Posts from December 2011

Live: Holly Petraeus kicks off our Financial Fitness Forum


Today, our Office of Servicemember Affairs is hosting a Financial Fitness Forum in Washington, DC. We’ve streamed the morning’s events, including introductory remarks from Holly Petraeus and Raj Date, a panel on servicemembers’ financial readiness, and a keynote address from Robert Gordon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy.

Watch an archived version of this morning’s panel here. (more…)

Know Before You Owe: Making credit card agreements readable


A credit card agreement is a document that lays out the terms and features of a credit card. Millions of times every year, financial institutions send out these agreements to consumers. And every year, millions of consumers receive the agreements and do not read them.

We believe it is important to make these contracts less complicated so that consumers can better understand their credit cards. At the same time, we don’t want to limit issuers’ freedom to design credit card products. Today, we are happy to announce an initiative that we believe can meet these interests. (more…)