Michelle Obama Leads White House Garden Harvest

Last week Michelle Obama invited elementary school students and world famous chefs to the White House for the First Lady’s Fall 2010 Kitchen Garden Harvest.

Working in teams, the children and the chefs dug up sweet potatoes and picked fresh herbs, tomatoes, and eggplants.  The First Lady also participated in the harvest, gathering broccoli, pumpkins, and using a pitch fork to dig up large sweet potatoes. 

In one short afternoon the group harvested several hundreds of pounds of food, some of which they then prepared and ate for lunch.

In the spring of 2009, the First Lady and local students started the garden and since then nearly 1,600 pounds of food has been harvested. The produce is used in the White House but is also donated to local area food banks.

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About Tanya Brothen

Tanya Brothen is a blogging enthusiast who began writing for the web on a whim. Now it’s her job.||She recently received a Master’s Degree in International Affairs and works as a New Media Officer for the State Department. Tanya not only writes for By the People, but also acts as the blog’s organizer, keeping everyone on topic and on time. To demonstrate her understanding of democracy, she holds regular blog team meetings and usually listens to what the others have to say.

12 thoughts on “Michelle Obama Leads White House Garden Harvest

  1. This is certainly a good effort and example to those thinking the White house is for big spending. Grow some food today and feed yourself tomorrow.

  2. I love seeing this scene…its inspiring.
    I am a Luo from Kenya and according to our culture the first lady is our sister -in-law and we are proud to see ‘yuor


    By Prof. Moses Isaac Odhiambo (EU)

    To each of the US First Ladies, there is that special moment in their life time, when they are given the opportunity to be part of the Country s Peer in polity management that will change or transform US / the world. I believe that the Garden Harvest Function by the students and chefs which was organized by US First Lady Michele OBAMA was one of such important youth opportunities which will enlighten them to good healthy lifestyle feeding habits.
    The First Lady is simple strong excellent countrywide garden foodbank familykit organizer at grassroots and politically energized in practical gardening with the youth who in turn brainstorm with their parents about the useful application of fruits/vegetables in their diets. This polity management activity creates new evidence-based protocols that have the potential to facilitate expedient, prudent use of emerging nutritional technologies, shedding new light on how the phytonutrients can be concurrently used as food and medicine in applied nutrition.

    The world deserves better agricultural practices which combat childhood nutritional problems by educating children about food, farming, and nutrition to yield excellent acumen results than what we are currently having in all curriculum health care development fields. The the need for this health lifestyle generation to rise up to the challenge of providing new feeding insight and direction to move the world forward can’t be overemphasized. This was the core understanding which inspired the Garden Harvest by the First Lady.

    Michelle Obama invited elementary school students and world famous chefs to the White House for the First Lady’s Fall 2010 Kitchen Garden Harvest. The First Lady is doing what makes the children happy, thus they are bound to succeed greatly together with their families also countrywise. The nutritional awareness of fruits and vegetables gardening and its useful application to healthy lifestyles to the youth is of paramount importance. The Cultural students Awareness Community on Nutrition Education Outreach Project focuses on training the next generation of people about what is culturally competent fruit-vegetable nutition care. The students will in turn learn how to deliver their own garden harvest presentations to their families first and then to polity management nutrition forum fairs, town hall meetings, radio stations and to cultural centres of ”women and nutrition”-organizations. It’s all about prevention and how different eating habit cultures use standard nutritional care or cultural care based on success story traditions from MICHELE OBAMA s garden harvest.This is the true Love to the elementary students, which is the beginning of all their joy / inspiration in life that nature has stored for them to be leveraged by MICHELE OBAMA in an excellently and wonderfully way. The OBAMA Administration is now giving succinct polity management of good governance to students and chefs ”Opportunity dances with those on the dance floor”.
    “They ignore you, laugh at you and at last you win” – Mahatma Gandhi.
    What makes someone beautiful on the outside is often reflective of what they put in the inside. Some fruits which help in enhancing beauty are: fresh tropical / summer fruits such as peaches, plums and nectarines are proven to be sources of antioxidants and other phytonutrients. Nutritional Research shows that antioxidants can protect skin from damaging UV rays, and antioxidants are more effective when more than one is present at the same time, as in peaches, plums and nectarines.
    The peaches, plums and nectarines are good sources of two groups of phytonutrients, the carotenoids and the polyphenols, both powerful antioxidants that may hold the secret to long life and vitality. Fresh peaches, plums and nectarines can help you do this, because they are lower on the glycemic index than most fruits and juices.For rough skin patches — including wounds and scars — have a diet rich in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, which are chock-full of vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin C in particular is critical in healing wounds since it helps form connective tissue,getting children to eat vegetables has been a real struggle for parents. The permutation and combination of chefs in the garden harvest group with students helped MICHELE OBAMA a great deal in leveraging her message to the youth in the slogan “Eat your vegetables, or no dessert” Served fresh and attractively, vegetables can become one of your child’s favorite foods. The key is to keep it colorful and simple. Cut veggies into interesting and deliciously appetizing shapes, serve as finger food with a bit of nutritious, low-fat dip, and take your time introducing new “exotic” vegetables like artichokes and asparagus. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, cellulose, and fiber. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, and folic acid. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A. Potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C. Vegetables are important for your child’s digestion,
    growth, heart and nerve functions, teeth, and bowel regulation. Ideally, vegetables should be served raw, steamed, or lightly baked.

    To be sincere with ourselves, MICHELE OBAMA is a visionary who really believes in World s potential and untapped capacity to solve nutritional problems both in USA and in the World as a whole. The First Lady is a hard working and committed professional, who gives all her life to simple practical imaginative and innovative legal reform way of developing an open micro-and macro-economic policy for the betterment of mankind. This EXCELLENT PRATICAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE in polity management of the First Lady with both elementay students / chefs is going to boost OBAMA Administration s ranking rate in this fall.

    By Prof. Moses Isaac Odhiambo (EU)

  4. I dint know the white hse have such a gud garden, its inspiring, I thought its all tiles Michelle u hv showed us

  5. Am overwhilms to see such is good example to all nation across the globe .this is real governace ,real mother whose mind is in portraying the quality of a good leadership , inspiring to all ,even a lesson to teenagers ,mostly girls in our campuses whose mind is in high class of make-up ,shoes to wear, big cash of money to spend that even the first lady can farm .i lve that james from nigeria . phone no.07095402049 my e-mail nwaneevu@yahoo.com

  6. It is wonderful to know that the United States’ First Lady engages in serious gardening activities. Many First Ladies would rather idle around! We admire you and pray that you continue leading by example. God Bless you.