IARPA - Solicitations - Office of Incisive Analysis Office Wide Questions & Answers

Solicitations - Office of Incisive Analysis

Office of Incisive Analysis Office Wide Broad Agency Announcement - BAA Questions

BAA Release Date: June 18, 2010
Proposal Due Date: September 30, 2011

# Question Answer Date Posted
001 Who are the technical points of contact for my areas of interest? From the BAA (page 3), "Prospective offerors are encouraged to contact IA Program Managers (PMs) whose interests (identified at http://www.dni.ic.gov/dni/iarpa/office_incisive.html) are aligned with their proposed concept before submitting an abstract or proposal." 07/20/10
002 Define indirect costs that are allowable in a cost proposal. Include all direct and indirect costs required to execute the proposed program, as this is a factor required for an award consideration when determining availability of funds (BAA Sections 2.2, Section 3, and Section 4.1.5). The offeror should articulate the innovative concept, the technical path to its realization, milestones for progress along the path, and an estimate of the resources that will be required to achieve the proposed objectives. Indirect Costs and Other Directs Costs such as overhead, fees, and general and administrative are required for a comprehensive evaluation. Each cost proposal should be consistent with task, performer, category, and time consistent with the proposed work plan (BAA Section 4.1.5). 7/20/10
003 Can you tell me the amount of funding that can be requested under the BAA? The amount of funding for the IARPA open solicitation must be realistic to the proposed effort. (Please see BAA Section 4.1.5, Cost Realism). 7/20/10
004 Will IARPA accept proposals prior to the Sept 30, 2011 deadline? IARPA is accepting abstracts and proposals beginning the date of this public notification until 5:00pm local time on 30 Sept 2011. 7/20/10
005 I am new to the IARPA process, can you give more guidance on how to respond? Please contact the appropriate program manager per guidance under BAA Section 1, General Information to determine if a proposed concept is aligned with the IARPA mission. To submit a formal abstract or proposal please follow instructions in Section 3 of the BAA. 7/20/10
006 Can we request the full amount of our usual overhead (indirect costs)? You may request the full amount. In the event that your proposal is selected for negotiations, the Government must be able to determine that the proposed cost is fair and reasonable. 2/01/11
007 Is it acceptable to provide copies of collaborating organization letters of support rather than originals? Copies are acceptable for collaborating organization letters of support. 2/01/11
008 Do hardcopy applications have to be submitted on the US paper dimensions (8-1/2 by 11 inch paper) or can we submit on Australian A4? In accordance with IARPA-BAA-10-08 Part 3 Application and Submission, paragraph 3.2, you must use paper no larger than 8 ½ by 11 inch. 2/01/11