Much like people, every road, every highway, has its own personality...its own character

FHWA Top 10 Best Places to Work

EFL has challenging jobs for Engineers, Technical Specialists, and Administrative Specialists. Come join us in designing and constructing roads, highways, and bridges on Federal and Tribal lands.We build roads in national parks, in national forests, on Indian reservations, and on other federal lands. EFL is a highly sought out place to work.

FHWA is Ranked in the Top 10 Best Places to Work in Federal Government

The Federal Highway Administration strives to serve the public by attracting and retaining the finest employees. A recent survey shows that we'resucceeding in creating a climate that encourages people to give their best effort and feel good about doing so.

In a survey of government workers conducted by thenonpartisan think tank Partnership for Public Service, FHWA was ranked 9th out of 292 sub-cabinet agencies.

The people of DOT and FHWA take great pride in what they do and make service to the traveling public their top priority. This is an accomplishment we are extremely proud of!

View FHWA’s The Best Places to Work rankings