Much like people, every road, every highway, has its own personality...its own character

Defense Access Roads (DAR)

The DAR Program provides a means for the military to pay the cost of public highway improvements necessary to mitigate an unusual impact arising from a defense activ­ity. An unusual impact could be a significant increase in personnel at a military installation, relocation of an access gate, or the deployment of an oversized or overweight military vehicle or transporter unit. Under the DAR Program, the FHWA is authorized (Title 23 U.S.C., Section 210) to construct or improve highways with funds transferred from DoD appropria­tions. DoD also provides operation and maintenance (O&M) funds to States having gravel-surfaced roads that support the Minuteman missile system. O&M funds are allocated based on needs identified by the U.S. Air Force in cooperation with the States and FHWA. When requested by States, projects are designed and administered directly by FLH divisions.