Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission

Disclosure Data Weblog

We sat down yesterday afternoon with a group of users of our FTP files to talk about changes we're planning as we move to a different database platform.  First, thanks to everyone who participated - it was very helpful to us and hopefully will improve what we are able to provide going forward.[Read More]

We're getting ready to implement some internal changes that will effect the information we provide in files on our FTP server.  Before we throw the switch we want to explain the biggest differences you'll see initially and invite you to let us know if these will cause real problems for you and any ideas you have to overcome those problems.[Read More]

We've posted the 1,600 or so files of detailed candidate spending for 2010 campaigns, and they're now available via the data catalog.

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Detailed candidate disbursement files should now be posted on May 11.[Read More]

At long last, we're getting ready to create the first set of data files containing detailed entries on campaign committee spending. We're planning to start with data for all 2009-2010 congressional campaigns (including Senate) with data covering the period from January 1, 2009.  There have been a couple of problems in preparing these data, but we think we have an approach that can work now.[Read More]