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The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller
| Patrick Howley
Abortion Anniversary.JPEG
At least one of the videos was aired this month at NARAL�s Washington dinner
| Patrick Howley
Souls to the Polls NAACP flyer
'If you like cotton and want to pick it, vote Mitt Romney on your ticket'
| Robby Soave
'This is a public health issue'
| Taylor Bigler
We know girlfriend has some financial problems, but there has got to be a better way!
Photo of Matt Blumenfeld
State Policy Associate, Americans for Tax Reform
A move to Texas would save the Chargers' players, coaches, and cheerleaders a lot of money.
Photo of David Pietrusza
Author, "Calvin Coolidge: A Documentary Biography"
What I learned from my dinner with Amity Shlaes, Steve Forbes, and Calvin Coolidge.
Photo of George Scoville
Media Strategist
The proposed bill would allow gun owners to keep firearms locked in their cars at their places of employment.
Photo of W. James Antle III
Editor, The Daily Caller News Foundation
The bill for big government is coming due.
Photo of Vince Coglianese
Senior Online Editor
Politico analysis reveals more about media than president.
Photo of Emily Zanotti
Principal, Iconoclast Media & Message
Rubio's reaction to the water-sipping scandal contains important lessons for conservatives.
Photo of Margaret Spellings
President, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Our colleges and universities are in serious need of reform.
Photo of Kenneth Timmerman
President, Foundation for Democracy in Iran
It's been obvious for years that Jackson has been embezzling campaign funds. I've suspected as much since 2001.
Photo of Theo Caldwell
Investor and Broadcaster
A 12th-century Irish bishop predicted that the apocalypse would coincide with the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI's successor.
Photo of Edward Hudgins
Director of Advocacy, The Atlas Society
For decades, presidents have called for more spending on education. Spending has skyrocketed, but our schools haven't improved.


Photo of Yates Walker
Conservative Activist
O'Donnell did both the Republican Party and the conservative movement a service in 2010.
Photo of Jim Huffman
Dean Emeritus, Lewis & Clark Law School
The constitutionally prescribed presidential address has devolved into an uninformative display of political theater.
Photo of Phil Kerpen
President, American Commitment
Under the law, low-income Americans who get hitched get less subsidy money than those who stay single.
Photo of John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty
Lawmakers are trying to impose state sales taxes on online purchases.
Photo of Fred Bauer
The Republican Party can't stand for both middle-class renewal and unlimited, government-subsidized cheap labor.
| Caroline May
Moribund bureaucracy sending employees to trade show in bankrupt state
| Jeff Poor
'He will contribute frequently across all broadcasts and platforms of both networks'
| Neil Munro
US Immigration.JPEG
Skepticism about Rubio�s strategy has increased since January
| Jeff Poor
Says prez entitled to play golf -- has long way to go to have played as much as Ike
| Michael Bastasch
Germany Europe Horse Meat
'Eat meat, but less often -- make it special'
| Robby Soave
Prop 32 Union Dues
Unions have time to negotiate new contracts that will require their members to keep paying dues
| Gregg Re
'Laden vs. USA' has been bought and sold on the auction website for several years, often fetching hundreds of dollars
| Betsi Fores
online shipments
'The software needed to comply with these thousands of tax rules barely exists'
| David Daniels
Lil Wayne
The rapper made the claim during an NBA All Star event in Houston over the weekend
| Jamie Weinstein
That the reporters awaiting the president asked the same question in unison suggests they had to collaborate to come up with that stunner
| Eric Owens
Stacy Dawson
Southern Poverty Law Center pressured superintendent
| Jeff Poor
'The Five' panelist says GOP can always count on liberals' 'inherent bankruptcy'
| Emily Zanotti
State of Union-Republicans
Rubio's reaction to the water-sipping scandal contains important lessons for conservatives
| Fox News
Meteor Russia
Candid cameras catch falling space rocks instead of bad drivers
| Buzz60
A man in Kansas celebrated his lottery win with his brother by blowing up their house
| Fox News
Advice you won't get from AAA
| Greg Campbell
An armed statue in front of the Colorado State House in Denver. Niels Knudsen/Getty Images.
