Ex-Im Event Information

State of the Geothermal Energy Industry Briefing

February 26, 2013

Washington, DC

The Geothermal Energy Association will be holding a half day "State of the Geothermal Energy Industry Briefing" on Tuesday, February 26th at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. This program will provide an update on the US geothermal industry featuring release of the results of the 2013 Annual GEA Geothermal Industry Update and presentations by the developers of these recently developed projects. In addition, there will be presentations on the state of subsurface technology by the leading government agencies, national laboratories, and science foundations who are driving the technologies behind furthering geothermal project development in the US. This event will be widely attended by GEA members, congressional staffers, government agencies and the DC community.

.(prelimimary agenda below)
8am  Welcome: Jonathan Weisgall, Chair, GEA Board of Directors, confirmed

8:10am   Keynote Remarks

8:30 am  Presentation: GEA Industry Update for 2013, Release of Results

9:00 am  Panel: Key Opportunities and Obstacles: An Industry CEO Perspective
John Fox, CEO, ElectraTherm, confirmed
Paul Thomsen, Director, Policy and Business Development, Ormat Technologies, confirmed
Joe Greco, Sr. VP, Terra-Gen Power, confirmed
Doug Glaspey, President & COO, US Geothermal, confirmed

10:30  BREAK

10:45am Panel: Can technology address geothermal risk and expand potential production
Lauren Boyd, Acting EGS Program Manager, US DOE Geothermal Program, confirmed
Ann Robertson-Tait, Business Development GeothermEx, confirmed
David Blackwell, Hamilton Professor of Physics, Southern Methodist University, confirmed

11:45 Panel: Opportunities to Shorten Permitting and Environmental Review Timeframes
Tom Williams, Laboratory Program Manager, Geothermal Technologies National Renewable Energy Laboratory, confirmed
Kathy Benedetto, House Resources Committee, confirmed
Sheila Mallory, Geothermal Program Lead, BLM Nevada, confirmed

12:45   Adjourn

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
8:00am-12:45pm Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Register today!! Early bird discounts are available.


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With any questions, please feel free to email Kathy Kent at kathy@geo-energy.org.

For media credentials, please contact Shawna Seldon at shawna@rosengrouppr.com.