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Data Table National Corrections Reporting Program, 2009 - Statistical Tables (update)

Thomas P. Bonczar

May 5, 2011    

This update adds data for 2009 to the electronic series of selected tables on most serious offense, sentence length, and time served in state prison. The National Corrections Reporting Program collects demographic information, conviction offenses, sentence length, credited jail time, type of admission, type of release, and time served from individual prisoner records in participating jurisdictions.

Part of the National Corrections Reporting Program Series

Sentence length of state prisoners, by offense, admission type, sex, and race (1993-2009)
Time served in state prison, by offense, release type, sex, and race (1993-2009)
Most serious offense of state prisoners, by offense, admission type, age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin (1993-2009)

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National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP)

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