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Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
IACUC 101 Series
National Animal Welfare Education Program

On This Page: General Information
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General Information

The IACUC 101 series consist of didactic and interactive educational programs designed to provide IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) members, administrators, veterinarians, animal care staff, researchers, regulatory personnel and compliance officers with information on the role and responsibilities of IACUCs, including an understanding of federal policies and regulations governing laboratory animal welfare.

Originally conceived and developed by four members of the Applied Research Ethics National Association - Mary Lou James, Monte Matthews, Molly Greene and Marky Pitts - the program is delivered by a professional faculty renowned for their expertise in institutional animal care and use issues and program development. Faculty members represent academic and private biomedical research institutions, the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC), the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare and USDA Animal Care. All programs in the series include opportunity for open questions and answers with regulatory authorities. In some instances, an IACUC 101 is designed for a particular audience, e.g., scientists, or offered in conjunction with a professional meeting.

Each program features two kinds of sessions: comprehensive overviews of the laws, regulations and policies supplemented with examples and approaches for successful and effective implementation and administration, and an opportunity to participate in deliberative and challenging mock IACUC sessions with the benefit of guidance from the faculty. These interactive sessions demonstrate the application of information presented during the didactic sessions. The ability to meet and talk to faculty and network with other IACUC 101 participants is also a valuable component of the course. Students receive an extensive Resource Manual specifically prepared for their IACUC 101 session, along with relevant laws, regulations, policies and guidelines.

IACUC 101: "The Basics" is a full day didactic and interactive educational opportunity for both new and seasoned IACUC members, IACUC affiliates, and individuals responsible for their institution's animal care program. The program is delivered by a top-notch faculty renowned for their expertise in institutional animal care and use issues and program development including representatives from both private and academic biomedical research institutions as well as the AAALAC, USDA and OLAW. The morning and early afternoon sessions provide a basic yet comprehensive overview of the laws, regulations, and policies that govern the humane care and use of laboratory animals supplemented with examples and possible approaches for successful and effective administration. Current available resources to help IACUCs keep abreast of the latest information as well as take advantage of networking opportunities will also be covered. The materials and information provided during the course are applied during the afternoon session when students will be challenged to consider, deliberate, and develop action plans for a variety of potential IACUC scenarios. Students receive an extensive resources manual as well as copies of relevant laws, regulations, policy and guides.

IACUC 201 PLUS: "The Process Plus Select Topics" is a highly interactive program that takes the fundamentals of IACUC 101 and applies them to the process and mechanisms of ensuring compliance. The morning session is divided into 3 tracks based on an individual's IACUC role, responsibility, and interests. Each track focuses on the various possible approaches for conducting protocol review, program review, and facility inspection within the requirements of the law, regulations, and policy. The entire group re-convenes to listen to a complex IACUC scenario delivered by program faculty with multiple opportunities for audience questions and responses from USDA, OLAW, and AAALAC representatives. Like the morning session, the afternoon session is divided into 3 tracks based on an individual's IACUC role, responsibility, and interests. Program faculty will facilitate discussions on 3 selected areas, the nature of which will be based on current trends, regulatory climate and/or timely "hot-topics" of interest to the biomedical research community. Topics may vary course to course. The program concludes with open questions and answers to representatives of OLAW, USDA, and AAALAC, completion of program evaluations, and distribution of attendance certificates.

Hosting Information
The IACUC 101 Series are regional programs that often rely on a host institution to commit time and personnel resources to help in the logistical planning and arrangements for the conference. With direction and guidance from the IACUC 101 Series administrator, the host institution assists in multiple aspects of program set-up and delivery, including, but not limited to, identifying a course location, managing registrations, arranging for appropriate audio-visual equipment, etc. Each program can typically accommodate up to 150-180 individuals who must each register individually. OLAW provides limited financial support through an agreement with the host institution. OLAW welcomes requests from institutions and associations interested in hosting a program. Candidates are selected based on multiple criteria, including but not limited to, institution's mission, level of institutional commitment, program location, history of previous IACUC educational opportunities in that location, and size of the local research cluster.

Contact Information

The IACUC 101 Series are planned, coordinated, and administered by the IACUC 101 Series administrator, Mary Lou James, Regulatory Compliance Consultant, ph: 314-997-6896, email: mljames@socket.net.

Schedule of Upcoming IACUC 101 Series Programs (subject to change)
Host Organization
Program and
Registration Link

10/07/09 - 10/08/09

Chicago, IL

Northwestern University, Loyola University Medical Center

IACUC 101/201 PLUS (PDF - 66 KB)

This program is being conducted by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), NIH. The views expressed by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of HHS; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government

Questions and comments can be e-mailed to: OLAW: olaw@od.nih.gov

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