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Supporting Your Service Member: How can I support my family member who is dealing with psychological health issues?

VA Caregiver Hotline

Traumatic experiences – such as receiving incoming fire or knowing someone who was seriously injured or killed – are common among service members deployed to hostile environments. These experiences can impact the lives of service members and their families upon their return. If your family member had such experiences while deployed, he or she is not alone.

Adults can help their family member by researching and understanding some of the stressors and emotions that a service member might experience while deployed. Family members’ most important role is to be genuine, loving and supportive. You and your family have many ways to get help, and there are some simple things you can do immediately to support your loved one.

For more information, please visit the article titled Supporting Your Service Member with Psychological Concerns on the Real Warriors Campaign Website.

Individuals who sustain a TBI may experience short- and long-term effects, such as alterations in thinking, sensation, language, behavior, and emotions. Whether the TBI is mild, moderate, or severe, persistent symptoms can have a profound and persisting impact, not only on the injured survivor but also on those who function as caregivers. It is you, the caregiver, who must not only survive the immediate shock when a TBI occurs, but must also learn to support and aid the service member who experiences ongoing effects caused by this injury. Learn more in the TBI Family Caregiver Guide.