: P-731118
Date: 11/30/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to 6 of Sahara Desert Ball Benefit at Sheraton Park Hotel
Program Time: 05:45

File/ID Number: P-731201
Date: 12/3/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity for promotion of V. Adm. Hyman Rickover with Rickover
Program Time: 04:29

File/ID Number: P-731202
Date: 12/4/1973
Tape Contents: State arrival ceremony for President Nicolae Ceausescu, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-731203
Date: 12/4/1973
Tape Contents: Briefing for sound on energy crisis with WS
Program Time: 05:41

File/ID Number: P-731204
Date: 12/4/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Prsident Ceausescu, with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 13:39

File/ID Number: P-731205
Date: 12/4/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for President Ceausescu
Program Time: 01:34

File/ID Number: P-731206
Date: 12/5/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of US-Romanian Agreement with President Ceausescu
Program Time: 02:42

File/ID Number: P-731207
Date: 12/6/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of HR 9474
Program Time: 04:30

File/ID Number: P-731208
Date: 12/6/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-731209
Date: 12/7/1973
Tape Contents: Annual Christmas statement for the Armed Forces
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-731210
Date: 12/10/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with CW
Program Time: 01:08

File/ID Number: P-731211
Date: 12/11/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of HR 7446
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-731212
Date: 12/11/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Texas supporters
Program Time: 05:20

File/ID Number: P-731213
Date: 12/13/1973
Tape Contents: Introduction of WS for sound briefing on energy with WS, RT
Program Time: 05:15

File/ID Number: P-731214
Date: 12/14/1973
Tape Contents: Photo oportuniity with Congressman Joe Waggonner & constituents from Shreveport, Bossier City
Program Time: 05:30

File/ID Number: P-731215
Date: 12/14/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Senator Howard Baker, Tex Ritter, members of Country Music Assn.
Program Time: 04:10

File/ID Number: P-731216
Date: 12/14/1973
Tape Contents: Nat'l Christmas Tree lighting with John Dixon, Msgr. Kuhn, Ron Walker, John Shellenbargen, WW, RM, Boy and Girl Scouts
Program Time: 23:00

File/ID Number: P-731217
Date: 12/16/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH Christmas service with Billy Graham [see I-135]
Program Time: 05:50

File/ID Number: P-731218
Date: 12/19/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Rabbi Baruch Korff
Program Time: 02:24

File/ID Number: P-731219
Date: 12/19/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks to press before press briefing on energy with WS, GS
Program Time: 39:54

File/ID Number: P-731220
Date: 12/19/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH staff party
Program Time: 07:10

File/ID Number: P-731221
Date: 12/20/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mrs. Anna Clinkscales
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-731222
Date: 12/26/1973
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York and Malcolm Wilson
Program Time: 01:35

File/ID Number: P-731223
Date: 12/28/1973
Tape Contents: Remarks at Dr. Walter Tkach's wedding in La Jolla, Cal.
Program Time: 03:05

File/ID Number: P-740101
Date: 1/17/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with the Earl of Cromer
Program Time: 01:59

File/ID Number: P-740102
Date: 1/17/1974
Tape Contents: Televised statement on the Arab-Israeli Agreement
Program Time: 05:54

File/ID Number: P-740103
Date: 1/18/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with HS
Program Time: 03:44

File/ID Number: P-740104
Date: 1/18/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Congressman John Rhodes
Program Time: 06:38

File/ID Number: P-740105
Date: 1/19/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast on energy
Program Time: 14:45

File/ID Number: P-740106
Date: 1/19/1974
Tape Contents: Film clip on the energy crisis
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-740107
Date: 1/21/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with John Sawhill
Program Time: 03:05

File/ID Number: P-740108
Date: 1/22/1974
Tape Contents: Private taping honoring Henry Aaron
Program Time: 00:57

File/ID Number: P-740109
Date: 1/23/1974
Tape Contents: Film clip on energy
Program Time: 02:15

File/ID Number: P-740110
Date: 1/24/1974
Tape Contents: Film clip on education
Program Time: 01:18

File/ID Number: P-740111
Date: 1/30/1974
Tape Contents: State of the Union message to Congress in the Capitol
Program Time: 44:10

File/ID Number: P-740112
Date: 1/31/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Nat'l Prayer Breakfast at Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 15:26

File/ID Number: P-740201
Date: 2/1/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing ceremony for the economic report
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-740202
Date: 2/1/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at spokesman meeting with Henry A. Kissinger, Herb Stein, Fred Malek, Ken Cole
Program Time: 06:30

File/ID Number: P-740203
Date: 2/4/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of the budget
Program Time: 05:25

