Safety Eligibility

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November 8, 2006


Are highway safety funds are available for EMS and ambulance services?


A States may choose to use a portion of its Section 402 State and Community Highway Safety grant funds for Emergency Medical Services, based on its highway safety problem analysis and goal setting. These funds may be used to purchase equipment related to highway emergency medical services subject to compliance with any applicable standards and specifications. With regard to ambulances, the Federal share of costs may not exceed 25 percent, unless the State submits to the appropriate NHTSA grant-approving official documentation supporting a higher percentage of highway safety utilization.
The link above explains the EMS provision for the Section 402 administered by NHTSA. While EMS is an allowable cost it falls into the same competition, as does other priority areas see link below:

Depending on the State, the program and problem identification EMS may or may not currently be receiving assistance. There are no funds specifically for EMS alone.

Program Contact

Erin Kenley


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