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Health Navigators Support Self-Management With Primary Care Patients, Leading to Improved Behaviors and Lower Utilization 2/20/2013
Health navigators help primary care patients access medical and community resources, leading to significant improvements in health-related and self-management behaviors and health outcomes and to meaningful declines in emergency department and inpatient utilization.
Onsite Nurses Manage Care Across Settings to Increase Satisfaction and Reduce Cost for Chronically Ill Seniors 2/20/2013
Specially trained nurses work with primary care physicians in their offices to improve the quality and efficiency of care for seniors with multiple chronic illnesses by coordinating care, facilitating transitions in care, and acting as the patient's advocate across health care and social settings.
Patient Education and Staff Training Significantly Improves Medication Reconciliation in Outpatient Clinics 2/20/2013
Mayo Clinic researchers developed a medication reconciliation intervention program for outpatient primary care settings that improved the accuracy of medication lists in the practice's electronic medical records.
Pharmacy Clinics Help Low-Income, Elderly Individuals Access Medications, Leading to Better Adherence and Lower Costs 2/20/2013
Pharmacists, pharmacy students or residents, and volunteers conduct clinics at primary care practices that help elderly, low-income patients access appropriate, cost-effective medications.
Attempt Wireless Messaging System Has No Impact on Blood Glucose Levels, but Patients Believe It Improves Quality of Care 2/13/2013
The University of Washington Physician's Network developed a wireless, pager-based messaging system to help diabetic patients better manage their condition. An evaluation of the initiative found that it had no impact on blood glucose levels, although blood pressure improved.
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Free HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Testing Toolkits for Clinicians 2/20/2013
This free human papillomavirus (HPV) testing toolkit can help practicing clinicians effectively implement HPV testing in their practice.
How To Increase Cancer Screening Rates: A Quality Improvement Toolkit for Busy Office Practices 2/13/2013
This toolkit, for physicians and clinical staff, provides evidence-based action steps and tools to improve cancer screening rates in their practice.
Patient-Centered Medical Home 1/30/2013
This Web site from the American Academy of Family Physicians provides step-by-step project plans and tools to build a patient-centered medical home.
Systems of Care/Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiative: Primary Care–Specialty Care Compact 1/30/2013
The purpose of the compact is to improve care and build and sustain trusted medical neighborhoods through a defined communication protocol.
The Patient-Centered Medical Home and Specialty Physicians 1/30/2013
This Web page from the American College of Physicians provides resources to further develop the Patient-Centered Medical Home model to integrate into specialty and subspecialty practices.

Last updated: February 13, 2013.