File/ID Number: P-740204
Date: 2/4/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Soviet FM Andrei Gromyko
Program Time: 01:41

File/ID Number: P-740205
Date: 2/5/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to annual meeting of Am. Hospital Assn.'s House of Delegates at Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 27:08

File/ID Number: P-740206
Date: 2/6/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mayor Abe Beam of NYC
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-740207
Date: 2/7/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks signing message to Congress of the report of CIEP
Program Time: 02:00

File/ID Number: P-740208
Date: 2/9/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast on transportation
Program Time: 13:28

File/ID Number: P-740209
Date: 2/9/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Henry A. Kissinger, GS, WS
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-740210
Date: 2/11/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Foreign Ministers of the oil users conference
Program Time: 18:21

File/ID Number: P-740211
Date: 2/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at wreath-laying ceremony at Lincoln Memorial
Program Time: 12:10

File/ID Number: P-740212
Date: 2/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at the Alice Longworth residence at the Statler Hilton
Program Time: 03:15

File/ID Number: P-740213
Date: 2/14/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Cedars of Lebanon in Miami
Program Time: 18:20

File/ID Number: P-740214
Date: 2/19/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Arab leaders
Program Time: 02:30

File/ID Number: P-740215
Date: 2/19/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for ethnic leaders
Program Time: 09:15

File/ID Number: P-740216
Date: 2/19/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Arab leaders
Program Time: 02:10

File/ID Number: P-740217
Date: 2/18/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Honor America Day in Huntsville, Ala. with Governor George Wallace"
Program Time: 23:00

File/ID Number: P-740218
Date: 2/20/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with CW
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-740219
Date: 2/21/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Boy Scouts
Program Time: 08:55

File/ID Number: P-740220
Date: 2/22/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to Nat'l Citizens for Fairness to the Presidency with Rabbi Baruch Korff
Program Time: 18:45

File/ID Number: P-740221
Date: 2/23/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast on the right to privacy
Program Time: 14:10

File/ID Number: P-740222
Date: 2/25/1974
Tape Contents: Press briefing
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number: P-740223
Date: 2/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks signing Vietnam Veterans Day Proclamation
Program Time: 13:55

File/ID Number: P-740224
Date: 2/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to US-USSR Trade and Economic Council with Soviet Deputy FM for Foreign Trade
Program Time: 11:44

File/ID Number: P-740225
Date: 2/27/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Secretary of Labor Peter Brennan
Program Time: 01:35

File/ID Number: P-740226
Date: 2/28/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Young Republicans Convention at Shoreham Hotel with George Bush
Program Time: 39:00

File/ID Number: P-740227
Date: 2/28/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to George Aiken, with Aiken
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number: P-740301
Date: 3/1/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Congressman Les Arends
Program Time: 08:55

File/ID Number: P-740302
Date: 3/6/1974
Tape Contents: Televised press conference
Program Time: 39:30

File/ID Number: P-740303
Date: 3/7/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at dinner for governors with Governor of Washington
Program Time: 35:30

File/ID Number: P-740304
Date: 3/7/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks prior to entertainment for governors with Pearl Bailey
Program Time: 04:55

File/ID Number: P-740305
Date: 3/8/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio address on Presidential campaign financing
Program Time: 14:50

File/ID Number: P-740306
Date: 3/8/1974
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of Dean Burch as Counselor to the President
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-740307
Date: 3/10/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio address from Key Biscayne on the Bicentennial celebration
Program Time: 13:10

File/ID Number: P-740308
Date: 3/11/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on PN's departure from Homestead AFB, Fla. for South America
Program Time: 02:35

File/ID Number: P-740309
Date: 3/14/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at VFW convention at Sheraton Park with Congressman George Mahon, VFW Comm. Roy Sodom
Program Time: 15:45

File/ID Number: P-740310
Date: 3/15/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to the Executive Club at the Conrad Hilton in Chicago
Program Time: 65:00

File/ID Number: P-740311
Date: 3/16/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Nashville with PN, Governor Winfield Dunn
Program Time: 08:55

File/ID Number: P-740312
Date: 3/16/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at dedication of the Grand Ole Opry House with Roy Acuff, Mrs. Tex Ritter
Program Time: 27:60

File/ID Number: P-740313
Date: 3/17/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at WH worship service with Dr. NV Peale
Program Time: 02:50

File/ID Number: P-740314
Date: 3/19/1974
Tape Contents: Q&A session with Nat'l Assn. of Broadcasters in Jesse Jones Hall in Houston
Program Time: 63:00

