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In the Sine Saloum area of Senegal, located on the Southwest coast of the country buttressed by the Atlantic ocean, oyster farmers are hard at work cultivating oysters for consumption and export. Here is a closer look at some of the many tasks involved in producing oysters.    
Women help to grow rice, an important commodity in the agriculture sector.
Examples of how USAID has supported Economic Growth in Senegal.
Banner stating "Let's mobilize to combat deaths of mothers, children and babies
On Wednesday, September 15, 2010, the Government of Senegal held an event to promote child, newborn and maternal health.  The initiative, entitled "Bajenu (or Badienu) Gokh" is a community volunteer effort where older women mentor younger women regarding techniques that can help them lead healthier lives, for...
Photo of the launch site with view of the ocean
On July 12, 2010 in Dakar, USAID's Economic Growth Project (PCE) launched a behavior change campaign to increase consumption of locally grown cereals and increase demand for local agricultural products.  Currently 70% of the food in Senegal is imported.  The campaign, entitled "Cérégal", will...
Photo of USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah at Press Conference
Visit of USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah to attend the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Food Security Investment Forum, June 14-15, 2010.  Additionally, Dr. Shah visited the Kirene factory on behalf of the USAID Economic Growth Project (USAID/PCE) partnership to support local dairy...