Vitter Comments on the Super Committee’s Failure to Reach Agreement

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following statement about the Super Committee’s failure to reach an agreement on cutting the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion.

“Of course, I voted against the original debt limit bill and the super committee concept – it raised our already sky-high debt limit, was not nearly enough real cuts and just kicked the can down the road. But this deadlock is still very disappointing,” Vitter said. “I'll keep pushing for real cuts, fair tax reform that will produce major additional revenue and a rearrangement of the planned automatic cuts, which will otherwise savage our men and women in uniform.”

The Super Committee was created to cut the deficit when Congress failed to make significant cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit. Vitter opposed the legislation to increase the debt limit.

Sen. Vitter was CNBC’s the Kudlow Report on Friday evening discussing the Super Committee. Click here to watch the clip.

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