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Textual Materials FAQs

Museum FAQs

Q:   How do I conduct research in the textual materials?

A:   Pre-, Post-, and Presidential materials are available for research at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California.

Review the procedures on the following web pages for more information:

Q:   Are all the papers open to research?

A:   Many of the most significant foreign and domestic policy materials are processed and open to research.

Most open collections have some items that are temporarily restricted from public use. Document Withdrawal Sheets in the collections identify these withdrawn items and mark their file locations. Most closed items are national security classified or closed pursuant to PRMPA and its implementing regulations.

Q:  May I see items in "unprocessed/closed" collections?

A:   No. The Nixon Library will release only files it has archivally processed, preserved, arranged, described, reviewed for restricted information, and opened per the applicable laws and deeds of gift.

Q:   Where will I find the most documents that President Nixon annotated or wrote?

A:   President Nixon frequently annotated the news summaries prepared for him with instructions to the staff, and he also noted his impressions of current news events. These files can be found in the Annotated News Series. Much of his original handwriting is in the President's Handwriting Series.

  • Both of these series are in the White House Special Files: Staff Members and Office Files – President's Office Files.

Q:   Can I order document reproductions by mail?

A:   Yes. Document reproductions can be ordered at the current standard fee set by the National Archives. Citations must be specific since our staff cannot select documents for you.  [See Also:  Obtaining Textual Materials]

Q:  How much assistance can the Nixon staff provide to researchers?

A:   We are not staffed to do substantive research, but we encourage you to contact us to discuss your topic. We suggest using this web site to identify the topics you are interested in and either visit us or hire a researcher.  [See Also:  Obtaining Textual Materials]

Q:  Where are Vice President Spiro Agnew's papers?

A:   The Papers of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew are located in the Archives and Manuscripts Department at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. Please contact the department for more information at: 301-405-9058.

Q:  Are the Kissinger Telcons available for research?

A:   Yes. The Kissinger Telcons were released on May 26, 2004.

Q:  Do you have the letter I wrote to President Nixon?

A:   Possibly. Many of the letters from the public have been retained. Please contact us for more information.

Q:  Do you have materials about the moon landing?

A:   President Nixon with the Apollo 13 astronauts in Hawaii, after their recovery at sea.  The President had just awarded the three with the Space Medal of Freedom. Yes. Not only do we have the speech written in the event of a moon landing disaster but we also have much more, including the actual footage of the Apollo Eleven Moon flight and landing.  [See Also:  Audiovisual Materials FAQs].

More information about the moon landing can be found in the following collections:

Q:  Do you have President Nixon's resignation letter?

A:   No. The original letter is actually located with the Records of the State Department (Record Group 59) in the National Archives.  [See Also:  General Records of the Department of State] The digital image of the resignation letter can be found on the Ford Watergate Files exhibit.

Q:  Where can I find copies of President Nixon's speeches?

A:   President Nixon's speeches may be found on these web sites:

President Nixon's speeches can be found in the following collections:

Q:  Do you have the letter from Elvis Presley to President?

A:   Yes, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum has the letter. It is located in the White House Central Files: Subject Files, [EX] HE 5-1.  [See Also:  Central Files:   Subject Files]

When Nixon Met Elvis. The When Nixon Met Elvis Exhibit contains the downloadable photos and original documentation from the meeting.

You can also call or write the Nixon Library and ask for detailed instructions on how to order a copy of the Elvis letter.

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