600-job Magpul rallying support on social media
| Michael Bastasch
News giant: 'Is Keystone Pipeline really good idea?'
| Anne Hobson
Gun Control-Background Checks.JPEG
'This is a level never seen before'
| Vince Coglianese
Michelle Obama
Would you 'hit it' or 'quit it'?
| Alex Pappas
John David Dyche
'That's not the kind of place I want to write'
| Alex Pappas
Gulf Oil Spill Hearings Continue On Capitol Hill
Sen. Mary Landrieu ran afoul of DC government, owes unspecified debt on mansion's tax bill
| Taylor Bigler
JLH Shape
For someone who is constantly "criticized" for posing in bikinis, Hewitt sure does pose in bikinis quite frequently
| Taylor Bigler
Judy Viger faces up to a year in jail for endangering the welfare of a child
| Jeff Poor
Conservative talker denounces 'ingratitude' toward the US
| Charles C. Johnson
Britain Iran.JPEG
National Iranian-American Council: Hagel 'generally on our side'
| Caroline May
Laura Bush Gay Marriage
'Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law'
| Jeff Poor
Fox host: Obama wants to take the country to a 'Western European-style' nanny state
| Neil Munro
Once offered bail, many illegals never return to the courthouse
| Vince Coglianese
People Conan OBrien.JPEG
WHCA president and Fox News correspondent Ed Henry tweeted the news out Wednesday morning
| Nicole Lafond
TV-Robin Roberts Returns
'I share this morning, this day of celebration, with everyone'
| Mike Piccione
Biden Shotgun
'Kate, if you want to protect yourself, get a double barrel shotgun'
| David Martosko
Chuck Hagel
Red-faced Raja News removes article from website
| Jamie Weinstein
Money and Politics
An easy mistake, of course
| Josh Peterson
'This is a clear example of an invasion of individual property rights'
| Robby Soave
Yoga Balls Classroom.JPEG
Liberal mayors have recently engaged in battles with teachers unions
| Eric Owens
Columbia physics
A Snoop Dogg remix and 9/11 footage only enhance the learning experience
| Vince Coglianese
Obama Budget.JPEG
Lapdog media seeking lap to lie on
| Alex Pappas
Gulf Oil Spill Hearings Continue On Capitol Hill
The house is worth about $2.3 million, according to online assessments
| Neil Munro
Barack Obama
McConnell: 'President Obama still prefers campaign events to common sense'
| Alex Pappas
John David Dyche
'The columnist who quit over the declined piece will be replaced'
| Eric Owens
Ibrahim Hooper
School district calls CAIR's claim 'irresponsible'
| Eric Owens
Tumblr dot com pinupgirlsart Paul Rader 1963
Sex under a desk, in a Walmart parking lot and in a grocery store parking lot
| Caroline May
Postal Cuts.JPEG
'This agreement will put the Postal Service on the cutting edge of functional fashion'
| David Martosko
Robert Menendez
NJ Democrat under investigation for lobbying HHS on donor's behalf, taking private jet flights
| Alex Pappas
Karl Rove
Group says they mistakenly sent out picture of GOP strategist in Nazi uniform
| Caroline May
'This policy aligns us with the guidelines in place at many media organizations'
| Michael Bastasch
Robert Perciasepe
'Lisa Jackson's acting replacement' appears 'to have been doing the same thing'
| Taylor Bigler
Staples Center to go vegetarian during Morrissey concert March 1 because he asked them to
| Parker Bunch
China Hacking
Hackers could gain access to power grids, gas lines, water supplies
| Josh Peterson
Endeavour Orbits Earth Docked To International Space Station
Ground stations in Russia link up astronauts after satellite link failure
| Patrick Howley
'It's why we have call boxes; it's why we have safe zones; it's why we have the whistles'
| David Daniels
Hockey Harlem Shake
Don't strip and dance provocatively on camera if you have a hockey game next week
| Nicole Lafond
Deficit Commission
'We can't be the first generation to leave the country worse than we found it'
| Betsi Fores
Voters support minimum-wage hikes, but economic evidence disputed
| Jeff Poor
'Since this media culture has been created ... we've lost five out of six elections in the popular vote'
| Greg Campbell
Belgium Diamond Heist
Theft comes a decade after the largest heist in history took place in Antwerp
| Caroline May
Illegal immigrants
Legal immigrants may obtain SNAP benefits after a five-year wait
| Vince Coglianese
Commander Cleared.JPEG
'He was pushed out the door'
| Taylor Bigler
The Duchess Of Cambridge Visits Hope House
Duchess of Cambridge debuts baby bump
| Jamie Weinstein
The president appeared to have heard the question and cracked a smile
| Taylor Bigler
Ben Stiller
Celebrities don't mind losing their dignity for a couple of extra zeroes -- but only in other countries