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  • For purchases $100,000 and less
  • Acquisitions valued between $2500 and $100,000 are required (with few exceptions) to be solicited via the Federal Acquisition Computer Network. FACNET information can be obtained by calling 800-334-3414. The Electronic Commerce Resource Centers provide free training and information on electronic commerce. Their web site is on the front and last page of this handout. The DoD Certified Value Added Network (VAN) List can be obtained at http://www.acq.osd.mil/ec/ecip/van_list.htm.(Note: Due to the cost of subscribing to a VAN, it is highly refommended that the local Electronic Commerce Resource Center be contacted to determine the extent of FACNET use for solicitation of the types of goods or services your firm provides.
  • Simplified purchasing procedures are utilized.- FAR Part 13 and its supplements apply.- Requirements are not advertised in the Fedbizopps.- Acquisitions valued at $2500 or less do not require competition and are classified as micro-purchase requirements. These requirements are generally purchased using the Government IMPAC card, currently a VISA card. For a listing of Norfolk District credit card holders, return to the Contracting Division page.
  • Acquisitions valued between $5,000 and $25,000 are also posted on the buying activity's bulletin board