Vitter Receives 2011 Taxpayers’ Friend Award from National Taxpayers Union

Also receives “Defender of Liberty” award from American Conservative Union


(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator David Vitter today received the 2011 Taxpayers’ Friend award from the National Taxpayers Union (NTU). The award recognizes members of Congress who received an “A” grade from NTU’s Congressional rating. Vitter is one of fifty-three members to receive the Taxpayers’ Friend award this year. Vitter also received the 2011 Defender of Liberty award from the American Conservative Union (ACU) today. The award recognizes members of Congress who score 100% on issues that are important to conservatives. Vitter is one of nine Senators to receive the award for 2011.

“It’s clear that the federal government spends too much and is too involved in our daily lives, but some in Washington think we need more government – and more tax increases to pay for it all. Well, I certainly don’t subscribe to that notion, and I will continue to join groups like the National Taxpayers Union and American Conservative Union who share the important goal of reversing the wasteful spending and excessive regulations that thwart economic growth so we don’t leave a greater fiscal mess for our children and grandchildren,” Vitter said.

NTU is an independent non-profit aimed to promote tax reform and free enterprise. Its Congressional rating is measured by analyzing every vote that affects taxes, spending, and debt.

ACU is a grassroots conservative organization. Its legislative ratings are measured by votes that demonstrate conservative ideological distinction.

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