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DHHS/HRSA/MCHB/Emergency Medical Services for Children National Resource Center (EMSC) (EMSC)

The Emergency Medical Services for Children National Resource Center is a national initiative designed to reduce child and youth disability and death due to severe illness or injury. Its goals are to ensure that state-of-the-art emergency medical care is available for all ill or injured children and adolescents; that pediatric services are well integrated into an emergency medical services (EMS) system; and that the entire spectrum of emergency services, including primary prevention of illness and injury, acute care, and rehabilitation, are provided to children and adolescents. A federal grant program supports state and local action.

Address HRSA, MCHB
Parklawn Building Room 18-05, 5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone (202) 476-4927
(Toll Free) (none provided)
Fax (202) 476-6845
Web site