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Planning Ahead

2010: Volume 13

  • Issue 1 (January)
    National Economic Development Manuals Website Updated; IWR Climate Change Related Activities; NOAA Launches Marine Spatial Planning Website; American Water Resources Association Establishes National Water Resources Vision Dialogue Website; Using CanVis to Illustrate Coastal Changes.

  • Issue 2 (February)
    EC 1165-2-209 "Civil Works Review Policy" Now in Effect; Demonstrations and Case Studies- Environmental Benefits Analysis Research Program; C-11 Spreader Canal Western Project Presented to Civil Works Review Board; Planning Associates 2010- Fundamental Planning Training Module, Phoenix, AZ.

  • Issue 3 (March)
    Updated National Economic Development Coast Storm Risk Management Manual Available For Review; Common Policy Issues with Planning Milestone Meeting Submittals.

  • Issue 4 (April)
    Planning Community of Practice 2010: "Planning Smart Building Strong"- Developing Sound Water Resources Solutions; Corps Risk Analysis Gateway Launched; IWR Announces Publication of Deep Draft Navigation National Economic Development Manual, IWR Report 10-R-4.

  • Issue 5 (May)
    Other Social Effects- What, Why, When, Where, and How; IWR Conducts Expert Elicitation to Characterize Roadway Damage Mechanism.

  • Issue 6 (July)
    Report out on 2010 Planning Conference- Planning CoP Listening Session; Planning Associates Class of 2010- Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Training Module.

  • Issue 7 (September)
    Philadelphia Recognized by the USFWS for Protecting Endangered Species; IWR Publishes Proceeding of "Workshop on Nonstationarity, Hydrologic Frequency Analysis, and Water Management; IWR Updates Information on the Corps' Municipal and Industrial Water Supply Program.

  • Issue 8 (November)
    Economic Guidance for Fiscal Year 2011; IWR Planning Suite Version 2.0; A Journey to a Better Water Future; Ecosystem Restoration Gateway Launches Online Library of Planning Models; Team Building, Team Leadership, and Communications Training Module.
