Honoring veterans


November 11th is Veterans Day. This week the CFPB took a moment to recognize and honor the veterans in our ranks: 87 of them! We showed photos of them while they were in the service (some rather surprising), and we also asked them to sum up in three words the meaning of Veterans Day. The answers were beautiful and meaningful. Here are a few.

Honor, Brothers, Sisters
Duty, Sacrifice, Remember
Valor, Honor, Fidelity
Remember the Fallen
Defending America’s Freedom
Service Above Self
Honoring Our Heroes

Snapshots from the CFPB's staff event in honor of our colleagues who are veterans

Snapshots from CFPB’s event in honor of our colleagues who are veterans.
November 9, 2011

From the Office of Servicemember Affairs and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, our gratitude to all those who have worn the uniform of our country. You stepped forward to protect our freedoms regardless of the personal sacrifice and we honor you for answering the call to duty. Thank you!

  • http://saraw1.myopenid.com/ Sara Wedeman

    Thank you for making it possible to comment on your work. This is not about veterans, per se, but it is relevant to them. My suggestion is that you need to add car loans to your list of financial service products about which people can complain. Most major auto manufacturers have their own captive finance companies, and they are sometimes pretty shady. Please add this to your list so they we may get help/provide input on this issue. Thank you.

  • http://www.vouchercodespy.co.uk/ voucher

    In keeping with this approach to the honor code in the grand scheme of the legal profession, honor code violations are reported to the State Bar of Texas and the violator’s home state bar, thus creating an impediment to licensure. UT Law School is unique in that regard. James Madison University holds its students to an Honor Code overseen by the Honor Council. 

  • michael roche
  • Doris Thomas

     Miss Doris Amelia Thomas is an honorably discharged veteran who experienced fotreclosure and economic hardship due to the wrongful foreclsoure of my property in Woodlynne, New Jersey in June , 2006. I am very interested in providing crucial evidence to your office to demonstrate that Washington Mutual / JP MOrgan Chase wromgfully foreclosed on veterans who should be compensated for the emotional distress, combatting homelessness, and creating economic justice for veterans who can demonstrate that Washington Mutual was rubberstamping foreclosures and they did nothing to refinance and provide me with a new mortgage. I went to First Equity Home Loans who then reneged at the last minute. My house was sold to New Jersey Home Construction which is a straw buyer in the sheriff sale process.  Washington Mutual stole my equity and my American Dream. I want to be compensated and given a brand new home. I owed only $33, 000 on my mortgage. The house was worth $155, 000 in 2006, which does not include my contents lost in foreclosing and moving.JP Morgan Chase received billions and I still have not recovered from this American Housing Nightmare from New Jersey. I am seeking financial damages, emotional distress, and I desire to reveal the financial corrupt practices in the mortgage  industry. Veterans and servicemembers should be protected from financial trickery and extortion. Washington Mutual illegally seized my home, and then resold it to make a quick profit. Then New Jersey Home Construction resold it. Three compnaies are involved in these economically tough times.

  • http://www.iwantmycashback.com/ Sahen Creat

    It is those veterans for which enjoying our good life today. They have earned their respect working hard, we just need to show that.

    • http://www.sellcar-uk.com/ Chelsea Cook

      Really informative concept though. I appreciate you that it’s veterans for which enjoying our good life today.I always respect them. Great stuffs. Thanks!

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