File/ID Number: P-740315
Date: 3/19/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at a reception in the Imperial Ballroom in Houston
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number: P-740316
Date: 3/20/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at breakfast with supporters in the Hyatt Hotel in Houston
Program Time: 53:02

File/ID Number: P-740317
Date: 3/20/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at NASA awards ceremony in Crystal City, Texas
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number: P-740318
Date: 3/21/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in taped segment for CBS's 60 Minutes"
Program Time: 08:20

File/ID Number: P-740319
Date: 3/21/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in taped segment for CBS's 60 Minutes with Secretary Earl Butz"
Program Time: 10:05

File/ID Number: P-740320
Date: 3/22/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Henry A. Kissinger
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-740321
Date: 3/23/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio broadcast from Camp David on education
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number: P-740322
Date: 3/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in bill signing
Program Time: 03:20

File/ID Number: P-740323
Date: 3/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to agriculture editors
Program Time: 31:14

File/ID Number: P-740324
Date: 3/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
Program Time: 28:00

File/ID Number: P-740325
Date: 3/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 02:29

File/ID Number: P-740326
Date: 3/27/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Wm. Saxbe, Anderson, Clarence Kelly, Clausen
Program Time: 02:50

File/ID Number: P-740327
Date: 3/27/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at annual Republican House-Senate Dinner in Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 30:30

File/ID Number: P-740328
Date: 3/28/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks signing Executive Order on Mental Health
Program Time: 04:05

File/ID Number: P-740329
Date: 3/28/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for the Nat'l Newspaper Assn.
Program Time: 11:30

File/ID Number: P-740330
Date: 3/29/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Vietnam Veterans Day program at Nat'l War College, Ft. McNair
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number: P-740331
Date: 3/31/1974
Tape Contents: Radio address from Key Biscayne re veterans benefits
Program Time: 11:10

File/ID Number: P-740401
Date: 7/1/1974
Tape Contents: Televised address to the Soviet people from Moscow 19:30

File/ID Number: P-740401
Date: 4/3/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on signing the Cancer Proclamation
Program Time: 09:40

File/ID Number: P-740402
Date: 4/5/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Orly Airport in Paris
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-740403
Date: 4/4/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to members of Congress
Program Time: 95:00

File/ID Number: P-740404
Date: 4/7/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from the Ambassador's residence in Paris
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-740405
Date: 4/9/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Stuart Warner Junior HS in Xenia, Ohio
Program Time: 44:50

File/ID Number: P-740406
Date: 4/9/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in Xenia, O. at Shawnee HS, Commerce Bldg., YMCA
Program Time: 30:02

File/ID Number: P-740407
Date: 4/9/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio
Program Time: 05:17

File/ID Number: P-740408
Date: 4/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Tri-City Airport, Michigan
Program Time: 15:20

File/ID Number: P-740409
Date: 4/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks for Republican candidate Sparling at County Court House in Bad Axe, Mich.
Program Time: 11:25

File/ID Number: P-740410
Date: 4/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in Cass City, Michigan
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-740411
Date: 4/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks with candidate Sparling in Bad Axe, Cass City, and Sandusky, Michigan
Program Time: 44:50

File/ID Number: P-740412
Date: 4/12/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with USSR FM Andrei Gromyko
Program Time: 02:30

File/ID Number: P-740413
Date: 4/17/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Mayor Klaus Schuetz of West Berlin
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-740414
Date: 4/17/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to OAS Ambassadors, with Ambassadors Sapena, Pastor
Program Time: 23:15

File/ID Number: P-740415
Date: 4/18/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to Congress of the DAR in Constitution Hall
Program Time: 24:23

File/ID Number: P-740416
Date: 4/18/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Vivian Tom, 1974 Teacher of the Year
Program Time: 01:15

File/ID Number: P-740417
Date: 4/19/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal
Program Time: 03:48

File/ID Number: P-740418
Date: 4/24/1974
Tape Contents: Private taping of tribute to Dean Burch
Program Time: 01:00

File/ID Number: P-740419
Date: 4/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for RNC State Chairmen and Committeemen in the WH
Program Time: 11:32

File/ID Number: P-740420
Date: 4/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to Mississippi Economic Council in the Coliseum in Jackson
Program Time: 39:54

File/ID Number: P-740421
Date: 4/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to local Republicans at Air Nat'l Guard Training Center in Jackson, Miss.
Program Time: 06:32

File/ID Number: P-740422
Date: 4/29/1974
Tape Contents: Televised remarks
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number: P-740423
Date: 4/30/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to US Chamber of Commerce Convention in the Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 21:25

