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US Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

Subject: Eligibility of Police Enforcement and Subject Survei11ance Activities in Traffic Management During Major Highway Reconstruction

From:Associate Administrator for Safety and Operations
Associate Administrator for Engineering and Program Development
Washginton, D.C. 20590

To:Regional Federal Highway Administrators
Division Administrators
Direct Federal Program Administrator

Date: October 1, 1987

Reply to: HSHO-31/HHS-12

Our December 19, 1986, memorandum (attached) provided guidance on traffic management actions that may be eligible for Federal-aid (FA) funding during major highway reconstruction. The memorandum discussed activities involving police surveillance and enforcement necessary to mitigate congestion and/or improve the safety of motorists and workers within the highway corridor. General guidance for these particular activities is contained in FHPM 6-8-2-2, Traffic Operations Improvement Programs (TOPICS), and FHPM 6-8-3-4, Traffic Surveillance and Control.

Police surveillance and enforcement activities are often essential to safe and efficient traffic operations during major highway reconstruction. To avoid any possible misunderstanding, this memorandum is intended to further define FHWA's policy regarding the eligibility of FA funding. The following criteria are provided:

  1. Police enforcement and surveillance activities that normally would be expected in and around highway problem areas requiring management of traffic are not eligible for Federal-aid funding.

  2. On projects where normal police enforcement and surveillance practices within construction zones may not be adequate, the traffic management plan should address the appropriate extra police activities required.

  3. The primary purpose of extra police enforcement and surveillance activities must be to control traffic in order to maintain safe travel and efficient operations throughout the highway corridor.

  4. The State and FHWA division office must agree that extra police activities would be an effective and appropriate means to maintain safe and efficient travel and adequately protect workers. The traffic management plan should set forth the justification and details of the proposed activities. The costs of extra police enforcement and surveillance activities documented in the approv~d traffic management plan are eligible for Federal-aid reimbursement.

  5. Extra police activities should not be limited to passive monitoring and could also include appropriate posjtive guidance of traffic and enforcement of regulations.

If you have further comments or questions, please contact either of our offices.

Ronald E. HeinzMarshall Jacks, Jr.


Program Contact

Erin Kenley


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