Submission Number: 561789-00031 

Received: 9/20/2012 4:25:04 PM
Commenter: Tyler Mumford
State: Utah

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: 16 CFR Part 312; Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule; Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Project No. P104503
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
I am strongly opposed to this act, which I read about on Ars Technica. I believe that requiring website owners and others to verify the age of their end users will restrict the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, namely the right to distribute and consume information. The requirements and side effects of this bill would become barriers between citizens and websites, and this is not acceptable to me. Thank you for allowing me to submit this comment. On behalf of the intelligent half of my species, I apologize for all of the "LuLz," "OMGs," and incorrect "you'res" you must be receiving.