File/ID Number: P-740424
Date: 4/30/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on leaving the Wash. Hilton
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-740501
Date: 5/1/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Citizens Support group
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-740502
Date: 5/3/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks to Arizona Republican Committee in Veterans Coliseum in Phoenix
Program Time: 31:50

File/ID Number: P-740503
Date: 5/4/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Fairchild AFB, Spokane, Wash.
Program Time: 07:00

File/ID Number: P-740504
Date: 5/4/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at opening of Expo 74 in Spokane
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-740505
Date: 5/4/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity at Expo 74 in Spokane
Program Time: 02:20

File/ID Number: P-740506
Date: 5/7/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of Federal Energy Act
Program Time: 04:59

File/ID Number: P-740507
Date: 5/8/1974
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of WS as Secretary of Treasury
Program Time: 13:20

File/ID Number: P-740508
Date: 5/9/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with GS, John Dunlop, Ken Cole
Program Time: 11:39

File/ID Number: P-740509
Date: 5/9/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Vietnam veterans
Program Time: 01:06

File/ID Number: P-740510
Date: 5/11/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival at Vance AFB, Enid, Oklahoma
Program Time: 05:10

File/ID Number: P-740511
Date: 5/11/1974
Tape Contents: Speech at commencement ceremonies at Oklahoma State U. in Stillwater
Program Time: 38:40

File/ID Number: P-740512
Date: 5/13/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with CW
Program Time: 02:05

File/ID Number: P-740513
Date: 5/13/1974
Tape Contents: Conversation with Rabbi Baruch Korff
Program Time: 88:00

File/ID Number: P-740514
Date: 5/14/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of Alcoholism, Narcotics Treatment, and Rehabilitation bill
Program Time: 02:38

File/ID Number: P-740515
Date: 5/14/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with JS, Gens. Brown, Jones, and Lawson
Program Time: 01:10

File/ID Number: P-740516
Date: 5/15/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with John Thomas of the Intergovernmental Committee
Program Time: 02:18

File/ID Number: P-740517
Date: 5/15/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at reception for Mexico-US Interparliamentary Conference with Epico Santana
Program Time: 15:30

File/ID Number: P-740518
Date: 5/20/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio remarks from Key Biscayne on health care
Program Time: 13:20

File/ID Number: P-740519
Date: 5/22/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at signing of a disaster bill at the WH
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number: P-740520
Date: 5/22/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with CENTO Foreign Ministers in the Oval Office
Program Time: 01:45

File/ID Number: P-740521
Date: 5/25/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio address from Key Biscayne on the economy
Program Time: 12:55

File/ID Number: P-740522
Date: 5/27/1974
Tape Contents: Live radio Memorial Day address from Key Biscayne
Program Time: 12:55

File/ID Number: P-740523
Date: 5/29/1974
Tape Contents: Swearing-in of Kenneth Rush as Economic Policy Counselor
Program Time: 06:38

File/ID Number: P-740524
Date: 5/29/1974
Tape Contents: Televised address on the Middle East settlement
Program Time: 03:39

File/ID Number: P-740601
Date: 6/3/1974
Tape Contents: Private audio taping
Program Time: 02:06

File/ID Number: P-740602
Date: 6/5/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with foreign dignitaries
Program Time: 03:35

File/ID Number: P-740603
Date: 6/5/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in Annapolis at Naval Academy graduation with Gen. Chapman, Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, Academy Supt. V. Adm. William Mack
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-740604
Date: 6/6/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia
Program Time: 01:30

File/ID Number: P-740605
Date: 6/6/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at lunch for Prince Fahd
Program Time: 04:40

File/ID Number: P-740606
Date: 6/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from WH
Program Time: 03:01

File/ID Number: P-740607
Date: 6/9/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at Shoreham Hotel
Program Time: 16:31

File/ID Number: P-740608
Date: 6/10/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in arrival ceremony in Salzburg, Austria
Program Time: 04:05

File/ID Number: P-740609
Date: 6/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in arrival ceremony at Qubba Palace in Cairo, Egypt

File/ID Number: P-740610
Date: 6/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner in Qubba Palace given by President Anwar Sadat

File/ID Number: P-740611
Date: 6/13/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast at state dinner at Ras El Tin Palace in Alexandria given by President Anwar Sadat
Program Time: 08:15

File/ID Number: P-740612
Date: 6/14/1974
Tape Contents: Joint communique from Abdin Palace in Cairo with President Anwar Sadat
Program Time: 12:45

File/ID Number: P-740613
Date: 6/14/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in Royal Guest Palace in Jeddah with King Faisal
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number: P-740614
Date: 6/15/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks with King Faisal in Royal Guest Palace after meeting
Program Time: 27:23

