The Outpatient Medical Records Branch maintains the outpatient records for active-duty personnel, retirees, and family members who receive care at Winn. Additional records are kept at the Soldier Family Health Clinics at Fort Stewart and Tuttle Army Health Clinic at Hunter Army Airfield.

Inactive records are retired to the holding facilities after 2 years of non-use. If you have not received care in 1-and-3/4 years and want to have your records kept at Winn, please advise the OPR staff.

Medical records are the property of the U.S. Government and therefore should not be taken from the hospital without permission. If your doctor gives you your medical records, please return them to Outpatient Records. Everyone over the age of 10 must show their military identification card and medical cards each time records are requested.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability prohibits parents from picking up medical records for their children over age 18 without written permission and the family member’s identification card. It also prevents spouses from picking up each other’s medical records. For more information, call 435-6949.