Ex-Im Event Information

Business Opportunities in Qatar Related to 2022 World Cup and Beyond

February 18, 2013

Washington D.C.


This breakfast meeting will be a kick-off event for a delegation of Qatari business and government leaders co-led by Mr. Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary General, Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee and U.S. Ambassador to Qatar, Dr. Susan L. Ziadeh.

     Opportunities for U.S. Companies include: Healthcare - Construction continues on the Sidra research Hospital a $3 billion facility and $8 billon endowment
     Services- Great opportunities in all areas, like other agencies in Qatar they need to outsource the management of all their services.
     ICT- Qatar is investing $550 million to accelerate the rollout of a nationwide high-speed open and accessible broadband fiber to the home network.
     Travel & Tourism - Qatar will also invest $20-$25 billion in tourism infrastructure development over the next 11 years.
Please read the following information carefully:
     The U.S. Commercial Service requires event registrants to accept specific Terms and Conditions and review Product Standards before payment can be collected.
     Registration for the event will begin at 7am-8am.
     Presentations will begin promptly at 8am.
     Q&A Session will be available for all participants.