File/ID Number: P-740615
Date: 6/15/1974
Tape Contents: Press pool report on arrival in Damascus
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number: P-740616
Date: 6/15/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner in Orient Club, Damascus, Syria with President Hafez al-Assad
Program Time: 20:26

File/ID Number: P-740617
Date: 6/16/1974
Tape Contents: Announcement of resumption of diplomatic relations, Presidential Palace, Damascus
Program Time: 03:19

File/ID Number: P-740618
Date: 6/16/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at closed state arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel
Program Time: 06:44

File/ID Number: P-740619
Date: 6/16/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at state dinner at Knesset, Jerusalem with PM Golda Meir, Pres. Ephraim Katzir
Program Time: 29:02

File/ID Number: P-740620
Date: 6/19/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on return to WH from Middle East, with Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 06:35

File/ID Number: P-740621
Date: 6/17/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to King Hussein in Basman Palace, Amman, Jordan
Program Time: 19:15

File/ID Number: P-740622
Date: 6/18/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in departure statement from Amman with King Hussein
Program Time: 04:34

File/ID Number: P-740623
Date: 6/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in awards ceremony at Qubba Palace
Program Time: 08:51

File/ID Number: P-740624
Date: 6/13/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at train station and news conf. aboard train from Cairo to Alexandria with President Sadat
Program Time: 32:00

File/ID Number: P-740625
Date: 6/14/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on the reception of gifts at the Pyramids
Program Time: 16:30

File/ID Number: P-740626
Date: 6/18/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Lajes, Azores, with President Antonio de Spinola
Program Time: 00:25

File/ID Number: P-740627
Date: 6/19/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks after meeting with President Spinola in Lajes, Azores
Program Time: 03:10

File/ID Number: P-740628
Date: 6/24/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in signing Colorado River Basin Solidity Bill
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number: P-740629
Date: 6/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from WH for Soviet trip
Program Time: 00:58

File/ID Number: P-740630
Date: 6/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on departure from Andrews AFB for Brussels
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number: P-740631
Date: 6/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on arrival in Brussels, with King Baudouin, NATO Secretary Joseph Luns
Program Time: 02:40

File/ID Number: P-740632
Date: 6/26/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at lunch in Royal Palace in Brussels, with King Baudouin
Program Time: 17:24

File/ID Number: P-740633
Date: 6/27/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to Gen-Sec Leonid Brezhnev at reception dinner in the Kremlin
Program Time: 38:00

File/ID Number: P-740702
Date: 7/2/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in toast to General Secretary Brezhnev at Spasso House, Moscow
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number: P-740703
Date: 7/2/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks at entertainment for General Secretary Brezhnev at Spasso House, Moscow
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number: P-740704
Date: 7/3/1974
Tape Contents: Televised address from Loring AFB, Maine on return from Soviet Union, with Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 20:10

File/ID Number: P-740705
Date: 7/10/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with French Ambassador Jacques Kosciusko
Program Time: 03:54

File/ID Number: P-740706
Date: 7/12/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks while signing Budget Impoundment Control Act of 1974
Program Time: 02:59

File/ID Number: P-740707
Date: 7/12/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Chinese Wanchu Ballet Troupe
Program Time: 15:03

File/ID Number: P-740708
Date: 7/18/1974
Tape Contents: Telephone remarks to Citizens Congress with Rabbi Baruch Korff, Julie Eisenhower
Program Time: 14:38

File/ID Number: P-740709
Date: 7/18/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in Laguna Beach, Cal. to Nat'l Committee for Fairness to the President with Korff
Program Time: 06:20

File/ID Number: P-740711
Date: 7/21/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks in dinner given by Roy Ash at the Ash residence in Bel Air, Cal.
Program Time: 22:30

File/ID Number: P-740712
Date: 7/25/1974
Tape Contents: Remarks on economics at Century Plaza Hotel in LA
Program Time: 36:40

File/ID Number: P-740713
Date: 7/27/1974
Tape Contents: Presentation of Medal of Freedom to Dr. Charles Loman in San Clemente with Loman
Program Time: 06:00

File/ID Number: P-740714
Date: 7/1/1974
Tape Contents: Toast at dinner in Government Guest House with FA Surganov
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-740715
Date: 7/19/1974
Tape Contents: Photo opportunity with Neil Armstrong
Program Time: 05:32

File/ID Number: P-740801
Date: 8/8/1974
Tape Contents: Televised address announcing resignation from office
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number: P-740802
Date: 8/9/1974
Tape Contents: Farewell comments at WH
Program Time: 17:51



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